invalidation proposal
authorLuc Moreau <>
Wed, 04 Apr 2012 12:07:20 +0100
changeset 2245 599683d24f29
parent 2244 31fd8c77c47b
child 2246 0afc41cfc687
invalidation proposal
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+++ b/model/working-copy/wd5-prov-invalidation.html	Wed Apr 04 12:07:20 2012 +0100
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+    <title>PROV-DM PROPOSAL on Entity Invalidation</title> 
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+      var extraReferences = {
+        "CLOCK":
+         "Lamport, L. "+
+         "<a href=\"\"><cite>Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system</cite></a>."+
+         "Communications of the ACM 21 (7): 558–565. 1978. "+
+         "URL: <a href=\"\"></a> " +
+         "DOI: doi:10.1145/359545.359563.",
+        "CSP":
+         "Hoare, C. A. R. "+
+         "<a href=\"\"><cite>Communicating Sequential Processes</cite></a>."+
+         "Prentice-Hall. 1985"+
+         "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+        "Logic":
+          "W. E. Johnson"+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>Logic: Part III</cite></a>."+
+          "1924. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+        "PROV-SEM":
+          "James Cheney "+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>Formal Semantics Strawman</cite></a>. "+
+          "2011, Work in progress. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+        "PROV-PRIMER":
+          "Yolanda Gil and Simon Miles (eds.) Khalid Belhajjame, Helena Deus, Daniel Garijo, Graham Klyne, Paolo Missier, Stian Soiland-Reyes, and Stephan Zednik "+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>Prov Model Primer</cite></a>. "+
+          "2011, Working Draft. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+        "PROV-O":
+          "Satya Sahoo and Deborah McGuinness (eds.) Khalid Belhajjame, James Cheney, Daniel Garijo, Timothy Lebo, Stian Soiland-Reyes, and Stephan Zednik "+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>Provenance Formal Model</cite></a>. "+
+          "2011, Working Draft. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+        "PROV-DM":
+          "Luc Moreau and Paolo Missier (eds.) ... "+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>PART 1: PROV-DM ...</cite></a>. "+
+          "2011, Working Draft. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+          "Luc Moreau and Paolo Missier (eds.) ... "+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>PROV-DM Constraints</cite></a>. "+
+          "2011, Working Draft. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+        "PROV-ASN":
+          "Luc Moreau and Paolo Missier (eds.) ... "+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>PROV-ASN ....</cite></a>. "+
+          "2011, Working Draft. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+        "PROV-AQ":
+          "Graham Klyne and Paul Groth (eds.) Luc Moreau, Olaf Hartig, Yogesh Simmhan, James Meyers, Timothy Lebo, Khalid Belhajjame, and Simon Miles "+
+          "<a href=\"\"><cite>Provenance Access and Query</cite></a>. "+
+          "2011, Working Draft. "+
+          "URL: <a href=\"\"></a>",
+      };
+      var respecConfig = {
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+          specStatus:           "ED",
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+          shortName:            "prov-dm",
+          // if your specification has a subtitle that goes below the main
+          // formal title, define it here
+          subtitle   :  "Draft proposal (to be incorporated in Editor's Draft when approved)",
+          // if you wish the publication date to be other than today, set this
+          // publishDate:  "2011-10-18",
+          // if the specification's copyright date is a range of years, specify
+          // the start date here:
+          // copyrightStart: "2005"
+          // if there is a previously published draft, uncomment this and set its YYYY-MM-DD date
+          // and its maturity status
+          previousPublishDate:  "2012-02-02",
+          previousMaturity:  "WD",
+          // if there a publicly available Editor's Draft, this is the link
+          edDraftURI:           "",
+          // if this is a LCWD, uncomment and set the end of its review period
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+          // editors, add as many as you like
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+              { name: "Luc Moreau", url: "",
+                company: "University of Southampton" },
+              { name: "Paolo Missier", url: "",
+                company: "Newcastle University" },
+          ],
+          // authors, add as many as you like. 
+          // This is optional, uncomment if you have authors as well as editors.
