+ JenaModel impl
Sun, 08 Jan 2012 16:40:05 -0500
changeset 4 411c13f1d83b
parent 3 0b441c4a28ac
child 5 c1a8a1180383
+ JenaModel impl
+ Test
~ Jena dependencies
--- a/aRDF/project/build.scala	Sun Jan 08 15:38:32 2012 -0500
+++ b/aRDF/project/build.scala	Sun Jan 08 16:40:05 2012 -0500
@@ -45,10 +45,15 @@
   import BuildSettings._
+  val mySettings = Seq(
+    resolvers += "apache-repo-releases" at "http://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/releases/",
+    libraryDependencies += "org.apache.jena" % "jena-arq" % "2.9.0-incubating"
+  )
   lazy val project = Project(
     id = "aRDF",
     base = file("."),
-    settings = buildSettings
+    settings = buildSettings ++ mySettings
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/aRDF/src/main/scala/JenaModel.scala	Sun Jan 08 16:40:05 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+package org.w3.rdf.jena
+import org.w3.rdf._
+import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.{Graph => JenaGraph, Triple => JenaTriple, Node => JenaNode, _}
+import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.{AnonId}
+import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.{RDFDatatype, TypeMapper}
+import org.w3.isomorphic._
+object Util {
+  def tryopt[T](b: => T):Option[T] =
+    try {
+      Some(b)
+    } catch {
+      case e => None
+    }
+import Util._
+trait JenaModel extends Model {
+  case class IRI(iri:String) { override def toString = '"' + iri + '"' }
+  object IRI extends Isomorphic1[String, IRI]
+  class Graph(val jenaGraph:JenaGraph) extends GraphLike {
+    def iterator:Iterator[Triple] = new Iterator[Triple] {
+      val iterator = jenaGraph.find(JenaNode.ANY, JenaNode.ANY, JenaNode.ANY)
+      def hasNext = iterator.hasNext
+      def next = iterator.next
+    }
+    def ++(other:Graph):Graph = {
+      val g = Factory.createDefaultGraph
+      iterator foreach { t => g add t }
+      other.iterator foreach { t => g add t }
+      new Graph(g)
+    }
+// new Graph(new com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.compose.Union(jenaGraph, other.jenaGraph))
+ // {
+ //      for(triple <- other) jenaGraph add triple
+ //      this
+ //    }
+    override def equals(o:Any):Boolean = ( o.isInstanceOf[Graph] && jenaGraph.isIsomorphicWith(o.asInstanceOf[Graph].jenaGraph) )
+  }
+  object Graph extends GraphObject {
+    def empty:Graph = new Graph(Factory.createDefaultGraph)
+    def apply(elems:Triple*):Graph = apply(elems.toIterable)
+    def apply(it:Iterable[Triple]):Graph = {
+      val jenaGraph = Factory.createDefaultGraph
+      it foreach { t => jenaGraph add t }
+      new Graph(jenaGraph)
+    }
+  }
+  type Triple = JenaTriple
+  object Triple extends Isomorphic3[Subject, Predicate, Object, Triple] {
+    def apply(s:Subject, p:Predicate, o:Object):Triple = JenaTriple.create(s, p, o)
+    def unapply(t:Triple):Option[(Subject, Predicate, Object)] = Some((t.getSubject, t.getPredicate, t.getObject))
+  }
+  type BNode = Node_Blank
+  object BNode extends Isomorphic1[String, BNode] {
+    def apply(label:String):BNode = { val id = AnonId.create(label) ; JenaNode.createAnon(id).asInstanceOf[Node_Blank] }
+    def unapply(bn:BNode):Option[String] = tryopt(bn.getBlankNodeId.getLabelString)
+  }
+  type Node = JenaNode
+  type NodeIRI = Node_URI
+  object NodeIRI extends Isomorphic1[IRI, NodeIRI] {
+    def apply(iri:IRI):NodeIRI = { val IRI(s) = iri ; JenaNode.createURI(s).asInstanceOf[Node_URI] }
