--- a/cover.html Fri Jul 29 00:18:02 2016 +0200
+++ b/cover.html Sun Jul 31 01:37:19 2016 +0200
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@
.issue {border: 2px dashed red; background-color: #ffa;}
.issue .issue {background-color: #fcc;}
.rfc2119 {font-variant:small-caps}
+/*for the SVG - navigation highlighting */
+ :focus path, :focus polygon, :focus ellipse { stroke-width: 4}
+ g g:hover path, g g:hover polygon, g g:hover ellipse { stroke-width: 4}
+ :focus text, g g:hover text { stroke: black; stroke-width: .5}
</style> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src='undefined://www.w3.org/2008/site/js/html5shiv.js'></script><![endif]-->
@@ -1404,46 +1411,137 @@
<li>Publication as a <a href="#rec-publication">W3C Recommendation</a>.</li>
<li>Possibly, Publication as an <a href="#rec-edited">Edited Recommendation</a></li>
- <svg xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 450 60" height="5em" width="45em">
- <g id="ToFPWD" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <a xlink:href="#first-wd"><text font-size="8" font-family="Times,serif" y="38" x="66" text-anchor="start" stroke="none">First WD</text></a>
- <path d="M66,40h33"></path>
- <polygon points="98,36 108,40 98,44"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="nodeWD">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="40" cx="147" stroke="black" fill="none"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsWD"><text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="147" text-anchor="middle">WD</text></a> </g>
- <g id="repeatWD" stroke="black">
- <path d="M128,24C123,14 129,4 147,4 158,4 165,8 167,14" fill="none" stroke-dasharray="6 1"></path>
- <polygon points="170,14 166,24 164,13"></polygon> </g>
- <g class="edge" id="toCR" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M185,40h31"></path>
- <polygon points="211,36 221,40 211,44"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="nodeCR">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="40" cx="260" stroke="black" fill="none"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsCR"><text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="260" text-anchor="middle">CR</text></a> </g>
- <g class="edge" id="repeatCR" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M242,24C238,14 244,4 260,4 271,4 277,8 279,14" stroke-dasharray="5 3" fill="none"></path>
- <polygon points="282,14 277,24 275,13"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="backToWD" stroke="#666" fill="#666">
- <path d="M190,47h34" stroke-dasharray="4 4"></path>
- <polygon points="190,45 183,47 190,49"></polygon> </g>
- <g class="edge" id="ToPR" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M298,40h27"></path>
- <polygon points="324,36 334,40 324,44"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="nodePR">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="40" cx="363" stroke="black" fill="none"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsPR"><text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="363" text-anchor="middle">PR</text></a> </g>
- <g id="BackToCR" stroke="#aaa" fill="#aaa">
- <path d="M301,47h38" stroke-dasharray="2 5"></path>
- <polygon points="301,45 296,47 301,49"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="ToRec" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M391,40h20"></path>
- <polygon points="404,36 414,40 404,44"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="nodeRec">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="40" cx="443" stroke="black" fill="none"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsW3C"><text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="443" text-anchor="middle">REC</text></a> </g>
- </svg> </p>
+<svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 60 640 140" height="12em" width="60em">
+ <title>Flowchart: The basic W3C Recommendation Track</title>
+ <g id="basicProcess" role="list">
+ <g id="Rectrac-FPWD" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-fpwd-label Rectrac-fpwd-text">
+ <title id="Rectrac-fpwd-label">First Public Working Draft - Exclusion Opportunity</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeWD">
+ <text font-size="8"><tspan y="136" x="6">First WD</tspan>
+ <tspan x="4" y="150">WG Decision</tspan>
+ <tspan x="4" y="158">Director's approval</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M0,140h53" fill="none" stroke="#000"></path>
+ <polygon points="47,136 57,140 47,144"></polygon></a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Rectrac-nodeWD" role="list" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-nodewd-label">
