Binary file adms/adms20130520.png has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/adms/adms20130520.rdf Mon May 20 17:47:24 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [
+ <!ENTITY xsd "">
+ <!ENTITY rdf "">
+ <!ENTITY rdfs "">
+ <!ENTITY owl "">
+ <!ENTITY voaf "">
+ <!ENTITY dcterms "">
+ <!ENTITY dcDoc "">
+ <!ENTITY foaf "">
+ <!ENTITY foafspec "">
+ <!ENTITY sioc "">
+ <!ENTITY schema "">
+ <!ENTITY cc "">
+ <!ENTITY skos "">
+ <!ENTITY skosDoc "">
+ <!ENTITY dcat "">
+ <!ENTITY vcard "">
+ <!ENTITY xhv "">
+ <!ENTITY wdrs "">
+ <!ENTITY vann "">
+ <!ENTITY rad "">
+ <!ENTITY adms "">
+ <!ENTITY admsUrl "">
+ <!ENTITY gld "">
+ <!ENTITY admsDoc "">
+ <!ENTITY documentationTitle "Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)">
+<rdf:RDF xmlns:xsd = "&xsd;"
+ xmlns:rdf = "&rdf;"
+ xmlns:rdfs = "&rdfs;"
+ xmlns:owl = "&owl;"
+ xmlns:voaf = "&voaf;"
+ xmlns:dcterms = "&dcterms;"
+ xmlns:foaf = "&foaf;"
+ xmlns:sioc = "&sioc;"
+ xmlns:schema = "&schema;"
+ xmlns:cc = "&cc;"
+ xmlns:skos = "&skos;"
+ xmlns:dcat = "&dcat;"
+ xmlns:vcard = "&vcard;"
+ xmlns:xhv = "&xhv;"
+ xmlns:wdrs = "&wdrs;"
+ xmlns:vann = "&vann;"
+ xmlns:rad = "&rad;"
+ xmlns = "&adms;"
+ xml:base = "&adms;"
+ xml:lang = "en">
+<!-- Document metadata -->
+ <owl:Ontology rdf:about="&adms;">
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">This file specifies the set of RDF classes and properties used in ADMS</rdfs:comment>
+ <owl:versionInfo xml:lang="en">02 May 2013</owl:versionInfo>
+ <dcterms:modified rdf:datatype="&xsd;date">2013-05-20</dcterms:modified>
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&voaf;Vocabulary"/>
+ <voaf:specializes rdf:resource="&rad;"/>
+ <vann:preferredNamespaceUri>&adms;</vann:preferredNamespaceUri>
+ <vann:preferredNamespacePrefix>adms</vann:preferredNamespacePrefix>
+ <dcterms:creator rdf:parseType="Resource">
+ <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
+ <foaf:name>Makx Dekkers</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
+ </dcterms:creator>
+ <dcterms:creator rdf:parseType="Resource">
+ <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
+ <foaf:name>Andrea Perego</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
+ <schema:affiliation rdf:parseType="Resource">
+ <foaf:name>European Commission, Joint Research Centre </foaf:name>
+ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
+ </schema:affiliation>
+ </dcterms:creator>
+ <dcterms:creator rdf:parseType="Resource">
+ <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
+ <foaf:name>Phil Archer</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
+ <schema:affiliation rdf:parseType="Resource">
+ <foaf:name>W3C/ERCIM</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
+ </schema:affiliation>
+ </dcterms:creator>
+ <foaf:maker rdf:parseType="Resource">
+ <foaf:name>Government Linked Data WG, based on output from the ADMS Working Group</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:page rdf:resource="&gld;"/>
+ </foaf:maker>
+ <dcterms:description rdf:parseType="Literal">This is the RDF encoding of the
+ <a href="&admsDoc;">Asset Description Metadata Schema</a>,
+ originally developed under the European Union's <a href="">ISA Programme</a>
+ and further developed by the W3C <a href="&gld;">Government Linked Data Working Group</a>. It re-uses terms
+ from several other vocabularies, notably Dublin Core, with elements of SKOS, FOAF
+ and more.
+ </dcterms:description>
+ <foaf:depiction>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
+ <rdfs:label>Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) UML Class Diagram</rdfs:label>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ </foaf:depiction>
+ <dcterms:abstract>ADMS is intended as a model that facilitates federation
+ and co-operation. It is not the primary intention that repository owners
+ redesign or convert their current systems and data to conform to ADMS, but
+ rather that ADMS can act as a common layer among repositories that want to
+ exchange data. A change log for this namespace document is maintained in the
+ HTML representation of this document, available at &admsUrl;.html.
