Added ASN examples from Paolo
authorSimon Miles <>
Thu, 17 Nov 2011 13:44:17 +0000
changeset 946 a6560d9af48a
parent 945 78e903ff0b39
child 948 e857ae7ba481
Added ASN examples from Paolo
--- a/primer/Primer.html	Thu Nov 17 12:46:26 2011 +0000
+++ b/primer/Primer.html	Thu Nov 17 13:44:17 2011 +0000
@@ -836,6 +836,110 @@
   <section class="appendix">
    <h2>Abstract Syntax Notation for Examples</h2>
+   <p>
+    Below we give translations of the working example snippets into the PROV-DM
+    abstract syntax notation (ASN).
+   </p>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Entities</h3>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     entity(ex1:dataSet1).
+     entity(ex1:regionList1).
+     entity(ex1:aggregate1).
+     entity(ex1:chart1).
+    </pre>
+   </section>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Activities</h3>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     processExecution(ex1:compiled,compilation_step).
+     processExecution(ex1:aggregated).
+     processExecution(ex1:illustrated).
+    </pre>
+    <p>
+     In the first assertion above, 'compilation_step' is an optional reference to the 'recipe' that describes 
+     what the 'compiled' activity did. The interpretation of its name, 
+     'compilation_step', is left to applications (it is not further resolved within PROV-DM).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+     In the second assertion, optional 'recipe' has been omitted.
+    </p>
+    <!--PM comment: here readers will be confused by the processExecutiion / activity disconnect!
+                       also this does not show start/end times, optional attributes. At least one example would be useful-->
+   </section>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Use and Generation</h3>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     used(ex1:aggregated, ex1:dataSet1).
+     used(ex1:aggregated, ex1:regionList1).
+     wasGeneratedBy(ex1:aggregate1, ex1:aggregated).
+     used(ex1:illustrated, ex1:aggregate1).
+     wasGeneratedBy(ex1:chart1, ex1:illustrated).
+    </pre>
+   </section>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Agents</h3>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     entity(ex1:derek, [ type="foaf:Person", foaf:givenName = "Derek", 
+            foaf:mbox= "<>"]).
+     agent(ex1:derek).
+     wasControlledBy(ex1:aggregated, ex1:derek).
+     wasControlledBy(ex1:illustrated, ex1:derek).
+    </pre>
+   </section>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Roles</h3>
+    <p>
+     Roles are not declared directly in PROV-DM, rather they are attributes of 
+     relations. Thus, the entire Turtle example in sec. 3.5 is rendered as follows:
+    </p>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     used(ex1:aggregated, ex1:dataSet1,    [ prov:role = "dataToAggregate"]).
+     used(ex1:aggregated, ex1:regionList1, [ prov:role = "regionsToAggregteBy"]).
+    </pre>
+    <p>
+     In the first assertion above, note that this adds a "role" attribute to the first 'used' assertion of Ex. 3.
+     Similarly in the second assertion, we have added a "role" attribute to the second  'used' assertion of Ex. 3.
+    </p>
+   </section>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Revision</h3>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     wasRevisionOf(ex1:dataSet2, ex1:dataSet1).
+    </pre>
+   </section>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Complementarity</h3>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     entity(ex1:dataSet, [ type="ex1:DataSet", ex1:regions ="(ex1:North, ex1:NorthWest, ex1:East)",
+            dc:creator="ex1:DataGov", dc:title="Regional incidence dataset 2011"  ]).
+     wasComplementOf(dataSet1, dataSet).
+     wasComplementOf(dataSet2, dataSet).
+     entity(ex1:dataSet1, [ type="ex1:DataSet", ex1:postCodes="( 'N1', 'N2', 'NW1', 'E1', 'E2' ) ", 
+            ex1:totalIncidents = "141",        dc:creator =  " ex1:DataGov", 
+            dc:title = "Regional incidence dataset 2011"  ]).
+    </pre>
+   </section>
+   <section>
+    <h3>Derivation</h3>
+    <pre class="example asn">
+     dependedOn(ex1:chart2, ex1:dataSet2).
+     wasEventuallyDerivedFrom(ex1:chart2, ex1:dataSet2).
+     wasDerivedFrom(ex1:chart2, ex1:dataSet2).
+     wasGeneratedBy(ex1:chart2, ex1:compiled2).
+    </pre>
+   </section>
   <section class="appendix">