+ <title id="Rectrac-nodewd-label">Working Draft</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsWD" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-nodewd-label">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="140" cx="97" stroke="black" fill="#fff"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="14" y="144" x="97" text-anchor="middle">WD</text></a>
+<!-- Experiment 1: use g[role=listitem] with a link inside it -->
+ <g id="Rectrac-repeatWD" role="listitem">
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeWD" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-repeatwd-label Rectrac-repeatwd-text">
+ <title id="Rectrac-repeatwd-label">Publish a New Working Draft</title>
+ <text id="Rectrac-repeatwd-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="30" y="92">WG Decision: review needed, or</tspan>
+ <tspan x="40" y="100">No change for 6 months</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M78,124C73,114 79,104 97,104 108,104 115,108 117,114"
+ fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="6 1"></path>
+ <polygon points="120,114 116,124 114,113"></polygon> </a> </g>
+ <g id="Rectrac-toCR" role="listitem" fill="#060">
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeCR" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-tocr-label Rectrac-tocr-text">
+ <title id="Rectrac-tocr-label">Advance to Candidate Recommendation</title>
+ <text role="none" id="Rectrac-tocr-text" x="138" y="136" font-size="8">Director's approval</text>
+ <path stroke="#060" d="M135,140h81"></path>
+ <polygon points="211,136 221,140 211,144"></polygon></a> </g>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Rectrac-nodeCR" role="list" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-nodecr-label">
+ <title id="Rectrac-nodecr-label">Candidate recommendation - Patent Policy Exclusion Opportunity</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsCR">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="140" cx="260" stroke="black" fill="#fff"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="14" y="144" x="260" text-anchor="middle">CR</text></a>
+<!-- Experiment 2: use a instead of g -->
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeCR" id="Rectrac-repeatCR"
+ aria-labelledby="Rectrac-repeatcr-label Rectrac-repeatcr-text" fill="#060">
+ <title id="Rectrac-repeatcr-label">Publish a revised CR</title>
+ <text role="none" font-size="8" id="Rectrac-repeatcr-text">
+ <tspan x="225" y="80">Working Group Decision,</tspan>
+ <tspan x="225" y="90">Directors approval for</tspan>
+ <tspan x="230" y="100">substantive changes</tspan></text>
+ <path stroke="#000" d="M242,124C238,114 244,104 260,104 271,104 277,108 279,114"
+ stroke-dasharray="5 11" fill="none"></path>
+ <path stroke="#060" d="M242,124C238,114 244,104 260,104 271,104 277,108 279,114"
+ stroke-dasharray="5 11" stroke-dashoffset="8" fill="none"></path>
+ <polygon points="282,114 277,124 275,113"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodePR" id="Rectrac-ToPR"
+ aria-labelledby="Rectrac-topr-label Rectrac-topr-text" fill="#060">
+ <title id="Rectrac-topr-label">Advance to Proposed Recommendation</title>
+ <text role="none" id="Rectrac-topr-text" x="300" y="136" font-size="8">Director's approval</text>
+ <path d="M298,140h77" stroke="#060"></path>
+ <polygon points="374,136 384,140 374,144"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeWD" id="Rectrac-backToWD"
+ aria-labelledby="Rectrac-backtowd-label Rectrac-backtowd-text" fill="#600">
+ <title id="Rectrac-backtowd-label">Return to Working Draft</title>
+ <text role="none" id="Rectrac-backtowd-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="142" y="156">WG or Director decision</tspan>
+ <tspan x="144" y="164">e.g. for further review</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M140,147h84" stroke-dasharray="4 4" stroke="#600"></path>
+ <polygon points="140,145 133,147 140,149"></polygon> </a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Rectrac-nodePR" role="list" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-nodepr-label">
+ <title id="Rectrac-nodepr-label">Proposed Recommendation - Advisory Committee Review</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsPR">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="140" cx="413" stroke="black" fill="#fff"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="144" x="413" text-anchor="middle">PR</text></a>
+<!-- Experiment 3: use a[role=listitem] instead of g -->
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeRec" id="Rectrac-ToRec" role="listitem"
+ aria-labelledby="Rectrac-torec-label Rectrac-torec-text" fill="#060">
+ <title id="Rectrac-torec-label">Advance to Recommendation</title>
+ <text role="none" id="Rectrac-torec-text" x="300" y="138" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="445" y="128">Advisory Committee Review</tspan>
