Latest changes, ready for pub?
Thu, 02 May 2013 23:49:59 +0100
changeset 472 1a1bd1c62146
parent 471 7c7b4ed287c0
child 473 804a2a308ed7
Latest changes, ready for pub?
--- a/adms/index.html	Thu May 02 23:49:39 2013 +0100
+++ b/adms/index.html	Thu May 02 23:49:59 2013 +0100
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 <p>ADMS is a profile of DCAT, used to describe <em>semantic assets</em>, defined as highly reusable metadata (e.g. xml schemata,
 generic data models) and reference data (e.g. code lists, taxonomies, dictionaries,
 vocabularies) that are used for eGovernment system development.</p>
+<p>@@@ Move above the HR in publication version@@@ Terms in the ADMS namespace are available in both <a href="adms20130502.rdf">RDF/XML</a> and <a href="adms20130502.ttl">Turtle</a>.</p>
 <section class="informative">
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@
     <tr><td>skos  </td><td></td></tr>
-    <tr><td>xhv  </td><td></td></tr>
+<!--    <tr><td>xhv  </td><td></td></tr> -->
@@ -207,8 +208,8 @@
 5    dcterms:title "Fruit I like"@en ;
 6    adms:status &lt;; ;
 7    dcterms:type &lt;; ;
-8    xhv:previous :Fruit_01 ;
-9    xhv:last :Fruit ;
+8    adms:previous :Fruit_01 ;
+9    adms:last :Fruit ;
 10   adms:distribution :Fruit_02.csv ;
 11   adms:distribution :Fruit_02.xml .</pre>
@@ -235,32 +236,39 @@
 <h2 id="domainmodel">The ADMS Domain Model</h2>
 <figure id="uml">
-  <img src="adms20130404.png" width="875" height="574" alt="UML Diagram of ADMS" />
+  <img src="adms20130502.png" width="837" height="578" alt="UML Diagram of ADMS" />
   <figcaption>UML model of ADMS classes and properties</figcaption>
-<p>The classes and properties are described briefly in the following sub-sections</p>
+<p>The classes and properties are described in the following sub-sections</p>
 <h3 id="primary">The Primary Concepts</h3>
-  <dt id="pc_semanticAssetRepository">Semantic Asset Repository <code class="rdfEncoding">adms:SemanticAssetRepository</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>A system or service that provides facilities for storage and maintenance of 
+  <h4 id="pc_semanticAssetRepository">Semantic Asset Repository</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">adms:SemanticAssetRepository</code><br />A system or service that provides facilities for storage and maintenance of 
   descriptions of Semantic Assets and Semantic Asset Distributions, and 
   functionality that allows users to search and access these descriptions. A 
   Semantic Asset Repository will typically contain descriptions of several Semantic 
   Assets and related Semantic Asset Distributions.</p>
-  <p><code>adms:SemanticAssetRepository</code> is a sub class od <code>dcat:Catalog</code></p></dd>
-  <dt id="pc_semanticAsset">Semantic Asset <code class="rdfEncoding">adms:SemanticAsset</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>An abstract entity that reflects the intellectual content of the asset and 
+  <p><code>adms:SemanticAssetRepository</code> is a sub class of <code>dcat:Catalog</code></p>
+  <h4 id="pc_semanticAsset">Semantic Asset</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">adms:SemanticAsset</code><br />
+  An abstract entity that reflects the intellectual content of the asset and 
   represents those characteristics of the asset that are independent of its physical 
   embodiment. This abstract entity combines the FRBR entities <em>work</em> (a distinct 
   intellectual or artistic creation) and <em>expression</em> (the intellectual or artistic realization of a work) [[FRBR]].
