Fold constructor info from Appendix into main text body for each event.
Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:19:39 +0900
changeset 551 7732919a7eaa
parent 550 ad185136ba6d
child 552 c6c04c8a25af
Fold constructor info from Appendix into main text body for each event.
Remove references to UI Events as a source of info on event initialization.
Minor reformat text associated with each event to aid readability.
Add "issue"s to track remaining work items.
Fix interface for InputEvent (mistakenly called WheelEventInit).
Remove 'char' from KeyboardEventInit.
Simplify text in Appendix A.
Add buttonsArg to initMouseEvent.
--- a/html/DOM3-Events.html	Thu Nov 14 18:34:15 2013 +0900
+++ b/html/DOM3-Events.html	Fri Nov 15 18:19:39 2013 +0900
@@ -1001,17 +1001,25 @@
 	<section id="event-interfaces">
 		<h1>Basic Event Interfaces</h1>
-		<p>The interfaces described in this section are fundamental to DOM Level 3 Events and MUST always be supported by the implementation.</p>
-		<p>The event types defined in this specification derive from these basic interfaces, and MUST inherit all of the attributes, methods, and constants of the interfaces
-			they derive from.  Event types defined in other specifications MAY similarly inherit from these basic interfaces or other interfaces defined in this specification,
-			or MAY define their own interfaces.  The following chart describes the inheritance structure of interfaces defined in this specification.</p>
+		<p>The interfaces described in this section are fundamental to DOM Level 3 Events and MUST
+			always be supported by the implementation.
+			</p>
+		<p>The event types defined in this specification derive from these basic interfaces, and MUST
+			inherit all of the attributes, methods, and constants of the interfaces they derive from.
+			Event types defined in other specifications MAY similarly inherit from these basic interfaces
+			or other interfaces defined in this specification, or MAY define their own interfaces.
+			The following chart describes the inheritance structure of interfaces defined in this specification.
+			</p>
 		<figure id="figure-event-inheritance">
 			<img src='images/event-inheritance.svg' width="960" height="230" />
 			<figcaption>Graphical representation of the DOM3 Events interface inheritance</figcaption>
+		<p class="issue">
+			Need to add InputEvent to this diagram.
+			</p>
 		<section id="interface-Event">
 			<h2>Interface Event</h2>
@@ -1020,8 +1028,10 @@
 			<p>The <code>Event</code> interface provides basic contextual information about an event to
 				all registered <a class="def" href="#glossary-event-handler">event handlers</a>.
 				Specific events can also implement other derived interfaces, for example the
-				<a href="#interface-UIEvent"><code>UIEvent</code></a> and <a href="#interface-MouseEvent">
-				<code>MouseEvent</code></a> interfaces.
+					<a href="#interface-UIEvent"><code>UIEvent</code></a>
+				and
+					<a href="#interface-MouseEvent"><code>MouseEvent</code></a>
+				interfaces.
 			<p>To create an instance of the <code>Event</code> interface, use the
@@ -1029,7 +1039,12 @@
 				method call.
-			<dl class="idl" title="interface Event">
+			<dl class="idl" title="dictionary EventInit">
+				<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
+				<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
+			</dl>
+			<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional EventInit eventInitDict] interface Event">
 				<dt>// PhaseType</dt>
 				<dt>const unsigned short NONE = 0</dt>
@@ -1316,7 +1331,11 @@
 				method call.
-			<dl class="idl" title="interface CustomEvent">
+			<dl class="idl" title="dictionary CustomEventInit">
+				<dt>any detail = null</dt><dd></dd>
+			</dl>
+			<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional CustomEventInit customEventInitDict] interface CustomEvent">
 				<dt>readonly attribute any detail</dt>
 					<p>Specifies some detail information about the <a href="#interface-Event"><code>Event</code></a>.
@@ -1927,10 +1946,14 @@
 					<p class="intro-dom">Introduced in DOM Level 2</p>
-					<p>The <code>UIEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.</p>
-					<p>To create an instance of the <code>UIEvent</code> interface, use the <a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("UIEvent")</code></a>
-						method call.</p>
+					<p>The <code>UIEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated
+						with User Interface events.
+						</p>
+					<p>To create an instance of the <code>UIEvent</code> interface, use the
+						<a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("UIEvent")</code></a>
+						method call.
+						</p>
 					<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString type, optional UIEventInit eventInitDict)] interface UIEvent : Event">
 						<dt>readonly attribute AbstractView? view</dt>
@@ -1971,8 +1994,11 @@
 				</section>  <!-- interface-UIEvent -->
-				<p>The User Interface event types are listed below.  Some of these events use the <a href="#interface-UIEvent"><code>UIEvent</code></a> interface if generated from a
-					user interface, but the <a href="#interface-Event"><code>Event</code></a> interface otherwise, as detailed in each event.</p>
+				<p>The User Interface event types are listed below.  Some of these events use the
+					<a href="#interface-UIEvent"><code>UIEvent</code></a> interface if generated from a
+					user interface, but the <a href="#interface-Event"><code>Event</code></a> interface
+					otherwise, as detailed in each event.
+					</p>
 				<!-- load -->
 				<div class="event-definition">
@@ -2403,27 +2429,31 @@
 			<section id="events-focusevent">
 				<h3>Focus Event Types</h3>
-				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> This interface and its associated event types and <a href="#events-focusevent-event-order">focus event
-					order</a> were designed in accordance to the concepts and guidelines defined in <a href="">User Agent Accessibility
-					Guidelines 2.0</a> [<a href="#references-UAAG2">UAAG 2.0</a>], with particular attention on the <a href="">
-					focus mechanism</a> and the terms defined in the <a href="">glossary entry for focus</a>.</p>
+				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+					This interface and its associated event types and
+						<a href="#events-focusevent-event-order">focus event order</a>
+					were designed in accordance to the concepts and guidelines defined in
+						<a href="">User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.0</a>
+						[<a href="#references-UAAG2">UAAG 2.0</a>],
+					with particular attention on the
+						<a href="">focus mechanism</a>
+					and the terms defined in the
+						<a href="">glossary entry for focus</a>.
+					</p>
 				<section id="interface-FocusEvent">
 					<h4>Interface FocusEvent</h4>
 					<p class="intro-dom">Introduced in DOM Level 3</p>
-					<p>The <code>FocusEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated with Focus events.</p>
-					<p>
-						To create an instance of the <code>FocusEvent</code> interface, use the <a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("FocusEvent")</code></a>
+					<p>The <code>FocusEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated
+						with Focus events.
+						</p>
+					<p>To create an instance of the <code>FocusEvent</code> interface, use the
+						<a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("FocusEvent")</code></a>
 						method call.