+ <tspan x="445" y="136">Director's Decision</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M441,140h100" stroke="#060"></path>
+ <polygon points="534,136 544,140 534,144"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeCR" id="Rectrac-BackToCR" role="listitem"
+ aria-labelledby="Rectrac-backtocr-label Rectrac-backtocr-text" fill="#600">
+ <title id="Rectrac-backtocr-label">Return to Working Draft</title>
+ <text id="Rectrac-backtocr-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="306" y="156">AC Review, </tspan>
+ <tspan x="302" y="164">Director Decision</tspan>
+ <tspan x="304" y="172">e.g. for minor changes</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M301,147h88" stroke-dasharray="3 5" stroke="#600"></path>
+ <polygon points="301,145 296,147 301,149"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Rectrac-nodeWD" id="Rectrac-PRBackToWD" role="listitem"
+ aria-labelledby="Rectrac-prbacktowd-label Rectrac-prbacktowd-text" fill="#c00">
+ <title id="Rectrac-prbacktowd-label">Return to Working Draft</title>
+ <text role="none" id="Rectrac-prbacktowd-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="102" y="188">Advisory Committee review and Director's Decision, e.g. for further work and review</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M413,158v22h-316v-16" stroke-dasharray="2 2" stroke="#c00" fill="none"></path>
+ <polygon points="95,164 97,159 99,164"></polygon> </a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Rectrac-nodeRec" stroke="black" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-noderec-label" role="list">
+ <title id="Rectrac-noderec-label">W3C Recommendation</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsW3C" aria-labelledby="Rectrac-noderec-label">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="140" cx="573" fill="#fff" stroke-width="2"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="16" y="144" x="573"
+ text-anchor="middle" stroke-width=".3">REC</text></a>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </p>
<p>W3C <em class="rfc2119">may</em> <a href="#tr-end">end work on a technical report</a> at any time.</p>
<p>The Director <em class="rfc2119">may</em> decline a request to advance in maturity level, requiring a Working Group to conduct
further work, and <em class="rfc2119">may</em> require the specification to return to a lower <a href="#maturity-levels">maturity
@@ -1793,64 +1891,210 @@
<p>This section details the management of errors in, and the process for making changes to a Recommendation. Please see also the <a href="https://www.w3.org/2003/01/republishing/">Requirements
for modification of W3C Technical Reports</a> [<a href="#in-place-tr-mod">PUB35</a>].</p>
- <svg xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 500 160" height="12em" width="50em">
- <g id="basicProcess" opacity=".6">
- <g id="Modif-nodeWD">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="40" cx="147" stroke="black" fill="none"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsWD"><text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="147" text-anchor="middle">WD</text></a> </g>
- <g id="Modif-repeatWD" stroke="black">
- <path d="M128,24C123,14 129,4 147,4 158,4 165,8 167,14" fill="none" stroke-dasharray="6 1"></path>
- <polygon points="170,14 166,24 164,13"></polygon> </g>
- <g class="edge" id="Modif-toCR" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M185,40h31"></path>
- <polygon points="211,36 221,40 211,44"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="Modif-nodeCR">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="40" cx="260" stroke="black" fill="none"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsCR"><text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="260" text-anchor="middle">CR</text></a> </g>
- <g class="edge" id="Modif-repeatCR" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M242,24C238,14 244,4 260,4 271,4 277,8 279,14" stroke-dasharray="5 3" fill="none"></path>
- <polygon points="282,14 277,24 275,13"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="Modif-backToWD" stroke="#666" fill="#666">
- <path d="M190,47h34" stroke-dasharray="4 4"></path>
- <polygon points="190,45 183,47 190,49"></polygon> </g>
- <g class="edge" id="Modif-ToPR" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M298,40h27"></path>
- <polygon points="324,36 334,40 324,44"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="Modif-nodePR">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="40" cx="363" stroke="black" fill="none"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsPR"><text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="363" text-anchor="middle">PR</text></a> </g>
