--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ontologies/specgen/libvocab.py Tue Oct 04 18:05:11 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# total rewrite. --danbri
+# modifications and extensions: Bob Ferris, July 2010
+# + multiple property and class types
+# + muttiple restrictions modelling
+# + rdfs:label, rdfs:comment
+# + classes and properties from other namespaces
+# + inverse properties (explicit and anonymous)
+# + sub properties
+# Copyright 2010 Bob Ferris <http://smiy.wordpress.com/author/zazi0815/>
+# Usage:
+# >>> from libvocab import Vocab, Term, Class, Property
+# >>> from libvocab import Vocab, Term, Class, Property
+# >>> v = Vocab( f='examples/foaf/index.rdf', uri='http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/')
+# >>> dna = v.lookup('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/dnaChecksum')
+# >>> dna.label
+# 'DNA checksum'
+# >>> dna.comment
+# 'A checksum for the DNA of some thing. Joke.'
+# >>> dna.id
+# u'dnaChecksum'
+# >>> dna.uri
+# 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/dnaChecksum'
+# Python OO notes:
+# http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Python/Object-Oriented-Programming-With-Python-part-1/
+# http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet354.html
+# http://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html#specialnames
+# RDFlib:
+# http://www.science.uva.nl/research/air/wiki/RDFlib
+# http://dowhatimean.net/2006/03/spellchecking-vocabularies-with-sparql
+# We define basics, Vocab, Term, Property, Class
+# and populate them with data from RDF schemas, OWL, translations ... and nearby html files.
+import rdflib
+from rdflib import term
+from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
+from rdflib.graph import Graph, ConjunctiveGraph
+rdflib.plugin.register('sparql', rdflib.query.Processor,
+ 'rdfextras.sparql.processor', 'Processor')
+rdflib.plugin.register('sparql', rdflib.query.Result,
+ 'rdfextras.sparql.query', 'SPARQLQueryResult')
+# pre3: from rdflib.sparql.sparqlGraph import SPARQLGraph
+#from rdflib.sparql.graphPattern import GraphPattern
+#from rdflib.sparql import Query
+CO = Namespace('http://purl.org/ontology/co/core#')
+FOAF = Namespace('http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/')
+RDFS = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#')
+XFN = Namespace("http://gmpg.org/xfn/1#")
+RDF = Namespace("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
+OWL = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#')
+VS = Namespace('http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#')
+DC = Namespace('http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/')
+DOAP = Namespace('http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#')
+SIOC = Namespace('http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#')
+SIOCTYPES = Namespace('http://rdfs.org/sioc/types#')
+SIOCSERVICES = Namespace('http://rdfs.org/sioc/services#')
+# TODO: rationalise these two lists. or at least check they are same.
+import sys, time, re, urllib, getopt
+import logging
+import os.path
+import cgi
+import operator
+def speclog(str):
+ sys.stderr.write("LOG: " + str + "\n")
+# todo: shouldn't be foaf specific
+def termlink(text):
+ result = re.sub(r"<code>foaf:(\w+)<\/code>", r"<code><a href='#term_\g<1>'>\g<1></a></code>", text)
+ return result
+# a Term has... (intrinsically and via it's RDFS/OWL description)
+# uri - a (primary) URI, eg. 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/workplaceHomepage'
+# id - a local-to-spec ID, eg. 'workplaceHomepage'
+# ns - an ns URI (isDefinedBy, eg. 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/')
+# label - an rdfs:label
+# comment - an rdfs:comment
+# Beyond this, properties vary. Some have vs:term_status. Some have owl Deprecated.
+# Some have OWL descriptions, and RDFS descriptions; eg. property range/domain
+# or class disjointness.
+def ns_split(uri):
+ regexp = re.compile("^(.*[/#])([^/#]+)$")
+ rez = regexp.search(uri)
+ return(rez.group(1), rez.group(2))
+class Term(object):
+ def __init__(self, uri = 'file://dev/null'):
+ self.uri = str(uri)
+ self.uri = self.uri.rstrip()
+ # speclog("Parsing URI " + uri)
+ a, b = ns_split(uri)
+ self.id = b
+ self.ns = a
+ # print "namspace ",a
+ if self.id == None:
+ speclog("Error parsing URI. " + uri)
+ if self.ns == None:
+ speclog("Error parsing URI. " + uri)
+ # print "self.id: "+ self.id + " self.ns: " + self.ns
+ def uri(self):
+ try:
+ s = self.uri
+ except NameError:
+ self.uri = None
+ s = '[NOURI]'
+ speclog('No URI for' + self)
+ return s
+ def id(self):
+ print "trying id"
+ try:
+ s = self.id
+ except NameError:
+ self.id = None
+ s = '[NOID]'
+ speclog('No ID for' + self)
+ return str(s)
+ def is_external(self, vocab):
+ print "Comparing property URI ", self.uri, " with vocab uri: " + vocab.uri
+ return(False)
+ #def __repr__(self):
+ # return(self.__str__)
+ def __str__(self):
+ try:
+ s = self.id
+ except NameError:
+ self.label = None
+ speclog('No label for ' + self + ' todo: take from uri regex')
+ s = (str(self))
+ return(str(s))
+ # so we can treat this like a string
+ def __add__(self, s):
+ return (s + str(self))
+ def __radd__(self, s):
+ return (s + str(self))
+ def simple_report(self):
+ t = self
+ s = ''
+ s += "default: \t\t" + t + "\n"
+ s += "id: \t\t" + t.id + "\n"
+ s += "uri: \t\t" + t.uri + "\n"
+ s += "ns: \t\t" + t.ns + "\n"
+ s += "label: \t\t" + t.label + "\n"
+ s += "comment: \t\t" + t.comment + "\n"
+ s += "status: \t\t" + t.status + "\n"
+ s += "\n"
+ return s
+ def _get_status(self):
+ try:
+ return self._status
+ except:
+ return 'unknown'
+ def _set_status(self, value):
+ self._status = str(value)
+ status = property(_get_status, _set_status)
+# a Python class representing an RDFS/OWL property.