+    def unapply(node:NodeIRI):Option[IRI] = tryopt(IRI(node.getURI))
+  }
+  type NodeBNode = Node_Blank
+  object NodeBNode extends Isomorphic1[BNode, NodeBNode] {
+    def apply(node:BNode):NodeBNode = node
+    def unapply(node:NodeBNode):Option[BNode] =
+      if (node.isBlank) Some(node) else None
+  }
+  type Subject = JenaNode
+  type SubjectNode = JenaNode
+  object SubjectNode extends Isomorphic1[Node, SubjectNode] {
+    def apply(node:Node):SubjectNode = node
+    def unapply(node:SubjectNode):Option[Node] = Some(node)
+  }
+  type Predicate = JenaNode
+  type PredicateIRI = JenaNode
+  object PredicateIRI extends Isomorphic1[IRI, PredicateIRI] {
+    def apply(iri:IRI):PredicateIRI = { val IRI(s) = iri ; JenaNode.createURI(s) }
+    def unapply(node:PredicateIRI):Option[IRI] = tryopt(IRI(node.getURI))
+  }
+  type Object = JenaNode
+  type ObjectNode = JenaNode
+  object ObjectNode extends Isomorphic1[Node, ObjectNode] {
+    def apply(node:Node):ObjectNode = node
+    def unapply(node:ObjectNode):Option[Node] =
+      if (node.isURI || node.isBlank) Some(node) else None
+  }
+  type ObjectLiteral = JenaNode
+  object ObjectLiteral extends Isomorphic1[Literal, ObjectLiteral] {
+    def apply(literal:Literal):ObjectLiteral = literal
+    def unapply(node:ObjectLiteral):Option[Literal] =
+      if (node.isLiteral) Some(node.asInstanceOf[Node_Literal]) else None
+  }
+  type Literal = Node_Literal
+  type PlainLiteral = Node_Literal
+  object PlainLiteral extends Isomorphic2[String, Option[LangTag], PlainLiteral] {
+    def apply(lit:String, langtagOption:Option[LangTag]) =
+      langtagOption match {
+        case Some(LangTag(langtag)) => JenaNode.createLiteral(lit, langtag, false).asInstanceOf[Node_Literal]
+        case None => JenaNode.createLiteral(lit).asInstanceOf[Node_Literal]
+      }
+    def unapply(literal:PlainLiteral):Option[(String, Option[LangTag])] =
+      tryopt { ( literal.getLiteralValue.toString, Option(LangTag(literal.getLiteralLanguage)) ) }
+  }
+  type TypedLiteral = Node_Literal
+  lazy val mapper = TypeMapper.getInstance
+  object TypedLiteral extends Isomorphic2[String, IRI, TypedLiteral] {
+    def apply(lit:String, iri:IRI):TypedLiteral = {
+      val IRI(typ) = iri
+      JenaNode.createLiteral(lit, null, mapper.getTypeByName(typ)).asInstanceOf[Node_Literal]
+    }
+    def unapply(literal:TypedLiteral):Option[(String, IRI)] =
+      tryopt((literal.getLiteralValue.toString, IRI(literal.getLiteralDatatype.getURI)))
+  }
+  case class LangTag(s:String)
+  object LangTag extends Isomorphic1[String, LangTag]
+object JenaModel extends JenaModel
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/aRDF/src/main/scala/Test.scala	Sun Jan 08 16:40:05 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package org.w3.rdf
+import org.w3.rdf.jena._
+class AbstractTest[M <: Model](m: M) {
+  def test() = {
+    import m._
+    val g: Graph = Graph(
+        Triple(
+            SubjectNode(NodeIRI(IRI("http://www.w3.org/"))), 
+            PredicateIRI(IRI("http://www.w3.org/predicate")),
+            ObjectLiteral(PlainLiteral("toto", None))
+        )
+    )
+    println(g)
+  }
+object Test {
+  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+    val scalaTest = new AbstractTest[ScalaModel](ScalaModel)
+    val jenaTest = new AbstractTest[JenaModel](JenaModel)
+    val tests = Seq(scalaTest, jenaTest)
+    tests.foreach { _.test() }
+  }
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