--- a/src/test/scala/SparqlToSparqlTest.scala Sun Feb 14 07:50:32 2010 -0500
+++ b/src/test/scala/SparqlToSparqlTest.scala Sun Feb 14 07:52:35 2010 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* SparqlToSparqlTest: transform SPARQL to SQL and compare against a reference query.
+/* SparqlToSparqlTest: transform SPARQL to SPARQL and compare against a reference query.
* $Id$
@@ -92,6 +92,26 @@
assert(transformed === expected)
+ val GlobalSparqlParser = Sparql()
+ val Emp_TaskToFoaf = GlobalSparqlParser.parseAll(GlobalSparqlParser.construct, """
+ PREFIX foaf : <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
+ PREFIX empP : <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#>
+ PREFIX task : <http://hr.example/DB/Task#>
+ CONSTRUCT { ?emp foaf:last_name ?wname .
+ ?emp foaf:knows ?man .
+ ?man foaf:last_name ?mname }
+ WHERE { ?emp empP:lastName ?wname .
+ ?pair task:drone ?emp .
+ ?pair task:manager ?man .
+ ?man empP:lastName ?mname }
+ """).get // "
+ val Emp_TaskToFoaf_abbr = Map[String,String]("<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/last_name>" -> "foaf:last_name",
+ "<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows>" -> "foaf:knows",
+ "<http://hr.example/DB/Employee#lastName>" -> "Employee:lastName",
+ "<http://hr.example/DB/Task#drone>" -> "Task:drone",
+ "<http://hr.example/DB/Task#manager>" -> "Task:manager",
+ "^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" -> "")
test("to many-to-many") {
val sparqlParser = Sparql()
val query = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
@@ -102,19 +122,7 @@
?who foaf:knows ?whom .
?whom foaf:last_name "Smith"^^xsd:string }
- val rule1 = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.construct, """
-PREFIX foaf : <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
-PREFIX empP : <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#>
-PREFIX task : <http://hr.example/DB/Task#>
-CONSTRUCT { ?emp foaf:last_name ?wname .
- ?emp foaf:knows ?man .
- ?man foaf:last_name ?mname }
- WHERE { ?emp empP:lastName ?wname .
- ?pair task:drone ?emp .
- ?pair task:manager ?man .
- ?man empP:lastName ?mname }
- val transformed = SparqlToSparql(query, List(rule1))
+ val transformed = SparqlToSparql(query, List(Emp_TaskToFoaf))
val expected = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
PREFIX empP : <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#>
PREFIX task : <http://hr.example/DB/Task#>
@@ -139,26 +147,9 @@
?whom foaf:knows ?whom2 .
?whom2 foaf:last_name "Smith"^^xsd:string }
- val rule1 = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.construct, """
-PREFIX foaf : <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
-PREFIX empP : <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#>
-PREFIX task : <http://hr.example/DB/Task#>
-CONSTRUCT { ?emp foaf:last_name ?wname .
- ?emp foaf:knows ?man .
- ?man foaf:last_name ?mname }
- WHERE { ?emp empP:lastName ?wname .
- ?pair task:drone ?emp .
- ?pair task:manager ?man .
- ?man empP:lastName ?mname }
- SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations.update("<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/last_name>", "foaf:last_name")
- SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations.update("<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows>", "foaf:knows")
- SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations.update("<http://hr.example/DB/Employee#lastName>", "Employee:lastName")
- SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations.update("<http://hr.example/DB/Task#drone>", "Task:drone")
- SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations.update("<http://hr.example/DB/Task#manager>", "Task:manager")
- SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations.update("^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string", "")
+ SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations ++= Emp_TaskToFoaf_abbr
- val transformed = SparqlToSparql(query, List(rule1))
+ val transformed = SparqlToSparql(query, List(Emp_TaskToFoaf))
val expected = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
PREFIX empP : <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#>
PREFIX task : <http://hr.example/DB/Task#>
@@ -194,4 +185,232 @@
println("of interest: " + useful)
+ test("XXX") { // ~/swobjects/tests/healthCare/lists-notBound/hl7.rq short
+ val sparqlParser = Sparql()
+ val query = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
+PREFIX hl7: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+PREFIX xsd : <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
+SELECT ?patient ?dob ?sex
+ ?patient a hl7:Person .
+ ?patient hl7:entityName ?middleName .
+ ?patient hl7:livingSubjectBirthTime ?dob .
+ ?patient hl7:administrativeGenderCodePrintName ?sex .
+ ?subs_admin a hl7:SubstanceAdministration .
