Major rework of landing page layout and contents.
authorManu Sporny <>
Sun, 23 Jun 2013 15:46:00 -0400
changeset 1736 ae8788c658c6
parent 1735 82a39baddeee
child 1737 d74548f99e2e
Major rework of landing page layout and contents.
--- a/index.html	Tue Jun 18 18:07:15 2013 +0200
+++ b/index.html	Sun Jun 23 15:46:00 2013 -0400
@@ -1,153 +1,310 @@
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-        <h1>JSON-Linked Data</h1>
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-        <p class="tagline">Data is messy and disconnected. JSON-LD organizes and connects it, letting your creativity bloom</p>
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+        <li class="nav-header"><strong>Latest</strong></li>
+        <li><a href="./spec/latest/json-ld/">Syntax</a></li>
+        <li><a href="./spec/latest/json-ld-api/">API</a></li>
+        <li><a href="./spec/latest/json-ld-framing/">Framing</a></li>
+        <li><a href="./spec/latest/rdf-graph-normalization/">Normalization</a></li>
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+        <li class="nav-header"><strong>Previous Drafts</strong></li>
+        <li><a href="./spec#syntax">Syntax</a></li>
+        <li><a href="./spec#api">API</a></li>
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+ </div>
+ <div class="hero-unit">
+  <h1>JSON for Linking Data</h1>
+  <br>
+  <p class="tagline">Data is messy and disconnected. JSON-LD organizes and
+   connects it, creating a better Web.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="container">
+  <div class="row">
+   <div class="span3">
+    <h2>
+     <span class="icon-exchange"></span> Linked Data
+    </h2>
+    <p class="text-justify">
+     <a href="">Linked Data</a> 
+     empowers people that publish and use information on the Web. It is a
+     way to create a network of standards-based, machine-readable data across
+     Web sites. It allows an application to start at one piece of Linked Data,
+     and follow embedded links to other pieces of Linked Data that are hosted
+     on different sites across the Web.
+    </p>
+   </div>
+   <!-- End span -->
+   <div class="span6"><h2 style="text-align: center;">A Simple Example</h2><pre>{
+  "<span style="color: rgb(255, 122, 0);">@context</span>": "<a href=""></a>",
+  "<span style="color: rgb(255, 122, 0);">@id</span>": "<a href=""></a>",
+  "<span style="color: rgb(255, 122, 0);">name</span>": "<span style="color: rgb(0, 148, 0);">John Lennon</span>",
+  "<span style="color: rgb(255, 122, 0);">born</span>": "<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 175);">1940-10-09</span>",
+  "<span style="color: rgb(255, 122, 0);">spouse</span>": "<a href=""></a>"
+   </div>
+   <!-- End span -->
+   <div class="span3">
+    <h2>
+     <span><img src="images/json-ld-data-32.png"></span> JSON-LD
+    </h2>
+    <p class="text-justify">JSON-LD is a lightweight Linked Data format. It
+     is easy for humans to read and write. It is based on the already
+     successful JSON format and provides a way to help JSON data interoperate
+     at Web-scale. JSON-LD an ideal data format for programming
+     environments, REST Web services, and unstructured databases such as
+     CouchDB and MongoDB.</p>
+    <!-- <a class="btn" href="#">Learn more &raquo;</a> -->
+   </div>
+   <!-- End span -->
+  </div>
+ </div>
+ <br/><br/>
+ <div class=" hero-unit">
+   <h2 style="text-align:center;">
+    <span class="icon-beer icon-large"></span> Play
+   </h2>
+   <div class="container row">
+    <div class="offset5 span6">
+     <p class="text-justify">
+      <strong>JSON-LD Play</strong> is a web-based JSON-LD viewer and debugger.
+      If you are interested in learning JSON-LD, this tool will be of great help
+      to you. Developers may also use the tool to debug, visualize, and share
+      their JSON-LD markup.
+     </p>
+      <a class="btn" href="./playground/index.html">Try Play &raquo;</a>
+   </div> 
+  </div>
+  <!-- End span -->
+ </div>
+ <div class="container">
+  <div id="impl" class="row">
+   <h1 class="span12" style="text-align: center;">
+     <span class="icon-cog"></span> Implementations</h1>
+  </div>
+  <div id="impl" class="row">
+   <p class="offset2 span8" style="text-align: center;">JSON-LD is available in
+   a number of popular programming environments. Each implementation of JSON-LD
+   listed below is fully conforming to the offical JSON-LD specifications.</>
+  </div>
-      <div class="container"> 
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class="span4">
-            <h2><span class="icon-exchange"></span> Linked Data</h2>
-            <p class="text-justify">
-              Linked data describes a method of publishing structured data so that it can be interlinked and become more useful. It builds upon standard Web technologies such as HTTP, RDF and URIs, but rather than using them to serve web pages for human readers, it extends them to share information in a way that can be read automatically by computers. <a href="">Sir. Tim Berners-Lee</a> coined this term.
