FIx invaild syntax agian!
Mon, 26 Jul 2010 14:12:44 -0400 (2010-07-26)
changeset 8 a92da8eadfc9
FIx invaild syntax agian!
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.project	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+	<name>redbot</name>
+	<comment></comment>
+	<projects>
+	</projects>
+	<buildSpec>
+		<buildCommand>
+			<name>org.python.pydev.PyDevBuilder</name>
+			<arguments>
+			</arguments>
+		</buildCommand>
+	</buildSpec>
+	<natures>
+		<nature>org.python.pydev.pythonNature</nature>
+	</natures>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.pydevproject	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?>
+<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH">
+<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python 2.6</pydev_property>
+<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">py26</pydev_property>
+<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_EXTERNAL_SOURCE_PATH">
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README.rst	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+This is RED, the Resource Expert Droid.
+RED needs:
+1. Python 2.5 or greater; see <>
+2. a Web server that implements the CGI interface; e.g., Apache 
+   <>.
+3. The nbhttp library; see <>
+4. Optionally, RED will take advantage of the pyevent extension, if installed.
+   See PyEvent <>.
+Installing RED
+Unpack the RED tarball. There are a number of interesting files:
+- src/ - the Web frontend for RED. This is what is run by the server.
+- src/\*.py - other Python files necessary for RED.
+- web/\* - RED's CSS stylesheet and JavaScript libraries.
+Place where you wish it to be served from the Web server. For example,
+with Apache you can put it in a directory and add these configuration directives
+(e.g., in .htaccess, if enabled)::
+  AddHandler cgi-script .py
+  DirectoryIndex
+If the directory is the root directory for your server "", 
+this will configure RED to be at the URI "".
+The contents of the web directory need to be made available on the server;
+by default, they're in the 'static' subdirectory of the script's URI. This
+can be changed using the 'static_root' configuration variable in
+Finally, the other .py files in src must be available to Python; you can either 
+place them in the same directory, or somewhere else on your PYTHONPATH. See 
+Python's documentation for more information.
+Support, Reporting Issues and Contributing
+See <> to give feedback, report issues, and contribute
+to the project. You can also join the redbot-users mailing list there.
+Icons by Momenticon <>.
+Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Parsing links from streams of data.
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__copyright__ = """\
+Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+from htmlentitydefs import entitydefs
+from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
+import response_analyse
+RHP = response_analyse.ResponseHeaderParser
+class HTMLLinkParser(HTMLParser):
+    """
+    Parse the links out of an HTML document in a very forgiving way.
+    feed() accepts a RedFetcher object (which it uses HTTP response headers
+    from) and a chunk of the document at a time.
+    When links are found, process_link will be called for eac with the
+    following arguments;
+      - link (absolute URI as a unicode string)
+      - tag (name of the element that contained it)
+      - title (title attribute as a unicode string, if any)
+    """
+    link_parseable_types = [
+        'text/html',
+        'application/xhtml+xml',
+        'application/atom+xml'
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, base_uri, process_link, err):
+        self.base = base_uri
+        self.process_link = process_link
+        self.err = err
+        self.http_enc = 'latin-1'
+        self.doc_enc = None
+        self.links = {
+            'link': 'href',
+            'a': 'href',
+            'img': 'src',
+            'script': 'src',
+            'frame': 'src',
+            'iframe': 'src',
+        }
+        self.count = 0
+        self.errors = 0
+        self.last_err_pos = None
+        self.ok = True
+        HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+    def feed(self, response, chunk):
+        "Feed a given chunk of HTML data to the parser"
+        if not self.ok:
+            return
+        if response.parsed_hdrs.get('content-type', [None])[0] in self.link_parseable_types:
+            self.http_enc = response.parsed_hdrs['content-type'][1].get('charset', self.http_enc)
+            try:
+                if chunk.__class__.__name__ != 'unicode':
+                    try:
+                        chunk = unicode(chunk, self.doc_enc or self.http_enc, 'ignore')
+                    except LookupError:
+                        pass
+                HTMLParser.feed(self, chunk)
+            except BadErrorIReallyMeanIt:
+                pass
+            except Exception, why: # oh, well...
+                self.err("feed problem: %s" % why)
+                self.errors += 1
+    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+        attr_d = dict(attrs)
+        title = attr_d.get('title', '').strip()
+        if tag in self.links.keys():
+            target = attr_d.get(self.links[tag], "")
+            if target:
+                self.count += 1
+                if "#" in target:
+                    target = target[:target.index('#')]
+                self.process_link(target, tag, title)
+        elif tag == 'base':
+            self.base = attr_d.get('href', self.base)
+        elif tag == 'meta' and attr_d.get('http-equiv', '').lower() == 'content-type':
+            ct = attr_d.get('content', None)
+            if ct:
+                try:
+                    media_type, params = ct.split(";", 1)
+                except ValueError:
+                    media_type, params = ct, ''
+                media_type = media_type.lower()
+                param_dict = {}
+                for param in RHP._splitString(params, response_analyse.PARAMETER, "\s*;\s*"):
+                    try:
+                        a, v = param.split("=", 1)
+                        param_dict[a.lower()] = RHP._unquoteString(v)
+                    except ValueError:
+                        param_dict[param.lower()] = None
+                self.doc_enc = param_dict.get('charset', self.doc_enc)
+    def handle_charref(self, name):
+        return entitydefs.get(name, '')
+    def handle_entityref(self, name):
+        return entitydefs.get(name, '')
+    def error(self, message):
+        self.errors += 1
+        if self.getpos() == self.last_err_pos:
+            # we're in a loop; give up.
+            self.err("giving up on link parsing after %s errors" % self.errors)
+            self.ok = False
+            raise BadErrorIReallyMeanIt()
+        else:
+            self.last_err_pos = self.getpos()
+            self.err(message)
+class BadErrorIReallyMeanIt(Exception):
+    """See for why this is necessary."""
+    pass
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    import sys
+    from red_fetcher import RedFetcher
+    uri = sys.argv[1]
+    req_hdrs = [('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')]
+    class TestFetcher(RedFetcher):
+        count = 0
+        def done(self):
+            pass
+        @staticmethod
+        def err(mesg):
+            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % mesg)
+        @staticmethod
+        def show_link(link, tag, title):
+            TestFetcher.count += 1
+            out = "%.3d) [%s] %s" % (TestFetcher.count, tag, link)
+            print out.encode('utf-8', 'strict')
+    p = HTMLLinkParser(uri, TestFetcher.show_link, TestFetcher.err)
+    TestFetcher(uri, req_hdrs=req_hdrs, body_procs=[p.feed])
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+The Resource Expert Droid.
+RED will examine a HTTP resource for problems and other interesting
+characteristics, making a list of these observation messages available
+for presentation to the user. It does so by potentially making a number
+of requests to probe the resource's behaviour.
+See for the Web front-end.
+__version__ = "1"
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__copyright__ = """\
+Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import re
+import time
+import random
+from cgi import escape as e
+import red_speak as rs
+from red_fetcher import RedFetcher
+from response_analyse import relative_time, f_num
+from uri_validate import absolute_URI
+### configuration
+cacheable_methods = ['GET']
+heuristic_cacheable_status = ['200', '203', '206', '300', '301', '410']
+max_uri = 8 * 1024
+max_clock_skew = 5  # seconds
+class ResourceExpertDroid(RedFetcher):
+    """
+    Given a URI (optionally with method, request headers and body), as well
+    as an optional status callback and list of body processors, examine the
+    URI for issues and notable conditions, making any necessary additional
+    requests.
+    Note that this primary request negotiates for gzip content-encoding;
+    see ConnegCheck.
+    After processing the response-specific attributes of RedFetcher will be
+    populated, as well as its messages; see that class for details.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, uri, method="GET", req_hdrs=None, req_body=None,
+                 status_cb=None, body_procs=None):
+        self.orig_req_hdrs = req_hdrs or []
+        if 'user-agent' not in [i[0].lower() for i in self.orig_req_hdrs]:
+            self.orig_req_hdrs.append(
+                ("User-Agent", "RED/%s (" % __version__))
+        rh = self.orig_req_hdrs + [('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')]
+        RedFetcher.__init__(self, uri, method, rh, req_body,
+                            status_cb, body_procs, req_type=method)
+        # check the URI
+        if not re.match("^\s*%s\s*$" % absolute_URI, self.uri, re.VERBOSE):
+            self.setMessage('uri', rs.URI_BAD_SYNTAX)
+        if len(self.uri) > max_uri:
+            self.setMessage('uri', rs.URI_TOO_LONG, uri_len=f_num(len(uri)))
+    def done(self):
+        """
+        Response is available; perform further processing that's specific to
+        the "main" response.
+        """
+        if self.res_complete:
+            self.checkCaching()
+            ConnegCheck(self)
+            RangeRequest(self)
+            ETagValidate(self)
+            LmValidate(self)
+    def checkCaching(self):
+        "Examine HTTP caching characteristics."
+        # TODO: check URI for query string, message about HTTP/1.0 if so
+        # known Cache-Control directives that don't allow duplicates
+        known_cc = ["max-age", "no-store", "s-maxage", "public", "private"
+            "pre-check", "post-check", "stale-while-revalidate", "stale-if-error",
+        ]
+        cc_set = self.parsed_hdrs.get('cache-control', [])
+        cc_list = [k for (k,v) in cc_set]
+        cc_dict = dict(cc_set)
+        cc_keys = cc_dict.keys()
+        # check for mis-capitalised directives /
+        # assure there aren't any dup directives with different values
+        for cc in cc_keys:
+            if cc.lower() in known_cc and cc != cc.lower():
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CC_MISCAP,
+                    cc_lower = cc.lower(), cc=cc
+                )
+            if cc in known_cc and cc_list.count(cc) > 1:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CC_DUP,
+                    cc=cc
+                )
+        # Who can store this?
+        if self.method not in cacheable_methods:
+            self.store_shared = self.store_private = False
+            self.setMessage('method', rs.METHOD_UNCACHEABLE, method=self.method)
+            return # bail; nothing else to see here
+        elif 'no-store' in cc_keys:
+            self.store_shared = self.store_private = False
+            self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.NO_STORE)
+            return # bail; nothing else to see here
+        elif 'private' in cc_keys:
+            self.store_shared = False
+            self.store_private = True
+            self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.PRIVATE_CC)
+        elif 'authorization' in [k.lower() for k, v in self.req_hdrs] and \
+          not 'public' in cc_keys:
+            self.store_shared = False
+            self.store_private = True
+            self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.PRIVATE_AUTH)
+        else:
+            self.store_shared = self.store_private = True
+            self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.STOREABLE)
+        # no-cache?
+        if 'no-cache' in cc_keys:
+            if "last-modified" not in self.parsed_hdrs.keys() and \
+               "etag" not in self.parsed_hdrs.keys():
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.NO_CACHE_NO_VALIDATOR)
+            else:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.NO_CACHE)
+            return
+        # pre-check / post-check
+        if 'pre-check' in cc_keys or 'post-check' in cc_keys:
+            if 'pre-check' not in cc_keys or 'post_check' not in cc_keys:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CHECK_SINGLE)
+            else:
+                pre_check = post_check = None
+                try:
+                    pre_check = int(cc_dict['pre-check'])
+                    post_check = int(cc_dict['post-check'])
+                except ValueError:
+                    self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CHECK_NOT_INTEGER)
+                if pre_check is not None and post_check is not None:
+                    if pre_check == 0 and post_check == 0:
+                        self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CHECK_ALL_ZERO)
+                    elif post_check > pre_check:
+                        self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CHECK_POST_BIGGER)
+                        post_check = pre_check
+                    elif post_check == 0:
+                        self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CHECK_POST_ZERO)
+                    else:
+                        self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.CHECK_POST_PRE,
+                                        pre_check=pre_check, post_check=post_check)
+        # vary?
+        vary = self.parsed_hdrs.get('vary', set())
+        if "*" in vary:
+            self.setMessage('header-vary', rs.VARY_ASTERISK)
+            return # bail; nothing else to see here
+        elif len(vary) > 3:
+            self.setMessage('header-vary', rs.VARY_COMPLEX, vary_count=f_num(len(vary)))
+        else:
+            if "user-agent" in vary:
+                self.setMessage('header-vary', rs.VARY_USER_AGENT)
+            if "host" in vary:
+                self.setMessage('header-vary', rs.VARY_HOST)
+            # TODO: enumerate the axes in a message
+        # calculate age
+        age_hdr = self.parsed_hdrs.get('age', 0)
+        date_hdr = self.parsed_hdrs.get('date', 0)
+        if date_hdr > 0:
+            apparent_age = max(0,
+              int(self.timestamp - date_hdr))
+        else:
+            apparent_age = 0
+        current_age = max(apparent_age, age_hdr)
+        current_age_str = relative_time(current_age, 0, 0)        
+        age_str = relative_time(age_hdr, 0, 0)
+        self.age = age_hdr
+        if age_hdr >= 1:
+            self.setMessage('header-age header-date', rs.CURRENT_AGE,
+                            age=age_str)
+        # Check for clock skew and dateless origin server.
+        skew = date_hdr - self.timestamp + age_hdr
+        if not date_hdr:
+            self.setMessage('', rs.DATE_CLOCKLESS)
+            if self.parsed_hdrs.has_key('expires') or \
+              self.parsed_hdrs.has_key('last-modified'):
+                self.setMessage('header-expires header-last-modified', 
+                                rs.DATE_CLOCKLESS_BAD_HDR)
+        elif age_hdr > max_clock_skew and current_age - skew < max_clock_skew:
+            self.setMessage('header-date header-age', rs.AGE_PENALTY)
+        elif abs(skew) > max_clock_skew:
+            self.setMessage('header-date', rs.DATE_INCORRECT,
+                           clock_skew_string=relative_time(skew, 0, 2)
+            )
+        else:
+            self.setMessage('header-date', rs.DATE_CORRECT)
+        # calculate freshness
+        freshness_lifetime = 0
+        has_explicit_freshness = False
+        freshness_hdrs = ['header-date', 'header-expires']
+        if 's-maxage' in cc_keys: # TODO: differentiate message for s-maxage
+            freshness_lifetime = cc_dict['s-maxage']
+            freshness_hdrs.append('header-cache-control')
+            has_explicit_freshness = True
+        elif 'max-age' in cc_keys:
+            freshness_lifetime = cc_dict['max-age']
+            freshness_hdrs.append('header-cache-control')
+            has_explicit_freshness = True
+        elif self.parsed_hdrs.has_key('expires'):
+            has_explicit_freshness = True
+            if self.parsed_hdrs.has_key('date'):
+                freshness_lifetime = self.parsed_hdrs['expires'] - \
+                    self.parsed_hdrs['date']
+            else:
+                freshness_lifetime = self.parsed_hdrs['expires'] - \
+                    self.timestamp # ?
+        freshness_left = freshness_lifetime - current_age
+        freshness_left_str = relative_time(abs(int(freshness_left)), 0, 0)
+        freshness_lifetime_str = relative_time(int(freshness_lifetime), 0, 0)
+        self.freshness_lifetime = freshness_lifetime
+        fresh = freshness_left > 0
+        if has_explicit_freshness:
+            if fresh:
+                self.setMessage(" ".join(freshness_hdrs), rs.FRESHNESS_FRESH,
+                                 freshness_lifetime=freshness_lifetime_str,
+                                 freshness_left=freshness_left_str,
+                                 current_age = current_age_str
+                                 )
+            else:
+                self.setMessage(" ".join(freshness_hdrs), rs.FRESHNESS_STALE,
+                                 freshness_lifetime=freshness_lifetime_str,
+                                 freshness_left=freshness_left_str,
+                                 current_age = current_age_str
+                                 )
+        # can heuristic freshness be used?
+        elif self.res_status in heuristic_cacheable_status:
+            self.setMessage('header-last-modified', rs.FRESHNESS_HEURISTIC)
+        else:
+            self.setMessage('', rs.FRESHNESS_NONE)
+        # can stale responses be served?
+        if 'must-revalidate' in cc_keys:
+            if fresh:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.FRESH_MUST_REVALIDATE)
+            elif has_explicit_freshness:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.STALE_MUST_REVALIDATE)
+        elif 'proxy-revalidate' in cc_keys or 's-maxage' in cc_keys:
+            if fresh:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.FRESH_PROXY_REVALIDATE)
+            elif has_explicit_freshness:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.STALE_PROXY_REVALIDATE)
+        else:
+            if fresh:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.FRESH_SERVABLE)
+            elif has_explicit_freshness:
+                self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.STALE_SERVABLE)
+        # public?
+        if 'public' in cc_keys: # TODO: check for authentication in request
+            self.setMessage('header-cache-control', rs.PUBLIC)
+class ConnegCheck(RedFetcher):
+    """
+    See if content negotiation for compression is supported, and how.
+    Note that this depends on the "main" request being sent with
+    Accept-Encoding: gzip
+    """
+    def __init__(self, red):
+ = red
+        if "gzip" in red.parsed_hdrs.get('content-encoding', []):
+            req_hdrs = [h for h in red.orig_req_hdrs if
+                        h[0].lower() != 'accept-encoding']
+            RedFetcher.__init__(self, red.uri, red.method, req_hdrs, red.req_body,
+                                red.status_cb, [], "conneg")
+        else:
+   = False
+    def done(self):
+        if self.res_body_len > 0:
+            savings = int(100 * ((float(self.res_body_len) - \
+                         / self.res_body_len))
+        else:
+            savings = 0
+ = True
+ = savings
+        if savings >= 0:
+  'header-content-encoding', rs.CONNEG_GZIP_GOOD, self,
+                                 savings=savings,
+                                 orig_size=f_num(self.res_body_len),
+                                 gzip_size=f_num(
+                                 )
+        else:
+  'header-content-encoding', rs.CONNEG_GZIP_BAD, self,
+                                 savings=abs(savings),
+                                 orig_size=f_num(self.res_body_len),
+                                 gzip_size=f_num(
+                                 )
+        vary_headers ='vary', [])
+        if (not "accept-encoding" in vary_headers) and (not "*" in vary_headers):
+  'header-vary header-%s', rs.CONNEG_NO_VARY)
+        # FIXME: verify that the status/body/hdrs are the same; if it's different, alert
+        no_conneg_vary_headers = self.parsed_hdrs.get('vary', [])
+        if 'gzip' in self.parsed_hdrs.get('content-encoding', []) or \
+           'x-gzip' in self.parsed_hdrs.get('content-encoding', []):
+  'header-vary header-content-encoding',
+                                 rs.CONNEG_GZIP_WITHOUT_ASKING)
+        if no_conneg_vary_headers != vary_headers:
+  'header-vary', rs.VARY_INCONSISTENT,
+                                 conneg_vary=e(", ".join(vary_headers)),
+                                 no_conneg_vary=e(", ".join(no_conneg_vary_headers))
+                                 )
+        if self.parsed_hdrs.get('etag', 1) =='etag', 2):
+  'header-etag', rs.ETAG_DOESNT_CHANGE) # TODO: weakness?
+class RangeRequest(RedFetcher):
+    "Check for partial content support (if advertised)"
+    def __init__(self, red):
+ = red
+        if 'bytes' in red.parsed_hdrs.get('accept-ranges', []):
+            if len(red.res_body_sample) == 0: return
+            sample_num = random.randint(0, len(red.res_body_sample) - 1)
+            sample_len = min(96, len(red.res_body_sample[sample_num][1]))
+            self.range_start = red.res_body_sample[sample_num][0]
+            self.range_end = self.range_start + sample_len
+            self.range_target = red.res_body_sample[sample_num][1][:sample_len + 1]
+            if self.range_start == self.range_end: return # wow, that's a small body.
+            # TODO: currently uses the compressed version (if available. Revisit.
+            req_hdrs = red.req_hdrs + [
+                    ('Range', "bytes=%s-%s" % (self.range_start, self.range_end))
+            ]
+            RedFetcher.__init__(self, red.uri, red.method, req_hdrs, red.req_body,
+                                red.status_cb, [], "range")
+        else:
+   = False
+    def done(self):
+        if self.res_status == '206':
+            # TODO: check entity headers
+            # TODO: check content-range
+            if ('gzip' in'content-encoding', [])) == \
+               ('gzip' not in self.parsed_hdrs.get('content-encoding', [])):
+      'header-accept-ranges header-content-encoding',
+                                rs.RANGE_NEG_MISMATCH, self)
+                return
+            if self.res_body == self.range_target:
+       = True
+      'header-accept-ranges', rs.RANGE_CORRECT, self)
+            else:
+                # the body samples are just bags of bits
+       = False
+      'header-accept-ranges', rs.RANGE_INCORRECT, self,
+                    range="bytes=%s-%s" % (self.range_start, self.range_end),
+                    range_expected=e(self.range_target.encode('string_escape')),
+                    range_expected_bytes = f_num(len(self.range_target)),
+                    range_received=e(self.res_body.encode('string_escape')),
+                    range_received_bytes = f_num(self.res_body_len)
+                )
+        # TODO: address 416 directly
+        elif self.res_status ==
+   = False
+  'header-accept-ranges', rs.RANGE_FULL)
+        else:
+  'header-accept-ranges', rs.RANGE_STATUS,
+                                range_status=self.res_status,
+                                enc_range_status=e(self.res_status))
+class ETagValidate(RedFetcher):
+    "If an ETag is present, see if it will validate."
+    def __init__(self, red):
+ = red
+        if red.parsed_hdrs.has_key('etag'):
+            weak, etag = red.parsed_hdrs['etag']
+            if weak:
+                weak_str = "W/"
+                # TODO: message on weak etag
+            else:
+                weak_str = ""
+            etag_str = '%s"%s"' % (weak_str, etag)
+            req_hdrs = red.req_hdrs + [
+                ('If-None-Match', etag_str),
+            ]
+            RedFetcher.__init__(self, red.uri, red.method, req_hdrs, red.req_body,
+                                red.status_cb, [], "ETag validation")
+        else:
+   = False
+    def done(self):
+        if self.res_status == '304':
+   = True
+  'header-etag', rs.INM_304, self)
+            # TODO : check Content- headers, esp. length.
+        elif self.res_status ==
+            if self.res_body_md5 ==
+       = False
+      'header-etag', rs.INM_FULL, self)
+            else:
+      'header-etag', rs.INM_UNKNOWN, self)
+        else:
+  'header-etag', rs.INM_STATUS, self,
+                                inm_status=self.res_status,
+                                enc_inm_status=e(self.res_status)
+                                )
+        # TODO: check entity headers
+class LmValidate(RedFetcher):
+    "If Last-Modified is present, see if it will validate."
+    def __init__(self, red):
+ = red
+        if red.parsed_hdrs.has_key('last-modified'):
+            date_str = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT',
+                                     time.gmtime(red.parsed_hdrs['last-modified']))
+            req_hdrs = red.req_hdrs + [
+                ('If-Modified-Since', date_str),
+            ]
+            RedFetcher.__init__(self, red.uri, red.method, req_hdrs, red.req_body,
+                                red.status_cb, [], "LM validation")
+        else:
+   = False
+    def done(self):
+        if self.res_status == '304':
+   = True
+  'header-last-modified', rs.IMS_304, self)
+            # TODO : check Content- headers, esp. length.
+        elif self.res_status ==
+            if self.res_body_md5 ==
+       = False
+      'header-last-modified', rs.IMS_FULL, self)
+            else:
+      'header-last-modified', rs.IMS_UNKNOWN, self)
+        else:
+  'header-last-modified', rs.IMS_STATUS, self,
+                                 ims_status=self.res_status,
+                                 enc_ims_status=e(self.res_status)
+                                 )
+        # TODO: check entity headers
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    import sys
+    uri = sys.argv[1]
+    def status_p(msg):
+        print msg
+    red = ResourceExpertDroid(uri, status_cb=status_p)
+    print red.messages
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+Header- and Status-specific detail/definition messages
+Each should be in the form:
+  HDR_HEADER_NAME = {'lang': u'message'}
+  STATUS_NNN = {'lang': u'message'}
+where HEADER_NAME is the header's field name in all capitals and with hyphens
+replace with underscores, NNN is the three-digit status code, lang' is a
+language tag, and 'message' is a description of the header that may
+contain HTML.
+The following %(var)s style variable interpolations are available:
+  field_name - the name of the header
+PLEASE NOTE: the description IS NOT ESCAPED, and therefore all variables to be
+interpolated into it need to be escaped.
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__copyright__ = """\
+Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+    'en': u"""The <code>Keep-Alive</code> header is completely optional; it
+    is defined primarily because the <code>keep-alive</code> connection token
+    implies that such a header exists, not because anyone actually uses it.<p>
+    Some implementations (e.g., <a href="">Apache</a>)
+    do generate a <code>Keep-Alive</code> header to convey how many requests
+    they're willing to serve on a single connection, what the connection timeout
+    is and other information. However, this isn't usually used by clients.<p>
+    It's safe to remove this header if you wish to save a few bytes in the
+    response."""
+     'en': u"""
+     The <code>%(field_name)s</code> field usually means that a HTTP load
+     balancer, proxy or other intermediary in front of the server has rewritten
+     the <code>Connection</code> header, to allow it to insert its own.<p>
+     Usually, this is done so that clients won't see <code>Connection: close</code>
+     so that the connection can be reused.<p>
+     It takes this form because the most efficient way of assuring that clients
+     don't see the header is to rearrange or change individual characters in its
+     name.
+     """
+     'en': u"""
+     The <code>%(field_name)s</code> field usually means that a HTTP load
+     balancer, proxy or other intermediary in front of the server has rewritten
+     the <code>Content-Length</code> header, to allow it to insert its own.<p>
+     Usually, this is done because an intermediary has dynamically compressed
+     the response.<p>
+     It takes this form because the most efficient way of assuring that clients
+     don't see the header is to rearrange or change individual characters in its
+     name.
+     """
+HDR_X_PAD = \
+     'en': u"""The <code>%(field_name)s</code> header is used to "pad" the
+     response header size.<p>
+     Very old versions of the Netscape browser had a
+     bug whereby a response whose headers were exactly 256 or 257 bytes long,
+     the browser would consider the response (e.g., an image) invalid.<p>
+     Since the affected browsers (specifically, Netscape 2.x, 3.x and 4.0 up to
+     beta 2) are no longer widely used, it's probably safe to omit this header.
+     """
+    'en': u"""The <code>Connection</code> header allows senders to specify
+        which headers are hop-by-hop; that is, those that are not forwarded
+        by intermediaries. <p>It also indicates options that are
+        desired for this particular connection; e.g., <code>close</code> means
+        that it should not be reused."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-Length</code> header indicates the size
+        of the body, in number of bytes. In responses to the HEAD
+        method, it indicates the size of the body that would have been sent
+        had the request been a GET.<p>
+        If Content-Length is incorrect, persistent connections will not work,
+        and caches may not store the response (since they can't be sure if
+        they have the whole response)."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Date</code> header represents the time
+        when the message was generated, regardless of caching that
+        happened since.<p>
+        It is used by caches as input to expiration calculations, and to detect
+        clock drift."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Host</code> header specifies the host
+        and port number (if it's not the default) of the resource
+        being requested.<p>
+        HTTP/1.1 requires servers to reject requests without a <code>Host</code>
+        header."""
