--- a/editcommands.html Sun Jun 19 09:40:04 2011 -0600
+++ b/editcommands.html Sun Jun 19 09:52:21 2011 -0600
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@
<li><a href=#common-algorithms><span class=secno>5 </span>Common algorithms</a>
<li><a href=#assorted-common-algorithms><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Assorted common algorithms</a></li>
- <li><a href=#wrapping-a-list-of-nodes><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Wrapping a list of nodes</a></li>
- <li><a href=#deleting-the-contents-of-a-range><span class=secno>5.3 </span>Deleting the contents of a range</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a href=#wrapping-a-list-of-nodes><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Wrapping a list of nodes</a></ol></li>
<li><a href=#inline-formatting-commands><span class=secno>6 </span>Inline formatting commands</a>
<li><a href=#inline-formatting-command-definitions><span class=secno>6.1 </span>Inline formatting command definitions</a></li>
@@ -92,37 +91,39 @@
<li><a href=#the-fontsize-command><span class=secno>6.12 </span>The <code title="">fontSize</code> command</a></li>
<li><a href=#the-forecolor-command><span class=secno>6.13 </span>The <code title="">foreColor</code> command</a></li>
<li><a href=#the-hilitecolor-command><span class=secno>6.14 </span>The <code title="">hiliteColor</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-inserthtml-command><span class=secno>6.15 </span>The <code title="">insertHTML</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-insertimage-command><span class=secno>6.16 </span>The <code title="">insertImage</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-italic-command><span class=secno>6.17 </span>The <code title="">italic</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-removeformat-command><span class=secno>6.18 </span>The <code title="">removeFormat</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-strikethrough-command><span class=secno>6.19 </span>The <code title="">strikethrough</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-subscript-command><span class=secno>6.20 </span>The <code title="">subscript</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-superscript-command><span class=secno>6.21 </span>The <code title="">superscript</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-underline-command><span class=secno>6.22 </span>The <code title="">underline</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-unlink-command><span class=secno>6.23 </span>The <code title="">unlink</code> command</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-italic-command><span class=secno>6.15 </span>The <code title="">italic</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-removeformat-command><span class=secno>6.16 </span>The <code title="">removeFormat</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-strikethrough-command><span class=secno>6.17 </span>The <code title="">strikethrough</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-subscript-command><span class=secno>6.18 </span>The <code title="">subscript</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-superscript-command><span class=secno>6.19 </span>The <code title="">superscript</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-underline-command><span class=secno>6.20 </span>The <code title="">underline</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-unlink-command><span class=secno>6.21 </span>The <code title="">unlink</code> command</a></ol></li>
<li><a href=#block-formatting-commands><span class=secno>7 </span>Block formatting commands</a>
<li><a href=#block-formatting-command-definitions><span class=secno>7.1 </span>Block formatting command definitions</a></li>
<li><a href=#assorted-block-formatting-command-algorithms><span class=secno>7.2 </span>Assorted block formatting command algorithms</a></li>
- <li><a href=#block-extending-a-range><span class=secno>7.3 </span>Block-extending a range</a></li>
- <li><a href=#block-formatting-a-node-list><span class=secno>7.4 </span>Block-formatting a node list</a></li>
- <li><a href=#outdenting-a-node><span class=secno>7.5 </span>Outdenting a node</a></li>
- <li><a href=#toggling-lists><span class=secno>7.6 </span>Toggling lists</a></li>
- <li><a href=#justifying-the-selection><span class=secno>7.7 </span>Justifying the selection</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-delete-command><span class=secno>7.8 </span>The <code title="">delete</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-formatblock-command><span class=secno>7.9 </span>The <code title="">formatBlock</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-forwarddelete-command><span class=secno>7.10 </span>The <code title="">forwardDelete</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-indent-command><span class=secno>7.11 </span>The <code title="">indent</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-inserthorizontalrule-command><span class=secno>7.12 </span>The <code title="">insertHorizontalRule</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-insertorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.13 </span>The <code title="">insertOrderedList</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-insertparagraph-command><span class=secno>7.14 </span>The <code title="">insertParagraph</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-insertunorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.15 </span>The <code title="">insertUnorderedList</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-justifycenter-command><span class=secno>7.16 </span>The <code title="">justifyCenter</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-justifyfull-command><span class=secno>7.17 </span>The <code title="">justifyFull</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-justifyleft-command><span class=secno>7.18 </span>The <code title="">justifyLeft</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-justifyright-command><span class=secno>7.19 </span>The <code title="">justifyRight</code> command</a></li>
- <li><a href=#the-outdent-command><span class=secno>7.20 </span>The <code title="">outdent</code> command</a></ol></li>
+ <li><a href=#allowed-children><span class=secno>7.3 </span>Allowed children</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#block-extending-a-range><span class=secno>7.4 </span>Block-extending a range</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#block-formatting-a-node-list><span class=secno>7.5 </span>Block-formatting a node list</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#deleting-the-contents-of-a-range><span class=secno>7.6 </span>Deleting the contents of a range</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#outdenting-a-node><span class=secno>7.7 </span>Outdenting a node</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#toggling-lists><span class=secno>7.8 </span>Toggling lists</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#justifying-the-selection><span class=secno>7.9 </span>Justifying the selection</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-delete-command><span class=secno>7.10 </span>The <code title="">delete</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-formatblock-command><span class=secno>7.11 </span>The <code title="">formatBlock</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-forwarddelete-command><span class=secno>7.12 </span>The <code title="">forwardDelete</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-indent-command><span class=secno>7.13 </span>The <code title="">indent</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-inserthtml-command><span class=secno>7.14 </span>The <code title="">insertHTML</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-insertimage-command><span class=secno>7.15 </span>The <code title="">insertImage</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-inserthorizontalrule-command><span class=secno>7.16 </span>The <code title="">insertHorizontalRule</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-insertorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.17 </span>The <code title="">insertOrderedList</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-insertparagraph-command><span class=secno>7.18 </span>The <code title="">insertParagraph</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-insertunorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.19 </span>The <code title="">insertUnorderedList</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-justifycenter-command><span class=secno>7.20 </span>The <code title="">justifyCenter</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-justifyfull-command><span class=secno>7.21 </span>The <code title="">justifyFull</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-justifyleft-command><span class=secno>7.22 </span>The <code title="">justifyLeft</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-justifyright-command><span class=secno>7.23 </span>The <code title="">justifyRight</code> command</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#the-outdent-command><span class=secno>7.24 </span>The <code title="">outdent</code> command</a></ol></li>
<li><a href=#miscellaneous-commands><span class=secno>8 </span>Miscellaneous commands</a>
<li><a href=#the-selectall-command><span class=secno>8.1 </span>The <code title="">selectAll</code> command</a></li>
@@ -429,52 +430,6 @@
that editing commands will only modify the editing host's contents and not the
editing host itself.
-<p>A <dfn id=prohibited-paragraph-child-name>prohibited paragraph child name</dfn> is "address", "article",
-"aside", "blockquote", "caption", "center", "col", "colgroup", "details", "dd",
-"dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form",
-"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "li", "listing",
-"menu", "nav", "ol", "p", "plaintext", "pre", "section", "summary", "table",
-"tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "ul", or "xmp".
-<p>A <dfn id=prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph child</dfn> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>
-whose <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child-name>prohibited paragraph child name</a>.
-<!-- These are all the things that will close a <p> if found as a descendant.
-I think. Plus table stuff, since that can't be a descendant of a p either,
-although it won't auto-close it. -->
-<p>A <dfn id=name-of-an-element-with-inline-contents>name of an element with inline contents</dfn> is "a", "abbr", "b",
-"bdi", "bdo", "cite", "code", "dfn", "em", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
-"i", "kbd", "mark", "pre", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "small",
-"span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "u", "var", "acronym", "listing", "strike",
-"xmp", "big", "blink", "font", "marquee", "nobr", or "tt".
-<p class=XXX>This deliberately omits "dt", because I don't like the fact that
-including it will cause various commands to break apart lists rather than put
-bad things inside dt.
-<p>An <dfn id=element-with-inline-contents>element with inline contents</dfn> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>
-whose <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> is a <a href=#name-of-an-element-with-inline-contents>name of an element with inline contents</a>.
-<!-- List is mostly based on current HTML5, together with obsolete elements. I
-mostly got the obsolete element list by testing what Firefox 5.0a2 splits when
-you do insertHorizontalRule. -->
-<p class=XXX>The definitions of prohibited paragraph children and elements with
-inline contents should be in the HTML spec (possibly under a different name) so
-they don't fall out of sync. They'll do for now. Also, I might want to rename
-"prohibited paragraph child" given how I'm using it; I have to decide whether I
-want to key off CSS (like "inline node" does) or HTML (like "prohibited
-paragraph child") when deciding what to treat as a block and what not.
-<p>A <dfn id=visible-node>visible node</dfn> is a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> that either is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited
-paragraph child</a>, or a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> node whose <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-data><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-data>data</a></code> is not empty, or a
-<code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the img element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-img-element>img</a></code>, or any <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> with a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-descendant title=concept-tree-descendant>descendant</a> that is a
-<a href=#visible-node>visible node</a>. An <dfn id=invisible-node>invisible node</dfn> is a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> that is
-not a <a href=#visible-node>visible node</a>.
-<p class=XXX>I don't know if this definition is really the way we want to do
-things. If it is, it needs some adjustment, like to handle collapsed
-whitespace nodes and collapsed br's.
<!-- I don't remember why I wrote this. Keeping it around just in case it
turns out to be useful.
@@ -548,129 +503,6 @@
<h3 id=assorted-common-algorithms><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Assorted common algorithms</h3>
-<p>A <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> or string <var title="">child</var> is an <dfn id=allowed-child>allowed child</dfn> of a
-<a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> or string <var title="">parent</var> if the following algorithm returns true:
-<div class=XXX>
-<p>This list doesn't currently match HTML's validity requirements for a few
- <li>We need to handle invalid elements, which have no conformance
- requirements but should be treated properly. In particular, they can
- interfere with serialization (e.g., center cannot descend from p).
- <li>Sometimes users give instructions that have to produce invalid DOMs to
- get the expected effect, like indenting the first item of a list.
- <li>The HTML validity requirements are sometimes quite complicated.
- <li>I just haven't had bothered to be systematic about it yet –
- I've only covered what's come up in my tests.
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is "colgroup", "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead",
- "tr", or an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> equal to one of
- those, and <var title="">child</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> node whose <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-data><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-data>data</a></code> does not
- consist solely of <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#space-character title="space character">space characters</a>, return false.
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is "script", "style", "plaintext", or "xmp", or an
- <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> equal to one of those, and
- <var title="">child</var> is not a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> node, return false.
- <!-- Actually, no node can occur in the DOM after plaintext, generally. But
- let's not get too carried away. -->
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document>Document</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#documentfragment>DocumentFragment</a></code>, or
- <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#documenttype>DocumentType</a></code>, return false.
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>, set <var title="">child</var>
- to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> of <var title="">child</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is not a string, return true.
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>:
- <ol>
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "a", and <var title="">parent</var> or some <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a>
- of <var title="">parent</var> is an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the a element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-a-element>a</a></code>, return false.
- <!-- Cannot be serialized as text/html. In some cases it can, like
- <a>foo<table><td><a>bar</a></td></table>baz</a>, but it's invalid in those
- cases too, so no need for complication. -->
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child-name>prohibited paragraph child name</a>
- and <var title="">parent</var> or some <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">parent</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the p element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-p-element>p</a></code>
- or <a href=#element-with-inline-contents>element with inline contents</a>, return false.
- <!-- This generally cannot be serialized either, for p. For elements with
- inline contents, this serves to prevent things like
- <span><p>foo</p></span>, which will parse fine but aren't supposed to
- happen anyway. -->
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", or "h6", and
- <var title="">parent</var> or some <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">parent</var> is an
- <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5",
- or "h6", return false.
- <!-- Nor this. -->
- <li>Let <var title="">parent</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> of <var title="">parent</var>.
- <!-- Further requirements only care about the parent itself, not ancestors,
- so we don't need to know the node itself. -->
- </ol>
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#element>Element</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#documentfragment>DocumentFragment</a></code>, return
- true.
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is not a string, return false.
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is in the following table, then return true if
- <var title="">child</var> is listed as an allowed child, and false otherwise.
- <!-- We allow children even where some intervening nodes will be inserted,
- like tr as a child of table. -->
- <table>
- <tr><th>Parent <th>Allowed children
- <tr><td>colgroup <td>col
- <tr><td>table <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
- <tr><td>tbody, tfoot, thead <td>td, th, tr
- <tr><td>tr <td>td, th
- <tr><td>dl <td>dt, dd
- <tr><td>dir, ol, ul <td>dir, li, ol, ul
- <tr><td>hgroup <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- </table>
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "frame",
- "frameset", "head", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", or "tr",
- return false.
- <!-- dd/dt/li will serialize fine as the child of random stuff, but it makes
- no sense at all, so we want to avoid it anyway. -->
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "dd" or "dt" and <var title="">parent</var> is not "dl",
- return false.
- <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "li" and <var title="">parent</var> is not "ol" or "ul",
- return false.
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is in the following table and <var title="">child</var> is
- listed as a prohibited child, return false.
- <table>
- <tr><th>Parent <th>Prohibited children
- <tr><td>a <td>a
- <tr><td>dd, dt <td>dd, dt
- <tr><td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- <tr><td>li <td>li
- <tr><td>nobr <td>nobr
- <tr><td>p, all <a href=#name-of-an-element-with-inline-contents title="name of an element with inline contents">names
- of an element with inline contents</a>
- <td>All <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child-name title="prohibited paragraph child name">prohibited
- paragraph child names</a>
- <tr><td>td, th <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
- </table>
- <li>Return true.
<p>To move a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> to a new location, <dfn id=preserving-ranges>preserving ranges</dfn>, remove
the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> from its original <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> (if any), then insert it in the new
location. In doing so, however, ignore the regular <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#range-mutation-rules>range mutation rules</a>, and
@@ -1050,382 +882,6 @@
-<h3 id=deleting-the-contents-of-a-range><span class=secno>5.3 </span>Deleting the contents of a range</h3>
-<p>To <dfn id=delete-the-contents>delete the contents</dfn> of a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range title=concept-range>range</a> <var title="">range</var>:
-<p class=XXX>I'm uncertain about the use of prohibited paragraph children here.
-I'm using it mostly because it's convenient and seems relatively sensible. If
-we really want to use it, we probably want to change its name.
- <li>If <var title="">range</var> is null, abort these steps and do nothing.
- <li>Let <var title="">start node</var>, <var title="">start offset</var>, <var title="">end node</var>,
- and <var title="">end offset</var> be <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>nodes</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-offset title=concept-boundary-point-offset>offsets</a>.
- <!-- Drill the range down to the lowest possible level, so we don't delete
- more elements than necessary. -->
- <li>While <var title="">start node</var> has at least one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>:
- <!--
- We don't want to keep going when we hit an element with no children, because
- then we'd do something like
- foo{<br />bar]
- -> foo<br>{</br>bar]
- -> foo<br />{bar]
- -> foo<br />[bar]
- and we deselected the <br>.
- -->
- <ol>
- <li>If <var title="">start offset</var> is <var title="">start node</var>'s
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a>, and <var title="">start node</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same
- editing host</a>, and <var title="">start node</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited
- paragraph child</a>, set <var title="">start offset</var> to one plus the
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">start node</var>, then set <var title="">start node</var> to its
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> and continue this loop from the beginning.
- <!--
- For instance:
- <b>foo[</b><i>bar]</i>
- -> <b>foo{</b><i>bar]</i>
- -> <b>foo</b>{<i>bar]</i>
- Then the next step will make it <b>foo</b><i>[bar]</i>.
- We don't want to do this for prohibited paragraph children, because that
- would lead to something like
- <p>foo[</p><p>]bar<p>
- ultimately collapsing, which is wrong. Once we do the deletion, it needs
- to wind up <p>foo[]bar</p>, whereas an actually collapsed selection should
- do nothing.
