record 0.5 version of ontology source
authorDave Reynolds <>
Fri, 05 Oct 2012 11:37:52 +0100
changeset 212 1f4271e58fd5
parent 211 7c0ea914201a
child 213 37f86096d5d5
record 0.5 version of ontology source
--- a/org/vocab/org.ttl	Thu Oct 04 17:26:13 2012 +0100
+++ b/org/vocab/org.ttl	Fri Oct 05 11:37:52 2012 +0100
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@
     a owl:Ontology;
-    owl:versionInfo "0.4";
+    owl:versionInfo "0.5";
     rdfs:label "Core organization ontology"@en;
     rdfs:comment "Vocabulary for describing organizational structures, specializable to a broad variety of types of organization."@en;
     dct:created "2010-05-28"^^xsd:date;
     dct:modified "2010-06-09"^^xsd:date;
     dct:modified "2010-10-08"^^xsd:date;
+    dct:modified "2012-09-30"^^xsd:date;
     dct:title "Core organization ontology"@en;
     dct:title "Ontologie des organisations"@fr;
     dct:contributor [foaf:mbox ""; foaf:name "Dave Reynolds"];
@@ -69,8 +70,8 @@
     rdfs:domain org:Organization;
     rdfs:range  org:Organization;
     rdfs:subPropertyOf  org:transitiveSubOrganizationOf;
-    rdfs:comment """Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or Organizational Units; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or child of this organization.  Inverse of `org:hasSubOrganization`."""@en;
-    rdfs:comment """Indique le statut de dépendance hiérarchique pour des Organisations ou des Unités Opérationnelles; indique une Organisation qui est une sous-partie ou une branche d'une Organisation plus large. C'est la propriété inverse de `org:hasSubOrganization`."""@fr;    
+    rdfs:comment """Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or OrganizationalUnits; indicates an Organization which contains this Organization. Inverse of `org:subOrganizationOf`. Alternative names: hasSubOrg"""@en;
+    rdfs:comment """Représente une relation hierarchique des Organisations ou des Unités Opérationnelles; indique une Organisation sujet qui contient cette Organisation. Inverse de `org:subOrganizationOf`."""@fr;    
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
@@ -90,8 +91,8 @@
     rdfs:label "a une Sous-Organization"@fr;
     rdfs:domain org:Organization;
     rdfs:range  org:Organization;
-    rdfs:comment """Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or OrganizationalUnits; indicates an Organization which contains this Organization. Inverse of `org:subOrganizationOf`. Alternative names: hasSubOrg"""@en;
-    rdfs:comment """Représente une relation hierarchique des Organisations ou des Unités Opérationnelles; indique une Organisation sujet qui contient cette Organisation. Inverse de `org:subOrganizationOf`."""@fr;    
+    rdfs:comment """Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or Organizational Units; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or child of this organization.  Inverse of `org:hasSubOrganization`."""@en;
+    rdfs:comment """Indique le statut de dépendance hiérarchique pour des Organisations ou des Unités Opérationnelles; indique une Organisation qui est une sous-partie ou une branche d'une Organisation plus large. C'est la propriété inverse de `org:hasSubOrganization`."""@fr;    
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
 org:subOrganizationOf  owl:inverseOf org:hasSubOrganization . 
@@ -189,8 +190,10 @@
 org:reportsTo a owl:ObjectProperty, rdf:Property;
     rdfs:label "reports to"@en;
     rdfs:label "est subordonné à"@fr;
-    rdfs:domain foaf:Agent;
-    rdfs:range  foaf:Agent;
+#    rdfs:domain foaf:Agent;
+#    rdfs:range  foaf:Agent;
+    rdfs:domain [a owl:Class; owl:unionOf (foaf:Agent org:Post)];
+    rdfs:range  [a owl:Class; owl:unionOf (foaf:Agent org:Post)];
     rdfs:comment """Indicates a reporting relationship as might be depicted on an organizational chart. The precise semantics of the reporting relationship will vary by organization but is intended to encompass both direct supervisory relationships (e.g. carrying objective and salary setting authority) and more general reporting or accountability relationships (e.g. so called _dotted line_ reporting)."""@en;
     rdfs:comment """Indique une relation de subordination comme elle pourrait figurer dans un organigramme. La sémantique précise de cette subordination pourra varier selon l'Organisation mais vise à englober aussi bien les relations hiérarchiques directes (définition d'objectifs, montant du salaire) que des relations plus générales ou organisationnelles (les liens en pointillés dans les organigrammes)."""@fr;    
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
@@ -236,7 +239,8 @@
 org:role a owl:ObjectProperty, rdf:Property;
     rdfs:label "role"@en;
     rdfs:label "rôle"@fr;
-    rdfs:domain org:Membership;
+    rdfs:domain [a owl:Class; owl:unionOf (org:Membership org:Post)];
+#    rdfs:domain org:Membership;
     rdfs:range  org:Role;
     rdfs:comment """Indicates the Role that the Agent plays in a Membership relationship with an Organization."""@en;
     rdfs:comment """Indique le Rôle de l'Agent dans son Engagement avec l'Organisation."""@fr;    
@@ -467,6 +471,62 @@
 org:resultedFrom          owl:inverseOf org:resultingOrganization .
 org:resultingOrganization owl:inverseOf org:resultedFrom .
+# -- Posts - added 2012-09-30 -----------------------------------------------------------
+org:Post a owl:Class, rdfs:Class;
+    rdfs:label "Post"@en;
+    rdfs:comment """
+      A Post represents some position within an organization that
+      exists independently of the person or persons filling it. Posts
+      may be used to represent situations where a person is a member
+      of an organization ex officio (for example the Secretary of
+      State for Scotland is part of UK Cabinet by virtue of being
+      Secretary of State for Scotland, not as an individual person). A
+      post can be held by multiple people and hence can be treated as
+      a organization in its own right.
+    """@en;
+    rdfs:subClasOf org:Organization;
+    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
+    .
+org:holds a owl:ObjectProperty, rdf:Property;
+    rdfs:label "holds"@en;
+    rdfs:comment """Indicates a Post held by some Agent."""@en;
+    rdfs:domain foaf:Agent;
+    rdfs:range  org:Post;
+    rdfs:subPropertyOf org:memberOf;
+    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
+    .
+org:heldBy a owl:ObjectProperty, rdf:Property;
+    rdfs:label "held by"@en;
+    rdfs:comment """Indicates an Agent which holds a Post."""@en;
+    rdfs:domain  org:Post;
+    rdfs:range foaf:Agent;
+    rdfs:subPropertyOf org:hasMember;
+    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
+    .
+org:holds owl:inverseOf org:heldBy .
+org:postIn a owl:ObjectProperty, rdf:Property;
+    rdfs:label "post in"@en;
+    rdfs:comment """Indicates the Organization in which the Post exists."""@en;
+    rdfs:domain org:Post;
+    rdfs:range  org:Organization;
+    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
+    .
+org:hasPost a owl:ObjectProperty, rdf:Property;
+    rdfs:label "post"@en;
+    rdfs:comment """Indicates a Post which exists within the Organization."""@en;
+    rdfs:domain  org:Organization;
+    rdfs:range   org:Post;
+    rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
+    .
+org:postIn owl:inverseOf org:hasPost .
 # -- Disjointness of backbone -----------------------------------------------------------
 org:Organization owl:disjointWith org:Role .