Move definition of IRI to the beginning of API spec
authorMarkus Lanthaler <>
Wed, 16 May 2012 20:39:57 +0800 (2012-05-16)
changeset 653 86de21c67d65
parent 652 fc8fe654af6b
child 654 238a1f698630
Move definition of IRI to the beginning of API spec
--- a/spec/latest/json-ld-api/index.html	Wed May 16 20:31:00 2012 +0800
+++ b/spec/latest/json-ld-api/index.html	Wed May 16 20:39:57 2012 +0800
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
   <li><tdef>Linked Data</tdef> is a set of documents, each containing a representation of a linked data graph.</li>
   <li>A <tdef>linked data graph</tdef> is an unordered labeled directed graph, where nodes are <tref>subject</tref>s or <tref>object</tref>s, and edges are properties.</li>
   <li>A <tdef>subject</tdef> is any node in a <tref>linked data graph</tref> with at least one outgoing edge.</li>
-  <li>A <tref>subject</tref> SHOULD be labeled with an <tref>IRI</tref> (an Internationalized Resource Identifier as described in [[!RFC3987]]).</li>
+  <li>A <tref>subject</tref> SHOULD be labeled with an <tdef><abbr title="Internationalized Resource Identifier">IRI</abbr></tdef> (an Internationalized Resource Identifier as described in [[!RFC3987]]).</li>
   <li>An <tdef>object</tdef> is a node in a <tref>linked data graph</tref> with at least one incoming edge.</li>
   <li>An <tref>object</tref> MAY be labeled with an <tref>IRI</tref>.</li>
   <li>An object MAY be a <tref>subject</tref> and <tref>object</tref> at the same time.</li>
@@ -2064,12 +2064,6 @@
     dates and other representations having a lexical representation possibly including
     an explicit language or datatype.
-  <p>An Internationalized Resource Identifier
-    (<tdef><abbr title="Internationalized Resource Identifier">IRI</abbr></tdef>),
-    as described in [[!RFC3987]], is a mechanism for representing unique
-    identifiers on the web. In <tref>Linked Data</tref>, an IRI is commonly
-    used for expressing a <tref>subject</tref>, a <tref>property</tref> or an
-    <tref>object</tref>.</p>
   <p>Data described with JSON-LD may be considered to be the representation of a graph made
     up of <tref>subject</tref> and <tref>object</tref> <tref>resource</tref>s related via a
     <tref>property</tref> <tref>resource</tref>.