- -->
- <li>If <var title="">start offset</var> is <var title="">start node</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a>,
- break from this loop.
- <!-- This happens if the first step brought us all the way up to the root.
- The step immediately after this loop will bring us back down again. -->
- <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start node</var>
- with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> equal to <var title="">start offset</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">reference node</var> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
- child</a> or an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#element>Element</a></code> with no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, break from this loop.
- <!--
- Don't descend into an element with no children, since then it won't get
- deleted even if it's selected. Don't descend into a prohibited paragraph
- child, because then we might wind up not mergings blocks when we should,
- e.g.
- foo{<p>}bar</p>
- -> foo<p>{}bar</p>
- and nothing gets changed.
- -->
- <li>Set <var title="">start node</var> to <var title="">reference node</var> and <var title="">start
- offset</var> to 0.
- </ol>
- <li>While <var title="">end node</var> has at least one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>:
- <ol>
- <li>If <var title="">end offset</var> is 0, and <var title="">end node</var>'s
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing host</a>, and <var title="">end
- node</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph child</a>, set <var title="">end
- offset</var> to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">end node</var>, then set <var title="">end
- node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> and continue this loop from the beginning.
- <li>If <var title="">end offset</var> is 0, break from this loop.
- <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">end node</var>
- with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> equal to <var title="">end offset</var> minus one.
- <li>If <var title="">reference node</var> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
- child</a> or an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#element>Element</a></code> with no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, break from this loop.
- <li>Set <var title="">end node</var> to <var title="">reference node</var> and <var title="">end
- offset</var> to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">reference node</var>.
- </ol>
- <li>If (<var title="">end node</var>, <var title="">end offset</var>) is <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-bp-before title=concept-bp-before>before</a> (<var title="">start
- node</var>, <var title="">start offset</var>), set <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to
- its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and abort these steps.
- <li>If <var title="">start node</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node and <var title="">start
- offset</var> is 0, set <var title="">start offset</var> to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">start
- node</var>, then set <var title="">start node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- <li>If <var title="">end node</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node and <var title="">end
- offset</var> is its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a>, set <var title="">end offset</var> to one plus the
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">end node</var>, then set <var title="">end node</var> to its
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- <li>Set <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> to (<var title="">start node</var>,
- <var title="">start offset</var>) and its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to (<var title="">end node</var>,
- <var title="">end offset</var>).
- <!--
- When we delete a selection that spans multiple blocks, we merge the end
- block's contents into the start block, like
- <p>fo[o</p><pre>b]ar</pre>
- -> <p>fo[]ar</p>.
- Figure out what the start and end blocks are before we start deleting
- anything.
- -->
- <li>Let <var title="">start block</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> of
- <var title="">range</var>.
- <li>While <var title="">start block</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing
- host</a> and <var title="">start block</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
- child</a>, set <var title="">start block</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- <li>If <var title="">start block</var> is neither a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
- child</a> nor an <a href=#editing-host>editing host</a>, or "span" is not an
- <a href=#allowed-child>allowed child</a> of <var title="">start block</var>, or <var title="">start
- block</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the td element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-td-element>td</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the th element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-th-element>th</a></code>, set <var title="">start block</var> to null.
- <!--
- We only merge to or from prohibited paragraph children or editing hosts.
- (This is just in case someone makes a span into an editing host and sticks
- paragraphs inside it or something . . . we could probably drop that proviso.)
- Anything else is presumed to be an inline element, basically. This might not
- be ideal.
- If span isn't an allowed child, it's probably something unpleasant like a
- table row or a list or such. We don't want to merge to or from something
- like that, because we'd most likely wind up with the wrong type of child
- somewhere. It should be pretty hard for this to happen given the
- normalization we do on the selection; I'm not actually sure how it could
- happen at all, actually, unless you start out with a DOM that has non-allowed
- children someplace. So it's basically a sanity check.
- We don't let either start block or end block be a td or th. This means we'll
- never merge to or from a td or th. This matches Firefox 5.0a2, and
- reportedly Word as well. Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 allow merging from a
- non-table cell end block to a table cell start block, but not vice versa. In
- IE9 the delete key just does nothing.
- -->
- <li>Let <var title="">end block</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> of
- <var title="">range</var>.
- <li>While <var title="">end block</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing
- host</a> and <var title="">end block</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
- child</a>, set <var title="">end block</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- <li>If <var title="">end block</var> is neither a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
- child</a> nor an <a href=#editing-host>editing host</a>, or "span" is not an
- <a href=#allowed-child>allowed child</a> of <var title="">end block</var>, or <var title="">end block</var>
- is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the td element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-td-element>td</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the th element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-th-element>th</a></code>, set <var title="">end block</var> to null.
- <!-- This is based on deleteData() in DOM Range. -->
- <li>If <var title="">start node</var> and <var title="">end node</var> are the same, and
- <var title="">start node</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code>
- node, call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-deleteData><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-deletedata>deleteData(<var title="">start offset</var>, <var title="">end offset</var>
- − <var title="">start offset</var>)</a></code> on <var title="">start node</var>.
- <li>Otherwise:
- <ol>
- <li>If <var title="">start node</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or
- <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node, call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-deleteData><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-deletedata>deleteData()</a></code> on it, with <var title="">start offset</var>
- as the first argument and (<a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">start node</var> −
- <var title="">start offset</var>) as the second argument.
- <li>Let <var title="">node list</var> be a list of <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>nodes</a>, initially empty.
- <li>For each <var title="">node</var> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#contained>contained</a> in <var title="">range</var>, append
- <var title="">node</var> to <var title="">node list</var> if the last member of <var title="">node
- list</var> (if any) is not an <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">node</var>;
- <var title="">node</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a>; and <var title="">node</var> is not a
- <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the thead element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-thead-element>thead</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the tbody element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-tbody-element>tbody</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the tfoot element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-tfoot-element>tfoot</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the tr element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-tr-element>tr</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the th element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-th-element>th</a></code>, or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the td element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-td-element>td</a></code>.
- <!--
- IE9 doesn't seem to let you do any intercell deletions: the delete key does
- nothing if you select across multiple cells. Firefox 5.0a2 and Opera 11.11
- behave as the spec says, not removing any table things. Chrome 13 dev will
- remove entire rows if selected. Note that IE, Firefox, Word 2007, and
- OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 Ubuntu all switch to a magic cell-selection mode when
- you try to select between cells, at least in some cases, instead of
- selecting letter-by-letter.
- -->
- <li>For each <var title="">node</var> in <var title="">node list</var>:
- <ol>
- <li>Let <var title="">parent</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">node</var>.
- <li>Remove <var title="">node</var> from <var title="">parent</var>.
- <li>While <var title="">parent</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <a href=#inline-node>inline
- node</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> 0, let <var title="">grandparent</var> be the
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">parent</var>, then remove <var title="">parent</var> from
- <var title="">grandparent</var>, then set <var title="">parent</var> to
- <var title="">grandparent</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a> or an <a href=#editing-host>editing
- host</a>, is not an <a href=#inline-node>inline node</a>, and has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>,
- call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("br")</a></code> on the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a> and append the
- result as the last <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">parent</var>.
- </ol>
- <li>If <var title="">end node</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or
- <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node, call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-deleteData><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-deletedata>deleteData(0, <var title="">end offset</var>)</a></code> on it.
- </ol>
- <!--
- Now we need to merge blocks. The simplest case is something like
- <p>fo[o</p><p>bar</p><p>b]az</p>
- -> <p>fo</p>{}<p>az</p>
- -> <p>fo{}az</p>
- where neither block descends from the other. More complicated is something
- like
- foo[<p>]bar</p>
- -> foo[]bar
- or
- <p>foo[</p>]bar
- -> <p>foo[]bar</p>
- where one descends from the other.
- -->
- <li>If <var title="">start block</var> or <var title="">end block</var> is null, or <var title="">start
- block</var> is not <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing host</a> as <var title="">end
- block</var>, or <var title="">start block</var> and <var title="">end block</var> are the same,
- set <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and then abort
- these steps.
- <!--
- We might have added a br to the start/end block in an earlier step. Now
- we're about to merge the blocks, and we don't want the br's to get in the
- way. The end block is being destroyed no matter what. If the start block
- winds up empty after merging, we'll add a new br child at the end so it
- doesn't collapse.
- -->
- <li>If <var title="">start block</var> has one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>, which is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove
- its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
- <li>If <var title="">end block</var> has one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>, which is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove its
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
- <li>If <var title="">start block</var> is an <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">end block</var>:
- <!-- Just repeatedly blow up the end block. -->
- <ol>
- <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be <var title="">end block</var>.
- <li>While <var title="">reference node</var> is not a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start
- block</var>, set <var title="">reference node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- <li>Set the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> of <var title="">range</var> to
- (<var title="">start block</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">reference node</var>).
- <li>If <var title="">end block</var> has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>:
- <ol>
- <li>While <var title="">end block</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a> and is the only
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> and is not a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start
- block</var>, let <var title="">parent</var> equal <var title="">end block</var>, then
- remove <var title="">end block</var> from <var title="">parent</var>, then set <var title="">end
- block</var> to <var title="">parent</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">end block</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a> and is not an
- <a href=#inline-node>inline node</a>, and its <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-previousSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-previoussibling>previousSibling</a></code> and <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code>
- are both <a href=#inline-node title="inline node">inline nodes</a>, call
- <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("br")</a></code> on the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a> and insert it into
- <var title="">end block</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> immediately after <var title="">end block</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">end block</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a>, remove it from its
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- <li>Abort these steps.
- </ol>
- <li>If <var title="">end block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-firstChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-firstchild>firstChild</a></code> is not an <a href=#inline-node>inline
- node</a>, abort these steps.
- <li>Let <var title="">children</var> be an array of <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>nodes</a>, initially empty.
- <li>Append the first <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">end block</var> to
- <var title="">children</var>.
- <li>While <var title="">children</var>'s last member is not a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, and
- <var title="">children</var>'s last member's <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> is an <a href=#inline-node>inline
- node</a>, append <var title="">children</var>'s last member's <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> to
- <var title="">children</var>.
- <li>While <var title="">children</var>'s first member's <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is not <var title="">start
- block</var>, <a href=#split-the-parent>split the parent</a> of <var title="">children</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">children</var>'s first member's <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-previousSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-previoussibling>previousSibling</a></code> is an
- <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove that <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code> from its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- </ol>
- <li>Otherwise, if <var title="">start block</var> is a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-descendant title=concept-tree-descendant>descendant</a> of <var title="">end
- block</var>:
- <!-- Pull in everything that comes after <var title>start block</var>, until we hit
- a br or prohibited paragraph child. -->
- <ol>
- <li>Set the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> of <var title="">range</var> to
- (<var title="">start block</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">start block</var>).
- <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be <var title="">start block</var>.
- <li>While <var title="">reference node</var> is not a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">end
- block</var>, set <var title="">reference node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- <li>If <var title="">reference node</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> is an <a href=#inline-node>inline
- node</a> and <var title="">start block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove
- <var title="">start block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> from it.
- <li>While the <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> of <var title="">reference node</var> is neither null
- nor a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code> nor a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph child</a>, append the
- <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> of <var title="">reference node</var> as the last <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of
- <var title="">start block</var>, <a href=#preserving-ranges>preserving ranges</a>.
- <li>If the <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> of <var title="">reference node</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove
- it from its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
- </ol>
- <li>Otherwise:
- <!-- In the last case, just move all the children of the end block to the
- start block, and then get rid of any elements we emptied that way. -->
- <ol>
- <li>Set the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> of <var title="">range</var> to
- (<var title="">start block</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">start block</var>).
- <li>If <var title="">end block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-firstChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-firstchild>firstChild</a></code> is an <a href=#inline-node>inline node</a>
- and <var title="">start block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove <var title="">start
- block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> from it.
- <li>While <var title="">end block</var> has <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, append the first <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>
- of <var title="">end block</var> to <var title="">start block</var>, <a href=#preserving-ranges>preserving
- ranges</a>.
- <li>While <var title="">end block</var> has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, let <var title="">parent</var> be
- the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">end block</var>, then remove <var title="">end block</var> from
- <var title="">parent</var>, then set <var title="">end block</var> to <var title="">parent</var>.
- </ol>
- <li>If <var title="">start block</var> has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, call
- <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("br")</a></code> on the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a> and append the result as the
- last <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start block</var>.
<h2 id=inline-formatting-commands><span class=secno>6 </span>Inline formatting commands</h2>
<h3 id=inline-formatting-command-definitions><span class=secno>6.1 </span>Inline formatting command definitions</h3>
@@ -2788,122 +2244,7 @@
<p><a href=#relevant-css-property>Relevant CSS property</a>: "background-color"
-<h3 id=the-inserthtml-command><span class=secno>6.15 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertHTML</code> command</dfn></h3>
-Not supported by IE9. Handling of disallowed children is interesting:
-Firefox 5.0a2: Will allow <dt> inside <dt> (doesn't serialize). If you try
-inserting dir/ol/ul inside an existing dir/ol/ul, it will strip the list
-element and leave only the li's, so inserting <ul><li>abc</ul> into
-<ol><li>f[o]o</ol> creates <ol><li>f<li>abc<li>o</ol>. <dt>/<dd>/<li> that
-don't descend from a list will be left alone, not converted to <p>. Empty
-elements seem not to be inserted. <li> will get put inside <p>, which breaks
-serialization. Nothing is allowed inside <xmp>, not even text.
-Chrome 13 dev: Inserting a <p> into a <p> or <li> or such will remove the child
-<p>, adding its contents to the parent instead. Adding an <li> or <hr> as the
-child of a <p> works, as does an <a> inside an <a>, <h2> inside <h1>, <li>
-inside <li>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, <b> inside <xmp>, etc. (all unserializable).
-But <dt> and <dd> seem to get converted to their contents like <p>.
-<ol><li>abc</ol> inside <ol><li>f[o]o</ol> becomes
-<ol><li>f<li>abc<li><li>o</ol>, interestingly (note the empty <li>). I don't
-understand how it works, but it doesn't seem to make much sense.
-Opera 11.11: Seems to do almost no validity or serialization checks, except
-that it prevents <a> inside <a>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, and block elements
-inside inline elements. Interestingly, most of the places where it's
-non-serializable per HTML parsing are actually serializable in Opera's own
-<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
- <li><a href=#delete-the-contents>Delete the contents</a> of the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
- <li>Let <var title="">frag</var> be the result of calling <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domps title=dom-Range-createContextualFragment><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-parsing.html#dom-range-createcontextualfragment>createContextualFragment(<var title="">value</var>)</a></code>
- on the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
- <li>Let <var title="">last child</var> be the <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> of <var title="">frag</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">last child</var> is null, abort these steps.
- <!-- Firefox 5.0a2 also seems to not add empty elements like <b></b>, but
- Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 do. -->
- <li>Let <var title="">descendants</var> be all <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-descendant title=concept-tree-descendant>descendants</a> of <var title="">frag</var>.
- <li>If the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited
- paragraph child</a> whose sole <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, and its
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-offset title=concept-boundary-point-offset>offset</a> is 0, remove its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
- <!--
- This is so we don't get something like
- <div>[foo]</div>
- -> <div>{}<br></div>
- -> <div><p>Some HTML{}</p><br></div>
- with an extra bogus line break at the end.
- -->
- <li>Call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Range-insertNode><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-range-insertnode>insertNode(<var title="">frag</var>)</a></code> on the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
- <li>Set the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to
- (<var title="">last child</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">last child</var>).
- <!-- Need to do this before fixing disallowed ancestors, since otherwise the
- last child might have been removed (e.g., it's an li). -->
- <li><a href=#fix-disallowed-ancestors>Fix disallowed ancestors</a> of each member of
- <var title="">descendants</var>.