   <p>Assets can be versioned. Every time the intellectual content of an asset changes, the result is considered to 
   be a new asset that can be linked to previous and next versions of the Asset.</p>
   <p>The physical embodiment of an Asset is called a Distribution. A particular Asset may have zero or more Distributions.</p>
-  <p><code>adms:SemanticAsset</code> is a sub class of <code>dcat:Dataset</code></p></dd>
-  <dt id="pc_semanticAssetDistribution">Semantic Asset Distribution <code class="rdfEncoding">adms:SemanticAssetDistribution</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>A particular physical embodiment of a Semantic Asset, which is an example of 
+  <p><code>adms:SemanticAsset</code> is a sub class of <code>dcat:Dataset</code></p>
+  <h4 id="pc_semanticAssetDistribution">Semantic Asset Distribution</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">adms:SemanticAssetDistribution</code><br />
+  A particular physical embodiment of a Semantic Asset, which is an example of 
   the FRBR <em>entity manifestation</em> (the physical embodiment of an expression of a work).</p> 
   <p>A Distribution is typically a downloadable computer file (but in principle it 
   could also be a paper document or API response) that implements the intellectual content of an Asset.</p>
@@ -275,8 +283,7 @@
     <figcaption>The relationship between versioned Semantic Assets and their Distributions</figcaption>
   <p><code>adms:SemanticAssetDistribution</code> is a sub class of <code>dcat:Distribution</code></p>
-  </dd>
 <p>Examples of the relationship between Assets and Distributions are:</p>
   <dt>An Asset without a Distribution</dt>
@@ -296,64 +303,118 @@
   often serialized in RDF/XML, Turtle and triples, each of which would be a discrete Distribution.</dd>
 </section> <!-- Primary Concepts -->
 <h3 id="secondary">The Secondary Concepts</h3>
 <p>In addition to the primary concepts, ADMS includes a number of secondary or supporting concepts:</p>
-  <dt id="sec_assetType">Asset Type <code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The classification of an Asset according to a controlled vocabulary, e.g. code list, metadata schema.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_contactInformation">Contact Information <code class="rdfEncoding">v:VCard</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>A contact point for further information about an Asset.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_documentation">Documentation <code class="rdfEncoding">foaf:Document</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>Any document that further describes an Asset or gives guidelines for its use.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_fileFormat">File Format <code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:FileFormat</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The technical format in which a Distribution is available , e.g. <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>, <abbr title="XML Schema Definition">XSD</abbr> etc. See also <a href="#sec_representationTechnique">representation technique</a>.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_geographicalCoverage">Geographical Coverage <code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:Location</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The country or region to which an Asset or Repository applies.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="dt_identifier">Identifier <code class="rdfEncoding">adms:Identifier</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>This is based on the UN/CEFACT Identifier class. [[UNCEFACT]]) which consists of:</p><ul>
+<section><h4 id="sec_assetType">Asset Type</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code><br />
+  The classification of an Asset according to a controlled vocabulary, e.g. code list, metadata schema. Use <code><a href="#dcterms_type">dcterms:type</a></code> to link a Semantic Asset to an Asset Type.</p>
+<h4 id="sec_contactInformation">Contact Information</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">v:VCard</code><br />
+  A contact point for further information about an Asset. Use <code><a href="#adms_contactPoint">adms:contactPoint</a></code> to link a Semantic Asset to a VCard.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_documentation">Documentation</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">foaf:Document</code><br />
+  <p>Any document that further describes an Asset or gives guidelines for its use. See 
+      <code><a href="#dcat_landingPage">dcat:landingPage</a></code>, <code><a href="#wdrs_describedby">wdrs:describedby</a></code> 
+      <code><a href="#adms_relatedDocumentation">adms:relatedDocumentation</a></code> and <code><a href="#adms_relatedWebPage">adms:relatedWebPage</a></code>.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_fileFormat">File Format</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:FileFormat</code><br />
+  The technical format in which a Distribution is available, e.g. 
+    <abbr title="Portable Document Format">PDF</abbr>, <abbr title="XML Schema Definition">XSD</abbr> etc. 
+    See also <a href="#sec_representationTechnique">representation technique</a>, <code><a href="#dcterms_format">dcterms:format</a></code> and <code><a href="#dcat_mediaType">dcat:mediaType</a></code>.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_geographicalCoverage">Geographical Coverage</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:Location</code><br />
+  The country or region to which an Asset or Repository applies, linked using <code><a href="#dcterms_spatial">dcterms:spatial</a></code>.</p>
+  <h4 id="dt_identifier">Identifier</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">adms:Identifier</code><br />
+  This is based on the UN/CEFACT Identifier class. [[UNCEFACT]]) which consists of:</p><ul>
     <li>a content string which is the identifier;</li>
     <li>an optional identifier for the identifier scheme;</li>
     <li>an optional identifier for the version of the identifier scheme;</li>
     <li>an optional identifier for the agency that manages the identifier scheme.</li></ul>
   <p>In ADMS this is expressed using the <code>adms:Identifier</code> class with the following properties:</p><ul>
-    <li>the content string should be provided using <code>skos:notation</code>, datatyped with 
-        the identifier scheme (inclduing the version number if appropriate);</li>
-    <li>use <code>dcterms:creator</code> to link to a class that represents the agency that manages the identifier scheme and/or
-        <code>adms:schemaAgency</code> to provide the name of the agency as a literal;</li>
-    <li>it may also be useful to provide further properties such as <code>dcterms:issued</code> to provide the 
+    <li>the content string should be provided using <code><a href="#skos_notation">skos:notation</a></code>, datatyped with 
+        the identifier scheme (including the version number if appropriate);</li>
+    <li>use <code><a href="#dcterms_creator">dcterms:creator</a></code> to link to a class that represents the agency that manages the identifier scheme and/or
+        <code><a href="#adms_schemaAgency">adms:schemaAgency</a></code> to provide the name of the agency as a literal;</li>
+    <li>it may also be useful to provide further properties such as <code><a href="#dcterms_issued">dcterms:issued</a></code> to provide the 
         date on which the identifier was issued.</li></ul>
     <p>An important point to note is that properties of <code>adms:Identifier</code> are properties of the
-    Identifier, not the resource that it identifies or the agency that issued it.</p></dd>
+    Identifier, not the resource that it identifies or the agency that issued it.</p>
-  <dt id="sec_item">Item <code class="rdfEncoding">adms:Item</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>An item that is contained inside an Asset, e.g. an individual term in a vocabulary, an individual code in a code list or some other ‘atomic’ element of an Asset.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_interoperabilityLevel">Interoperability Level <code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>A level as defined in a list such the European Interoperability Framework [[EIF2]] for which an Asset is relevant.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_language">Language <code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:LinguisticSystem</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The language of an Asset if it contains textual information, e.g. the language of the terms in a controlled vocabulary or the language in which a specification is written.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_license">License <code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:LicenseDocument</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The conditions or restrictions that apply to the use of a Distribution, e.g. whether it is in the 
-  public domain, or that some restrictions apply such as attribution being required, or that it can only be used for non-commercial purposes etc.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_periodOfTime">Period of time <code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:PeriodOfTime</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The time period relevant for an Asset, e.g. for its validity</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_publisher">Publisher <code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:Agent</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The organization making a Repository, Asset or Distribution available.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_representationTechnique">Representation Technique <code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The machine-readable language in which a Distribution is expressed. This is more fine-grained than <a href="#sec_fileFormat">file format</a>, for example "Word 2003".</p>
+<!--  <dt id="sec_item">Item <code class="rdfEncoding">adms:Item</code></dt>
+  <dd><p>An item that is contained inside an Asset, e.g. an individual term in a vocabulary, an individual code in a code list or some other ‘atomic’ element of an Asset.</p></dd> -->
+  <h4 id="sec_interoperabilityLevel">Interoperability Level</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code><br />
+  A level as defined in a list such the European Interoperability Framework [[EIF2]] for which an Asset is relevant, linked using <code><a href="#adms_interoperabilityLevel">adms:interoperabilityLevel</a></code></p>
+  <h4 id="sec_language">Language</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:LinguisticSystem</code><br />
+  The language of an Asset if it contains textual information, e.g. the language of the terms in a controlled vocabulary or 
+  the language in which a specification is written, linked using <code><a href="#dcterms_language">dcterms:language</a></code></p>
+  <h4 id="sec_license">License</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:LicenseDocument</code><br />
+  The conditions or restrictions that apply to the use of a Distribution, e.g. whether it is in the 
+  public domain, or that some restrictions apply such as attribution being required, or that it can only be 
+  used for non-commercial purposes etc. Linked using <code><a href="#dcterms_license">dcterms:license</a></code></p>
+  <h4 id="sec_periodOfTime">Period of time</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:PeriodOfTime</code><br />
+  The time period relevant for an Asset, e.g. for its validity. Linked from a Semanmtic Asset using 
+  <code><a href="#dcterms_temporal">dcterms:temporal</a></code>. The time period can be specified 
+  using <code><a href="#schema_startDate">schema:startDate</a></code> and <code><a href="#schema_endDate">schema:endDate</a></code>.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_publisher">Publisher</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">dcterms:Agent</code><br />
+  The organization making a Repository, Asset or Distribution available, linked using <code><a href="#dcterms_publisher">dcterms:publisher</a></code>.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_representationTechnique">Representation Technique</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code><br />
+  The machine-readable language in which a Distribution is expressed. This is more fine-grained than <a href="#sec_fileFormat">file format</a>, 
+        for example "Word 2003", linked using <code><a href="#adms_representationTechnique">representationTechnique</code></a>.
