Editorial updates on the index.html file
authorIvan Herman <ivan@ivan-herman.net>
Wed, 12 Sep 2012 11:23:26 +0200 (2012-09-12)
changeset 139 bad9c8c009ee
parent 138 7e69b4cd2983
child 140 1a7cddb6bde2
Editorial updates on the index.html file
Binary file .DS_Store has changed
Binary file microdata-rdf/.DS_Store has changed
--- a/microdata-rdf/index.html	Tue Sep 11 20:50:08 2012 -0700
+++ b/microdata-rdf/index.html	Wed Sep 12 11:23:26 2012 +0200
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
                 company: "Kellogg Associates" },
               { name: "Jeni Tennison", url: "http://www.jenitennison.com/",
                 company: "Independent"},
-              { name: "Iván Herman", url: "http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/",
+              { name: "Ivan Herman", url: "http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/",
                 company: "W3C", companyURL: "http://www.w3.org" }
@@ -149,6 +149,14 @@
   provide guidance for a possible future Working Group chartered to provide a Recommendation
   for this transformation. As a consequence, implementers of this specification, either producers
   or consumers, should note that it may change prior to any possible publication as a Recommendation.</p>
+<p>This Working Draft is an update of the <a href="/TR/2012/NOTE-microdata-rdf-20120308/">W3C
+Interest Group Note</a>, published in March 2012. This update adds the 
+<a href="#vocab_expansion">Vocabulary Expansion</a> feature to the conversion algorithm, in response to the 
+evolution of vocabularies discussed on the <a href="/2001/sw/interest/webschema.html">Web Schemas Task Force</a> 
+of the <a href="/2001/sw/interest/">Semantic Web Interest Group</a> at W3C. The intention is to publish 
+this draft as a new version of the Interest Group Note after gathering and incorporating community input.
 <section class="informative">
@@ -728,7 +736,7 @@
-  <h2>Vocabulary Expansion</h2>
+  <h2 id="vocab_expansion">Vocabulary Expansion</h2>
   <p>Microdata requires that all values of <a class="aref">itemtype</a> come from the same vocabulary. This
     is required as <a class="aref">itemprop</a> values are resolved relative to that vocabulary. However,
     it is often useful to define an <a>item</a> to have types from multiple different vocabularies.</p>
@@ -741,18 +749,7 @@
     property IRI with the target property IRI using either
     <code>http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subPropertyOf</code> or
     <code>http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#equivalentProperty</code> predicates.</p>
-  <p>To allow [[RDFA-CORE]] processors to be used for microdata vocabulary expansion, microdata acts as if
-    there is an implicit <code>@vocab</code> attribute set to a detected vocabulary by emitting
-    a triple using the <code>rdfa:usesVocabulary</code> predicate.</p>
-  <p>Vocabulary expansion MAY be performed as
-    part of a larger RDF toolset including, for example,
-    an <cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-owl2-profiles-20091027/#OWL_2_RL">OWL 2 RL</a></cite> reasoner
-    (see [[OWL2-PROFILES]]). 
-    Alternatively, expansion MAY 
-    also be done using a separate and dedicated (e.g., rule based) reasoner 
-    after the triples have been generated, or as the last 
-    processing step.</p>
-  <p>For example, the <a>registry</a> definition for the <em>additionalType</em> property
+   <p>For example, the <a>registry</a> definition for the <em>additionalType</em> property
     within schema.org, defines <em>additionalType</em> to have an <a>rdfs:subPropertyOf</a>
     relationship with <code>http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type</code>.</p>
@@ -784,7 +781,7 @@
 <> md:item (
   [ a schema:Product;
-    schema:additionalType <http://www.productontology.org/id/Laser_printer> .
+    schema:additionalType <http://www.productontology.org/id/Laser_printer> ;
     schema:name "Laser Printer"]
   rdfa:usesVocabulary schema: .
@@ -793,7 +790,7 @@
-  <p>After performing vocabulary entailment, an additional <code>rdf:type</code> triple is generated:</p>
+  <p>After performing vocabulary expansion, an additional <code>rdf:type</code> triple is generated:</p>
 <pre class="example" data-transform="updateExample">
@@ -803,7 +800,7 @@
 <> md:item (
   [ a schema:Product, <http://www.productontology.org/id/Laser_printer>;
-    schema:additionalType <http://www.productontology.org/id/Laser_printer> .
