renamed original source to primary source
authorLuc Moreau <>
Wed, 06 Jun 2012 13:12:37 +0100
changeset 3194 a6a20bbea879
parent 3193 e74023992d90 (current diff)
parent 3192 ecae194a8131 (diff)
child 3195 131989a803a2
renamed original source to primary source
--- a/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt1.ttl	Wed Jun 06 13:11:21 2012 +0100
+++ b/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt1.ttl	Wed Jun 06 13:12:37 2012 +0100
@@ -15,16 +15,15 @@
       prov:actedOnBehalfOf ex:chartgen;
-   ex:monica
-      a prov:Person, prov:Agent, foaf:Person;
-      foaf:givenName "Monica"^^xsd:string;
-      foaf:mbox      <>
+   ex:chartgen 
+      a prov:Organization, prov:Agent;       ## Typically prov:Agent will be inferred from prov:Organization
+      foaf:name "Chart Generators, Inc.";
-   ex:chartgen 
-      a prov:Organization, prov:Agent;       ##Typically prov:Organization will be inferred from prov:Person
-      foaf:name "Chart Generators, Inc.";
-   . 
+   ex:postEditor 
+      a prov:SoftwareAgent, prov:Agent;      ## Typically prov:Agent will be inferred from prov:SoftwareAgent
+      foaf:name "Post Editor 3000";
+   .   
       a prov:Entity;
@@ -33,52 +32,44 @@
 	  a prov:Location, sioc:Post, prov:Entity;
-	  sioc:latest_version ex:post9821v1;
-	  sioc:previous_version ex:post9821;
+	  sioc:latest_version ex:post9821v2;
+	  sioc:previous_version ex:post9821v1;
-   ex:post9821 
+   ## Version 1 of the post
+   ex:post9821v1
       a prov:Entity, sioc:Post;   
       prov:wasGeneratedBy ex:publicationActivity1123;
       prov:atLocation     ex:more-crime-happens-in-cities;  ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
       ex:snapshotContent  ex:postContent0;                  ## Snapshot with the content of this version
       sioc:title "More crime happens in cities"^^xsd:string;
-      prov:hadOriginalSource ex:aggregatedByRegions;
+      prov:hadOriginalSource ex:aggregatedByRegions;        ## This version of the post used the file "aggregatedByRegions" as a primary source. 
+	                                                        ## Since the author stated that he based his post in the file, 
+															## the system used this relationship to keep the attribution clear.
       prov:wasAttributedTo   ex:derek;
 	  prov:generatedAtTime "2011-07-16T01:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
    ## Version 2 of the post
-   ex:post9821v1
+   ex:post9821v2
       a prov:Entity, sioc:Post;
       prov:atLocation       ex:more-crime-happens-in-cities;  ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
       ex:snapshotContent    ex:postContent1;                  ## Snapshot with the content of this version
-      prov:wasRevisionOf    ex:post9821;
-      prov:specializationOf ex:post9821;
+      prov:wasRevisionOf    ex:post9821v1;
+      prov:specializationOf ex:post9821v1;
       prov:wasAttributedTo  ex:derek;
-   ## Rephrasing of the post in a new version
-   ex:post9821v2
-      a prov:Entity, sioc:Post;
-      prov:atLocation       ex:more-crime-happens-in-cities-for-dummies; ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
-      ex:snapshotContent    ex:postContent2;                              ## Snapshot with the content of this version
-      prov:alternateOf      ex:post9821v1;
-      prov:specializationOf ex:post9821;
-      prov:tracedTo         ex:aggregatedByRegions;                       ## If the file hadn't existed, Monica would have not written the post.
-      sioc:title "More crime happens in cities for dummies"^^xsd:string;
-      prov:wasAttributedTo ex:monica;
-   .
       a prov:Activity;
       prov:wasStartedAt      "2011-07-16T01:01:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
       prov:wasEndedAt        "2011-07-16T01:52:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
-      prov:wasAssociatedWith ex:derek;
+      prov:wasAssociatedWith ex:derek,
+	                         ex:postEditor;
       prov:used              ex:aggregatedByRegions;   
-      prov:generated         ex:post9821;
+      prov:generated         ex:post9821v1;
       prov:wasStartedBy      ex:derek;
       prov:wasEndedBy        ex:derek
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt1_a.ttl	Wed Jun 06 13:12:37 2012 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+@prefix xsd:  <> .
+@prefix foaf: <> .
+@prefix sioc: <> .
+@prefix prov: <> .
+@prefix ex:   <> .
+ex:bundlePost1 {
+   ex:bundlePost1 a prov:Bundle .
+   ex:monica
+      a prov:Person, prov:Agent, foaf:Person;
+      foaf:givenName "Monica"^^xsd:string;
+      foaf:mbox      <>
+   .