- <g id="Modif-BackToCR" stroke="#aaa" fill="#aaa">
- <path d="M301,47h38" stroke-dasharray="2 5"></path>
- <polygon points="301,45 296,47 301,49"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="Modif-ToRec" stroke="black" fill="black">
- <path d="M391,40h20"></path>
- <polygon points="404,36 414,40 404,44"></polygon> </g> </g>
- <g id="Modif-nodeRec" stroke="black">
- <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="40" cx="443" fill="none" stroke-width="2"></ellipse>
- <a xlink:href="#RecsW3C"><text font-size="16" font-family="Times,serif" y="44" x="443" text-anchor="middle" stroke-width=".3">REC</text></a></g>
- <g id="changeARec" stroke="black">
- <path d="M443,58 v20"></path><polygon points="443,78 441,71 445,71"></polygon>
- <polygon points="443,78 486,103 443,128 400,103" fill="none"></polygon>
- <text x="445" y="68" font-size="10" stroke="none">Changes to text</text>
- <text x="443" y="103" text-anchor="middle" font-size="10" stroke-width="0.2"><tspan>Substantive?</tspan><tspan x="443" y="113" text-anchor="middle">Dissent?</tspan></text></g>
- <g id="RecToPR">
- <text x="370" y="100" font-size="10" stroke="none">No</text>
- <path d="M400,103h-37v-45" stroke="black" fill="none"></path><polygon stroke="black" points="363,58 361,65 365,65"></polygon></g>
- <g id="Modif-RecSubstantiveChanges" stroke="black">
- <text x="488" y="100" font-size="10" stroke-width="0.2">Yes</text>
- <path d="M486,103h20v40h-246v-15" fill="none"></path>
- <polygon points="260,128 262,133 258,133"></polygon>
- <polygon points="260,128 300,103 260,78 220,103" fill="none"></polygon>
- <text font-size="10" stroke-width="0.2" x="260" y="98" text-anchor="middle">New<tspan x="260" y="108" text-anchor="middle">Features?</tspan></text></g>
- <g id="Modif-NoNewFeatures">
- <path d="M260,78v-20" stroke="black"></path>
- <text x="262" y="75" font-size="10">No</text>
- <polygon points="260,58 262,63 258,63" stroke="black"></polygon> </g>
- <g id="Modif-BackToFPWD" stroke="black">
- <a xlink:href="#first-wd"><text font-size="8" font-family="Times,serif" y="38" x="66" stroke="none">First WD</text></a>
- <path d="M220,103h-160v-63h43" fill="none"></path>
- <text x="200" y="100" stroke-width="0.2" fill="black" font-size="10">Yes</text>
- <polygon points="103,38 108,40 103,42"></polygon> </g> </svg></p>
+<svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 60 640 240" height="16em" width="60em">
+ <title>Flowchart: Revising a W3C Recommendation</title>
+ <g id="Rectrac-basicProcess" role="list">
+ <g id="Modif-FPWD" role="listitem" aria-labelledby="modif-fpwd-label modif-fpwd-text">
+ <title id="modif-fpwd-label">First Public Working Draft - Exclusion Opportunity</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeWD">
+ <text font-size="8"><tspan y="136" x="6">First WD</tspan>
+ <tspan x="4" y="150">WG Decision</tspan>
+ <tspan x="4" y="158">Director's approval</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M0,140h53" fill="none" stroke="#000"></path>
+ <polygon points="47,136 57,140 47,144"></polygon></a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Modif-nodeWD" role="list" aria-labelledby="modif-nodewd-label">
+ <title id="modif-nodewd-label">Working Draft</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsWD" aria-labelledby="modif-nodewd-label">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="140" cx="97" stroke="black" fill="#fff"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="14" y="144" x="97" text-anchor="middle">WD</text></a>
+<!-- Experiment 1: use g[role=listitem] with a link inside it -->
+ <g id="Modif-repeatWD" role="listitem">
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeWD" aria-labelledby="modif-repeatwd-label modif-repeatwd-text">
+ <title id="modif-repeatwd-label">Publish a New Working Draft</title>
+ <text id="modif-repeatwd-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="30" y="92">WG Decision: review needed, or</tspan>
+ <tspan x="40" y="100">No change for 6 months</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M78,124C73,114 79,104 97,104 108,104 115,108 117,114"
+ fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-dasharray="6 1"></path>
+ <polygon points="120,114 116,124 114,113"></polygon> </a> </g>
+ <g id="Modif-toCR" role="listitem" fill="#060">
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeCR" aria-labelledby="modif-tocr-label modif-tocr-text">
+ <title id="modif-tocr-label">Advance to Candidate Recommendation</title>
+ <text role="none" id="modif-tocr-text" x="138" y="136" font-size="8">Director's approval</text>
+ <path stroke="#060" d="M135,140h81"></path>
