Update Node Map Generation to the same style as the other algorithms
authorMarkus Lanthaler <mark_lanthaler@gmx.net>
Thu, 14 Mar 2013 17:25:07 +0100
changeset 1450 7796162158dc
parent 1449 b1aaa5316d51
child 1451 4790a529b61e
Update Node Map Generation to the same style as the other algorithms

... and make it clear that duplicates are removed.

@dlongley, is this clear enough regarding duplicates in your opinion?

This addresses #212.
--- a/spec/latest/json-ld-api/index.html	Thu Mar 14 12:08:46 2013 -0400
+++ b/spec/latest/json-ld-api/index.html	Thu Mar 14 17:25:07 2013 +0100
@@ -2938,7 +2938,9 @@
     <ol class="algorithm">
       <li>Expand <i>element</i> according the
         <a href="#expansion-algorithm">Expansion algorithm</a>.</li>
-      <li>Initialize an empty <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>node map</i>.</li>
+      <li>Initialize <i>node map</i> to a <tref>JSON object</tref> consisting of
+        a single member whose key is <code>@default</code> and whose value is
+        an empty <tref>JSON object</tref>.</li>
       <li>Perform the <a href="#node-map-generation">Node Map Generation algorithm</a>, passing
         <i>element</i> and <i>node map</i>.</li>
       <li>Initialize <i>default graph</i> to the value of the <code>@default</code>
@@ -2974,106 +2976,120 @@
     <h2>Node Map Generation</h2>
-    <p>This algorithm creates a <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>nodeMap</i> holding an indexed
+    <p>This algorithm creates a <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>node map</i> holding an indexed
       representation of the <tref title="JSON-LD graph">graphs</tref> and <tref title="node">nodes</tref>
       represented in the passed, expanded document. All <tref title="node">nodes</tref> that are not
       uniquely identified by an IRI get assigned a (new) <tref>blank node identifier</tref>.
-      The resulting <i>nodeMap</i> will have a member for every graph in the document whose
+      The resulting <i>node map</i> will have a member for every graph in the document whose
       value is another object with a member for every <tref>node</tref> represented in the document.
       The default graph is stored under the <code>@default</code> member, all other graphs are
       stored under their <tref>graph name</tref>.</p>
     <p>The algorithm takes as input an expanded JSON-LD document <i>element</i> and a reference to
-      a <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>nodeMap</i>. Furthermore it has the optional parameters
+      a <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>node map</i>. Furthermore it has the optional parameters
       <tref>active graph</tref> (which defaults to <code>@default</code>), an <tref>active subject</tref>,
-      <tref>active property</tref>, and a reference to a <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>list</i>. The
-      <i>nodeMap</i> must be initialized to a <tref>JSON object</tref> consisting of a single member
-      whose name corresponds with <tref>active graph</tref> and whose value is an empty <tref>JSON object</tref>.</p>
+      <tref>active property</tref>, and a reference to a <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>list</i>. If
+      not passed, <tref>active subject</tref>, <tref>active property</tref>, and <i>list</i> are
+      set to <tref>null</tref>.</p>
     <ol class="algorithm">
-      <li>If <i>element</i> is an array, process each entry in <i>element</i> recursively, using this algorithm
-        and return.</li>
-      <li>Otherwise <i>element</i> is a <tref>JSON object</tref>. Let <i>activeGraph</i> be the
-        <tref>JSON object</tref> which is the value of the <tref>active graph</tref> member of
-        <i>nodeMap</i>.</li>
-      <li>If it has an <code>@type</code> member, perform for each <i>item</i> the following
-        steps:
+      <li>If <i>element</i> is an array, process each <i>item</i> in <i>element</i>
+        as follows and then return:
         <ol class="algorithm">
-          <li>If <i>item</i> is a <tref>blank node identifier</tref>, replace it with a
-            <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">new blank node identifier</a>.</li>
-          <li>If <i>activeGraph</i> has no member <i>item</i>, create it and initialize its
+          <li>Run this algorithm recursively by passing <i>item</i> for <i>element</i>,
+            <i>node map</i>, <tref>active graph</tref>, <tref>active subject</tref>,
+            <tref>active property</tref>, and <i>list</i>.</li>
+        </ol>
+      </li>
+      <li>Otherwise <i>element</i> is a <tref>JSON object</tref>. Reference the
+        <tref>JSON object</tref> which is the value of the <tref>active graph</tref>
+        member of <i>node map</i> using the variable <i>graph</i>. If the
+        <tref>active subject</tref> is <tref>null</tref>, set <i>node</i> to <tref>null</tref>
+        otherwise reference the <tref>active subject</tref> member of <i>graph</i> using the
+        variable <i>node</i>.</li>
+      <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@type</code> member, perform for each
+        <i>item</i> the following steps:
+        <ol class="algorithm">
+          <li>If <i>item</i> is a <tref>blank node identifier</tref>, replace it
+            with a newly