-            </p>
-            <a class="btn" href="">Learn more &raquo;</a>
-          </div> <!-- End span -->
-          <div class="span4">
-            <h2><span><img src="images/json-ld-data-32.png"></span> JSON-LD</h2>
-            <p class="text-justify"> 
-              JSON-LD is a lightweight Linked Data format that gives a data context. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on the already successful JSON format and provides a way to help JSON data interoperate at Web-scale. This makes JSON-LD an ideal interchange language for JavaScript environments, Web service, and unstructured databases such as CouchDB and MongoDB.
-            </p>
-            <!-- <a class="btn" href="#">Learn more &raquo;</a> -->
-          </div> <!-- End span -->
-          <div class="span4">
-            <h2><span class="icon-github-alt icon-large"></span> Contribute</h2>
-            <p class="text-justify">
-              <a href="">JSON-LD</a> is going through the final stages of standardization at W3C and is being more actively developed than RDFa. The Github repository for JSON-LD can be found <a href="">here</a>. Developers can contribute and discuss on <a href="">mailing-list</a>. <a href="">#JSON-LD</a> is the offical IRC channel on Freenode. Join the W3C <a href="">Community Group</a>. Weekly Meeting records in <a href="">text and audio logs.</a>
-            </p>
-            <!-- <a class="btn" href="#">Learn more &raquo;</a> -->
-          </div> <!-- End span -->
-        </div> <!-- End Row -->
-        <hr>
+  <div class="row">
+   <div class="offset1 span2">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>Javascript</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="">jsonld.js</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
-        <div class="row">
+   <div class="span2">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>Python</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="">PyLD</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
-          <div class="span4">
-            <h2><span class="icon-pencil"></span> Learn</h2>
-            <p class="text-justify">
-              There are a number of good reads available on this website covering everything from basic JSON-LD usage, to markup recipes, to advanced technical concepts.
-            </p>
-            <a class="btn" href="./learn.html">Learn more &raquo;</a>
-          </div> <!-- End span -->
+   <div class="span2">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>PHP</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="">php-json-ld</a></li>
+      <li><a href="">JsonLD</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
-          <div class="span4">
-            <h2><span class="icon-beer icon-large"></span> Play</h2>
-            <p class="text-justify">
-              A <em>beta</em> software to visually understand JSON-LD from existing JSON. This is based on contexts declared in <a href=""></a>
+   <div class="span2">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>Ruby</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="">JSON-LD for
+        RDF.rb</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+   <div class="span2">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>Java</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="">JSON-LD
+        Java</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+  </div>
+ <hr>
+ <div class="container">
+  <div id="impl" class="row">
+   <h1 class="span12" style="text-align: center;">
+     <span class="icon-group"></span> Getting Help / Collaborating</h1>
+  </div>
+  <div id="impl" class="row">
+   <p class="offset2 span8" style="text-align: center;">
+     JSON-LD is being developed by the W3C <a
+      href="">JSON-LD Community Group</a>.
+     It is in the final stages of standardization at W3C. Participation is open
+     to the public. There is a <a href="">JSON-LD
+      Github repository</a>. If you need immediate help, we have a <a
+      href="">#json-ld</a> IRC
+     support channel on There is also a <a
+      href="">JSON-LD
+      mailing list</a>. All weekly meetings are open to the public, and are <a
+      href="">minuted, recorded, and archived</a>. Listed below are all of the 
+   communication tools that the community uses on a weekly basis.</>
+  </div>
+  <div class="row">
+   <div class="span3">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>Code</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="">json-ld on Github</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+   <div class="span3">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>Meetings</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="minutes/">Text and audio minutes</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+   <div class="span3">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>Mailing List</h3></li>
+      <li><a href=""></a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+   <div class="span3">
+    <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
+     <ul class="nav nav-list">
+      <li class="nav-header"><h3>IRC</h3></li>
+      <li><a href="">#json-ld on Freenode</a></li>
+     </ul>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+  </div>
+ <hr>
+  <div class="container">
+  <div id="impl" class="row">
+   <h1 class="span12" style="text-align: center;">
+     <span class="icon-book"></span> Learn More...</h1>
+  </div>
+  <div id="impl" class="row">
+   <p class="offset2 span8" style="text-align: center;">
+     This website contains a number of curated
+     video, presentations, tutorials, and documentation about JSON-LD. The
+     tutorials are designed to train novice web developers that have used JSON
+     and transform them into JSON-LD rockstar ninjas (yes, really).<br><br>
+            <a class="btn" href="./learn.html">Learn more about JSON-LD &raquo;</a>
+     </p>
+  </div>
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+ </div>
+<div id="footer">
+            <p id="copyright">
+               Website content released under a <a href="">Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication</a> except where an alternate is specified.