+class Property(Term):
+ # OK OK but how are we SUPPOSED to do this stuff in Python OO?. Stopgap.
+ def is_property(self):
+ # print "Property.is_property called on "+self
+ return(True)
+ def is_class(self):
+ # print "Property.is_class called on "+self
+ return(False)
+# A Python class representing an RDFS/OWL class
+class Class(Term):
+ # OK OK but how are we SUPPOSED to do this stuff in Python OO?. Stopgap.
+ def is_property(self):
+ # print "Class.is_property called on "+self
+ return(False)
+ def is_class(self):
+ # print "Class.is_class called on "+self
+ return(True)
+# A python class representing (a description of) some RDF vocabulary
+class Vocab(object):
+ def __init__(self, dir, f = 'index.rdf', uri = None):
+ self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
+ self._uri = uri
+ self.dir = dir
+ self.filename = os.path.join(dir, f)
+ # print "ontology file name ", self.filename
+ self.graph.parse(self.filename)
+ self.terms = []
+ self.uterms = []
+ # should also load translations here?
+ # and deal with a base-dir?
+ ##if f != None:
+ ## self.index()
+ self.ns_list = { "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" : "rdf",
+ "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" : "rdfs",
+ "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" : "owl",
+ "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" : "xsd",
+ "http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#" : "sioc",
+ "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" : "foaf",
+ "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" : "dc",
+ "http://purl.org/dc/terms/" : "dcterms",
+ "http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#" : "doap",
+ "http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#" : "vs",
+ "http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" : "content",
+ "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#" : "geo",
+ "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#" : "skos",
+ "http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/event.owl#" : "event",
+ "http://purl.org/ontology/co/core#" : "co",
+ "http://purl.org/ontology/olo/core#" : "olo",
+ "http://purl.org/ontology/is/core#" : "is"
+ }
+ def addShortName(self, sn):
+ self.ns_list[self._uri] = sn
+ self.shortName = sn
+ #print self.ns_list
+ # not currently used
+ def unique_terms(self):
+ tmp = []
+ for t in list(set(self.terms)):
+ s = str(t)
+ if (not s in tmp):
+ self.uterms.append(t)
+ tmp.append(s)
+ # TODO: python question - can we skip needing getters? and only define setters. i tried/failed. --danbri
+ def _get_uri(self):
+ return self._uri
+ def _set_uri(self, value):
+ v = str(value) # we don't want Namespace() objects and suchlike, but we can use them without whining.
+ if ':' not in v:
+ speclog("Warning: this doesn't look like a URI: " + v)
+ # raise Exception("This doesn't look like a URI.")
+ self._uri = str(value)
+ uri = property(_get_uri, _set_uri)
+ def set_filename(self, filename):
+ self.filename = filename
+ # TODO: be explicit if/where we default to English
+ # TODO: do we need a separate index(), versus just use __init__ ?
+ def index(self):
+ # speclog("Indexing description of "+str(self))
+ # blank down anything we learned already
+ self.terms = []
+ self.properties = []
+ self.classes = []
+ tmpclasses = []
+ tmpproperties = []
+ g = self.graph
+ # extend query for different property types
+ query = 'SELECT ?x ?l ?c ?t WHERE { ?x rdfs:label ?l . ?x rdfs:comment ?c . ?x rdf:type ?t . ?x a ?type FILTER (?type = <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ObjectProperty> || ?type = <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#DatatypeProperty> || ?type = <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property> || ?type = <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#FunctionalProperty> || ?type = <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#InverseFunctionalProperty>) }'
+ relations = g.query(query)
+ for (term, label, comment, type) in relations:
+ p = Property(term)
+ # print "Made a property! "+str(p) + " using label: "+str(label)
+ p.label = str(label)
+ p.comment = str(comment)
+ p.type = self.niceName(type)
+ self.terms.append(p)
+ if (not str(p) in tmpproperties):
+ tmpproperties.append(str(p))
+ self.properties.append(p)
+ query = 'SELECT ?x ?l ?c ?t WHERE { ?x rdfs:label ?l . ?x rdfs:comment ?c . ?x rdf:type ?t . ?x a ?type FILTER (?type = <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class> || ?type = <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Class> ) }'
+ relations = g.query(query)
+ for (term, label, comment, type) in relations:
+ c = Class(term)
+ # print "Made a class! "+str(c) + " using comment: "+comment
+ c.label = str(label)
+ c.comment = str(comment)
+ c.type = self.niceName(type)
+ self.terms.append(c)
+ if (not str(c) in tmpclasses):
+ self.classes.append(c)
+ tmpclasses.append(str(c))
+ self.terms.sort(key = operator.attrgetter('id'))
+ self.classes.sort(key = operator.attrgetter('id'))
+ self.properties.sort(key = operator.attrgetter('id'))
+ # http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#"
+ query = 'SELECT ?x ?vs WHERE { ?x <http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#term_status> ?vs }'
+ status = g.query(query)
+ # print "status results: ",status.__len__()
+ for x, vs in status:
+ #print "STATUS: ",vs, " for ",x
+ t = self.lookup(x)
+ if t != None:
+ t.status = vs
+ # print "Set status.", t.status
+ else:
+ speclog("Couldn't lookup term: " + x)
+# self.terms.sort() # does this even do anything?
+# self.classes.sort()
+# self.properties.sort()
+ # todo, use a dictionary index instead. RTFM.
