- references to rdf as an object, prefers the use of the abstraction
authorAlexandre Bertails <bertails@w3.org>
Fri, 07 Jan 2011 12:50:06 -0500
changeset 297 489486b97905
parent 296 c6dee8b49941
child 298 61062fd31429
- references to rdf as an object, prefers the use of the abstraction
--- a/rdf/src/main/scala/RDF.scala	Fri Jan 07 12:48:27 2011 -0500
+++ b/rdf/src/main/scala/RDF.scala	Fri Jan 07 12:50:06 2011 -0500
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 trait RDFModel {
-  import org.w3.algebraic._
+  import org.w3.isomorphic._
   type IRI
-  val IRI : Algebraic1[String, IRI]
+  val IRI : Isomorphic1[String, IRI]
   // it should actually be an Ordered Set
   type Graph <: Traversable[Triple]
@@ -16,41 +16,41 @@
   type Triple
-  val Triple : Algebraic3[Subject, Predicate, Object, Triple]
+  val Triple : Isomorphic3[Subject, Predicate, Object, Triple]
   type BNode
-  val BNode : Algebraic1[String, BNode]
+  val BNode : Isomorphic1[String, BNode]
   // sealed type Node: NodeIRI NodeBNode
   type Node
   type NodeIRI   <: Node
   type NodeBNode <: Node
-  val NodeIRI   : Algebraic1[IRI, NodeIRI]
-  val NodeBNode : Algebraic1[BNode, NodeBNode]
+  val NodeIRI   : Isomorphic1[IRI, NodeIRI]
+  val NodeBNode : Isomorphic1[BNode, NodeBNode]
   type Subject
   type SubjectNode <: Subject
-  val SubjectNode : Algebraic1[Node, SubjectNode]
+  val SubjectNode : Isomorphic1[Node, SubjectNode]
   type Predicate
   type PredicateIRI <: Predicate
-  val PredicateIRI : Algebraic1[IRI, PredicateIRI]
+  val PredicateIRI : Isomorphic1[IRI, PredicateIRI]
   type Object
   type ObjectNode    <: Object
   type ObjectLiteral <: Object
-  val ObjectNode    : Algebraic1[Node, ObjectNode]
-  val ObjectLiteral : Algebraic1[Literal, ObjectLiteral]
+  val ObjectNode    : Isomorphic1[Node, ObjectNode]
+  val ObjectLiteral : Isomorphic1[Literal, ObjectLiteral]
   // val lexicalForm:String
   type Literal
   type PlainLiteral <: Literal
   type TypedLiteral <: Literal
-  val PlainLiteral : Algebraic2[String, Option[LangTag], PlainLiteral]
-  val TypedLiteral : Algebraic2[String, IRI, TypedLiteral]
+  val PlainLiteral : Isomorphic2[String, Option[LangTag], PlainLiteral]
+  val TypedLiteral : Isomorphic2[String, IRI, TypedLiteral]
   type LangTag
-  val LangTag : Algebraic1[String, LangTag]
+  val LangTag : Isomorphic1[String, LangTag]
   val StringDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string")
   val IntegerDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer")
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@
 trait RDF extends RDFModel {
-  import org.w3.algebraic._
+  import org.w3.isomorphic._
   case class IRI(iri:String) { override def toString = '"' + iri + '"' }
-  object IRI extends Algebraic1[String, IRI]
+  object IRI extends Isomorphic1[String, IRI]
   type Graph = Set[Triple]
   val Graph = new Object {
@@ -89,112 +89,112 @@
   case class Triple (s:Subject, p:Predicate, o:Object)
-  object Triple extends Algebraic3[Subject, Predicate, Object, Triple]
+  object Triple extends Isomorphic3[Subject, Predicate, Object, Triple]
   case class BNode(label:String)
-  object BNode extends Algebraic1[String, BNode]
+  object BNode extends Isomorphic1[String, BNode]
   sealed trait Node
   case class NodeIRI(i:IRI) extends Node
-  object NodeIRI extends Algebraic1[IRI, NodeIRI]
+  object NodeIRI extends Isomorphic1[IRI, NodeIRI]
   case class NodeBNode(b:BNode) extends Node
-  object NodeBNode extends Algebraic1[BNode, NodeBNode]
+  object NodeBNode extends Isomorphic1[BNode, NodeBNode]
   sealed trait Subject
   case class SubjectNode(n:Node) extends Subject
-  object SubjectNode extends Algebraic1[Node, SubjectNode]
+  object SubjectNode extends Isomorphic1[Node, SubjectNode]
   sealed trait Predicate
   case class PredicateIRI(i:IRI) extends Predicate
-  object PredicateIRI extends Algebraic1[IRI, PredicateIRI]
+  object PredicateIRI extends Isomorphic1[IRI, PredicateIRI]
   sealed trait Object
   case class ObjectNode(n:Node) extends Object
-  object ObjectNode extends Algebraic1[Node, ObjectNode]
+  object ObjectNode extends Isomorphic1[Node, ObjectNode]
   case class ObjectLiteral (n:Literal) extends Object
-  object ObjectLiteral extends Algebraic1[Literal, ObjectLiteral]
+  object ObjectLiteral extends Isomorphic1[Literal, ObjectLiteral]
   sealed abstract class Literal(val lexicalForm:String)
   case class PlainLiteral(override val lexicalForm:String, langtag:Option[LangTag]) extends Literal(lexicalForm) {
     override def toString = "\"" + lexicalForm + "\"" + { if (langtag.isDefined) langtag.get }
-  object PlainLiteral extends Algebraic2[String, Option[LangTag], PlainLiteral]
+  object PlainLiteral extends Isomorphic2[String, Option[LangTag], PlainLiteral]
   case class TypedLiteral(override val lexicalForm:String, datatype:IRI) extends Literal(lexicalForm) {
     override def toString = "\"" + lexicalForm + "\"^^" + datatype
-  object TypedLiteral extends Algebraic2[String, IRI, TypedLiteral]
+  object TypedLiteral extends Isomorphic2[String, IRI, TypedLiteral]
   case class LangTag(s:String)
-  object LangTag extends Algebraic1[String, LangTag]
+  object LangTag extends Isomorphic1[String, LangTag]
-object rdf {
-  case class Graph(triples:Set[Triple])
-  object Graph {
-    def empty:Graph = Graph(Set[Triple]())
-    def apply(elems:Triple*):Graph = Graph(Set[Triple](elems:_*))
-    def apply(it:Iterable[Triple]):Graph = Graph(it.toSet)
-  }
-case class Triple (s:Subject, p:Predicate, o:Object)
-sealed abstract class Node // factor out IRIs and BNodes
-case class NodeIRI(i:IRI) extends Node
-implicit def iri2nodeiri(i:IRI):Node = NodeIRI(i)
-case class NodeBNode(b:BNode) extends Node
-implicit def bnode2nodebnode(b:BNode):Node = NodeBNode(b)
-sealed abstract class Subject
-case class SubjectNode(n:Node) extends Subject
-implicit def node2subjectnode(n:Node):Subject = SubjectNode(n)
-implicit def iri2subjectnode(i:IRI):Subject = SubjectNode(i)
-implicit def bnode2subjectnode(b:BNode):Subject = SubjectNode(b)
-sealed abstract class Predicate
-case class PredicateIRI(i:IRI) extends Predicate
-implicit def iri2predicateiri(i:IRI):Predicate = PredicateIRI(i)
+object RDF extends RDF
-sealed abstract class Object
-case class ObjectNode(n:Node) extends Object
-implicit def node2objectnode(n:Node):Object = ObjectNode(n)
-implicit def iri2objectnode(i:IRI):Object = ObjectNode(i)
-implicit def bnode2objectnode(b:BNode):Object = ObjectNode(b)
-case class ObjectLiteral (n:Literal) extends Object
-case class IRI(iri:String) {
-  override def toString = '"' + iri + '"'
-case class BNode(label:String)
-  sealed abstract class Literal(val lexicalForm:String)
-  case class PlainLiteral(override val lexicalForm:String, langtag:Option[LangTag]) extends Literal(lexicalForm) {
-    override def toString = "\"" + lexicalForm + "\"" + { if (langtag.isDefined) langtag.get }
-  }
-  implicit def typed2object(i:TypedLiteral):Object = ObjectLiteral(i)
+// object rdf {
-  case class TypedLiteral(override val lexicalForm:String, datatype:IRI) extends Literal(lexicalForm) {
-    override def toString = "\"" + lexicalForm + "\"^^" + datatype
-  }
-  implicit def plain2object(b:PlainLiteral):Object = ObjectLiteral(b)
-  case class LangTag(s:String)
+//   case class Graph(triples:Set[Triple])
+//   object Graph {
+//     def empty:Graph = Graph(Set[Triple]())
+//     def apply(elems:Triple*):Graph = Graph(Set[Triple](elems:_*))
+//     def apply(it:Iterable[Triple]):Graph = Graph(it.toSet)
+//   }
-val StringDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string")
-val IntegerDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer")
-val DateDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date")
-val DateTimeDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime")
+// case class Triple (s:Subject, p:Predicate, o:Object)
+// sealed abstract class Node // factor out IRIs and BNodes
+// case class NodeIRI(i:IRI) extends Node
+// implicit def iri2nodeiri(i:IRI):Node = NodeIRI(i)
+// case class NodeBNode(b:BNode) extends Node
+// implicit def bnode2nodebnode(b:BNode):Node = NodeBNode(b)