+HDR_TE = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>TE</code> header indicates what
+        transfer-codings the client is willing to accept in the
+        response, and whether or not it is willing to accept
+        trailer fields after the body when the response uses chunked
+        transfer-coding.<p>
+        The most common transfer-coding, <code>chunked</code>, doesn't need
+        to be listed in <code>TE</code>."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Trailer</code> header indicates that the given set of
+        header fields will be present in the trailer of the message, after the body."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Transfer-Encoding</code> header indicates what
+        (if any) type of transformation has been applied to
+        the message body.<p>
+        This differs from <code>Content-Encoding</code> in that transfer-codings
+        are a property of the message, not of the representation; i.e., it will
+        be removed by the next "hop", whereas content-codings are end-to-end.<p>
+        The most commonly used transfer-coding is <code>chunked</code>, which
+        allows persistent connections to be used without knowing the entire
+        body's length."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Upgrade</code> header allows the client to
+        specify what additional communication protocols it
+        supports and would like to use if the server finds
+        it appropriate to switch protocols. Servers use it to confirm
+        upgrade to a specific protocol."""
+HDR_VIA = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Via</code> header is added to requests and responses
+    by proxies and other HTTP intermediaries.
+        It can
+        be used to help avoid request loops and identify the protocol
+        capabilities of all senders along the request/response chain."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Allow</code> header advertises the set of methods
+        that are supported by the resource."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Expect</code> header is used to indicate that
+        particular server behaviors are required by the client.<p>
+        Currently, it has one use; the <code>100-continue</code>
+        directive, which indicates that the client wants the server to indicate
+        that the request is acceptable before the request body is sent.<p>
+        If the expectation isn't met, the server will generate a
+        <code>417 Expectation Failed</code> response."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>From</code> header contains an
+        e-mail address for the user.<p>
+        It is not commonly used, because servers don't often record or otherwise
+        use it."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Location</code> header is used in <code>3xx</code>
+        responses to redirect the recipient to a different location to
+        complete the request.<p>In <code>201 Created</code> responses, it
+        identifies a newly created resource.<p>
+    'en': u"""The <code>Max-Forwards</code> header allows
+        for the TRACE and OPTIONS methods to limit the
+        number of times the message can be forwarded the
+        request to the next server (e.g., proxy or gateway).<p>
+        This can be useful when the client is attempting to trace a
+        request which appears to be looping."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Referer</code> [sic] header allows the client to
+        specify the address of the resource from where the request URI was
+        obtained (the "referrer", albeit misspelled)."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Retry-After</code> header can be used with a
+        <code>503 Service Unavailable</code> response to indicate how long
+        the service is expected to be unavailable to the
+        requesting client.<p>
+        The value of this field can be either a date or an integer
+        number of seconds."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Server</code> header contains information about
+        the software used by the origin server to handle the
+        request."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>User-Agent</code> header contains information
+        about the user agent originating the request. """
+    'en': u"""The <code>Accept</code> header can be used to specify
+        the media types which are acceptable for the
+        response."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Accept-Charset</code> header can be used to
+        indicate what character sets are acceptable for the
+        response."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Accept-Encoding</code> header can be used to
+        restrict the content-codings that are
+        acceptable in the response."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Accept-Language</code> header can be used to
+        restrict the set of natural languages
+        that are preferred as a response to the request."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-Encoding</code> header's value
+        indicates what additional content codings have been
+        applied to the body, and thus what decoding
+        mechanisms must be applied in order to obtain the
+        media-type referenced by the Content-Type header
+        field.<p>
+        Content-Encoding is primarily used to allow a
+        document to be compressed without losing the
+        identity of its underlying media type; e.g.,
+        <code>gzip</code> and <code>deflate</code>."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-Language</code> header describes the
+        natural language(s) of the intended audience.
+        Note that this might not convey all of the
+        languages used within the body."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-Location</code> header can used to
+        supply an address for the representation when it is accessible from a
+        location separate from the request URI."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-MD5</code> header is
+        an MD5 digest of the body, and  provides an end-to-end
+        message integrity check (MIC).<p>
+        Note that while a MIC is good for
+        detecting accidental modification of the body
+        in transit, it is not proof against malicious
+        attacks."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-Type</code> header indicates the media
+        type of the body sent to the recipient or, in
+        the case of responses to the HEAD method, the media type that
+        would have been sent had the request been a GET."""
+    'en': u"""HTTP is not a MIME-compliant protocol. However, HTTP/1.1
+        messages can include a single MIME-Version general-
+        header field to indicate what version of the MIME
+        protocol was used to construct the message. Use of
+        the MIME-Version header field indicates that the
+        message is in full compliance with the MIME
+        protocol."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-Disposition</code> header field allows
+        the origin server to suggest
+        a default filename if the user saves the body to a file."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>ETag</code> header provides an opaque identifier
+    for the representation."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>If-Match</code> header makes a request
+        conditional. A client that has one or more
+        representations previously obtained from the resource can
+        verify that one of them is current by
+        including a list of their associated entity tags in
+        the If-Match header field.<p>
+        This allows
+        efficient updates of cached information with a
+        minimum amount of transaction overhead. It is also
+        used, on updating requests, to prevent inadvertent
+        modification of the wrong version of a resource. As
+        a special case, the value "*" matches any current
+        representation of the resource."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>If-Modified-Since</code> header is used with a
+        method to make it conditional: if the requested
+        variant has not been modified since the time
+        specified in this field, a representation will not be
+        returned from the server; instead, a 304 (Not
+        Modified) response will be returned without any
+        body."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>If-None-Match</code> header makes a request
+        conditional. A client that has one or
+        more representations previously obtained from the resource
+        can verify that none of them is current by
+        including a list of their associated entity tags in
+        the If-None-Match header field.<p>
+        This allows efficient updates of cached
+        information with a minimum amount of transaction
+        overhead. It is also used to prevent a method (e.g.
+        PUT) from inadvertently modifying an existing
+        resource when the client believes that the resource
+        does not exist."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>If-Unmodified-Since</code> header makes a request
+        conditional."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Last-Modified</code> header indicates the time
+        that the origin server believes the
+        representation was last modified."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Accept-Ranges</code> header allows the server to
+        indicate that it accepts range requests for a
+        resource."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Content-Range</code> header is sent with a
+        partial body to specify where in the full
+        body the partial body should be applied."""
+HDR_AGE = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Age</code> header conveys the sender's estimate
+        of the amount of time since the response (or its
+        validation) was generated at the origin server."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control</code> header is used to specify
+        directives that must be obeyed by all caches along
+        the request/response chain. Cache
+        directives are unidirectional in that the presence
+        of a directive in a request does not imply that the
+        same directive is in effect in the response."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Expires</code> header gives a time after
+        which the response is considered stale."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Pragma</code> header is used to include
+        implementation-specific directives that might apply
+        to any recipient along the request/response chain.<p>
+        This header is deprecated, in favour of <code>Cache-Control</code>.
+    'en': u"""The <code>Vary</code> header indicates the set
+        of request headers that determines whether a cache is permitted to
+        use the response to reply to a subsequent request
+        without validation.<p>
+        In uncacheable or stale responses, the Vary field value advises
+        the user agent about the criteria that were used to select the representation."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Warning</code> header is used to carry additional
+        information about the status or transformation of a
+        message that might not be reflected in it.
+        This information is typically used to warn about
+        possible incorrectness introduced by caching
+        operations or transformations applied to the
+        body of the message."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Authorization</code> request header
+        contains authentication information
+        for the user agent to the origin server."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Proxy-Authenticate</code> response header
+        consists of a challenge
+        that indicates the authentication scheme and
+        parameters applicable to the proxy for this request-
+        target."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>Proxy-Authorization</code> request header
+        contains authentication information for the
+        user agent to the proxy and/or realm of the
+        resource being requested."""
+    'en': u"""The <code>WWW-Authenticate</code> response header
+        consists of at least one challenge that
+        indicates the authentication scheme(s) and
+        parameters applicable."""
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+The Resource Expert Droid Fetcher.
+RedFetcher fetches a single URI and analyses that response for common
+problems and other interesting characteristics. It only makes one request,
+based upon the provided headers.
+See for the main RED engine and for the Web front-end.
+__version__ = "1"
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__copyright__ = """\
+Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import base64
+import hashlib
+import time
+import urllib
+import urlparse
+import zlib
+from cgi import escape as e
+import nbhttp
+import red_speak as rs
+import response_analyse as ra
+from response_analyse import f_num
+outstanding_requests = [] # requests in process
+total_requests = 0
+class RedHttpClient(nbhttp.Client):
+    connect_timeout = 8
+    read_timeout = 8
+class RedFetcher:
+    """
+    Fetches the given URI (with the provided method, headers and body) and calls:
+      - status_cb as it progresses, and
+      - every function in the body_procs list with each chunk of the body, and
+      - done when it's done.
+    If provided, type indicates the type of the request, and is used to
+    help set messages and status_cb appropriately.
+    Messages is a list of messages, each of which being a tuple that
+    follows the following form:
+      (
+       subject,     # The subject(s) of the msg, as a space-separated string.
+                    # e.g., "header-cache-control header-expires"
+       message,     # The message structure; see
+       subrequest,  # Optionally, a RedFetcher object representing a
+                    # request with additional details about another request
+                    # made in order to generate the message
+       **variables  # Optionally, key=value pairs intended for interpolation
+                    # into the message; e.g., time_left="5d3h"
+      )
+    """
+    def __init__(self, iri, method="GET", req_hdrs=None, req_body=None,
+                 status_cb=None, body_procs=None, req_type=None):
+        self.uri = iri_to_uri(iri)
+        self.method = method
+        self.req_hdrs = req_hdrs or []
+        self.req_body = req_body
+        self.status_cb = status_cb
+        self.body_procs = body_procs or []
+        self.type = req_type
+        self.timestamp = None # when the request was started
+        # response attributes; populated by RedFetcher
+        self.res_version = ""
+        self.res_status = None
+        self.res_phrase = ""
+        self.res_hdrs = []
+        self.parsed_hdrs = {}
+        self.res_body = "" # note: only partial responses get this populated; bytes, not unicode
+        self.res_body_len = 0
+        self.res_body_md5 = None
+        self.res_body_sample = [] # array of (offset, chunk), max size 4. Bytes, not unicode.
+        self.res_complete = False
+        self.res_error = None # any parse errors encountered; see nbhttp.error
+        # interesting things about the response; set by a variety of things
+        self.messages = [] # messages (see above)
+        self.age = None
+        self.store_shared = None
+        self.store_private = None
+        self.freshness_lifetime = None
+        self.stale_serveable = None
+        self.partial_support = None
+        self.inm_support = None
+        self.ims_support = None
+        self.gzip_support = None
+        self.gzip_savings = 0
+        self.client = None
+        self._md5_processor = hashlib.md5()
+        self._decompress = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS).decompress
+        self._in_gzip_body = False
+        self._gzip_header_buffer = ""
+        self._gzip_ok = True # turn False if we have a problem
+        self._makeRequest()
+    def setMessage(self, subject, msg, subreq=None, **vars):
+        "Set a message."
+        vars['response'] = rs.response.get(self.type, rs.response['this'])['en']
+        self.messages.append(msg(subject, subreq, vars))
+    def done(self):
+        "Callback for when the response is complete and analysed."
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _makeRequest(self):
+        """
+        Make an asynchronous HTTP request to uri, calling status_cb as it's updated and
+        done_cb when it's done. Reason is used to explain what the request is in the
+        status callback.
+        """
+        global outstanding_requests
+        global total_requests
+        outstanding_requests.append(self)
+        total_requests += 1
+        self.client = RedHttpClient(self._response_start)
+        if self.status_cb and self.type:
+            self.status_cb("fetching %s (%s)" % (self.uri, self.type))
+        req_body, req_done = self.client.req_start(
+            self.method, self.uri, self.req_hdrs, nbhttp.dummy)
+        if self.req_body != None:
+            req_body(self.req_body)
+        req_done(None)
+        if len(outstanding_requests) == 1:
+    def _response_start(self, version, status, phrase, res_headers, res_pause):
+        "Process the response start-line and headers."
+        self.timestamp = time.time()
+        self.res_version = version
+        self.res_status = status.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
+        self.res_phrase = phrase.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
+        self.res_hdrs = res_headers
+        ra.ResponseHeaderParser(self)
+        ra.ResponseStatusChecker(self)
+        return self._response_body, self._response_done
+    def _response_body(self, chunk):
+        "Process a chunk of the response body."
+        self._md5_processor.update(chunk)
+        self.res_body_sample.append((self.res_body_len, chunk))
+        if len(self.res_body_sample) > 4:
+            self.res_body_sample.pop(0)
+        self.res_body_len += len(chunk)
+        if self.res_status == "206":
+            # Store only partial responses completely, for error reporting
+            self.res_body += chunk
+            # Don't actually try to make sense of a partial body...
+            return
+        content_codings = self.parsed_hdrs.get('content-encoding', [])
+        content_codings.reverse()
+        for coding in content_codings:
+            # TODO: deflate support
+            if coding == 'gzip' and self._gzip_ok:
+                if not self._in_gzip_body:
+                    self._gzip_header_buffer += chunk
+                    try:
+                        chunk = self._read_gzip_header(self._gzip_header_buffer)
+                        self._in_gzip_body = True
+                    except IndexError:
+                        return # not a full header yet
+                    except IOError, gzip_error:
+                        self.setMessage('header-content-encoding', rs.BAD_GZIP,
+                                        gzip_error=e(str(gzip_error))
+                                        )
+                        self._gzip_ok = False
+                        return
+                try:
+                    chunk = self._decompress(chunk)
+                except zlib.error, zlib_error:
+                    self.setMessage('header-content-encoding', rs.BAD_ZLIB,
+                                    zlib_error=e(str(zlib_error)),
+                                    ok_zlib_len=f_num(self.res_body_sample[-1][0]),
+                                    chunk_sample=e(chunk[:20].encode('string_escape'))
+                                    )
+                    self._gzip_ok = False
+                    return
+            else:
+                # we can't handle other codecs, so punt on body processing.
+                return
+        if self._gzip_ok:
+            for processor in self.body_procs:
+                processor(self, chunk)
+    def _response_done(self, err):
+        "Finish anaylsing the response, handling any parse errors."
+        global outstanding_requests
+        self.res_complete = True
+        self.res_error = err
+        if self.status_cb and self.type:
+            self.status_cb("fetched %s (%s)" % (self.uri, self.type))
+        self.res_body_md5 = self._md5_processor.digest()
+        if err == None:
+            pass
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_BODY_FORBIDDEN['desc']:
+            self.setMessage('header-none', rs.BODY_NOT_ALLOWED)
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_EXTRA_DATA['desc']:
+            self.res_body_len += len(err.get('detail', ''))
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_CHUNK['desc']:
+            self.setMessage('header-transfer-encoding', rs.BAD_CHUNK,
+                                chunk_sample=e(err.get('detail', '')[:20]))
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_CONNECT['desc']:
+            self.res_complete = False
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_LEN_REQ['desc']:
+            pass # FIXME: length required
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_URL['desc']:
+            self.res_complete = False
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_READ_TIMEOUT['desc']:
+            self.res_complete = False
+        elif err['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_HTTP_VERSION['desc']:
+            self.res_complete = False
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError, "Unknown response error: %s" % err
+        if self.res_complete \
+          and self.method not in ['HEAD'] \
+          and self.res_status not in ['304']:
+            # check payload basics
+            if self.parsed_hdrs.has_key('content-length'):
+                if self.res_body_len == self.parsed_hdrs['content-length']:
+                    self.setMessage('header-content-length', rs.CL_CORRECT)
+                else:
+                    self.setMessage('header-content-length', rs.CL_INCORRECT,
+                                             body_length=f_num(self.res_body_len))
+            if self.parsed_hdrs.has_key('content-md5'):
+                c_md5_calc = base64.encodestring(self.res_body_md5)[:-1]
+                if self.parsed_hdrs['content-md5'] == c_md5_calc:
+                    self.setMessage('header-content-md5', rs.CMD5_CORRECT)
+                else:
+                    self.setMessage('header-content-md5', rs.CMD5_INCORRECT,
+                                             calc_md5=c_md5_calc)
+        # analyse, check to see if we're done
+        self.done()
+        outstanding_requests.remove(self)
+        if self.status_cb:
+            self.status_cb("%s outstanding requests" % len(outstanding_requests))
+        if len(outstanding_requests) == 0:
+            nbhttp.stop()
+    @staticmethod
+    def _read_gzip_header(content):
+        "Parse a string for a GZIP header; if present, return remainder of gzipped content."
+        # adapted from
+        FTEXT, FHCRC, FEXTRA, FNAME, FCOMMENT = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
+        if len(content) < 10:
+            raise IndexError, "Header not complete yet"
+        magic = content[:2]
+        if magic != '\037\213':
+            raise IOError, u'Not a gzip header (magic is hex %s, should be 1f8b)' % magic.encode('hex-codec')
+        method = ord( content[2:3] )
+        if method != 8:
+            raise IOError, 'Unknown compression method'
+        flag = ord( content[3:4] )
+        content_l = list(content[10:])
+        if flag & FEXTRA:
+            # Read & discard the extra field, if present
+            xlen = ord(content_l.pop())
+            xlen = xlen + 256*ord(content_l.pop())
+            content_l = content_l[xlen:]
+        if flag & FNAME:
+            # Read and discard a null-terminated string containing the filename
+            while True:
+                s = content_l.pop()
+                if not content_l or s == '\000':
+                    break
+        if flag & FCOMMENT:
+            # Read and discard a null-terminated string containing a comment
+            while True:
+                s = content_l.pop()
+                if not content_l or s == '\000':
+                    break
+        if flag & FHCRC:
+            content_l = content_l[2:]   # Read & discard the 16-bit header CRC
+        return "".join(content_l)
+def iri_to_uri(iri):
+    "Takes a Unicode string that possibly contains an IRI and emits a URI."
+    scheme, authority, path, query, frag = urlparse.urlsplit(iri)
+    scheme = scheme.encode('utf-8')
+    if ":" in authority:
+        host, port = authority.split(":", 1)
+        authority = host.encode('idna') + ":%s" % port
+    else:
+        authority = authority.encode('idna')
+    path = urllib.quote(path.encode('utf-8'), safe="/;%[]=:$&()+,!?*@'~")
+    query = urllib.quote(query.encode('utf-8'), safe="/;%[]=:$&()+,!?*@'~")
+    frag = urllib.quote(frag.encode('utf-8'), safe="/;%[]=:$&()+,!?*@'~")
+    return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, authority, path, query, frag))
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    import sys
+    uri = sys.argv[1]
+    req_hdrs = [('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')]
+    def status_p(msg):
+        print msg
+    class TestFetcher(RedFetcher):
+        def done(self):
+            print self.messages
+    TestFetcher(uri, req_hdrs=req_hdrs, status_cb=status_p, req_type='test')
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+	<title>RED: &lt;%(html_uri)s&gt;</title>
+	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+	<meta name="ROBOTS" content="INDEX, NOFOLLOW" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%(static)s/style.css">
+	<!--[if IE]> 
+    <style type="text/css">
+        #right_column {
+        	width: 650px;
+            float: left;
+    </style>
+    <![endif]-->
+    <script src="%(static)s/script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+    <script>
+var tid = false;
+jQuery.fn.hoverPopup = function(fnText, fnOver, fnOut) {
+    var fnOverPopup = function(e) {
+        if (tid != false) {
+            clearTimeout(tid);
+            tid = false;
+        }
+        var text =, e);
+        if (text) {
+            var pop_top = $(this).position().top + 15;
+            var popup_width = 450;
+            var popup_x;
+            if (popup_width + 10 > window.innerWidth) {
+                popup_x = 5;
+                popup_width = window.innerWidth - 10;
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+                popup_x = e.pageX + 5;
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+                popup_x = e.pageX - popup_width + 5;
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+                .css("left", popup_x + "px")
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+                .html(text);
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+            $("#popup").hide();
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+        if (fnOver) {
+  , e);
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+    var fnOutPopup = function(e) {
+        tid = setTimeout(function(){
+            $("#popup").fadeOut("fast");
+        }, 350);
+        if (fnOut) {
+  , e);
+        }
+    };
+    return, fnOverPopup, fnOutPopup);
+    var hidden_list = $("#hidden_list");
+    /* popup */
+    $("#popup").hoverIntent(function(){
+        if (tid != false) {
+            clearTimeout(tid);
+            tid = false;
+        }
+    }, function(){
+        $("#popup").fadeOut("fast");
+    });
+    /* single response display */
+    $("span.hdr").hoverPopup(
+        function(e){
+            var name = $(this).attr('name');
+            return $("li#" + name, hidden_list).html();
+        },
+        function(e){
+            var name = $(this).attr('name');
+            $("span." + name).css({"font-weight": "bold", "color": "white"});
+            $("li.msg:not(." + name + ")").fadeTo(100, 0.15);
+            $("li.msg." + name).fadeTo(50, 1.0);
+        },
+        function(e){
+            var name = $(this).attr('name');
+            $("span." + name).css({"font-weight": "normal", "color": "#ddd"});
+            $("li.msg").fadeTo(100, 1.0);
+        }
+    );
+    $("li.msg span").hoverPopup(
+        function(e){
+            return $("li#" + $(this).parent().attr('name'), hidden_list).html();
+        },
+        function(e){
+            var classes = $(this).parent().attr("class").split(" ");
+            for (var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+                var c = classes[i];
+                $("span.hdr[name='" + c +"']").css({"font-weight": "bold", "color": "white"});
+            }
+        },
+        function(e){
+            var classes = $(this).parent().attr("class").split(" ");
+            for (var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+                var c = classes[i];
+                $("span.hdr[name='" + c +"']").css({"font-weight": "normal", "color": "#ddd"});
+            }
+        }
+    );
+    $("h3").click(function(){
+        $(this).next().slideToggle("normal");
+    });
+    $("#body_view").toggle(function() {
+        $("#details").fadeOut('fast', function() {
+            $("#body").fadeIn('fast');
+            prettyPrint();
+            $("#body_view").text("show messages");
+        });
+        return false;
+    }, function() {
+        $("#body").fadeOut('fast', function() {
+            $("#details").fadeIn('fast');
+            $("#body_view").text("show body");
+        });
+        return false;
+    });
+    /* URI */
+    var check_phrase = "Enter a HTTP URI to check";
+    var uri = "%(js_uri)s";
+    if (uri) {
+        $("#uri").val(uri);
+    } else if (! $("#uri").val()) {
+        $("#uri").val(check_phrase);
+        $("#uri").css({'color': '#ccc'});
+    }
+    $("#uri").focus(function(){
+        if ($(this).val() == check_phrase) {
+            $(this).val("");
+            $("#uri").css({'color': '#111'});
+        }
+    });
+    /* multiple result display */
+    $("tr.droid").hoverIntent(
+    function(){
+        var classes = this.className.split(" ");
+        $("li.msg").fadeTo(100, 0.15);
+        for (var i=0; i < classes.length; i++) {
+            var c = classes[i];
+            if (c != 'droid') {
+                $("li.msg:eq(" + c +")").fadeTo(50, 1.0);
+            }
+        }
+        if (tid != false) {
+            clearTimeout(tid);
+            tid = false;
+        }
+    }, function(){
+        tid = setTimeout(function(){
+            $("li.msg").fadeTo(50, 1.0);
+        }, 100);
+    });
+    $("span.prob_num").hoverPopup(
+        function(e){
+            return $(this).children(".hidden").html();
+        });
+    $("a.preview").hoverPopup(
+        function(e){
+            var link = (this.title != "") ? this.title : this.href;
+            return "<img src='" + link + "'/><br />" + link;
+        }
+    );
+    /* request headers */
+    $("#add_req_hdr").click(function(){
+        add_req_hdr();
+        return false;
+    });
+    /* catch enter to work around IE8 */
+    $("input").keypress(function (e) {
+        if (e.which == 13) {
+            $("#request_form").submit();
+        }
+    });
+function add_req_hdr(hdr_name, hdr_val){
+    var hdr_shell = "<div class='req_hdr'>";
+    hdr_shell += "<a href='#' class='delete_req_hdr'>x</a> ";
+    hdr_shell += "<span class='hdr_name'></span>";
+    hdr_shell += ": <span class='hdr_val'></span>";
+    hdr_shell += "<input type='hidden' name='req_hdr' value=''/>";
+    hdr_shell += "</div>";
+    $("#req_hdrs").append(hdr_shell);
+    var req_hdr = $("#req_hdrs > .req_hdr:last");
+    if (hdr_name == null || hdr_name in known_req_hdrs) {
+        var name_html = "<select class='hdr_name'><option/>";
+        for (name in known_req_hdrs) {
+            if (name == hdr_name) {
+                name_html += "<option selected='true'>" + name + "</option>";
+            } else {
+                name_html += "<option>" + name + "</option>";
+            }
+        }
+        name_html += "<option value='other...'>other...</option>";
+        name_html += "</select>";
+        $(".hdr_name", req_hdr).replaceWith(name_html);
+        if (hdr_name != null) {
+            known_hdr_vals = known_req_hdrs[hdr_name];
+            if (known_hdr_vals == null) {
+                $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith('<input class="hdr_val" type="text"/>');
+                $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).val(hdr_val);
+            } else if (jQuery.inArray(hdr_val, known_hdr_vals) > -1) {
+                var val_html = "<select class='hdr_val'>";
+                val_html += "<option />";
+                for (i in known_hdr_vals) {
+                    var val = known_hdr_vals[i];
+                    if (hdr_val == val) {
+                        val_html += "<option selected='true'>" + val + "</option>";
+                    } else {
+                        val_html += "<option>" + val + "</option>";
+                    }
+                }
+                val_html += "<option value='other...'>other...</option>";
+                val_html += "</select>";
+                $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith(val_html);
+            } else if (hdr_val != null) {
+                $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith('<input class="hdr_val" type="text"/>');
+                $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).val(hdr_val);
+            }
+            $("input[type=hidden]", req_hdr).val(hdr_name + ":" + hdr_val);
+        }
+    } else {
+        $(".hdr_name", req_hdr).replaceWith('<input class="hdr_name" type="text"/>');
+        $(".hdr_name", req_hdr).val(hdr_name);
+        $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith('<input class="hdr_val" type="text"/>');
+        $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).val(hdr_val);
+        $("input[type=hidden]", req_hdr).val(hdr_name + ":" + hdr_val);
+    }
+    /* populate the value when the header name is changed */
+    $("select.hdr_name:last").bind("change", function(){
+        var req_hdr = $(this).closest(".req_hdr");
+        var hdr_name = $(".hdr_name > option:selected", req_hdr).val()
+        var hdr_val = "";
+        if (hdr_name in known_req_hdrs) {
+            if (known_req_hdrs[hdr_name] == null) {
+                hdr_val = "<input class='hdr_val' type='text'/>";
+                $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith(hdr_val);
+                bind_text_changes(req_hdr);
+            } else {
+                hdr_val = "<select class='hdr_val'>";
+                for (val in known_req_hdrs[hdr_name]) {
+                    hdr_val += "<option>" + known_req_hdrs[hdr_name][val] + "</option>";
+                }
+                hdr_val += "<option value='other...'>other...</option>";
+                hdr_val += "</select>";
+                $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith(hdr_val);
+                $("select.hdr_val", req_hdr).bind("change", function(){
+                    var hdr_val = "";
+                    if ($(".hdr_val > option:selected", req_hdr).val() == "other...") {
+                        $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith("<input class='hdr_val' type='text'/>");
+                        bind_text_changes(req_hdr);
+                    } else {
+                        hdr_val = $(".hdr_val > option:selected", req_hdr).val();
+                    }
+                    $("input[type=hidden]", req_hdr).val(hdr_name + ":" + hdr_val);
+                });
+            }
+        } else if (hdr_name == "other...") {
+            $(".hdr_name", req_hdr).replaceWith("<input class='hdr_name' type='text'/>");
+            $(".hdr_val", req_hdr).replaceWith("<input class='hdr_val' type='text'/>");
+            bind_text_changes(req_hdr);
+            /* alert on dangerous changes */
+            $("input.hdr_name", req_hdr).bind("change", function() {
+                var hdr_name = $(".hdr_name:text", req_hdr).val();
+                if (jQuery.inArray(hdr_name.toLowerCase(), red_req_hdrs) > -1) {
+                    alert("The " + hdr_name + " request header is used by RED in its \
+tests. Setting it yourself can lead to unpredictable results; please remove it.");
+                }
+            });
+        }
+    });
+    /* handle the delete button */
+    $(".delete_req_hdr:last").bind("click", function(){
+        var req_hdr = $(this).closest(".req_hdr");
+        req_hdr.remove();
+        return false;
+    });
+function bind_text_changes(req_hdr) {
+           /* handle textbox changes */
+            $("input.hdr_name, input.hdr_val", req_hdr).bind("change", function() {
+                var hdr_name = $(".hdr_name", req_hdr).val();
+                var hdr_val = $(".hdr_val:text", req_hdr).val();
+                $("input[type=hidden]", req_hdr).val(hdr_name + ":" + hdr_val);
+            });
+function init_req_hdrs() {
+    var req_hdrs = [%(js_req_hdrs)s];
+    for (i in req_hdrs) {
+        var req_hdr = req_hdrs[i];
+        add_req_hdr(req_hdr[0], req_hdr[1]);
+    }
+    return false;
+var known_req_hdrs = {
+    'Accept-Language': ['', 'en', 'en-us', 'en-uk', 'fr'],
+    'Cache-Control': ['', 'no-cache', 'only-if-cached'],
+    'Cookie': null,
+    'Referer': null,
+    'User-Agent': [ "RED/%(version)s (",
+                    "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0)",
+                    "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; )",
+                    "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) Gecko Firefox/3.0.8",
+                    "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; cs) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.00",
+                  ]
+var red_req_hdrs = [
+    'accept-encoding',
+    'if-modified-since',
+    'if-none-match',
+    'connection',
+    'transfer-encoding',
+    'content-length'
+<div id="popup"></div>
+<div id="request">
+    <h1><a href="?"><span class="hilight">R</span>esource <span class="hilight">E</span>xpert <span class="hilight">D</span>roid</a></h1>
+    <form method="GET" onLoad="init_req_hdrs();" id="request_form">
+        <input type="url" name="uri" value="%(html_uri)s" id="uri"/><br />
+        <div id="req_hdrs"></div>
+        <div class="add_req_hdr">
+            <a href="#" id="add_req_hdr">add a header</a>
+        </div>
+    </form>
+    <script>init_req_hdrs();</script>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/red_speak.patch	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1312 @@
+*** redbot/src/	2010-07-26 14:23:49.000000000 -0400
+---	2010-07-27 16:43:08.000000000 -0400
+*** 171,177 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP headers use the ISO-8859-1 character set, but in most
+!      cases are pure ASCII (a subset of this encoding).<p>
+       This header has non-ASCII characters, which RED has interpreted as
+       being encoded in ISO-8859-1. If another encoding is used (e.g., UTF-8),
+       the results may be unpredictable."""