+ def lookup(self, uri):
+ uri = str(uri)
+ for t in self.terms:
+ # print "Lookup: comparing '"+t.uri+"' to '"+uri+"'"
+ # print "type of t.uri is ",t.uri.__class__
+ if t.uri == uri:
+ # print "Matched." # should we str here, to be more liberal?
+ return t
+ else:
+ # print "Fail."
+ ''
+ return None
+ # print a raw debug summary, direct from the RDF
+ def raw(self):
+ g = self.graph
+ query = 'SELECT ?x ?l ?c WHERE { ?x rdfs:label ?l . ?x rdfs:comment ?c } '
+ relations = g.query(query)
+ print "Properties and Classes (%d terms)" % len(relations)
+ print 40 * "-"
+ for (term, label, comment) in relations:
+ print "term %s l: %s \t\tc: %s " % (term, label, comment)
+ print
+ # TODO: work out how to do ".encode('UTF-8')" here
+ # for debugging only
+ def detect_types(self):
+ self.properties = []
+ self.classes = []
+ for t in self.terms:
+ # print "Doing t: "+t+" which is of type " + str(t.__class__)
+ if t.is_property():
+ # print "is_property."
+ self.properties.append(t)
+ if t.is_class():
+ # print "is_class."
+ self.classes.append(t)
+ def niceName(self, uri = None):
+ if uri is None:
+ return
+ # speclog("Nicing uri "+uri)
+ regexp = re.compile("^(.*[/#])([^/#]+)$")
+ rez = regexp.search(uri)
+ if rez == None:
+ #print "Failed to niceName. Returning the whole thing."
+ return(uri)
+ pref = rez.group(1)
+ # print "...",self.ns_list.get(pref, pref),":",rez.group(2)
+ # todo: make this work when uri doesn't match the regex --danbri
+ # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
+ return self.ns_list.get(pref, pref) + ":" + rez.group(2)
+ # HTML stuff, should be a separate class
+ def azlist(self):
+ """Builds the A-Z list of terms"""
+ c_ids = []
+ p_ids = []
+ for p in self.properties:
+ p_ids.append(str(p.id))
+ for c in self.classes:
+ c_ids.append(str(c.id))
+ c_ids.sort()
+ p_ids.sort()
+ return (c_ids, p_ids)
+class VocabReport(object):
+ def __init__(self, vocab, basedir = './examples/', temploc = 'template.html', templatedir = './examples/'):
+ self.vocab = vocab
+ self.basedir = basedir
+ self.temploc = temploc
+ self.templatedir = templatedir
+ self._template = "no template loaded"
+ # text.gsub(/<code>foaf:(\w+)<\/code>/){ defurl($1) } return "<code><a href=\"#term_#{term}\">foaf:#{term}</a></code>"
+ def codelink(self, s):
+ reg1 = re.compile(r"""<code>foaf:(\w+)<\/code>""")
+ return(re.sub(reg1, r"""<code><a href="#\1">foaf:\1</a></code>""", s))
+ def _get_template(self):
+ self._template = self.load_template() # should be conditional
+ return self._template
+ def _set_template(self, value):
+ self._template = str(value)
+ template = property(_get_template, _set_template)
+ def load_template(self):
+ filename = os.path.join(self.templatedir, self.temploc)
+ f = open(filename, "r")
+ template = f.read()
+ return(template)
+ def generate(self):
+ tpl = self.template
+ azlist = self.az()
+ termlist = self.termlist()
+ f = open (self.vocab.filename, "r")
+ rdfdata = f.read()
+ # print "GENERATING >>>>>>>> "
+ ## having the rdf in there was making it invalid
+ ## removed in favour of RDFa
+ ## tpl = tpl % (azlist.encode("utf-8"), termlist.encode("utf-8"), rdfdata)
+ #
+ # IMPORTANT: this is the code, which is responsible for write code fragments to the template
+ tpl = tpl % (azlist.encode("utf-8"), azlist.encode("utf-8"), termlist.encode("utf-8"))
+ # tpl = tpl % (azlist.encode("utf-8"), termlist.encode("utf-8"))
+ return(tpl)
+ def az(self):
+ """AZ List for html doc"""
+ c_ids, p_ids = self.vocab.azlist()
+ az = """<div class="azlist">"""
+ az = """%s\n<p>Classes: |""" % az
+ # print c_ids, p_ids
+ for c in c_ids:
+ # speclog("Class "+c+" in az generation.")
+ az = """%s <a href="#%s">%s</a> | """ % (az, str(c).replace(" ", ""), c)
+ az = """%s\n</p>""" % az
+ az = """%s\n<p>Properties: |""" % az
+ for p in p_ids:
+ # speclog("Property "+p+" in az generation.")
