Simplify subject map generation algorithm.
- Use old algorithm (shorter/fewer flags) but with updates to
include named graph support.
- Update to latest jsonld.js.
--- a/playground/jsonld.js Mon May 21 18:10:42 2012 -0400
+++ b/playground/jsonld.js Mon May 21 20:52:37 2012 -0400
@@ -2312,88 +2312,90 @@
for(var i in input) {
_flatten(input[i], graphs, graph, namer, undefined, list);
+ return;
- // handle subject
- else if(_isObject(input)) {
- // add value to list
- if(_isValue(input) && list) {
- list.push(input);
- return;
- }
- // get name for subject
- if(_isUndefined(name)) {
- name = _isBlankNode(input) ? namer.getName(input['@id']) : input['@id'];
- }
- // add subject reference to list
+ // add non-object or value to list
+ if(!_isObject(input) || _isValue(input)) {
if(list) {
- list.push({'@id': name});
+ list.push(input);
- // create new subject or merge into existing one
- var subjects = graphs[graph];
- var subject = subjects[name] = subjects[name] || {};
- subject['@id'] = name;
- for(var prop in input) {
- // skip @id
- if(prop === '@id') {
- continue;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note: At this point, input must be a subject.
+ // get name for subject
+ if(_isUndefined(name)) {
+ name = _isBlankNode(input) ? namer.getName(input['@id']) : input['@id'];
+ }
+ // add subject reference to list
+ if(list) {
+ list.push({'@id': name});
+ }
+ // create new subject or merge into existing one
+ var subjects = graphs[graph];
+ var subject = subjects[name] = subjects[name] || {};
+ subject['@id'] = name;
+ var props = Object.keys(input).sort();
+ for(var p in props) {
+ var prop = props[p];
+ // skip @id
+ if(prop === '@id') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // recurse into graph
+ if(prop === '@graph') {
+ // add graph subjects map entry
+ if(!(name in graphs)) {
+ graphs[name] = {};
- // recurse into graph
- if(prop === '@graph') {
- // add graph subjects map entry
- if(!(name in graphs)) {
- graphs[name] = {};
+ var g = (graph === '@merged') ? graph : name;
+ _flatten(input[prop], graphs, g, namer);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // copy non-@type keywords
+ if(prop !== '@type' && _isKeyword(prop)) {
+ subject[prop] = input[prop];
+ continue;
+ }
+ // iterate over objects
+ var objects = input[prop];
+ for(var i in objects) {
+ var o = objects[i];
+ // handle embedded subject or subject reference
+ if(_isSubject(o) || _isSubjectReference(o)) {
+ // rename blank node @id
+ var id = _isBlankNode(o) ? namer.getName(o['@id']) : o['@id'];
+ // add reference and recurse
+ jsonld.addValue(subject, prop, {'@id': id}, true);
+ _flatten(o, graphs, graph, namer, id);
+ }
+ else {
+ // recurse into list
+ if(_isList(o)) {
+ var _list = [];
+ _flatten(o['@list'], graphs, graph, namer, name, _list);
+ o = {'@list': _list};
- var g = (graph === '@merged') ? '@merged' : name;
- _flatten(input[prop], graphs, g, namer);
- continue;
- }
- // copy non-@type keywords
- if(prop !== '@type' && _isKeyword(prop)) {
- subject[prop] = input[prop];
- continue;
- }
- // iterate over objects
- var objects = input[prop];
- for(var i in objects) {
- var o = objects[i];
- // handle embedded subject or subject reference
- if(_isSubject(o) || _isSubjectReference(o)) {
- // rename blank node @id
- var id = _isBlankNode(o) ? namer.getName(o['@id']) : o['@id'];
- // add reference and recurse
- jsonld.addValue(subject, prop, {'@id': id}, true);
- _flatten(o, graphs, graph, namer, id);
+ // special-handle @type IRIs
+ else if(prop === '@type' && o.indexOf('_:') === 0) {
+ o = namer.getName(o);
- else {
- // recurse into list
- if(_isList(o)) {
- var _list = [];
- _flatten(o['@list'], graphs, graph, namer, name, _list);
- o = {'@list': _list};
- }
- // special-handle @type IRIs
- else if(prop === '@type' && o.indexOf('_:') === 0) {
- o = namer.getName(o);
- }
- // add non-subject
- jsonld.addValue(subject, prop, o, true);
- }
+ // add non-subject
+ jsonld.addValue(subject, prop, o, true);
- // add non-object to list
- else if(list) {
- list.push(input);
- }
--- a/spec/latest/json-ld-api/index.html Mon May 21 18:10:42 2012 -0400
+++ b/spec/latest/json-ld-api/index.html Mon May 21 20:52:37 2012 -0400
@@ -1868,82 +1868,76 @@
<h3>Subject Map Generation</h3>
<p>The Subject Map Generation algorithm takes as input an expanded JSON-LD document and results in a <tref>JSON object</tref>
<em>subjectMap</em> holding a flat representation of the graphs and nodes represented in the document. All nodes that are not
- uniquelly identified by an IRI get assigned a (new) <tref>blank node</tref> identifier. The resulting <em>subjectMap</em>
+ uniquely identified by an IRI get assigned a (new) <tref>blank node</tref> identifier. The resulting <em>subjectMap</em>
document will have a property for every graph in the document whose value is another object with a property for every