+--- 171,177 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP headers use the ISO-8859-1 character set, but in most
+!      cases are pure ASCII (a subset of this encoding).<br />
+       This header has non-ASCII characters, which RED has interpreted as
+       being encoded in ISO-8859-1. If another encoding is used (e.g., UTF-8),
+       the results may be unpredictable."""
+*** 199,205 ****
+      'en': u"""This header is designed to only occur once in a message. When it
+      occurs more than once, a receiver needs to choose the one to use, which
+      can lead to interoperability problems, since different implementations may
+!     make different choices.<p>
+      For the purposes of its tests, RED uses the last instance of the header that
+      is present; other implementations may behave differently."""
+      }
+--- 199,205 ----
+      'en': u"""This header is designed to only occur once in a message. When it
+      occurs more than once, a receiver needs to choose the one to use, which
+      can lead to interoperability problems, since different implementations may
+!     make different choices.<br />
+      For the purposes of its tests, RED uses the last instance of the header that
+      is present; other implementations may behave differently."""
+      }
+*** 213,219 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP defines a few special situations where a response does not
+       allow a body. This includes 101, 204 and 304 responses, as well as responses
+!      to the <code>HEAD</code> method.<p>
+       %(response)s had a body, despite it being disallowed. Clients receiving
+       it may treat the body as the next response in the connection, leading to
+       interoperability and security issues."""
+--- 213,219 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP defines a few special situations where a response does not
+       allow a body. This includes 101, 204 and 304 responses, as well as responses
+!      to the <code>HEAD</code> method.<br />
+       %(response)s had a body, despite it being disallowed. Clients receiving
+       it may treat the body as the next response in the connection, leading to
+       interoperability and security issues."""
+*** 275,288 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The response indicates it uses HTTP chunked encoding, but there
+!      was a problem decoding the chunking.<p>
+!      A valid chunk looks something like this:<p>
+!      <code>[chunk-size in hex]\\r\\n[chunk-data]\\r\\n</code><p>
+!      However, the chunk sent started like this:<p>
+!      <code>%(chunk_sample)s</code><p>
+       This is a serious problem, because HTTP uses chunking to delimit one
+       response from the next one; incorrect chunking can lead to interoperability
+!      and security problems.<p>
+       This issue is often caused by sending an integer chunk size instead of one
+       in hex, or by sending <code>Transfer-Encoding: chunked</code> without
+       actually chunking the response body."""
+--- 275,288 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The response indicates it uses HTTP chunked encoding, but there
+!      was a problem decoding the chunking.<br />
+!      A valid chunk looks something like this:<br />
+!      <code>[chunk-size in hex]\\r\\n[chunk-data]\\r\\n</code><br />
+!      However, the chunk sent started like this:<br />
+!      <code>%(chunk_sample)s</code><br />
+       This is a serious problem, because HTTP uses chunking to delimit one
+       response from the next one; incorrect chunking can lead to interoperability
+!      and security problems.<br />
+       This issue is often caused by sending an integer chunk size instead of one
+       in hex, or by sending <code>Transfer-Encoding: chunked</code> without
+       actually chunking the response body."""
+*** 309,315 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""GZip-compressed responses use zlib compression to reduce the number
+      of bytes transferred on the wire. However, this response could not be decompressed;
+!     the error encountered was "<code>%(zlib_error)s</code>".<p>
+      %(ok_zlib_len)s bytes were decompressed successfully before this; the erroneous
+      chunk starts with "<code>%(chunk_sample)s</code>"."""
+      }
+--- 309,315 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""GZip-compressed responses use zlib compression to reduce the number
+      of bytes transferred on the wire. However, this response could not be decompressed;
+!     the error encountered was "<code>%(zlib_error)s</code>".<br />
+      %(ok_zlib_len)s bytes were decompressed successfully before this; the erroneous
+      chunk starts with "<code>%(chunk_sample)s</code>"."""
+      }
+*** 323,329 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""%(response)s's <code>Content-Encoding</code> header indicates it
+       has the %(encoding)s content-coding applied, but RED didn't ask for it
+!      to be.<p>
+       Normally, clients ask for the encodings they want in the
+       <code>Accept-Encoding</code> request header. Using encodings that the
+       client doesn't explicitly request can lead to interoperability problems."""
+--- 323,329 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""%(response)s's <code>Content-Encoding</code> header indicates it
+       has the %(encoding)s content-coding applied, but RED didn't ask for it
+!      to be.<br />
+       Normally, clients ask for the encodings they want in the
+       <code>Accept-Encoding</code> request header. Using encodings that the
+       client doesn't explicitly request can lead to interoperability problems."""
+*** 338,344 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP defines <em>transfer-codings</em> as a hop-by-hop encoding
+      of the message body. The <code>identity</code> tranfer-coding was defined
+!     as the absence of encoding; it doesn't do anything, so it's necessary.<p>
+      You can remove this token to save a few bytes."""
+      }
+--- 338,344 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP defines <em>transfer-codings</em> as a hop-by-hop encoding
+      of the message body. The <code>identity</code> tranfer-coding was defined
+!     as the absence of encoding; it doesn't do anything, so it's necessary.<br />
+      You can remove this token to save a few bytes."""
+      }
+*** 351,357 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""%(response)s's <code>Transfer-Encoding</code> header indicates it
+       has the %(encoding)s transfer-coding applied, but RED didn't ask for it
+!      to be.<p>
+       Normally, clients ask for the encodings they want in the
+       <code>TE</code> request header. Using codings that the
+       client doesn't explicitly request can lead to interoperability problems."""
+--- 351,357 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""%(response)s's <code>Transfer-Encoding</code> header indicates it
+       has the %(encoding)s transfer-coding applied, but RED didn't ask for it
+!      to be.<br />
+       Normally, clients ask for the encodings they want in the
+       <code>TE</code> request header. Using codings that the
+       client doesn't explicitly request can lead to interoperability problems."""
+*** 394,400 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Last-Modified</code> header indicates the last point in
+      time that the resource has changed. It is used in HTTP for validating cached
+!     responses, and for calculating heuristic freshness in caches.<p>
+      This resource last changed %(last_modified_string)s."""
+      }
+--- 394,400 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Last-Modified</code> header indicates the last point in
+      time that the resource has changed. It is used in HTTP for validating cached
+!     responses, and for calculating heuristic freshness in caches.<br />
+      This resource last changed %(last_modified_string)s."""
+      }
+*** 442,452 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Via</code> header indicates that one or more
+      intermediaries are present between RED and the origin server for the
+!     resource.<p>
+      This may indicate that a proxy is in between RED and the server, or that
+!     the server uses a "reverse proxy" or CDN in front of it.<p>
+      %(via_list)s
+!     <p>
+      There field has three space-separated components; first, the HTTP version
+      of the message that the intermediary received, then the identity of the
+      intermediary (usually but not always its hostname), and then optionally a
+--- 442,452 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Via</code> header indicates that one or more
+      intermediaries are present between RED and the origin server for the
+!     resource.<br />
+      This may indicate that a proxy is in between RED and the server, or that
+!     the server uses a "reverse proxy" or CDN in front of it.<br />
+      %(via_list)s
+!     <br />
+      There field has three space-separated components; first, the HTTP version
+      of the message that the intermediary received, then the identity of the
+      intermediary (usually but not always its hostname), and then optionally a
+*** 463,471 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>Location</code> header is used for specific purposes
+       in HTTP; mostly to indicate the URI of another resource (e.g., in
+!      redirection, or when a new resource is created).<p>
+       In other status codes (such as this one) it doesn't have a defined meaning,
+!      so any use of it won't be interoperable.<p>
+       Sometimes <code>Location</code> is confused with <code>Content-Location</code>,
+       which indicates a URI for the payload of the message that it appears in."""
+      }
+--- 463,471 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>Location</code> header is used for specific purposes
+       in HTTP; mostly to indicate the URI of another resource (e.g., in
+!      redirection, or when a new resource is created).<br />
+       In other status codes (such as this one) it doesn't have a defined meaning,
+!      so any use of it won't be interoperable.<br />
+       Sometimes <code>Location</code> is confused with <code>Content-Location</code>,
+       which indicates a URI for the payload of the message that it appears in."""
+      }
+*** 482,488 ****
+       Most (but not all) clients will work around this, but since this field isn't
+       defined to take a relative URI, they may behave differently (for example,
+       if the body contains a base URI).</p>
+!      The correct value for this field is (probably):<br>
+       <code>%(full_uri)s</code>"""
+      }
+--- 482,488 ----
+       Most (but not all) clients will work around this, but since this field isn't
+       defined to take a relative URI, they may behave differently (for example,
+       if the body contains a base URI).</p>
+!      The correct value for this field is (probably):<br />
+       <code>%(full_uri)s</code>"""
+      }
+*** 495,504 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Many Web browers "sniff" the media type of responses to figure out
+       whether they're HTML, RSS or another format, no matter what the
+!      <code>Content-Type</code> header says.<p>
+       This header instructs Microsoft's Internet Explorer not to do this, but to
+       always respect the Content-Type header. It probably won't have any effect in
+!      other clients.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a>
+       for more information about this header."""
+      }
+--- 495,504 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Many Web browers "sniff" the media type of responses to figure out
+       whether they're HTML, RSS or another format, no matter what the
+!      <code>Content-Type</code> header says.<br />
+       This header instructs Microsoft's Internet Explorer not to do this, but to
+       always respect the Content-Type header. It probably won't have any effect in
+!      other clients.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a>
+       for more information about this header."""
+      }
+*** 512,518 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Only one value is currently defined for this header, <code>nosniff</code>.
+       Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+!      won't have any effect either.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information about this header."""
+      }
+--- 512,518 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Only one value is currently defined for this header, <code>nosniff</code>.
+       Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+!      won't have any effect either.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information about this header."""
+      }
+*** 528,535 ****
+       from directly opening a file download; instead, they must first save the
+       file locally. When the locally saved file is later opened, it no longer
+       executes in the security context of your site, helping to prevent script
+!      injection.<p>
+!      This header probably won't have any effect in other clients.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog article</a> for more details."""
+      }
+--- 528,535 ----
+       from directly opening a file download; instead, they must first save the
+       file locally. When the locally saved file is later opened, it no longer
+       executes in the security context of your site, helping to prevent script
+!      injection.<br />
+!      This header probably won't have any effect in other clients.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog article</a> for more details."""
+      }
+*** 542,548 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Only one value is currently defined for this header, <code>noopen</code>.
+       Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+!      won't have any effect either.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog article</a> for more details."""
+      }
+--- 542,548 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Only one value is currently defined for this header, <code>noopen</code>.
+       Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+!      won't have any effect either.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog article</a> for more details."""
+      }
+*** 556,563 ****
+       'en': u"""The <code>X-Frame-Options</code> response header controls how
+       IE8 handles HTML frames; the <code>DENY</code> value prevents this content
+       from being rendered within a frame, which defends against certain types of
+!      attacks.<p>
+!      Currently this is supported by IE8 and Safari 4.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 556,563 ----
+       'en': u"""The <code>X-Frame-Options</code> response header controls how
+       IE8 handles HTML frames; the <code>DENY</code> value prevents this content
+       from being rendered within a frame, which defends against certain types of
+!      attacks.<br />
+!      Currently this is supported by IE8 and Safari 4.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 572,579 ****
+       'en': u"""The <code>X-Frame-Options</code> response header controls how
+       IE8 handles HTML frames; the <code>DENY</code> value prevents this content
+       from being rendered within a frame on another site, which defends against certain types of
+!      attacks.<p>
+!      Currently this is supported by IE8 and Safari 4.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 572,579 ----
+       'en': u"""The <code>X-Frame-Options</code> response header controls how
+       IE8 handles HTML frames; the <code>DENY</code> value prevents this content
+       from being rendered within a frame on another site, which defends against certain types of
+!      attacks.<br />
+!      Currently this is supported by IE8 and Safari 4.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 588,594 ****
+       'en': u"""Only two values are currently defined for this header, <code>DENY</code>
+       and <code>SAMEORIGIN</code>.
+       Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+!      won't have any effect either.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 588,594 ----
+       'en': u"""Only two values are currently defined for this header, <code>DENY</code>
+       and <code>SAMEORIGIN</code>.
+       Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+!      won't have any effect either.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 613,619 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 allows responses to explicitly set the rendering
+!      mode used for a given page (known a the "compatibility mode").<p>
+       See <a href="">Microsoft's documentation</a> for more information."""
+      }
+--- 613,619 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 allows responses to explicitly set the rendering
+!      mode used for a given page (known a the "compatibility mode").<br />
+       See <a href="">Microsoft's documentation</a> for more information."""
+      }
+*** 625,633 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 allows responses to explicitly set the rendering mode
+!      used for a page.<p>
+       This response has more than one such directive targetted at one browser;
+!      this may cause unpredictable results.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information."""
+      }
+--- 625,633 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 allows responses to explicitly set the rendering mode
+!      used for a page.<br />
+       This response has more than one such directive targetted at one browser;
+!      this may cause unpredictable results.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information."""
+      }
+*** 640,649 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 has built-in Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
+       attack protection; it tries to automatically filter requests that
+!      fit a particular profile.<p>
+       %(response)s has explicitly disabled this protection. In some scenarios,
+!      this is useful to do, if the protection interferes with the application.<p>
+!      This header probably won't have any effect in other clients.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 640,649 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 has built-in Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
+       attack protection; it tries to automatically filter requests that
+!      fit a particular profile.<br />
+       %(response)s has explicitly disabled this protection. In some scenarios,
+!      this is useful to do, if the protection interferes with the application.<br />
+!      This header probably won't have any effect in other clients.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 660,666 ****
+       'en': u"""The <code>Accept-Ranges</code> response header tells clients
+       what <code>range-unit</code>s a resource is willing to process in future
+       requests. HTTP only defines two: <code>bytes</code> and <code>none</code>.
+!      <p>
+       Clients who don't know about the non-standard range-unit will not be
+       able to use it."""
+      }
+--- 660,666 ----
+       'en': u"""The <code>Accept-Ranges</code> response header tells clients
+       what <code>range-unit</code>s a resource is willing to process in future
+       requests. HTTP only defines two: <code>bytes</code> and <code>none</code>.
+!      <br />
+       Clients who don't know about the non-standard range-unit will not be
+       able to use it."""
+      }
+*** 691,702 ****
+      of this response, but the partial response doesn't correspond with the full
+      response retrieved at the same time. This could indicate that the range
+      implementation isn't working properly.
+!     <p>RED sent<br/>
+!     <code>Range: %(range)s</code>
+!     <p>RED expected %(range_expected_bytes)s bytes:<br/>
+!     <code>%(range_expected)s</code>
+!     <p>RED received %(range_received_bytes)s bytes:<br/>
+!     <code>%(range_received)s</code>"""
+      }
+  class RANGE_FULL(Message):
+--- 691,702 ----
+      of this response, but the partial response doesn't correspond with the full
+      response retrieved at the same time. This could indicate that the range
+      implementation isn't working properly.
+!     <p>RED sent<br />
+!     <code>Range: %(range)s</code></p>
+!     <p>RED expected %(range_expected_bytes)s bytes:<br />
+!     <code>%(range_expected)s</code></p>
+!     <p>RED received %(range_received_bytes)s bytes:<br />
+!     <code>%(range_received)s</code></p>"""
+      }
+  class RANGE_FULL(Message):
+*** 735,741 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""This resource supports ranged requests and also supports negotiation for
+!      gzip compression, but doesn't support compression for both full and partial responses.<p>
+       This can cause problems for clients when they compare the partial and full responses,
+       since the partial response is expressed as a byte range, and compression changes the
+       bytes."""
+--- 735,741 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""This resource supports ranged requests and also supports negotiation for
+!      gzip compression, but doesn't support compression for both full and partial responses.<br />
+       This can cause problems for clients when they compare the partial and full responses,
+       since the partial response is expressed as a byte range, and compression changes the
+       bytes."""
+*** 767,773 ****
+      that is, to mark the end of one message and the beginning of the next. RED
+      has checked the length of the body and found the <code>Content-Length</code>
+      is not correct. This can cause problems not only with connection handling,
+!     but also caching, since an incomplete response is considered uncacheable.<p>
+      The actual body size sent was %(body_length)s bytes."""
+      }
+--- 767,773 ----
+      that is, to mark the end of one message and the beginning of the next. RED
+      has checked the length of the body and found the <code>Content-Length</code>
+      is not correct. This can cause problems not only with connection handling,
+!     but also caching, since an incomplete response is considered uncacheable.<br />
+      The actual body size sent was %(body_length)s bytes."""
+      }
+*** 808,814 ****
+      'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+      <code>Content-Encoding</code>. When RED asked for a compressed response,
+      the resource provided one, saving %(savings)s%% of its original size
+!     (from %(orig_size)s to %(gzip_size)s bytes).<p>
+      The compressed response's headers are displayed."""
+      }
+--- 808,814 ----
+      'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+      <code>Content-Encoding</code>. When RED asked for a compressed response,
+      the resource provided one, saving %(savings)s%% of its original size
+!     (from %(orig_size)s to %(gzip_size)s bytes).<br />
+      The compressed response's headers are displayed."""
+      }
+*** 822,832 ****
+      'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+      <code>Content-Encoding</code>. When RED asked for a compressed response,
+      the resource provided one, but it was %(savings)s%% <em>larger</em> than the original
+!     response; from %(orig_size)s to %(gzip_size)s bytes.<p>
+      Often, this happens when the uncompressed response is very small, or can't be compressed
+      more; since gzip compression has some overhead, it can make the response larger. Turning compression
+      <strong>off</strong> for this resource may slightly improve response times and save 
+!     bandwidth.<p>
+      The compressed response's headers are displayed."""
+      }
+--- 822,832 ----
+      'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+      <code>Content-Encoding</code>. When RED asked for a compressed response,
+      the resource provided one, but it was %(savings)s%% <em>larger</em> than the original
+!     response; from %(orig_size)s to %(gzip_size)s bytes.<br />
+      Often, this happens when the uncompressed response is very small, or can't be compressed
+      more; since gzip compression has some overhead, it can make the response larger. Turning compression
+      <strong>off</strong> for this resource may slightly improve response times and save 
+!     bandwidth.<br />
+      The compressed response's headers are displayed."""
+      }
+*** 851,857 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""All content negotiated responses need to have a
+      <code>Vary</code> header that reflects the header(s) used to select the
+!     response.<p>
+      %(response)s was negotiated for <code>gzip</code> content encoding, so
+      the <code>Vary</code> header needs to contain <code>Accept-Encoding</code>,
+      the request header used."""
+--- 851,857 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""All content negotiated responses need to have a
+      <code>Vary</code> header that reflects the header(s) used to select the
+!     response.<br />
+      %(response)s was negotiated for <code>gzip</code> content encoding, so
+      the <code>Vary</code> header needs to contain <code>Accept-Encoding</code>,
+      the request header used."""
+*** 879,893 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP requires that the <code>Vary</code> response header be sent
+      consistently for all responses if they change based upon different aspects
+!     of the request.<p>
+      This resource has both compressed and uncompressed variants
+      available, negotiated by the <code>Accept-Encoding</code> request header,
+!     but it sends different Vary headers for each;<p>
+      <ul>
+        <li>"<code>%(conneg_vary)s</code>" when the response is compressed, and</li>
+        <li>"<code>%(no_conneg_vary)s</code>" when it is not.</li>
+      </ul>
+!     <p>This can cause problems for downstream caches, because they
+      cannot consistently determine what the cache key for a given URI is."""
+      }
+--- 879,893 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP requires that the <code>Vary</code> response header be sent
+      consistently for all responses if they change based upon different aspects
+!     of the request.<br />
+      This resource has both compressed and uncompressed variants
+      available, negotiated by the <code>Accept-Encoding</code> request header,
+!     but it sends different Vary headers for each;<br />
+      <ul>
+        <li>"<code>%(conneg_vary)s</code>" when the response is compressed, and</li>
+        <li>"<code>%(no_conneg_vary)s</code>" when it is not.</li>
+      </ul>
+!     <br />This can cause problems for downstream caches, because they
+      cannot consistently determine what the cache key for a given URI is."""
+      }
+*** 900,906 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP requires that the <code>ETag</code>s for two different
+      responses associated with the same URI be different as well, to help caches
+!     and other receivers disambiguate them.<p>
+      This resource, however, sent the same
+      ETag for both its compressed and uncompressed versions (negotiated by
+      <code>Accept-Encoding</code>. This can cause interoperability problems,
+--- 900,906 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP requires that the <code>ETag</code>s for two different
+      responses associated with the same URI be different as well, to help caches
+!     and other receivers disambiguate them.<br />
+      This resource, however, sent the same
+      ETag for both its compressed and uncompressed versions (negotiated by
+      <code>Accept-Encoding</code>. This can cause interoperability problems,
+*** 929,935 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""Using RED's local clock, the server's clock does not appear to 
+!     be well-synchronised.<p>
+      HTTP's caching model assumes reasonable synchronisation between
+      clocks on the server and client; clock skew can cause responses that
+      should be cacheable to be considered uncacheable (especially if their freshness
+--- 929,935 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""Using RED's local clock, the server's clock does not appear to 
+!     be well-synchronised.<br />
+      HTTP's caching model assumes reasonable synchronisation between
+      clocks on the server and client; clock skew can cause responses that
+      should be cacheable to be considered uncacheable (especially if their freshness
+*** 954,963 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""It appears that this response has been cached by a reverse proxy or 
+       <abbr title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</abbr>, because the <code>Age</code>
+!      header is present, but the <code>Date</code> header is more recent than it indicates.<p>
+       Generally, reverse proxies should either omit the <code>Age</code> header (if they
+       have another means of determining how fresh the response is), or
+!      leave the <code>Date</code> header alone (i.e., act as a normal HTTP cache).<p>
+       See <a href="">
+       this paper</a> for more information."""
+      }
+--- 954,963 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""It appears that this response has been cached by a reverse proxy or 
+       <abbr title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</abbr>, because the <code>Age</code>
+!      header is present, but the <code>Date</code> header is more recent than it indicates.<br />
+       Generally, reverse proxies should either omit the <code>Age</code> header (if they
+       have another means of determining how fresh the response is), or
+!      leave the <code>Date</code> header alone (i.e., act as a normal HTTP cache).<br />
+       See <a href="">
+       this paper</a> for more information."""
+      }
+*** 1007,1013 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Cache-Control directive names are case-sensitive, and will not
+!      be recognised by most implementations if the capitalisation is wrong.<p>
+       Did you mean to use %(cc_lower)s instead of %(cc)s?"""
+      }
+--- 1007,1013 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Cache-Control directive names are case-sensitive, and will not
+!      be recognised by most implementations if the capitalisation is wrong.<br />
+       Did you mean to use %(cc_lower)s instead of %(cc)s?"""
+      }
+*** 1084,1090 ****
+       while caches <strong>can</strong> store this response, they cannot use
+       it to satisfy a request unless it has been validated (either with an
+       <code>If-None-Match</code> or <code>If-Modified-Since</code> conditional)
+!      for that request.<p>"""
+      }
+  class NO_CACHE_NO_VALIDATOR(Message):
+--- 1084,1090 ----
+       while caches <strong>can</strong> store this response, they cannot use
+       it to satisfy a request unless it has been validated (either with an
+       <code>If-None-Match</code> or <code>If-Modified-Since</code> conditional)
+!      for that request.<br />"""
+      }
+  class NO_CACHE_NO_VALIDATOR(Message):
+*** 1098,1104 ****
+       while caches <strong>can</strong> store this response, they cannot use
+       it to satisfy a request unless it has been validated (either with an
+       <code>If-None-Match</code> or <code>If-Modified-Since</code> conditional)
+!      for that request.<p>
+       %(response)s doesn't have a <code>Last-Modified</code> or
+       <code>ETag</code> header, so it effectively can't be used by a cache."""