+ <polygon points="211,136 221,140 211,144"></polygon></a> </g>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Modif-nodeCR" role="list" aria-labelledby="modif-nodecr-label">
+ <title id="modif-nodecr-label">Candidate recommendation - Patent Policy Exclusion Opportunity</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsCR">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="38" cy="140" cx="260" stroke="black" fill="#fff"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="14" y="144" x="260" text-anchor="middle">CR</text></a>
+<!-- Experiment 2: use a instead of g -->
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeCR" id="Modif-repeatCR"
+ aria-labelledby="modif-repeatcr-label modif-repeatcr-text" fill="#060">
+ <title id="modif-repeatcr-label">Publish a revised CR</title>
+ <text role="none" font-size="8" id="modif-repeatcr-text">
+ <tspan x="225" y="80">Working Group Decision,</tspan>
+ <tspan x="225" y="90">Directors approval for</tspan>
+ <tspan x="230" y="100">substantive changes</tspan></text>
+ <path stroke="#000" d="M242,124C238,114 244,104 260,104 271,104 277,108 279,114"
+ stroke-dasharray="5 11" fill="none"></path>
+ <path stroke="#060" d="M242,124C238,114 244,104 260,104 271,104 277,108 279,114"
+ stroke-dasharray="5 11" stroke-dashoffset="8" fill="none"></path>
+ <polygon points="282,114 277,124 275,113"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodePR" id="Modif-ToPR"
+ aria-labelledby="modif-topr-label modif-topr-text" fill="#060">
+ <title id="modif-topr-label">Advance to Proposed Recommendation</title>
+ <text role="none" id="modif-topr-text" x="300" y="136" font-size="8">Director's approval</text>
+ <path d="M298,140h77" stroke="#060"></path>
+ <polygon points="374,136 384,140 374,144"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeWD" id="Modif-backToWD"
+ aria-labelledby="modif-backtowd-label modif-backtowd-text" fill="#600">
+ <title id="modif-backtowd-label">Return to Working Draft</title>
+ <text role="none" id="modif-backtowd-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="142" y="156">WG or Director decision</tspan>
+ <tspan x="144" y="164">e.g. for further review</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M140,147h84" stroke-dasharray="4 4" stroke="#600"></path>
+ <polygon points="140,145 133,147 140,149"></polygon> </a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Modif-nodePR" role="list" aria-labelledby="modif-nodepr-label">
+ <title id="modif-nodepr-label">Proposed Recommendation - Advisory Committee Review</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsPR">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="140" cx="413" stroke="black" fill="#fff"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="14" font-family="Times,serif" y="144" x="413" text-anchor="middle">PR</text></a>
+<!-- Experiment 3: use a[role=listitem] instead of g -->
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeRec" id="Modif-ToRec" role="listitem"
+ aria-labelledby="modif-torec-label modif-torec-text" fill="#060">
+ <title id="modif-torec-label">Advance to Recommendation</title>
+ <text role="none" id="modif-torec-text" x="300" y="138" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="445" y="128">Advisory Committee Review</tspan>
+ <tspan x="445" y="136">Director's Decision</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M441,140h100" stroke="#060"></path>
+ <polygon points="534,136 544,140 534,144"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeCR" id="Modif-BackToCR" role="listitem"
+ aria-labelledby="modif-backtocr-label modif-backtocr-text" fill="#600">
+ <title id="modif-backtocr-label">Return to Working Draft</title>
+ <text id="modif-backtocr-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="306" y="156">AC Review, </tspan>
+ <tspan x="302" y="164">Director Decision</tspan>
+ <tspan x="304" y="172">e.g. for minor changes</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M301,147h88" stroke-dasharray="3 5" stroke="#600"></path>
+ <polygon points="301,145 296,147 301,149"></polygon> </a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeWD" id="Modif-PRBackToWD" role="listitem"
+ aria-labelledby="modif-prbacktowd-label modif-prbacktowd-text" fill="#c00">
+ <title id="modif-prbacktowd-label">Return to Working Draft</title>
+ <text role="none" id="modif-prbacktowd-text" font-size="8">
+ <tspan x="102" y="188">Advisory Committee review and Director's Decision, e.g. for further work and review</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M413,158v22h-316v-16" stroke-dasharray="2 2" stroke="#c00" fill="none"></path>
+ <polygon points="95,164 97,159 99,164"></polygon> </a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Modif-nodeRec" stroke="black" aria-labelledby="modif-noderec-label" role="list">