+ </dcterms:abstract>
+ <wdrs:describedby>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:about="&admsDoc;">
+ <dcterms:title>&documentationTitle;</dcterms:title>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ </wdrs:describedby>
+ </owl:Ontology>
+<!-- Classes -->
+ <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&adms;AssetRepository">
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Asset Repository</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">An Asset Repository is a system or service that provides facilities for storage and maintenance of descriptions of Assets and Asset Distributions, and functionality that allows users to search and access these descriptions. An Asset Repository will typically contain descriptions of several Assets and related Asset Distributions.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&dcat;Catalog" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:AssetRepository</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdfs:Class>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:about="&adms;Asset">
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Asset</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">An Asset is an abstract entity that reflects the intellectual content of the asset and represents those characteristics of the asset that are independent of its physical embodiment. This abstract entity combines the FRBR entities work (a distinct intellectual or artistic creation) and expression (the intellectual or artistic realization of a work). Assets can be versioned. Every time the intellectual content of an asset changes, the result is considered to be a new asset that can be linked to previous and next versions of the Asset. The physical embodiment of an Asset is called an Asset Distribution. A particular Asset may have zero or more Asset Distributions.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&dcat;Dataset" />
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:Asset</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&adms;AssetDistribution">
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Asset Distribution</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">An Asset Distribution represents a particular physical embodiment of an Asset, which is an example of the FRBR entity manifestation (the physical embodiment of an expression of a work). An Asset Distribution is typically a downloadable computer file (but in principle it could also be a paper document) that implements the intellectual content of an Asset. A particular Asset Distribution is associated with one and only one Asset, while all Distributions of an Asset share the same intellectual content in different physical formats. Asset Distributions themselves are not versioned.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&dcat;Distribution" />
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:AssetDistribution</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdfs:Class>
+ <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&adms;Identifier">
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Identifier</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en" rdf:parseType="Literal">This class is based on the UN/CEFACT
+ Identifier complex type defined in See Section 5.8 of Core Components Data Type Catalogue Version 3.1 (
+ In RDF this is expressed using the following properties:
+ - the content string should be provided using skos:notation, datatyped with the identifier scheme (inclduing the version number if appropriate);
+ - use dcterms:creator to link to a class describing the agency that manages the identifier scheme or adms:schemaAgency to provide the name as a literal.
+ Although not part of the ADMS conceptual model, it may be useful to provide further properties to the Identifier class such as
+ dcterms:created to provide the date on which the identifier was issued.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:Identifier</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdfs:Class>
+<!-- ***************** Properties ********************** -->
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;identifier">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">identifier</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en" rdf:parseType="Literal">adms:identifier is used to link any resource to
+ an instance of adms:Identifier which is its range. N.B. it is not appropriate to use
+ dcterms:identifer to link to the Identifier class as its range is rdfs:Literal.
+ ADMS uses this to provide any identifier for the Asset.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&adms;Identifier" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:identifier</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;includedAsset">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">included asset</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">Links to an Asset that is contained in the Asset being described, e.g. when there are several vocabularies defined in a single document.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&adms;Asset" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&adms;Asset" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:includedAsset</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;interoperabilityLevel">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">interoperability level</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en" rdf:parseType="Literal">Links an Asset to its adms:InteroperabilityLevel. Since this is encoded using skos:Concept, that is the defined range for this property.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&adms;Asset" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&skos;Concept" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:interoperabilityLevel</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;last">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">last</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment>A link to the current or latest version of the Asset.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&xhv;last" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:last</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;next">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">last</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment>A link to the next version of the Asset.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&xhv;next" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:next</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;prev">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">last</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment>A link to the previous version of the Asset.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&xhv;prev" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:prev</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;representationTechnique">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">representation technique</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en" rdf:parseType="Literal">Links an adms:AssetDistribution to a skos:Concept that is its adms:RepresentationTechnique.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&skos;Concept" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:representationTechnique</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;sample">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">sample</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">Links to a sample of an Asset (which is itself an Asset).</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&adms;Asset" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&adms;Asset" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:sample</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;schemeAgency">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;DatatypeProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">scheme agency</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The name of the agency responsible for issuing the identifier</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&adms;Identifier" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:schemeAgency</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;status">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">status</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en" rdf:parseType="Literal">Links to the status of the Asset or Asset Distribution
+ in the context of a particular workflow process. Since Status is defined using a skos:Concept,
+ that is the defined range for this property.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&skos;Concept" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:status</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;supportedSchema">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">supported schema</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">A schema according to which the Asset Repository can provide data about its content, e.g. ADMS</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&adms;Asset" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:supportedSchema</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;translation">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;ObjectProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">translation</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">Links Assets that are translations of each other.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:translation</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
+ <rdf:Property rdf:about="&adms;versionNotes">
+ <rdf:type rdf:resource="&owl;DatatypeProperty" />
+ <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">version notes</rdfs:label>
+ <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">A description of changes between this version and the previous version of the Asset.</rdfs:comment>
+ <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="&admsDoc;" />
+ <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal" />
+ <dcterms:identifier>adms:versionNotes</dcterms:identifier>
+ </rdf:Property>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/adms/adms20130520.ttl Mon May 20 17:47:24 2013 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+@prefix dcterms: <>.