+            <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">generated blank node identifier</a>
+            passing <i>item</i> for <i>identifier</i>.</li>
+          <li>If <i>graph</i> has no member <i>item</i>, create one and initialize its
             value to a <tref>JSON object</tref> consisting of a single member <code>@id</code>
-            with the value <i>item</i>.</li>
+            whose value is <i>item</i>.</li>
       <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@value</code> member, perform the following steps:
         <ol class="algorithm">
-          <li>If no <i>list</i> has been passed, merge <i>element</i> into the
-            <tref>active property</tref> member of the <tref>active subject</tref> in
-            <i>activeGraph</i>.</li>
+          <li>If <i>list</i> is <tref>null</tref>, merge <i>element</i> into the
+            <tref>active property</tref> member of <i>node</i>; the resulting
+            <tref>array</tref> must not contain any duplicate values.</li>
           <li>Otherwise, append <i>element</i> to the <code>@list</code> member of <i>list</i>.</li>
       <li>Otherwise, if <i>element</i> has an <code>@list</code> member, perform
         the following steps:
         <ol class="algorithm">
-          <li>Initialize a new <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>result</i> having a single member
+          <li>Initialize a new <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>result</i> consisting of a single member
             <code>@list</code> whose value is initialized to an empty <tref>array</tref>.</li>
           <li>Recursively call this algorithm passing the value of <i>element's</i>
-            <code>@list</code> member as new <i>element</i> and <i>result</i> as <i>list</i>.</li>
-          <li>If <tref>active property</tref> is <tref>null</tref> or <code>@graph</code>,
-            <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">generate a blank node identifier</a> <i>id</i>
-            and store <i>result</i> as value of the member <i>id</i> in <i>activeGraph</i>.</li>
-          <li>Otherwise, add <i>result</i> to the the value of the <tref>active property</tref> member
-            of the <tref>active subject</tref> in <i>activeGraph</i>.</li>
+            <code>@list</code> member for <i>element</i>, <tref>active graph</tref>,
+            <tref>active subject</tref>, <tref>active property</tref>, and
+            <i>result</i> for <i>list</i>.</li>
+          <li>Append <i>result</i> to the the value of the <tref>active property</tref> member
+            of <i>node</i>.</li>
-      <li>Otherwise <i>element</i> is a <tref>node object</tref>, perform the following
-        steps:
+      <li>Otherwise <i>element</i> is a <tref>node object</tref>, perform
+        the following steps:
         <ol class="algorithm">
-          <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@id</code> member, store its value in <i>id</i> and remove
-            the member from <i>element</i>. If <i>id</i> is a <tref>blank node identifier</tref>, replace it with
-            <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">a new blank node identifier</a>.</li>
-          <li>Otherwise <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">generate a new blank node identifier</a>
-            and store it as <i>id</i>.</li>
-          <li>If <i>activeGraph</i> does not contain a member <i>id</i>, create one and initialize
-            it to a <tref>JSON object</tref> consisting of a single member <code>@id</code> whose
-            value is set to <i>id</i>.</li>
+          <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@id</code> member, set <i>id</i>
+            to its value and remove the member from <i>element</i>. If <i>id</i>
+            is a <tref>blank node identifier</tref>, replace it with a newly
+            <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">generated blank node identifier</a>
+            passing <i>id</i> for <i>identifier</i>.</li>
+          <li>Otherwise, set <i>id</i> to the result of the
+            <a href="#generate-blank-node-identifier">Generate Blank Node Identifier algorithm</a>
+            passing <tref>null</tref> for <i>identifier</i>.</li>
+          <li>If <i>graph</i> does not contain a member <i>id</i>, create one and initialize
+            its value to a <tref>JSON object</tref> consisting of a single member <code>@id</code> whose
+            value is <i>id</i>.</li>
           <li>If <tref>active property</tref> is not <tref>null</tref>, perform the following steps:
             <ol class="algorithm">
               <li>Create a new <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>reference</i> consisting of a single member
                 <code>@id</code> whose value is <i>id</i>.</li>
-              <li>If no <i>list</i> has been passed, merge <i>element</i> into the
-                <tref>active property</tref> member of the <tref>active subject</tref> in
-                <i>activeGraph</i>.</li>
+              <li>If <i>list</i> is <tref>null</tref>, merge <i>element</i> into the
+                <tref>active property</tref> member of <i>node</i>; the resulting
+                <tref>array</tref> must not contain any duplicate values.</li>
