ACTION-64: Consider using string values instead of constants. re: warning at
--- a/src/indie-ui-events.html Sun Aug 18 01:19:56 2013 -0700
+++ b/src/indie-ui-events.html Sun Aug 18 02:04:30 2013 -0700
@@ -405,24 +405,7 @@
<dl title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional UIFocusRequestEventInit dictUIFocusRequestEventInit)] interface UIFocusRequestEvent : UIRequestEvent" class="idl">
- <dt>const unsigned short UNKNOWN = 0</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_FIRST = 1</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_PREV = 2</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_NEXT = 3</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_LAST = 4</dt><dd></dd>
- <!-- clockwise from top -->
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_UP = 5</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_UP_RIGHT = 6</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_RIGHT = 7</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_DOWN_RIGHT = 8</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_DOWN = 9</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_DOWN_LEFT = 10</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_LEFT = 11</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_UP_LEFT = 12</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short focusType</dt><dd></dd>
+ <dt>readonly attribute DOMString focusType</dt><dd></dd>
@@ -443,36 +426,28 @@
<dt>EventTarget receiver = null</dt><dd></dd>
<!-- Attributes from UIFocusRequestEventInit -->
- <dt>unsigned short focusType = 0</dt><dd>Type of linear or directional focus requested, as defined in the interface constants. Defaults to 0 (UNKNOWN). <!-- <p class="ednote">TBD whether this will be constants in the constructor, or in the LinearFocusType and DirectionalFocusType dictionaries. Both are defined here during consideration.</p> --></dd>
+ <dt>DOMString? focusType = null</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Type of linear or directional focus requested, as defined below. Value remains null except when used for directionalfocusrequest or linearfocusrequest.</p>
+ <p class="ednote">Note: We may need to defined these "constant" string values elsewhere in the IDL.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>"NAV_FIRST"</code>: linear first</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_PREV"</code>: linear previous</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_NEXT"</code>: linear next</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_LAST"</code>: linear last</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_UP"</code>: directional "North"</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_UP_RIGHT"</code>: directional "Northeast"</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_RIGHT"</code>: directional "East"</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_DOWN_RIGHT"</code>: directional "Southeast"</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_DOWN"</code>: directional "South"</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_DOWN_LEFT"</code>: directional "Southwest"</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_LEFT"</code>: directional "West"</li>
+ <li><code>"NAV_UP_LEFT"</code>: directional "Northwest"</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
- <!--
- <section id="FocusTypeValues">
- <h5>FocusType Values</h5>
- <p class="ednote">TBD: These NAV_* constants could also be defined as constants. See above.</p>
- <dl title="dictionary LinearFocusType" class="idl">
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_FIRST = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_PREV = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_NEXT = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_LAST = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- </dl>
- <dl title="dictionary DirectionalFocusType" class="idl">
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_UP = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_UP_LEFT = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_LEFT = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_DOWN_LEFT = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_DOWN = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_DOWN_RIGHT = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_RIGHT = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short NAV_UP_RIGHT = TBD</dt><dd></dd>
- </dl>
- </section>
- -->
<section id="UIFocusRequestEvents">
<h4>UIFocusRequestEvent Types</h4>
@@ -486,7 +461,7 @@
<li>Bubbles: Yes</li>
<li>Cancelable: Yes</li>
- <li>Context Info: <code>focusType</code> (one of directional focus constants)</li>
+ <li>Context Info: <code>focusType</code> (one of directional focusType string)</li>
@@ -496,7 +471,7 @@
<li>Bubbles: Yes</li>
<li>Cancelable: Yes</li>
- <li>Context Info: <code>focusType</code> (one of linear focus constants)</li>
+ <li>Context Info: <code>focusType</code> (one of linear focusType strings)</li>
@@ -686,25 +661,9 @@
<h3>Interface UIScrollRequestEvent</h3>
<dl title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional UIScrollRequestEventInit dictUIScrollRequestEventInit)] interface UIScrollRequestEvent : UIRequestEvent" class="idl">
- <dt>const unsigned short DELTAS = 0</dt><dd>Default value for scrollType indicating that scroll amount is provided as deltaX and deltaY in CSS pixels.</dd>
- <!-- clockwise from top -->
- <dt>const unsigned short UP = 1</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>UP</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short RIGHT = 2</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>RIGHT</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short DOWN = 3</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>DOWN</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short LEFT = 4</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>LEFT</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short PAGE_UP = 5</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>PAGEUP</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short PAGE_RIGHT = 6</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short PAGE_DOWN = 7</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>PAGEDOWN</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short PAGE_LEFT = 8</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short LIMIT_UP = 9</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>HOME</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short LIMIT_RIGHT = 10</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short LIMIT_DOWN = 11</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>END</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short LIMIT_LEFT = 12</dt><dd></dd>