-					</p>
-					<p class="note">
-						<strong>Authoring Note: </strong>See [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>] for information about programmatically initializing
-						FocusEvent objects.
-					</p>
+						</p>
 		            <dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional FocusEventInit focusEventInitDict)] interface FocusEvent : UIEvent">
 						<dt>readonly attribute EventTarget? relatedTarget</dt>
@@ -2800,129 +2830,219 @@
 					<p class="intro-dom">Introduced in DOM Level 2, modified in DOM Level 3</p>
-					<p>The <code>MouseEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.</p>
-					<p>In the case of nested elements, mouse events are always targeted at the most deeply nested element.</p>
-					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Ancestors of the targeted element can use event bubbling to obtain notifications of mouse events which occur within their descendent
-						elements.</p>
-					<p>To create an instance of the <code>MouseEvent</code> interface, use the <a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("MouseEvent")</code></a>
-						method call.</p>
-					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> When initializing <code>MouseEvent</code> objects using <code>initMouseEvent</code>, implementations can use the client
-						coordinates <code>clientX</code> and <code>clientY</code> for calculation of other coordinates (such as target coordinates exposed by <a class="def" href="#glossary-DOM-Level-0">
-						DOM Level 0</a> implementations or other proprietary attributes, e.g., <code>pageX</code>).</p>
+					<p>The <code>MouseEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information
+						associated with Mouse events.
+						</p>
+					<p>In the case of nested elements, mouse events are always targeted at the most deeply
+						nested element.
+						</p>
+					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+						Ancestors of the targeted element can use event bubbling to obtain notifications
+						of mouse events which occur within their descendent elements.
+						</p>
+					<p>To create an instance of the <code>MouseEvent</code> interface, use the
+						<a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("MouseEvent")</code></a>
+						method call.
+						</p>
+					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+						When initializing <code>MouseEvent</code> objects using <code>initMouseEvent</code>,
+						implementations can use the client coordinates <code>clientX</code> and <code>clientY</code>
+						for calculation of other coordinates (such as target coordinates exposed by
+							<a class="def" href="#glossary-DOM-Level-0">DOM Level 0</a>
+						implementations or other proprietary attributes, e.g., <code>pageX</code>).
+						</p>
 					<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional MouseEventInit mouseEventInitDict)] interface MouseEvent : UIEvent">
 						<dt>readonly attribute long screenX</dt>
-							<p>The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the origin of the screen coordinate system.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.</p>
+							<p>The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the origin
+								of the screen coordinate system.
+								</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute long screenY</dt>
-							<p>The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the origin of the screen coordinate system.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.</p>
+							<p>The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the origin
+								of the screen coordinate system.
+								</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute long clientX</dt>
-							<p>The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the viewport associated with the event.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.</p>
+							<p>The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the viewport
+								associated with the event.
+								</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute long clientY</dt>
-							<p>The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the viewport associated with the event.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.</p>
+							<p>The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the viewport
+								associated with the event.
+								</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute boolean ctrlKey</dt>
 							<p>Refer to the <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-ctrlKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey</code></a> attribute.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>false</code>.</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>false</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute boolean shiftKey</dt>
 							<p>Refer to the <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-shiftKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.shiftKey</code></a> attribute.</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>false</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute boolean altKey</dt>
 							<p>Refer to the <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-altKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.altKey</code></a> attribute.</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>false</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute boolean metaKey</dt>
 							<p>Refer to the <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-metaKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.metaKey</code></a> attribute.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>false</code>.</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>false</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute unsigned short button</dt>
-							<p>During mouse events caused by the depression or release of a mouse button, <code>button</code> MUST be used to indicate which pointer device button changed state.</p>
-							<p>The value of the <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-button"><code>MouseEvent.button</code></a> attribute MUST be as follows:</p>
+							<p>During mouse events caused by the depression or release of a mouse button,
+								<code>button</code> MUST be used to indicate which pointer device button
+								changed state.
+								</p>
+							<p>The value of the <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-button"><code>MouseEvent.button</code></a>
+								attribute MUST be as follows:
+								</p>
-								<li><code>0</code> MUST indicate the primary button of the device (in general, the left button  or the only button on single-button devices, used to activate a user
-									interface control or select text) or the un-initialized value.</li>
-								<li><code>1</code> MUST indicate the auxiliary button (in general, the middle button, often combined with a mouse wheel).</li>
-								<li><code>2</code> MUST indicate the secondary button (in general, the right button, often used to display a context menu).</li>
+								<li><code>0</code> MUST indicate the primary button of the device
+									(in general, the left button  or the only button on single-button devices,
+									used to activate a user interface control or select text) or the
+									un-initialized value.</li>
+								<li><code>1</code> MUST indicate the auxiliary button
+									(in general, the middle button, often combined with a mouse wheel).</li>
+								<li><code>2</code> MUST indicate the secondary button
+									(in general, the right button, often used to display a context menu).</li>
-							<p>Some pointing devices provide or simulate more buttons, and values higher than <code>2</code> MAY be used to represent such buttons.</p>
-							<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The value of <code>button</code> is not updated for events not caused by the depression/release of a mouse button. In these
-								scenarios, take care not to interpret the value <code>0</code> as the left button, but rather as the <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized
-								value</a></p>
-							<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong> Some <a class="def" href="#glossary-default-action">default actions</a> related to events such as
-								<a class="eventtype"><code>mousedown</code></a> and <a class="eventtype"><code>mouseup</code></a> depend on the specific mouse button in use.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.</p>
+							<p>Some pointing devices provide or simulate more buttons, and values higher than
+								<code>2</code> MAY be used to represent such buttons.
+								</p>
+							<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+								The value of <code>button</code> is not updated for events not caused by the
+								depression/release of a mouse button.
+								In these scenarios, take care not to interpret the value <code>0</code> as the
+								left button, but rather as the
+									<a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>.
+								</p>
+							<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong>
+								Some <a class="def" href="#glossary-default-action">default actions</a> related
+								to events such as <a class="eventtype"><code>mousedown</code></a> and
+								<a class="eventtype"><code>mouseup</code></a> depend on the specific mouse
+								button in use.