- <!-- We want to fix all descendants, not just children. Consider
- <div><li>foo</li></div>, for example. -->
-<h3 id=the-insertimage-command><span class=secno>6.16 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertImage</code> command</dfn></h3>
-<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
- <li>If <var title="">value</var> is the empty string, abort these steps and do
- nothing.
- <!-- Similar logic to createLink, except even more compelling, since an HTML
- document linking to itself as an image is just silly. In fact, the current
- HTML spec instructs UAs to not even try displaying the image, and just fail
- immediately if the URL is empty. Firefox 4b11 bails out on an empty string,
- but the other three browsers I tested stick in the <img> anyway. -->
- <li>Let <var title="">range</var> be the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
- <li><a href=#delete-the-contents>Delete the contents</a> of <var title="">range</var>.
- <li>If <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
- child</a> whose sole <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, and its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-offset title=concept-boundary-point-offset>offset</a> is 0,
- remove its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
- <!-- Same logic as with insertHTML. -->
- <li>Let <var title="">img</var> be the result of calling <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("img")</a></code> on
- the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a>.
- <li>Run <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Element-setAttribute><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-element-setattribute>setAttribute("src", <var title="">value</var>)</a></code> on <var title="">img</var>.
- <!-- No alt text, so it's probably invalid. This matches all browsers. -->
- <li>Run <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Range-insertNode><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-range-insertnode>insertNode(<var title="">img</var>)</a></code> on <var title="">range</var>.
- <!--
- This winds up putting it at the original start point of the active range, as
- currently specced. This matches IE9 and Firefox 5.0a2. Chrome 13 dev puts
- it at the end point, and Opera 11.11 puts it in between (where the range
- would collapse if you called deleteContents()).
- -->
- <li>Let <var title="">selection</var> be the result of calling <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Document-getSelection><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-document-getselection>getSelection()</a></code> on the
- <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a>.
- <li>Run <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Selection-collapse><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-selection-collapse>collapse()</a></code> on <var title="">selection</var>, with first argument equal
- to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">img</var> and the second argument equal to one plus
- the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">img</var>.
-<h3 id=the-italic-command><span class=secno>6.17 </span><dfn>The <code title="">italic</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-italic-command><span class=secno>6.15 </span><dfn>The <code title="">italic</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#decompose>Decompose</a> the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
If the <a href=#state>state</a> is then false, <a href=#set-the-value>set the value</a> of each
@@ -2917,7 +2258,7 @@
<p><a href=#relevant-css-property>Relevant CSS property</a>: "font-style"
-<h3 id=the-removeformat-command><span class=secno>6.18 </span><dfn>The <code title="">removeFormat</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-removeformat-command><span class=secno>6.16 </span><dfn>The <code title="">removeFormat</code> command</dfn></h3>
Tested in IE 9, Firefox 4.0, Chrome 12 dev, Opera 11.00.
@@ -3039,7 +2380,7 @@
-<h3 id=the-strikethrough-command><span class=secno>6.19 </span><dfn>The <code title="">strikethrough</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-strikethrough-command><span class=secno>6.17 </span><dfn>The <code title="">strikethrough</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#decompose>Decompose</a> the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
If the <a href=#state>state</a> is then false, <a href=#set-the-value>set the value</a> of each
@@ -3053,7 +2394,7 @@
<a href=#effective-value>effective value</a> "line-through". Otherwise false.
-<h3 id=the-subscript-command><span class=secno>6.20 </span><dfn>The <code title="">subscript</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-subscript-command><span class=secno>6.18 </span><dfn>The <code title="">subscript</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
@@ -3078,7 +2419,7 @@
<p><a href=#relevant-css-property>Relevant CSS property</a>: "vertical-align"
-<h3 id=the-superscript-command><span class=secno>6.21 </span><dfn>The <code title="">superscript</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-superscript-command><span class=secno>6.19 </span><dfn>The <code title="">superscript</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
@@ -3103,7 +2444,7 @@
<p><a href=#relevant-css-property>Relevant CSS property</a>: "vertical-align"
-<h3 id=the-underline-command><span class=secno>6.22 </span><dfn>The <code title="">underline</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-underline-command><span class=secno>6.20 </span><dfn>The <code title="">underline</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#decompose>Decompose</a> the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
If the <a href=#state>state</a> is then false, <a href=#set-the-value>set the value</a> of each
@@ -3163,7 +2504,7 @@
<a href=#effective-value>effective value</a> "underline". Otherwise false.
-<h3 id=the-unlink-command><span class=secno>6.23 </span><dfn>The <code title="">unlink</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-unlink-command><span class=secno>6.21 </span><dfn>The <code title="">unlink</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
@@ -3188,6 +2529,42 @@
<h3 id=block-formatting-command-definitions><span class=secno>7.1 </span>Block formatting command definitions</h3>
+<p>A <dfn id=prohibited-paragraph-child-name>prohibited paragraph child name</dfn> is "address", "article",
+"aside", "blockquote", "caption", "center", "col", "colgroup", "details", "dd",
+"dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form",
+"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "li", "listing",
+"menu", "nav", "ol", "p", "plaintext", "pre", "section", "summary", "table",
+"tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "ul", or "xmp".
+<p>A <dfn id=prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph child</dfn> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>
+whose <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child-name>prohibited paragraph child name</a>.
+<!-- These are all the things that will close a <p> if found as a descendant.
+I think. Plus table stuff, since that can't be a descendant of a p either,
+although it won't auto-close it. -->
+<p>A <dfn id=name-of-an-element-with-inline-contents>name of an element with inline contents</dfn> is "a", "abbr", "b",
+"bdi", "bdo", "cite", "code", "dfn", "em", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
+"i", "kbd", "mark", "pre", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "small",
+"span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "u", "var", "acronym", "listing", "strike",
+"xmp", "big", "blink", "font", "marquee", "nobr", or "tt".
+<p class=XXX>This deliberately omits "dt", because I don't like the fact that
+including it will cause various commands to break apart lists rather than put
+bad things inside dt.
+<p>An <dfn id=element-with-inline-contents>element with inline contents</dfn> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>
+whose <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> is a <a href=#name-of-an-element-with-inline-contents>name of an element with inline contents</a>.
+<!-- List is mostly based on current HTML5, together with obsolete elements. I
+mostly got the obsolete element list by testing what Firefox 5.0a2 splits when
+you do insertHorizontalRule. -->
+<p class=XXX>The definitions of prohibited paragraph children and elements with
+inline contents should be in the HTML spec (possibly under a different name) so
+they don't fall out of sync. They'll do for now. Also, I might want to rename
+"prohibited paragraph child" given how I'm using it; I have to decide whether I
+want to key off CSS (like "inline node" does) or HTML (like "prohibited
+paragraph child") when deciding what to treat as a block and what not.
<p>A <dfn id=potential-indentation-element>potential indentation element</dfn> is either a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the blockquote element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-blockquote-element>blockquote</a></code>, or a
<code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the div element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-div-element>div</a></code> that has a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the style attribute"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-style-attribute>style</a></code> attribute that sets "margin" or some subproperty
of it.
@@ -3219,6 +2596,18 @@
<p>The <dfn id=default-single-line-container-name>default single-line container name</dfn> is "p".
<!-- Possibly to be made configurable later. -->
+<p>A <dfn id=visible-node>visible node</dfn> is a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> that either is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited
+paragraph child</a>, or a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> node whose <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-data><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-data>data</a></code> is not empty, or a
+<code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the img element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-img-element>img</a></code>, or any <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> with a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-descendant title=concept-tree-descendant>descendant</a> that is a
+<a href=#visible-node>visible node</a>.
+<p>An <dfn id=invisible-node>invisible node</dfn> is a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> that is not a <a href=#visible-node>visible
+<p class=XXX>I don't know if the visible/invisible node definitions are really
+the way we want to do things. If they are, they need some adjustment, like to
+handle collapsed whitespace nodes and collapsed br's.
<h3 id=assorted-block-formatting-command-algorithms><span class=secno>7.2 </span>Assorted block formatting command algorithms</h3>
@@ -3457,7 +2846,133 @@
-<h3 id=block-extending-a-range><span class=secno>7.3 </span>Block-extending a range</h3>
+<h3 id=allowed-children><span class=secno>7.3 </span>Allowed children</h3>
+<p>A <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> or string <var title="">child</var> is an <dfn id=allowed-child>allowed child</dfn> of a
+<a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> or string <var title="">parent</var> if the following algorithm returns true:
+<div class=XXX>
+<p>This list doesn't currently match HTML's validity requirements for a few
+ <li>We need to handle invalid elements, which have no conformance
+ requirements but should be treated properly. In particular, they can
+ interfere with serialization (e.g., center cannot descend from p).
+ <li>Sometimes users give instructions that have to produce invalid DOMs to
+ get the expected effect, like indenting the first item of a list.
+ <li>The HTML validity requirements are sometimes quite complicated.
+ <li>I just haven't had bothered to be systematic about it yet –
+ I've only covered what's come up in my tests.
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is "colgroup", "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead",
+ "tr", or an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> equal to one of
+ those, and <var title="">child</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> node whose <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-data><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-data>data</a></code> does not
+ consist solely of <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#space-character title="space character">space characters</a>, return false.
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is "script", "style", "plaintext", or "xmp", or an
+ <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> equal to one of those, and
+ <var title="">child</var> is not a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> node, return false.
+ <!-- Actually, no node can occur in the DOM after plaintext, generally. But
+ let's not get too carried away. -->
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#document>Document</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#documentfragment>DocumentFragment</a></code>, or
+ <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#documenttype>DocumentType</a></code>, return false.
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>, set <var title="">child</var>
+ to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> of <var title="">child</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is not a string, return true.
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is an <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a>:
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "a", and <var title="">parent</var> or some <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a>
+ of <var title="">parent</var> is an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the a element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-a-element>a</a></code>, return false.
+ <!-- Cannot be serialized as text/html. In some cases it can, like
+ <a>foo<table><td><a>bar</a></td></table>baz</a>, but it's invalid in those
+ cases too, so no need for complication. -->
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child-name>prohibited paragraph child name</a>
+ and <var title="">parent</var> or some <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">parent</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the p element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-p-element>p</a></code>
+ or <a href=#element-with-inline-contents>element with inline contents</a>, return false.
+ <!-- This generally cannot be serialized either, for p. For elements with
+ inline contents, this serves to prevent things like
+ <span><p>foo</p></span>, which will parse fine but aren't supposed to
+ happen anyway. -->
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", or "h6", and
+ <var title="">parent</var> or some <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">parent</var> is an
+ <a href=#html-element>HTML element</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5",
+ or "h6", return false.
+ <!-- Nor this. -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">parent</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-element-local-name title=concept-element-local-name>local name</a> of <var title="">parent</var>.
+ <!-- Further requirements only care about the parent itself, not ancestors,
+ so we don't need to know the node itself. -->
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#element>Element</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#documentfragment>DocumentFragment</a></code>, return
+ true.
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is not a string, return false.
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is in the following table, then return true if
+ <var title="">child</var> is listed as an allowed child, and false otherwise.
+ <!-- We allow children even where some intervening nodes will be inserted,
+ like tr as a child of table. -->
+ <table>
+ <tr><th>Parent <th>Allowed children
+ <tr><td>colgroup <td>col
+ <tr><td>table <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
+ <tr><td>tbody, tfoot, thead <td>td, th, tr
+ <tr><td>tr <td>td, th
+ <tr><td>dl <td>dt, dd
+ <tr><td>dir, ol, ul <td>dir, li, ol, ul
+ <tr><td>hgroup <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
+ </table>
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "frame",
+ "frameset", "head", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", or "tr",
+ return false.
+ <!-- dd/dt/li will serialize fine as the child of random stuff, but it makes
+ no sense at all, so we want to avoid it anyway. -->
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "dd" or "dt" and <var title="">parent</var> is not "dl",
+ return false.
+ <li>If <var title="">child</var> is "li" and <var title="">parent</var> is not "ol" or "ul",
+ return false.
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is in the following table and <var title="">child</var> is
+ listed as a prohibited child, return false.
+ <table>
+ <tr><th>Parent <th>Prohibited children
+ <tr><td>a <td>a
+ <tr><td>dd, dt <td>dd, dt
+ <tr><td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
+ <tr><td>li <td>li
+ <tr><td>nobr <td>nobr
+ <tr><td>p, all <a href=#name-of-an-element-with-inline-contents title="name of an element with inline contents">names
+ of an element with inline contents</a>
+ <td>All <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child-name title="prohibited paragraph child name">prohibited
+ paragraph child names</a>
+ <tr><td>td, th <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
+ </table>
+ <li>Return true.
+<h3 id=block-extending-a-range><span class=secno>7.4 </span>Block-extending a range</h3>
<p>When a user agent is to <dfn id=block-extend>block-extend</dfn> a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range title=concept-range>range</a>
<var title="">range</var>, it must run the following steps:
@@ -3540,7 +3055,7 @@
-<h3 id=block-formatting-a-node-list><span class=secno>7.4 </span>Block-formatting a node list</h3>
+<h3 id=block-formatting-a-node-list><span class=secno>7.5 </span>Block-formatting a node list</h3>
<p class=XXX>Why is this a separate section? There's only one caller.
Probably want to merge it back.
@@ -3680,7 +3195,383 @@
-<h3 id=outdenting-a-node><span class=secno>7.5 </span>Outdenting a node</h3>
+<h3 id=deleting-the-contents-of-a-range><span class=secno>7.6 </span>Deleting the contents of a range</h3>
+<p>To <dfn id=delete-the-contents>delete the contents</dfn> of a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range title=concept-range>range</a> <var title="">range</var>:
+<p class=XXX>I'm uncertain about the use of prohibited paragraph children here.
+I'm using it mostly because it's convenient and seems relatively sensible. If
+we really want to use it, we probably want to change its name.
+ <li>If <var title="">range</var> is null, abort these steps and do nothing.
+ <li>Let <var title="">start node</var>, <var title="">start offset</var>, <var title="">end node</var>,
+ and <var title="">end offset</var> be <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>nodes</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-offset title=concept-boundary-point-offset>offsets</a>.
+ <!-- Drill the range down to the lowest possible level, so we don't delete
+ more elements than necessary. -->
+ <li>While <var title="">start node</var> has at least one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>:
+ <!--
+ We don't want to keep going when we hit an element with no children, because
+ then we'd do something like
+ foo{<br />bar]
+ -> foo<br>{</br>bar]
+ -> foo<br />{bar]
+ -> foo<br />[bar]
+ and we deselected the <br>.
+ -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">start offset</var> is <var title="">start node</var>'s
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a>, and <var title="">start node</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same
+ editing host</a>, and <var title="">start node</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited
+ paragraph child</a>, set <var title="">start offset</var> to one plus the
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">start node</var>, then set <var title="">start node</var> to its
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> and continue this loop from the beginning.
+ <!--
+ For instance:
+ <b>foo[</b><i>bar]</i>
+ -> <b>foo{</b><i>bar]</i>
+ -> <b>foo</b>{<i>bar]</i>
+ Then the next step will make it <b>foo</b><i>[bar]</i>.
+ We don't want to do this for prohibited paragraph children, because that
+ would lead to something like
+ <p>foo[</p><p>]bar<p>
+ ultimately collapsing, which is wrong. Once we do the deletion, it needs
+ to wind up <p>foo[]bar</p>, whereas an actually collapsed selection should
+ do nothing.
+ -->
+ <li>If <var title="">start offset</var> is <var title="">start node</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a>,
+ break from this loop.
+ <!-- This happens if the first step brought us all the way up to the root.
+ The step immediately after this loop will bring us back down again. -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start node</var>
+ with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> equal to <var title="">start offset</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">reference node</var> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
+ child</a> or an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#element>Element</a></code> with no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, break from this loop.
+ <!--
+ Don't descend into an element with no children, since then it won't get
+ deleted even if it's selected. Don't descend into a prohibited paragraph
+ child, because then we might wind up not mergings blocks when we should,
+ e.g.
+ foo{<p>}bar</p>
+ -> foo<p>{}bar</p>
+ and nothing gets changed.