-// object Literal {
-//   val StringDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"))
-//   val IntegerDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"))
-//   val DateDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date"))
-//   // val DateTimeDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime"))
+// sealed abstract class Subject
+// case class SubjectNode(n:Node) extends Subject
+// implicit def node2subjectnode(n:Node):Subject = SubjectNode(n)
+// implicit def iri2subjectnode(i:IRI):Subject = SubjectNode(i)
+// implicit def bnode2subjectnode(b:BNode):Subject = SubjectNode(b)
+// sealed abstract class Predicate
+// case class PredicateIRI(i:IRI) extends Predicate
+// implicit def iri2predicateiri(i:IRI):Predicate = PredicateIRI(i)
+// sealed abstract class Object
+// case class ObjectNode(n:Node) extends Object
+// implicit def node2objectnode(n:Node):Object = ObjectNode(n)
+// implicit def iri2objectnode(i:IRI):Object = ObjectNode(i)
+// implicit def bnode2objectnode(b:BNode):Object = ObjectNode(b)
+// case class ObjectLiteral (n:Literal) extends Object
+// case class IRI(iri:String) {
+//   override def toString = '"' + iri + '"'
+// }
+// case class BNode(label:String)
+//   sealed abstract class Literal(val lexicalForm:String)
+//   case class PlainLiteral(override val lexicalForm:String, langtag:Option[LangTag]) extends Literal(lexicalForm) {
+//     override def toString = "\"" + lexicalForm + "\"" + { if (langtag.isDefined) langtag.get }
+//   }
+//   implicit def typed2object(i:TypedLiteral):Object = ObjectLiteral(i)
+//   case class TypedLiteral(override val lexicalForm:String, datatype:IRI) extends Literal(lexicalForm) {
+//     override def toString = "\"" + lexicalForm + "\"^^" + datatype
+//   }
+//   implicit def plain2object(b:PlainLiteral):Object = ObjectLiteral(b)
+//   case class LangTag(s:String)
+// val StringDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string")
+// val IntegerDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer")
+// val DateDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date")
+// val DateTimeDatatype = IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime")
 // }
+// // object Literal {
+// //   val StringDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"))
+// //   val IntegerDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"))
+// //   val DateDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date"))
+// //   // val DateTimeDatatype = Datatype(IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime"))
+// // }
--- a/turtle/src/main/scala/turtle.scala	Fri Jan 07 12:48:27 2011 -0500
+++ b/turtle/src/main/scala/turtle.scala	Fri Jan 07 12:50:06 2011 -0500
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 package org.w3.sw.turtle
 import org.w3.sw.RDFModel
-//import org.w3.sw.{rdf => RDFModel}
+//import org.w3.sw.{RDF => RDFModel}
 import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
 import java.net.URI
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 import MyParsers._
 case class Turtle(RDFModel:RDFModel) extends JavaTokenParsers {
-//case class Turtle() extends JavaTokenParsers {
   import RDFModel._
@@ -79,10 +78,10 @@
       stringLiteral~"^^"~qnameORuri ^^
 	case lit~"^^"~dt => TypedLiteral(lit.substring(1,lit.size - 1), dt match {
- 	  case IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string")  => StringDatatype
+ 	  case IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string") => StringDatatype
  	  case IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer") => IntegerDatatype
- 	  case IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date"   ) => DateDatatype
- 	  case "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime" => DateTimeDatatype
+ 	  case IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date") => DateDatatype
+ 	  case IRI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime") => DateTimeDatatype
  	  case x => error("only programed to deal with string and integer, not " + x)