+        See also <code><a href="#dcterms_format">dcterms:format</a></code> and <code><a href="#dcat_mediaType">dcat:mediaType</a></code>.</p>
       <p>This concept indicates that one of the files in a Semantic Asset Distribution is expressed in the Representation Technique. 
          There may also be other files in the Distribution that are expressed in other Representation Techniques or even files 
-          that are not representations at all.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_status">Status <code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>An indication of the maturity of an Asset or Distribution</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_theme">Theme <code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>The sector that an Asset applies to, e.g. "law" or "environment". Best practice is to use terms from a controlled vocabulary.</p></dd>
-  <dt id="sec_themeTaxonomy">Theme Taxonomy <code class="rdfEncoding">skos:ConceptScheme</code></dt>
-  <dd><p>A controlled vocabulary that contains terms that are used as Themes for the Assets in a Repository.</p></dd>
+          that are not representations at all.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_status">Status</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code><br />
+  An indication of the maturity of an Asset or Distribution, linked using <code><a href="#adms_status">adms:status</a></code>.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_theme">Theme</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">skos:Concept</code><br />
+  The sector that an Asset applies to, e.g. "law" or "environment". 
+    Best practice is to use terms from a controlled vocabulary expressed as a SKOS Concept Scheme and linked 
+    from the Semantic Asset using <code><a href="#dcat_theme">dcat:theme</a></code>.</p>
+  <h4 id="sec_themeTaxonomy">Theme Taxonomy</h4>
+  <p><code class="rdfEncoding">skos:ConceptScheme</code><br />
+  A controlled vocabulary that contains terms that are used as Themes for the Assets in a Repository, 
+  linked from the Repository using <code><a href="#dcat_themeTaxonomy">dcat:themeTaxonomy</a></code>.</p>
 <p><strong>NB</strong> The original ADMS specification supports the provision of a description of 
 the metadata about a Semantic Asset, including its publisher and language (i.e. the human language in which the metadata is expressed,
@@ -370,7 +431,7 @@
 <h3 id="dcat_accessURL">dcat:accessURL</h3>
-<p>Any kind of URL that gives access to a Semantic Asset Distribution, e.g. a landing page, download, feed URL, SPARQL endpoint etc. 
+<p>Any kind of URL that gives access to a Semantic Asset Repository or Semantic Asset Distribution, e.g. a landing page, download, feed URL, SPARQL endpoint etc. 