+@prefix skos: <>.
+@prefix foaf: <>.
+@prefix owl: <>.
+@prefix xsd: <>.
+@prefix xhv: <>.
+@prefix xml: <>.
+@prefix voaf: <>.
+@prefix vcard: <>.
+@prefix rdfs: <>.
+@prefix vann: <>.
+@prefix dcat: <>.
+@prefix rdf: <>.
+@prefix wdrs: <>.
+@prefix schema: <> .
+@prefix adms: <> .
+<> a voaf:Vocabulary, owl:Ontology;
+ voaf:specializes dcat:;
+ dcterms:title "Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)"@en;
+ dcterms:abstract "ADMS is intended as a model that facilitates federation and co-operation. It is not the primary intention that repository owners redesign or convert their current systems and data to conform to ADMS, but rather that ADMS can act as a common layer among repositories that want to exchange data. A change log for this namespace document is maintained in the HTML representation of this document, available at "@en;
+ dcterms:creator [schema:affiliation <>;
+ rdfs:seeAlso <>;
+ foaf:homepage <>;
+ foaf:name "Phil Archer"@en.] ,
+ [schema:affiliation [foaf:homepage <>; foaf:name "European Commission, Joint Research Centre "@en.];
+ rdfs:seeAlso <>;
+ foaf:homepage <>;
+ foaf:name "Andrea Perego"@en.] ,
+ [rdfs:seeAlso <>; foaf:homepage <>;
+ foaf:name "Makx Dekkers"@en.];
+ foaf:maker[foaf:name "Government Linked Data WG, based on output from the ADMS Working Group"@en; foaf:homepage <>.];
+ dcterms:description """This is the RDF encoding of the Asset Description Metadata Schema, originally
+ developed under the European Union's ISA Programme and further developed by the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group.
+ It re-uses terms from several other vocabularies, notably Dublin Core, with elements of SKOS, FOAF and more. """;
+ dcterms:modified "2013-05-20"^^xsd:date;
+ vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "adms";
+ vann:preferredNamespaceUri "";
+ rdfs:comment "This file specifies the set of RDF classes and properties used in ADMS"@en;
+ rdfs:label "Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS)"@en;
+ owl:versionInfo "02 May 2013";
+ wdrs:describedby <>.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:AssetRepository";
+ a rdfs:Class;
+ rdfs:comment "An Asset Repository is a system or service that provides facilities for storage and maintenance of descriptions of Assets and Asset Distributions, and functionality that allows users to search and access these descriptions. An Asset Repository will typically contain descriptions of several Assets and related Asset Distributions."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "Asset Repository"@en;
+ rdfs:subClassOf dcat:Catalog.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:Asset";
+ rdfs:comment "An Asset is an abstract entity that reflects the intellectual content of the asset and represents those characteristics of the asset that are independent of its physical embodiment. This abstract entity combines the FRBR entities work (a distinct intellectual or artistic creation) and expression (the intellectual or artistic realization of a work). Assets can be versioned. Every time the intellectual content of an asset changes, the result is considered to be a new asset that can be linked to previous and next versions of the Asset. The physical embodiment of an Asset is called an Asset Distribution. A particular Asset may have zero or more Asset Distributions.."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "Asset"@en;
+ rdfs:subClassOf dcat:Dataset.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:AssetDistribution";
+ a rdfs:Class;
+ rdfs:comment "An Asset Distribution represents a particular physical embodiment of an Asset, which is an example of the FRBR entity manifestation (the physical embodiment of an expression of a work). An Asset Distribution is typically a downloadable computer file (but in principle it could also be a paper document) that implements the intellectual content of an Asset. A particular Asset Distribution is associated with one and only one Asset, while all Distributions of an Asset share the same intellectual content in different physical formats. Asset Distributions themselves are not versioned."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "Asset Distribution"@en;
+ rdfs:subClassOf dcat:Distribution.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:Identifier";
+ a rdfs:Class;
+ rdfs:comment "This class is based on the UN/CEFACT Identifier complex type defined in See Section 5.8 of Core Components Data Type Catalogue Version 3.1 ( In RDF this is expressed using the following properties: - the content string should be provided using skos:notation, datatyped with the identifier scheme (inclduing the version number if appropriate); - use dcterms:creator to link to a class describing the agency that manages the identifier scheme or adms:schemaAgency to provide the name as a literal. Although not part of the ADMS conceptual model, it may be useful to provide further properties to the Identifier class such as dcterms:created to provide the date on which the identifier was issued."^^rdf:XMLLiteral;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "Identifier"@en.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:identifier";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "adms:identifier is used to link any resource to an instance of adms:Identifier which is its range. N.B. it is not appropriate to use dcterms:identifer to link to the Identifier class as its range is rdfs:Literal. ADMS uses this to provide any identifier for the Asset.";