+								</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute unsigned short buttons</dt>
-							<p>During any mouse events, <code>buttons</code> MUST be used to indicate which combination of mouse buttons are
-								currently being pressed, expressed as a bitmask.</p>
-							<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Though similarly named, the values for the <code>buttons</code> attribute and the <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-button"><code>button</code></a>
-								attribute are very different. The value of <code>button</code> is assumed to be valid during <a class="eventtype"><code>mousedown</code></a>/
-								<a class="eventtype"><code>mouseup</code></a> event handlers, whereas the <code>buttons</code> attribute reflects the state of the mouse's buttons for any
-								trusted <code>MouseEvent</code> object (while it is being dispatched), because it can represent the "no button currently active" state (0).</p>
-							<p>The value of the <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-buttons"><code>MouseEvent.buttons</code></a> attribute MUST be as follows:</p>
+							<p>During any mouse events, <code>buttons</code> MUST be used to indicate
+								which combination of mouse buttons are currently being pressed,
+								expressed as a bitmask.
+								</p>
+							<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+								Though similarly named, the values for the <code>buttons</code> attribute
+								and the <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-button"><code>button</code></a>
+								attribute are very different.
+								The value of <code>button</code> is assumed to be valid during
+								<a class="eventtype"><code>mousedown</code></a> /
+								<a class="eventtype"><code>mouseup</code></a> event handlers,
+								whereas the <code>buttons</code> attribute reflects the state of the
+								mouse's buttons for any trusted <code>MouseEvent</code> object
+								(while it is being dispatched), because it can represent the
+								"no button currently active" state (0).
+								</p>
+							<p>The value of the <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-buttons"><code>MouseEvent.buttons</code></a>
+								attribute MUST be as follows:
+								</p>
 								<li><code>0</code> MUST indicate no button is currently active.</li>
-								<li><code>1</code> MUST indicate the primary button of the device (in general, the left button or the only button on single-button devices, used to activate a user
-									interface control or select text).</li>
-								<li><code>2</code> MUST indicate the secondary button (in general, the right button, often used to display a context menu), if present.</li>
-								<li><code>4</code> MUST indicate the auxiliary button (in general, the middle button, often combined with a mouse wheel).</li>
+								<li><code>1</code> MUST indicate the primary button of the device
+									(in general, the left button or the only button on single-button devices,
+									used to activate a user interface control or select text).</li>
+								<li><code>2</code> MUST indicate the secondary button
+									(in general, the right button, often used to display a context menu), if present.</li>
+								<li><code>4</code> MUST indicate the auxiliary button
+									(in general, the middle button, often combined with a mouse wheel).</li>
-							<p>Some pointing devices provide or simulate more buttons.  To represent such buttons, the value MUST be doubled for each successive button (in the binary series <code>
-								8</code>, <code>16</code>, <code>32</code>, ... ).</p>
-							<p class="note" id="buttons-mask"><strong>Note:</strong> Because the sum of any set of button values is a unique number, a content author can use a bitwise operation
-								to determine how many buttons are currently being pressed and which buttons they are, for an arbitrary number of mouse buttons on a device, e.g., the value <code>3</code>
-								indicates that the left and right button are currently both pressed, while the value <code>5</code> indicates that the left and middle button are currently both
-								pressed.</p>
-							<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note: </strong>Some <a class="def" href="#glossary-default-action">default actions</a> related to events such as
-								<a class="eventtype"><code>mousedown</code></a> and <a class="eventtype"><code>mouseup</code></a> depend on the specific mouse button in use.</p>
-							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a> of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.</p>
+							<p>Some pointing devices provide or simulate more buttons.
+								To represent such buttons, the value MUST be doubled for each successive button
+								(in the binary series <code>8</code>, <code>16</code>, <code>32</code>, ... ).
+								</p>
+							<p class="note" id="buttons-mask"><strong>Note:</strong>
+								Because the sum of any set of button values is a unique number, a content
+								author can use a bitwise operation to determine how many buttons are currently
+								being pressed and which buttons they are, for an arbitrary number of mouse buttons
+								on a device.
+								For example, the value <code>3</code> indicates that the left and right button are
+								currently both pressed, while the value <code>5</code> indicates that the left and
+								middle button are currently both pressed.
+								</p>
+							<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong>
+								Some <a class="def" href="#glossary-default-action">default actions</a> related
+								to events such as <a class="eventtype"><code>mousedown</code></a> and
+								<a class="eventtype"><code>mouseup</code></a> depend on the specific mouse button
+								in use.
+								</p>
+							<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-un-initialized-value">un-initialized value</a>
+								of this attribute MUST be <code>0</code>.
+								</p>
 						<dt>readonly attribute EventTarget? relatedTarget</dt>
@@ -2938,9 +3058,13 @@
 							<p class="intro-dom">Introduced in DOM Level 3</p>
-							<p>Queries the state of a modifier using a key value. See also <a href="#keys-modifiers">Modifier keys</a>.</p>
-							<p>Returns <code>true</code> if it is a modifier key and the modifier is activated, <code>false</code> otherwise.</p>
+							<p>Queries the state of a modifier using a key value.
+								See also <a href="#keys-modifiers">Modifier keys</a>.
+								</p>
+							<p>Returns <code>true</code> if it is a modifier key and the modifier is activated,
+								<code>false</code> otherwise.
+								</p>
 							<dl class="parameters">
 								<dt>DOMString keyArg</dt>
@@ -4282,41 +4406,73 @@
 				<div class="example">
 					<div class="example-title"></div>
-					<p>The user's environment might be configured to associate vertical scrolling with rotation along the y-axis, horizontal
-					scrolling with rotation along the x-axis, and zooming with rotation along the z-axis.</p>
+					<p>The user's environment might be configured to associate vertical scrolling
+						with rotation along the y-axis, horizontal scrolling with rotation along
+						the x-axis, and zooming with rotation along the z-axis.
+						</p>
-				<p>The deltaX, deltaY, and deltaZ attributes of <a href="#interface-WheelEvent"><code>WheelEvent</code></a> objects indicate a measurement along their respective axes
-					in units of pixels, lines, or pages. The reported measurements are provided after an environment-specific algorithm translates the actual rotation/movement of
-					the wheel device into the appropriate values and units.</p>
-				<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong> A user's environment settings can be customized to interpret actual rotation/movement of a wheel device in different ways.
-					One movement of a common <q>dented</q> mouse wheel can produce a measurement of 162 pixels (162 is just an example value, actual values can depend on the current screen
-					dimensions of the user-agent). But a user can change their default environment settings to speed-up their mouse wheel, increasing this number. Furthermore, some
-					mouse wheel software can support acceleration (the faster the wheel is rotated/moved, the greater the delta of each measurement) or even sub-pixel rotation measurements.