+ az = """%s <a href="#%s">%s</a> | """ % (az, str(p).replace(" ", ""), p)
+ az = """%s\n</p>""" % az
+ az = """%s\n</div>""" % az
+ return(az)
+ def termlist(self):
+ """Term List for html doc"""
+ stableTxt = ''
+ testingTxt = ''
+ unstableTxt = ''
+ archaicTxt = ''
+ queries = ''
+ c_ids, p_ids = self.vocab.azlist()
+ tl = """<div class="termlist">"""
+ tl = """%s\n<div class='termdetails'><br />\n\n""" % tl
+ # danbri hack 20100101 removed: href="http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#%s" pending discussion w/ libby and leigh re URIs
+ # first classes, then properties
+ eg = """<div class="specterm" id="%s" about="%s" typeof="%s">
+ <h4>%s: %s</h4>
+ <em property="rdfs:label" >%s</em> - <span property="rdfs:comment" >%s</span> <br /><table style="float: top;">
+ <tr><th>Status:</th>
+ <td><span property="vs:term_status" >%s</span></td></tr>
+ %s
+ %s
+ </table>
+ %s
+ <p style="float: right; font-size: small;">[<a href="#%s">#</a>] <!-- %s --> [<a href="#glance">back to top</a>]</p>
+ <br/>
+ </div>"""
+ # replace this if you want validation queries: xxx danbri
+ # <p style="float: right; font-size: small;">[<a href="#term_%s">permalink</a>] [<a href="#queries_%s">validation queries</a>] [<a href="#glance">back to top</a>]</p>
+ # todo, push this into an api call (c_ids currently setup by az above)
+ # classes
+ for term in self.vocab.classes:
+ # strings to use later
+ domainsOfClass = ''
+ rangesOfClass = ''
+ #class in domain of -> only for classes included in this ontology specification
+ g = self.vocab.graph
+ q = 'SELECT ?d ?l WHERE {?d rdfs:domain <%s> . ?d rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Properties include:</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (domain, label) in relations:
+ dom = Term(domain)
+ # danbri hack 20100101
+ # termStr = """<a href="#term_%s">%s</a>\n""" % (dom.id, label)
+ termStr = """<a href="#%s">%s</a>\n""" % (dom.id, dom.id)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ domainsOfClass = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # class in range of -> only for classes included in this ontology specification
+ q2 = 'SELECT ?d ?l WHERE {?d rdfs:range <%s> . ?d rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations2 = g.query(q2)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Used with:</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (range, label) in relations2:
+ ran = Term(range)
+ # termStr = """<a href="#term_%s">%s</a>\n""" % (ran.id, label)
+ # danbri hack 20100101 better to use exact IDs here
+ termStr = """<a href="#%s">%s</a>\n""" % (ran.id, ran.id)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ rangesOfClass = "%s <td> %s</td></tr> " % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # class sub class of -> handles only "real" super classes
+ subClassOf = ''
+ restriction = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?sc ?l WHERE {<%s> rdfs:subClassOf ?sc . ?sc rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Sub class of</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ contentStr2 = ''
+ for (subclass, label) in relations:
+ sub = Term(subclass)
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:subClassOf" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (subclass, sub.id, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ subClassOf = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ else:
+ q1 = 'SELECT ?sc WHERE {<%s> rdfs:subClassOf ?sc } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q1)
+ ordone = False
+ for (subclass) in relations:
+ subclassnice = self.vocab.niceName(subclass)
+ # print "subclass ",subclass
+ # print "subclassnice ",subclassnice
+ # check niceName result
+ # TODO: handle other sub class types (...) currently owl:Restriction only
+ colon = subclassnice.find(':')
+ if colon > 0:
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:subClassOf" href="%s"><a href="%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (subclass, subclass, subclassnice)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ print "must be super class from another ns"
+ elif (ordone == False):
+ # with that query I get all restrictions of a concept :\
+ # TODO: enable a query with bnodes (_:bnode currently doesn't work :( )
+ # that's why the following code isn't really nice
+ q2 = 'SELECT ?orsc ?or ?orv WHERE { <%s> rdfs:subClassOf ?orsc . ?orsc rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Restriction> . ?orsc ?or ?orv }' % (term.uri)
+ print "try to fetch owl:Restrictions with query ", q2
+ orrelations = g.query(q2)
+ startStr2 = '<tr><th class="restrictions">Restriction(s):</th>\n'
+ orpcounter = 0
+ orsubclass = ''
+ contentStr3 = ''
+ termStr1 = ''
+ termStr2 = ''
+ prop = ''
+ oronproperty = ''
+ orproperty = ''
+ orpropertyvalue = ''
+ orscope = ''
+ for (orsc, orp, orpv) in orrelations:
+ orproperty2 = ''
+ orpropertyvalue2 = ''
+ orscope2 = ''
+ if (orsubclass == ""):
+ print "initialize orsubclass with ", orsc
+ orsubclass = orsc
+ if(orsubclass != orsc):
+ termStr1 = """<span about="%s" rel="rdfs:subClassOf" resource="[_:%s]"></span>\n""" % (term.uri, orsubclass)
+ termStr2 = """<span about="[_:%s]" typeof="owl:Restriction"></span>The property
+ <span about="[_:%s]" rel="owl:onProperty" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span> must be set <em>%s</em>
+ <span about="[_:%s]" property="%s" datatype="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" >%s</span> time(s)""" % (orsubclass, orsubclass, oronproperty, prop.id, prop.type, orscope, orsubclass, orproperty, orpropertyvalue)
+ contentStr2 = "%s %s %s %s<br/>" % (contentStr2, termStr1, termStr2, contentStr3)
+ print "change orsubclass to", orsc
+ orsubclass = orsc
+ contentStr3 = ''
+ orpcounter = 0
+ termStr1 = ''
+ termStr2 = ''
+ prop = ''
+ oronproperty = ''
+ orproperty = ''
+ orpropertyvalue = ''
+ orscope = ''
+ print "orp ", orp
+ print "orpv", orpv
+ if (str(orp) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#onProperty"):
+ oronproperty = orpv
+ prop = Term(orpv)
+ prop.type = self.vocab.niceName(orpv)
+ print "found new owl:Restriction"
+ print "write onproperty property"
+ elif ((str(orp) != "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type") & (str(orp) != "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#onProperty")):
+ if (orpcounter == 0):
+ orproperty = self.vocab.niceName(orp)
+ # <- that must be a specific cardinality restriction
+ orpropertyvalue = orpv
+ if (str(orp) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#cardinality"):
+ orscope = "exactly"
+ if (str(orp) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#minCardinality"):
+ orscope = "at least"
+ if (str(orp) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#maxCardinality"):
+ orscope = "at most"
+ print "write 1st cardinality of restriction"
+ else:
+ orproperty2 = self.vocab.niceName(orp)
+ # <- that must be another specific cardinality restriction
+ orpropertyvalue2 = orpv
+ if (str(orp) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#cardinality"):
+ orscope2 = "exactly"
