removing previously deferred, probably unnecessary events, as overcome by 'markRequest' and others
--- a/src/events.html Mon Nov 05 11:10:05 2012 -0800
+++ b/src/events.html Mon Nov 05 11:11:19 2012 -0800
@@ -393,34 +393,6 @@
<li>Context Info: None</li>
- <dt class="deferred" title="Deferred"><code class="event">AXDragSelect</code></dt>
- <dd class="deferred" title="Deferred">
- <p>Initiated by the assistive technology in order to inform the web application than a draggable element (e.g. an element with an explicit <code>aria-grabbed</code> value) should be marked for dragging.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Bubbles: Yes</li>
- <li>Cancelable: Yes</li>
- <li>Context Info: None</li>
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <dt class="deferred" title="Deferred"><code class="event">AXDragCancel</code></dt>
- <dd class="deferred" title="Deferred">
- <p class="ednote">Editorial Note: This event may not be necessary; could use general DismissRequest instead.</p>
- <p>Initiated by the assistive technology in order to inform the web application than the current drag operation should be cancelled.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Bubbles: Yes</li>
- <li>Cancelable: No <em class="ednote">… Editorial Note: Does this need to be cancelable?</em></li>
- <li>Context Info: None</li>
- </ul>
- </dd>
- <dt class="deferred" title="Deferred"><code class="event">AXDragDrop</code></dt>
- <dd class="deferred" title="Deferred">
- <p>Initiated by the assistive technology in order to inform the web application than a specific drop target (e.g. an element with an explicit <code>aria-dropeffect</code> value) should receive the drop event of the current drag operation.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Bubbles: Yes</li>
- <li>Cancelable: Yes</li>
- <li>Context Info: None</li>
- </ul>
- </dd>
<!-- :::::::::::::::::::: END AccessibilityEvent :::::::::::::::::::: -->