+               Part of the <a href="">PaySwarm</a> standardization initiative.
-            <a class="btn" href="./playground/index.html">Learn more &raquo;</a>
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-          <div class="span4">
-            <!-- <h2><span class="icon-beaker icon-large"></span> Developers</h2>
-            <p class="text-justify">
-              There are a variety of tools available for JSON-LD, ranging from online structured data preview tools, to JSON to JSON-LD creator and software libraries.
-            </p>
-            <a class="btn" href="#">Learn more &raquo;</a> -->
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--- a/learn.html	Tue Jun 18 18:07:15 2013 +0200
+++ b/learn.html	Sun Jun 23 15:46:00 2013 -0400
@@ -73,70 +73,8 @@
       <div class="container"> 
-        <div id="issues" class="span12">
-         <h1>Community Feedback</h1>
-         <p>The JSON-LD specifications are undergoing standardization at the World Wide Web Consortium. Comments from the public are being tracked via the JSON-LD issue tracker. These issues can be viewed below:</p>
-         <ul>
-            <li><a href="">Open JSON-LD 1.0 Syntax issues</a></li>
-            <li><a href="">Open JSON-LD 1.0 API issues</a></li>
-         </ul>
-        </div>
-        <br>
-        <div id="impl" class="span6">
-          <h1>Implementations</h1>
-          <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
-            <ul class="nav nav-list">
-              <li class="nav-header">C++</li>
-              <li><a href="">Monarch</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Erlang</li>
-              <li><a href="">URDF</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Java</li>
-              <li><a href="">JSON-LD implementation for Java</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Javascript</li>
-              <li><a href="">jsonld.js</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">PHP</li>
-              <li><a href="">php-json-ld</a></li>
-              <li><a href="">JsonLD</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Python</li>
-              <li><a href="">JSON-LD Processor</a></li>
-              <li><a href="">PyLD</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Ruby</li>
-              <li><a href="">JSON-LD Reader/Writer</a></li>
-            </ul>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div id="colab" class="span6">
-          <h1>Collaborating</h1>
-          <p>Several parties interested in JSON-LD convene in periodic teleconferences.</p>
-          <p>There are several other ways that you can collaborate in the development
-           of JSON-LD:</p>
-          <div class="well" style="padding: 8px 0;">
-            <ul class="nav nav-list">
-              <li class="nav-header">Code</li>
-              <li><a href="">github</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Meeting Records</li>
-              <li><a href="minutes/">Text and Audio logs</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Mailing List</li>
-              <li><a href=""></a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">IRC</li>
-              <li><a href="">#json-ld on Freenode</a></li>
-              <li class="nav-header">W3C</li>
-              <li><a href="">Community Group</a><li>
-              <li class="nav-header">Images</li>
-              <li><a href="images/index.html">Logos, Buttons, and Icons</a></li>
-            </ul>
-          </div>
-        </div>
         <div id="publ"  class="span12 text-justify">
-           <h1>Publications / Articles</h1>
+           <h1>Articles</h1>
               <li><a href="">Creating 3rd Generation Web APIs with JSON-LD and Hydra</a>, Markus Lanthaler.
                 Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 22nd&nbsp;International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2013), pp. 35-37.
@@ -166,6 +104,16 @@
+        <div id="issues" class="span12">
+         <h1>Feedback</h1>
+         <p>The JSON-LD specifications are undergoing standardization at the World Wide Web Consortium. Comments from the public are being tracked via the JSON-LD issue tracker. These issues can be viewed below:</p>
+         <ul>
+            <li><a href="">Open JSON-LD 1.0 Syntax issues</a></li>
+            <li><a href="">Open JSON-LD 1.0 API issues</a></li>
+         </ul>
+        </div>
       </div> <!-- End Container -->
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