+          // only "name" is required. Same format as editors.
+          authors:  [
+              { name: "Khalid Belhajjame", url: "",
+                company: "University of Manchester" },
+              { name: "Stephen Cresswell",
+                company: ""},
+              { name: "Yolanda Gil",
+                company: "Invited Expert", url:""},
+              { name: "Reza B'Far",
+                company: "Oracle Corporation" },
+              { name: "Paul Groth", url: "",
+                company: "VU University of Amsterdam" },
+              { name: "Graham Klyne",
+                company: "University of Oxford" },
+              { name: "Jim McCusker", url: "",
+                company: "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute" },
+              { name: "Simon Miles", 
+                company: "Invited Expert", url:"" },
+              { name: "James Myers", url:"",
+                company: "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"},
+              { name: "Satya Sahoo", url:"",
+                company: "Case Western Reserve University" },
+          ],
+          // name of the WG
+          wg:           "Provenance Working Group",
+          // URI of the public WG page
+          wgURI:        "",
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+          wgPublicList: "public-prov-wg",
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+    <section id="abstract">
+    </section> 
+<section id="sotd">
+<div class="note">PROPOSALS TO VOTE ON</div>
+<section id="Proposal: On Entity Invalidation">
+<h4>Proposal: On Entity Invalidation: new Section 4.1.7</h4>
+<h4>4.1.7: Invalidation</h4>
+Activities have a start and an end. Entities also have a duration. Generation marks the beginning of an entity. The end of an entity can occur for different reasons.
+<li> an entity was destroyed: e.g. a painting was destroyed by fire; a Web page is taken out of site;
+<li> an entity was consumed: e.g. Bob ate all his soup, Alice ran out of gas when driving to work;
+<li> an entity expires: e.g. a "buy one beer, get one free" offer is valid during happy hour (7-8pm);
+<li> an entity is time limited: e.g. a the BBC news Web site on April 3rd, 2012;
+<li> an entity attribute is changing: e.g. the traffic light changed from green to red.
+In the first two cases, the entity has physically disappeared after its termination: there is no more soup, or painting.  In the last two cases, there may be an "offer voucher" that still exists, but it is no longer valid; likewise, on April 4th, the BBC new Web site still exists but it is not the same entity as BBC news Web site on April 3rd; or the traffic light became red and therefore is regarded as a different entity to the green light.
+<dfn id="concept-invalidation">Invalidation</dfn>
+is the start of the destruction, cessation, or expiry of an existing entity by an activity.
+The entity is no longer available for use after invalidation. Any generation or usage of an entity precedes its invalidation. 
+<div class="attributes" id="attributes-invalidation"><dfn title="dfn-Invalidation">Invalidation</dfn><span class="withAsn">, written <span class="pnExpression">wasInvalidatedBy(id,e,a,t,attrs)</span> in PROV-ASN,</span> has the following components:</p>
+<li><span class='attribute'>id</span>:  an OPTIONAL identifier for a invalidation;</li> 
+<li><span class='attribute'>entity</span>:  an identifier for the invalidated entity; </li>
+<li><span class='attribute'>activity</span>:  an OPTIONAL identifier for the activity that invalidated the entity;</li>
+<li><span class='attribute'>time</span>: an OPTIONAL "invalidation time", the time at which the entity began to be invalidated;</li>
+<li><span class='attribute'>attributes</span>:  an OPTIONAL set of attribute-value pairs that describes the modalities of invalidation of this entity by this activity.</li>
+<p>While each of the components <span class='attribute'>activity</span>, <span class='attribute'>time</span>, and  <span class='attribute'>attributes</span> is OPTIONAL, at least one of them MUST be present.</p>
+<div class="anexample" id="anexample-invalidation1">
+Picasso's painting"The Painter" is known to have been destroyed in a <a href="">plane accident</a>.