+ -->
+ <li>Set <var title="">start node</var> to <var title="">reference node</var> and <var title="">start
+ offset</var> to 0.
+ </ol>
+ <li>While <var title="">end node</var> has at least one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>:
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">end offset</var> is 0, and <var title="">end node</var>'s
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing host</a>, and <var title="">end
+ node</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph child</a>, set <var title="">end
+ offset</var> to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">end node</var>, then set <var title="">end
+ node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> and continue this loop from the beginning.
+ <li>If <var title="">end offset</var> is 0, break from this loop.
+ <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">end node</var>
+ with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> equal to <var title="">end offset</var> minus one.
+ <li>If <var title="">reference node</var> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
+ child</a> or an <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#element>Element</a></code> with no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, break from this loop.
+ <li>Set <var title="">end node</var> to <var title="">reference node</var> and <var title="">end
+ offset</var> to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">reference node</var>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If (<var title="">end node</var>, <var title="">end offset</var>) is <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-bp-before title=concept-bp-before>before</a> (<var title="">start
+ node</var>, <var title="">start offset</var>), set <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to
+ its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and abort these steps.
+ <li>If <var title="">start node</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node and <var title="">start
+ offset</var> is 0, set <var title="">start offset</var> to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">start
+ node</var>, then set <var title="">start node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ <li>If <var title="">end node</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node and <var title="">end
+ offset</var> is its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a>, set <var title="">end offset</var> to one plus the
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">end node</var>, then set <var title="">end node</var> to its
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ <li>Set <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> to (<var title="">start node</var>,
+ <var title="">start offset</var>) and its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to (<var title="">end node</var>,
+ <var title="">end offset</var>).
+ <!--
+ When we delete a selection that spans multiple blocks, we merge the end
+ block's contents into the start block, like
+ <p>fo[o</p><pre>b]ar</pre>
+ -> <p>fo[]ar</p>.
+ Figure out what the start and end blocks are before we start deleting
+ anything.
+ -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">start block</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> of
+ <var title="">range</var>.
+ <li>While <var title="">start block</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing
+ host</a> and <var title="">start block</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
+ child</a>, set <var title="">start block</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ <li>If <var title="">start block</var> is neither a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
+ child</a> nor an <a href=#editing-host>editing host</a>, or "span" is not an
+ <a href=#allowed-child>allowed child</a> of <var title="">start block</var>, or <var title="">start
+ block</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the td element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-td-element>td</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the th element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-th-element>th</a></code>, set <var title="">start block</var> to null.
+ <!--
+ We only merge to or from prohibited paragraph children or editing hosts.
+ (This is just in case someone makes a span into an editing host and sticks
+ paragraphs inside it or something . . . we could probably drop that proviso.)
+ Anything else is presumed to be an inline element, basically. This might not
+ be ideal.
+ If span isn't an allowed child, it's probably something unpleasant like a
+ table row or a list or such. We don't want to merge to or from something
+ like that, because we'd most likely wind up with the wrong type of child
+ somewhere. It should be pretty hard for this to happen given the
+ normalization we do on the selection; I'm not actually sure how it could
+ happen at all, actually, unless you start out with a DOM that has non-allowed
+ children someplace. So it's basically a sanity check.
+ We don't let either start block or end block be a td or th. This means we'll
+ never merge to or from a td or th. This matches Firefox 5.0a2, and
+ reportedly Word as well. Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 allow merging from a
+ non-table cell end block to a table cell start block, but not vice versa. In
+ IE9 the delete key just does nothing.
+ -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">end block</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> of
+ <var title="">range</var>.
+ <li>While <var title="">end block</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing
+ host</a> and <var title="">end block</var> is not a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
+ child</a>, set <var title="">end block</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ <li>If <var title="">end block</var> is neither a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
+ child</a> nor an <a href=#editing-host>editing host</a>, or "span" is not an
+ <a href=#allowed-child>allowed child</a> of <var title="">end block</var>, or <var title="">end block</var>
+ is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the td element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-td-element>td</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the th element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-th-element>th</a></code>, set <var title="">end block</var> to null.
+ <!-- This is based on deleteData() in DOM Range. -->
+ <li>If <var title="">start node</var> and <var title="">end node</var> are the same, and
+ <var title="">start node</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code>
+ node, call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-deleteData><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-deletedata>deleteData(<var title="">start offset</var>, <var title="">end offset</var>
+ − <var title="">start offset</var>)</a></code> on <var title="">start node</var>.
+ <li>Otherwise:
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">start node</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or
+ <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node, call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-deleteData><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-deletedata>deleteData()</a></code> on it, with <var title="">start offset</var>
+ as the first argument and (<a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">start node</var> −
+ <var title="">start offset</var>) as the second argument.
+ <li>Let <var title="">node list</var> be a list of <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>nodes</a>, initially empty.
+ <li>For each <var title="">node</var> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#contained>contained</a> in <var title="">range</var>, append
+ <var title="">node</var> to <var title="">node list</var> if the last member of <var title="">node
+ list</var> (if any) is not an <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">node</var>;
+ <var title="">node</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a>; and <var title="">node</var> is not a
+ <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the thead element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-thead-element>thead</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the tbody element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-tbody-element>tbody</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the tfoot element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-tfoot-element>tfoot</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the tr element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-tr-element>tr</a></code>, <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the th element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-th-element>th</a></code>, or <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the td element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-td-element>td</a></code>.
+ <!--
+ IE9 doesn't seem to let you do any intercell deletions: the delete key does
+ nothing if you select across multiple cells. Firefox 5.0a2 and Opera 11.11
+ behave as the spec says, not removing any table things. Chrome 13 dev will
+ remove entire rows if selected. Note that IE, Firefox, Word 2007, and
+ OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 Ubuntu all switch to a magic cell-selection mode when
+ you try to select between cells, at least in some cases, instead of
+ selecting letter-by-letter.
+ -->
+ <li>For each <var title="">node</var> in <var title="">node list</var>:
+ <ol>
+ <li>Let <var title="">parent</var> be the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">node</var>.
+ <li>Remove <var title="">node</var> from <var title="">parent</var>.
+ <li>While <var title="">parent</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <a href=#inline-node>inline
+ node</a> with <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> 0, let <var title="">grandparent</var> be the
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">parent</var>, then remove <var title="">parent</var> from
+ <var title="">grandparent</var>, then set <var title="">parent</var> to
+ <var title="">grandparent</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">parent</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a> or an <a href=#editing-host>editing
+ host</a>, is not an <a href=#inline-node>inline node</a>, and has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>,
+ call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("br")</a></code> on the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a> and append the
+ result as the last <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">parent</var>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">end node</var> is an <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#text>Text</a></code> or
+ <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#comment>Comment</a></code> node, call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-CharacterData-deleteData><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-characterdata-deletedata>deleteData(0, <var title="">end offset</var>)</a></code> on it.
+ </ol>
+ <!--
+ Now we need to merge blocks. The simplest case is something like
+ <p>fo[o</p><p>bar</p><p>b]az</p>
+ -> <p>fo</p>{}<p>az</p>
+ -> <p>fo{}az</p>
+ where neither block descends from the other. More complicated is something
+ like
+ foo[<p>]bar</p>
+ -> foo[]bar
+ or
+ <p>foo[</p>]bar
+ -> <p>foo[]bar</p>
+ where one descends from the other.
+ -->
+ <li>If <var title="">start block</var> or <var title="">end block</var> is null, or <var title="">start
+ block</var> is not <a href=#in-the-same-editing-host>in the same editing host</a> as <var title="">end
+ block</var>, or <var title="">start block</var> and <var title="">end block</var> are the same,
+ set <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and then abort
+ these steps.
+ <!--
+ We might have added a br to the start/end block in an earlier step. Now
+ we're about to merge the blocks, and we don't want the br's to get in the
+ way. The end block is being destroyed no matter what. If the start block
+ winds up empty after merging, we'll add a new br child at the end so it
+ doesn't collapse.
+ -->
+ <li>If <var title="">start block</var> has one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>, which is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove
+ its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
+ <li>If <var title="">end block</var> has one <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>, which is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove its
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
+ <li>If <var title="">start block</var> is an <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-ancestor title=concept-tree-ancestor>ancestor</a> of <var title="">end block</var>:
+ <!-- Just repeatedly blow up the end block. -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be <var title="">end block</var>.
+ <li>While <var title="">reference node</var> is not a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start
+ block</var>, set <var title="">reference node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ <li>Set the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> of <var title="">range</var> to
+ (<var title="">start block</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">reference node</var>).
+ <li>If <var title="">end block</var> has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>:
+ <ol>
+ <li>While <var title="">end block</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a> and is the only
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> and is not a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start
+ block</var>, let <var title="">parent</var> equal <var title="">end block</var>, then
+ remove <var title="">end block</var> from <var title="">parent</var>, then set <var title="">end
+ block</var> to <var title="">parent</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">end block</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a> and is not an
+ <a href=#inline-node>inline node</a>, and its <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-previousSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-previoussibling>previousSibling</a></code> and <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code>
+ are both <a href=#inline-node title="inline node">inline nodes</a>, call
+ <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("br")</a></code> on the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a> and insert it into
+ <var title="">end block</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> immediately after <var title="">end block</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">end block</var> is <a href=#editable>editable</a>, remove it from its
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ <li>Abort these steps.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">end block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-firstChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-firstchild>firstChild</a></code> is not an <a href=#inline-node>inline
+ node</a>, abort these steps.
+ <li>Let <var title="">children</var> be an array of <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>nodes</a>, initially empty.
+ <li>Append the first <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">end block</var> to
+ <var title="">children</var>.
+ <li>While <var title="">children</var>'s last member is not a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, and
+ <var title="">children</var>'s last member's <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> is an <a href=#inline-node>inline
+ node</a>, append <var title="">children</var>'s last member's <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> to
+ <var title="">children</var>.
+ <li>While <var title="">children</var>'s first member's <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> is not <var title="">start
+ block</var>, <a href=#split-the-parent>split the parent</a> of <var title="">children</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">children</var>'s first member's <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-previousSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-previoussibling>previousSibling</a></code> is an
+ <a href=#editable>editable</a> <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove that <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code> from its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>Otherwise, if <var title="">start block</var> is a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-descendant title=concept-tree-descendant>descendant</a> of <var title="">end
+ block</var>:
+ <!-- Pull in everything that comes after <var title>start block</var>, until we hit
+ a br or prohibited paragraph child. -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>Set the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> of <var title="">range</var> to
+ (<var title="">start block</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">start block</var>).
+ <li>Let <var title="">reference node</var> be <var title="">start block</var>.
+ <li>While <var title="">reference node</var> is not a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">end
+ block</var>, set <var title="">reference node</var> to its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ <li>If <var title="">reference node</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> is an <a href=#inline-node>inline
+ node</a> and <var title="">start block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove
+ <var title="">start block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> from it.
+ <li>While the <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> of <var title="">reference node</var> is neither null
+ nor a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code> nor a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph child</a>, append the
+ <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> of <var title="">reference node</var> as the last <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of
+ <var title="">start block</var>, <a href=#preserving-ranges>preserving ranges</a>.
+ <li>If the <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-nextSibling><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-nextsibling>nextSibling</a></code> of <var title="">reference node</var> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove
+ it from its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>Otherwise:
+ <!-- In the last case, just move all the children of the end block to the
+ start block, and then get rid of any elements we emptied that way. -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>Set the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> of <var title="">range</var> to
+ (<var title="">start block</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">start block</var>).
+ <li>If <var title="">end block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-firstChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-firstchild>firstChild</a></code> is an <a href=#inline-node>inline node</a>
+ and <var title="">start block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, remove <var title="">start
+ block</var>'s <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> from it.
+ <li>While <var title="">end block</var> has <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, append the first <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a>
+ of <var title="">end block</var> to <var title="">start block</var>, <a href=#preserving-ranges>preserving
+ ranges</a>.
+ <li>While <var title="">end block</var> has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, let <var title="">parent</var> be
+ the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">end block</var>, then remove <var title="">end block</var> from
+ <var title="">parent</var>, then set <var title="">end block</var> to <var title="">parent</var>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var title="">start block</var> has no <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>children</a>, call
+ <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("br")</a></code> on the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a> and append the result as the
+ last <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> of <var title="">start block</var>.
+<h3 id=outdenting-a-node><span class=secno>7.7 </span>Outdenting a node</h3>
<p>To <dfn id=outdent>outdent</dfn> a <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-node title=concept-node>node</a> <var title="">node</var>:
@@ -3876,7 +3767,7 @@
-<h3 id=toggling-lists><span class=secno>7.6 </span>Toggling lists</h3>
+<h3 id=toggling-lists><span class=secno>7.8 </span>Toggling lists</h3>
Research for insertOrderedList/insertUnorderedList: tested the following
@@ -4401,7 +4292,7 @@
-<h3 id=justifying-the-selection><span class=secno>7.7 </span>Justifying the selection</h3>
+<h3 id=justifying-the-selection><span class=secno>7.9 </span>Justifying the selection</h3>
There are two basic ways it works: using the align attribute, and using CSS
@@ -4518,7 +4409,7 @@
-<h3 id=the-delete-command><span class=secno>7.8 </span><dfn>The <code title="">delete</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-delete-command><span class=secno>7.10 </span><dfn>The <code title="">delete</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
@@ -4791,7 +4682,7 @@
-<h3 id=the-formatblock-command><span class=secno>7.9 </span><dfn>The <code title="">formatBlock</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-formatblock-command><span class=secno>7.11 </span><dfn>The <code title="">formatBlock</code> command</dfn></h3>
Tested browser versions: IE9, Firefox 4.0, Chrome 13 dev, Opera 11.10.
@@ -4876,7 +4767,7 @@
-<h3 id=the-forwarddelete-command><span class=secno>7.10 </span><dfn>The <code title="">forwardDelete</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-forwarddelete-command><span class=secno>7.12 </span><dfn>The <code title="">forwardDelete</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
<!-- Copy-pasted from delete, see there for comments. -->
@@ -5018,7 +4909,7 @@
-<h3 id=the-indent-command><span class=secno>7.11 </span><dfn>The <code title="">indent</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-indent-command><span class=secno>7.13 </span><dfn>The <code title="">indent</code> command</dfn></h3>
IE9: Outputs <blockquote style="margin-right: 0px" dir="ltr">, or when
@@ -5122,7 +5013,122 @@
-<h3 id=the-inserthorizontalrule-command><span class=secno>7.12 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertHorizontalRule</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-inserthtml-command><span class=secno>7.14 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertHTML</code> command</dfn></h3>
+Not supported by IE9. Handling of disallowed children is interesting:
+Firefox 5.0a2: Will allow <dt> inside <dt> (doesn't serialize). If you try
+inserting dir/ol/ul inside an existing dir/ol/ul, it will strip the list
+element and leave only the li's, so inserting <ul><li>abc</ul> into
+<ol><li>f[o]o</ol> creates <ol><li>f<li>abc<li>o</ol>. <dt>/<dd>/<li> that
+don't descend from a list will be left alone, not converted to <p>. Empty
+elements seem not to be inserted. <li> will get put inside <p>, which breaks
+serialization. Nothing is allowed inside <xmp>, not even text.
+Chrome 13 dev: Inserting a <p> into a <p> or <li> or such will remove the child
+<p>, adding its contents to the parent instead. Adding an <li> or <hr> as the
+child of a <p> works, as does an <a> inside an <a>, <h2> inside <h1>, <li>
+inside <li>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, <b> inside <xmp>, etc. (all unserializable).
+But <dt> and <dd> seem to get converted to their contents like <p>.
+<ol><li>abc</ol> inside <ol><li>f[o]o</ol> becomes
+<ol><li>f<li>abc<li><li>o</ol>, interestingly (note the empty <li>). I don't
+understand how it works, but it doesn't seem to make much sense.