-					Because of this, authors can not assume a given rotation amount in one user agent will produce the same delta value in all user agents.</p>
-				<p>The sign (positive or negative) of the values of the deltaX, deltaY, and deltaZ attributes MUST be consistent between multiple dispatches of the
-					<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-wheel"><code>wheel</code></a> event while the motion of the actual wheel device is rotating/moving in the same direction. If a user agent scrolls as the
-					default action of the <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-wheel"><code>wheel</code></a> event then the sign of the delta SHOULD be given by a right-hand coordinate system where positive X,
-					Y, and Z axes are directed towards the right-most edge, bottom-most edge, and farthest depth (away from the user) of the document, respectively.</p>
-				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Individual user agents can (depending on their environment and hardware configuration) interpret the same physical user interaction
-					on the wheel differently. For example, a vertical swipe on the edge of a trackpad from top to bottom can be interpreted as a wheel action intended to either scroll the
-					page down or to pan the page up (i.e., resulting in either a positive or negative deltaY value respectively).</p>
+				<p>The deltaX, deltaY, and deltaZ attributes of
+					<a href="#interface-WheelEvent"><code>WheelEvent</code></a> objects indicate a
+					measurement along their respective axes in units of pixels, lines, or pages.
+					The reported measurements are provided after an environment-specific algorithm
+					translates the actual rotation/movement of the wheel device into the appropriate
+					values and units.
+					</p>
+				<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong>
+					A user's environment settings can be customized to interpret actual rotation/movement
+					of a wheel device in different ways.
+					One movement of a common <q>dented</q> mouse wheel can produce a measurement of 162 pixels
+					(162 is just an example value, actual values can depend on the current screen
+					dimensions of the user-agent).
+					But a user can change their default environment settings to speed-up their mouse wheel,
+					increasing this number.
+					Furthermore, some mouse wheel software can support acceleration (the faster the wheel
+					is rotated/moved, the greater the delta of each measurement) or even sub-pixel rotation
+					measurements.
+					Because of this, authors can not assume a given rotation amount in one user agent will
+					produce the same delta value in all user agents.
+					</p>
+				<p>The sign (positive or negative) of the values of the deltaX, deltaY, and deltaZ attributes
+					MUST be consistent between multiple dispatches of the
+					<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-wheel"><code>wheel</code></a> event while the
+					motion of the actual wheel device is rotating/moving in the same direction.
+					If a user agent scrolls as the default action of the
+					<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-wheel"><code>wheel</code></a> event then the sign
+					of the delta SHOULD be given by a right-hand coordinate system where positive X,
+					Y, and Z axes are directed towards the right-most edge, bottom-most edge, and farthest
+					depth (away from the user) of the document, respectively.
+					</p>
+				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+					Individual user agents can (depending on their environment and hardware configuration)
+					interpret the same physical user interaction on the wheel differently.
+					For example, a vertical swipe on the edge of a trackpad from top to bottom can be
+					interpreted as a wheel action intended to either scroll the
+					page down or to pan the page up (i.e., resulting in either a positive or negative
+					deltaY value respectively).
+					</p>
 				<section id="interface-WheelEvent">
 					<h4>Interface WheelEvent</h4>
 					<p class="intro-dom">Introduced in DOM Level 3</p>
-					<p>The <code>WheelEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated with <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-wheel"><code>wheel</code></a> events.</p>
-					<p>To create an instance of the <code>WheelEvent</code> interface, use the <a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("WheelEvent")</code></a>
-						method call.</p>
-					<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note: </strong>See [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>] for information about programmatically initializing
-						WheelEvent objects.</p>
+					<p>The <code>WheelEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information
+						associated with <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-wheel"><code>wheel</code></a>
+						events.
+						</p>
+					<p>To create an instance of the <code>WheelEvent</code> interface, use the
+						<a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("WheelEvent")</code></a>
+						method call.
+						</p>
+					<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong>
+						See [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>] for information about programmatically
+						initializing WheelEvent objects.</p>
 					<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional WheelEventInit wheelEventInitDict)] interface WheelEvent : MouseEvent">
 						<dt>// DeltaModeCode</dt>
@@ -4551,7 +4707,7 @@
 					<p class="intro-dom">Introduced in DOM Level 3</p>
-					<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional InputEventInit inputEventInitDict)] interface InputEvent : Event">
+					<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional InputEventInit inputEventInitDict)] interface InputEvent : UIEvent">
 						<dt>readonly attribute DOMString data</dt>
 							<p><code>data</code> holds the value of the characters generated by an input method.
@@ -4569,7 +4725,7 @@
-					<dl class="idl" title="dictionary WheelEventInit: MouseEventInit">
+					<dl class="idl" title="dictionary InputEventInit : UIEventInit">
 						<dt>DOMString data = ""</dt>
 							<p>Initializes the <code>data</code> attribute of the InputEvent object.
@@ -4719,32 +4875,53 @@
 			<section id="events-keyboardevents">
 				<h3>Keyboard Event Types</h3>
-				<p>Keyboard events are device dependent, i.e., they rely on the capabilities of the input devices and how they are mapped in the operating systems. Refer to <a href="#keys">
-					Keyboard events and key values</a> for more details, including examples on how Keyboard Events are used in combination with Composition Events. Depending on the
-					character generation device, keyboard events might not be generated.</p>
-				<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong> Keyboard events are only one modality of providing textual input. For editing scenarios, consider also using the "input" event
-					defined in [<cite><a class="informative" href="#references-HTML5">HTML5</a></cite>] as an alternate to (or in addition to) keyboard events.</p>
+				<p>Keyboard events are device dependent, i.e., they rely on the capabilities of the
+					input devices and how they are mapped in the operating systems. Refer to
+					<a href="#keys">Keyboard events and key values</a> for more details, including
+					examples on how Keyboard Events are used in combination with Composition Events.
+					Depending on the
+					character generation device, keyboard events might not be generated.
+					</p>
+				<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note:</strong>
+					Keyboard events are only one modality of providing textual input.
+					For editing scenarios, consider also using the
+						<a href="#interface-InputEvent"><code>InputEvent</code></a>
+					as an alternate to (or in addition to) keyboard events.
+					</p>
 				<section id="interface-KeyboardEvent">
 					<h4>Interface KeyboardEvent</h4>
 					<p class="intro-dom">Introduced in DOM Level 3</p>
-					<p>The <a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a> interface provides specific contextual information associated with keyboard devices. Each keyboard event references a key using a
-						value. Keyboard events are commonly directed at the element that has the focus.</p>
-					<p>The <a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a> interface provides convenient attributes for some common modifiers keys: <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-ctrlKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey</code></a>,
-						<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-shiftKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.shiftKey</code></a>, <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-altKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.altKey</code></a>,
-						<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-metaKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.metaKey</code></a>. These attributes are equivalent to using the method <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-getModifierState">
-						<code>KeyboardEvent.getModifierState(keyArg)</code></a> with <code class="key">'Control'</code>, <code class="key">'Shift'</code>, <code class="key">'Alt'</code>,
-						or <code class="key">'Meta'</code> respectively.</p>
-					<p>To create an instance of the <a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a> interface, use the <a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("KeyboardEvent")</code></a>
-						method call.</p>
-					<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note: </strong>See [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>] for information about programmatically initializing
-						<a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a> objects.</p>
+					<p>The <a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a> interface
+						provides specific contextual information associated with keyboard devices.
