Reflecting Requirements title change in more places
authorMichael Cooper <>
Fri, 18 Apr 2014 10:11:15 -0400 (2014-04-18)
changeset 186 5682a8a81907
parent 185 0f69b2685681
child 187 1dae47b6946e
Reflecting Requirements title change in more places
--- a/src/indie-ui-requirements.html	Fri Apr 18 09:58:34 2014 -0400
+++ b/src/indie-ui-requirements.html	Fri Apr 18 10:11:15 2014 -0400
@@ -100,18 +100,31 @@
 					href="">W3C Recommendation Track
 					Process</a>. This document introduces a series of user scenarios common to the two
 				specifications, and a list of technical requirements needed to meet those scenarios for each
-				specification. It also provides information about how the requirements are addressed in. For
+				specification. It also provides information about how the requirements are addressed. For
 				background information on IndieUI: Events and IndieUI: User Context see the <a
 					href="">IndieUI Overview</a>.</p>
 		<section id="sotd">
-			<p>This is a First Public Working Draft of "Requirements for IndieUI 1.0" from the <a href="">Independent User Interface (Indie UI) Working Group</a>. The Working Group intends to develop this document and publish it as a Working Group Note to support the Recommendation-track deliverables <strong>IndieUI: Events 1.0</strong> and <strong>IndieUI: User Context 1.0</strong>. "Requirements for IndieUI 1.0" addresses both those specifications, although in this version only requirements for IndieUI: Events have been elaborated. The document provides scenarios for web content interaction that need additional standards support to optimize interaction by people with disabilities, followed by requirements for IndieUI to meet those scenarios. Where requirements are currently met by the specification, an appropriate link is provided.</p>
-			<p>Feedback on this document is essential to success of IndieUI. The IndieUI WG asks in particular:</p>
+			<p>This is a First Public Working Draft of "Requirements for IndieUI: Events 1.0 and IndieUI:
+				User Context 1.0" from the <a href="">Independent User
+					Interface (Indie UI) Working Group</a>. The Working Group intends to develop this document
+				and publish it as a Working Group Note to support the Recommendation-track deliverables
+					<strong>IndieUI: Events 1.0</strong> and <strong>IndieUI: User Context 1.0</strong>.
+				"Requirements for IndieUI: Events 1.0 and IndieUI: User Context 1.0" addresses both those
+				specifications, although in this version only requirements for IndieUI: Events have been
+				elaborated. The document provides scenarios for web content interaction that need additional
+				standards support to optimize interaction by people with disabilities, followed by
+				requirements for the specifications to meet those scenarios. Where requirements are
+				currently met by the specification, an appropriate link is provided.</p>
+			<p>Feedback on this document is essential to success of these technologies. The IndieUI WG asks
+				in particular:</p>
-				<li>Do the scenarios comprehensively describe situations that should be addressed in IndieUI 1.0?</li>
+				<li>Do the scenarios comprehensively describe situations that should be addressed in IndieUI:
+					Events and IndieUI: User Context?</li>
 				<li>Do the requirements sufficiently address the scenarios?</li>
-				<li>Are there scenarios or requirements that should not be addressed in the 1.0 version of IndieUI?</li>
+				<li>Are there scenarios or requirements that should not be addressed in the 1.0 version of these
+					specifications?</li>
 			<p>To comment on this document, send email to <a