+Opera 11.11: Seems to do almost no validity or serialization checks, except
+that it prevents <a> inside <a>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, and block elements
+inside inline elements. Interestingly, most of the places where it's
+non-serializable per HTML parsing are actually serializable in Opera's own
+<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
+ <li><a href=#delete-the-contents>Delete the contents</a> of the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
+ <li>Let <var title="">frag</var> be the result of calling <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domps title=dom-Range-createContextualFragment><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-parsing.html#dom-range-createcontextualfragment>createContextualFragment(<var title="">value</var>)</a></code>
+ on the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
+ <li>Let <var title="">last child</var> be the <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Node-lastChild><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-node-lastchild>lastChild</a></code> of <var title="">frag</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">last child</var> is null, abort these steps.
+ <!-- Firefox 5.0a2 also seems to not add empty elements like <b></b>, but
+ Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 do. -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">descendants</var> be all <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-descendant title=concept-tree-descendant>descendants</a> of <var title="">frag</var>.
+ <li>If the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited
+ paragraph child</a> whose sole <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, and its
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-offset title=concept-boundary-point-offset>offset</a> is 0, remove its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
+ <!--
+ This is so we don't get something like
+ <div>[foo]</div>
+ -> <div>{}<br></div>
+ -> <div><p>Some HTML{}</p><br></div>
+ with an extra bogus line break at the end.
+ -->
+ <li>Call <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Range-insertNode><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-range-insertnode>insertNode(<var title="">frag</var>)</a></code> on the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
+ <li>Set the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> and <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-end title=concept-range-end>end</a> to
+ (<var title="">last child</var>, <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-node-length title=concept-node-length>length</a> of <var title="">last child</var>).
+ <!-- Need to do this before fixing disallowed ancestors, since otherwise the
+ last child might have been removed (e.g., it's an li). -->
+ <li><a href=#fix-disallowed-ancestors>Fix disallowed ancestors</a> of each member of
+ <var title="">descendants</var>.
+ <!-- We want to fix all descendants, not just children. Consider
+ <div><li>foo</li></div>, for example. -->
+<h3 id=the-insertimage-command><span class=secno>7.15 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertImage</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
+ <li>If <var title="">value</var> is the empty string, abort these steps and do
+ nothing.
+ <!-- Similar logic to createLink, except even more compelling, since an HTML
+ document linking to itself as an image is just silly. In fact, the current
+ HTML spec instructs UAs to not even try displaying the image, and just fail
+ immediately if the URL is empty. Firefox 4b11 bails out on an empty string,
+ but the other three browsers I tested stick in the <img> anyway. -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">range</var> be the <a href=#active-range>active range</a>.
+ <li><a href=#delete-the-contents>Delete the contents</a> of <var title="">range</var>.
+ <li>If <var title="">range</var>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a> is a <a href=#prohibited-paragraph-child>prohibited paragraph
+ child</a> whose sole <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> is a <code class=external data-anolis-spec=html title="the br element"><a href=http://www.whatwg.org/html/#the-br-element>br</a></code>, and its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-offset title=concept-boundary-point-offset>offset</a> is 0,
+ remove its <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-range-start title=concept-range-start>start</a> <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-boundary-point-node title=concept-boundary-point-node>node</a>'s <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-child title=concept-tree-child>child</a> from it.
+ <!-- Same logic as with insertHTML. -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">img</var> be the result of calling <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Document-createElement><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-document-createelement>createElement("img")</a></code> on
+ the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a>.
+ <li>Run <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore title=dom-Element-setAttribute><a href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#dom-element-setattribute>setAttribute("src", <var title="">value</var>)</a></code> on <var title="">img</var>.
+ <!-- No alt text, so it's probably invalid. This matches all browsers. -->
+ <li>Run <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Range-insertNode><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-range-insertnode>insertNode(<var title="">img</var>)</a></code> on <var title="">range</var>.
+ <!--
+ This winds up putting it at the original start point of the active range, as
+ currently specced. This matches IE9 and Firefox 5.0a2. Chrome 13 dev puts
+ it at the end point, and Opera 11.11 puts it in between (where the range
+ would collapse if you called deleteContents()).
+ -->
+ <li>Let <var title="">selection</var> be the result of calling <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Document-getSelection><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-document-getselection>getSelection()</a></code> on the
+ <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#context-object>context object</a>.
+ <li>Run <code class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange title=dom-Selection-collapse><a href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#dom-selection-collapse>collapse()</a></code> on <var title="">selection</var>, with first argument equal
+ to the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domcore href=http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#concept-tree-parent title=concept-tree-parent>parent</a> of <var title="">img</var> and the second argument equal to one plus
+ the <a class=external data-anolis-spec=domrange href=http://html5.org/specs/dom-range.html#concept-indexof title=concept-indexof>index</a> of <var title="">img</var>.
+<h3 id=the-inserthorizontalrule-command><span class=secno>7.16 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertHorizontalRule</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
@@ -5175,13 +5181,13 @@
-<h3 id=the-insertorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.13 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertOrderedList</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-insertorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.17 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertOrderedList</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#toggle-lists>Toggle lists</a> with <var title="">tag name</var>
-<h3 id=the-insertparagraph-command><span class=secno>7.14 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertParagraph</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-insertparagraph-command><span class=secno>7.18 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertParagraph</code> command</dfn></h3>
There are three major behaviors here. Firefox 5.0a2 behaves identically to
@@ -5432,36 +5438,36 @@
-<h3 id=the-insertunorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.15 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertUnorderedList</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-insertunorderedlist-command><span class=secno>7.19 </span><dfn>The <code title="">insertUnorderedList</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#toggle-lists>Toggle lists</a> with <var title="">tag name</var>
-<h3 id=the-justifycenter-command><span class=secno>7.16 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyCenter</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-justifycenter-command><span class=secno>7.20 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyCenter</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#justify-the-selection>Justify the selection</a> with
<var title="">alignment</var> "center".
-<h3 id=the-justifyfull-command><span class=secno>7.17 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyFull</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-justifyfull-command><span class=secno>7.21 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyFull</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#justify-the-selection>Justify the selection</a> with
<var title="">alignment</var> "justify".
-<h3 id=the-justifyleft-command><span class=secno>7.18 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyLeft</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-justifyleft-command><span class=secno>7.22 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyLeft</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#justify-the-selection>Justify the selection</a> with
<var title="">alignment</var> "left".
-<h3 id=the-justifyright-command><span class=secno>7.19 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyRight</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-justifyright-command><span class=secno>7.23 </span><dfn>The <code title="">justifyRight</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>: <a href=#justify-the-selection>Justify the selection</a> with
<var title="">alignment</var> "right".
-<h3 id=the-outdent-command><span class=secno>7.20 </span><dfn>The <code title="">outdent</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<h3 id=the-outdent-command><span class=secno>7.24 </span><dfn>The <code title="">outdent</code> command</dfn></h3>
<p><a href=#action>Action</a>:
--- a/source.html Sun Jun 19 09:40:04 2011 -0600
+++ b/source.html Sun Jun 19 09:52:21 2011 -0600
@@ -373,52 +373,6 @@
that editing commands will only modify the editing host's contents and not the
editing host itself.
-<p>A <dfn>prohibited paragraph child name</dfn> is "address", "article",
-"aside", "blockquote", "caption", "center", "col", "colgroup", "details", "dd",
-"dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form",
-"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "li", "listing",
-"menu", "nav", "ol", "p", "plaintext", "pre", "section", "summary", "table",
-"tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "ul", or "xmp".
-<p>A <dfn>prohibited paragraph child</dfn> is an <span>HTML element</span>
-whose [[localname]] is a <span>prohibited paragraph child name</span>.
-<!-- These are all the things that will close a <p> if found as a descendant.
-I think. Plus table stuff, since that can't be a descendant of a p either,
-although it won't auto-close it. -->
-<p>A <dfn>name of an element with inline contents</dfn> is "a", "abbr", "b",
-"bdi", "bdo", "cite", "code", "dfn", "em", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
-"i", "kbd", "mark", "pre", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "small",
-"span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "u", "var", "acronym", "listing", "strike",
-"xmp", "big", "blink", "font", "marquee", "nobr", or "tt".
-<p class=XXX>This deliberately omits "dt", because I don't like the fact that
-including it will cause various commands to break apart lists rather than put
-bad things inside dt.
-<p>An <dfn>element with inline contents</dfn> is an <span>HTML element</span>
-whose [[localname]] is a <span>name of an element with inline contents</span>.
-<!-- List is mostly based on current HTML5, together with obsolete elements. I
-mostly got the obsolete element list by testing what Firefox 5.0a2 splits when
-you do insertHorizontalRule. -->
-<p class=XXX>The definitions of prohibited paragraph children and elements with
-inline contents should be in the HTML spec (possibly under a different name) so
-they don't fall out of sync. They'll do for now. Also, I might want to rename
-"prohibited paragraph child" given how I'm using it; I have to decide whether I
-want to key off CSS (like "inline node" does) or HTML (like "prohibited
-paragraph child") when deciding what to treat as a block and what not.
-<p>A <dfn>visible node</dfn> is a [[node]] that either is a <span>prohibited
-paragraph child</span>, or a [[text]] node whose [[cddata]] is not empty, or a
-[[br]] or [[img]], or any [[node]] with a [[descendant]] that is a
-<span>visible node</span>. An <dfn>invisible node</dfn> is a [[node]] that is
-not a <span>visible node</span>.
-<p class=XXX>I don't know if this definition is really the way we want to do
-things. If it is, it needs some adjustment, like to handle collapsed
-whitespace nodes and collapsed br's.
<!-- I don't remember why I wrote this. Keeping it around just in case it
turns out to be useful.
@@ -493,129 +447,6 @@
<h3>Assorted common algorithms</h3>
<!-- @{ -->
-<p>A [[node]] or string <var>child</var> is an <dfn>allowed child</dfn> of a
-[[node]] or string <var>parent</var> if the following algorithm returns true:
-<div class=XXX>
-<p>This list doesn't currently match HTML's validity requirements for a few
- <li>We need to handle invalid elements, which have no conformance
- requirements but should be treated properly. In particular, they can
- interfere with serialization (e.g., center cannot descend from p).
- <li>Sometimes users give instructions that have to produce invalid DOMs to
- get the expected effect, like indenting the first item of a list.
- <li>The HTML validity requirements are sometimes quite complicated.
- <li>I just haven't had bothered to be systematic about it yet –
- I've only covered what's come up in my tests.
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is "colgroup", "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead",
- "tr", or an <span>HTML element</span> with [[localname]] equal to one of
- those, and <var>child</var> is a [[text]] node whose [[cddata]] does not
- consist solely of [[spacecharacters]], return false.
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is "script", "style", "plaintext", or "xmp", or an
- <span>HTML element</span> with [[localname]] equal to one of those, and
- <var>child</var> is not a [[text]] node, return false.
- <!-- Actually, no node can occur in the DOM after plaintext, generally. But
- let's not get too carried away. -->
- <li>If <var>child</var> is a [[document]], [[documentfragment]], or
- [[documenttype]], return false.
- <li>If <var>child</var> is an <span>HTML element</span>, set <var>child</var>
- to the [[localname]] of <var>child</var>.
- <li>If <var>child</var> is not a string, return true.
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is an <span>HTML element</span>:
- <ol>
- <li>If <var>child</var> is "a", and <var>parent</var> or some [[ancestor]]
- of <var>parent</var> is an [[a]], return false.
- <!-- Cannot be serialized as text/html. In some cases it can, like
- <a>foo<table><td><a>bar</a></td></table>baz</a>, but it's invalid in those
- cases too, so no need for complication. -->
- <li>If <var>child</var> is a <span>prohibited paragraph child name</span>
- and <var>parent</var> or some [[ancestor]] of <var>parent</var> is a [[p]]
- or <span>element with inline contents</span>, return false.
- <!-- This generally cannot be serialized either, for p. For elements with
- inline contents, this serves to prevent things like
- <span><p>foo</p></span>, which will parse fine but aren't supposed to
- happen anyway. -->
- <li>If <var>child</var> is "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", or "h6", and
- <var>parent</var> or some [[ancestor]] of <var>parent</var> is an
- <span>HTML element</span> with [[localname]] "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5",
- or "h6", return false.
- <!-- Nor this. -->
- <li>Let <var>parent</var> be the [[localname]] of <var>parent</var>.
- <!-- Further requirements only care about the parent itself, not ancestors,
- so we don't need to know the node itself. -->
- </ol>
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is an [[element]] or [[documentfragment]], return
- true.
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is not a string, return false.
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is in the following table, then return true if
- <var>child</var> is listed as an allowed child, and false otherwise.
- <!-- We allow children even where some intervening nodes will be inserted,
- like tr as a child of table. -->
- <table>
- <tr><th>Parent <th>Allowed children
- <tr><td>colgroup <td>col
- <tr><td>table <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
- <tr><td>tbody, tfoot, thead <td>td, th, tr
- <tr><td>tr <td>td, th
- <tr><td>dl <td>dt, dd
- <tr><td>dir, ol, ul <td>dir, li, ol, ul
- <tr><td>hgroup <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- </table>
- <li>If <var>child</var> is "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "frame",
- "frameset", "head", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", or "tr",
- return false.
- <!-- dd/dt/li will serialize fine as the child of random stuff, but it makes
- no sense at all, so we want to avoid it anyway. -->
- <li>If <var>child</var> is "dd" or "dt" and <var>parent</var> is not "dl",
- return false.
- <li>If <var>child</var> is "li" and <var>parent</var> is not "ol" or "ul",
- return false.
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is in the following table and <var>child</var> is
- listed as a prohibited child, return false.
- <table>
- <tr><th>Parent <th>Prohibited children
- <tr><td>a <td>a
- <tr><td>dd, dt <td>dd, dt
- <tr><td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
- <tr><td>li <td>li
- <tr><td>nobr <td>nobr
- <tr><td>p, all <span title="name of an element with inline contents">names
- of an element with inline contents</span>
- <td>All <span title="prohibited paragraph child name">prohibited
- paragraph child names</span>
- <tr><td>td, th <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
- </table>
- <li>Return true.
<p>To move a [[node]] to a new location, <dfn>preserving ranges</dfn>, remove
the [[node]] from its original [[parent]] (if any), then insert it in the new
location. In doing so, however, ignore the regular [[rangemutationrules]], and
@@ -1005,383 +836,6 @@
<!-- @} -->
-<h3>Deleting the contents of a range</h3>
-<!-- @{ -->
-<p>To <dfn>delete the contents</dfn> of a [[range]] <var>range</var>:
-<p class=XXX>I'm uncertain about the use of prohibited paragraph children here.
-I'm using it mostly because it's convenient and seems relatively sensible. If
-we really want to use it, we probably want to change its name.
- <li>If <var>range</var> is null, abort these steps and do nothing.
- <li>Let <var>start node</var>, <var>start offset</var>, <var>end node</var>,
- and <var>end offset</var> be <var>range</var>'s [[rangestart]] and
- [[rangeend]] [[bpnodes]] and [[bpoffsets]].
- <!-- Drill the range down to the lowest possible level, so we don't delete
- more elements than necessary. -->
- <li>While <var>start node</var> has at least one [[child]]:
- <!--
- We don't want to keep going when we hit an element with no children, because
- then we'd do something like
- foo{<br />bar]
- -> foo<br>{</br>bar]
- -> foo<br />{bar]
- -> foo<br />[bar]
- and we deselected the <br>.
- -->
- <ol>
- <li>If <var>start offset</var> is <var>start node</var>'s
- [[nodelength]], and <var>start node</var>'s [[parent]] is <span>in the same
- editing host</span>, and <var>start node</var> is not a <span>prohibited
- paragraph child</span>, set <var>start offset</var> to one plus the
- [[index]] of <var>start node</var>, then set <var>start node</var> to its
- [[parent]] and continue this loop from the beginning.
- <!--
- For instance:
- <b>foo[</b><i>bar]</i>
- -> <b>foo{</b><i>bar]</i>
- -> <b>foo</b>{<i>bar]</i>
- Then the next step will make it <b>foo</b><i>[bar]</i>.