+						Each keyboard event references a key using a value.
+						Keyboard events are commonly directed at the element that has the focus.
+						</p>
+					<p>The <a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a> interface
+						provides convenient attributes for some common modifiers keys:
+							<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-ctrlKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey</code></a>,
+							<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-shiftKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.shiftKey</code></a>,
+							<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-altKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.altKey</code></a>,
+							<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-metaKey"><code>KeyboardEvent.metaKey</code></a>.
+						These attributes are equivalent to using the method
+							<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-getModifierState"><code>KeyboardEvent.getModifierState(keyArg)</code></a>
+						with
+							<code class="key">'Control'</code>,
+							<code class="key">'Shift'</code>,
+							<code class="key">'Alt'</code>, or
+							<code class="key">'Meta'</code>
+						respectively.
+						</p>
+					<p>To create an instance of the <a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a>
+						interface, use the
+							<a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("KeyboardEvent")</code></a>
+						method call.
+						</p>
 					<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional KeyboardEventInit keyboardEventInitDict)] interface KeyboardEvent : UIEvent">
 						<dt>// KeyLocationCode</dt>
@@ -4883,8 +5060,12 @@
 										<a href="#key-Shift"><code class="key">'Shift'</code></a>
 										<a href="#key-SymbolLock"><code class="key">'SymbolLock'</code></a>, and
 										<a href="#key-OS"><code class="key">'OS'</code></a>
-										User agents MAY support additional implementation-specific modifier keys depending on the environment.</p>
+										User agents MAY support additional implementation-specific modifier keys
+										depending on the environment.
+										</p>
+									<p class="issue">Refer to table rather than listing the modifier keys here.</p>
 									<p>Returns <code>true</code> if it is a modifier key and the modifier is activated, <code>false</code> otherwise.</p>
 									<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If an application wishes to distinguish between right and left modifiers, this information could be
@@ -4896,16 +5077,6 @@
 					<dl class="idl" title="dictionary KeyboardEventInit : UIEventInit">
-						<dt>DOMString char = ""</dt>
-						<dd>
-							<p>Initializes the <code>char</code> attribute of the KeyboardEvent
-								object to the unicode character string representing a printable 
-								character. If the related <code>key</code> value is not a printable
-								character, then this attribute should be assigned the empty string
-								(which is the default value).
-								</p>
-						</dd>
 						<dt>DOMString key = ""</dt>
 							<p>Initializes the <code>key</code> attribute of the KeyboardEvent
@@ -4913,8 +5084,9 @@
 								key after taking into account all keyboard modifications (such as 
 								shift-state). This value is the final effective value of the key. 
 								If the key is not a printable character, then it should be one of
-								the key values defined in [[DOM-LEVEL-3-EVENTS]] *** Fix ref ***.
-								</p>
+								the key values defined in [[DOM-LEVEL-3-EVENTS]].
+								</p>
+							<p class="issue">Fix DOM3 reference markup</p>
 						<dt>DOMString code = ""</dt>
@@ -4987,31 +5159,44 @@
 				<div class="warning">
-					<p>Legacy keyboard event implementations include three additional attributes, <code>keyCode</code>, <code>charCode</code>, and
-						<code>which</code>.  The <code>keyCode</code> attribute indicates a numeric value associated with a particular key on a computer keyboard,
-						while the <code>charCode</code> attribute indicates the <acronym title="American Standard Code for Information Interchange">ASCII</acronym> value of the character
-						associated with that key (which might be the same as the <code>keyCode</code> value) and is applicable only to keys that produce a
+					<p>Legacy keyboard event implementations include three additional attributes,
+						<code>keyCode</code>, <code>charCode</code>, and <code>which</code>.
+						The <code>keyCode</code> attribute indicates a numeric value associated with
+						a particular key on a computer keyboard,
+						while the <code>charCode</code> attribute indicates the
+						<acronym title="American Standard Code for Information Interchange">ASCII</acronym>
+						value of the character associated with that key (which might be the same as
+						the <code>keyCode</code> value) and is applicable only to keys that produce a
 						<a class="def" href="#glossary-character-value">character value</a>.
 					<p>In practice, <code>keyCode</code> and <code>charCode</code> are inconsistent across platforms
 						and even the same implementation on different operating systems or using different localizations.
 						DOM Level 3 Events  does not define values for either
 						<code>keyCode</code> or <code>charCode</code>, or behavior for <code>charCode</code>.
-						In conforming DOM Level 3 Events implementations, content authors can instead use <a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-key"><code>KeyboardEvent.key</code></a>.
+						In conforming DOM Level 3 Events implementations, content authors can instead use
+						<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-key"><code>KeyboardEvent.key</code></a> and
+						<a href="#widl-KeyboardEvent-code"><code>KeyboardEvent.code</code></a>.
-					<p><em>For more information, see the informative appendix on <a href="#legacy-key-attributes">Legacy key attributes</a>.</em>
+					<p><em>For more information, see the informative appendix on
+						<a href="#legacy-key-attributes">Legacy key attributes</a>.</em>
-				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> For compatibility with existing content, virtual keyboards, such as software keyboards on screen-based
-					input devices, are expected to produce the normal range of keyboard events, even though they do not possess physical keys.</p>
-				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> In some implementations or system configurations, some key events, or their values, might be suppressed
-					by the <a class="def" href="#glossary-ime">IME</a> in use.</p>
+				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+					For compatibility with existing content, virtual keyboards, such as software keyboards
+					on screen-based input devices, are expected to produce the normal range of keyboard
+					events, even though they do not possess physical keys.
+					</p>
+				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+					In some implementations or system configurations, some key events, or their values,
+					might be suppressed by the <a class="def" href="#glossary-ime">IME</a> in use.
