ACTION-6: add note about using default 'click' event for activations
authorJames Craig <>
Sun, 11 Nov 2012 17:15:39 -0800
changeset 15 acb7a79d3a18
parent 14 7401654f89c6
child 16 aa5994321182
ACTION-6: add note about using default 'click' event for activations
--- a/src/indie-ui-events.html	Sun Nov 11 12:02:19 2012 -0800
+++ b/src/indie-ui-events.html	Sun Nov 11 17:15:39 2012 -0800
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
 			<h2><abbr title="User Interface">UI</abbr> Change Request Events</h2>
 			<p>The core principle behind <abbr title="User Interface">UI</abbr> Change Request Events is that they operate on a completely backwards-compatible, opt-in basis. In other words, the web application author has to be aware of these events and register event listeners, or the user agent and assistive technology behave as they normally would.</p>
 			<p><strong>Change request events do not cause any direct manipulation or mutation of the DOM.</strong> Instead, the event object conveys the user's intent to the web application, and allows the web application to make the appropriate changes to the DOM, on behalf of the user agent or assistive technology. If a web application is authored to understand the change request event, it can cancel the event using <code>preventDefault()</code>, which informs the user agent or assistive technology that the event has been captured and understood. If a web application does not cancel any change request event, the user agent or assistive technology can then attempt fallback behavior or communicate to the user that the input has not been recognized.</p>
+			<p class="ednote">There is purposefully no request event for activating the default action. Authors are encouraged to use a standard <code>click</code> event for default actions.</p>
 			<p class="ednote">Event fires on point of regard (document.activeElement, clicked element, or AT equivalent) if applicable, or otherwise document.body.</p>
 			<p class="ednote">These events should be asynchronous, but when used in conjunction with keyboard events, should fire after keydown, but before both keyup and keypress.</p>