+ ?subs_admin hl7:consumable ?consumable .
+ ?consumable hl7:displayName "asdf"^^xsd:string .
+ SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations ++= Emp_TaskToFoaf_abbr
+ val rule1 = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.construct, """
+PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
+PREFIX Person: <http://hospital.example/DB/Person#>
+PREFIX Sex_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Sex_DE#>
+PREFIX Item_Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Item_Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication_DE#>
+PREFIX NDCcodes: <http://hospital.example/DB/NDCcodes#>
+PREFIX hl7: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+PREFIX spl: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+?person a hl7:Person .
+?person hl7:entityName ?middleName .
+?person hl7:livingSubjectBirthTime ?dob .
+?person hl7:administrativeGenderCodePrintName ?sex .
+?person hl7:substanceAdministration ?subst .
+?subst a hl7:SubstanceAdministration .
+?subst hl7:consumable ?cons .
+?cons hl7:displayName ?takes .
+?cons spl:activeIngredient ?ingred .
+?ingred spl:classCode ?ingred .
+?subst hl7:effectiveTime ?interval .
+?interval hl7:start ?indicDate
+} WHERE {
+ ?person Person:MiddleName ?middleName .
+ ?person Person:DateOfBirth ?dob .
+ ?person Person:SexDE ?sexEntry .
+ ?sexEntry Sex_DE:EntryName ?sex .
+ ?indicItem Item_Medication:PatientID ?person .
+ ?indicItem Item_Medication:PerformedDTTM ?indicDate .
+ ?indicItem Item_Medication:EntryName ?takes .
+ ?indicMed Medication:ItemID ?indicItem .
+ ?indicMed Medication:DaysToTake ?indicDuration .
+ ?indicMed Medication:MedDictDE ?indicDE .
+ ?indicDE Medication_DE:NDC ?indicNDC .
+ ?indicCode NDCcodes:NDC ?indicNDC .
+ ?indicCode NDCcodes:ingredient ?ingred }
+ val transformed = SparqlToSparql(query, List(rule1))
+ val expected = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
+PREFIX Person: <http://hospital.example/DB/Person#>
+PREFIX Sex_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Sex_DE#>
+PREFIX Item_Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Item_Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication_DE#>
+PREFIX NDCcodes: <http://hospital.example/DB/NDCcodes#>
+PREFIX xsd : <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
+SELECT ?patient ?dob ?sex
+ ?patient Person:MiddleName ?middleName .
+ ?patient Person:DateOfBirth ?dob .
+ ?patient Person:SexDE ?_0_sexEntry .
+ ?_0_sexEntry Sex_DE:EntryName ?sex .
+ ?_0_indicItem Item_Medication:PatientID ?patient .
+ ?_0_indicItem Item_Medication:EntryName "asdf"^^xsd:string .
+ assert(transformed === expected)
+ }
+ test("YYY") { // ~/swobjects/tests/healthCare/lists-notBound/hl7.rq short
+ val sparqlParser = Sparql()
+ val query = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
+PREFIX hl7: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+PREFIX xsd : <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
+SELECT ?patient ?dob ?sex
+WHERE { ?consumable hl7:displayName "asdf"^^xsd:string .
+ ?consumable hl7:activeIngredient ?ingredient .
+ ?ingredient hl7:classCode 6809 }
+ SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations ++= Emp_TaskToFoaf_abbr
+ val rule1 = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.construct, """
+PREFIX Item_Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Item_Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication_DE#>
+PREFIX NDCcodes: <http://hospital.example/DB/NDCcodes#>
+PREFIX hl7: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+?cons hl7:displayName ?takes .
+?cons hl7:activeIngredient ?ingred .
+?ingred hl7:classCode ?ingredCode .
+} WHERE {
+ ?indicItem Item_Medication:EntryName ?takes .
+ ?indicMed Medication:ItemID ?indicItem .
+ ?indicMed Medication:MedDictDE ?indicDE .
+ ?indicDE Medication_DE:NDC ?indicNDC .
+ ?indicCode NDCcodes:NDC ?indicNDC .
+ ?indicCode NDCcodes:ingredient ?ingredCode }
+ val transformed = SparqlToSparql(query, List(rule1))
+ val expected = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
+PREFIX Item_Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Item_Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication_DE#>
+PREFIX NDCcodes: <http://hospital.example/DB/NDCcodes#>
+PREFIX xsd : <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
+SELECT ?patient ?dob ?sex
+ ?_0_indicItem Item_Medication:EntryName "asdf"^^xsd:string .