+    schema:additionalType <http://www.productontology.org/id/Laser_printer> ;
     schema:name "Laser Printer"]
   rdfa:usesVocabulary schema: .
@@ -814,16 +811,15 @@
   <h2>Vocabulary Entailment</h2>
-  <p> For the purpose of vocabulary processing, microdata uses a very
-    restricted subset of the OWL2 vocabulary and is based on the RDF-Based
-      Semantics of OWL2 [[!OWL2-RDF-BASED-SEMANTICS]].
+  <p>Formally, and for the purpose of vocabulary processing, microdata uses a very
+    restricted subset of the OWL2 vocabulary and is based on the RDF-Based Semantics of OWL2 [[!OWL2-RDF-BASED-SEMANTICS]].
     Vocabulary Entailment uses the following terms: </p>
-  <p class="note">Vocabulary Entailment considers only the entailment on individuals
+  <p>Vocabulary Entailment considers only the entailment on individuals
     (i.e., not on the relationships that can be deduced on the
     properties or the classes themselves.)
@@ -839,30 +835,31 @@
       section 4.3</a></cite>
     of [[!OWL2-PROFILES]]): <code>prp-spo1</code>, <code>prp-eqp1</code>, and
-  <p>The entailment described in this section is the <em>minimum</em>
+  <p>[[RDFA-CORE]] implements a more complete form of vocabulary entailement, 
+    including retrieving the vocabulary URI to find additional class and property expansion definitions, as
+    described in <cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#s_vocab_entailment">RDFa Vocabulary Entailment</a></cite>.
+    Microdata implementations MAY use RDFa Vocabulary Entailment as an alternative to implementing
+    a separate entailment algorithm. To allow [[RDFA-CORE]] processors to be used for microdata vocabulary expansion, microdata acts as if there is an implicit <code>@vocab</code> RDFa attribute set to a detected vocabulary by emitting
+    a triple using the <code>rdfa:usesVocabulary</code> predicate.</p>
+  <p class="note">The entailment described in this section is the <em>minimum</em>
     useful level for microdata. Processors may, of course, choose to follow
     more powerful entailment regimes, e.g., include full RDFS [[!RDF-MT]]
     or OWL2 [[!OWL2-OVERVIEW]] entailments. Using those entailments
     applications may perform datatype validation by checking <code>rdfs:range</code>
     of a property, or use the advanced facilities offered by, e.g., OWL2’s
     property chains to interlink vocabularies further.</p>
-  <p class="note">[[RDFA-CORE]] implements a more complete form of vocabulary entailement, 
-    including retrieving the vocabulary URI to find additional class and property expansion
-    definitions, as
-    described in <cite><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#s_vocab_entailment">RDFa Vocabulary Entailment</a></cite>.
-    Microdata implementations MAY use RDFa Vocabulary Entailment as an alternative to implementing
-    a separate entailment algorithm.</p>
   <h2>Vocabulary Expansion Control of Microdata Processors</h2>
-  <p>Conforming processors MUST perform vocabulary expansion.</p>
-  <p>If vocabulary expansion is performed using [[RDFA-CORE]] voabulary expansion, and the
+  <p>Conforming processors MUST perform the basic vocabulary expansion.</p>
+  <p>If vocabulary expansion is performed by the microdata processor using [[RDFA-CORE]] vocabulary expansion, and the
     <code>vocab_expansion</code> option is passed to the microdata processor,
-    the expansion MUST be performed.</p>
-  <p class="note"> Although vocabulary expansion is described in terms of
-    OWL2 entailment rules, processors
-    are free to use any process which obtains equivalent results.</p>
+    the full [[RDFA-CORE]] expansion MUST also be performed.</p>
@@ -1644,10 +1641,12 @@
   schema:numTracks "2";
   schema:tracks (
     [ a schema:MusicRecording, mo:MusicalManifestation;
-      schema:byArtist ("Lynard Skynard");;
+      schema:additionalType mo:MusicalManifestation;
+      schema:byArtist ("Lynard Skynard");
       schema:name "Sweet Home Alabama";
       schema:url <sweet-home-alabama>]
     [ a schema:MusicRecording, mo:MusicalManifestation;
+      schema:additionalType mo:MusicalManifestation;
       schema:byArtist ("AC/DC");;
       schema:name "Shook you all Night Long";
       schema:url <shook-you-all-night-long>]