+ if (str(orp) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#minCardinality"):
+ orscope2 = "at least"
+ if (str(orp) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#maxCardinality"):
+ orscope2 = "at most"
+ print "write another cardinality of restriction"
+ orpcounter = orpcounter + 1
+ else:
+ print "here I am with ", orp
+ if (str(orproperty2) != ""):
+ termStr3 = """ and <em>%s</em>
+ <span about="[_:%s]" property="%s" >%s</span> time(s)""" % (orscope2, orsubclass, orproperty2, orpropertyvalue2)
+ contentStr3 = "%s %s" % (contentStr3, termStr3)
+ # write also last/one restriction
+ termStr1 = """<span about ="%s" rel="rdfs:subClassOf" resource="[_:%s]"></span>\n""" % (term.uri, orsubclass)
+ termStr2 = """<span about="[_:%s]" typeof="owl:Restriction"></span>The property
+ <span about="[_:%s]" rel="owl:onProperty" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span> must be set <em>%s</em>
+ <span about="[_:%s]" property="%s" datatype="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" >%s</span> time(s)""" % (orsubclass, orsubclass, oronproperty, prop.id, prop.type, orscope, orsubclass, orproperty, orpropertyvalue)
+ contentStr2 = "%s %s %s %s\n" % (contentStr2, termStr1, termStr2, contentStr3)
+ ordone = True
+ print "owl restriction modelling done for", term.uri
+ if contentStr != "":
+ subClassOf = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ if contentStr2 != "":
+ restriction = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr2, contentStr2)
+ # class has sub class -> handles only "real" super classes
+ hasSubClass = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?sc ?l WHERE {?sc rdfs:subClassOf <%s>. ?sc rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Has sub class</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (subclass, label) in relations:
+ sub = Term(subclass)
+ termStr = """<a href="#%s">%s</a>\n""" % (sub.id, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ hasSubClass = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ else:
+ q = 'SELECT ?sc WHERE {?sc rdfs:subClassOf <%s> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ for (subclass) in relations:
+ subclassnice = self.vocab.niceName(subclass)
+ print "has subclass ", subclass
+ print "has subclassnice ", subclassnice
+ # check niceName result
+ colon = subclassnice.find(':')
+ if colon > 0:
+ termStr = """<a href="%s">%s</a>\n""" % (subclass, subclassnice)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ hasSubClass = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # is defined by
+ classIsDefinedBy = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?idb WHERE { <%s> rdfs:isDefinedBy ?idb } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (isdefinedby) in relations:
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:isDefinedBy" href="%s"></span>\n""" % (isdefinedby)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ classIsDefinedBy = "%s <tr><td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # disjoint with
+ isDisjointWith = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?dj ?l WHERE { <%s> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#disjointWith> ?dj . ?dj rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Disjoint With:</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (disjointWith, label) in relations:
+ termStr = """<span rel="owl:disjointWith" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (disjointWith, label, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ isDisjointWith = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # owl class
+ oc = ''
+ termStr = ''
+ q = 'SELECT * WHERE { <%s> rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th colspan="2">OWL Class</th>\n'
+ if (len(relations) > 0):
+ if (str(term.type) != "owl:Class"):
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class"></span>"""
+ oc = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, termStr)
+ # rdfs class
+ rc = ''
+ termStr = ''
+ q = 'SELECT * WHERE { <%s> rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Class> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th colspan="2">RDFS Class</th>\n'
+ if (len(relations) > 0):
+ if (str(term.type) != "rdfs:Class"):
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Class"></span>"""
+ rc = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, termStr)
+ # end
+ dn = os.path.join(self.basedir, "doc")
+ filename = os.path.join(dn, term.id + ".en")
+ s = ''
+ try:
+ f = open (filename, "r")
+ s = f.read()
+ except:
+ s = ''
+ # if we want validation queries this is where it looks for them.
+ filename = os.path.join(dn, term.id + ".sparql")
+ fileStr = ''
+ try:
+ f = open (filename, "r")
+ fileStr = f.read()
+ fileStr = "<h4><a name=\"queries_" + term.id + "\"></a>" + term.id + " Validation Query</h4><pre>" + cgi.escape(ss) + "</pre>"
+ except:
+ fileStr = ''
+ queries = queries + "\n" + fileStr
+ sn = self.vocab.niceName(term.uri)
+ s = termlink(s)
+ # danbri added another term.id 20010101 and removed term.status
+ zz = eg % (term.id, term.uri, term.type, "Class", sn, term.label, term.comment, term.status, domainsOfClass, rangesOfClass + subClassOf + restriction + hasSubClass + classIsDefinedBy + isDisjointWith + oc + rc, s, term.id, term.id)
+ ## we add to the relevant string - stable, unstable, testing or archaic
+ if(term.status == "stable"):
+ stableTxt = stableTxt + zz
+ if(term.status == "testing"):
+ testingTxt = testingTxt + zz
+ if(term.status == "unstable"):
+ unstableTxt = unstableTxt + zz
+ if(term.status == "archaic"):
+ archaicTxt = archaicTxt + zz
+ if((term.status == None) or (term.status == "") or (term.status == "unknown")):
+ archaicTxt = archaicTxt + zz
+ ## then add the whole thing to the main tl string
+ tl = tl + "<h3>Classes</h3>\n"
+ tl = "%s %s" % (tl, stableTxt + "\n" + testingTxt + "\n" + unstableTxt + "\n" + archaicTxt)
+ tl = tl + "<h3>Properties</h3>\n"
+ # properties
+ stableTxt = ''
+ testingTxt = ''
+ unstableTxt = ''
+ archaicTxt = ''
+ for term in self.vocab.properties:
+ domainsOfProperty = ''
+ rangesOfProperty = ''
+ # domain of properties -> handles only simple domains
+ g = self.vocab.graph
+ q = 'SELECT ?d ?l WHERE {<%s> rdfs:domain ?d . ?d rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ # print "term.uri before ", term.uri
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Domain:</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (domain, label) in relations:
+ dom = Term(domain)
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:domain" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (domain, dom.id, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ domainsOfProperty = "%s <td>%s</td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ else:
+ q = 'SELECT ?d WHERE {<%s> rdfs:domain ?d } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ for (domain) in relations:
+ domainnice = self.vocab.niceName(domain)
+ # print "domain ",domain
+ # print "domainnice ",domainnice
+ # check niceName result
+ # TODO: handle other domain types (owl:Union, ...)