+					</p>
 				<section id="events-keyboard-event-order">
 					<h4>Keyboard Event Order</h4>
-					<p>The keyboard events defined in this specification occur in a set order relative to one another, for any given key:</p>
+					<p>The keyboard events defined in this specification occur in a set order relative
+						to one another, for any given key:</p>
 					<table class="event-sequence-table">
@@ -5045,7 +5230,8 @@
-					<p>If the key is depressed for a sustained period, the following events MAY repeat at an environment-dependent rate: <!-- and the key should seek counseling -->
+					<p>If the key is depressed for a sustained period, the following events MAY repeat
+						at an environment-dependent rate: <!-- and the key should seek counseling -->
 					<table class="event-sequence-table">
@@ -5071,19 +5257,32 @@
-					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Typically, any <a class="def" href="#glossary-default-action">default actions</a> associated with any particular
-						key are completed before the <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-keyup"><code>keyup</code></a> event is dispatched. This might delay the <a class="eventtype"
-						href="#event-type-keyup"><code>keyup</code></a> event slightly (though this is not likely to be a perceptible delay).</p>
-					<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-event-target">event target</a> of a key event is the currently focused element which is processing the keyboard activity. This
-						is often an HTML <code>input</code> element or a textual element which is editable, but MAY be an element defined by the <a class="def" href="#glossary-host-language">
-						host language</a> to accept keyboard input for non-text purposes, such as the activation of a hotkey or trigger of some other behavior. If no suitable element
-						is in focus, the event target will be the root element.</p>
-					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>  The <a class="def" href="#glossary-event-target">event target</a> might change between different key events.
-						For example, a <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-keydown"><code>keydown</code></a> event for the <a href="#key-Tab"><code class="key">'Tab'</code></a> key
-						will likely have a different <a class="def" href="#glossary-event-target">event target</a> than the  <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-keyup"><code>keyup</code></a>
-						event on the same keystroke.</p>
+					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+						Typically, any <a class="def" href="#glossary-default-action">default actions</a>
+						associated with any particular key are completed before the
+						<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-keyup"><code>keyup</code></a> event is dispatched.
+						This might delay the <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-keyup"><code>keyup</code></a>
+						event slightly (though this is not likely to be a perceptible delay).
+						</p>
+					<p>The <a class="def" href="#glossary-event-target">event target</a> of a key event is
+						the currently focused element which is processing the keyboard activity.
+						This is often an HTML <code>input</code> element or a textual element which is editable,
+						but MAY be an element defined by the
+						<a class="def" href="#glossary-host-language">host language</a> to accept keyboard input
+						for non-text purposes, such as the activation of a hotkey or trigger of some other behavior.
+						If no suitable element is in focus, the event target will be the root element.
+						</p>
+					<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+						The <a class="def" href="#glossary-event-target">event target</a> might change between
+						different key events.
+						For example, a <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-keydown"><code>keydown</code></a>
+						event for the <a href="#key-Tab"><code class="key">'Tab'</code></a> key
+						will likely have a different <a class="def" href="#glossary-event-target">event target</a>
+						than the  <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-keyup"><code>keyup</code></a>
+						event on the same keystroke.
+						</p>
 				</section>  <!-- events-keyboard-event-order -->
 				<p>The keyboard event types are listed below.</p>
@@ -5284,24 +5483,41 @@
 			<section id="events-compositionevents">
 				<h3>Composition Event Types</h3>
-				<p>Composition Events provide a means for inputing text in a supplementary or alternate manner than by Keyboard Events, in order to allow the use of characters that
-					might not be commonly available on keyboard. For example, Composition Events might be used to add accents to characters despite their absence from standard US keyboards,
-					to build up logograms of many Asian languages from their base components or categories, to select word choices from a combination of key presses on a mobile device
-					keyboard, or to convert voice commands into text using a speech recognition processor.  Refer to <a href="#keys">Keyboard events and key values</a> for examples
-					on how Composition Events are used in combination with keyboard events.</p>
-				<p>Conceptually, a composition session consists of one <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-compositionstart"><code>compositionstart</code></a> event, one or more
-					<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-compositionupdate"><code>compositionupdate</code></a> events, and one <a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-compositionend">
-					<code>compositionend</code></a> event, with the value of the <a href="#widl-CompositionEvent-data"><code>data</code></a> attribute persisting between each <q>stage</q>
-					of this event chain during each session.</p>
-				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> While a composition session is active, keyboard events can be dispatched to the DOM if the keyboard is the input device used
-					with the composition session. See the <a href="#event-type-compositionstart"><code>compositionstart</code> event details</a> and <a href="#keys-IME">IME section</a>
-					for relevent event ordering.</p>
-				<p>Not all <a class="def" href="#glossary-ime">IME</a> systems or devices expose the necessary data to the DOM, so the active composition string (the <q>Reading Window</q>
-					or <q>candidate selection menu option</q>) might not be available through this interface, in which case the selection MAY be represented by the <a class="def" href="#glossary-empty-string">
-					empty string</a>.</p>
+				<p>Composition Events provide a means for inputing text in a supplementary or alternate
+					manner than by Keyboard Events, in order to allow the use of characters that
+					might not be commonly available on keyboard.
+					For example, Composition Events might be used
+						to add accents to characters despite their absence from standard US keyboards,
+						to build up logograms of many Asian languages from their base components or categories,
+						to select word choices from a combination of key presses on a mobile device keyboard,
+						or to convert voice commands into text using a speech recognition processor.
+					Refer to <a href="#keys">Keyboard events and key values</a> for examples
+					on how Composition Events are used in combination with keyboard events.
+					</p>
+				<p>Conceptually, a composition session consists of one
+						<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-compositionstart"><code>compositionstart</code></a>
+					event, one or more
+						<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-compositionupdate"><code>compositionupdate</code></a>
+					events, and one
+						<a class="eventtype" href="#event-type-compositionend"><code>compositionend</code></a>
+					event, with the value of the <a href="#widl-CompositionEvent-data"><code>data</code></a>
+					attribute persisting between each <q>stage</q> of this event chain during each session.
+					</p>
+				<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
+					While a composition session is active, keyboard events can be dispatched to the DOM
+					if the keyboard is the input device used with the composition session.
+					See the <a href="#event-type-compositionstart"><code>compositionstart</code> event details</a>
+					and <a href="#keys-IME">IME section</a> for relevent event ordering.
+					</p>
+				<p>Not all <a class="def" href="#glossary-ime">IME</a> systems or devices expose the necessary
+					data to the DOM, so the active composition string (the <q>Reading Window</q>
+					or <q>candidate selection menu option</q>) might not be available through this interface,
+					in which case the selection MAY be represented by the
+					<a class="def" href="#glossary-empty-string">empty string</a>.