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "identifier"@en;
+ rdfs:range <>.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:includedAsset";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "Links to an Asset that is contained in the Asset being described, e.g. when there are several vocabularies defined in a single document."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "included asset"@en;
+ rdfs:domain <>;
+ rdfs:range <>.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:interoperabilityLevel";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "Links an Asset to its adms:InteroperabilityLevel. Since this is encoded using skos:Concept, that is the defined range for this property.";
+ rdfs:domain <>;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "interoperability level"@en;
+ rdfs:domain adms:Asset;
+ rdfs:range skos:Concept.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:last";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "A link to the current or latest version of the Asset."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "last"@en;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf xhv:last.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:next";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "A link to the next version of the Asset."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "last"@en;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf xhv:next.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:prev";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "A link to the previous version of the Asset."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "last"@en;
+ rdfs:subPropertyOf xhv:prev.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:representationTechnique";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "Links an adms:AssetDistribution to a skos:Concept that is its adms:RepresentationTechnique.";
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "representation technique"@en;
+ rdfs:range skos:Concept.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:sample";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "Links to a sample of an Asset (which is itself an Asset).";
+ rdfs:domain <>;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "sample"@en;
+ rdfs:range <>.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:schemeAgency";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "The name of the agency responsible for issuing the identifier"@en;
+ rdfs:domain <>;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "scheme agency"@en;
+ rdfs:range rdfs:Literal.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:status";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "Links to the status of the Asset or Asset Distribution in the context of a particular workflow process. Since Status is defined using a skos:Concept, that is the defined range for this property."^^rdf:XMLLiteral;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "status"@en;
+ rdfs:range skos:Concept.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:supportedSchema";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "A schema according to which the Asset Repository can provide data about its content, e.g. ADMS"@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "supported schema"@en;
+ rdfs:range adms:Asset.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:translation";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "Links Assets that are translations of each other."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "translation"@en.
+<> dcterms:identifier "adms:versionNotes";
+ a rdf:Property, owl:DatatypeProperty;
+ rdfs:comment "A description of changes between this version and the previous version of the Asset."@en;
+ rdfs:isDefinedBy <>;
+ rdfs:label "version info"@en;
+ rdfs:range rdfs:Literal.
--- a/adms/index.html Fri May 17 08:56:10 2013 +0100
+++ b/adms/index.html Mon May 20 17:47:24 2013 +0100
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
<section class="informative">
<h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
-<p>ADMS, the Asset Description Metadata Schema, is a profile of DCAT [[DCAT]] for describing so-called
+<p>ADMS, the Asset Description Metadata Schema, is a profile of DCAT [[!DCAT]] for describing so-called
<em>Semantic Assets</em> (or just 'Assets'), that is, highly reusable metadata (e.g. xml schemata,
generic data models) and reference data (e.g. code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries,
vocabularies) that are used for eGovernment system development [[TOGD]]. Someone searching for an Asset
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@
+<section class="informative">
<h2 id="ns">Namespaces</h2>
<p>The namespace for ADMS is <code></code>. However,
it should be noted that ADMS makes extensive use of terms from other vocabularies,
-in particular Dublin Core [[DC11]]. It re-uses and subclasses DCAT wherever possible
+in particular Dublin Core [[!DC11]]. It re-uses and subclasses DCAT wherever possible
and therefore defines a minimal set of classes and properties of its own.