node represented in the document. While the default graph is stored under the <code>@default</code> property and the merged graph
under the <code>@merged</code> property, all other graphs are stored under their respective <tref title="IRI">IRIs</tref>.</p>
-<p>The algorithm takes as input the initially empty <em>subjectMap</em>, the expanded JSON-LD document as <em>element</em>,
- <code>null</code> as <em>parent</em>, <code>false</code> for the <em>list</em> flag, <code>false</code> for the <em>iri</em> flag,
- and <code>@default</code> as <em>graph</em>.</p>
-<p class="issue">If the values of <code>@type</code> would be expanded as everything else to <code>@id</code> form as proposed in
- <a href="">ISSUE-120</a>, the <em>iri</em> flag could be eliminated.</p>
+<p>The algorithm takes as input the expanded JSON-LD document as <em>element</em>, the initially empty <em>subjectMap</em>,
+ <code>@default</code> as <em>graph</em>, and <tref>null</tref> as <em>list</em>.</p>
<ol class="algorithm">
- <li>If <em>element</em> is an array, process each entry in <em>element</em> recursively, using this algorithm.</li>
- <li>Otherwise, if <em>element</em> is a <tref>JSON object</tref> without a <code>@value</code> property:
+ <li>If <em>element</em> is an array, process each entry in <em>element</em> recursively, using this algorithm
+ and return.</li>
+ <li>If <em>element</em> is not a <tref>JSON object</tref> or if it has a <code>@value</code> property,
+ then if <em>list</em> is not <tref>null</tref>, append <em>element</em> to <em>list</em> and return.
+ </li>
+ <li>If the <code>@id</code> property exists and is an <tref>IRI</tref>, set <em>id</em> to its value, otherwise
+ set it to a <tref>blank node</tref> identifer created by the
+ <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">Generate Blank Node Identifier</a> algorithm.
+ </li>
+ <li>If <em>list</em> is not <tref>null</tref>, append a new <tref>subject reference</tref> to <em>list</em> using
+ <em>id</em> at the value for <code>@id</code>.
+ </li>
+ <li>Let <em>subjects</em> be the value in <em>subjectMap</em> where the key is <em>graph</em>; if no such
+ value exists, insert a new <tref>JSON object</tref> for the key <em>graph</em>. If <em>id</em> is not in
+ <em>subjects</em>, create a new <tref>JSON object</tref> <em>subject</em> with <em>id</em> as the value
+ for <code>@id</code>. Let <em>subject</em> be the value of <em>id</em> in <em>subjects</em>.</li>
+ </li>
+ <li>For each <em>property</em> that is not <code>@id</code> and each <em>value</em> in <em>element</em> ordered
+ by <em>property</em>:
<ol class="algorithm">
- <li>If <em>element</em> has a <code>@list</code> property, create a new <tref>JSON object</tref> <em>flattenedList</em> with a
- <code>@list</code> property whose value is an empty array and recursively call this algorithm by passing <em>subjectMap</em>,
- the value of the <code>@list</code> property of <em>element</em> as <em>element</em>, <em>flattenedList</em> as <em>parent</em>,
- <code>true</code> for the <em>list</em> flag, <code>false</code> for the <em>iri</em> flag and <em>graph</em>. Add <em>flattenedList</em>
- to <em>parent</em> and return.</li>
- <li>If the property <code>@id</code> is not an <tref>IRI</tref> and <em>graph</em> is not <code>@merge</code> or if the <code>@id</code>
- property does not exist, set <em>id</em> to a <tref>blank node</tref> identifer created by the
- <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">Generate Blank Node Identifier</a> algorithm; otherwise use the value of the <code>@id</code>
- property as <em>id</em>.</li>
- <li>If <em>parent</em> is not <tref>null</tref>, create new object with an <code>@id</code> property whose value equals <em>id</em> and
- add it to <em>parent</em> if it doesn't exist yet in parent or the <em>list</em> flag is set to <code>true</code>.</li>
- <li>If there already exists a <em>id</em> property in the <tref>JSON object</tref> of the <em>graph</em> property of <em>subjectMap</em>, set
- <em>subject</em> to the value of that property.</li>
- <li>Otherwise, create a new object with an <code>@id</code> property whose value equals <em>id</em> and add it as value of the <em>id</em>
- property of the <tref>JSON object</tref> at the <em>graph</em> property of <em>subjectMap</em>.</li>
- <li>For each <em>property</em> and <em>value</em> in <em>element</em> other than <code>@id</code> ordered by <em>property</em>:
+ <li>If <em>property</em> is <code>@graph</code>, recursively call this algorithm passing <em>value</em>
+ for <em>element</em>, <em>subjectMap</em>, <tref>null</tref> for <em>list</em> and if <em>graph</em>
+ is <code>merged</code> use <em>graph</em>, otherwise use <em>id</em> for <em>graph</em> and then continue.