+      }
+--- 1098,1104 ----
+       while caches <strong>can</strong> store this response, they cannot use
+       it to satisfy a request unless it has been validated (either with an
+       <code>If-None-Match</code> or <code>If-Modified-Since</code> conditional)
+!      for that request.<br />
+       %(response)s doesn't have a <code>Last-Modified</code> or
+       <code>ETag</code> header, so it effectively can't be used by a cache."""
+      }
+*** 1124,1130 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""Sending <code>Vary: User-Agent</code> requires caches to store
+      a separate copy of the response for every <code>User-Agent</code> request
+!     header they see.<p>
+      Since there are so many different <code>User-Agent</code>s, this can
+      "bloat" caches with many copies of the same thing, or cause them to give
+      up on storing these responses at all."""
+--- 1124,1130 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""Sending <code>Vary: User-Agent</code> requires caches to store
+      a separate copy of the response for every <code>User-Agent</code> request
+!     header they see.<br />
+      Since there are so many different <code>User-Agent</code>s, this can
+      "bloat" caches with many copies of the same thing, or cause them to give
+      up on storing these responses at all."""
+*** 1142,1150 ****
+      <a href="">mod_rewrite</a>)
+      will send <code>Host</code> in the <code>Vary</code> header, in the belief
+      that since it affects how the server selects what to send back,
+!     this is necessary.<p>
+      This is not the case; HTTP specifies that the URI is the basis of the cache
+!     key, and the URI incorporates the <code>Host</code> header.<p>
+      The presence of <code>Vary: Host</code> may make some caches not store
+      an otherwise cacheable response (since some cache implementations will
+      not store anything that has a <code>Vary</code> header)."""
+--- 1142,1150 ----
+      <a href="">mod_rewrite</a>)
+      will send <code>Host</code> in the <code>Vary</code> header, in the belief
+      that since it affects how the server selects what to send back,
+!     this is necessary.<br />
+      This is not the case; HTTP specifies that the URI is the basis of the cache
+!     key, and the URI incorporates the <code>Host</code> header.<br />
+      The presence of <code>Vary: Host</code> may make some caches not store
+      an otherwise cacheable response (since some cache implementations will
+      not store anything that has a <code>Vary</code> header)."""
+*** 1159,1165 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>Vary</code> mechanism allows a resource to describe the
+       dimensions that its responses vary, or change, over; each listed header
+!      is another dimension.<p>Varying by too many dimensions makes using this
+       information impractical."""
+      }
+--- 1159,1165 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>Vary</code> mechanism allows a resource to describe the
+       dimensions that its responses vary, or change, over; each listed header
+!      is another dimension.<br />Varying by too many dimensions makes using this
+       information impractical."""
+      }
+*** 1172,1184 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: public</code> directive
+       makes a response cacheable even when the request had an
+!      <code>Authorization</code> header (i.e., HTTP authentication was in use).<p>
+       Additionally, <a href="">Firefox</a>'s cache
+       will store SSL-protected responses on disk when <code>public</code> is
+!      present; otherwise, they are only cached in memory.<p>
+!      <p>Therefore, SSL-protected or HTTP-authenticated (NOT cookie-authenticated)
+       resources <em>may</em> have use for <code>public</code> to improve
+!      cacheability, if used judiciously.<p>
+       However, other responses <strong>do not need to contain <code>public</code>
+       </strong>; it does not make the response "more cacheable", and only
+       makes the headers larger."""
+--- 1172,1184 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: public</code> directive
+       makes a response cacheable even when the request had an
+!      <code>Authorization</code> header (i.e., HTTP authentication was in use).<br />
+       Additionally, <a href="">Firefox</a>'s cache
+       will store SSL-protected responses on disk when <code>public</code> is
+!      present; otherwise, they are only cached in memory.<br />
+!      <br />Therefore, SSL-protected or HTTP-authenticated (NOT cookie-authenticated)
+       resources <em>may</em> have use for <code>public</code> to improve
+!      cacheability, if used judiciously.<br />
+       However, other responses <strong>do not need to contain <code>public</code>
+       </strong>; it does not make the response "more cacheable", and only
+       makes the headers larger."""
+*** 1216,1222 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""A cache considers a HTTP response stale when its age (here, %(current_age)s)
+!     is equal to or exceeds its freshness lifetime (in this case, %(freshness_lifetime)s).<p>
+      HTTP allows caches to use stale responses to satisfy requests only under exceptional 
+      circumstances; e.g., when they lose contact with the origin server."""
+      }
+--- 1216,1222 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""A cache considers a HTTP response stale when its age (here, %(current_age)s)
+!     is equal to or exceeds its freshness lifetime (in this case, %(freshness_lifetime)s).<br />
+      HTTP allows caches to use stale responses to satisfy requests only under exceptional 
+      circumstances; e.g., when they lose contact with the origin server."""
+      }
+*** 1230,1239 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""When responses with certain status codes don't have explicit freshness information (like a <code>
+       Cache-Control: max-age</code> directive, or <code>Expires</code> header), caches are
+!      allowed to estimate how fresh it is using a heuristic.<p>
+       Usually, but not always, this is done using the <code>Last-Modified</code> header. For
+       example, if your response was last modified a week ago, a cache might decide to consider
+!      the response fresh for a day.<p>
+       Consider adding a <code>Cache-Control</code> header; otherwise, it may be cached for longer
+       or shorter than you'd like."""
+      }
+--- 1230,1239 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""When responses with certain status codes don't have explicit freshness information (like a <code>
+       Cache-Control: max-age</code> directive, or <code>Expires</code> header), caches are
+!      allowed to estimate how fresh it is using a heuristic.<br />
+       Usually, but not always, this is done using the <code>Last-Modified</code> header. For
+       example, if your response was last modified a week ago, a cache might decide to consider
+!      the response fresh for a day.<br />
+       Consider adding a <code>Cache-Control</code> header; otherwise, it may be cached for longer
+       or shorter than you'd like."""
+      }
+*** 1247,1257 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""%(response)s doesn't have explicit freshness information (like a <code>
+       Cache-Control: max-age</code> directive, or <code>Expires</code> header), and this
+!      status code doesn't allow caches to calculate their own.<p>
+       Therefore, while caches may be allowed to store it, they can't use it, except in unusual 
+!      cirucumstances, such a when the origin server can't be contacted.<p>
+       This behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+!      response directive.<p>
+       Note that many caches will not store the response at all, because it is not generally useful to do so.
+       """
+      }
+--- 1247,1257 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""%(response)s doesn't have explicit freshness information (like a <code>
+       Cache-Control: max-age</code> directive, or <code>Expires</code> header), and this
+!      status code doesn't allow caches to calculate their own.<br />
+       Therefore, while caches may be allowed to store it, they can't use it, except in unusual 
+!      cirucumstances, such a when the origin server can't be contacted.<br />
+       This behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+!      response directive.<br />
+       Note that many caches will not store the response at all, because it is not generally useful to do so.
+       """
+      }
+*** 1265,1271 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows stale responses to be served under some circumstances;
+      for example, if the origin server can't be contacted, a stale response can
+!     be used (even if it doesn't have explicit freshness information).<p>
+      This behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+      response directive."""
+      }
+--- 1265,1271 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows stale responses to be served under some circumstances;
+      for example, if the origin server can't be contacted, a stale response can
+!     be used (even if it doesn't have explicit freshness information).<br />
+      This behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+      response directive."""
+      }
+*** 1279,1285 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows stale responses to be served under some circumstances;
+      for example, if the origin server can't be contacted, a stale response can
+!     be used (even if it doesn't have explicit freshness information).<p>This
+      behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+      response directive."""
+      }
+--- 1279,1285 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows stale responses to be served under some circumstances;
+      for example, if the origin server can't be contacted, a stale response can
+!     be used (even if it doesn't have explicit freshness information).<br />This
+      behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+      response directive."""
+      }
+*** 1292,1298 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code> directive forbids
+!     caches from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<p>For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+      than a stale response."""
+--- 1292,1298 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code> directive forbids
+!     caches from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+      than a stale response."""
+*** 1306,1312 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code> directive forbids
+!     caches from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<p>For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+      than a stale response."""
+--- 1306,1312 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code> directive forbids
+!     caches from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+      than a stale response."""
+*** 1321,1330 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The presence of the <code>Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate</code>
+      and/or <code>s-maxage</code> directives forbids shared caches (e.g., proxy
+!     caches) from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<p>For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+!     than a stale response.<p>These directives do not affect private caches; for
+      example, those in browsers."""
+      }
+--- 1321,1330 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The presence of the <code>Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate</code>
+      and/or <code>s-maxage</code> directives forbids shared caches (e.g., proxy
+!     caches) from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+!     than a stale response.<br />These directives do not affect private caches; for
+      example, those in browsers."""
+      }
+*** 1337,1346 ****
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The presence of the <code>Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate</code>
+      and/or <code>s-maxage</code> directives forbids shared caches (e.g., proxy
+!     caches) from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<p>For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+!     than a stale response.<p>These directives do not affect private caches; for
+      example, those in browsers."""
+      }
+--- 1337,1346 ----
+      text = {
+      'en': u"""The presence of the <code>Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate</code>
+      and/or <code>s-maxage</code> directives forbids shared caches (e.g., proxy
+!     caches) from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+      caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+      server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+!     than a stale response.<br />These directives do not affect private caches; for
+      example, those in browsers."""
+      }
+*** 1353,1361 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<p>
+       %(response)s uses only one of these directives; as a result, Internet
+!      Explorer will ignore the directive, since it requires both to be present.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 1353,1361 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+       %(response)s uses only one of these directives; as a result, Internet
+!      Explorer will ignore the directive, since it requires both to be present.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 1369,1377 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<p>
+       Their values are required to be integers, but here at least one is not. As a
+!      result, Internet Explorer will ignore the directive.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 1369,1377 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+       Their values are required to be integers, but here at least one is not. As a
+!      result, Internet Explorer will ignore the directive.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 1385,1395 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<p>
+       %(response)s gives a value of "0" for both; as a result, Internet
+!      Explorer will ignore the directive, since it requires both to be present.<p>
+       In other words, setting these to zero has <strong>no effect</strong> (besides
+!      wasting bandwidth), and may trigger bugs in some beta versions of IE.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 1385,1395 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+       %(response)s gives a value of "0" for both; as a result, Internet
+!      Explorer will ignore the directive, since it requires both to be present.<br />
+       In other words, setting these to zero has <strong>no effect</strong> (besides
+!      wasting bandwidth), and may trigger bugs in some beta versions of IE.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 1403,1412 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<p>
+       %(response)s assigns a higher value to <code>post-check</code> than to
+       <code>pre-check</code>; this means that Internet Explorer will treat
+!      <code>post-check</code> as if its value is the same as <code>pre-check</code>'s.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 1403,1412 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+       %(response)s assigns a higher value to <code>post-check</code> than to
+       <code>pre-check</code>; this means that Internet Explorer will treat
+!      <code>post-check</code> as if its value is the same as <code>pre-check</code>'s.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 1420,1429 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<p>
+       %(response)s assigns a value of "0" to <code>post-check</code>, which means
+       that Internet Explorer will reload the content as soon as it enters the
+!      browser cache, effectively <strong>doubling the load on the server</strong>.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 1420,1429 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+       %(response)s assigns a value of "0" to <code>post-check</code>, which means
+       that Internet Explorer will reload the content as soon as it enters the
+!      browser cache, effectively <strong>doubling the load on the server</strong>.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 1437,1448 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<p>
+       Once it has been cached for more than %(post-check)s seconds, a new request
+       will result in the cached response being served while it is refreshed in the
+       background. However, if it has been cached for more than %(pre-check)s seconds,
+!      the browser will download a fresh response before showing it to the user.<p>
+!      Note that these directives do not have any effect on other clients or caches.<p>
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+--- 1437,1448 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+       extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+!      more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+       Once it has been cached for more than %(post-check)s seconds, a new request
+       will result in the cached response being served while it is refreshed in the
+       background. However, if it has been cached for more than %(pre-check)s seconds,
+!      the browser will download a fresh response before showing it to the user.<br />
+!      Note that these directives do not have any effect on other clients or caches.<br />
+       See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+       """
+      }
+*** 1522,1528 ****
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<p>
+      RED has done this and found that the resource sends a
+      <code>304 Not Modified</code> response, indicating that it supports
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> validation."""
+--- 1522,1528 ----
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+      RED has done this and found that the resource sends a
+      <code>304 Not Modified</code> response, indicating that it supports
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> validation."""
+*** 1538,1544 ****
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<p>
+      RED has done this and found that the resource sends a full response even
+      though it hadn't changed, indicating that it doesn't support
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> validation."""
+--- 1538,1544 ----
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+      RED has done this and found that the resource sends a full response even
+      though it hadn't changed, indicating that it doesn't support
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> validation."""
+*** 1554,1560 ****
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<p>
+      RED has done this, but the response changed between the original request and
+      the validating request, so RED can't tell whether or not
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> validation is supported."""
+--- 1554,1560 ----
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+      RED has done this, but the response changed between the original request and
+      the validating request, so RED can't tell whether or not
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> validation is supported."""
+*** 1570,1576 ****
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<p>
+      RED has done this, but the response had a %(enc_ims_status)s status code, so
+      RED can't tell whether or not <code>Last-Modified</code> validation is
+      supported."""
+--- 1570,1576 ----
+      'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+      that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+      <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+!     <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+      RED has done this, but the response had a %(enc_ims_status)s status code, so
+      RED can't tell whether or not <code>Last-Modified</code> validation is
+      supported."""
+*** 1587,1597 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to ask a server if a request with a body
+       (e.g., uploading a large file) will succeed before sending it, using
+!      a mechanism called "Expect/continue".<p>
+       When used, the client sends an <code>Expect: 100-continue</code>, in
+       the request headers, and if the server is willing to process it, it
+       will send a <code> 100 Continue</code> status code to indicte that the
+!      request should continue.<p>
+       This response has a <code>100 Continue</code> status code, but RED
+       did not ask for it (with the <code>Expect</code> request header). Sending
+       this status code without it being requested can cause interoperability
+--- 1587,1597 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to ask a server if a request with a body
+       (e.g., uploading a large file) will succeed before sending it, using
+!      a mechanism called "Expect/continue".<br />
+       When used, the client sends an <code>Expect: 100-continue</code>, in
+       the request headers, and if the server is willing to process it, it
+       will send a <code> 100 Continue</code> status code to indicte that the
+!      request should continue.<br />
+       This response has a <code>100 Continue</code> status code, but RED
+       did not ask for it (with the <code>Expect</code> request header). Sending
+       this status code without it being requested can cause interoperability
+*** 1607,1616 ****
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP defines the <code>Upgrade</code> header as a means
+       of negotiating a change of protocol; i.e., it allows you to switch
+!      the protocol on a given connection from HTTP to something else.<p>
+       However, it must be first requested by the client; this response
+       contains an <code>Upgrade</code> header, even though RED did not
+!      ask for it.<p>
+       Trying to upgrade the connection without the client's participation
+       obviously won't work."""
+      }
+--- 1607,1616 ----
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""HTTP defines the <code>Upgrade</code> header as a means
+       of negotiating a change of protocol; i.e., it allows you to switch
+!      the protocol on a given connection from HTTP to something else.<br />
+       However, it must be first requested by the client; this response
+       contains an <code>Upgrade</code> header, even though RED did not
+!      ask for it.<br />
+       Trying to upgrade the connection without the client's participation
+       obviously won't work."""
+      }
+*** 1623,1631 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>201 Created</code> status code indicates that
+!      processing the request had the side effect of creating a new resource.<p>
+       However, the request method that RED used (%(method)s) is defined as
+!      a "safe" method; that is, it should not have any side effects.<p>
+       Creating resources as a side effect of a safe method can have unintended
+       consequences; for example, search engine spiders and similar automated
+       agents often follow links, and intermediaries sometimes re-try safe
+--- 1623,1631 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>201 Created</code> status code indicates that
+!      processing the request had the side effect of creating a new resource.<br />
+       However, the request method that RED used (%(method)s) is defined as
+!      a "safe" method; that is, it should not have any side effects.<br />
+       Creating resources as a side effect of a safe method can have unintended
+       consequences; for example, search engine spiders and similar automated
+       agents often follow links, and intermediaries sometimes re-try safe
+*** 1640,1646 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>201 Created</code> status code indicates that
+!      processing the request had the side effect of creating a new resource.<p>
+       HTTP specifies that the URL of the new resource is to be indicated in
+       the <code>Location</code> header, but it isn't present in this response."""
+      }
+--- 1640,1646 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>201 Created</code> status code indicates that
+!      processing the request had the side effect of creating a new resource.<br />
+       HTTP specifies that the URL of the new resource is to be indicated in
+       the <code>Location</code> header, but it isn't present in this response."""
+      }
+*** 1654,1660 ****
+      text = {
+        'en': u"""HTTP only defines meaning for the <code>Content-Range</code>
+        header in responses with a <code>206 Partial Content</code> or
+!       <code>416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable</code> status code.<p>
+        Putting a <code>Content-Range</code> header in this response may
+        confuse caches and clients."""
+      }
+--- 1654,1660 ----
+      text = {
+        'en': u"""HTTP only defines meaning for the <code>Content-Range</code>
+        header in responses with a <code>206 Partial Content</code> or
+!       <code>416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable</code> status code.<br />
+        Putting a <code>Content-Range</code> header in this response may
+        confuse caches and clients."""
+      }
+*** 1667,1673 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>206 Partial Response</code> status code indicates that
+!      the response body is only partial.<p>
+       However, for a response to be partial, it needs to have a
+       <code>Content-Range</code> header to indicate what part of the full
+       response it carries. This response does not have one, and as a result
+--- 1667,1673 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>206 Partial Response</code> status code indicates that
+!      the response body is only partial.<br />
+       However, for a response to be partial, it needs to have a
+       <code>Content-Range</code> header to indicate what part of the full
+       response it carries. This response does not have one, and as a result
+*** 1682,1689 ****
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>206 Partial Response</code> status code indicates that
+!      the response body is only partial.<p>
+!      However, the client needs to ask for it with the <code>Range</code> header.<p>
+       RED did not request a partial response; sending one without the client
+       requesting it leads to interoperability problems."""
+      }
+--- 1682,1689 ----
+      }
+      text = {
+       'en': u"""The <code>206 Partial Response</code> status code indicates that
+!      the response body is only partial.<br />
+!      However, the client needs to ask for it with the <code>Range</code> header.<br />
+       RED did not request a partial response; sending one without the client
+       requesting it leads to interoperability problems."""
+      }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1903 @@
+A collection of messages that the RED can emit.
+Each should be in the form:
+MESSAGE_ID = (classification, level,
+    {'lang': u'message'}
+    {'lang': u'long message'}
+where 'lang' is a language tag, 'message' is a string (NO HTML) that
+contains the message in that language, and 'long message' is a longer
+explanation that may contain HTML.
+Both message forms may contain %(var)s style variable interpolation.
+PLEASE NOTE: the message field is automatically HTML escaped in, so
+it can contain arbitrary text (as long as it's unicode). However, the long
+message IS NOT ESCAPED, and therefore all variables to be interpolated into
+it (but not the short version) need to be escaped.
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__copyright__ = """\
+Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# message classifications
+class _Classifications:
+    GENERAL = u"General"
+    CONNEG = u"Content Negotiation"
+    CACHING = u"Caching"
+    VALIDATION = u"Validation"
+    CONNECTION = u"Connection"
+    RANGE = u"Partial Content"
+c = _Classifications()
+# message levels
+class _Levels:
+    GOOD = u'good'
+    WARN = u'warning'
+    BAD = u'bad'
+    INFO = u'info'
+l = _Levels()
+class Message:
+    """
+    A message about an HTTP resource, representation, or other component
+    related to the URI under test.
+    """
+    category = None
+    level = None
+    summary = {}
+    text = {}
+    def __init__(self, subject, subrequest=None, vrs=None):
+        self.subject = subject
+        self.subrequest = subrequest
+        self.vars = vrs or {}
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and \
+            self.vars == other.vars and\
+            self.subject == other.subject:
+                return True
+        else:
+            return False
+response = {
+    'this': {'en': 'This response'},
+    'conneg': {'en': 'The uncompressed response'},
+    'LM validation': {'en': 'The 304 response'},
+    'ETag validation': {'en': 'The 304 response'},
+    'range': {'en': 'The partial response'},
+class URI_TOO_LONG(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The URI is very long (%(uri_len)s characters)."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"Long URIs aren't supported by some implementations, including proxies. \
+    A reasonable upper size limit is 8192 characters."
+    }
+class URI_BAD_SYNTAX(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The URI's syntax isn't valid."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""This isn't a valid URI. Look for illegal characters \
+    and other problems; see <a href=''>RFC3986</a>
+    for more information."""
+    }
+class FIELD_NAME_BAD_SYNTAX(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u'"%(field_name)s" is not a valid header field-name.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"Header names are limited to the TOKEN production in HTTP; i.e., \
+    they can't contain parenthesis, angle brackes (&lt;&gt;), ampersands (@), \
+    commas, semicolons, colons, backslashes (\\), forward slashes (/), quotes, \
+    square brackets ([]), question marks, equals signs (=), curly brackets ({}) \
+    spaces or tabs."
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"%(response)s's headers are very large (%(header_block_size)s)."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""Some implementations have limits on the total size of headers
+    that they'll accept. For example, Squid's default configuration limits
+    header blocks to 20k."""
+    }
+class HEADER_TOO_LARGE(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The %(header_name)s header is very large (%(header_size)s)."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""Some implementations limit the size of any single header line."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(header_name)s header's name contains non-ASCII characters."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""HTTP header field-names can only contain ASCII characters. RED
+     has detected (and possibly removed) non-ASCII characters in this header
+     name."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(header_name)s header's value contains non-ASCII characters."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""HTTP headers use the ISO-8859-1 character set, but in most
+     cases are pure ASCII (a subset of this encoding).<br />
+     This header has non-ASCII characters, which RED has interpreted as
+     being encoded in ISO-8859-1. If another encoding is used (e.g., UTF-8),
+     the results may be unpredictable."""
+    }
+class HEADER_DEPRECATED(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The %(header_name)s header is deprecated."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""This header field is no longer recommended for use, because of
+    interoperability problems and/or lack of use. See
+    <a href="%(ref)s">its documentation</a> for more information."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"Only one %(field_name)s header is allowed in a response."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""This header is designed to only occur once in a message. When it
+    occurs more than once, a receiver needs to choose the one to use, which
+    can lead to interoperability problems, since different implementations may
+    make different choices.<br />
+    For the purposes of its tests, RED uses the last instance of the header that
+    is present; other implementations may behave differently."""
+    }
+class BODY_NOT_ALLOWED(Message):
+    category = c.CONNECTION
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s is not allowed to have a body."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""HTTP defines a few special situations where a response does not
+     allow a body. This includes 101, 204 and 304 responses, as well as responses
+     to the <code>HEAD</code> method.<br />
+     %(response)s had a body, despite it being disallowed. Clients receiving
+     it may treat the body as the next response in the connection, leading to
+     interoperability and security issues."""
+    }
+class BAD_SYNTAX(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The %(field_name)s header's syntax isn't valid."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The value for this header doesn't conform to its specified syntax; see
+    <a href="%(ref_uri)s">its definition</a> for more information.
+    """
+    }
+# Specific headers
+class BAD_CC_SYNTAX(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(bad_cc_attr)s Cache-Control directive's syntax is incorrect."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"This value must be an integer."
+    }
+class AGE_NOT_INT(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The Age header's value should be an integer."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Age</code> header indicates the age of the response; i.e.,
+    how long it has been cached since it was generated. The value given was not
+    an integer, so it is not a valid age."""
+    }
+class AGE_NEGATIVE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The Age headers' value must be a positive integer."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Age</code> header indicates the age of the response; i.e.,
+    how long it has been cached since it was generated. The value given was
+    negative, so it is not a valid age."""
+    }
+class BAD_CHUNK(Message):
+    category = c.CONNECTION
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s had chunked encoding errors."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The response indicates it uses HTTP chunked encoding, but there
+     was a problem decoding the chunking.<br />
+     A valid chunk looks something like this:<br />
+     <code>[chunk-size in hex]\\r\\n[chunk-data]\\r\\n</code><br />
+     However, the chunk sent started like this:<br />
+     <code>%(chunk_sample)s</code><br />
+     This is a serious problem, because HTTP uses chunking to delimit one
+     response from the next one; incorrect chunking can lead to interoperability
+     and security problems.<br />
+     This issue is often caused by sending an integer chunk size instead of one
+     in hex, or by sending <code>Transfer-Encoding: chunked</code> without
+     actually chunking the response body."""
+    }
+class BAD_GZIP(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"%(response)s was compressed using GZip, but the header wasn't valid."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""GZip-compressed responses have a header that contains metadata.
+    %(response)s's header wasn't valid; the error encountered was
+    "<code>%(gzip_error)s</code>"."""
+    }
+class BAD_ZLIB(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"%(response)s was compressed using GZip, but the data was corrupt."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""GZip-compressed responses use zlib compression to reduce the number
+    of bytes transferred on the wire. However, this response could not be decompressed;
+    the error encountered was "<code>%(zlib_error)s</code>".<br />
+    %(ok_zlib_len)s bytes were decompressed successfully before this; the erroneous
+    chunk starts with "<code>%(chunk_sample)s</code>"."""
+    }
+class ENCODING_UNWANTED(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(encoding)s content-coding wasn't asked for."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""%(response)s's <code>Content-Encoding</code> header indicates it
+     has the %(encoding)s content-coding applied, but RED didn't ask for it
+     to be.<br />
+     Normally, clients ask for the encodings they want in the
+     <code>Accept-Encoding</code> request header. Using encodings that the
+     client doesn't explicitly request can lead to interoperability problems."""
+    }
+    category = c.CONNECTION
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The identity transfer-coding isn't necessary."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP defines <em>transfer-codings</em> as a hop-by-hop encoding
+    of the message body. The <code>identity</code> tranfer-coding was defined
+    as the absence of encoding; it doesn't do anything, so it's necessary.<br />
+    You can remove this token to save a few bytes."""
+    }
+    category = c.CONNECTION
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(encoding)s transfer-coding wasn't asked for."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""%(response)s's <code>Transfer-Encoding</code> header indicates it
+     has the %(encoding)s transfer-coding applied, but RED didn't ask for it
+     to be.<br />
+     Normally, clients ask for the encodings they want in the
+     <code>TE</code> request header. Using codings that the
+     client doesn't explicitly request can lead to interoperability problems."""
+    }
+class BAD_DATE_SYNTAX(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The %(field_name)s header's value isn't a valid date."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP dates have very specific syntax, and sending an invalid date can
+    cause a number of problems, especially around caching. Common problems include
+    sending "1 May" instead of "01 May" (the month is a fixed-width field), and
+    sending a date in a timezone other than GMT. See
+    <a href="">the
+    HTTP specification</a> for more information."""
