--- a/src/main/scala/RDB2RDFMain.scala Thu Dec 10 17:30:17 2009 -0500
+++ b/src/main/scala/RDB2RDFMain.scala Thu Dec 10 18:59:11 2009 -0500
@@ -11,12 +11,61 @@
import MyParsers._
// case class RelationStemGraph(m:Map[String,String])
// case class RelationMap(Map[(FQAttribute,Tuple),RDFTriple])
// case class Tuple()
-// case class StemURI()
+case class StemURI(s:String)
+case class PrimaryKey(attr:Attribute)
// case class NodeMap()
// case class PredicateMap()
// case class LiteralMap()
+ * Traverses nested BGP.
+ * VARconstraint(VAR, FQAttribute):
+ if bindings[VAR]) equivs.insert(FQAttribute= bindings[VAR]
+ bindings[VAR]= FQAttribute
+URIconstraint(URI) => Value:
+ (Rel, Attr, Value) = match(URI, stemURI + '/' (\w+) '/' (\w+) '.' (\w+) '#record')
+ some Alias = hash(Rel + URI)
+ pk = primary_key_attribute(Rel)
+ equivs.insert(Alias.pk= Value)
+ joins.insert(Rel AS Attr)
+ Value
+ * FK = Map(FQAttribute(Employee, manager) => FQAttribute(http://hr.example/DB/Employee, id))
+ * ?emp <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#manager> ?manager
+(rel, attr) = match(P, stemURI + '/' + (\w+) + '#' (\w+))
+ * rel => Employee attr => manager
+some alias = hash(Rel + S)
+ * alias => "emp"
+pk = primary_key_attribute(Rel)
+ *-ignore, just use the paramater pk
+ match S with
+ VAR -> VARconstraint(S, Alias.pk)
+ * eqS = (bindings[s => Alias.pk])
+XXX URI -> URIconstraint(S)
+ match O with
+ LITERAL -> equivs.insert(alias.attr= O)
+ VAR -> VARconstraint(O, Alias.Attr)
+ URI -> equivs.insert(Alias.Attr= URIconstraint(O))
+ *
+ * joins.insert(TableAlias(rel, alias)
+joins.insert(rel AS alias ON eqS)
+ *
+ * */
+object RDB2RDF {
+ type R2RState = Set[Join], Map[Var, FQAttribute]
+ def acc(state:R2RState, triple):R2RState = ...
+ def apply (sparql:SparqlSelect, stem:StemURI, pk:PrimaryKey) : Select = {
+ val SparqlSelect(attrs, triples) = sparql
+ val initialSate:(Map[Var,FQAttribute], Set[Equiv]) =
+ }
--- a/src/test/scala/RDB2RDFTest.scala Thu Dec 10 17:30:17 2009 -0500
+++ b/src/test/scala/RDB2RDFTest.scala Thu Dec 10 18:59:11 2009 -0500
@@ -5,6 +5,24 @@
class RDB2RDFTest extends FunSuite {
+ test("SQLbgp") {
+ val sparqlParser = Sparql()
+ val sparqlSelect = sparqlParser.parseAll(sparqlParser.select, """
+SELECT ?empName ?manageName {
+?emp <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#lastName> ?empName .
+?emp <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#manager> ?manager .
+?manager <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#lastName> ?managName
+ val sqlParser = Sql()
+ val sqlSelect = sqlParser.parseAll(sqlParser.select, """
+SELECT emp.lastName AS empName, manager.lastName AS managName
+ FROM Employee AS emp
+ INNER JOIN Employee AS manager ON manager.id=emp.manager
+ WHERE emp.lastName IS NOT NULL AND manager.lastName IS NOT NULL
+ assert(RDB2RDF(sparqlSelect, StemURI("http://hr.example/DB/"), PrimaryKey(Attribute(Name("id")))) === sqlSelect)
+ }