A full set of namespaces and prefixes used in this document is shown in the table below.</p>
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
-<!-- <tr><td>radion</td><td></td></tr> -->
<tr><td>foaf </td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>schema </td><td></td></tr>
@@ -144,27 +143,6 @@
-<section class="informative">
-<h2 id="terminology">Terminology</h2>
-<p>This document uses the following terminology:</p>
-<P><strong>Semantic interoperability</strong> is defined by the European Interoperability Framework 2.02
-[[EIF2]] as the ability of information and communication
-technology (ICT) systems and the business processes they support to exchange data and to
-enable the sharing of information and knowledge: Semantic interoperability enables systems to
-combine received information with other information resources and to process it in a meaningful
-manner. It aims at the mental representations that
-human beings have of the meaning of any given data.</p>
-<p>The European Commission defines a <strong>semantic interoperability asset</strong> as highly reusable metadata (e.g. XML schemata,
-generic data models) and reference data (e.g. code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries,
-vocabularies) which is used for eGovernment system development [[TOGD]].</p>
-<p>This definition is sufficiently broad to allow the inclusion of descriptions of various types of
-(meta)data to be included and managed in asset repositories. Possible types are for example
-specifications, guideline documents, metadata schemas, code lists, controlled vocabularies, and
-references to various types of entities in the real world, such as organizations, people and
-</section> --> <!-- Terminology -->
<section class="informative">
<h2 id="overview">Vocabulary Overview</h2>
<p>ADMS is intended as a model that facilitates federation and co-operation.
@@ -178,7 +156,6 @@
The original ADMS specification published by the European Commission [[ADMS1]] includes an XML schema that also defines
all the controlled vocabularies and cardinality constraints associated with the original document.</p>
<h2 id="example">Example</h2>
<p>This example provides a quick overview of how ADMS might be used to represent a Semantic Asset Repository and its assets.</p>
@@ -244,7 +221,7 @@
<h2 id="domainmodel">The ADMS Domain Model</h2>
<figure id="uml">
- <img src="adms20130508.png" width="837" height="576" alt="UML Diagram of ADMS" />
+ <img src="adms20130520.png" width="838" height="575" alt="UML Diagram of ADMS" />
<figcaption>UML model of ADMS classes and properties</figcaption>
@@ -323,12 +300,12 @@
<h4 id="sec_contactInformation">Contact Information</h4>
<p><code class="rdfEncoding">v:VCard</code><br />
- A contact point for further information about an Asset. Use <code><a href="#adms_contactPoint">adms:contactPoint</a></code> to link an Asset to a VCard.</p>
+ A contact point for further information about an Asset. Use <code><a href="#dcat_contactPoint">dcat:contactPoint</a></code> to link an Asset to a VCard.</p>
<h4 id="sec_documentation">Documentation</h4>
<p><code class="rdfEncoding">foaf:Document</code><br />
- <p>Any document that further describes an Asset or gives guidelines for its use. See
+ Any document that further describes an Asset or gives guidelines for its use. See
<code><a href="#dcat_landingPage">dcat:landingPage</a></code>, <code><a href="#wdrs_describedby">wdrs:describedby</a></code>
<code><a href="#adms_relatedDocumentation">adms:relatedDocumentation</a></code> and <code><a href="#adms_relatedWebPage">adms:relatedWebPage</a></code>.</p>
@@ -467,12 +444,10 @@
-<h3 id="adms_contactPoint">adms:contactPoint</h3>
-<p class="editorsnote">At the time of writing it looks likely, but not certain, that DCAT will define a similar property in which case this
-one will be removed in favor of it.</p>
-<p>A contact point for further information about an Asset.</p>
+<h3 id="dcat_contactPoint">dcat:contactPoint</h3>
+<p>Links an asset to a contact point from where further information about an Asset can be obtained.</p>
<table class="definition">
- <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:contactPoint</a></th></tr></thead>
+ <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">dcat:contactPoint</a></th></tr></thead>
<tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">v:VCard</a></td></tr>
@@ -621,7 +596,7 @@
<tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Literal</a>
using the relevant <a href="">ISO 8601 Date and Time</a> compliant string and
- typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [[XMLSCHEMA-2]]</td></tr>
+ typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [[!XMLSCHEMA-2]]</td></tr>
@@ -708,7 +683,7 @@
<tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Literal</a>
using the relevant <a href="">ISO 8601 Date and Time</a> compliant string and
- typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [[XMLSCHEMA-2]]</td></tr>
+ typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype [[!XMLSCHEMA-2]]</td></tr>
--- a/adms/respec-config.js Fri May 17 08:56:10 2013 +0100
+++ b/adms/respec-config.js Mon May 20 17:47:24 2013 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
var respecConfig = {
// specification status (e.g. WD, LCWD, NOTE, etc.). If in doubt use ED.
specStatus: "NOTE",
- publishDate: "2013-05-08",
+ publishDate: "2013-05-28",
//copyrightStart: "2010",
// the specification's short name, as in