+ colon = domainnice.find(':')
+ if colon > 0:
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:domain" href="%s"><a href="%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (domain, domain, domainnice)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ domainsOfProperty = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # range of properties -> handles only simple ranges
+ q2 = 'SELECT ?r ?l WHERE {<%s> rdfs:range ?r . ?r rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations2 = g.query(q2)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Range:</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (range, label) in relations2:
+ ran = Term(range)
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:range" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (range, ran.id, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ rangesOfProperty = "%s <td>%s</td> </tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ else:
+ q = 'SELECT ?r WHERE {<%s> rdfs:range ?r } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ for (range) in relations:
+ rangenice = self.vocab.niceName(range)
+ # print "range ",range
+ # print "rangenice ",rangenice
+ # check niceName result
+ # TODO: handle other range types (owl:Union, ...)
+ colon = rangenice.find(':')
+ if colon > 0:
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:range" href="%s"><a href="%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (range, range, rangenice)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ rangesOfProperty = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # property sub property of -> only for property included in this ontology specification
+ subPropertyOf = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?sp ?l WHERE {<%s> rdfs:subPropertyOf ?sp . ?sp rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ # print "term.uri ", term.uri
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Sub property of</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (subproperty, label) in relations:
+ sub = Term(subproperty)
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:subPropertyOf" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (subproperty, sub.id, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ subPropertyOf = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ else:
+ q1 = 'SELECT ?sp WHERE {<%s> rdfs:subPropertyOf ?sp } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q1)
+ for (subproperty) in relations:
+ subpropertynice = self.vocab.niceName(subproperty)
+ # check niceName result
+ colon = subpropertynice.find(':')
+ if colon > 0:
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:subPropertyOf" href="%s"><a href="%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (subproperty, subproperty, subpropertynice)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ print "must be super property from another ns"
+ if contentStr != "":
+ subPropertyOf = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # property has sub property -> only for property included in this ontology specification
+ hasSubProperty = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?sp ?l WHERE {?sp rdfs:subPropertyOf <%s>. ?sp rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Has sub property</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (subproperty, label) in relations:
+ sub = Term(subproperty)
+ termStr = """<a href="#%s">%s</a>\n""" % (sub.id, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ hasSubProperty = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # property inverse property of -> only for property included in this ontology specification
+ inverseOf = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?ip ?l WHERE {<%s> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#inverseOf> ?ip . ?ip rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ # print "term.uri ", term.uri
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Inverse property of</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (inverseproperty, label) in relations:
+ ipnice = self.vocab.niceName(inverseproperty)
+ colon = ipnice.find(':')
+ # check wether explicite defined inverse property or anonymous defined inverse property
+ if colon > 0:
+ inverse = Term(inverseproperty)
+ termStr = """<span rel="owl:inverseOf" href="%s"><a href="#%s">%s</a></span>\n""" % (inverseproperty, inverse.id, label)
+ print "inverse property must be explicitly defined"
+ else:
+ q2 = 'SELECT ?ipt WHERE {<%s> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#inverseOf> ?ip . ?ip rdfs:label ?l . ?ip rdf:type ?ipt } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations2 = g.query(q2)
+ contentStr2 = ''
+ iptcounter = 0
+ termStr2 = ''
+ for (inversepropertytype) in relations2:
+ print "inversepropertytype ", inversepropertytype
+ iptype = ''
+ termStr3 = ''
+ iptypenice = self.vocab.niceName(inversepropertytype)
+ if (str(inversepropertytype) == "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property"):
+ iptype = "RDF Property"
+ if (str(inversepropertytype) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ObjectProperty"):
+ iptype = "Object Property"
+ if (str(inversepropertytype) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#DatatypeProperty"):
+ iptype = "Datatype Property"
+ if (str(inversepropertytype) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#InverseFunctionalProperty"):
+ iptype = "Inverse Functional Property"
+ if (str(inversepropertytype) == "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#FunctionalProperty"):
+ iptype = "Functional Property"
+ if (iptype != ""):
+ termStr3 = """<span about="[_:%s]" typeof="%s"><strong>%s</strong></span>""" % (inverseproperty, iptypenice, iptype)
+ if (iptcounter > 0):
+ termStr2 = "%s, %s" % (termStr2, termStr3)
+ else:
+ termStr2 = termStr3
+ iptcounter = iptcounter + 1
+ if (termStr2 != ""):
+ contentStr2 = "(%s)" % (termStr2)
+ termStr = """<span rel="owl:inverseOf" resource="[_:%s]">the anonymous defined property with the label
+ \'<em about="[_:%s]" property="rdfs:label">%s</em>\'</span>\n""" % (inverseproperty, inverseproperty, label)