               <li>Otherwise, append <i>element</i> to the <code>@list</code> member of <i>list</i>.</li>
-          <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@type</code> member, merge each value into the <code>@type</code>
-            of <tref>active subject</tref> in <i>activeGraph</i>. Then remove the <code>@type</code> member
-            from <i>element</i>.</li>
+          <li>Reference the value of the <i>id</i> member of <i>graph</i> using the
+            variable <i>node</i>.</li>
+          <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@type</code> member, merge each of its values into the
+            <code>@type</code> member of <i>node</i> and finally remove the
+            <code>@type</code> member from <i>element</i>; the resulting
+            <tref>array</tref> must not contain any duplicate values.</li>
           <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@index</code> member, set the <code>@index</code>
-            of <tref>active subject</tref> in <i>activeGraph</i> to its value. There must be no
-            existing member already in <tref>active subject</tref> with a different value, if there
-            is, then a
+            member of <i>node</i> to its value. If <tref>node</tref> has already an
+            <code>@index</code> member with a different value, a
             <code class="error"><a href="#idl-def-JsonLdErrorCode.conflicting-indexes">conflicting indexes</a></code>
-            error has been detected. Continue and remove the
-            <code>@index</code> from <i>element</i>.</li>
+            error has been detected. Remove the <code>@index</code> member from <i>element</i>.</li>
           <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@reverse</code> member:
             <ol class="algorithm">
               <li>Create a <tref>JSON object</tref> <i>referenced node</i> with a single member <code>@id</code> whose
                 value is <i>id</i>.</li>
               <li>Set <i>reverse map</i> to the value of the <code>@reverse</code> member of
-              <li>For each <i>property</i>-<i>values</i> pair in <i>reverse map</i>:
+              <li>For each key-value pair <i>property</i>-<i>values</i> in <i>reverse map</i>:
                 <ol class="algorithm">
-                  <li>For each <i>item</i> of <i>values</i>:
+                  <li>For each <i>value</i> of <i>values</i>:
                     <ol class="algorithm">
-                      <li>If <i>item</i> has a <i>property</i> member, append <i>referenced node</i>
-                        to its value; otherwise create a <i>property</i> member whose value is an
-                        <tref>array</tref> containing a <i>referenced node</i>.</li>
-                      <li>Recursively invoke this algorithm passing <i>nodeMap</i>, </em><i>item</i> as new
-                        <i>element</i>, and <tref>active graph</tref>.</li>
+                      <li>If <i>value</i> has a <i>property</i> member, append <i>referenced node</i> to
+                        its value; otherwise create a <i>property</i> member whose value is an
+                        <tref>array</tref> containing <i>referenced node</i>.</li>
+                      <li>Recursively invoke this algorithm passing </em><i>value</i> for
+                        <i>element</i>, <i>node map</i>, and <tref>active graph</tref>.</li>
@@ -3081,17 +3097,18 @@
               <li>Remove the <code>@reverse</code> member from <i>element</i>.</li>
-          <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@graph</code> member, recursively invoke this algorithm passing
-            the value of the <code>@graph</code> member as new <i>element</i> and <i>id</i> as new
-            <tref>active subject</tref>. Then remove the <code>@graph</code> member from <i>element</i>.</li>
-          <li>Finally for each <i>property</i>-<i>value</i> pair in <i>element</i> ordered by
+          <li>If <i>element</i> has an <code>@graph</code> member, recursively invoke this
+            algorithm passing the value of the <code>@graph</code> member for <i>element</i>,
+            <i>node map</i>, and <i>id</i> for <tref>active graph</tref> before removing
+            the <code>@graph</code> member from <i>element</i>.</li>
+          <li>Finally, for each key-value pair <i>property</i>-<i>value</i> in <i>element</i> ordered by
             <i>property</i> perform the following steps:
             <ol class="algorithm">
-              <li>If no <i>property</i> member exists in the <tref>JSON object</tref> which is the
-                value of the <i>id</i> member of <i>activeGraph</i> create the member and initialize
+              <li>If <i>node</i> does not have a <i>property</i> member, create one and initialize
                 its value to an empty <tref>array</tref>.</li>
-              <li>Recursively invoke this algorithm passing <i>value</i> as new <i>element</i>, <i>id</i>
-                as new <tref>active subject</tref>, and <i>property</i> as new <tref>active property</tref>.</li>
+              <li>Recursively invoke this algorithm passing <i>value</i> for <i>element</i>,
+                <i>node map</i>, <tref>active graph</tref>, <i>id</i> for <tref>active subject</tref>,
+                <i>property</i> for <tref>active property</tref>, and <i>list</i>.</li>