+					</p>
 				<section id="interface-CompositionEvent">
 					<h4>Interface CompositionEvent</h4>
@@ -5313,9 +5529,6 @@
 					<p>To create an instance of the <code>CompositionEvent</code> interface, use the <a href="#widl-DocumentEvent-createEvent"><code>DocumentEvent.createEvent("CompositionEvent")</code></a>
 						method call.</p>
-					<p class="note"><strong>Authoring Note: </strong>See [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>] for information about programmatically initializing
-						<code>CompositionEvent</code> objects.</p>
 					<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional CompositionEventInit compositionEventInitDict)] interface CompositionEvent : UIEvent">
 						<dt>readonly attribute DOMString? data</dt>
@@ -7529,7 +7742,7 @@
 	</section>  <!-- keys -->
 	<!-- Appendix A: Legacy Event Initializers ========================================================-->
-	<section id="legacy-event-interface-initializers" class="appendix">
+	<section id="legacy-event-initializers" class="appendix">
 		<h1>Legacy Event Initializers</h1>
 		<p><em>This section is informative</em></p>
@@ -7544,8 +7757,9 @@
 		<div class="example">
 			<div class="example-title"></div>
-			<p>Initializing all the attributes of a MutationEvent requires calls to two initializer methods: <code>initEvent</code> and
-				<code>initMutationEvent</code>.</p>
+			<p>Initializing all the attributes of a MutationEvent requires calls to two initializer methods:
+				<code>initEvent</code> and <code>initMutationEvent</code>.
+				</p>
 		<p>Due in part to the length of time in the development of this standard, some implementations MAY have
@@ -7553,83 +7767,18 @@
 			For completeness, these legacy event intializers are described in this Appendix.
-		<p>These new event interfaces are:</p>
-		<ul>
-			<li><a href="#interface-CustomEvent"><code>CustomEvent</code></a></li>
-			<li><a href="#interface-FocusEvent"><code>FocusEvent</code></a></li>
-			<li><a href="#interface-WheelEvent"><code>WheelEvent</code></a></li>
-			<li><a href="#interface-KeyboardEvent"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a></li>
-			<li><a href="#interface-CompositionEvent"><code>CompositionEvent</code></a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<p>In DOM Level 2 Events, the initialization of these event interfaces was possible through an init
-			method on the interface (for example <code>initMouseEvent</code>).
-			These init methods needed a long list of parameters that, in most cases, did not fully initialize
-			all attributes of the event object. In order to fully initialize
-			an event interface which was derived from the basic <code>Event</code> interface, it was necessary
-			to call the initializer of each of the derived interfaces explicitly.
-			</p>
-		<section id="event-initializers">
-			<h2>Legacy Initializer Interfaces</h2>
+		<section id="legacy-event-initializer-interfaces">
+			<h2>Legacy Event Initializer Interfaces</h2>
 			<p><em>This section is informative</em></p>
-			<p>This section documents legacy initializer methods for the
-				following event interfaces introduced in DOM Level 3 Events:
+			<p>This section documents legacy initializer methods that were introduced in earlier
+				versions of the DOM Level 3 Events specification.
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-CustomEvent-initializers"><code>CustomEvent</code></a></li>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-FocusEvent-initializers"><code>FocusEvent</code></a></li>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-WheelEvent-initializers"><code>WheelEvent</code></a></li>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-KeyboardEvent-initializers"><code>KeyboardEvent</code></a></li>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-CompositionEvent-initializers"><code>CompositionEvent</code></a></li>
-			</ul>
-			<p>This section also documents suggested event constructors for the following event interfaces
-				which were introduced in DOM Level 2 Events [<a href="#references-DOM2Events">DOM2 Events</a>]
-				and deprecated in this specification:
-				</p>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-UIEvent-initializers"><code>UIEvent</code></a></li>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-MouseEvent-initializers"><code>MouseEvent</code></a></li>
-			</ul>
-			<p>For completeness, this section also documents suggested event constructors for the following event
-				interfaces which were introduced in DOM Level 2 Events
-				[<a href="#references-DOM2Events">DOM2 Events</a>] but not deprecated in this specification:
-				</p>
-			<ul>
-				<li><a href="#idl-interface-Event-initializers"><code>Event</code></a></li>
-			</ul>
-			<section id="idl-interface-Event-initializers">
-				<h3>Initializers for interface Event</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary EventInit">
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional EventInit eventInitDict] partial interface Event">
-				</dl>
-			</section>  <!-- idl-interface-Event-initializers -->
 			<section id="idl-interface-CustomEvent-initializers">
 				<h3>Initializers for interface CustomEvent</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary CustomEventInit">
-					<!-- Attributes from Event -->
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from CustomEvent -->
-					<dt>any detail = null</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional CustomEventInit customEventInitDict] partial interface CustomEvent">
+				<dl class="idl" title="partial interface CustomEvent">
 					<dt>// Originally introduced (and deprecated) in DOM Level 3</dt>
 					<dt>void initCustomEvent()</dt>
@@ -7640,8 +7789,6 @@
 						<p class="warning"><strong>Warning!</strong>
 							The <code>initCustomEvent</code> method is deprecated.
-							Event constructor syntax, introduced in [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>], is
-							the expected future syntax for initializing a <code>CustomEvent</code>.
 						<dl class="parameters">
@@ -7664,16 +7811,7 @@
 			<section id="idl-interface-UIEvent-initializers">
 				<h3>Initializers for interface UIEvent</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary UIEventInit">
-					<!-- Attributes from Event -->
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from UIEvent -->
-					<dt>AbstractView? view = null</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long detail = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional UIEventInit uiEventInitDict] partial interface UIEvent">
+				<dl class="idl" title="partial interface UIEvent">
 					<dt>// Deprecated in DOM Level 3</dt>
 					<dt>void initUIEvent()</dt>
@@ -7685,7 +7823,6 @@
 						<p class="warning"><strong>Warning!</strong>
 							The <code>initUIEvent</code> method is deprecated, but supported for
 							backwards-compatibility with widely-deployed implementations.
-							See [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>] for an alternate initializer syntax.
 						<dl class="parameters">
@@ -7721,30 +7858,18 @@
 			<section id="idl-interface-FocusEvent-initializers">
 				<h3>Initializers for interface FocusEvent</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary FocusEventInit">
-					<!-- Attributes from Event -->
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from UIEvent -->
-					<dt>AbstractView? view = null</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long detail = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from FocusEvent -->
-					<dt>EventTarget? relatedTarget = null</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional FocusEventInit focusEventInitDict] partial interface FocusEvent">
+				<dl class="idl" title="partial interface FocusEvent">
 					<dt>// Originally introduced (and deprecated) in DOM Level 3</dt>
 					<dt>void initFocusEvent()</dt>
 						<p>Initializes attributes of a <code>FocusEvent</code> object.
