--- a/rdf2rdf/src/main/scala/RDF2RDF.scala Thu May 05 19:08:10 2011 -0400
+++ b/rdf2rdf/src/main/scala/RDF2RDF.scala Thu May 05 19:08:53 2011 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
val construct = QueryFactory.create(query, base, Syntax.syntaxSPARQL_11)
+ val pattern = """(?s)(?i)CONSTRUCT +?\{.*?\} +?WHERE +?\{.*?\}""".r
+ def extractAll(query:String, base:String = RDF2RDFModule.base):List[Construct] =
+ pattern.findAllIn(query) map { Construct(_, base) } toList
@@ -44,6 +50,15 @@
+ /**
+ * the union of all the CONSTRUCTs applied in parallel against to the
+ * same RDF dataset
+ */
+ def | (constructs:List[Construct]):Graph = {
+ val graphs:List[Graph] = constructs map { construct => this | construct }
+ graphs.foldLeft(Graph.empty) { _ ++ _ }
+ }
object RDF2RDF {
--- a/rdf2rdf/src/test/scala/RDF2RDFTest.scala Thu May 05 19:08:10 2011 -0400
+++ b/rdf2rdf/src/test/scala/RDF2RDFTest.scala Thu May 05 19:08:53 2011 -0400
@@ -64,7 +64,93 @@
+ test("// CONSTRUCTs") {
+ val graph = getGraph("""
+<P:8> <P:fname> "Bob" ; <P:lname> "Smith" ; <P:addr> <A:18> .
+<P:9> <P:fname> "Sue" ; <P:lname> "Jones" .
+<A:18> <A:streetNo> 32 ; <A:streetName> "Vassar" .
+<A:76> <A:streetNo> 77 ; <A:streetName> "Mass Ave" .
+""", base="")
+ val c1 = Construct("""
+ ?who <foaf:given> ?fname ; <foaf:family> ?lname
+} WHERE {
+ ?who <P:fname> ?fname ; <P:lname> ?lname
+""", base="")
+ val c2 = Construct("""
+ ?addr <vcard:streetNumber> ?no ; <vcard:streetName> ?name
+} WHERE {
+ ?addr <A:streetNo> ?no ; <A:streetName> ?name
+""", base="")
+ val c3 = Construct("""
+ ?who <vcard:homeAddr> ?addr
+} WHERE {
+ ?who <P:addr> ?addr
+""", base="")
+ val resultGraph = RDF2RDF(graph) | List(c1, c2, c3)
+// val expectedGraph = getGraph("""
+// <0006511409X> <title> "The Glass Palace" ;
+// <year> "2000" ;
+// <author> _:y .
+// _:y <name> "Ghosh, Amitav" ;
+// <homepage> <http://www.amitavghosh.com> .
+// """, base="http://ivan.book.example/")
+// dumpCutingBase(resultGraph)
+ }
+ test("// CONSTRUCTs parsed") {
+ val graph = getGraph("""
+<P:8> <P:fname> "Bob" ; <P:lname> "Smith" ; <P:addr> <A:18> .
+<P:9> <P:fname> "Sue" ; <P:lname> "Jones" .
+<A:18> <A:streetNo> 32 ; <A:streetName> "Vassar" .
+<A:76> <A:streetNo> 77 ; <A:streetName> "Mass Ave" .
+""", base="")
+ val constructs = Construct.extractAll("""
+ ?who <foaf:given> ?fname ; <foaf:family> ?lname
+} WHERE {
+ ?who <P:fname> ?fname ; <P:lname> ?lname
+ ?addr <vcard:streetNumber> ?no ; <vcard:streetName> ?name
+} WHERE {
+ ?addr <A:streetNo> ?no ; <A:streetName> ?name
+ ?who <vcard:homeAddr> ?addr
+} WHERE {
+ ?who <P:addr> ?addr
+""", base="")
+ val resultGraph = RDF2RDF(graph) | constructs
+ println(resultGraph)
+ }
import org.w3.rdb.RDB._
import org.w3.sql