+    }
+class LM_FUTURE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The Last-Modified time is in the future."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Last-Modified</code> header indicates the last point in
+    time that the resource has changed. %(response)s's
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> time is in the future, which doesn't have any
+    defined meaning in HTTP."""
+    }
+class LM_PRESENT(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The resource last changed %(last_modified_string)s."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Last-Modified</code> header indicates the last point in
+    time that the resource has changed. It is used in HTTP for validating cached
+    responses, and for calculating heuristic freshness in caches.<br />
+    This resource last changed %(last_modified_string)s."""
+    }
+class MIME_VERSION(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The MIME-Version header generally isn't necessary in HTTP."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""<code>MIME_Version</code> is a MIME header, not a HTTP header; it's
+    only used when HTTP messages are moved over MIME-based protocols
+    (e.g., SMTP), which is uncommon."""
+    }
+class PRAGMA_NO_CACHE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"Pragma: no-cache is a request directive, not a response directive."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""<code>Pragma</code> is a very old request header that is sometimes
+    used as a response header, even though this is not specified behaviour.
+    <code>Cache-Control: no-cache</code> is more appropriate."""
+    }
+class PRAGMA_OTHER(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"""The Pragma header is being used in an undefined way."""
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP only defines <code>Pragma: no-cache</code>; other uses of
+    this header are deprecated."""
+    }
+class VIA_PRESENT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"One or more intermediaries are present."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Via</code> header indicates that one or more
+    intermediaries are present between RED and the origin server for the
+    resource.<br />
+    This may indicate that a proxy is in between RED and the server, or that
+    the server uses a "reverse proxy" or CDN in front of it.<br />
+    %(via_list)s
+    <br />
+    There field has three space-separated components; first, the HTTP version
+    of the message that the intermediary received, then the identity of the
+    intermediary (usually but not always its hostname), and then optionally a
+    product identifier or comment (usually used to identify the software being
+    used)."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s doesn't define any meaning for the Location header."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>Location</code> header is used for specific purposes
+     in HTTP; mostly to indicate the URI of another resource (e.g., in
+     redirection, or when a new resource is created).<br />
+     In other status codes (such as this one) it doesn't have a defined meaning,
+     so any use of it won't be interoperable.<br />
+     Sometimes <code>Location</code> is confused with <code>Content-Location</code>,
+     which indicates a URI for the payload of the message that it appears in."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The Location header contains a relative URI."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""<code>Location</code> is specified to contain an absolute,
+     not relative, URI.<p>
+     Most (but not all) clients will work around this, but since this field isn't
+     defined to take a relative URI, they may behave differently (for example,
+     if the body contains a base URI).</p>
+     The correct value for this field is (probably):<br />
+     <code>%(full_uri)s</code>"""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s instructs Internet Explorer not to 'sniff' its media type."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Many Web browers "sniff" the media type of responses to figure out
+     whether they're HTML, RSS or another format, no matter what the
+     <code>Content-Type</code> header says.<br />
+     This header instructs Microsoft's Internet Explorer not to do this, but to
+     always respect the Content-Type header. It probably won't have any effect in
+     other clients.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a>
+     for more information about this header."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s contains an X-Content-Type-Options header with an unknown value."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Only one value is currently defined for this header, <code>nosniff</code>.
+     Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+     won't have any effect either.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information about this header."""
+    }
+class DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s can't be directly opened directly by Internet Explorer when downloaded."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""When the <code>X-Download-Options</code> header is present
+     with the value <code>noopen</code>, Internet Explorer users are prevented
+     from directly opening a file download; instead, they must first save the
+     file locally. When the locally saved file is later opened, it no longer
+     executes in the security context of your site, helping to prevent script
+     injection.<br />
+     This header probably won't have any effect in other clients.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog article</a> for more details."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s contains an X-Download-Options header with an unknown value."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Only one value is currently defined for this header, <code>noopen</code>.
+     Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+     won't have any effect either.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog article</a> for more details."""
+    }
+class FRAME_OPTIONS_DENY(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s prevents some browsers from rendering it if it will be contained within a frame."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>X-Frame-Options</code> response header controls how
+     IE8 handles HTML frames; the <code>DENY</code> value prevents this content
+     from being rendered within a frame, which defends against certain types of
+     attacks.<br />
+     Currently this is supported by IE8 and Safari 4.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s prevents some browsers from rendering it if it will be contained within a frame on another site."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>X-Frame-Options</code> response header controls how
+     IE8 handles HTML frames; the <code>DENY</code> value prevents this content
+     from being rendered within a frame on another site, which defends against certain types of
+     attacks.<br />
+     Currently this is supported by IE8 and Safari 4.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s contains an X-Frame-Options header with an unknown value."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Only two values are currently defined for this header, <code>DENY</code>
+     and <code>SAMEORIGIN</code>.
+     Using other values here won't necessarily cause problems, but they probably
+     won't have any effect either.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+class SMART_TAG_NO_WORK(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(field_name)s header doesn't have any effect on smart tags."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""This header doesn't have any effect on Microsoft Smart Tags,
+     except in certain beta versions of IE6. To turn them off, you'll need
+     to make changes in the HTML content it"""
+    }
+class UA_COMPATIBLE(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s explicitly sets a rendering mode for Internet Explorer 8."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 allows responses to explicitly set the rendering
+     mode used for a given page (known a the "compatibility mode").<br />
+     See <a href="">Microsoft's documentation</a> for more information."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s has multiple X-UA-Compatible directives targetted at the same UA."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 allows responses to explicitly set the rendering mode
+     used for a page.<br />
+     This response has more than one such directive targetted at one browser;
+     this may cause unpredictable results.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information."""
+    }
+class XSS_PROTECTION(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s disables XSS filtering in IE8."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Internet Explorer 8 has built-in Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
+     attack protection; it tries to automatically filter requests that
+     fit a particular profile.<br />
+     %(response)s has explicitly disabled this protection. In some scenarios,
+     this is useful to do, if the protection interferes with the application.<br />
+     This header probably won't have any effect in other clients.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+### Ranges
+class UNKNOWN_RANGE(Message):
+    category = c.RANGE
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s advertises support for non-standard range-units."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>Accept-Ranges</code> response header tells clients
+     what <code>range-unit</code>s a resource is willing to process in future
+     requests. HTTP only defines two: <code>bytes</code> and <code>none</code>.
+     <br />
+     Clients who don't know about the non-standard range-unit will not be
+     able to use it."""
+    }
+class RANGE_CORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.RANGE
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"A ranged request returned the correct partial content."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""This resource advertises support for ranged requests with
+    <code>Accept-Ranges</code>; that is, it allows clients to specify that only
+    part of it should be sent. RED has tested this by requesting part
+    of this response, which was returned correctly."""
+    }
+class RANGE_INCORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.RANGE
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u'A ranged request returned partial content, but it was incorrect.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""This resource advertises support for ranged requests with
+    <code>Accept-Ranges</code>; that is, it allows clients to specify that only
+    part of the response should be sent. RED has tested this by requesting part
+    of this response, but the partial response doesn't correspond with the full
+    response retrieved at the same time. This could indicate that the range
+    implementation isn't working properly.
+    <p>RED sent<br />
+    <code>Range: %(range)s</code></p>
+    <p>RED expected %(range_expected_bytes)s bytes:<br />
+    <code>%(range_expected)s</code></p>
+    <p>RED received %(range_received_bytes)s bytes:<br />
+    <code>%(range_received)s</code></p>"""
+    }
+class RANGE_FULL(Message):
+    category = c.RANGE
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"A ranged request returned the full rather than partial content."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""This resource advertises support for ranged requests with
+    <code>Accept-Ranges</code>; that is, it allows clients to specify that only
+    part of the response should be sent. RED has tested this by requesting part
+    of this response, but the entire response was returned. In other words,
+    although the resource advertises support for partial content, it
+    doesn't appear to actually do so."""
+    }
+class RANGE_STATUS(Message):
+    category = c.RANGE
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"A ranged request returned a %(range_status)s status."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""This resource advertises support for ranged requests; that is, it allows
+    clients to specify that only part of the response should be sent. RED has tested
+    this by requesting part of this response, but a %(enc_range_status)s
+    response code was returned, which RED was not expecting."""
+    }
+class RANGE_NEG_MISMATCH(Message):
+    category = c.RANGE
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Partial responses don't have the same support for compression that full ones do."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""This resource supports ranged requests and also supports negotiation for
+     gzip compression, but doesn't support compression for both full and partial responses.<br />
+     This can cause problems for clients when they compare the partial and full responses,
+     since the partial response is expressed as a byte range, and compression changes the
+     bytes."""
+    }
+### Body
+class CL_CORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u'The Content-Length header is correct.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""<code>Content-Length</code> is used by HTTP to delimit messages;
+    that is, to mark the end of one message and the beginning of the next. RED
+    has checked the length of the body and found the <code>Content-Length</code>
+    to be correct."""
+    }
+class CL_INCORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"%(response)s's Content-Length header is incorrect."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""<code>Content-Length</code> is used by HTTP to delimit messages;
+    that is, to mark the end of one message and the beginning of the next. RED
+    has checked the length of the body and found the <code>Content-Length</code>
+    is not correct. This can cause problems not only with connection handling,
+    but also caching, since an incomplete response is considered uncacheable.<br />
+    The actual body size sent was %(body_length)s bytes."""
+    }
+class CMD5_CORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u'The Content-MD5 header is correct.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""<code>Content-MD5</code> is a hash of the body, and can be used to
+    ensure integrity of the response. RED has checked its value and found it to
+    be correct."""
+    }
+class CMD5_INCORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u'The Content-MD5 header is incorrect.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""<code>Content-MD5</code> is a hash of the body, and can be used to
+    ensure integrity of the response. RED has checked its value and found it to
+    be incorrect; i.e., the given <code>Content-MD5</code> does not match what
+    RED thinks it should be (%(calc_md5)s)."""
+    }
+### Conneg
+class CONNEG_GZIP_GOOD(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u'Content negotiation for gzip compression is supported, saving %(savings)s%%.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+    <code>Content-Encoding</code>. When RED asked for a compressed response,
+    the resource provided one, saving %(savings)s%% of its original size
+    (from %(orig_size)s to %(gzip_size)s bytes).<br />
+    The compressed response's headers are displayed."""
+    }
+class CONNEG_GZIP_BAD(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u'Content negotiation for gzip compression makes the response %(savings)s%% larger.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+    <code>Content-Encoding</code>. When RED asked for a compressed response,
+    the resource provided one, but it was %(savings)s%% <em>larger</em> than the original
+    response; from %(orig_size)s to %(gzip_size)s bytes.<br />
+    Often, this happens when the uncompressed response is very small, or can't be compressed
+    more; since gzip compression has some overhead, it can make the response larger. Turning compression
+    <strong>off</strong> for this resource may slightly improve response times and save 
+    bandwidth.<br />
+    The compressed response's headers are displayed."""
+    }
+class CONNEG_NO_GZIP(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u'Content negotiation for gzip compression isn\'t supported.'
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+    <code>Content-Encoding</code>. When RED asked for a compressed response,
+    the resource did not provide one."""
+    }
+class CONNEG_NO_VARY(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"%(response)s is negotiated, but doesn't have an appropriate Vary header."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""All content negotiated responses need to have a
+    <code>Vary</code> header that reflects the header(s) used to select the
+    response.<br />
+    %(response)s was negotiated for <code>gzip</code> content encoding, so
+    the <code>Vary</code> header needs to contain <code>Accept-Encoding</code>,
+    the request header used."""
+    }
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"A gzip-compressed response was sent when it wasn't asked for."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP supports compression of responses by negotiating for
+    <code>Content-Encoding</code>. Even though RED didn't ask for a compressed
+    response, the resource provided one anyway. Doing so can break clients that
+    aren't expecting a compressed response."""
+    }
+class VARY_INCONSISTENT(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The resource doesn't send Vary consistently."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP requires that the <code>Vary</code> response header be sent
+    consistently for all responses if they change based upon different aspects
+    of the request.<br />
+    This resource has both compressed and uncompressed variants
+    available, negotiated by the <code>Accept-Encoding</code> request header,
+    but it sends different Vary headers for each;<br />
+    <ul>
+      <li>"<code>%(conneg_vary)s</code>" when the response is compressed, and</li>
+      <li>"<code>%(no_conneg_vary)s</code>" when it is not.</li>
+    </ul>
+    <br />This can cause problems for downstream caches, because they
+    cannot consistently determine what the cache key for a given URI is."""
+    }
+class ETAG_DOESNT_CHANGE(Message):
+    category = c.CONNEG
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The ETag doesn't change between representations."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP requires that the <code>ETag</code>s for two different
+    responses associated with the same URI be different as well, to help caches
+    and other receivers disambiguate them.<br />
+    This resource, however, sent the same
+    ETag for both its compressed and uncompressed versions (negotiated by
+    <code>Accept-Encoding</code>. This can cause interoperability problems,
+    especially with caches."""
+    }
+### Clock
+class DATE_CORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The server's clock is correct."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP's caching model assumes reasonable synchronisation between
+    clocks on the server and client; using RED's local clock, the server's clock
+    appears to be well-synchronised."""
+    }
+class DATE_INCORRECT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The server's clock is %(clock_skew_string)s."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""Using RED's local clock, the server's clock does not appear to 
+    be well-synchronised.<br />
+    HTTP's caching model assumes reasonable synchronisation between
+    clocks on the server and client; clock skew can cause responses that
+    should be cacheable to be considered uncacheable (especially if their freshness
+    lifetime is short).<p>
+    Ask your server administrator to synchronise the clock, e.g., using 
+    <a href="" 
+    title="Network Time Protocol">NTP</a>.</p>
+    Apparent clock skew can also be caused by caching the response without adjusting
+    the <code>Age</code> header; e.g., in a reverse proxy or 
+    <abbr title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</abbr>. See 
+    <a href="">
+    this paper</a> for more information.
+    """
+    }
+class AGE_PENALTY(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"It appears that the Date header has been changed by an intermediary."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""It appears that this response has been cached by a reverse proxy or 
+     <abbr title="Content Delivery Network">CDN</abbr>, because the <code>Age</code>
+     header is present, but the <code>Date</code> header is more recent than it indicates.<br />
+     Generally, reverse proxies should either omit the <code>Age</code> header (if they
+     have another means of determining how fresh the response is), or
+     leave the <code>Date</code> header alone (i.e., act as a normal HTTP cache).<br />
+     See <a href="">
+     this paper</a> for more information."""
+    }
+class DATE_CLOCKLESS(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s doesn't have a Date header."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Although HTTP allowes a server not to send a <code>Date</code> header if it
+     doesn't have a local clock, this can make calculation of the response's age
+     inexact."""
+    }
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Responses without a Date aren't allowed to have Expires or Last-Modified values."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Because both the <code>Expires</code> and <code>Last-Modified</code>
+     headers are date-based, it's necessary to know when the message was generated
+     for them to be useful; otherwise, clock drift, transit times between nodes as
+     well as caching could skew their application."""
+    }
+### Caching
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Responses to the %(method)s method can't be stored by caches."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u""""""
+    }
+class CC_MISCAP(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(cc)s Cache-Control directive appears to have incorrect capitalisation."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Cache-Control directive names are case-sensitive, and will not
+     be recognised by most implementations if the capitalisation is wrong.<br />
+     Did you mean to use %(cc_lower)s instead of %(cc)s?"""
+    }
+class CC_DUP(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(cc)s Cache-Control directive appears more than once."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The %(cc)s Cache-Control directive is only defined to appear
+     once; it is used more than once here, so implementations may use different
+     instances (e.g., the first, or the last), making their behaviour
+     unpredictable."""
+    }
+class NO_STORE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s can't be stored by a cache."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: no-store</code> directive indicates that
+    this response can't be stored by a cache."""
+    }
+class PRIVATE_CC(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s only allows a private cache to store it."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: private</code> directive indicates that the
+    response can only be stored by caches that are specific to a single user; for
+    example, a browser cache. Shared caches, such as those in proxies, cannot store
+    it."""
+    }
+class PRIVATE_AUTH(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s only allows a private cache to store it."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""Because the request was authenticated and this response doesn't contain
+    a <code>Cache-Control: public</code> directive, this response can only be
+    stored by caches that are specific to a single user; for example, a browser
+    cache. Shared caches, such as those in proxies, cannot store
+    it."""
+    }
+class STOREABLE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"""%(response)s allows all caches to store it."""
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""A cache can store this response; it may or may not be able to
+     use it to satisfy a particular request."""
+    }
+class NO_CACHE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s cannot be served from cache without validation."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: no-cache</code> directive means that
+     while caches <strong>can</strong> store this response, they cannot use
+     it to satisfy a request unless it has been validated (either with an
+     <code>If-None-Match</code> or <code>If-Modified-Since</code> conditional)
+     for that request.<br />"""
+    }
+class NO_CACHE_NO_VALIDATOR(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s cannot be served from cache without validation."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: no-cache</code> directive means that
+     while caches <strong>can</strong> store this response, they cannot use
+     it to satisfy a request unless it has been validated (either with an
+     <code>If-None-Match</code> or <code>If-Modified-Since</code> conditional)
+     for that request.<br />
+     %(response)s doesn't have a <code>Last-Modified</code> or
+     <code>ETag</code> header, so it effectively can't be used by a cache."""
+    }
+class VARY_ASTERISK(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"Vary: * effectively makes this response uncacheable."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""<code>Vary *</code> indicates that responses for this resource vary
+    by some aspect that can't (or won't) be described by the server. This makes
+    this response effectively uncacheable."""
+    }
+class VARY_USER_AGENT(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Vary: User-Agent can cause cache inefficiency."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""Sending <code>Vary: User-Agent</code> requires caches to store
+    a separate copy of the response for every <code>User-Agent</code> request
+    header they see.<br />
+    Since there are so many different <code>User-Agent</code>s, this can
+    "bloat" caches with many copies of the same thing, or cause them to give
+    up on storing these responses at all."""
+    }
+class VARY_HOST(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Vary: Host is not necessary."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""Some servers (e.g., <a href="">Apache</a>
+    with
+    <a href="">mod_rewrite</a>)
+    will send <code>Host</code> in the <code>Vary</code> header, in the belief
+    that since it affects how the server selects what to send back,
+    this is necessary.<br />
+    This is not the case; HTTP specifies that the URI is the basis of the cache
+    key, and the URI incorporates the <code>Host</code> header.<br />
+    The presence of <code>Vary: Host</code> may make some caches not store
+    an otherwise cacheable response (since some cache implementations will
+    not store anything that has a <code>Vary</code> header)."""
+    }
+class VARY_COMPLEX(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"This resource varies in %(vary_count)s ways."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>Vary</code> mechanism allows a resource to describe the
+     dimensions that its responses vary, or change, over; each listed header
+     is another dimension.<br />Varying by too many dimensions makes using this
+     information impractical."""
+    }
+class PUBLIC(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Cache-Control: public is rarely necessary."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: public</code> directive
+     makes a response cacheable even when the request had an
+     <code>Authorization</code> header (i.e., HTTP authentication was in use).<br />
+     Additionally, <a href="">Firefox</a>'s cache
+     will store SSL-protected responses on disk when <code>public</code> is
+     present; otherwise, they are only cached in memory.<br />
+     <br />Therefore, SSL-protected or HTTP-authenticated (NOT cookie-authenticated)
+     resources <em>may</em> have use for <code>public</code> to improve
+     cacheability, if used judiciously.<br />
+     However, other responses <strong>do not need to contain <code>public</code>
+     </strong>; it does not make the response "more cacheable", and only
+     makes the headers larger."""
+    }
+class CURRENT_AGE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s has been cached for %(age)s."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Age</code> header indicates the age of the response;
+    i.e., how long it has been cached since it was generated. HTTP takes this
+    as well as any apparent clock skew into account in computing how old the
+    response already is."""
+    }
+class FRESHNESS_FRESH(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s is fresh until %(freshness_left)s from now."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""A response can be considered fresh when its age (here, %(current_age)s)
+    is less than its freshness lifetime (in this case, %(freshness_lifetime)s)."""
+    }
+class FRESHNESS_STALE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s is stale."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""A cache considers a HTTP response stale when its age (here, %(current_age)s)
+    is equal to or exceeds its freshness lifetime (in this case, %(freshness_lifetime)s).<br />
+    HTTP allows caches to use stale responses to satisfy requests only under exceptional 
+    circumstances; e.g., when they lose contact with the origin server."""
+    }
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s allows a cache to assign its own freshness lifetime."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""When responses with certain status codes don't have explicit freshness information (like a <code>
+     Cache-Control: max-age</code> directive, or <code>Expires</code> header), caches are
+     allowed to estimate how fresh it is using a heuristic.<br />
+     Usually, but not always, this is done using the <code>Last-Modified</code> header. For
+     example, if your response was last modified a week ago, a cache might decide to consider
+     the response fresh for a day.<br />
+     Consider adding a <code>Cache-Control</code> header; otherwise, it may be cached for longer
+     or shorter than you'd like."""
+    }
+class FRESHNESS_NONE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s can only be served by a cache under exceptional circumstances."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""%(response)s doesn't have explicit freshness information (like a <code>
+     Cache-Control: max-age</code> directive, or <code>Expires</code> header), and this
+     status code doesn't allow caches to calculate their own.<br />
+     Therefore, while caches may be allowed to store it, they can't use it, except in unusual 
+     cirucumstances, such a when the origin server can't be contacted.<br />
+     This behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+     response directive.<br />
+     Note that many caches will not store the response at all, because it is not generally useful to do so.
+     """
+    }
+class FRESH_SERVABLE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s may still be served by a cache once it becomes stale."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows stale responses to be served under some circumstances;
+    for example, if the origin server can't be contacted, a stale response can
+    be used (even if it doesn't have explicit freshness information).<br />
+    This behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+    response directive."""
+    }
+class STALE_SERVABLE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s might be served by a cache, even though it is stale."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows stale responses to be served under some circumstances;
+    for example, if the origin server can't be contacted, a stale response can
+    be used (even if it doesn't have explicit freshness information).<br />This
+    behaviour can be prevented by using the <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code>
+    response directive."""
+    }
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s cannot be served by a cache once it becomes stale."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code> directive forbids
+    caches from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+    caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+    server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+    than a stale response."""
+    }
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s cannot be served by a cache, because it is stale."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The <code>Cache-Control: must-revalidate</code> directive forbids
+    caches from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+    caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+    server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+    than a stale response."""
+    }
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s cannot be served by a shared cache once it becomes stale."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The presence of the <code>Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate</code>
+    and/or <code>s-maxage</code> directives forbids shared caches (e.g., proxy
+    caches) from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+    caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+    server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+    than a stale response.<br />These directives do not affect private caches; for
+    example, those in browsers."""
+    }
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s cannot be served by a shared cache, because it is stale."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The presence of the <code>Cache-Control: proxy-revalidate</code>
+    and/or <code>s-maxage</code> directives forbids shared caches (e.g., proxy
+    caches) from using stale responses to satisfy requests.<br />For example,
+    caches often use stale responses when they cannot connect to the origin
+    server; when this directive is present, they will return an error rather
+    than a stale response.<br />These directives do not affect private caches; for
+    example, those in browsers."""
+    }
+class CHECK_SINGLE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Only one of the pre-check and post-check Cache-Control directives is present."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+     extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+     more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+     %(response)s uses only one of these directives; as a result, Internet
+     Explorer will ignore the directive, since it requires both to be present.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+class CHECK_NOT_INTEGER(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"One of the pre-check/post-check Cache-Control directives has a non-integer value."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+     extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+     more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+     Their values are required to be integers, but here at least one is not. As a
+     result, Internet Explorer will ignore the directive.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+class CHECK_ALL_ZERO(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The pre-check and post-check Cache-Control directives are both '0'."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+     extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+     more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+     %(response)s gives a value of "0" for both; as a result, Internet
+     Explorer will ignore the directive, since it requires both to be present.<br />
+     In other words, setting these to zero has <strong>no effect</strong> (besides
+     wasting bandwidth), and may trigger bugs in some beta versions of IE.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+class CHECK_POST_BIGGER(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The post-check Cache-control directive's value is larger than pre-check's."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+     extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+     more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+     %(response)s assigns a higher value to <code>post-check</code> than to
+     <code>pre-check</code>; this means that Internet Explorer will treat
+     <code>post-check</code> as if its value is the same as <code>pre-check</code>'s.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+class CHECK_POST_ZERO(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The post-check Cache-control directive's value is '0'."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+     extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+     more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+     %(response)s assigns a value of "0" to <code>post-check</code>, which means
+     that Internet Explorer will reload the content as soon as it enters the
+     browser cache, effectively <strong>doubling the load on the server</strong>.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+class CHECK_POST_PRE(Message):
+    category = c.CACHING
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s may be refreshed in the background by Internet Explorer."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Microsoft Internet Explorer implements two <code>Cache-Control</code>
+     extensions, <code>pre-check</code> and <code>post-check</code>, to give
+     more control over how its cache stores responses.<br />
+     Once it has been cached for more than %(post-check)s seconds, a new request
+     will result in the cached response being served while it is refreshed in the
+     background. However, if it has been cached for more than %(pre-check)s seconds,
+     the browser will download a fresh response before showing it to the user.<br />
+     Note that these directives do not have any effect on other clients or caches.<br />
+     See <a href="">this blog entry</a> for more information.
+     """
+    }
+### ETag Validation
+class INM_304(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"If-None-Match conditional requests are supported."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has an <code>ETag</code>,
+    clients should be able to use an <code>If-None-Match</code> request header
+    for validation. RED has done this and found that the resource sends a
+    <code>304 Not Modified</code> response, indicating that it supports
+    <code>ETag</code> validation."""
+    }
+class INM_FULL(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"An If-None-Match conditional request returned the full content unchanged."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has an <code>ETag</code>,
+    clients should be able to use an <code>If-None-Match</code> request header
+    for validation. RED has done this and found that the resource sends a full
+    response even though it hadn't changed, indicating that it doesn't support
+    <code>ETag</code> validation."""
+    }
+class INM_UNKNOWN(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"An If-None-Match conditional request returned the full content, but it had changed."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has an <code>ETag</code>,
+    clients should be able to use an <code>If-None-Match</code> request header
+    for validation. RED has done this, but the response changed between the
+    original request and the validating request, so RED can't tell whether or
+    not <code>ETag</code> validation is supported."""
+    }
+class INM_STATUS(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"An If-None-Match conditional request returned a %(inm_status)s status."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has an <code>ETag</code>,
+    clients should be able to use an <code>If-None-Match</code> request header
+    for validation. RED has done this, but the response had a %(enc_inm_status)s
+    status code, so RED can't tell whether or not <code>ETag</code> validation
+    is supported."""
+    }
+### Last-Modified Validation
+class IMS_304(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.GOOD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"If-Modified-Since conditional requests are supported."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+    <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+    RED has done this and found that the resource sends a
+    <code>304 Not Modified</code> response, indicating that it supports
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> validation."""
+    }
+class IMS_FULL(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"An If-Modified-Since conditional request returned the full content unchanged."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+    <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+    RED has done this and found that the resource sends a full response even
+    though it hadn't changed, indicating that it doesn't support
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> validation."""