- We don't want to do this for prohibited paragraph children, because that
- would lead to something like
- <p>foo[</p><p>]bar<p>
- ultimately collapsing, which is wrong. Once we do the deletion, it needs
- to wind up <p>foo[]bar</p>, whereas an actually collapsed selection should
- do nothing.
- -->
- <li>If <var>start offset</var> is <var>start node</var>'s [[nodelength]],
- break from this loop.
- <!-- This happens if the first step brought us all the way up to the root.
- The step immediately after this loop will bring us back down again. -->
- <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be the [[child]] of <var>start node</var>
- with [[index]] equal to <var>start offset</var>.
- <li>If <var>reference node</var> is a <span>prohibited paragraph
- child</span> or an [[element]] with no [[children]], break from this loop.
- <!--
- Don't descend into an element with no children, since then it won't get
- deleted even if it's selected. Don't descend into a prohibited paragraph
- child, because then we might wind up not mergings blocks when we should,
- e.g.
- foo{<p>}bar</p>
- -> foo<p>{}bar</p>
- and nothing gets changed.
- -->
- <li>Set <var>start node</var> to <var>reference node</var> and <var>start
- offset</var> to 0.
- </ol>
- <li>While <var>end node</var> has at least one [[child]]:
- <ol>
- <li>If <var>end offset</var> is 0, and <var>end node</var>'s
- [[parent]] is <span>in the same editing host</span>, and <var>end
- node</var> is not a <span>prohibited paragraph child</span>, set <var>end
- offset</var> to the [[index]] of <var>end node</var>, then set <var>end
- node</var> to its [[parent]] and continue this loop from the beginning.
- <li>If <var>end offset</var> is 0, break from this loop.
- <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be the [[child]] of <var>end node</var>
- with [[index]] equal to <var>end offset</var> minus one.
- <li>If <var>reference node</var> is a <span>prohibited paragraph
- child</span> or an [[element]] with no [[children]], break from this loop.
- <li>Set <var>end node</var> to <var>reference node</var> and <var>end
- offset</var> to the [[nodelength]] of <var>reference node</var>.
- </ol>
- <li>If (<var>end node</var>, <var>end offset</var>) is <span
- data-anolis-spec=domrange title=concept-bp-before>before</span> (<var>start
- node</var>, <var>start offset</var>), set <var>range</var>'s [[rangeend]] to
- its [[rangestart]] and abort these steps.
- <li>If <var>start node</var> is a [[text]] or [[comment]] node and <var>start
- offset</var> is 0, set <var>start offset</var> to the [[index]] of <var>start
- node</var>, then set <var>start node</var> to its [[parent]].
- <li>If <var>end node</var> is a [[text]] or [[comment]] node and <var>end
- offset</var> is its [[nodelength]], set <var>end offset</var> to one plus the
- [[index]] of <var>end node</var>, then set <var>end node</var> to its
- [[parent]].
- <li>Set <var>range</var>'s [[rangestart]] to (<var>start node</var>,
- <var>start offset</var>) and its [[rangeend]] to (<var>end node</var>,
- <var>end offset</var>).
- <!--
- When we delete a selection that spans multiple blocks, we merge the end
- block's contents into the start block, like
- <p>fo[o</p><pre>b]ar</pre>
- -> <p>fo[]ar</p>.
- Figure out what the start and end blocks are before we start deleting
- anything.
- -->
- <li>Let <var>start block</var> be the [[rangestart]] [[bpnode]] of
- <var>range</var>.
- <li>While <var>start block</var>'s [[parent]] is <span>in the same editing
- host</span> and <var>start block</var> is not a <span>prohibited paragraph
- child</span>, set <var>start block</var> to its [[parent]].
- <li>If <var>start block</var> is neither a <span>prohibited paragraph
- child</span> nor an <span>editing host</span>, or "span" is not an
- <span>allowed child</span> of <var>start block</var>, or <var>start
- block</var> is a [[td]] or [[th]], set <var>start block</var> to null.
- <!--
- We only merge to or from prohibited paragraph children or editing hosts.
- (This is just in case someone makes a span into an editing host and sticks
- paragraphs inside it or something . . . we could probably drop that proviso.)
- Anything else is presumed to be an inline element, basically. This might not
- be ideal.
- If span isn't an allowed child, it's probably something unpleasant like a
- table row or a list or such. We don't want to merge to or from something
- like that, because we'd most likely wind up with the wrong type of child
- somewhere. It should be pretty hard for this to happen given the
- normalization we do on the selection; I'm not actually sure how it could
- happen at all, actually, unless you start out with a DOM that has non-allowed
- children someplace. So it's basically a sanity check.
- We don't let either start block or end block be a td or th. This means we'll
- never merge to or from a td or th. This matches Firefox 5.0a2, and
- reportedly Word as well. Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 allow merging from a
- non-table cell end block to a table cell start block, but not vice versa. In
- IE9 the delete key just does nothing.
- -->
- <li>Let <var>end block</var> be the [[rangeend]] [[bpnode]] of
- <var>range</var>.
- <li>While <var>end block</var>'s [[parent]] is <span>in the same editing
- host</span> and <var>end block</var> is not a <span>prohibited paragraph
- child</span>, set <var>end block</var> to its [[parent]].
- <li>If <var>end block</var> is neither a <span>prohibited paragraph
- child</span> nor an <span>editing host</span>, or "span" is not an
- <span>allowed child</span> of <var>end block</var>, or <var>end block</var>
- is a [[td]] or [[th]], set <var>end block</var> to null.
- <!-- This is based on deleteData() in DOM Range. -->
- <li>If <var>start node</var> and <var>end node</var> are the same, and
- <var>start node</var> is an <span>editable</span> [[text]] or [[comment]]
- node, call [[deletedata|<var>start offset</var>, <var>end offset</var>
- − <var>start offset</var>]] on <var>start node</var>.
- <li>Otherwise:
- <ol>
- <li>If <var>start node</var> is an <span>editable</span> [[text]] or
- [[comment]] node, call [[deletedata|]] on it, with <var>start offset</var>
- as the first argument and ([[nodelength]] of <var>start node</var> −
- <var>start offset</var>) as the second argument.
- <li>Let <var>node list</var> be a list of [[nodes]], initially empty.
- <li>For each <var>node</var> [[contained]] in <var>range</var>, append
- <var>node</var> to <var>node list</var> if the last member of <var>node
- list</var> (if any) is not an [[ancestor]] of <var>node</var>;
- <var>node</var> is <span>editable</span>; and <var>node</var> is not a
- [[thead]], [[tbody]], [[tfoot]], [[tr]], [[th]], or [[td]].
- <!--
- IE9 doesn't seem to let you do any intercell deletions: the delete key does
- nothing if you select across multiple cells. Firefox 5.0a2 and Opera 11.11
- behave as the spec says, not removing any table things. Chrome 13 dev will
- remove entire rows if selected. Note that IE, Firefox, Word 2007, and
- OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 Ubuntu all switch to a magic cell-selection mode when
- you try to select between cells, at least in some cases, instead of
- selecting letter-by-letter.
- -->
- <li>For each <var>node</var> in <var>node list</var>:
- <ol>
- <li>Let <var>parent</var> be the [[parent]] of <var>node</var>.
- <li>Remove <var>node</var> from <var>parent</var>.
- <li>While <var>parent</var> is an <span>editable</span> <span>inline
- node</span> with [[nodelength]] 0, let <var>grandparent</var> be the
- [[parent]] of <var>parent</var>, then remove <var>parent</var> from
- <var>grandparent</var>, then set <var>parent</var> to
- <var>grandparent</var>.
- <li>If <var>parent</var> is <span>editable</span> or an <span>editing
- host</span>, is not an <span>inline node</span>, and has no [[children]],
- call [[createelement|"br"]] on the [[contextobject]] and append the
- result as the last [[child]] of <var>parent</var>.
- </ol>
- <li>If <var>end node</var> is an <span>editable</span> [[text]] or
- [[comment]] node, call [[deletedata|0, <var>end offset</var>]] on it.
- </ol>
- <!--
- Now we need to merge blocks. The simplest case is something like
- <p>fo[o</p><p>bar</p><p>b]az</p>
- -> <p>fo</p>{}<p>az</p>
- -> <p>fo{}az</p>
- where neither block descends from the other. More complicated is something
- like
- foo[<p>]bar</p>
- -> foo[]bar
- or
- <p>foo[</p>]bar
- -> <p>foo[]bar</p>
- where one descends from the other.
- -->
- <li>If <var>start block</var> or <var>end block</var> is null, or <var>start
- block</var> is not <span>in the same editing host</span> as <var>end
- block</var>, or <var>start block</var> and <var>end block</var> are the same,
- set <var>range</var>'s [[rangeend]] to its [[rangestart]] and then abort
- these steps.
- <!--
- We might have added a br to the start/end block in an earlier step. Now
- we're about to merge the blocks, and we don't want the br's to get in the
- way. The end block is being destroyed no matter what. If the start block
- winds up empty after merging, we'll add a new br child at the end so it
- doesn't collapse.
- -->
- <li>If <var>start block</var> has one [[child]], which is a [[br]], remove
- its [[child]] from it.
- <li>If <var>end block</var> has one [[child]], which is a [[br]], remove its
- [[child]] from it.
- <li>If <var>start block</var> is an [[ancestor]] of <var>end block</var>:
- <!-- Just repeatedly blow up the end block. -->
- <ol>
- <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be <var>end block</var>.
- <li>While <var>reference node</var> is not a [[child]] of <var>start
- block</var>, set <var>reference node</var> to its [[parent]].
- <li>Set the [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] of <var>range</var> to
- (<var>start block</var>, [[index]] of <var>reference node</var>).
- <li>If <var>end block</var> has no [[children]]:
- <ol>
- <li>While <var>end block</var> is <span>editable</span> and is the only
- [[child]] of its [[parent]] and is not a [[child]] of <var>start
- block</var>, let <var>parent</var> equal <var>end block</var>, then
- remove <var>end block</var> from <var>parent</var>, then set <var>end
- block</var> to <var>parent</var>.
- <li>If <var>end block</var> is <span>editable</span> and is not an
- <span>inline node</span>, and its [[previoussibling]] and [[nextsibling]]
- are both <span title="inline node">inline nodes</span>, call
- [[createelement|"br"]] on the [[contextobject]] and insert it into
- <var>end block</var>'s [[parent]] immediately after <var>end block</var>.
- <li>If <var>end block</var> is <span>editable</span>, remove it from its
- [[parent]].
- <li>Abort these steps.
- </ol>
- <li>If <var>end block</var>'s [[firstchild]] is not an <span>inline
- node</span>, abort these steps.
- <li>Let <var>children</var> be an array of [[nodes]], initially empty.
- <li>Append the first [[child]] of <var>end block</var> to
- <var>children</var>.
- <li>While <var>children</var>'s last member is not a [[br]], and
- <var>children</var>'s last member's [[nextsibling]] is an <span>inline
- node</span>, append <var>children</var>'s last member's [[nextsibling]] to
- <var>children</var>.
- <li>While <var>children</var>'s first member's [[parent]] is not <var>start
- block</var>, <span>split the parent</span> of <var>children</var>.
- <li>If <var>children</var>'s first member's [[previoussibling]] is an
- <span>editable</span> [[br]], remove that [[br]] from its [[parent]].
- </ol>
- <li>Otherwise, if <var>start block</var> is a [[descendant]] of <var>end
- block</var>:
- <!-- Pull in everything that comes after <var>start block</var>, until we hit
- a br or prohibited paragraph child. -->
- <ol>
- <li>Set the [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] of <var>range</var> to
- (<var>start block</var>, [[nodelength]] of <var>start block</var>).
- <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be <var>start block</var>.
- <li>While <var>reference node</var> is not a [[child]] of <var>end
- block</var>, set <var>reference node</var> to its [[parent]].
- <li>If <var>reference node</var>'s [[nextsibling]] is an <span>inline
- node</span> and <var>start block</var>'s [[lastchild]] is a [[br]], remove
- <var>start block</var>'s [[lastchild]] from it.
- <li>While the [[nextsibling]] of <var>reference node</var> is neither null
- nor a [[br]] nor a <span>prohibited paragraph child</span>, append the
- [[nextsibling]] of <var>reference node</var> as the last [[child]] of
- <var>start block</var>, <span>preserving ranges</span>.
- <li>If the [[nextsibling]] of <var>reference node</var> is a [[br]], remove
- it from its [[parent]].
- </ol>
- <li>Otherwise:
- <!-- In the last case, just move all the children of the end block to the
- start block, and then get rid of any elements we emptied that way. -->
- <ol>
- <li>Set the [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] of <var>range</var> to
- (<var>start block</var>, [[nodelength]] of <var>start block</var>).
- <li>If <var>end block</var>'s [[firstchild]] is an <span>inline node</span>
- and <var>start block</var>'s [[lastchild]] is a [[br]], remove <var>start
- block</var>'s [[lastchild]] from it.
- <li>While <var>end block</var> has [[children]], append the first [[child]]
- of <var>end block</var> to <var>start block</var>, <span>preserving
- ranges</span>.
- <li>While <var>end block</var> has no [[children]], let <var>parent</var> be
- the [[parent]] of <var>end block</var>, then remove <var>end block</var> from
- <var>parent</var>, then set <var>end block</var> to <var>parent</var>.
- </ol>
- <li>If <var>start block</var> has no [[children]], call
- [[createelement|"br"]] on the [[contextobject]] and append the result as the
- last [[child]] of <var>start block</var>.
-<!-- @} -->
<h2>Inline formatting commands</h2>
<h3>Inline formatting command definitions</h3>
@@ -2767,122 +2221,6 @@
<p><span>Relevant CSS property</span>: "background-color"
<!-- @} -->
-<h3><dfn>The <code title>insertHTML</code> command</dfn></h3>
-<!-- @{ -->
-Not supported by IE9. Handling of disallowed children is interesting:
-Firefox 5.0a2: Will allow <dt> inside <dt> (doesn't serialize). If you try
-inserting dir/ol/ul inside an existing dir/ol/ul, it will strip the list
-element and leave only the li's, so inserting <ul><li>abc</ul> into
-<ol><li>f[o]o</ol> creates <ol><li>f<li>abc<li>o</ol>. <dt>/<dd>/<li> that
-don't descend from a list will be left alone, not converted to <p>. Empty
-elements seem not to be inserted. <li> will get put inside <p>, which breaks
-serialization. Nothing is allowed inside <xmp>, not even text.
-Chrome 13 dev: Inserting a <p> into a <p> or <li> or such will remove the child
-<p>, adding its contents to the parent instead. Adding an <li> or <hr> as the
-child of a <p> works, as does an <a> inside an <a>, <h2> inside <h1>, <li>
-inside <li>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, <b> inside <xmp>, etc. (all unserializable).
-But <dt> and <dd> seem to get converted to their contents like <p>.
-<ol><li>abc</ol> inside <ol><li>f[o]o</ol> becomes
-<ol><li>f<li>abc<li><li>o</ol>, interestingly (note the empty <li>). I don't
-understand how it works, but it doesn't seem to make much sense.
-Opera 11.11: Seems to do almost no validity or serialization checks, except
-that it prevents <a> inside <a>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, and block elements
-inside inline elements. Interestingly, most of the places where it's
-non-serializable per HTML parsing are actually serializable in Opera's own
- <li><span>Delete the contents</span> of the <span>active range</span>.
- <li>Let <var>frag</var> be the result of calling <code data-anolis-spec=domps
- title=dom-Range-createContextualFragment>createContextualFragment(<var>value</var>)</code>
- on the <span>active range</span>.
- <li>Let <var>last child</var> be the [[lastchild]] of <var>frag</var>.
- <li>If <var>last child</var> is null, abort these steps.
- <!-- Firefox 5.0a2 also seems to not add empty elements like <b></b>, but
- Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 do. -->
- <li>Let <var>descendants</var> be all [[descendants]] of <var>frag</var>.