 Use dcat:accessURL when you do not have information on which it is or when it is definitely not a download.</p>
 <table class="definition">
   <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">dcat:accessURL</a></th></tr></thead>
@@ -395,6 +456,8 @@
 <h3 id="adms_contactPoint">adms:contactPoint</h3>
+<p class="editorsnote">At the time of writing it looks likely, but not sertain, that DCAT will define a similar property in which case this
+one will be removed in favor of it.</p>
 <p>A contact point for further information about a Semantic Asset.</p>
 <table class="definition">
   <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:contactPoint</a></th></tr></thead>
@@ -404,6 +467,32 @@
+<h3 id="dcterms_creator">dcterms:creator</h3>
+<p>Used in ADMS to link an <code><a href="#dt_identifier">adms:Identifier</a></code> to a <code><a href="">dcterms:Agent</a></code> (equivalent class <a href=""><code>foaf:Agent</a></code>)</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">dcterms:creator</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">dcterms:Agent</a></td></tr>
+  </tbody>
+<h3 id="dcat_dataset">dcat:dataset</h3>
+<p>Used to link a Semantic Asset Repository to a Semantic Asset.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">dcat:dataset</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain</td><td><a href="">dcat:Catalog</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">dcat:Dataset</a></td></tr>
+  </tbody>
 <h3 id="wdrs_describedby">wdrs:describedby</h3>
 <p>The main documentation or specification of the Semantic Asset</p>
@@ -426,14 +515,13 @@
-<h3 id="adms_distribution">adms:distribution</h3>
+<h3 id="dcat_distribution">dcat:distribution</h3>
 <p>Links a Semantic Asset to an implementation in a particular format.</p>
 <table class="definition">
-  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:distribution</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">dcat:distribution</a></th></tr></thead>
-    <tr><td class="prop">Sub property of</td><td><a href="">dcat:distribution</a></td></tr>
-    <tr><td class="prop">Domain</td><td><a href="">adms:SemanticAsset</a></td></tr>
-    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">adms:SemanticAssetDistribution</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain</td><td><a href="">dcat:Dataset</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">dcat:Distribution</a></td></tr>
@@ -447,6 +535,20 @@
+<h3 id="schema_endDate">schema:endDate</h3>
+<p>Used in ADMS to define the end of a period of time during which a Semantic Asset is valid or applicable.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>Datat Type Property</th><th><a href="">schema:endDate</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Literal</a> which should be typed, typically with <code>xsd:date</code>.</td></tr>
+  </tbody>
 <h3 id="dcterms_format">dcterms:format</h3>
 <p>The file format of the distribution.</p>
@@ -482,16 +584,6 @@
-<h3 id="adms_includedItem">adms:includedItem</h3>
-<p>An item that is contained in the Semantic Asset (e.g. a concept in a controlled vocabulary, an individual code in a code list or any other ‘atomic’ element).</p>
-<table class="definition">
-  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:includedItem</a></th></tr></thead>
-  <tbody>
-    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">adms:Item</a></td></tr>
-  </tbody>
 <h3 id="adms_interoperabilityLevel">adms:interoperabilityLevel</h3>
@@ -499,22 +591,12 @@
 <table class="definition">
   <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:interoperabilityLevel</a></th></tr></thead>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain</td><td><a href="">adms:SemanticAsset</a></td></tr>
     <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">skos:Concept</a></td></tr>
-<h3 id="dcterms_isPartOf">dcterms:isPartOf</h3>
-<p>Used to link a Semantic Asset to a Semantic Asset Repository.</p>
-<table class="definition">
-  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">dcterms:isPartOf</a></th></tr></thead>
-  <tbody>
-    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Resource</a></td></tr>
-  </tbody>
 <h3 id="dcterms_issued">dcterms:issued</h3>
@@ -569,11 +651,12 @@
-<h3 id="xhv_last">xhv:last</h3>
+<h3 id="adms_last">adms:last</h3>
 <p>A link to the current or latest version of the Semantic Asset.</p>
 <table class="definition">
-  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">xhv:last</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:last</a></th></tr></thead>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Sub property of</td><td><a href="">xhv:last</a></th></tr></thead>
     <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Resource</a></td></tr>
@@ -616,21 +699,35 @@
-<h3 id="xhv_next">xhv:next</h3>
+<h3 id="adms_next">adms:next</h3>
 <p>A link to the next version of the Semantic Asset.</p>
 <table class="definition">