+    }
+class IMS_UNKNOWN(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"An If-Modified-Since conditional request returned the full content, but it had changed."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+    <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+    RED has done this, but the response changed between the original request and
+    the validating request, so RED can't tell whether or not
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> validation is supported."""
+    }
+class IMS_STATUS(Message):
+    category = c.VALIDATION
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"An If-Modified-Since conditional request returned a %(ims_status)s status."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to make conditional requests to see if a copy
+    that they hold is still valid. Since this response has a
+    <code>Last-Modified</code> header, clients should be able to use an
+    <code>If-Modified-Since</code> request header for validation.<br />
+    RED has done this, but the response had a %(enc_ims_status)s status code, so
+    RED can't tell whether or not <code>Last-Modified</code> validation is
+    supported."""
+    }
+### Status checks
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"A 100 Continue response was sent when it wasn't asked for."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""HTTP allows clients to ask a server if a request with a body
+     (e.g., uploading a large file) will succeed before sending it, using
+     a mechanism called "Expect/continue".<br />
+     When used, the client sends an <code>Expect: 100-continue</code>, in
+     the request headers, and if the server is willing to process it, it
+     will send a <code> 100 Continue</code> status code to indicte that the
+     request should continue.<br />
+     This response has a <code>100 Continue</code> status code, but RED
+     did not ask for it (with the <code>Expect</code> request header). Sending
+     this status code without it being requested can cause interoperability
+     problems."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The protocol was upgraded without being requested."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""HTTP defines the <code>Upgrade</code> header as a means
+     of negotiating a change of protocol; i.e., it allows you to switch
+     the protocol on a given connection from HTTP to something else.<br />
+     However, it must be first requested by the client; this response
+     contains an <code>Upgrade</code> header, even though RED did not
+     ask for it.<br />
+     Trying to upgrade the connection without the client's participation
+     obviously won't work."""
+    }
+class CREATED_SAFE_METHOD(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"A new resource was created in response to a safe request."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>201 Created</code> status code indicates that
+     processing the request had the side effect of creating a new resource.<br />
+     However, the request method that RED used (%(method)s) is defined as
+     a "safe" method; that is, it should not have any side effects.<br />
+     Creating resources as a side effect of a safe method can have unintended
+     consequences; for example, search engine spiders and similar automated
+     agents often follow links, and intermediaries sometimes re-try safe
+     methods when they fail."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"A new resource was created without its location being sent."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>201 Created</code> status code indicates that
+     processing the request had the side effect of creating a new resource.<br />
+     HTTP specifies that the URL of the new resource is to be indicated in
+     the <code>Location</code> header, but it isn't present in this response."""
+    }
+    category = c.RANGE
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+      'en': u"%(response)s shouldn't have a Content-Range header."
+    }
+    text = {
+      'en': u"""HTTP only defines meaning for the <code>Content-Range</code>
+      header in responses with a <code>206 Partial Content</code> or
+      <code>416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable</code> status code.<br />
+      Putting a <code>Content-Range</code> header in this response may
+      confuse caches and clients."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(response)s doesn't have a Content-Range header."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>206 Partial Response</code> status code indicates that
+     the response body is only partial.<br />
+     However, for a response to be partial, it needs to have a
+     <code>Content-Range</code> header to indicate what part of the full
+     response it carries. This response does not have one, and as a result
+     clients won't be able to process it."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"A partial response was sent when it wasn't requested."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The <code>206 Partial Response</code> status code indicates that
+     the response body is only partial.<br />
+     However, the client needs to ask for it with the <code>Range</code> header.<br />
+     RED did not request a partial response; sending one without the client
+     requesting it leads to interoperability problems."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"Redirects need to have a Location header."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The %(enc_status)s status code redirects users to another URI. The
+     <code>Location</code> header is used to convey this URI, but a valid one
+     isn't present in this response."""
+    }
+class STATUS_DEPRECATED(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(status)s status code is deprecated."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""When a status code is deprecated, it should not be used,
+     because its meaning is not well-defined enough to ensure interoperability."""
+    }
+class STATUS_RESERVED(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The %(status)s status code is reserved."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Reserved status codes can only be used by future, standard protocol
+     extensions; they are not for private use."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"%(status)s is not a standard HTTP status code."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""Non-standard status codes are not well-defined and interoperable.
+     Instead of defining your own status code, you should reuse one of the more
+     generic ones; for example, 400 for a client-side problem, or 500 for a
+     server-side problem."""
+    }
+class STATUS_BAD_REQUEST(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.WARN
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The server didn't understand the request."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+class STATUS_FORBIDDEN(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The server has forbidden this request."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+class STATUS_NOT_FOUND(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The resource could not be found."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The server couldn't find any resource to serve for the
+     given URI."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The resource could not be found."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""""""
+    }
+class STATUS_CONFLICT(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The request conflicted with the state of the resource."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+class STATUS_GONE(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The resource is gone."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The server previously had a resource at the given URI, but it
+     is no longer there."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The request body was too large for the server."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u"""The server rejected the request because the request body sent
+     was too large."""
+    }
+class STATUS_URI_TOO_LONG(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+    'en': u"The server won't accept a URI this long (%(uri_len)s characters)."
+    }
+    text = {
+    'en': u"""The %(enc_status)s status code means that the server can't or won't accept
+    a request-uri this long."""
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The resource doesn't support this media type in requests."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"There was a general server error."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The server doesn't implement the request method."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+class STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY(Message):
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"An intermediary encountered an error."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The server is temporarily unavailable."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.INFO
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"An intermediary timed out."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+    category = c.GENERAL
+    level = l.BAD
+    summary = {
+     'en': u"The request HTTP version isn't supported."
+    }
+    text = {
+     'en': u""" """
+    }
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # do a sanity check on all of the defined messages
+    import types
+    for n, v in locals().items():
+        if type(v) is types.ClassType and issubclass(v, Message) and n != "Message":
+            print "checking", n
+            assert v.category in c.__class__.__dict__.values(), n
+            assert v.level in l.__class__.__dict__.values(), n
+            assert type(v.summary) is types.DictType, n
+            assert v.summary != {}, n
+            assert type(v.text) is types.DictType, n
+            assert v.text != {}, n
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+The Resource Expert Droid Response Analyser.
+Provides two classes: ResponseHeaderParser and ResponseStatusChecker.
+Both take a RedFetcher instance (post-done()) as their only argument.
+ResponseHeaderParser will examine the response headers and set messages
+on the RedFetcher instance as appropriate. It will also parse the
+headers and populate parsed_hdrs.
+ResponseStatusChecker will examine the response based upon its status
+code and also set messages as appropriate.
+ResponseHeaderParser MUST be called on the RedFetcher instance before
+running ResponseStatusChecker, because it relies on the headers being
+See for the main RED engine and for the Web front-end. is the actual response fetching engine.
+__version__ = "1"
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__copyright__ = """\
+Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import calendar
+import locale
+import re
+import time
+from cgi import escape as e
+from email.utils import parsedate as lib_parsedate
+from urlparse import urljoin
+import nbhttp.error
+import red_speak as rs
+from uri_validate import URI, URI_reference
+# base URL for RFC2616 references
+rfc2616 = ""
+### configuration
+max_hdr_size = 4 * 1024
+max_ttl_hdr = 20 * 1024
+# generic syntax regexen (assume processing with re.VERBOSE)
+TOKEN = r'(?:[!#\$%&\'\*\+\-\.\^_`|~A-Za-z0-9]+?)'
+QUOTED_STRING = r'(?:"(?:[ \t\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0B-\x0C\x0E\xFF])*")'
+PARAMETER = r'(?:%(TOKEN)s(?:=(?:%(TOKEN)s|%(QUOTED_STRING)s))?)' % locals()
+TOK_PARAM = r'(?:%(TOKEN)s(?:\s*;\s*%(PARAMETER)s)*)' % locals()
+PRODUCT = r'(?:%(TOKEN)s(?:/%(TOKEN)s)?)' % locals()
+COMMENT = r"""(?:
+    \((?:
+        [^\(\)] |
+        \\\( |
+        \\\) |
+        (?:
+            \((?:
+                [^\(\)] |
+                \\\( |
+                \\\) |
+                (?:
+                    \((?:
+                        [^\(\)] |
+                        \\\( |
+                        \\\)
+                    )*\)
+                )
+            )*\)
+        )
+    )*\)
+)""" # only handles two levels of nested comments; does not check chars
+COMMA = r'(?:\s*(?:,\s*)+)'
+DIGITS = r'(?:[0-9]+)'
+DATE = r"""(?:\w{3},\ [0-9]{2}\ \w{3}\ [0-9]{4}\ [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\ GMT |
+         \w{6,9},\ [0-9]{2}\-\w{3}\-[0-9]{2}\ [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\ GMT |
+         \w{3}\ \w{3}\ [0-9 ][0-9]\ [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\ [0-9]{4})
+        """
+def GenericHeaderSyntax(meth):
+    """
+    Decorator to take a list of header values, split on commas (except where
+    escaped) and return a list of header field-values. This will not work for
+    Set-Cookie (which contains an unescaped comma) and similar headers
+    containing bare dates.
+    E.g.,
+      ["foo,bar", "baz, bat"]
+    becomes
+      ["foo", "bar", "baz", "bat"]
+    """
+    def new(self, name, values):
+        values = sum(
+            [[f.strip() for f in re.findall(r'((?:[^",]|%s)+)(?=%s|\s*$)' %
+             (QUOTED_STRING, COMMA), v)] for v in values], []
+        ) or ['']
+        return meth(self, name, values)
+    return new
+def SingleFieldValue(meth):
+    """
+    Decorator to make sure that there's only one value.
+    """
+    def new(self, name, values):
+        if len(values) > 1:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.SINGLE_HEADER_REPEAT)
+        return meth(self, name, values)
+    return new
+def CheckFieldSyntax(exp, ref):
+    """
+    Decorator to check each header field-value to conform to the regex exp,
+    and if not to point users to url ref.
+    """
+    def wrap(meth):
+        def new(self, name, values):
+            for value in values:
+                if not re.match(r"^\s*(?:%s)\s*$" % exp, value, re.VERBOSE):
+                    self.setMessage(name, rs.BAD_SYNTAX, ref_uri=ref)
+                    def bad_syntax(self, name, values):
+                        return None
+                    return bad_syntax(self, name, values)
+            return meth(self, name, values)
+        return new
+    return wrap
+class ResponseHeaderParser(object):
+    """
+    Parse and check the response for obvious syntactic errors,
+    as well as semantic errors that are self-contained (i.e.,
+    it can be determined without examining other headers, etc.).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, red):
+ = red
+        hdr_dict = {}
+        header_block_size = len(red.res_phrase) + 13
+        clean_res_hdrs = []
+        for name, value in red.res_hdrs:
+            hdr_size = len(name) + len(value)
+            if hdr_size > max_hdr_size:
+                self.setMessage(name.lower(), rs.HEADER_TOO_LARGE,
+                                header_name=name, header_size=f_num(hdr_size))
+            header_block_size += hdr_size
+            try:
+                name = name.decode('ascii', 'strict')
+            except UnicodeError:
+                name = name.decode('ascii', 'ignore')
+                self.setMessage('%s' % name.lower(), rs.HEADER_NAME_ENCODING,
+                                header_name=name)
+            try:
+                value = value.decode('ascii', 'strict')
+            except UnicodeError:
+                value = value.decode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
+                self.setMessage('%s' % name.lower(), rs.HEADER_VALUE_ENCODING,
+                                header_name=name)
+            clean_res_hdrs.append((name, value))
+            if not re.match("^\s*%s\s*$" % TOKEN, name):
+                self.setMessage(name, rs.FIELD_NAME_BAD_SYNTAX)
+            norm_name = name.lower()
+            value = value.strip()
+            if hdr_dict.has_key(norm_name):
+                hdr_dict[norm_name][1].append(value)
+            else:
+                hdr_dict[norm_name] = (name, [value])
+        # replace the original header tuple with ones that are clean unicode
+        red.res_hdrs = clean_res_hdrs
+        # check the total header block size
+        if header_block_size > max_ttl_hdr:
+            self.setMessage('header', rs.HEADER_BLOCK_TOO_LARGE,
+                            header_block_size=f_num(header_block_size))
+        # build a dictionary of header values
+        for nn, (fn, values) in hdr_dict.items():
+            name_token = nn.replace('-', '_')
+            # anything starting with an underscore or with any caps won't match
+            if hasattr(self, name_token):
+                parsed_value = getattr(self, name_token)(fn, values)
+                if parsed_value != None:
+          [nn] = parsed_value
+    def setMessage(self, name, msg, **vars):
+        ident = 'header-%s' % name.lower()
+, msg, field_name=name, **vars)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _parseDate(values):
+        """Parse a HTTP date. Raises ValueError if it's bad."""
+        value = values[-1]
+        if not re.match(r"%s$" % DATE, value, re.VERBOSE):
+            raise ValueError
+        date_tuple = lib_parsedate(value)
+        if date_tuple is None:
+            raise ValueError
+        #
+        if date_tuple[0] < 100:
+            if date_tuple[0] > 68:
+                date_tuple = (date_tuple[0]+1900,)+date_tuple[1:]
+            else:
+                date_tuple = (date_tuple[0]+2000,)+date_tuple[1:]
+        date = calendar.timegm(date_tuple)
+        return date
+    @staticmethod
+    def _unquoteString(instr):
+        """
+        Unquote a string; does NOT unquote control characters.
+        @param instr: string to be unquoted
+        @type instr: string
+        @return: unquoted string
+        @rtype: string
+        """
+        instr = str(instr).strip()
+        if not instr or instr == '*':
+            return instr
+        if instr[0] == instr[-1] == '"':
+            instr = instr[1:-1]
+            instr = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', instr)
+        return instr
+    @staticmethod
+    def _splitString(instr, item, split):
+        """
+        Split instr as a list of items separated by splits.
+        @param instr: string to be split
+        @param item: regex for item to be split out
+        @param split: regex for splitter
+        @return: list of strings
+        """
+        if not instr:
+            return []
+        return [h.strip() for h in re.findall(r'%s(?=%s|\s*$)' % (item, split), instr)]
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def accept_ranges(self, name, values):
+        for value in values:
+            if value not in ['bytes', 'none']:
+                self.setMessage(name, rs.UNKNOWN_RANGE)
+                break
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(DIGITS, rfc2616 % "sec-14.6")
+    def age(self, name, values):
+        try:
+            age = int(values[-1])
+        except ValueError:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.AGE_NOT_INT)
+            return None
+        if age < 0:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.AGE_NEGATIVE)
+            return None
+        return age
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(TOKEN, rfc2616 % "sec-14.7")
+    def allow(self, name, values):
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(PARAMETER, rfc2616 % "sec-14.9")
+    def cache_control(self, name, values):
+        directives = set()
+        for directive in values:
+            try:
+                attr, value = directive.split("=", 1)
+                value = self._unquoteString(value)
+            except ValueError:
+                attr = directive
+                value = None
+            if attr in ['max-age', 's-maxage']:
+                try:
+                    value = int(value)
+                except (ValueError, TypeError):
+                    self.setMessage(name, rs.BAD_CC_SYNTAX, bad_cc_attr=attr)
+                    continue
+            directives.add((attr, value))
+        return directives
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def content_base(self, name, values):
+        self.setMessage(name, rs.HEADER_DEPRECATED, ref=rfc2616 % "sec-19.6.3")
+        return values[-1]
+    def content_disposition(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, parse
+        pass
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(TOKEN, rfc2616 % "sec-14.11")
+    def content_encoding(self, name, values):
+        values = [v.lower() for v in values]
+        for value in values:
+            # check to see if there are any non-gzip encodings, because
+            # that's the only one we ask for.
+            if value != 'gzip':
+                self.setMessage(name, rs.ENCODING_UNWANTED, encoding=e(value))
+                break
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(DIGITS, rfc2616 % "sec-14.13")
+    def content_length(self, name, values):
+        return int(values[-1])
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def content_md5(self, name, values):
+        return values[-1]
+    def content_range(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, values?
+        if not in ["206", "416"]:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.CONTENT_RANGE_MEANINGLESS)
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(r'(?:%(TOKEN)s/%(TOKEN)s(?:\s*;\s*%(PARAMETER)s)*)' % globals(),
+                      rfc2616 % "sec-14.17")
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def content_type(self, name, values):
+        try:
+            media_type, params = values[-1].split(";", 1)
+        except ValueError:
+            media_type, params = values[-1], ''
+        media_type = media_type.lower()
+        param_dict = {}
+        for param in self._splitString(params, PARAMETER, "\s*;\s*"):
+            try:
+                a, v = param.split("=", 1)
+                param_dict[a.lower()] = self._unquoteString(v)
+            except ValueError:
+                param_dict[param.lower()] = None
+        return media_type, param_dict
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def date(self, name, values):
+        try:
+            date = self._parseDate(values)
+        except ValueError:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.BAD_DATE_SYNTAX)
+            return None
+        return date
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def expires(self, name, values):
+        try:
+            date = self._parseDate(values)
+        except ValueError:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.BAD_DATE_SYNTAX)
+            return None
+        return date
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(r'\*|(?:W/)?%s' % QUOTED_STRING, rfc2616 % "sec-14.19")
+    def etag(self, name, values):
+        instr = values[-1]
+        if instr[:2] == 'W/':
+            return (True, self._unquoteString(instr[2:]))
+        else:
+            return (False, self._unquoteString(instr))
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def keep_alive(self, name, values):
+        directives = set()
+        for directive in values:
+            try:
+                attr, value = directive.split("=", 1)
+                value = self._unquoteString(value)
+            except ValueError:
+                attr = directive
+                value = None
+            attr = attr.lower()
+            directives.add((attr, value))
+        return values
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def last_modified(self, name, values):
+        try:
+            date = self._parseDate(values)
+        except ValueError:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.BAD_DATE_SYNTAX)
+            return None
+        if date >
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.LM_FUTURE)
+            return
+        else:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.LM_PRESENT,
+              last_modified_string=relative_time(date,
+        return date
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def link(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, values?
+        pass
+    # The most common problem with Location is a non-absolute URI, so we separate
+    # that from the syntax check.
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(URI_reference, rfc2616 % "sec-14.30")
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def location(self, name, values):
+        if not in ["201", "300", "301", "302", "303", "305", "307"]:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.LOCATION_UNDEFINED)
+        if not re.match(r"^\s*%s\s*$" % URI, values[-1], re.VERBOSE):
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.LOCATION_NOT_ABSOLUTE,
+                            full_uri=e(urljoin(, values[-1])))
+        return values[-1]
+    def mime_version(self, name, values):
+        self.setMessage(name, rs.MIME_VERSION)
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def p3p(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, values
+        pass
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def pragma(self, name, values):
+        values = set([v.lower() for v in values])
+        if "no-cache" in values:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.PRAGMA_NO_CACHE)
+        others = [True for v in values if v != "no-cache"]
+        if others:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.PRAGMA_OTHER)
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(r"(?:%s|%s)" % (DIGITS, DATE), rfc2616 % "sec-14.37")
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def retry_after(self, name, values):
+        pass
+    def server(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, flag servers?
+        pass
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def soapaction(self, name, values):
+        return values[-1]
+    def set_cookie(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, values?
+        pass
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def tcn(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, values?
+        pass
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(TOK_PARAM, rfc2616 % "sec-14.41")
+    # TODO: accommodate transfer-parameters
+    def transfer_encoding(self, name, values):
+        values = [v.lower() for v in values]
+        if 'identity' in values:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.TRANSFER_CODING_IDENTITY)
+        for value in values:
+            # check to see if there are any non-chunked encodings, because
+            # that's the only one we ask for.
+            if value not in ['chunked', 'identity']:
+                self.setMessage(name, rs.TRANSFER_CODING_UNWANTED,
+                                encoding=e(value))
+                break
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(TOKEN, rfc2616 % "sec-14.44")
+    def vary(self, name, values):
+        values = set([v.lower() for v in values])
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(r'(?:%s/)?%s\s+[^,\s]+(?:\s+%s)?' % (TOKEN, TOKEN, COMMENT),
+                      rfc2616 % "sec-14.45")
+    def via(self, name, values):
+        via_list = u"<ul>" + u"\n".join(
+               [u"<li><code>%s</code></li>" % e(v) for v in values]
+                           ) + u"</ul>"
+        self.setMessage(name, rs.VIA_PRESENT, via_list=via_list)
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def warning(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: check syntax, values?
+        pass
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def x_cache(self, name, values):
+        # TODO: explain
+        pass
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def x_content_type_options(self, name, values):
+        if 'nosniff' in values:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS)
+        else:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_UNKNOWN)
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def x_download_options(self, name, values):
+        if 'noopen' in values:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS)
+        else:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS_UNKNOWN)
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def x_frame_options(self, name, values):
+        if 'DENY' in values:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.FRAME_OPTIONS_DENY)
+        elif 'SAMEORIGIN' in values:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.FRAME_OPTIONS_SAMEORIGIN)
+        else:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.FRAME_OPTIONS_UNKNOWN)
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    def x_meta_mssmarttagspreventparsing(self, name, values):
+        self.setMessage(name, rs.SMART_TAG_NO_WORK)
+        return values
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(PARAMETER, "")
+    def x_ua_compatible(self, name, values):
+        directives = {}
+        for directive in values:
+            try:
+                attr, value = directive.split("=", 1)
+            except ValueError:
+                attr = directive
+                value = None
+            if directives.has_key(attr):
+                self.setMessage(name, rs.UA_COMPATIBLE_REPEAT)
+            directives[attr] = value
+        uac_list = u"\n".join([u"<li>%s - %s</li>" % (e(k), e(v)) for
+                            k, v in directives.items()])
+        self.setMessage(name, rs.UA_COMPATIBLE, uac_list=uac_list)
+        return directives
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    @CheckFieldSyntax(DIGITS, '')
+    def x_xss_protection(self, name, values):
+        if int(values[-1]) == 0:
+            self.setMessage(name, rs.XSS_PROTECTION)
+        return values[-1]
+    @GenericHeaderSyntax
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def x_xrds_location(self, name, values):
+        pass
+    @SingleFieldValue
+    def x_pingback(self, name, values):
+        #TODO: message, perhaps allow a ping
+        pass
+class ResponseStatusChecker:
+    """
+    Given a RED, check out the status
+    code and perform appropriate tests on it.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, red):
+ = red
+        try:
+            getattr(self, "status%s" % red.res_status)()
+        except AttributeError:
+            self.setMessage('status', rs.STATUS_NONSTANDARD)
+    def setMessage(self, name, msg, **vars):
+        if name:
+            ident = 'status %s' % name
+        else:
+            ident = 'status'
+, msg,
+                   ,
+                             enc_status=e(,
+                             **vars
+                             )
+    def status100(self):        # Continue
+        if not "100-continue" in nbhttp.get_hdr(, 'expect'):
+            self.setMessage('', rs.UNEXPECTED_CONTINUE)
+    def status101(self):        # Switching Protocols
+        if not 'upgrade' in nbhttp.header_dict(
+            self.setMessage('', rs.UPGRADE_NOT_REQUESTED)
+    def status102(self):        # Processing
+        pass
+    def status200(self):        # OK
+        pass
+    def status201(self):        # Created
+        if in nbhttp.safe_methods:
+            self.setMessage('status', rs.CREATED_SAFE_METHOD,
+        if not'location'):
+            self.setMessage('header-location', rs.CREATED_WITHOUT_LOCATION)
+    def status202(self):        # Accepted
+        pass
+    def status203(self):        # Non-Authoritative Information
+        pass
+    def status204(self):        # No Content
+        pass
+    def status205(self):        # Reset Content
+        pass
+    def status206(self):        # Partial Content
+        if not "range" in nbhttp.header_dict(
+            self.setMessage('', rs.PARTIAL_NOT_REQUESTED)
+        if not'content-range'):
+            print
+            self.setMessage('header-location', rs.PARTIAL_WITHOUT_RANGE)
+    def status207(self):        # Multi-Status
+        pass
+    def status226(self):        # IM Used
+        pass
+    def status300(self):        # Multiple Choices
+        pass
+    def status301(self):        # Moved Permanently
+        if not'location'):
+            self.setMessage('header-location', rs.REDIRECT_WITHOUT_LOCATION)
+    def status302(self):        # Found
+        if not'location'):
+            self.setMessage('header-location', rs.REDIRECT_WITHOUT_LOCATION)
+    def status303(self):        # See Other
+        if not'location'):
+            self.setMessage('header-location', rs.REDIRECT_WITHOUT_LOCATION)
+    def status304(self):        # Not Modified
+        pass # TODO: check to make sure required headers are present, stable
+    def status305(self):        # Use Proxy
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_DEPRECATED)
+    def status306(self):        # Reserved
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_RESERVED)
+    def status307(self):        # Temporary Redirect
+        if not'location'):
+            self.setMessage('header-location', rs.REDIRECT_WITHOUT_LOCATION)
+    def status400(self):        # Bad Request
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_BAD_REQUEST)
+    def status401(self):        # Unauthorized
+        pass # TODO: prompt for credentials
+    def status402(self):        # Payment Required
+        pass
+    def status403(self):        # Forbidden
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_FORBIDDEN)
+    def status404(self):        # Not Found
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_NOT_FOUND)
+    def status405(self):        # Method Not Allowed
+        pass # TODO: show allowed methods?
+    def status406(self):        # Not Acceptable
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE)
+    def status407(self):        # Proxy Authentication Required
+        pass
+    def status408(self):        # Request Timeout
+        pass
+    def status409(self):        # Conflict
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_CONFLICT)
+    def status410(self):        # Gone
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_GONE)
+    def status411(self):        # Length Required
+        pass
+    def status412(self):        # Precondition Failed
+        pass # TODO: test to see if it's true, alert if not
+    def status413(self):        # Request Entity Too Large
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE)
+    def status414(self):        # Request-URI Too Long
+        self.setMessage('uri', rs.STATUS_URI_TOO_LONG,
+                        uri_len=len(
+    def status415(self):        # Unsupported Media Type
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE)
+    def status416(self):        # Requested Range Not Satisfiable
+        pass # TODO: test to see if it's true, alter if not
+    def status417(self):        # Expectation Failed
+        pass # TODO: explain, alert if it's 100-continue
+    def status422(self):        # Unprocessable Entity
+        pass
+    def status423(self):        # Locked
+        pass
+    def status424(self):        # Failed Dependency
+        pass
+    def status426(self):        # Upgrade Required
+        pass
+    def status500(self):        # Internal Server Error
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR)
+    def status501(self):        # Not Implemented
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
+    def status502(self):        # Bad Gateway
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY)
+    def status503(self):        # Service Unavailable
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE)
+    def status504(self):        # Gateway Timeout
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT)
+    def status505(self):        # HTTP Version Not Supported
+        self.setMessage('', rs.STATUS_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED)
+    def status506(self):        # Variant Also Negotiates
+        pass
+    def status507(self):        # Insufficient Storage
+        pass
+    def status510(self):        # Not Extended
+        pass
+def f_num(instr):
+    "Format a number according to the locale."
+    return locale.format("%d", instr, grouping=True)
+def relative_time(utime, now=None, show_sign=1):
+    '''
+    Given two times, return a string that explains how far apart they are.