+ termStr = "%s %s" % (termStr, contentStr2)
+ print "inverse property must be anonymous defined"
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ inverseOf = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # print "write inverse property"
+ # property has inverse property -> only for property included in this ontology specification
+ hasInverseProperty = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?ip ?l WHERE {?ip <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#inverseOf> <%s>. ?ip rdfs:label ?l } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th>Has inverse property</th>\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (inverseproperty, label) in relations:
+ inverse = Term(inverseproperty)
+ termStr = """<a href="#%s">%s</a>\n""" % (inverse.id, label)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ hasInverseProperty = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # print "write has inverse property"
+ # is defined by
+ propertyIsDefinedBy = ''
+ q = 'SELECT ?idb WHERE { <%s> rdfs:isDefinedBy ?idb } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '\n'
+ contentStr = ''
+ for (isdefinedby) in relations:
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdfs:isDefinedBy" href="%s"></span>\n""" % (isdefinedby)
+ contentStr = "%s %s" % (contentStr, termStr)
+ if contentStr != "":
+ propertyIsDefinedBy = "%s <tr><td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, contentStr)
+ # rdf property
+ rp = ''
+ termStr = ''
+ q = 'SELECT * WHERE { <%s> rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th colspan="2">RDF Property</th>\n'
+ if (len(relations) > 0):
+ if (str(term.type) != "rdf:Property"):
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property"></span>"""
+ rp = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, termStr)
+ # object property
+ op = ''
+ termStr = ''
+ q = 'SELECT * WHERE { <%s> rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ObjectProperty> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th colspan="2">Object Property</th>\n'
+ if (len(relations) > 0):
+ if (str(term.type) != "owl:ObjectProperty"):
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ObjectProperty"></span>"""
+ op = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, termStr)
+ # datatype property
+ dp = ''
+ termStr = ''
+ q = 'SELECT * WHERE { <%s> rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#DatatypeProperty> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th colspan="2">Datatype Property</th>\n'
+ if (len(relations) > 0):
+ if (str(term.type) != "owl:DatatypeProperty"):
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#DatatypeProperty"></span>"""
+ dp = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, termStr)
+ # inverse functional property
+ ifp = ''
+ termStr = ''
+ q = 'SELECT * WHERE { <%s> rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#InverseFunctionalProperty> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th colspan="2">Inverse Functional Property</th>\n'
+ if (len(relations) > 0):
+ if (str(term.type) != "owl:InverseFunctionalProperty"):
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#InverseFunctionalProperty"></span>"""
+ ifp = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, termStr)
+ # functonal property
+ fp = ''
+ q = 'SELECT * WHERE { <%s> rdf:type <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#FunctionalProperty> } ' % (term.uri)
+ relations = g.query(q)
+ startStr = '<tr><th colspan="2">Functional Property</th>\n'
+ if (len(relations) > 0):
+ if (str(term.type) != "owl:FunctionalProperty"):
+ termStr = """<span rel="rdf:type" href="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#FunctionalProperty"></span>"""
+ fp = "%s <td> %s </td></tr>" % (startStr, termStr)
+ # end
+ dn = os.path.join(self.basedir, "doc")
+ filename = os.path.join(dn, term.id + ".en")
+ s = ''
+ try:
+ f = open (filename, "r")
+ s = f.read()
+ except:
+ s = ''
+ sn = self.vocab.niceName(term.uri)
+ s = termlink(s)
+ # danbri added another term.id 20010101
+ zz = eg % (term.id, term.uri, term.type, "Property", sn, term.label, term.comment, term.status, domainsOfProperty, rangesOfProperty + subPropertyOf + hasSubProperty + inverseOf + hasInverseProperty + propertyIsDefinedBy + rp + op + dp + ifp + fp, s, term.id, term.id)
+ ## we add to the relevant string - stable, unstable, testing or archaic
+ if(term.status == "stable"):
+ stableTxt = stableTxt + zz
+ if(term.status == "testing"):
+ testingTxt = testingTxt + zz
+ if(term.status == "unstable"):
+ unstableTxt = unstableTxt + zz
+ if(term.status == "archaic"):
+ archaicTxt = archaicTxt + zz
+ if((term.status == None) or (term.status == "") or (term.status == "unknown")):
+ archaicTxt = archaicTxt + zz
+ ## then add the whole thing to the main tl string
+ tl = "%s %s" % (tl, stableTxt + "\n" + testingTxt + "\n" + unstableTxt + "\n" + archaicTxt)
+ ## tl = "%s %s" % (tl, zz)
+ ## ensure termlist tag is closed
+ return(tl + "\n" + queries + "</div>\n</div>")
+ def rdfa(self):
+ return("<html>rdfa here</html>")
+ def htmlDocInfo(t, termdir = '../docs'):
+ """Opens a file based on the term name (t) and termdir (defaults to
+ current directory. Reads in the file, and returns a linkified
+ version of it."""
+ if termdir == None:
+ termdir = self.basedir
+ doc = ""
+ try:
+ f = open("%s/%s.en" % (termdir, t), "r")
+ doc = f.read()
+ doc = termlink(doc)
+ except:
+ return "<p>No detailed documentation for this term.</p>"
+ return doc
+ # report what we've parsed from our various sources
+ def report(self):
+ s = "Report for vocabulary from " + self.vocab.filename + "\n"
+ if self.vocab.uri != None:
+ s += "URI: " + self.vocab.uri + "\n\n"
+ for t in self.vocab.uterms:
+ print "TERM as string: ", t
+ s += t.simple_report()
+ return s
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ontologies/specgen/specgen6.py Tue Oct 04 18:05:11 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This is a draft rewrite of specgen5, the family of scripts (originally
+# in Ruby, then Python) that are used with the Counter Ontology, Ordered Lists
+# Ontology and Info Service Ontology.