-  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">xhv:next</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:next</a></th></tr></thead>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Sub property of</td><td><a href="">xhv:next</a></th></tr></thead>
     <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Resource</a></td></tr>
-<h3 id="xhv_prev">xhv:prev</h3>
+<h3 id="skos_notation">skos:notation</h3>
+<p>Used in ADMS to provide the actual identifier string as a property of an <a href="#dt_identifier"><code>adms:Identifier</code></a></p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>Data Type Property</th><th><a href="">skos:notation</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Literal</a> which should be typed.</td></tr>
+  </tbody>
+<h3 id="adms_prev">adms:prev</h3>
 <p>A link to the previous version of the Semantic Asset.</p>
 <table class="definition">
-  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">xhv:prev</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:prev</a></th></tr></thead>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Sub property of</td><td><a href="">xhv:prev</a></th></tr></thead>
     <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Resource</a></td></tr>
@@ -652,6 +749,7 @@
 <table class="definition">
   <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:relatedDocumentation</a></th></tr></thead>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Sub property of</td><td><a href="">foaf:page</a></td></tr>
     <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">foaf:Document</a></td></tr>
@@ -662,6 +760,7 @@
 <table class="definition">
   <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:relatedWebPage</a></th></tr></thead>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Sub property of</td><td><a href="">foaf:page</a></td></tr>
     <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">foaf:Document</a></td></tr>
@@ -699,6 +798,22 @@
+<h3 id="adms_schemaAgency">adms:schemaAgency</h3>
+<p>The name of the agency that issued the identifier.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>Data Type Property</th><th><a href="">adms:schemaAgency</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain</td><td><a href="#dt_identifier">adms:Identifier</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Literal</a></td></tr>
+  </tbody>
 <h3 id="dcterms_spatial">dcterms:spatial</h3>
 <p>The geographic region to which the Semantic Asset or Semantic Asset Repository applies.</p>
@@ -709,6 +824,16 @@
+<h3 id="schema_startDate">schema:startDate</h3>
+<p>Used in ADMS to define the start of a period of time during which a Semantic Asset is valid or applicable.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>Datat Type Property</th><th><a href="">schema:startDate</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Literal</a> which should be typed, typically with <code>xsd:date</code>.</td></tr>
+  </tbody>
 <h3 id="adms_status">adms:status</h3>
@@ -783,21 +908,23 @@
 <h3 id="dcterms_type">dcterms:type</h3>
-<p>The type of the Semantic Asset which should be provided using a controlled vocabulary encoded as a SKOS Concept</p>
+<p>This property is used to point to the specific type of publisher, Semantic Asset and License Document. In each case
+the type should be provided using a controlled vocabulary encoded as a SKOS Concept.</p>
 <table class="definition">
   <thead><tr><th>Object Type Property</th><th><a href="">dcterms:type</a></th></tr></thead>
-    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td>Formally <a href="">rdfs:Resource</a> but <a href="">skos:Concept</a> <em title="should" class="rfc2119">should</em> be used.</td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td>Formally <a href="">rdfs:Resource</a> but 
+    <a href="">skos:Concept</a> <em title="should" class="rfc2119">should</em> be used.</td></tr>
-<h3 id="adms_version">adms:version</h3>
+<h3 id="owl_version">owl:versionInfo</h3>
 <p>A version number or other designation of the Semantic Asset.</p>
 <table class="definition">
-  <thead><tr><th>Datatype Property</th><th><a href="">adms:version</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <thead><tr><th>Annotation Property</th><th><a href="">owl:versionInfo</a></th></tr></thead>
     <tr><td class="prop">Range</td><td><a href="">rdfs:Literal</a></td></tr>
@@ -836,4 +963,8 @@
 <p>This version of ADMS builds on that work in a broader, global context.</p>
--- a/adms/respec-config.js	Thu May 02 23:49:39 2013 +0100
+++ b/adms/respec-config.js	Thu May 02 23:49:59 2013 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 var respecConfig = {
     // specification status (e.g. WD, LCWD, NOTE, etc.). If in doubt use ED.
     specStatus:           "NOTE",
-    publishDate:          "2013-04-04",
+    publishDate:          "2013-05-02",
     //copyrightStart:       "2010",
     // the specification's short name, as in