--- a/webaudio/specification.html Mon Apr 08 17:41:35 2013 -0700
+++ b/webaudio/specification.html Mon Apr 08 18:04:24 2013 -0700
@@ -171,6 +171,8 @@
<li><a href="#attributes-AudioParam">4.5.1. Attributes</a></li>
<li><a href="#methodsandparams-AudioParam">4.5.2. Methods and
+ <li><a href="#computedValue-AudioParam-section">4.5.3. Computation of Value</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#example1-AudioParam-section">4.5.4. AudioParam Automation Example</a></li>
<li><a href="#GainNode">4.7. The GainNode Interface</a>
@@ -1656,6 +1658,7 @@
sample-frame of the block.
<div class="block">
<div class="blockTitleDiv">
@@ -1667,9 +1670,6 @@
interface <dfn id="dfn-AudioParam">AudioParam</dfn> {
attribute float value;
- readonly attribute float computedValue;
- readonly attribute float minValue;
- readonly attribute float maxValue;
readonly attribute float defaultValue;
<span class="comment">// Parameter automation. </span>
@@ -1692,71 +1692,19 @@
<div id="attributes-AudioParam-section" class="section">
<h3 id="attributes-AudioParam">4.5.1. Attributes</h3>
<dt id="dfn-value"><code>value</code></dt>
<dd><p>The parameter's floating-point value. This attribute is initialized to the
- <code>defaultValue</code>. If a value is set outside the
- allowable range described by <code>minValue</code> and
- <code>maxValue</code> no exception is thrown, because these limits are just nominal and may be
- exceeded. If a value is set during a time when there are any automation events scheduled then
+ <code>defaultValue</code>. If a value is set during a time when there are any automation events scheduled then
it will be ignored and no exception will be thrown.</p>
- <dt id="dfn-computedValue"><code>computedValue</code></dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- The final value controlling the audio DSP is calculated as follows:
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li>An <em>intrinsic</em> parameter value will be calculated at each time, which is either the value set directly to the .value attribute,
- or, if there are any scheduled parameter changes (automation events) with times before or at this time,
- the value as calculated from these events. If the .value attribute
- is set after any automation events have been scheduled, then these events will be removed. When read, the .value attribute
- always returns the <em>intrinsic</em> value for the current time. If automation events are removed from a given time range, then the
- <em>intrinsic</em> value will remain unchanged and stay at its previous value until either the .value attribute is directly set, or automation events are added
- for the time range.
- </li>
- <li>
- An AudioParam will take the rendered audio data from any AudioNode output connected to it and <a href="#down-mix">convert it to mono</a> by down-mixing if it is not
- already mono, then mix it together with other such outputs. If there are no AudioNodes connected to it, then this value is 0, having no
- effect on the <em>computedValue</em>.
- </li>
- <li>
- The <em>computedValue</em> is the sum of the <em>intrinsic</em> value and the value calculated from (2).
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>
- The <em>computedValue</em> is constantly being updated by the audio rendering thread at each rendering time quantum.
- Thus when the main JavaScript thread reads this value, then it will reflect the latest computed value.
- This will mean that reading computedValue twice in a row will potentially return different results
- if the audio thread's computations have changed the computed value of an AudioParam. This is similar to how
- calling <code>performance.now()</code> will return an different up-to-date high-resolution time if called two times in a row.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt id="dfn-minValue"><code>minValue</code></dt>
- <dd><p>Nominal minimum value. This attribute is informational and <code>value</code> may be set
- lower than this value.</p>
- </dd>
- <dt id="dfn-maxValue"><code>maxValue</code></dt>
- <dd><p>Nominal maximum value. This attribute is informational and <code>value</code> may be set higher than this value. </p>
- </dd>
<dt id="dfn-defaultValue"><code>defaultValue</code></dt>
<dd><p>Initial value for the value attribute</p>
@@ -1939,8 +1887,51 @@
+<div id="computedValue-AudioParam-section" class="section">
+<h3>4.5.3. Computation of Value</h3>
+<dfn>computedValue</dfn> is the final value controlling the audio DSP. It must be internally computed as follows:
+<li>An <em>intrinsic</em> parameter value will be calculated at each time, which is either the value set directly to the .value attribute,
+or, if there are any scheduled parameter changes (automation events) with times before or at this time,
+the value as calculated from these events. If the .value attribute
+is set after any automation events have been scheduled, then these events will be removed. When read, the .value attribute
+always returns the <em>intrinsic</em> value for the current time. If automation events are removed from a given time range, then the
+<em>intrinsic</em> value will remain unchanged and stay at its previous value until either the .value attribute is directly set, or automation events are added
+for the time range.
+An AudioParam will take the rendered audio data from any AudioNode output connected to it and <a href="#down-mix">convert it to mono</a> by down-mixing if it is not
+already mono, then mix it together with other such outputs. If there are no AudioNodes connected to it, then this value is 0, having no
+effect on the <em>computedValue</em>.
+The <em>computedValue</em> is the sum of the <em>intrinsic</em> value and the value calculated from (2).
+The <em>computedValue</em> is constantly being updated by the audio rendering thread at each rendering time quantum.
+Thus when the main JavaScript thread reads this value, then it will reflect the latest computed value.
+This will mean that reading computedValue twice in a row will potentially return different results
+if the audio thread's computations have changed the computed value of an AudioParam. This is similar to how
+calling <code>performance.now()</code> will return an different up-to-date high-resolution time if called two times in a row.
<div id="example1-AudioParam-section" class="section">
-<h3 id="example1-AudioParam">4.5.3. AudioParam Automation Example</h3>
+<h3 id="example1-AudioParam">4.5.4. AudioParam Automation Example</h3>