+    show_sign can be:
+      0 - don't show
+      1 - ago / from now  [DEFAULT]
+      2 - early / late
+     '''
+    signs = {
+        0:    ('0', '', ''),
+        1:    ('now', 'ago', 'from now'),
+        2:    ('none', 'behind', 'ahead'),
+    }
+    if  utime == None:
+        return None
+    if now == None:
+        now = time.time()
+    age = int(now - utime)
+    if age == 0:
+        return signs[show_sign][0]
+    a = abs(age)
+    yrs = int(a / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7 / 52)
+    wks = int(a / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7) % 52
+    day = int(a / 60 / 60 / 24) % 7
+    hrs = int(a / 60 / 60) % 24
+    mnt = int(a / 60) % 60
+    sec = int(a % 60)
+    if age > 0:
+        sign = signs[show_sign][1]
+    else:
+        sign = signs[show_sign][2]
+    if not sign:
+        sign = signs[show_sign][0]
+    arr = []
+    if yrs == 1:
+        arr.append(str(yrs) + ' year')
+    elif yrs > 1:
+        arr.append(str(yrs) + ' years')
+    if wks == 1:
+        arr.append(str(wks) + ' week')
+    elif wks > 1:
+        arr.append(str(wks) + ' weeks')
+    if day == 1:
+        arr.append(str(day) + ' day')
+    elif day > 1:
+        arr.append(str(day) + ' days')
+    if hrs:
+        arr.append(str(hrs) + ' hr')
+    if mnt:
+        arr.append(str(mnt) + ' min')
+    if sec:
+        arr.append(str(sec) + ' sec')
+    arr = arr[:2]        # resolution
+    if show_sign:
+        arr.append(sign)
+    return " ".join(arr)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Jun 30, 2010
+@author: Hirotaka Nakajima <>
+from red import ResourceExpertDroid
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
+from cgi import escape as e
+import re
+import cgi
+import nbhttp
+import logging
+__date__ = "Jun 30, 2010"
+__author__ = "Hirotaka Nakajima <>"
+class UnicornUi(object):
+    """
+    Unicorn Interface of Red Cacheability checker
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_uri):
+        """
+        Constractor
+        @param test_uri: Test Uri
+        """
+        self.test_uri = test_uri
+        try:
+   = ResourceExpertDroid(self.test_uri)
+            self.result = ""
+            self.done = False
+            logger = logging.getLogger()
+            logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+            if
+                self.result = self._generate_output_xml(test_uri,
+            else:
+                error_string = ""
+                if['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_CONNECT['desc']:
+                    error_string = "Could not connect to the server (%s)" %'detail', "unknown")
+                elif['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_URL['desc']:
+                    error_string ='detail', "RED can't fetch that URL.")
+                elif['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_READ_TIMEOUT['desc']:
+                    error_string =['desc']
+                elif['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_HTTP_VERSION['desc']:
+                    error_string = "<code>%s</code> isn't HTTP." % e('detail', '')[:20])
+                else:
+                    raise AssertionError, "Unidentified incomplete response error."
+                self.result = self._generate_error_xml(error_string).toprettyxml()
+        except:
+            import traceback
+            logging.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            self.result = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<observationresponse ref="None" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
+    <message type="error">
+        <title>
+            Internal Server Error
+        </title>
+        <description>
+            Internal Server Error occured.
+        </description>
+    </message>
+    def get_result(self):
+        """
+        Return result if cacheability check was finished.
+        If not, return None
+        @return: Result of cacheablity checker.
+        """
+        return str(self.result)
+    def _get_response_document(self):
+        """
+        Generate response document
+        @return: Root response document DOM object
+        """
+        doc = minidom.Document()
+        rootDoc = doc.createElement("observationresponse")
+        rootDoc.setAttribute("xmlns", "")
+        rootDoc.setAttribute("xml:lang", "en")
+        rootDoc.setAttribute("ref", self.test_uri)
+        doc.appendChild(rootDoc)
+        return rootDoc, doc        
+    def _generate_output_xml(self, test_uri, messages):
+        """
+        Generate Output XML Document
+        @return: Output XML Document
+        """
+        rootDoc, doc = self._get_response_document()
+        for i in messages:
+            m = doc.createElement("message")
+            m.setAttribute("type", self._convert_level(i.level))
+            title = doc.createElement("title")
+            title.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i.summary['en'] % i.vars))
+            text = "<description>" + (i.text['en'] % i.vars) + "</description>"
+            try:
+                text_dom = parseString(text)
+            except:
+                logging.error(text)
+                text_dom = parseString("<description>Internal Error</description>")
+            text_element = text_dom.getElementsByTagName("description")
+            m.appendChild(title)
+            m.appendChild(text_element[0])
+            rootDoc.appendChild(m)
+        return doc
+    def _generate_error_xml(self, error_message):
+        '''
+        Return Error XML Document
+        @return: Error XML Document
+        '''
+        rootDoc, doc = self._get_response_document()
+        m = doc.createElement("message")
+        m.setAttribute("type", "error")
+        title = doc.createElement("title")
+        title.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Checker Error"))
+        text = "<description>" + error_message + "</description>"
+        try:
+            text_dom = parseString(text)
+        except:
+            logging.error(text)
+            text_dom = parseString("<description>Internal Error</description>")
+        text_element = text_dom.getElementsByTagName("description")
+        m.appendChild(title)
+        m.appendChild(text_element[0])
+        rootDoc.appendChild(m)
+        return doc
+    def _convert_level(self, level):
+        '''
+        Convert verbose level string from Redbot style to unicorn style
+        '''
+        level = re.sub("good", "info", level)
+        level = re.sub("bad", "error", level)
+        return level
+def application(environ, start_response):
+    method = environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')
+    test_uri = None
+    result = None
+    run_engine = False
+    response_headers = None
+    if method == "GET":
+        query = cgi.parse_qsl(environ.get('QUERY_STRING'))
+        for q in query:
+            if len(q) == 2:
+                if q[0] == "ca_uri":
+                    test_uri = q[1]
+                if q[0] == "output":
+                    if q[1] == "ucn":
+                        run_engine = True
+    if test_uri != None:
+        if run_engine == True:
+            red = UnicornUi(test_uri)
+            result = red.get_result()
+            status = '200 OK'
+            response_headers = [('Content-type', 'application/xml'),
+                        ('Content-Length', str(len(result)))]
+        else:
+            status = '303 See Other'
+            response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Location', "" + test_uri)]
+            result = ""
+    if result == None:
+        status = '200 OK'
+        result = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<observationresponse ref="None" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
+    <message type="error">
+        <title>
+            No URI provided
+        </title>
+        <description>
+            URI isn't provided
+        </description>
+    </message>
+        response_headers = [('Content-type', 'application/xml'), ('Content-Length', str(len(result)))]
+    start_response(status, response_headers)    
+    return [result]
+def standalone_main(test_uri):
+    red = UnicornUi(test_uri) 
+    print red.get_result()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    test_uri = sys.argv[1]   
+    standalone_main(test_uri)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Regex for URIs
+These regex are directly derived from the collected ABNF in RFC3986
+(except for DIGIT, ALPHA and HEXDIG, defined by RFC2234).
+They should be processed with re.VERBOSE.
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__license__ = """
+Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mark Nottingham (code portions)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+### basics
+DIGIT = r"[\x30-\x39]"
+ALPHA = r"[\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A]"
+HEXDIG = r"[\x30-\x39A-Fa-f]"
+#   pct-encoded   = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
+pct_encoded = r" %% %(HEXDIG)s %(HEXDIG)s"  % locals()
+#   unreserved    = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
+unreserved = r"(?: %(ALPHA)s | %(DIGIT)s | \- | \. | _ | ~ )"  % locals()
+#   gen-delims    = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
+gen_delims = r"(?: : | / | \? | \# | \[ | \] | @ )"
+#   sub-delims    = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
+#                 / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
+sub_delims = r"""(?: ! | \$ | & | ' | \( | \) |
+                     \* | \+ | , | ; | = )"""
+#   pchar         = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
+pchar = r"(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s | : | @ )" % locals()
+#   reserved      = gen-delims / sub-delims
+reserved = r"(?: %(gen_delims)s | %(sub_delims)s )" % locals()
+### scheme
+#   scheme        = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
+scheme = r"%(ALPHA)s (?: %(ALPHA)s | %(DIGIT)s | \+ | \- | \. )*" % locals()
+### authority
+#   dec-octet     = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
+#                 / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
+#                 / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
+#                 / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249
+#                 / "25" %x30-35          ; 250-255
+dec_octet = r"""(?: %(DIGIT)s |
+                    [\x31-\x39] %(DIGIT)s |
+                    1 %(DIGIT)s{2} |
+                    2 [\x30-\x34] %(DIGIT)s |
+                    25 [\x30-\x35]
+                )
+""" % locals()
+#  IPv4address   = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
+IPv4address = r"%(dec_octet)s \. %(dec_octet)s \. %(dec_octet)s \. %(dec_octet)s" % locals()
+#  h16           = 1*4HEXDIG
+h16 = r"(?: %(HEXDIG)s ){1,4}" % locals()
+#  ls32          = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
+ls32 = r"(?: (?: %(h16)s : %(h16)s ) | %(IPv4address)s )" % locals()
+#   IPv6address   =                            6( h16 ":" ) ls32
+#                 /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
+#                 / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
+#                 / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
+#                 / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
+#                 / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
+#                 / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
+#                 / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
+#                 / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
+IPv6address = r"""(?:                                  (?: %(h16)s : ){6} %(ls32)s |
+                                                    :: (?: %(h16)s : ){5} %(ls32)s |
+                                            %(h16)s :: (?: %(h16)s : ){4} %(ls32)s |
+                         (?: %(h16)s : )    %(h16)s :: (?: %(h16)s : ){3} %(ls32)s |
+                         (?: %(h16)s : ){2} %(h16)s :: (?: %(h16)s : ){2} %(ls32)s |
+                         (?: %(h16)s : ){3} %(h16)s ::     %(h16)s :      %(ls32)s |
+                         (?: %(h16)s : ){4} %(h16)s ::                    %(ls32)s |
+                         (?: %(h16)s : ){5} %(h16)s ::                    %(h16)s  |
+                         (?: %(h16)s : ){6} %(h16)s ::
+                  )
+""" % locals()
+#   IPvFuture     = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )
+IPvFuture = r"v %(HEXDIG)s+ \. (?: %(unreserved)s | %(sub_delims)s | : )+" % locals()
+#   IP-literal    = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture  ) "]"
+IP_literal = r"\[ (?: %(IPv6address)s | %(IPvFuture)s ) \]" % locals()
+#   reg-name      = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )
+reg_name = r"(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s )*" % locals()
+#   userinfo      = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
+userinfo = r"(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s | : )" % locals()
+#   host          = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
+host = r"(?: %(IP_literal)s | %(IPv4address)s | %(reg_name)s )" % locals()
+#   port          = *DIGIT
+port = r"(?: %(DIGIT)s )*" % locals()
+#   authority     = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
+authority = r"(?: %(userinfo)s @)? %(host)s (?: : %(port)s)?" % locals()
+### Path
+#   segment       = *pchar
+segment = r"%(pchar)s*" % locals()
+#   segment-nz    = 1*pchar
+segment_nz = r"%(pchar)s+" % locals()
+#   segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" )
+#                 ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
+segment_nz_nc = r"(?: %(unreserved)s | %(pct_encoded)s | %(sub_delims)s | @ )+" % locals()
+#   path-abempty  = *( "/" segment )
+path_abempty = r"(?: / %(segment)s )*" % locals()
+#   path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ]
+path_absolute = r"/ (?: %(segment_nz)s (?: / %(segment)s )* )?" % locals()
+#   path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment )
+path_noscheme = r"%(segment_nz_nc)s (?: / %(segment)s )*" % locals()
+#   path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment )
+path_rootless = r"%(segment_nz)s (?: / %(segment)s )*" % locals()
+#   path-empty    = 0<pchar>
+path_empty = r"%(pchar)s{0}"
+#   path          = path-abempty    ; begins with "/" or is empty
+#                 / path-absolute   ; begins with "/" but not "//"
+#                 / path-noscheme   ; begins with a non-colon segment
+#                 / path-rootless   ; begins with a segment
+#                 / path-empty      ; zero characters
+path = r"""(?: %(path_abempty)s |
+               %(path_absolute)s |
+               %(path_noscheme)s |
+               %(path_rootless)s |
+               %(path_empty)s
+            )
+""" % locals()
+### Query and Fragment
+#   query         = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
+query = r"(?: %(pchar)s | / | \? )*" % locals()
+#   fragment      = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
+fragment = r"(?: %(pchar)s | / | \? )*" % locals()
+### URIs
+#   hier-part     = "//" authority path-abempty
+#                 / path-absolute
+#                 / path-rootless
+#                 / path-empty
+hier_part = r"""(?: (?: // %(authority)s %(path_abempty)s ) |
+                    %(path_absolute)s |
+                    %(path_rootless)s |
+                    %(path_empty)s
+                )
+""" % locals()
+#   relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty
+#                 / path-absolute
+#                 / path-noscheme
+#                 / path-empty
+relative_part = r"""(?: (?: // %(authority)s %(path_abempty)s ) |
+                        %(path_absolute)s |
+                        %(path_noscheme)s |
+                        %(path_empty)s
+                    )
+""" % locals()
+#   relative-ref  = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
+relative_ref = r"%(relative_part)s (?: \? %(query)s)? (?: \# %(fragment)s)?" % locals()
+#   URI           = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
+URI = r"(?: %(scheme)s : %(hier_part)s (?: \? %(query)s )? (?: \# %(fragment)s )? )" % locals()
+#   URI-reference = URI / relative-ref
+URI_reference = r"(?: %(URI)s | %(relative_ref)s )" % locals()
+#   absolute-URI  = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ]
+absolute_URI = r"(?: %(scheme)s : %(hier_part)s (?: \? %(query)s )? )" % locals()
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+    import re
+    import sys
+    try:
+        instr = sys.argv[1]
+    except IndexError:
+        print "usage: %s test-string" % sys.argv[0]
+        sys.exit(1)
+    print 'testing: "%s"' % instr
+    print "URI:",
+    if re.match("^%s$" % URI, instr, re.VERBOSE):
+        print "yes"
+    else:
+        print "no"
+    print "URI reference:",
+    if re.match("^%s$" % URI_reference, instr, re.VERBOSE):
+        print "yes"
+    else:
+        print "no"
+    print "Absolute URI:",
+    if re.match("^%s$" % absolute_URI, instr, re.VERBOSE):
+        print "yes"
+    else:
+        print "no"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+A Web UI for RED, the Resource Expert Droid.
+__author__ = "Mark Nottingham <>"
+__copyright__ = """\
+Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Mark Nottingham
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+### Configuration ##########################################################
+# FIXME: make language configurable/dynamic
+lang = "en"
+charset = "utf-8"
+# Where to store exceptions; set to None to disable traceback logging
+logdir = 'exceptions'
+# how many seconds to allow it to run for
+max_runtime = 60
+# URI root for static assets (absolute or relative, but no trailing '/')
+static_root = 'static'
+# directory containing files to append to the front page; None to disable
+extra_dir = "extra"
+### End configuration ######################################################
+import cgi
+import codecs
+import locale
+import operator
+import os
+import pprint
+import re
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import time
+import urllib
+from functools import partial
+from urlparse import urljoin, urlsplit
+from cgi import escape as e
+assert sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5, "Please use Python 2.5 or greater"
+import link_parse
+import nbhttp
+import red
+import red_defns
+import red_fetcher
+import red_header
+import red_speak as rs
+from response_analyse import relative_time, f_num
+# HTML template for error bodies
+error_template = u"""\
+<p class="error">
+ %s
+nl = u"\n"
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale.normalize(lang))
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+class RedWebUi(object):
+    """
+    A Web UI for RED.
+    Given a URI, run RED on it and present the results to output as HTML.
+    If descend is true, spider the links and present a summary.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, test_uri, req_hdrs, base_uri, output_hdrs, output_body, descend=False):
+        self.base_uri = base_uri
+        self.req_hdrs = req_hdrs
+        self.descend_links = descend
+        self.output = output_body
+        self.start = time.time()
+        timeout = nbhttp.schedule(max_runtime, self.timeoutError)
+        html_header = red_header.__doc__ % {
+            'static': static_root,
+            'version': red.__version__,
+            'html_uri': e(test_uri),
+            'js_uri': e_js(test_uri),
+            'js_req_hdrs': ", ".join(['["%s", "%s"]' % (
+                e_js(n), e_js(v)) for n,v in req_hdrs]),
+            'extra_js': self.presentExtra('.js')
+        }
+        self.links = {}          # {type: set(link...)}
+        self.link_count = 0
+        self.link_droids = []    # list of REDs for summary output
+        self.hidden_text = []    # list of things to hide for popups
+        self.body_sample = ""    # sample of the response body
+        self.body_sample_size = 1024 * 128 # how big to allow the sample to be
+        self.sample_seen = 0
+        self.sample_complete = True
+        ct_hdr = ("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
+        if test_uri:
+            output_hdrs("200 OK", [ct_hdr, ("Cache-Control", "max-age=60, must-revalidate")])
+            self.output(html_header.encode(charset, 'replace'))
+            self.link_parser = link_parse.HTMLLinkParser(test_uri, self.processLink, self.updateStatus)
+   = red.ResourceExpertDroid(
+                test_uri,
+                req_hdrs=req_hdrs,
+                status_cb=self.updateStatus,
+                body_procs=[self.link_parser.feed, self.storeSample],
+            )
+            self.updateStatus('Done.')
+            if
+                if self.descend_links and self.link_count > 0:
+                    self.output(TablePresenter(self,
+                else:
+                    self.output(DetailPresenter(self,
+                elapsed = time.time() - self.start
+                self.updateStatus("RED made %(requests)s requests in %(elapsed)2.2f seconds." % {
+                   'requests': red_fetcher.total_requests,
+                   'elapsed': elapsed
+                });
+            else:
+                self.output("<div id='main'>\n")
+                if['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_CONNECT['desc']:
+                    self.output(error_template % "Could not connect to the server (%s)" % \
+              'detail', "unknown"))
+                elif['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_URL['desc']:
+                    self.output(error_template %
+                                          'detail', "RED can't fetch that URL."))
+                elif['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_READ_TIMEOUT['desc']:
+                    self.output(error_template %['desc'])
+                elif['desc'] == nbhttp.error.ERR_HTTP_VERSION['desc']:
+                    self.output(error_template % "<code>%s</code> isn't HTTP." % e('detail', '')[:20]))
+                else:
+                    raise AssertionError, "Unidentified incomplete response error."
+                self.output(self.presentFooter())
+                self.output("</div>\n")
+        else:  # no test_uri
+            output_hdrs("200 OK", [ct_hdr, ("Cache-Control", "max-age=300")])
+            self.output(html_header.encode(charset, 'replace'))
+            self.output(self.presentExtra())
+            self.output(self.presentFooter())
+            self.output("</div>\n")
+        self.output("</body></html>\n")
+        timeout.delete()
+    def processLink(self, link, tag, title):
+        "Handle a link from content"
+        self.link_count += 1
+        if not self.links.has_key(tag):
+            self.links[tag] = set()
+        if self.descend_links and tag not in ['a'] and \
+          link not in self.links[tag]:
+            self.link_droids.append((
+                red.ResourceExpertDroid(
+                    urljoin(self.link_parser.base, link),
+                    req_hdrs=self.req_hdrs,
+                    status_cb=self.updateStatus
+                ),
+                tag
+            ))
+        self.links[tag].add(link)
+    def storeSample(self, response, chunk):
+        """store the first self.sample_size bytes of the response"""
+        if self.sample_seen + len(chunk) < self.body_sample_size:
+            self.body_sample += chunk
+            self.sample_seen += len(chunk)
+        elif self.sample_seen < self.body_sample_size:
+            max_chunk = self.body_sample_size - self.sample_seen
+            self.body_sample += chunk[:max_chunk]
+            self.sample_seen += len(chunk)
+            self.sample_complete = False
+        else:
+            self.sample_complete = False
+    def presentBody(self):
+        """show the stored body sample"""
+        try:
+            uni_sample = unicode(self.body_sample,
+                self.link_parser.doc_enc or self.link_parser.http_enc, 'ignore')
+        except LookupError:
+            uni_sample = unicode(self.body_sample, charset, 'ignore')
+        safe_sample = e(uni_sample)
+        message = ""
+        for tag, link_set in self.links.items():
+            for link in link_set:
+                def link_to(matchobj):
+                    return r"%s<a href='%s' class='nocode'>%s</a>%s" % (
+              ,
+                        u"?uri=%s" % e_query_arg(urljoin(self.link_parser.base, link)),
+                        e(link),
+                    )
+                safe_sample = re.sub(r"(['\"])%s\1" % re.escape(link), link_to, safe_sample)
+        if not self.sample_complete:
+            message = "<p class='note'>RED isn't showing the whole body, because it's so big!</p>"
+        return """<pre class="prettyprint">%s</pre>\n%s""" % (safe_sample, message)
+    def presentExtra(self, type='.html'):
+        """
+        Show extra content from the extra_dir, if any. MUST be UTF-8.
+        Type controls the extension included; currently supported:
+          - '.html': shown only on start page, after input block
+          - '.js': javascript block (with script tag surrounding)
+            included on every page view. 
+        """
+        o = []
+        if extra_dir and os.path.isdir(extra_dir):
+            extra_files = [p for p in os.listdir(extra_dir) if os.path.splitext(p)[1] == type]
+            for extra_file in extra_files:
+                extra_path = os.path.join(extra_dir, extra_file)
+                try:
+                    o.append(, mode='r', encoding=charset, errors='replace').read())
+                except IOError, why:
+                    o.append("<!-- error opening %s: %s -->" % (extra_file, why))
+        return nl.join(o)
+    def presentHiddenList(self):
+        "return a list of hidden items to be used by the UI"
+        return "<ul>" + "\n".join(["<li id='%s'>%s</li>" % (id, text) for \
+            (id, text) in self.hidden_text]) + "</ul>"
+    def presentFooter(self):
+        "page footer"
+        return """\
+<br clear="all"/> <!-- FIXME -->
+<div class="footer">
+<p class="version">this is RED %(version)s.</p>
+<p class="navigation">
+<a href="">about</a> |
+<a href="">blog</a> |
+<a href="">project</a> |
+<a href="javascript:location%%20=%%20'%(baseuri)s?uri='+escape(location);%%20void%%200"
+title="drag me to your toolbar to use RED any time.">RED</a> bookmarklet
+""" % {
+       'baseuri': self.base_uri,
+       'version': red.__version__,
+       }
+    def updateStatus(self, message):
+        "Update the status bar of the browser"
+        msg = u"""
+<!-- %3.3f
+        """ % (time.time() - self.start, e(message))
+        self.output(msg.encode(charset, 'replace'))
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+    def timeoutError(self):
+        """ Max runtime reached."""
+        self.output(error_template % ("RED timeout."))
+        self.output("<!-- Outstanding Connections\n")
+        class DummyStream:
+            @staticmethod
+            def write(s):
+                self.output(s)
+        ds = DummyStream()
+        for conn in red_fetcher.outstanding_requests:
+            self.output("*** %s\n" % conn.uri)
+            pprint.pprint(conn.__dict__, ds)
+            if conn.client:
+                pprint.pprint(conn.client.__dict__, ds)
+            if conn.client._tcp_conn:
+                pprint.pprint(conn.client._tcp_conn.__dict__, ds)
+        self.output("-->\n")
+        nbhttp.stop() # FIXME: not appropriate for standalone server
+class DetailPresenter(object):
+    """
+    Present a single RED response in detail.
+    """
+    # the order of message categories to display
+    msg_categories = [
+        rs.c.GENERAL, rs.c.CONNECTION, rs.c.CONNEG, rs.c.CACHING, rs.c.VALIDATION, rs.c.RANGE
+    ]
+    # Media types that browsers can view natively
+    viewable_types = [
+        'text/plain',
+        'text/html',
+        'application/xhtml+xml',
+        'application/pdf',
+        'image/gif',
+        'image/jpeg',
+        'image/jpg',
+        'image/png',
+        'application/javascript',
+        'application/x-javascript',
+        'text/javascript',
+        'text/x-javascript',
+        'text/css',
+    ]
+    # Validator uris, by media type
+    validators = {
+        'text/html': "",
+        'text/css': "",
+        'application/xhtml+xml': "",
+        'application/atom+xml': "",
+        'application/rss+xml': "",
+    }
+    # HTML template for the main response body
+    template = u"""\
+    <div id="left_column">
+    <pre id='response'>%(response)s</pre>
+    <p class="options">
+        %(options)s
+    </p>
+    </div>
+    <div id="right_column">
+    <div id='details'>
+    %(messages)s
+    </div>
+    </div>
+    <br clear="all"/> <!-- FIXME -->
+    <div id='body'>
+    %(body)s
+    </div>
+    %(footer)s
+    <div class='hidden' id='hidden_list'>%(hidden_list)s</div>
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ui, red):
+        self.ui = ui
+ = red
+        self.header_presenter = HeaderPresenter(
+    def presentResults(self):
+        "Fill in the template with RED's results."