- <li>If the <span>active range</span>'s [[startnode]] is a <span>prohibited
- paragraph child</span> whose sole [[child]] is a [[br]], and its
- [[startoffset]] is 0, remove its [[startnode]]'s [[child]] from it.
- <!--
- This is so we don't get something like
- <div>[foo]</div>
- -> <div>{}<br></div>
- -> <div><p>Some HTML{}</p><br></div>
- with an extra bogus line break at the end.
- -->
- <li>Call [[insertnode|<var>frag</var>]] on the <span>active range</span>.
- <li>Set the <span>active range</span>'s [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] to
- (<var>last child</var>, [[nodelength]] of <var>last child</var>).
- <!-- Need to do this before fixing disallowed ancestors, since otherwise the
- last child might have been removed (e.g., it's an li). -->
- <li><span>Fix disallowed ancestors</span> of each member of
- <var>descendants</var>.
- <!-- We want to fix all descendants, not just children. Consider
- <div><li>foo</li></div>, for example. -->
-<!-- @} -->
-<h3><dfn>The <code title>insertImage</code> command</dfn></h3>
-<!-- @{ -->
- <li>If <var>value</var> is the empty string, abort these steps and do
- nothing.
- <!-- Similar logic to createLink, except even more compelling, since an HTML
- document linking to itself as an image is just silly. In fact, the current
- HTML spec instructs UAs to not even try displaying the image, and just fail
- immediately if the URL is empty. Firefox 4b11 bails out on an empty string,
- but the other three browsers I tested stick in the <img> anyway. -->
- <li>Let <var>range</var> be the <span>active range</span>.
- <li><span>Delete the contents</span> of <var>range</var>.
- <li>If <var>range</var>'s [[startnode]] is a <span>prohibited paragraph
- child</span> whose sole [[child]] is a [[br]], and its [[startoffset]] is 0,
- remove its [[startnode]]'s [[child]] from it.
- <!-- Same logic as with insertHTML. -->
- <li>Let <var>img</var> be the result of calling [[createelement|"img"]] on
- the [[contextobject]].
- <li>Run [[setattribute|"src", <var>value</var>]] on <var>img</var>.
- <!-- No alt text, so it's probably invalid. This matches all browsers. -->
- <li>Run [[insertnode|<var>img</var>]] on <var>range</var>.
- <!--
- This winds up putting it at the original start point of the active range, as
- currently specced. This matches IE9 and Firefox 5.0a2. Chrome 13 dev puts
- it at the end point, and Opera 11.11 puts it in between (where the range
- would collapse if you called deleteContents()).
- -->
- <li>Let <var>selection</var> be the result of calling [[getselection]] on the
- [[contextobject]].
- <li>Run [[selcollapse|]] on <var>selection</var>, with first argument equal
- to the [[parent]] of <var>img</var> and the second argument equal to one plus
- the [[index]] of <var>img</var>.
-<!-- @} -->
<h3><dfn>The <code title>italic</code> command</dfn></h3>
<!-- @{ -->
<p><span>Action</span>: <span>Decompose</span> the <span>active range</span>.
@@ -3171,6 +2509,42 @@
<h3>Block formatting command definitions</h3>
<!-- @{ -->
+<p>A <dfn>prohibited paragraph child name</dfn> is "address", "article",
+"aside", "blockquote", "caption", "center", "col", "colgroup", "details", "dd",
+"dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form",
+"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "li", "listing",
+"menu", "nav", "ol", "p", "plaintext", "pre", "section", "summary", "table",
+"tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "ul", or "xmp".
+<p>A <dfn>prohibited paragraph child</dfn> is an <span>HTML element</span>
+whose [[localname]] is a <span>prohibited paragraph child name</span>.
+<!-- These are all the things that will close a <p> if found as a descendant.
+I think. Plus table stuff, since that can't be a descendant of a p either,
+although it won't auto-close it. -->
+<p>A <dfn>name of an element with inline contents</dfn> is "a", "abbr", "b",
+"bdi", "bdo", "cite", "code", "dfn", "em", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
+"i", "kbd", "mark", "pre", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "small",
+"span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "u", "var", "acronym", "listing", "strike",
+"xmp", "big", "blink", "font", "marquee", "nobr", or "tt".
+<p class=XXX>This deliberately omits "dt", because I don't like the fact that
+including it will cause various commands to break apart lists rather than put
+bad things inside dt.
+<p>An <dfn>element with inline contents</dfn> is an <span>HTML element</span>
+whose [[localname]] is a <span>name of an element with inline contents</span>.
+<!-- List is mostly based on current HTML5, together with obsolete elements. I
+mostly got the obsolete element list by testing what Firefox 5.0a2 splits when
+you do insertHorizontalRule. -->
+<p class=XXX>The definitions of prohibited paragraph children and elements with
+inline contents should be in the HTML spec (possibly under a different name) so
+they don't fall out of sync. They'll do for now. Also, I might want to rename
+"prohibited paragraph child" given how I'm using it; I have to decide whether I
+want to key off CSS (like "inline node" does) or HTML (like "prohibited
+paragraph child") when deciding what to treat as a block and what not.
<p>A <dfn>potential indentation element</dfn> is either a [[blockquote]], or a
[[div]] that has a [[style]] attribute that sets "margin" or some subproperty
of it.
@@ -3201,6 +2575,18 @@
<p>The <dfn>default single-line container name</dfn> is "p".
<!-- Possibly to be made configurable later. -->
+<p>A <dfn>visible node</dfn> is a [[node]] that either is a <span>prohibited
+paragraph child</span>, or a [[text]] node whose [[cddata]] is not empty, or a
+[[br]] or [[img]], or any [[node]] with a [[descendant]] that is a
+<span>visible node</span>.
+<p>An <dfn>invisible node</dfn> is a [[node]] that is not a <span>visible
+<p class=XXX>I don't know if the visible/invisible node definitions are really
+the way we want to do things. If they are, they need some adjustment, like to
+handle collapsed whitespace nodes and collapsed br's.
<!-- @} -->
<h3>Assorted block formatting command algorithms</h3>
@@ -3446,6 +2832,132 @@
<!-- @} -->
+<h3>Allowed children</h3>
+<p>A [[node]] or string <var>child</var> is an <dfn>allowed child</dfn> of a
+[[node]] or string <var>parent</var> if the following algorithm returns true:
+<div class=XXX>
+<p>This list doesn't currently match HTML's validity requirements for a few
+ <li>We need to handle invalid elements, which have no conformance
+ requirements but should be treated properly. In particular, they can
+ interfere with serialization (e.g., center cannot descend from p).
+ <li>Sometimes users give instructions that have to produce invalid DOMs to
+ get the expected effect, like indenting the first item of a list.
+ <li>The HTML validity requirements are sometimes quite complicated.
+ <li>I just haven't had bothered to be systematic about it yet –
+ I've only covered what's come up in my tests.
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is "colgroup", "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead",
+ "tr", or an <span>HTML element</span> with [[localname]] equal to one of
+ those, and <var>child</var> is a [[text]] node whose [[cddata]] does not
+ consist solely of [[spacecharacters]], return false.
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is "script", "style", "plaintext", or "xmp", or an
+ <span>HTML element</span> with [[localname]] equal to one of those, and
+ <var>child</var> is not a [[text]] node, return false.
+ <!-- Actually, no node can occur in the DOM after plaintext, generally. But
+ let's not get too carried away. -->
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is a [[document]], [[documentfragment]], or
+ [[documenttype]], return false.
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is an <span>HTML element</span>, set <var>child</var>
+ to the [[localname]] of <var>child</var>.
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is not a string, return true.
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is an <span>HTML element</span>:
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is "a", and <var>parent</var> or some [[ancestor]]
+ of <var>parent</var> is an [[a]], return false.
+ <!-- Cannot be serialized as text/html. In some cases it can, like
+ <a>foo<table><td><a>bar</a></td></table>baz</a>, but it's invalid in those
+ cases too, so no need for complication. -->
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is a <span>prohibited paragraph child name</span>
+ and <var>parent</var> or some [[ancestor]] of <var>parent</var> is a [[p]]
+ or <span>element with inline contents</span>, return false.
+ <!-- This generally cannot be serialized either, for p. For elements with
+ inline contents, this serves to prevent things like
+ <span><p>foo</p></span>, which will parse fine but aren't supposed to
+ happen anyway. -->
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", or "h6", and
+ <var>parent</var> or some [[ancestor]] of <var>parent</var> is an
+ <span>HTML element</span> with [[localname]] "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5",
+ or "h6", return false.
+ <!-- Nor this. -->
+ <li>Let <var>parent</var> be the [[localname]] of <var>parent</var>.
+ <!-- Further requirements only care about the parent itself, not ancestors,
+ so we don't need to know the node itself. -->
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is an [[element]] or [[documentfragment]], return
+ true.
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is not a string, return false.
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is in the following table, then return true if
+ <var>child</var> is listed as an allowed child, and false otherwise.
+ <!-- We allow children even where some intervening nodes will be inserted,
+ like tr as a child of table. -->
+ <table>
+ <tr><th>Parent <th>Allowed children
+ <tr><td>colgroup <td>col
+ <tr><td>table <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
+ <tr><td>tbody, tfoot, thead <td>td, th, tr
+ <tr><td>tr <td>td, th
+ <tr><td>dl <td>dt, dd
+ <tr><td>dir, ol, ul <td>dir, li, ol, ul
+ <tr><td>hgroup <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
+ </table>
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is "body", "caption", "col", "colgroup", "frame",
+ "frameset", "head", "html", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", or "tr",
+ return false.
+ <!-- dd/dt/li will serialize fine as the child of random stuff, but it makes
+ no sense at all, so we want to avoid it anyway. -->
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is "dd" or "dt" and <var>parent</var> is not "dl",
+ return false.
+ <li>If <var>child</var> is "li" and <var>parent</var> is not "ol" or "ul",
+ return false.
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is in the following table and <var>child</var> is
+ listed as a prohibited child, return false.
+ <table>
+ <tr><th>Parent <th>Prohibited children
+ <tr><td>a <td>a
+ <tr><td>dd, dt <td>dd, dt
+ <tr><td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 <td>h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
+ <tr><td>li <td>li
+ <tr><td>nobr <td>nobr
+ <tr><td>p, all <span title="name of an element with inline contents">names
+ of an element with inline contents</span>
+ <td>All <span title="prohibited paragraph child name">prohibited
+ paragraph child names</span>
+ <tr><td>td, th <td>caption, col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr
+ </table>
+ <li>Return true.
<h3>Block-extending a range</h3>
<!-- @{ -->
<p>When a user agent is to <dfn>block-extend</dfn> a [[range]]
@@ -3669,6 +3181,383 @@
<!-- @} -->
+<h3>Deleting the contents of a range</h3>
+<!-- @{ -->
+<p>To <dfn>delete the contents</dfn> of a [[range]] <var>range</var>:
+<p class=XXX>I'm uncertain about the use of prohibited paragraph children here.
+I'm using it mostly because it's convenient and seems relatively sensible. If
+we really want to use it, we probably want to change its name.
+ <li>If <var>range</var> is null, abort these steps and do nothing.
+ <li>Let <var>start node</var>, <var>start offset</var>, <var>end node</var>,
+ and <var>end offset</var> be <var>range</var>'s [[rangestart]] and
+ [[rangeend]] [[bpnodes]] and [[bpoffsets]].
+ <!-- Drill the range down to the lowest possible level, so we don't delete
+ more elements than necessary. -->
+ <li>While <var>start node</var> has at least one [[child]]:
+ <!--
+ We don't want to keep going when we hit an element with no children, because
+ then we'd do something like
+ foo{<br />bar]
+ -> foo<br>{</br>bar]
+ -> foo<br />{bar]
+ -> foo<br />[bar]
+ and we deselected the <br>.
+ -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var>start offset</var> is <var>start node</var>'s
+ [[nodelength]], and <var>start node</var>'s [[parent]] is <span>in the same
+ editing host</span>, and <var>start node</var> is not a <span>prohibited
+ paragraph child</span>, set <var>start offset</var> to one plus the
+ [[index]] of <var>start node</var>, then set <var>start node</var> to its
+ [[parent]] and continue this loop from the beginning.
+ <!--
+ For instance:
+ <b>foo[</b><i>bar]</i>
+ -> <b>foo{</b><i>bar]</i>
+ -> <b>foo</b>{<i>bar]</i>
+ Then the next step will make it <b>foo</b><i>[bar]</i>.
+ We don't want to do this for prohibited paragraph children, because that
+ would lead to something like
+ <p>foo[</p><p>]bar<p>
+ ultimately collapsing, which is wrong. Once we do the deletion, it needs
+ to wind up <p>foo[]bar</p>, whereas an actually collapsed selection should
+ do nothing.
+ -->
+ <li>If <var>start offset</var> is <var>start node</var>'s [[nodelength]],
+ break from this loop.
+ <!-- This happens if the first step brought us all the way up to the root.
+ The step immediately after this loop will bring us back down again. -->
+ <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be the [[child]] of <var>start node</var>
+ with [[index]] equal to <var>start offset</var>.
+ <li>If <var>reference node</var> is a <span>prohibited paragraph
+ child</span> or an [[element]] with no [[children]], break from this loop.
+ <!--
+ Don't descend into an element with no children, since then it won't get
+ deleted even if it's selected. Don't descend into a prohibited paragraph
+ child, because then we might wind up not mergings blocks when we should,
+ e.g.
+ foo{<p>}bar</p>
+ -> foo<p>{}bar</p>
+ and nothing gets changed.
+ -->
+ <li>Set <var>start node</var> to <var>reference node</var> and <var>start
+ offset</var> to 0.
+ </ol>
+ <li>While <var>end node</var> has at least one [[child]]:
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var>end offset</var> is 0, and <var>end node</var>'s
+ [[parent]] is <span>in the same editing host</span>, and <var>end
+ node</var> is not a <span>prohibited paragraph child</span>, set <var>end
+ offset</var> to the [[index]] of <var>end node</var>, then set <var>end
+ node</var> to its [[parent]] and continue this loop from the beginning.
+ <li>If <var>end offset</var> is 0, break from this loop.
+ <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be the [[child]] of <var>end node</var>
+ with [[index]] equal to <var>end offset</var> minus one.
+ <li>If <var>reference node</var> is a <span>prohibited paragraph
+ child</span> or an [[element]] with no [[children]], break from this loop.
+ <li>Set <var>end node</var> to <var>reference node</var> and <var>end
+ offset</var> to the [[nodelength]] of <var>reference node</var>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If (<var>end node</var>, <var>end offset</var>) is <span
+ data-anolis-spec=domrange title=concept-bp-before>before</span> (<var>start
+ node</var>, <var>start offset</var>), set <var>range</var>'s [[rangeend]] to
+ its [[rangestart]] and abort these steps.
+ <li>If <var>start node</var> is a [[text]] or [[comment]] node and <var>start
+ offset</var> is 0, set <var>start offset</var> to the [[index]] of <var>start
+ node</var>, then set <var>start node</var> to its [[parent]].
+ <li>If <var>end node</var> is a [[text]] or [[comment]] node and <var>end
+ offset</var> is its [[nodelength]], set <var>end offset</var> to one plus the
+ [[index]] of <var>end node</var>, then set <var>end node</var> to its
+ [[parent]].
+ <li>Set <var>range</var>'s [[rangestart]] to (<var>start node</var>,
+ <var>start offset</var>) and its [[rangeend]] to (<var>end node</var>,
+ <var>end offset</var>).
+ <!--
+ When we delete a selection that spans multiple blocks, we merge the end
+ block's contents into the start block, like
+ <p>fo[o</p><pre>b]ar</pre>
+ -> <p>fo[]ar</p>.
+ Figure out what the start and end blocks are before we start deleting
+ anything.
+ -->
+ <li>Let <var>start block</var> be the [[rangestart]] [[bpnode]] of
+ <var>range</var>.