+ </li>
+ <li>If <em>property</em> is not <code>@type</code> and is a keyword, merge <code>property</code> and
+ <code>value</code> into <code>subject</code> and then continue.
+ </li>
+ <li>For each value <em>v</em> in the array <em>value</em>:
<ol class="algorithm">
- <li>If <em>property</em> is <code>@type</code>, create a new property <code>@type</code> in <em>subject</em> whose value is an empty
- array and recursively call this algorithm by passing <em>subjectMap</em>, <em>value</em> as <em>element</em>, the <code>@type</code>
- property of <em>subject</em> as <em>parent</em>, <code>false</code> for the <em>list</em> flag, <code>true</code> for the <em>iri</em>
- flag and <em>graph</em>. Then continue with the next property from <em>element</em>.</li>
- <li>If <em>property</em> is <code>@graph</code>, recursively call this algorithm by passing <em>subjectMap</em>, <em>value</em> as
- <em>element</em>, <tref>null</tref> for <em>parent</em>, <code>false</code> for the <em>list</em> flag, <code>false</code> for the
- <em>iri</em> flag and <em>id</em> as <em>graph</em>. Then continue with the next property from <em>element</em>.</li>
- <li>If <em>property</em> is a <a href="#syntax-tokens-and-keywords">keyword</a>, merge <em>property</em> and <em>value</em> into
- <em>subject</em>.</li>
- <li>Otherwise, if no <em>property</em> property exists yet in <em>subject</em> create one and initialize it with an empty array. Then
- recursively call this algorithm by passing <em>subjectMap</em>, <em>value</em> as <em>element</em>, the <em>property</em>
- property of <em>subject</em> as <em>parent</em>, <code>false</code> for the <em>list</em> flag, <code>false</code> for the <em>iri</em>
- flag and <em>graph</em>.</li>
+ <li>If <em>v</em> is a <tref>subject definition</tref> or <tref>subject reference</tref>:
+ <ol class="algorithm">
+ <li>If the property <code>@id</code> is not an <tref>IRI</tref> or it does not exist,
+ map <em>v</em> to a <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">new blank node identifier</a>
+ to avoid collisions. If one does not already exist, add a <tref>subject reference</tref> for
+ <em>v</em> into <em>subject</em> for <em>property</em>.
+ </li>
+ <li>Recursively call this algorithm passing <em>v</em> for <em>value</em>, <em>subjectMap</em>,
+ <em>graph</em>, and <tref>null</tref> for <em>list</em>.
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li>Otherwise if <em>v</em> has the property <code>@list</code> then recursively call this algorithm
+ with the value of <code>@list</code> as <em>element</em>, <em>subjectMap</em>, <em>graph</em>, and
+ a new array <em>flattenedList</em> as <em>list</em>. Create a new <tref>JSON object</tref> with the
+ property <code>@list</code> set to <em>flattenedList</em> and add it to <em>subject</em> for
+ <em>property</em>.
+ </li>
+ <li>Otherwise, if <em>property</em> is <code>@type</code> and <em>v</em> is not an <tref>IRI</tref>,
+ generate a <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">new blank node identifier</a> and add it
+ to <em>subject</em> for <em>property</em>.
+ </li>
+ <li>Otherwise, add <em>v</em> to <em>subject</em> for <em>property</em>.</li>
- <li>Otherwise
- <ol class="algorithm">
- <li>If <em>element</em> is a string that begins with the characters <code>_:</code> and the <em>iri</em> flag is set to <code>true</code>,
- map <em>element</em> to a <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">new blank node identifier</a> to avoid collisions.</li>
- <li>If the <em>list</em> flag is set to <code>false</code>, check if <em>element</em> is already in <em>parent</em>. If so, return.</li>
- <li>Add <em>element</em> to <em>parent.</em></li>
- </ol>
- </li>
<p>After the above outlined algorithm has been executed, the subject map for all graphs including the default graph are contained in
- <em>subjectMap</em>. To also create the subject map for the merged graph, perform the following steps:</p>
-<ol class="algorithm">
- <li>Foreach property <em>graph</em> and value <em>graphMap</em> in <em>subjectMap</em>:
- <ol class="algorithm">
- <li>Foreach property <em>subject</em> and value <em>value</em> in <em>graphMap</em>:
- <ol class="algorithm">
- <li>Call the algorithm outlined above by passing <em>subjectMap</em>, <em>value</em> as <em>element</em>, <tref>null</tref> as
- <em>parent</em>, <code>false</code> for the <em>list</em> flag, <code>false</code> for the <em>iri</em> flag and
- <code>@merged</code> for <em>graph</em>.</li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
+ <em>subjectMap</em>. To also create the subject map for the merged graph, execute the algorithm again, but pass <code>merged</code>
+ for <em>graph</em>.