+ ?_0_indicMed Medication:ItemID ?_0_indicItem .
+ ?_0_indicMed Medication:MedDictDE ?_0_indicDE .
+ ?_0_indicDE Medication_DE:NDC ?_0_indicNDC .
+ ?_0_indicCode NDCcodes:NDC ?_0_indicNDC .
+ ?_0_indicCode NDCcodes:ingredient 6809
+ assert(transformed === expected)
+ }
+ test("ZZZ") { // ~/swobjects/tests/healthCare/lists-notBound/hl7.rq short
+ val sparqlParser = Sparql()
+ val query = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
+PREFIX hl7: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+SELECT ?patient ?dob ?sex
+ ?patient a hl7:Person .
+ ?patient hl7:entityName ?middleName .
+ ?patient hl7:livingSubjectBirthTime ?dob .
+ ?patient hl7:administrativeGenderCodePrintName ?sex .
+ ?patient hl7:substanceAdministration ?subs_admin .
+ ?subs_admin a hl7:SubstanceAdministration .
+ ?subs_admin hl7:consumable ?consumable .
+ ?consumable hl7:displayName ?takes .
+ ?consumable hl7:activeIngredient ?ingredient .
+ ?ingredient hl7:classCode 6809 .
+ ?subs_admin hl7:effectiveTime ?indic_span .
+ SparqlToSparql.Abbreviations ++= Emp_TaskToFoaf_abbr
+ val rule1 = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.construct, """
+PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
+PREFIX Person: <http://hospital.example/DB/Person#>
+PREFIX Sex_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Sex_DE#>
+PREFIX Item_Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Item_Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication_DE#>
+PREFIX NDCcodes: <http://hospital.example/DB/NDCcodes#>
+PREFIX hl7: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+PREFIX spl: <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
+?person a hl7:Person .
+?person hl7:entityName ?middleName .
+?person hl7:livingSubjectBirthTime ?dob .
+?person hl7:administrativeGenderCodePrintName ?sex .
+?person hl7:substanceAdministration ?subst .
+?subst a hl7:SubstanceAdministration .
+?subst hl7:consumable ?cons .
+?cons hl7:displayName ?takes .
+?cons spl:activeIngredient ?ingred .
+?ingred spl:classCode ?ingredCode .
+?subst hl7:effectiveTime ?interval .
+?interval hl7:start ?indicDate
+} WHERE {
+ ?person Person:MiddleName ?middleName .
+ ?person Person:DateOfBirth ?dob .
+ ?person Person:SexDE ?sexEntry .
+ ?sexEntry Sex_DE:EntryName ?sex .
+ ?indicItem Item_Medication:PatientID ?person .
+ ?indicItem Item_Medication:PerformedDTTM ?indicDate .
+ ?indicItem Item_Medication:EntryName ?takes .
+ ?indicMed Medication:ItemID ?indicItem .
+ ?indicMed Medication:DaysToTake ?indicDuration .
+ ?indicMed Medication:MedDictDE ?indicDE .
+ ?indicDE Medication_DE:NDC ?indicNDC .
+ ?indicCode NDCcodes:NDC ?indicNDC .
+ ?indicCode NDCcodes:ingredient ?ingredCode }
+ val transformed = SparqlToSparql(query, List(rule1))
+ val expected = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
+PREFIX Person: <http://hospital.example/DB/Person#>
+PREFIX Sex_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Sex_DE#>
+PREFIX Item_Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Item_Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication#>
+PREFIX Medication_DE: <http://hospital.example/DB/Medication_DE#>
+PREFIX NDCcodes: <http://hospital.example/DB/NDCcodes#>
+PREFIX xsd : <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
+SELECT ?patient ?dob ?sex
+ ?patient Person:MiddleName ?middleName .
+ ?patient Person:DateOfBirth ?dob .
+ ?patient Person:SexDE ?_0_sexEntry .
+ ?_0_sexEntry Sex_DE:EntryName ?sex .
+ ?_0_indicItem Item_Medication:PatientID ?patient .
+ ?_0_indicItem Item_Medication:EntryName ?takes .
+ ?_0_indicMed Medication:ItemID ?_0_indicItem .
+ ?_0_indicMed Medication:MedDictDE ?_0_indicDE .
+ ?_0_indicDE Medication_DE:NDC ?_0_indicNDC .
+ ?_0_indicCode NDCcodes:NDC ?_0_indicNDC .
+ ?_0_indicCode NDCcodes:ingredient 6809
+ assert(transformed === expected)
+ }