+# This version is based on danbri's specgen version (specgen5) and heavily extended
+# by Bob Ferris in July 2010 (the main extensions are in libvocab.py). This version is
+# a bit more FOAF independent ;)
+# spegen6:
+# Copyright 2010 Bob Ferris <http://smiy.wordpress.com/author/zazi0815/>
+# specgen5:
+# Copyright 2008 Dan Brickley <http://danbri.org/>
+# ...and probably includes bits of code that are:
+# Copyright 2008 Uldis Bojars <captsolo@gmail.com>
+# Copyright 2008 Christopher Schmidt
+# This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import libvocab
+from libvocab import Vocab, VocabReport
+from libvocab import Term
+from libvocab import Class
+from libvocab import Property
+import sys
+import os.path
+import getopt
+# Make a spec
+def makeSpec(indir, uri, shortName,outdir,outfile, template, templatedir,indexrdfdir, ontofile):
+ spec = Vocab( indexrdfdir, ontofile)
+ spec.uri = uri
+ spec.addShortName(shortName)
+ spec.index() # slurp info from sources
+ out = VocabReport( spec, indir, template, templatedir )
+ filename = os.path.join(outdir, outfile)
+ print "Printing to ",filename
+ f = open(filename,"w")
+ result = out.generate()
+ f.write(result)
+# Make FOAF spec
+def makeFoaf():
+ makeSpec("examples/foaf/","http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/","foaf","examples/foaf/","_tmp_spec.html","template.html","examples/foaf/","examples/foaf/")
+def usage():
+ print "Usage:",sys.argv[0],"--indir=dir --ns=uri --prefix=prefix [--outdir=outdir] [--outfile=outfile] [--templatedir=templatedir] [--indexrdf=indexrdf] [--ontofile=ontofile]"
+ print "e.g. "
+ print sys.argv[0], " --indir=examples/foaf/ --ns=http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ --prefix=foaf --ontofile=index.rdf"
+ print "or "
+ print sys.argv[0], " --indir=../../xmlns.com/htdocs/foaf/ --ns=http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ --prefix=foaf --ontofile=index.rdf --templatedir=../../xmlns.com/htdocs/foaf/spec/ --indexrdfdir=../../xmlns.com/htdocs/foaf/spec/ --outdir=../../xmlns.com/htdocs/foaf/spec/"
+def main():
+ ##looking for outdir, outfile, indir, namespace, shortns
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], None, ["outdir=", "outfile=", "indir=", "ns=", "prefix=", "templatedir=", "indexrdfdir=", "ontofile="])
+ #print opts
+ except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+ # print help information and exit:
+ print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+ print "something went wrong"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ indir = None #indir
+ uri = None #ns
+ shortName = None #prefix
+ outdir = None
+ outfile = None
+ templatedir = None
+ indexrdfdir = None
+ ontofile = None
+ if len(opts) ==0:
+ print "No arguments found"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o == "--indir":
+ indir = a
+ elif o == "--ns":
+ uri = a
+ elif o == "--prefix":
+ shortName = a
+ elif o == "--outdir":
+ outdir = a
+ elif o == "--outfile":
+ outfile = a
+ elif o == "--templatedir":
+ templatedir = a
+ elif o == "--indexrdfdir":
+ indexrdfdir = a
+ elif o == "--ontofile":
+ ontofile = a
+#first check all the essentials are there
+ # check we have been given a indir
+ if indir == None or len(indir) ==0:
+ print "No in directory given"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # check we have been given a namespace url
+ if (uri == None or len(uri)==0):
+ print "No namespace uri given"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # check we have a prefix
+ if (shortName == None or len(shortName)==0):
+ print "No prefix given"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # check we have benn given an ontology file
+ if (ontofile == None or len(ontofile)==0):
+ print "No ontology file given"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ else:
+ print "Use ontology file ",ontofile
+ # check outdir
+ if (outdir == None or len(outdir)==0):
+ outdir = indir
+ print "No outdir, using indir ",indir
+ if (outfile == None or len(outfile)==0):
+ outfile = "_tmp_spec.html"
+ print "No outfile, using ",outfile
+ if (templatedir == None or len(templatedir)==0):
+ templatedir = indir
+ print "No templatedir, using ",templatedir
+ if (indexrdfdir == None or len(indexrdfdir)==0):
+ indexrdfdir = indir
+ print "No indexrdfdir, using ",indexrdfdir
+# now do some more checking
+ # check indir is a dir and it is readable and writeable
+ if (os.path.isdir(indir)):
+ print "In directory is ok ",indir
+ else:
+ print indir,"is not a directory"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # check templatedir is a dir and it is readable and writeable
+ if (os.path.isdir(templatedir)):
+ print "Template directory is ok ",templatedir
+ else:
+ print templatedir,"is not a directory"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # check indexrdfdir is a dir and it is readable and writeable
+ if (os.path.isdir(indexrdfdir)):
+ print "indexrdfdir directory is ok ",indexrdfdir
+ else:
+ print indexrdfdir,"is not a directory"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # check outdir is a dir and it is readable and writeable
+ if (os.path.isdir(outdir)):
+ print "Out directory is ok ",outdir
+ else:
+ print outdir,"is not a directory"
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ #check we can read infile
+ try:
+ filename = os.path.join(indexrdfdir, ontofile)
+ f = open(filename, "r")
+ except:
+ print "Can't open ",ontofile," in ",indexrdfdir
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ #look for the template file
+ try:
+ filename = os.path.join(templatedir, "template.html")
+ f = open(filename, "r")
+ except:
+ print "No template.html in ",templatedir
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # check we can write to outfile
+ try:
+ filename = os.path.join(outdir, outfile)
+ f = open(filename, "w")
+ except:
+ print "Cannot write to ",outfile," in",outdir
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ makeSpec(indir,uri,shortName,outdir,outfile,"template.html",templatedir,indexrdfdir, ontofile)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()