+        result_strings = {
+            'response': self.presentResponse(),
+            'options': self.presentOptions(),
+            'messages': nl.join([self.presentCategory(cat) for cat in self.msg_categories]),
+            'body': self.ui.presentBody(),
+            'footer': self.ui.presentFooter(),
+            'hidden_list': self.ui.presentHiddenList(),
+        }
+        return (self.template % result_strings).encode(charset)
+    def presentResponse(self):
+        "Return the HTTP response line and headers as HTML"
+        return \
+        u"    <span class='status'>HTTP/%s %s %s</span>\n" % (
+            e(str(,
+            e(str(,
+            e(
+        ) + \
+        nl.join([self.presentHeader(f,v) for (f,v) in])
+    def presentHeader(self, name, value):
+        "Return an individual HTML header as HTML"
+        token_name = "header-%s" % name.lower()
+        py_name = "HDR_" + name.upper().replace("-", "_")
+        if hasattr(red_defns, py_name) and token_name not in [i[0] for i in self.ui.hidden_text]:
+            defn = getattr(red_defns, py_name)[lang] % {
+                'field_name': name,
+            }
+            self.ui.hidden_text.append((token_name, defn))
+        return u"    <span name='%s' class='hdr'>%s:%s</span>" % (
+            e(token_name), e(name), self.header_presenter.Show(name, value))
+    def presentCategory(self, category):
+        "For a given category, return all of the non-detail messages in it as an HTML list"
+        messages = [msg for msg in if msg.category == category]
+        if not messages:
+            return nl
+        out = []
+        if [msg for msg in messages]:
+            out.append(u"<h3>%s</h3>\n<ul>\n" % category)
+        for m in messages:
+            out.append(u"<li class='%s %s msg' name='msgid-%s'><span>%s</span></li>" %
+                    (m.level, e(m.subject), id(m), e(m.summary[lang] % m.vars))
+            )
+            self.ui.hidden_text.append(("msgid-%s" % id(m), m.text[lang] % m.vars))
+            smsgs = [msg for msg in getattr(m.subrequest, "messages", []) if msg.level in [rs.l.BAD]]
+            if smsgs:
+                out.append(u"<ul>")
+                for sm in smsgs:
+                    out.append(
+                        u"<li class='%s %s msg' name='msgid-%s'><span>%s</span></li>" %
+                        (sm.level, e(sm.subject), id(sm), e(sm.summary[lang] % sm.vars))
+                    )
+                    self.ui.hidden_text.append(("msgid-%s" % id(sm), sm.text[lang] % sm.vars))
+                out.append(u"</ul>")
+        out.append(u"</ul>\n")
+        return nl.join(out)
+    def presentOptions(self):
+        "Return things that the user can do with the URI as HTML links"
+        options = []
+        media_type ='content-type', [""])[0]
+        options.append((u"response headers: %s bytes" % f_num(, 
+            "how large the response header block is, including the status line"))
+        options.append((u"body: %s bytes" % f_num(,
+            "how large the response body is"))
+        transfer_overhead = -
+        if transfer_overhead > 0:
+            options.append((u"transfer overhead: %s bytes" % f_num(transfer_overhead),
+            "how much using chunked encoding adds to the response size"))
+        options.append(None)
+        options.append((u"<a href='#' id='body_view'>view body</a>", ""))
+        if self.validators.has_key(media_type):
+            options.append((u"<a href='%s'>validate body</a>" %
+                           self.validators[media_type] % e_query_arg(, ""))
+        if self.ui.link_count > 0:
+            options.append((u"<a href='?descend=True&uri=%s'>check assets</a>" %
+                           e_query_arg(, "run RED on images, frames and embedded links"))
+        return nl.join([o and "<span class='option' title='%s'>%s</span>" % (o[1], o[0]) or "<br>" for o in options])
+class HeaderPresenter(object):
+    """
+    Present a HTTP header in the Web UI. By default, it will:
+       - Escape HTML sequences to avoid XSS attacks
+       - Wrap long lines
+    However if a method is present that corresponds to the header's
+    field-name, that method will be run instead to represent the value.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, red):
+ = red
+    def Show(self, name, value):
+        "Return the given header name/value pair after presentation processing"
+        name = name.lower()
+        name_token = name.replace('-', '_')
+        if name_token[0] != "_" and hasattr(self, name_token):
+            return getattr(self, name_token)(name, value)
+        else:
+            return self.I(e(value), len(name))
+    def BARE_URI(self, name, value):
+        "Present a bare URI header value"
+        value = value.rstrip()
+        svalue = value.lstrip()
+        space = len(value) - len(svalue)
+        return u"%s<a href='?uri=%s'>%s</a>" % ( " " * space,
+            e(urljoin(, svalue)), self.I(e(svalue), len(name)))
+    content_location = \
+    location = \
+    x_xrds_location = \
+    @staticmethod
+    def I(value, sub_width):
+        "wrap a line to fit in the header box"
+        hdr_sz = 75
+        sw = hdr_sz - min(hdr_sz-1, sub_width)
+        tr = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=sw, subsequent_indent=" "*8, break_long_words=True)
+        return tr.fill(value)
+class TablePresenter(object):
+    """
+    Present a summary of multiple RED responses.
+    """
+    # HTML template for the main response body
+    template = u"""\
+    </div>
+    <table id='summary'>
+    %(table)s
+    </table>
+    <div id='details'>
+    %(problems)s
+    </div>
+    <div class='hidden' id='hidden_list'>%(hidden_list)s</div>
+    %(footer)s
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ui, red):
+        self.ui = ui
+ = red
+        self.problems = []
+    def presentResults(self):
+        "Fill in the template with RED's results."
+        result_strings = {
+            'table': self.presentTables(),
+            'problems': self.presentProblems(),
+            'footer': self.ui.presentFooter(),
+            'hidden_list': self.ui.presentHiddenList(),
+        }
+        return (self.template % result_strings).encode(charset)
+    link_order = [
+          ('link', 'Head Links'),
+          ('script', 'Script Links'),
+          ('frame', 'Frame Links'),
+          ('iframe', 'IFrame Links'),
+          ('img', 'Image Links'),
+    ]
+    def presentTables(self):
+        out = [self.presentTableHeader()]
+        out.append(self.presentDroid(
+        for hdr_tag, heading in self.link_order:
+            droids = [d[0] for d in self.ui.link_droids if d[1] == hdr_tag]
+            if droids:
+                droids.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('uri'))
+                out.append(self.presentTableHeader(heading + " (%s)" % len(droids)))
+                out += [self.presentDroid(d) for d in droids]
+        return nl.join(out)
+    def presentDroid(self, red):
+        out = [u'<tr class="droid %s">']
+        m = 50
+        if red.parsed_hdrs.get('content-type', [""])[0][:6] == 'image/':
+            cl = " class='preview'"
+        else:
+            cl = ""
+        if len(red.uri) > m:
+            out.append(u"""<td class="uri"><a href="%s" title="%s"%s>
+                %s<span class="fade1">%s</span><span class="fade2">%s</span><span class="fade3">%s</span>
+                </a></td>""" % (
+                        u"?uri=%s" % e_query_arg(red.uri), e(red.uri), cl, e(red.uri[:m-2]),
+                        e(red.uri[m-2]), e(red.uri[m-1]), e(red.uri[m]),
+                        )
+            )
+        else:
+            out.append(u'<td class="uri"><a href="%s" title="%s"%s>%s</a></td>' % (
+                        u"?uri=%s" % e(red.uri), e(red.uri), cl, e(red.uri)))
+        if red.res_complete:
+            if red.res_status in ['301', '302', '303', '307'] and \
+              red.parsed_hdrs.has_key('location'):
+                out.append(u'<td><a href="?descend=True&uri=%s">%s</a></td>' % (
+                   urljoin(red.uri, red.parsed_hdrs['location']), red.res_status))
+            elif red.res_status in ['400', '404', '410']:
+                out.append(u'<td class="bad">%s</td>' % red.res_status)
+            else:
+                out.append(u'<td>%s</td>' % red.res_status)
+    # pconn
+            out.append(self.presentYesNo(red.store_shared))
+            out.append(self.presentYesNo(red.store_private))
+            out.append(self.presentTime(red.age))
+            out.append(self.presentTime(red.freshness_lifetime))
+            out.append(self.presentYesNo(red.stale_serveable))
+            out.append(self.presentYesNo(red.ims_support))
+            out.append(self.presentYesNo(red.inm_support))
+            if red.gzip_support:
+                out.append(u"<td>%s%%</td>" % red.gzip_savings)
+            else:
+                out.append(self.presentYesNo(red.gzip_support))
+            out.append(self.presentYesNo(red.partial_support))
+            problems = [m for m in red.messages if m.level in [rs.l.WARN, rs.l.BAD]]
+    # TODO:        problems += sum([m[2].messages for m in red.messages if m[2] != None], [])
+            out.append(u"<td>")
+            pr_enum = []
+            for problem in problems:
+                if problem not in self.problems:
+                    self.problems.append(problem)
+                pr_enum.append(self.problems.index(problem))
+            # add the problem number to the <tr> so we can highlight appropriately
+            out[0] = out[0] % u" ".join(["%d" % p for p in pr_enum])
+            # append the actual problem numbers to the final <td>
+            for p in pr_enum:
+                m = self.problems[p]
+                out.append("<span class='prob_num'> %s <span class='hidden'>%s</span></span>" % (p + 1, e(m.summary[lang] % m.vars)))
+        else:
+            out.append('<td colspan="11">%s' % red.res_error['desc'])
+        out.append(u"</td>")
+        out.append(u'</tr>')
+        return nl.join(out)
+    def presentTableHeader(self, heading=None):
+        return u"""
+        <tr>
+        <th title="The URI tested. Click to run a detailed analysis.">%s</th>
+        <th title="The HTTP status code returned.">status</th>
+        <th title="Whether a shared (e.g., proxy) cache can store the response.">shared<br>cache</th>
+        <th title="Whether a private (e.g., browser) cache can store the response.">private<br>cache</th>
+        <th title="How long the response had been cached before RED got it.">age</th>
+        <th title="How long a cache can treat the response as fresh.">fresh</th>
+        <th title="Whether a cache can serve the response once it becomes stale (e.g., when it can't contact the origin server).">serve<br>stale</th>
+        <th title="Whether If-Modified-Since validation is supported, using Last-Modified.">IMS</th>
+        <th title="Whether If-None-Match validation is supported, using ETags.">INM</th>
+        <th title="Whether negotiation for gzip compression is supported; if so, the percent of the original size saved.">gzip</th>
+        <th title="Whether partial responses are supported.">partial<br>content</th>
+        <th title="Issues encountered.">problems</th>
+        </tr>
+        """ % (heading or "URI")
+    def presentTime(self, value):
+        if value is None:
+            return u'<td>-</td>'
+        else:
+            return u'<td>%s</td>' % relative_time(value, 0, 0)
+    def presentYesNo(self, value):
+        if value is True:
+            return u'<td><img src="static/icon/accept1.png" alt="yes" title="yes"/></td>'
+        elif value is False:
+            return u'<td><img src="static/icon/remove-16.png" alt="no" title="no"/></td>'
+        elif value is None:
+            return u'<td><img src="static/icon/help1.png" alt="?" title="unknown"/></td>'
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError, 'unknown value'
+    def presentProblems(self):
+        out = ['<br /><h2>Problems</h2><ol>']
+        for m in self.problems:
+            out.append(u"<li class='%s %s msg' name='msgid-%s'><span>%s</span></li>" %
+                    (m.level, e(m.subject), id(m), e(m.summary[lang] % m.vars))
+            )
+            self.ui.hidden_text.append(("msgid-%s" % id(m), m.text[lang] % m.vars))
+        out.append(u"</ol>\n")
+        return nl.join(out)
+# Escaping functions. 
+uri_gen_delims = r":/?#[]@"
+uri_sub_delims = r"!$&'()*+,;="
+def unicode_url_escape(url, safe):
+    "URL esape a unicode string. Assume that anything already encoded is to be left alone."
+    # also include "~" because it doesn't need to be encoded, but Python does anyway :/
+    return urllib.quote(url.encode(charset, 'replace'), safe + '%~')
+e_url = partial(unicode_url_escape, safe=uri_gen_delims + uri_sub_delims)
+e_authority = partial(unicode_url_escape, safe=uri_sub_delims + r"[]:@")
+e_path = partial(unicode_url_escape, safe=uri_sub_delims + r":@/")
+e_path_seg = partial(unicode_url_escape, safe=uri_sub_delims + r":@") 
+e_query = partial(unicode_url_escape, safe=uri_sub_delims + r":@/?")
+e_query_arg = partial(unicode_url_escape, safe=r"!$'()*+,;:@/?")
+def e_js(instr):
+    "Make sure instr is safe for writing into a double-quoted JavaScript string."
+    if not instr: return ""
+    instr = instr.replace('"', r'\"')
+    if instr[-1] == '\\':
+        instr += '\\'
+    return instr
+# adapted from cgitb.Hook
+def except_handler(etype, evalue, etb):
+    """
+    Log uncaught exceptions and display a friendly error.
+    Assumes output to STDOUT (i.e., CGI only).
+    """
+    import cgitb
+    print cgitb.reset()
+    if logdir is None:
+            print error_template % """
+A problem has occurred, but it probably isn't your fault.
+    else:
+        import stat
+        import tempfile
+        import traceback
+        try:
+            doc = cgitb.html((etype, evalue, etb), 5)
+        except:                         # just in case something goes wrong
+            doc = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb))
+        try:
+            while etb.tb_next != None:
+                etb = etb.tb_next
+            e_file = etb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
+            e_line = etb.tb_frame.f_lineno
+            dir = os.path.join(logdir, os.path.split(e_file)[-1])
+            if not os.path.exists(dir):
+                os.umask(0000)
+                os.makedirs(dir)
+            (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="%s_" % e_line, suffix='.html', dir=dir)
+            fh = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
+            fh.write(doc)
+            fh.write("<h2>Outstanding Connections</h2>\n<pre>")
+            for conn in red_fetcher.outstanding_requests:
+                fh.write("*** %s - %s\n" % (conn.uri, hex(id(conn))))
+                pprint.pprint(conn.__dict__, fh)
+                if conn.client:
+                    pprint.pprint(conn.client.__dict__, fh)
+                if conn.client._tcp_conn:
+                    pprint.pprint(conn.client._tcp_conn.__dict__, fh)
+            fh.write("</pre>\n")
+            fh.close()
+            os.chmod(path, stat.S_IROTH)
+            print error_template % """
+A problem has occurred, but it probably isn't your fault.
+RED has remembered it, and we'll try to fix it soon."""
+        except:
+            print error_template % """\
+A problem has occurred, but it probably isn't your fault.
+RED tried to save it, but it couldn't! Oops.<br>
+Please e-mail the information below to
+<a href=''></a>
+and we'll look into it."""
+            print "<h3>Original Error</h3>"
+            print "<pre>"
+            print ''.join(traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, etb))
+            print "</pre>"
+            print "<h3>Write Error</h3>"
+            print "<pre>"
+            type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+            print ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type, value, tb))
+            print "</pre>"
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+def cgi_main():
+    """Run RED as a CGI Script."""
+    sys.excepthook = except_handler
+    sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0) 
+    form = cgi.FieldStorage()
+    test_uri = form.getfirst("uri", "").decode(charset, 'replace')
+    req_hdrs = [tuple(rh.split(":", 1))
+                for rh in form.getlist("req_hdr")
+                if rh.find(":") > 0
+               ]
+    descend = form.getfirst('descend', False)
+    base_uri = "http://%s%s%s" % ( # FIXME: only supports HTTP
+      os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST'),
+      os.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'),
+      os.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
+    )
+    def output_hdrs(status, res_hdrs):
+        sys.stdout.write("Status: %s\n" % status)
+        for k,v in res_hdrs:
+            sys.stdout.write("%s: %s\n" % (k,v))
+        sys.stdout.write("\n")
+    def output_body(o):
+        sys.stdout.write(o)
+    RedWebUi(test_uri, req_hdrs, base_uri, output_hdrs, output_body, descend)
+def standalone_main(port, static_dir):
+    """Run RED as a standalone Web server."""
+    static_files = {}
+    for file in os.listdir(static_dir):
+        sys.stderr.write("Loading %s...\n" % file)
+        try:
+            # FIXME: need to load icons
+            static_files["/static/%s" % file] = open(os.path.join(static_dir, file)).read()
+        except IOError:
+            sys.stderr.write("failed.\n")
+    def red_handler(method, uri, req_hdrs, res_start, req_pause):
+        p_uri = urlsplit(uri)
+        if static_files.has_key(p_uri.path):
+            res_body, res_done = res_start("200", "OK", [], nbhttp.dummy)
+            res_body(static_files[p_uri.path])
+            res_done(None)
+        elif p_uri.path == "/":
+            query = cgi.parse_qs(p_uri.query)
+            test_uri = query.get('uri', [""])[0]
+            test_hdrs = [] #FIXME
+            base_uri = "/"
+            descend = query.has_key('descend')
+            res_hdrs = [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')] #FIXME: need to send proper content-type back, caching headers
+            res_body, res_done = res_start("200", "OK", res_hdrs, nbhttp.dummy)
+            sys.stderr.write("%s %s %s\n" % (str(descend), test_uri, test_hdrs))
+            RedWebUi(test_uri, test_hdrs, base_uri, res_body, output_hdr, descend)
+            res_done(None)
+        else:
+            res_body, res_done = res_start("404", "Not Found", [], nbhttp.dummy)
+            res_done(None)
+        return nbhttp.dummy, nbhttp.dummy
+    nbhttp.Server("", port, red_handler)
+ # FIXME: catch errors
+    # FIXME: catch interrupts
+    # FIXME: run/stop in red_fetcher
+    # FIXME: logging
+def standalone_monitor(port, static_dir):
+    """Fork a process as a standalone Web server and watch it."""
+    from multiprocessing import Process
+    while True:
+        p = Process(target=standalone_main, args=(port, static_dir))
+        sys.stderr.write("* Starting RED server...\n")
+        p.start()
+        p.join()
+        # TODO: listen to socket and drop privs
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        # FIXME: usage
+        port = sys.argv[1]
+        static_dir = sys.argv[2]
+        standalone_monitor(int(port), static_dir)
+    except IndexError:
+        cgi_main()
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/Makefile	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+JSFILES = jquery.js jquery.hoverIntent.js prettify.js
+CSSFILES = red_style.css prettify.css
+YUI_COMPRESSOR_JAR = ~/Applications/yuicompressor-2.4.3.jar
+all: script.js style.css
+	rm script.js style.css
+	cat $(JSFILES) > script.js
+	cat $(CSSFILES) | java -jar $(YUI_COMPRESSOR_JAR) --type css -o style.css
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/icon/README-ICONS	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+Icons courtesy Momenticon <>. 
\ No newline at end of file
Binary file web/icon/accept1.png has changed
Binary file web/icon/help1.png has changed
Binary file web/icon/infomation-16.png has changed
Binary file web/icon/remove-16.png has changed
Binary file web/icon/yellowflag1.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/jquery.hoverIntent.js	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* hoverIntent r5 // 2007.03.27 // jQuery 1.1.2+
+* <>
+* @param  f  onMouseOver function || An object with configuration options
+* @param  g  onMouseOut function  || Nothing (use configuration options object)
+* @author    Brian Cherne <>
+(function($){$.fn.hoverIntent=function(f,g){var cfg={sensitivity:7,interval:100,timeout:0};cfg=$.extend(cfg,g?{over:f,out:g}:f);var cX,cY,pX,pY;var track=function(ev){cX=ev.pageX;cY=ev.pageY;};var compare=function(ev,ob){ob.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t);if((Math.abs(pX-cX)+Math.abs(pY-cY))<cfg.sensitivity){$(ob).unbind("mousemove",track);ob.hoverIntent_s=1;return cfg.over.apply(ob,[ev]);}else{pX=cX;pY=cY;ob.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){compare(ev,ob);},cfg.interval);}};var delay=function(ev,ob){ob.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t);ob.hoverIntent_s=0;return cfg.out.apply(ob,[ev]);};var handleHover=function(e){var p=(e.type=="mouseover"?e.fromElement:e.toElement)||e.relatedTarget;while(p&&p!=this){try{p=p.parentNode;}catch(e){p=this;}}if(p==this){return false;}var ev=jQuery.extend({},e);var ob=this;if(ob.hoverIntent_t){ob.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(ob.hoverIntent_t);}if(e.type=="mouseover"){pX=ev.pageX;pY=ev.pageY;$(ob).bind("mousemove",track);if(ob.hoverIntent_s!=1){ob.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){compare(ev,ob);},cfg.interval);}}else{$(ob).unbind("mousemove",track);if(ob.hoverIntent_s==1){ob.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){delay(ev,ob);},cfg.timeout);}}};return this.mouseover(handleHover).mouseout(handleHover);};})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/jquery.js	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.1
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 John Resig
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+ *
+ *
+ * Date: 2009-01-21 20:42:16 -0500 (Wed, 21 Jan 2009)
+ * Revision: 6158
+ */
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+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v0.9.3
+ *  Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
+ *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *  More information:
+ */
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/lang-lisp.js	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/lang-sql.js	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/lang-wiki.js	Mon Jul 26 14:12:44 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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+Pa[0]||Pa[1]-Oa[1]});var B=[],E=[NaN,NaN];for(e=0;e<k.length;++e){var A=k[e];if(A[0]<=E[1]+1)E[1]=Math.max(E[1],A[1]);else B.push(E=A)}var D=[L];h&&D.push(M);D.push.apply(D,s);for(e=0;e<B.length;++e){A=B[e];D.push(n(A[0]));if(A[1]>A[0]){A[1]+1>A[0]&&D.push(Sb);D.push(n(A[1]))}}D.push(Tb);return D.join(P)}function v(j){var f=j.source.match(new RegExp(cc,R)),s=f.length,k=[],h,e=0;for(h=0;e<s;++e){var p=f[e];if(p===H)++h;else if(Q===p.charAt(0)){var t=+p.substring(1);if(t&&t<=h)k[t]=-1}}for(e=1;e<k.length;++e)if(-1===
+k[e])k[e]=++b;for(h=e=0;e<s;++e){p=f[e];if(p===H){++h;if(k[h]===undefined)f[e]=dc}else if(Q===p.charAt(0))if((t=+p.substring(1))&&t<=h)f[e]=Q+k[h]}for(h=e=0;e<s;++e)if(M===f[e]&&M!==f[e+1])f[e]=P;if(j.ignoreCase&&c)for(e=0;e<s;++e){p=f[e];var u=p.charAt(0);if(p.length>=2&&u===L)f[e]=q(p);else if(u!==Q)f[e]=p.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,function(x){var B=x.charCodeAt(0);return L+String.fromCharCode(B&-33,B|32)+Tb})}return f.join(P)}var w=[];g=0;for(i=a.length;g<i;++g){m=a[g];if(||m.multiline)throw new Error(P+
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+n));g=i+1;break;case jc:b=0;break;default:++b}}if(!d)return c;d.push(c.substring(g));return d.join(P)}}var Vd=new RegExp(kc,R),Wd=/^<\!--/,Xd=/^<\[CDATA\[/,Yd=/^<br\b/i,Qa=/^<(\/?)([a-zA-Z]+)/;function Zd(a){var b=a.match(Vd),c=[],d=0,g=[];if(b)for(var i=0,m=b.length;i<m;++i){var l=b[i];if(l.length>1&&l.charAt(0)===I){if(!Wd.test(l))if(Xd.test(l)){c.push(l.substring(9,l.length-3));d+=l.length-12}else if(Yd.test(l)){c.push(jc);++d}else if(l.indexOf(lc)>=0&&$d(l)){var n=l.match(Qa)[2],q=1,v;v=i+1;a:for(;v<
+m;++v){var w=b[v].match(Qa);if(w&&w[2]===n)if(w[1]===ra){if(--q===0)break a}else++q}if(v<m){g.push(d,b.slice(i,v+1).join(P));i=v}else g.push(d,l)}else g.push(d,l)}else{var j=Sd(l);c.push(j);d+=j.length}}return{source:c.join(P),tags:g}}function $d(a){return!!a.replace(/\s(\w+)\s*=\s*(?:\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^\']*)'|(\S+))/g,mc).match(/[cC][lL][aA][sS][sS]=\"[^\"]*\bnocode\b/)}function ia(a,b,c,d){if(b){var g={source:b,b:a};c(g);d.push.apply(d,g.c)}}function K(a,b){var c={},d;(function(){for(var m=a.concat(b),
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+h.substring(0,5))&&!(e&&e[1])){p=z;h=oc}p||(j[k]=h)}var x=v;v+=k.length;if(p){var B=e[1],E=k.indexOf(B),A=E+B.length,D=h.substring(5);ia(n+x,k.substring(0,E),i,q);ia(n+x+E,B,Ra(D,B),q);ia(n+x+A,k.substring(A),i,q)}else q.push(n+x,h)}m.c=q};return i}function C(a){var b=[],c=[];if(a.tripleQuotedStrings)b.push([U,/^(?:\'\'\'(?:[^\'\\]|\\[\s\S]|\'{1,2}(?=[^\']))*(?:\'\'\'|$)|\"\"\"(?:[^\"\\]|\\[\s\S]|\"{1,2}(?=[^\"]))*(?:\"\"\"|$)|\'(?:[^\\\']|\\[\s\S])*(?:\'|$)|\"(?:[^\\\"]|\\[\s\S])*(?:\"|$))/,r,pc]);
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+[zd]);y(C({keywords:Ad,cStyleComments:o,regexLiterals:o}),[Bd]);y(K([],[[U,/^[\s\S]+/]]),[Cd]);function Sa(a){var b=a.e,c=a.d;a.a=b;try{var d=Zd(b),g=d.source;a.source=g;a.b=0;a.f=d.tags;Ra(c,g)(a);be(a)}catch(i){if(Ic in window){console.log(i);console.h()}}}function ce(a,b){var c={e:a,d:b};Sa(c);return c.a}function de(a){for(var b=window._pr_isIE6(),c=[document.getElementsByTagName(Dd),document.getElementsByTagName(Ed),document.getElementsByTagName(Fd)],d=[],g=0;g<c.length;++g)for(var i=0,m=c[g].length;i<
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+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v0.9.3
+ *  Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
+ *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ *  More information:
+ */
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+P))){c=o;d=z;break}}function l(j){if(j.charAt(0)!==Q)return j.charCodeAt(0);switch(j.charAt(1)){case Bb:return 8;case Cb:return 9;case Db:return 10;case Eb:return 11;case Fb:return 12;case Gb:return 13;case Hb:case ub:return parseInt(j.substring(2),16)||j.charCodeAt(1);case Ib:case Jb:case Kb:case Lb:case Mb:case Nb:case Ob:case Pb:return parseInt(j.substring(1),8);default:return j.charCodeAt(1)}}function n(j){if(j<32)return(j<16?Qb:Rb)+j.toString(16);var f=String.fromCharCode(j);if(f===Q||f===Sb||
+f===L||f===Tb)f=Q+f;return f}function q(j){for(var f=j.substring(1,j.length-1).match(new RegExp(Ub,R)),s=[],k=[],h=f[0]===M,e=h?1:0,p=f.length;e<p;++e){var t=f[e];switch(t){case Vb:case Wb:case Xb:case Yb:case Zb:case $b:case ac:case bc:s.push(t);continue}var u=l(t),x;if(e+2<p&&Sb===f[e+1]){x=l(f[e+2]);e+=2}else x=u;k.push([u,x]);if(!(x<65||u>122)){x<65||u>90||k.push([Math.max(65,u)|32,Math.min(x,90)|32]);x<97||u>122||k.push([Math.max(97,u)&-33,Math.min(x,122)&-33])}}k.sort(function(Oa,Pa){return Oa[0]-
+Pa[0]||Pa[1]-Oa[1]});var B=[],E=[NaN,NaN];for(e=0;e<k.length;++e){var A=k[e];if(A[0]<=E[1]+1)E[1]=Math.max(E[1],A[1]);else B.push(E=A)}var D=[L];h&&D.push(M);D.push.apply(D,s);for(e=0;e<B.length;++e){A=B[e];D.push(n(A[0]));if(A[1]>A[0]){A[1]+1>A[0]&&D.push(Sb);D.push(n(A[1]))}}D.push(Tb);return D.join(P)}function v(j){var f=j.source.match(new RegExp(cc,R)),s=f.length,k=[],h,e=0;for(h=0;e<s;++e){var p=f[e];if(p===H)++h;else if(Q===p.charAt(0)){var t=+p.substring(1);if(t&&t<=h)k[t]=-1}}for(e=1;e<k.length;++e)if(-1===
+k[e])k[e]=++b;for(h=e=0;e<s;++e){p=f[e];if(p===H){++h;if(k[h]===undefined)f[e]=dc}else if(Q===p.charAt(0))if((t=+p.substring(1))&&t<=h)f[e]=Q+k[h]}for(h=e=0;e<s;++e)if(M===f[e]&&M!==f[e+1])f[e]=P;if(j.ignoreCase&&c)for(e=0;e<s;++e){p=f[e];var u=p.charAt(0);if(p.length>=2&&u===L)f[e]=q(p);else if(u!==Q)f[e]=p.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g,function(x){var B=x.charCodeAt(0);return L+String.fromCharCode(B&-33,B|32)+Tb})}return f.join(P)}var w=[];g=0;for(i=a.length;g<i;++g){m=a[g];if(||m.multiline)throw new Error(P+
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