<dt>readonly attribute double? deltaX</dt><dd> </dd>
<dt>readonly attribute double? deltaY</dt><dd> </dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short scrollType</dt><dd></dd>
+ <dt>readonly attribute DOMString scrollType</dt><dd></dd>
@@ -726,7 +685,27 @@
<!-- Attributes from UIScrollRequestEventInit -->
<dt>optional double? deltaX = 0.0</dt><dd>The cartesian X coordinate delta, in CSS pixels.</dd>
<dt>optional double? deltaY = 0.0</dt><dd>The cartesian Y coordinate delta, in CSS pixels.</dd>
- <dt>unsigned short scrollType = 0</dt><dd>Type of scroll requested, as defined in the interface constants. Defaults to 0 (DELTAS) which indicates deltas are provided.</dd>
+ <dt>DOMString? scrollType = "DELTAS"</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Type of scroll requested, as defined below.</p>
+ <p class="ednote">Note: We may need to defined these "constant" string values elsewhere in the IDL.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>"DELTAS"</code>: Default value for scrollType indicating that scroll amount is provided as deltaX and deltaY in CSS pixels.</li>
+ <li><code>"UP"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>UP</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"RIGHT"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>RIGHT</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"DOWN"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>DOWN</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"LEFT"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>LEFT</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"PAGE_UP"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>PAGEUP</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"PAGE_RIGHT"</code>: </li>
+ <li><code>"PAGE_DOWN"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>PAGEDOWN</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"PAGE_LEFT"</code>: </li>
+ <li><code>"LIMIT_UP"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>HOME</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"LIMIT_RIGHT"</code>: </li>
+ <li><code>"LIMIT_DOWN"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>END</kbd> key in most native scroll views.</li>
+ <li><code>"LIMIT_LEFT"</code>: </li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
@@ -754,19 +733,7 @@
<section id="UIValueChangeRequestEvent" class="normative">
<h3>Interface UIValueChangeRequestEvent</h3>
<dl title="[Constructor(DOMString typeArg, optional UIValueChangeRequestEventInit dictUIValueChangeRequestEventInit)] interface UIValueChangeRequestEvent : UIRequestEvent" class="idl">
- <dt>const unsigned short UNKNOWN = 0</dt><dd></dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short INCREMENT = 1</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>UP</kbd> key on most native sliders.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short INCREMENT_SMALL = 2</dt><dd>Equivalent to the behavior of <kbd>ALT+UP</kbd> or <kbd>OPTION+UP</kbd> on some native controls, indicating a finely tuned adjustment (e.g. +0.1% as opposed to +1%).</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short INCREMENT_LARGE = 3</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of <kbd>PAGEUP</kbd> or <kbd>SHIFT+UP</kbd> on many native sliders.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short INCREMENT_MAX = 4</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>END</kbd> key on most native sliders.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short DECREMENT = 5</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>DOWN</kbd> key on most native sliders.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short DECREMENT_SMALL = 6</dt><dd>Equivalent to the behavior of <kbd>ALT+DOWN</kbd> or <kbd>OPTION+DOWN</kbd> on some native controls, indicating a finely tuned adjustment (e.g. -0.1% as opposed to -1%).</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short DECREMENT_LARGE = 7</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of <kbd>PAGEDOWN</kbd> or <kbd>SHIFT+DOWN</kbd> on many native sliders.</dd>
- <dt>const unsigned short DECREMENT_MIN = 8</dt><dd>Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>HOME</kbd> key on most native sliders.</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short changeType</dt><dd></dd>
+ <dt>readonly attribute DOMString changeType</dt><dd></dd>
<section id="UIValueChangeRequestEventInit">
@@ -785,7 +752,21 @@
<dt>EventTarget receiver = null</dt><dd></dd>
<!-- Attributes from UIValueChangeRequestEventInit -->
- <dt>unsigned short changeType = 0</dt><dd>Type of change requested, as defined in the interface constants. Defaults to 0 (UNKNOWN).</dd>
+ <dt>DOMString? changeType = null</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Type of change requested, as defined below.</p>
+ <p class="ednote">Note: We may need to defined these "constant" string values elsewhere in the IDL.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>"INCREMENT"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>UP</kbd> key on most native sliders.</li>
+ <li><code>"INCREMENT_SMALL"</code>: Equivalent to the behavior of <kbd>ALT+UP</kbd> or <kbd>OPTION+UP</kbd> on some native controls, indicating a finely tuned adjustment (e.g. +0.1% as opposed to +1%).</li>
+ <li><code>"INCREMENT_LARGE"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of <kbd>PAGEUP</kbd> or <kbd>SHIFT+UP</kbd> on many native sliders.</li>
+ <li><code>"INCREMENT_MAX"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>END</kbd> key on most native sliders.</li>
+ <li><code>"DECREMENT"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>DOWN</kbd> key on most native sliders.</li>
+ <li><code>"DECREMENT_SMALL"</code>: Equivalent to the behavior of <kbd>ALT+DOWN</kbd> or <kbd>OPTION+DOWN</kbd> on some native controls, indicating a finely tuned adjustment (e.g. -0.1% as opposed to -1%).</li>
+ <li><code>"DECREMENT_LARGE"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of <kbd>PAGEDOWN</kbd> or <kbd>SHIFT+DOWN</kbd> on many native sliders.</li>
+ <li><code>"DECREMENT_MIN"</code>: Equivalent to the default behavior of the <kbd>HOME</kbd> key on most native sliders.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>