+ <li>While <var>start block</var>'s [[parent]] is <span>in the same editing
+ host</span> and <var>start block</var> is not a <span>prohibited paragraph
+ child</span>, set <var>start block</var> to its [[parent]].
+ <li>If <var>start block</var> is neither a <span>prohibited paragraph
+ child</span> nor an <span>editing host</span>, or "span" is not an
+ <span>allowed child</span> of <var>start block</var>, or <var>start
+ block</var> is a [[td]] or [[th]], set <var>start block</var> to null.
+ <!--
+ We only merge to or from prohibited paragraph children or editing hosts.
+ (This is just in case someone makes a span into an editing host and sticks
+ paragraphs inside it or something . . . we could probably drop that proviso.)
+ Anything else is presumed to be an inline element, basically. This might not
+ be ideal.
+ If span isn't an allowed child, it's probably something unpleasant like a
+ table row or a list or such. We don't want to merge to or from something
+ like that, because we'd most likely wind up with the wrong type of child
+ somewhere. It should be pretty hard for this to happen given the
+ normalization we do on the selection; I'm not actually sure how it could
+ happen at all, actually, unless you start out with a DOM that has non-allowed
+ children someplace. So it's basically a sanity check.
+ We don't let either start block or end block be a td or th. This means we'll
+ never merge to or from a td or th. This matches Firefox 5.0a2, and
+ reportedly Word as well. Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 allow merging from a
+ non-table cell end block to a table cell start block, but not vice versa. In
+ IE9 the delete key just does nothing.
+ -->
+ <li>Let <var>end block</var> be the [[rangeend]] [[bpnode]] of
+ <var>range</var>.
+ <li>While <var>end block</var>'s [[parent]] is <span>in the same editing
+ host</span> and <var>end block</var> is not a <span>prohibited paragraph
+ child</span>, set <var>end block</var> to its [[parent]].
+ <li>If <var>end block</var> is neither a <span>prohibited paragraph
+ child</span> nor an <span>editing host</span>, or "span" is not an
+ <span>allowed child</span> of <var>end block</var>, or <var>end block</var>
+ is a [[td]] or [[th]], set <var>end block</var> to null.
+ <!-- This is based on deleteData() in DOM Range. -->
+ <li>If <var>start node</var> and <var>end node</var> are the same, and
+ <var>start node</var> is an <span>editable</span> [[text]] or [[comment]]
+ node, call [[deletedata|<var>start offset</var>, <var>end offset</var>
+ − <var>start offset</var>]] on <var>start node</var>.
+ <li>Otherwise:
+ <ol>
+ <li>If <var>start node</var> is an <span>editable</span> [[text]] or
+ [[comment]] node, call [[deletedata|]] on it, with <var>start offset</var>
+ as the first argument and ([[nodelength]] of <var>start node</var> −
+ <var>start offset</var>) as the second argument.
+ <li>Let <var>node list</var> be a list of [[nodes]], initially empty.
+ <li>For each <var>node</var> [[contained]] in <var>range</var>, append
+ <var>node</var> to <var>node list</var> if the last member of <var>node
+ list</var> (if any) is not an [[ancestor]] of <var>node</var>;
+ <var>node</var> is <span>editable</span>; and <var>node</var> is not a
+ [[thead]], [[tbody]], [[tfoot]], [[tr]], [[th]], or [[td]].
+ <!--
+ IE9 doesn't seem to let you do any intercell deletions: the delete key does
+ nothing if you select across multiple cells. Firefox 5.0a2 and Opera 11.11
+ behave as the spec says, not removing any table things. Chrome 13 dev will
+ remove entire rows if selected. Note that IE, Firefox, Word 2007, and
+ OpenOffice.org 3.2.1 Ubuntu all switch to a magic cell-selection mode when
+ you try to select between cells, at least in some cases, instead of
+ selecting letter-by-letter.
+ -->
+ <li>For each <var>node</var> in <var>node list</var>:
+ <ol>
+ <li>Let <var>parent</var> be the [[parent]] of <var>node</var>.
+ <li>Remove <var>node</var> from <var>parent</var>.
+ <li>While <var>parent</var> is an <span>editable</span> <span>inline
+ node</span> with [[nodelength]] 0, let <var>grandparent</var> be the
+ [[parent]] of <var>parent</var>, then remove <var>parent</var> from
+ <var>grandparent</var>, then set <var>parent</var> to
+ <var>grandparent</var>.
+ <li>If <var>parent</var> is <span>editable</span> or an <span>editing
+ host</span>, is not an <span>inline node</span>, and has no [[children]],
+ call [[createelement|"br"]] on the [[contextobject]] and append the
+ result as the last [[child]] of <var>parent</var>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var>end node</var> is an <span>editable</span> [[text]] or
+ [[comment]] node, call [[deletedata|0, <var>end offset</var>]] on it.
+ </ol>
+ <!--
+ Now we need to merge blocks. The simplest case is something like
+ <p>fo[o</p><p>bar</p><p>b]az</p>
+ -> <p>fo</p>{}<p>az</p>
+ -> <p>fo{}az</p>
+ where neither block descends from the other. More complicated is something
+ like
+ foo[<p>]bar</p>
+ -> foo[]bar
+ or
+ <p>foo[</p>]bar
+ -> <p>foo[]bar</p>
+ where one descends from the other.
+ -->
+ <li>If <var>start block</var> or <var>end block</var> is null, or <var>start
+ block</var> is not <span>in the same editing host</span> as <var>end
+ block</var>, or <var>start block</var> and <var>end block</var> are the same,
+ set <var>range</var>'s [[rangeend]] to its [[rangestart]] and then abort
+ these steps.
+ <!--
+ We might have added a br to the start/end block in an earlier step. Now
+ we're about to merge the blocks, and we don't want the br's to get in the
+ way. The end block is being destroyed no matter what. If the start block
+ winds up empty after merging, we'll add a new br child at the end so it
+ doesn't collapse.
+ -->
+ <li>If <var>start block</var> has one [[child]], which is a [[br]], remove
+ its [[child]] from it.
+ <li>If <var>end block</var> has one [[child]], which is a [[br]], remove its
+ [[child]] from it.
+ <li>If <var>start block</var> is an [[ancestor]] of <var>end block</var>:
+ <!-- Just repeatedly blow up the end block. -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be <var>end block</var>.
+ <li>While <var>reference node</var> is not a [[child]] of <var>start
+ block</var>, set <var>reference node</var> to its [[parent]].
+ <li>Set the [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] of <var>range</var> to
+ (<var>start block</var>, [[index]] of <var>reference node</var>).
+ <li>If <var>end block</var> has no [[children]]:
+ <ol>
+ <li>While <var>end block</var> is <span>editable</span> and is the only
+ [[child]] of its [[parent]] and is not a [[child]] of <var>start
+ block</var>, let <var>parent</var> equal <var>end block</var>, then
+ remove <var>end block</var> from <var>parent</var>, then set <var>end
+ block</var> to <var>parent</var>.
+ <li>If <var>end block</var> is <span>editable</span> and is not an
+ <span>inline node</span>, and its [[previoussibling]] and [[nextsibling]]
+ are both <span title="inline node">inline nodes</span>, call
+ [[createelement|"br"]] on the [[contextobject]] and insert it into
+ <var>end block</var>'s [[parent]] immediately after <var>end block</var>.
+ <li>If <var>end block</var> is <span>editable</span>, remove it from its
+ [[parent]].
+ <li>Abort these steps.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var>end block</var>'s [[firstchild]] is not an <span>inline
+ node</span>, abort these steps.
+ <li>Let <var>children</var> be an array of [[nodes]], initially empty.
+ <li>Append the first [[child]] of <var>end block</var> to
+ <var>children</var>.
+ <li>While <var>children</var>'s last member is not a [[br]], and
+ <var>children</var>'s last member's [[nextsibling]] is an <span>inline
+ node</span>, append <var>children</var>'s last member's [[nextsibling]] to
+ <var>children</var>.
+ <li>While <var>children</var>'s first member's [[parent]] is not <var>start
+ block</var>, <span>split the parent</span> of <var>children</var>.
+ <li>If <var>children</var>'s first member's [[previoussibling]] is an
+ <span>editable</span> [[br]], remove that [[br]] from its [[parent]].
+ </ol>
+ <li>Otherwise, if <var>start block</var> is a [[descendant]] of <var>end
+ block</var>:
+ <!-- Pull in everything that comes after <var>start block</var>, until we hit
+ a br or prohibited paragraph child. -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>Set the [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] of <var>range</var> to
+ (<var>start block</var>, [[nodelength]] of <var>start block</var>).
+ <li>Let <var>reference node</var> be <var>start block</var>.
+ <li>While <var>reference node</var> is not a [[child]] of <var>end
+ block</var>, set <var>reference node</var> to its [[parent]].
+ <li>If <var>reference node</var>'s [[nextsibling]] is an <span>inline
+ node</span> and <var>start block</var>'s [[lastchild]] is a [[br]], remove
+ <var>start block</var>'s [[lastchild]] from it.
+ <li>While the [[nextsibling]] of <var>reference node</var> is neither null
+ nor a [[br]] nor a <span>prohibited paragraph child</span>, append the
+ [[nextsibling]] of <var>reference node</var> as the last [[child]] of
+ <var>start block</var>, <span>preserving ranges</span>.
+ <li>If the [[nextsibling]] of <var>reference node</var> is a [[br]], remove
+ it from its [[parent]].
+ </ol>
+ <li>Otherwise:
+ <!-- In the last case, just move all the children of the end block to the
+ start block, and then get rid of any elements we emptied that way. -->
+ <ol>
+ <li>Set the [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] of <var>range</var> to
+ (<var>start block</var>, [[nodelength]] of <var>start block</var>).
+ <li>If <var>end block</var>'s [[firstchild]] is an <span>inline node</span>
+ and <var>start block</var>'s [[lastchild]] is a [[br]], remove <var>start
+ block</var>'s [[lastchild]] from it.
+ <li>While <var>end block</var> has [[children]], append the first [[child]]
+ of <var>end block</var> to <var>start block</var>, <span>preserving
+ ranges</span>.
+ <li>While <var>end block</var> has no [[children]], let <var>parent</var> be
+ the [[parent]] of <var>end block</var>, then remove <var>end block</var> from
+ <var>parent</var>, then set <var>end block</var> to <var>parent</var>.
+ </ol>
+ <li>If <var>start block</var> has no [[children]], call
+ [[createelement|"br"]] on the [[contextobject]] and append the result as the
+ last [[child]] of <var>start block</var>.
+<!-- @} -->
<h3>Outdenting a node</h3>
<!-- @{ -->
<p>To <dfn>outdent</dfn> a [[node]] <var>node</var>:
@@ -5129,6 +5018,122 @@
<!-- @} -->
+<h3><dfn>The <code title>insertHTML</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<!-- @{ -->
+Not supported by IE9. Handling of disallowed children is interesting:
+Firefox 5.0a2: Will allow <dt> inside <dt> (doesn't serialize). If you try
+inserting dir/ol/ul inside an existing dir/ol/ul, it will strip the list
+element and leave only the li's, so inserting <ul><li>abc</ul> into
+<ol><li>f[o]o</ol> creates <ol><li>f<li>abc<li>o</ol>. <dt>/<dd>/<li> that
+don't descend from a list will be left alone, not converted to <p>. Empty
+elements seem not to be inserted. <li> will get put inside <p>, which breaks
+serialization. Nothing is allowed inside <xmp>, not even text.
+Chrome 13 dev: Inserting a <p> into a <p> or <li> or such will remove the child
+<p>, adding its contents to the parent instead. Adding an <li> or <hr> as the
+child of a <p> works, as does an <a> inside an <a>, <h2> inside <h1>, <li>
+inside <li>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, <b> inside <xmp>, etc. (all unserializable).
+But <dt> and <dd> seem to get converted to their contents like <p>.
+<ol><li>abc</ol> inside <ol><li>f[o]o</ol> becomes
+<ol><li>f<li>abc<li><li>o</ol>, interestingly (note the empty <li>). I don't
+understand how it works, but it doesn't seem to make much sense.
+Opera 11.11: Seems to do almost no validity or serialization checks, except
+that it prevents <a> inside <a>, <nobr> inside <nobr>, and block elements
+inside inline elements. Interestingly, most of the places where it's
+non-serializable per HTML parsing are actually serializable in Opera's own
+ <li><span>Delete the contents</span> of the <span>active range</span>.
+ <li>Let <var>frag</var> be the result of calling <code data-anolis-spec=domps
+ title=dom-Range-createContextualFragment>createContextualFragment(<var>value</var>)</code>
+ on the <span>active range</span>.
+ <li>Let <var>last child</var> be the [[lastchild]] of <var>frag</var>.
+ <li>If <var>last child</var> is null, abort these steps.
+ <!-- Firefox 5.0a2 also seems to not add empty elements like <b></b>, but
+ Chrome 13 dev and Opera 11.11 do. -->
+ <li>Let <var>descendants</var> be all [[descendants]] of <var>frag</var>.
+ <li>If the <span>active range</span>'s [[startnode]] is a <span>prohibited
+ paragraph child</span> whose sole [[child]] is a [[br]], and its
+ [[startoffset]] is 0, remove its [[startnode]]'s [[child]] from it.
+ <!--
+ This is so we don't get something like
+ <div>[foo]</div>
+ -> <div>{}<br></div>
+ -> <div><p>Some HTML{}</p><br></div>
+ with an extra bogus line break at the end.
+ -->
+ <li>Call [[insertnode|<var>frag</var>]] on the <span>active range</span>.
+ <li>Set the <span>active range</span>'s [[rangestart]] and [[rangeend]] to
+ (<var>last child</var>, [[nodelength]] of <var>last child</var>).
+ <!-- Need to do this before fixing disallowed ancestors, since otherwise the
+ last child might have been removed (e.g., it's an li). -->
+ <li><span>Fix disallowed ancestors</span> of each member of
+ <var>descendants</var>.
+ <!-- We want to fix all descendants, not just children. Consider
+ <div><li>foo</li></div>, for example. -->
+<!-- @} -->
+<h3><dfn>The <code title>insertImage</code> command</dfn></h3>
+<!-- @{ -->
+ <li>If <var>value</var> is the empty string, abort these steps and do
+ nothing.
+ <!-- Similar logic to createLink, except even more compelling, since an HTML
+ document linking to itself as an image is just silly. In fact, the current
+ HTML spec instructs UAs to not even try displaying the image, and just fail
+ immediately if the URL is empty. Firefox 4b11 bails out on an empty string,
+ but the other three browsers I tested stick in the <img> anyway. -->
+ <li>Let <var>range</var> be the <span>active range</span>.
+ <li><span>Delete the contents</span> of <var>range</var>.
+ <li>If <var>range</var>'s [[startnode]] is a <span>prohibited paragraph
+ child</span> whose sole [[child]] is a [[br]], and its [[startoffset]] is 0,
+ remove its [[startnode]]'s [[child]] from it.
+ <!-- Same logic as with insertHTML. -->
+ <li>Let <var>img</var> be the result of calling [[createelement|"img"]] on
+ the [[contextobject]].
+ <li>Run [[setattribute|"src", <var>value</var>]] on <var>img</var>.
+ <!-- No alt text, so it's probably invalid. This matches all browsers. -->
+ <li>Run [[insertnode|<var>img</var>]] on <var>range</var>.
+ <!--
+ This winds up putting it at the original start point of the active range, as
+ currently specced. This matches IE9 and Firefox 5.0a2. Chrome 13 dev puts
+ it at the end point, and Opera 11.11 puts it in between (where the range
+ would collapse if you called deleteContents()).
+ -->
+ <li>Let <var>selection</var> be the result of calling [[getselection]] on the
+ [[contextobject]].
+ <li>Run [[selcollapse|]] on <var>selection</var>, with first argument equal
+ to the [[parent]] of <var>img</var> and the second argument equal to one plus
+ the [[index]] of <var>img</var>.
+<!-- @} -->
<h3><dfn>The <code title>insertHorizontalRule</code> command</dfn></h3>
<!-- @{ -->