+   ## Rephrasing of the post in a new resource for a different audience
+   ex:post9822
+      a prov:Entity, sioc:Post;
+      prov:atLocation       ex:more-crime-happens-in-cities-for-dummies; ## PERMALINK to the (latest revision of the) post
+      ex:snapshotContent    ex:postContent2;                             ## Snapshot with the content of this version
+      prov:alternateOf      ex:post9821v2;                               ## This post is an alternate of the second version modified by Dereck.
+      prov:specializationOf ex:more-crime-happens-in-cities;             ## This post is an specialization of the post initially created by Dereck.
+      prov:tracedTo         ex:aggregatedByRegions;                      ## If the file hadn't existed, Monica would have not written the post. 
+																		 ## However the file is not what Monica used as primary source for writting the new post,
+																		 ## so we can't consider the post to have "been derived from" it.
+      sioc:title "More crime happens in cities (for dummies)"^^xsd:string;
+      prov:wasAttributedTo ex:monica;
+   .
--- a/ontology/prov-o-html-sections/	Wed Jun 06 13:11:21 2012 +0100
+++ b/ontology/prov-o-html-sections/	Wed Jun 06 13:12:37 2012 +0100
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
         <div about="#narrative-example-expanded-1" typeof="prov:Entity" class="exampleOuter" xmlns:prov="">
            <p>We illustrate below the use of the expanded terms using the crime file example from the previous section as reference. Agent Derek now publishes a post about
-		   his work with the aggregated file, while Monica publishes an alternate version to reach a more casual audience.
+		   his work with the aggregated file:
             <pre rel="prov:wasQuotedFrom" resource=""
@@ -51,20 +51,24 @@
 		   Agent <code>ex:derek</code>, acting again in behalf of the <code>ex:chartgenerators</code> organization, 
-		   publishes a post about his recent changes to the aggregated file (<code>ex:aggregatedByRegions</code>). Since he is the one who started and ended the publishing activity (<code>ex:publicationActivity1123</code>), that information
-		   is recorded as well. The post produced by <code>ex:derek</code> (<code>ex:post9821</code>) includes a permanent link where the content of the latest version is shown
+		   publishes a post about his recent changes to the aggregated file (<code>ex:aggregatedByRegions</code>) using the tool <code>ex:postEditor</code>. Since he is the one who started and ended the publishing activity (<code>ex:publicationActivity1123</code>), that information
+		   is recorded as well. The post produced by <code>ex:derek</code> (<code>ex:post9821v1</code>) includes a permanent link where the content of the latest version is shown
 		   (<code>ex:more-crime-happens-in-cities</code>) plus a snapshot of the content of the current version (<code>ex:postContent0</code>). Derek also adds additional metadata of the post, like the title.
 		   However, inmediately after having published the post, Derek detects a typo. He does not want to record the activity that led to the new version, so he just creates a new version and 
-		   summarizes the changes in a revision of the original post(<code>ex:post9821v1</code>). This revision is also a specialization of the original post, since it is a refined version. 
+		   summarizes the changes in a revision of the original post(<code>ex:post9821v2</code>). This revision is also a specialization of the original post, since it is a refined version. 
          Thus, the permalink to the latest version (<code>ex:more-crime-happens-in-cities</code>) remains the same in the new revision, but a different URL is given for its snapshot (<code>ex:postContent1</code>).
-		   </p>
-		   <p>
-		   Shortly after Derek's post publication, ex:monica adapts the text for a wider audience in a new version (<code>ex:post9821v2</code>). This version is an specialization of the original post,
-		   and an alternate of the first version modified by Derek. Since the provenance produced by Derek and Monica is related to the same resources, the system
-		   automatically groups it in the same <a href="#Bundle" class="qname">prov:Bundle</a> (<code>ex:bundlePost</code>).
-		   </p>
+		   </p>		   
+		 <div about="#narrative-example-expanded-1-a" typeof="prov:Entity" class="exampleOuter" xmlns:prov="">
+           <p>Shortly after Derek's post publication, ex:monica adapts the text for a wider audience in a new post (<code>ex:post9822</code>). This version is an specialization of the original post,
+		   and an alternate of the version modified by Derek. Since the provenance produced by the activities of Derek and Monica correspond to different user views, the system
+		   automatically publish it in different <a href="#Bundle" class="qname">prov:Bundles</a> (<code>ex:bundlePost and ex:bundlePost1</code>).
+            </p> 		   
+            <pre rel="prov:wasQuotedFrom" resource=""
+                 class="example">{% escape %}{% include "includes/prov/examples/eg-25-extended-crime-file-example/rdf/extended-crime-file-pt1_a.ttl" %}{% endescape %}</pre> 
+        </div>
          <div about="#narrative-example-expanded-2" typeof="prov:Entity" class="exampleOuter" xmlns:prov="">
             <p>Some time passes by, and John writes his own conclusions quoting the previous two posts: