Bring Embedding back, simplify example 19 to not use it
authorMarkus Lanthaler <>
Fri, 08 Mar 2013 20:16:10 +0100 (2013-03-08)
changeset 1395 0b1a91dcbdd6
parent 1394 31fbd6a2afd4
child 1396 4a48218fc7d9
Bring Embedding back, simplify example 19 to not use it

This reverts a57bde0f05ae29a5a05e275a5b5fd3552a6bd173
--- a/spec/latest/json-ld-syntax/index.html	Fri Mar 08 20:08:47 2013 +0100
+++ b/spec/latest/json-ld-syntax/index.html	Fri Mar 08 20:16:10 2013 +0100
@@ -910,36 +910,24 @@
     prepending the mapped <em>prefix</em> to the (possibly empty) <em>suffix</em>
     using textual concatenation.  If no prefix mapping is defined, the value is interpreted
     as an <tref>absolute IRI</tref>. If the prefix is an underscore
-    (<code>_</code>), the IRI remains unchanged.
-  </p>
+    (<code>_</code>), the IRI remains unchanged.</p>
   <p>Consider the following example:</p>
   <pre class="example" data-transform="updateExample"
      title="Compact IRIs">
-  "@context":
+  <!--
-    ****"dc": "",****
-    ****"ex": ""****
-  },
-  "@id": "",
-  "@type": ****"ex:Library"****,
-  ****"ex:contains"****:
-  {
+    "@context":
+    {
+      ****"dc": "",****
+      ****"ex": ""****
+    },
     "@id": "",
     "@type": ****"ex:Book"****,
     ****"dc:creator"****: "Plato",
-    ****"dc:title"****: "The Republic",
-    ****"ex:contains"****:
-    {
-      "@id": "",
-      "@type": ****"ex:Chapter"****,
-      ****"dc:description"****: "An introductory chapter on The Republic.",
-      ****"dc:title"****: "The Introduction"
-    }
+    ****"dc:title"****: "The Republic"
+  -->
   <p>In this example, two different vocabularies are referred to using prefixes.
@@ -1283,6 +1271,37 @@
+  <h2>Embedding</h2>
+  <p><tdef>Embedding</tdef> is a JSON-LD feature that allows an author to
+    use <tref title="node object">node objects</tref> as
+    <tref>property</tref> values. This is a commonly used mechanism for
+    creating a parent-child relationship between two <tref title="node">nodes</tref>.</p>
+  <p>The example shows two nodes related by a property from the first node:</p>
+  <pre class="example" data-transform="updateExample"
+       title="Embedding a node object as property value of another node object">
+  <!--
+  {
+  ...
+    "name": "Manu Sporny",
+    "****knows****":
+    {
+      "****@type****": "****Person****",
+      "****name****": "****Gregg Kellogg****",
+    }
+  ...
+  }
+  -->
+  </pre>
+  <p>
+    A <tref>node object</tref>, like the one used above, may be used in
+    any value position in the body of a JSON-LD document.</p>
   <h2>Advanced Context Usage</h2>
   <p>Section <a href="#the-context"></a> introduced the basics of what makes