-							This method has the same behavior as <a href="#widl-UIEvent-initUIEvent"><code>UIEvent.initUIEvent()</code></a>.
+							This method has the same behavior as
+							<a href="#widl-UIEvent-initUIEvent"><code>UIEvent.initUIEvent()</code></a>.
 						<p class="warning"><strong>Warning!</strong>
 							The <code>initFocusEvent</code> method is deprecated.
-							Event constructor syntax, introduced in [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>], is the expected future
-							syntax for initializing a <code>FocusEvent</code>.
 						<dl class="parameters">
@@ -7773,29 +7898,7 @@
 			<section id="idl-interface-MouseEvent-initializers">
 				<h3>Initializers for interface MouseEvent</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary MouseEventInit">
-					<!-- Attributes from Event -->
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from UIEvent -->
-					<dt>AbstractView? view = null</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long detail = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from MouseEvent -->
-					<dt>long screenX = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long screenY = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long clientX = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long clientY = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean ctrlKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean shiftKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean altKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean metaKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>unsigned short button = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Note: "buttons" was not previously initializable through initMouseEvent! -->
-					<dt>unsigned short buttons = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>EventTarget? relatedTarget = null</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional MouseEventInit mouseEventInitDict] partial interface MouseEvent">
+				<dl class="idl" title="partial interface MouseEvent">
 					<dt>// Deprecated in DOM Level 3</dt>
 					<dt>void initMouseEvent()</dt>
@@ -7880,6 +7983,12 @@
 								<p>Specifies <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-button"><code>MouseEvent.button</code></a>.</p>
+							<!-- Note: "buttons" was not previously initializable through initMouseEvent! -->
+							<dt>unsigned short buttonsArg</dt>
+							<dd>
+								<p>Specifies <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-buttons"><code>MouseEvent.buttons</code></a>.</p>
+							</dd>
 							<dt>EventTarget? relatedTargetArg</dt>
 								<p>Specifies <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-relatedTarget"><code>MouseEvent.relatedTarget</code></a>. This value MAY be <code>null</code>.</p>
@@ -7893,41 +8002,19 @@
 			<section id="idl-interface-WheelEvent-initializers">
 				<h3>Initializers for interface WheelEvent</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary WheelEventInit">
-					<!-- Attributes from Event -->
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from UIEvent -->
-					<dt>AbstractView? view = null</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long detail = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from MouseEvent -->
-					<dt>long screenX = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long screenY = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long clientX = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long clientY = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean ctrlKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean shiftKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean altKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean metaKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>unsigned short button = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>unsigned short buttons = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>EventTarget? relatedTarget = null</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from WheelEvent -->
-					<dt>double deltaX = 0.0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>double deltaY = 0.0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>double deltaZ = 0.0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>unsigned long deltaMode = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional WheelEventInit wheelEventInitDict] partial interface WheelEvent">
+				<dl class="idl" title="partial interface WheelEvent">
 					<dt>// Originally introduced (and deprecated) in DOM Level 3</dt>
 					<dt>void initWheelEvent()</dt>
-						<p>Initializes attributes of a <code>WheelEvent</code> object. This method has the same behavior as <a href="#widl-MouseEvent-initMouseEvent"><code>MouseEvent.initMouseEvent()</code></a>.</p>
-						<p class="warning"><strong>Warning!</strong> The <code>initWheelEvent</code> method is deprecated. Event constructor syntax, introduced in [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>], is the expected future
-							syntax for initializing a <code>WheelEvent</code>.</p>
+						<p>Initializes attributes of a <code>WheelEvent</code> object.
+							This method has the same behavior as
+							<a href="#widl-MouseEvent-initMouseEvent"><code>MouseEvent.initMouseEvent()</code></a>.
+							</p>
+						<p class="warning"><strong>Warning!</strong>
+							The <code>initWheelEvent</code> method is deprecated.
+							</p>
 						<dl class="parameters">
 							<dt>DOMString typeArg</dt>
@@ -7993,28 +8080,7 @@
 			<section id="idl-interface-KeyboardEvent-initializers">
 				<h3>Initializers for interface KeyboardEvent</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary KeyboardEventInit">
-					<!-- Attributes from Event -->
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from UIEvent -->
-					<dt>AbstractView? view = null</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long detail = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from KeyboardEvent -->
-					<dt>DOMString key = ""</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>unsigned long location = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean ctrlKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean shiftKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean altKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean metaKey = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean repeat = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Legacy attributes for KeyboardEvent -->
-					<dt>unsigned long charCode = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>unsigned long keyCode = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>unsigned long which = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional KeyboardEventInit keyboardEventInitDict] partial interface KeyboardEvent">
+				<dl class="idl" title="partial interface KeyboardEvent">
 					<dt>// Originally introduced (and deprecated) in DOM Level 3</dt>
 					<dt>void initKeyboardEvent()</dt>
@@ -8069,18 +8135,7 @@
 			<section id="idl-interface-CompositionEvent-initializers">
 				<h3>Initializers for interface CompositionEvent</h3>
-				<dl class="idl" title="dictionary CompositionEventInit">
-					<!-- Attributes from Event -->
-					<dt>boolean bubbles = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>boolean cancelable = false</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from UIEvent -->
-					<dt>AbstractView? view = null</dt><dd></dd>
-					<dt>long detail = 0</dt><dd></dd>
-					<!-- Attributes from CompositionEvent -->
-					<dt>DOMString? data = null</dt><dd></dd>
-				</dl>
-				<dl class="idl" title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional CompositionEventInit compositionEventInitDict] partial interface CompositionEvent">
+				<dl class="idl" title="partial interface CompositionEvent">
 					<dt>// Originally introduced (and deprecated) in DOM Level 3</dt>
 					<dt>void initCompositionEvent()</dt>
@@ -8092,8 +8147,6 @@
 						<p class="warning"><strong>Warning!</strong>
 							The <code>initCompositionEvent</code> method is deprecated.
-							Event constructor syntax, introduced in [<a href="#references-UIEvents">UI Events</a>], is the expected
-							future syntax for initializing a <code>CompositionEvent</code>.
 						<dl class="parameters">
@@ -8116,8 +8169,8 @@
 			</section>  <!-- idl-interface-CompositionEvent-initializers -->
-		</section>  <!-- event-initializers -->
-	</section>  <!-- legacy-event-interface-initializers -->
+		</section>  <!-- legacy-event-initializer-interfaces -->
+	</section>  <!-- legacy-event-initializers -->
 	<!-- Appendix B: Legacy Key Attributes ========================================================-->
 	<section id="legacy-key-attributes">