+ <title id="modif-noderec-label">W3C Recommendation</title>
+ <a xlink:href="#RecsW3C" aria-labelledby="modif-noderec-label">
+ <ellipse ry="18" rx="28" cy="140" cx="573" fill="#fff" stroke-width="2"></ellipse>
+ <text font-size="16" y="144" x="573"
+ text-anchor="middle" stroke-width=".3">REC</text></a>
+<!-- Experiment 4: use g[role=listitem] -->
+ <g id="Modif-ChangeProposal" aria-labelledby="Modif-changeproposal-title">
+ <title id="Modif-changeproposal-tit">Proposed change to a Recommendation</title>
+ <path d="M573,158 v20"></path>
+ <polygon points="573,178 571,171 575,171"></polygon>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+<g aria-labelledby="modif-overall-title">
+ <title id="modif-overall-title">Initial maturity levels for a modification</title>
+ <g id="Modif-TextChanges" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" role="list">
+ <g role="listitem" tabindex="0">
+ <polygon points="573,178 603,203 573,228 540,203" fill="white"></polygon>
+ <text id="modif-textchanges-text" text-anchor="middle" font-size="10" stroke="none">
+ <tspan x="573" y="202">Changes</tspan>
+ <tspan x="573" y="212">to text?</tspan></text></g>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeRec" aria-labelledby="modif-editedrec-title">
+ <title id="modif-editedrec-title">No text changes: Edited Recommendation</title>
+ <text role="none" x="528" y="200" font-size="10" stroke="none">No</text>
+ <text text-anchor="end" font-size="10" stroke="none">
+ <tspan x="527" y="170">Director's</tspan><tspan x="524" y="180">approval</tspan></text>
+ <path fill="none" d="M540,203h-16c0,-30 10,-44 24,-50"></path>
+ <polygon points="548,152 543,154 545,157"></polygon></a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-SubstantiveChanges">
+ <text x="575" y="239" font-size="10" stroke="none">Yes</text>
+ <path fill="none" d="M573,228v12h-26c-25,0 -30,-44 -55,-44h-10v12"></path>
+ <polygon points="482,208 480,201 484,201"></polygon></a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Modif-SubstantiveChanges" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" role="list">
+ <g role="listitem" tabindex="0">
+ <polygon points="482,208 518,233 482,258 442,233" fill="white"></polygon>
+ <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="10" stroke="none">
+ <tspan x="482" y="232">Substantive</tspan>
+ <tspan x="482" y="242" text-anchor="middle">changes?</tspan></text></g>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodePR" aria-labelledby="modif-rectopr-title modif-rectopr-text">
+ <title id="modif-rectocr-title">No substantive changes: Proposed Edited Recommendation</title>
+ <text x="425" y="230" font-size="10" stroke="none">No</text>
+ <text id="modif-rectopr-text" text-anchor="start" font-size="10" stroke="none">
+ <tspan x="420" y="190">Director's</tspan><tspan x="420" y="200">approval</tspan></text>
+ <path d="M442,233h-24v-75" fill="none"></path>
+ <polygon stroke="black" points="418,158 416,165 420,165"></polygon></a>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-NewFeatures">
+ <text x="484" y="269" font-size="10" stroke="none">Yes</text>
+ <path d="M482,258v12h-50c-50,0 -8,-74 -82,-74h-20v12" fill="none"></path>
+ <polygon points="330,208 328,201 332,201"></polygon></a>
+ </g>
+ <g id="Modif-NewFeatures" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" role="list">
+ <g role="listitem" tabindex="0">
+ <polygon points="330,258 360,233 330,208 300,233" fill="white"></polygon>
+ <text font-size="10" text-anchor="middle" stroke="none">
+ <tspan x="330" y="230">New</tspan>
+ <tspan x="330" y="240" text-anchor="middle">Features?</tspan></text></g>
+ <a xlink:href="#Modif-nodeCR" aria-labelledby="modif-nonewfeatures-label director-approval-text"
+ stroke="black" stroke-width="2">
+ <title id="modif-nonewfeatures-label">No new features - return to Candidate Recommendation</title>
+ <path d="M300,233h-40v-44" fill="none"></path>
+ <path d="M260,178v-20"></path>
+ <text role="none" x="288" y="230" stroke="none" font-size="10">No</text>
+ <text text-anchor="end" font-size="10" stroke="none">
+ <tspan x="258" y="215">Director's</tspan><tspan x="258" y="225">approval</tspan></text>
+ <polygon points="260,158 262,163 258,163" stroke="black"></polygon></a>
+ <a xlink:href="Modif-FPWD" aria-labelledby="modif-fpwd-label modif-fpwd-text"
+ stroke="black" stroke-width="2">
+ <text x="332" y="269" font-size="10" stroke="none">Yes</text>
+ <path d="M330,258v12h-329v-130h53" fill="none"></path></a>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ </p>
<h4 id="errata">6.7.1 Errata Management</h4>
<p>Tracking errors is an important part of a Working Group's ongoing care of a Recommendation; for this reason,