Editorial tweaks to requirements
authorMichael Cooper <cooper@w3.org>
Fri, 18 Apr 2014 09:49:34 -0400
changeset 184 f8cf813d39e7
parent 183 770765775298
child 185 0f69b2685681
Editorial tweaks to requirements
--- a/src/indie-ui-requirements.html	Fri Apr 18 09:49:14 2014 -0400
+++ b/src/indie-ui-requirements.html	Fri Apr 18 09:49:34 2014 -0400
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
 		<section id="abstract">
 			<p>This document outlines the requirements that the IndieUI Working Group has set for development
 				of <strong>IndieUI: Events 1.0</strong> and <strong>IndieUI: User Context 1.0</strong>.
-				These requirements will be used to determine if the IndieUI WG has met its goals as these
-				specifications advance through the <a
+				These requirements will be used to determine whether the IndieUI <abbr title="Working Group"
+					>WG</abbr> has met its goals as these specifications advance through the <a
 					href="http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#Reports">W3C Recommendation Track
 					Process</a>. This document introduces a series of user scenarios common to the two
 				specifications, and a list of technical requirements needed to meet those scenarios for each