+<pre class="codeexample">
+wasAttributedTo(ex:The-Painter, ex:Picasso)
+wasInvalidatedBy(ex:The-Painter, ex:crash, 1998-09-02, [ex:circumstances="plane accident"])
+<div class="anexample" id="anexample-invalidation2">
+The BBC news home page on 2012-04-03 <span class="name">ex:bbcNews2012-04-03</span>
+contains a reference to a given news item
+ <a href="">bbc:news/uk-17595024</a>,
+but the BBC news home page on the next day does not.
+<pre class="codeexample">
+memberOf(ex:bbcNews2012-04-03,{("item1", bbc:news/uk-17595024)})
+wasGeneratedBy  (ex:bbcNews2012-04-03,-,2012-04-03T00:00:01)
+We refer to example (<a href="#anexample-specialization">anexample-specialization</a> for further descriptions of the BBC Web site, and to Section <a>Membership</a> for a description of the relation <a>memberOf</a>).
+<div class="anexample" id="anexample-invalidation3">
+In this example, the  "buy one beer, get one free" offer expired at the end of the happy hour.</p>
+<pre class="codeexample">
+                 -,2012-03-10T18:00:00)
+<p>Alternatively, in the following example, Bob redeemed the offer 45 minutes before it expired.</p>
+<pre class="codeexample">
+     redeemOffer, 2012-03-10T17:15:00)
+                 redeemOffer, 2012-03-10T17:15:00)
+<div class="anexample">
+In the following example, invalidation is caused by a new version of an entity being made available. Let us consider the resource <a href="">tr:prov-dm</a> when it was the first working draft (attribute <span class="name">ex:version=1</span>). 
+This resource was no longer the first working draft, as soon as the second working draft was published.
+Hence, <a href="">tr:prov-dm</a> was invalidated by <span class="name">ex:act2</span>,
+when it published <span class="name">tr:WD-prov-dm-20111215</span>.</p>
+<pre class="codeexample">
+entity(tr:prov-dm,[prov:type="working draft", ex:version="1"])
+wasGeneratedBy(tr:WD-prov-dm-20111215, ex:act2,2011-12-15T16:00:00)
+<div class="anexample">
+In the following example, invalidation is caused by the disappearance of an entity. Let us consider the proceedings of the 2002 Chicago provenance workshop. They used to be hosted at <span class="name"></span>, and were lost as a researcher left the hosting institution.  The proceedings were restored at <a href=""><span class="name">ipaw:2002</span></a>.
+<pre class="codeexample">
+entity(chicago:wkshp2002,[prov:type="workshop talks"])
+entity(ipaw:wkshp2002,[prov:type="workshop talks"])
+<section id="Proposal 2: On Entity Time">
+<h4>Proposal 2: On Entity Time</h4>
+Activities have convenient time information, with startTime and endTime attributes. This is convenience notation that avoids having to declare start/end event, and associated time.  No such convenience notation exisst for entities. 
+<p id="proposal2"><b>PROPOSED</b>: to  introduce convenience time attribute to entities (similarly to activities).</p>
+<p><em>The text would include the following.</em></p>
+<p>Revised definition of entity, with optional time information. Name 'invalidation' (TBC).</p>
+<div class="attributes" id="attributes-entity">An entity<span class="withAsn">, written <span class="pnExpression" id="pn-entity">entity(id, gt, dt, [ attr1=val1, ...])</span> in PROV-ASN, </span> contains:</p>
+<li><span class='attribute'>id</span>: an identifier for an entity; </li>
+<li><span class='attribute'>generationTime</span>: an OPTIONAL time for the generation time of the entity;</li>
+<li><span class='attribute'>invalidationTime</span>: an OPTIONAL time for the invalidation time of the entity;</li>
+<li><span class='attribute'>attributes</span>: an OPTIONAL set of attribute-value pairs representing this entity's situation in the world.</li>
+<p id="proposal1"><b>PROPOSED</b>: to introduce a prov-dm concept that marks the end of an entity lifetime. Its name remains to be determined. </p>
+<p><em>Suggested names:</em>
+<li> invalidation, <li>expiration, <li>final usage, <li>destruction
+<li> lostFormBy
+<p>For now, INVALIDATION is used as <em>placeholder name</em></p>
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