Even more thorugh removal of the abstract IndieUI references to make really darn sure I'm not flogged by anal retention on it.
--- a/src/indie-ui-requirements.html Fri Apr 18 10:11:15 2014 -0400
+++ b/src/indie-ui-requirements.html Fri Apr 18 10:16:19 2014 -0400
@@ -366,7 +366,8 @@
<section id="requirements_events_uievents">
<h3>Extend UI Events</h3>
- <p>IndieUI Events must extend UIEvents unless the IndieUI requirements are met directly in UI Events.</p>
+ <p>IndieUI Events must extend UIEvents unless the requirements are met directly in UI
+ Events.</p>
<p class="addresses">Addresses scenario(s):</p>
<p class="metby">Met by: <a href="https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/IndieUI/raw-file/tip/src/indie-ui-events.html#UIRequestEvent">UIRequestEvent</a></p>
@@ -598,7 +599,9 @@
<!-- :::::::::::::::::::: OTHER REQUIREMENTS :::::::::::::::::::: -->
<section id="requirements_other">
<h2>Other Requirements</h2>
- <p>Requirements in this section address the IndieUI space but are expected to be met by other current and future work than IndieUI. They are included here to help provide a complete picture of the IndieUI requirements space.</p>
+ <p>Requirements in this section address goals fo the IndieUI Working Group but are expected to be
+ met by current and future work from other efforts. They are included here to help provide a
+ complete picture of the requirements space addressed by the IndieUI Working Group.</p>
<!-- :::::::::::::::::::: END OTHER REQUIREMENTS :::::::::::::::::::: -->