definitions and subclassing for
authorTim L <>
Fri, 02 Nov 2012 12:41:28 -0400
changeset 4623 337e097e37e9
parent 4622 5077ff4d8e9f
child 4625 39a75863fa25
definitions and subclassing for
--- a/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Fri Nov 02 16:23:57 2012 +0000
+++ b/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Fri Nov 02 12:41:28 2012 -0400
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
         <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;seeAlso"/>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
+    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&owl;versionInfo"/>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&rdfs;seeAlso">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en"></rdfs:comment>
-    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&owl;versionInfo"/>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">A reference to the principal section of the PROV-DM document that describes this concept.</rdfs:comment>
         <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&rdfs;seeAlso"/>
@@ -427,11 +427,11 @@
     <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="">
-        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">prov:hadRole references the Role (i.e. the function of an entity with respect to an activity), in the context of an instantaneous usage, generation, association, start, and end.</editorsDefinition>
         <rdfs:comment>This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See &lt;a href=&quot;#prov-o-owl-profile&quot;&gt;PROV-O OWL Profile&lt;/a&gt;.</rdfs:comment>
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The _optional_ Role that an Entity assumed in the context of an Activity. For example, :baking prov:used :spoon; prov:qualified [ a prov:Usage; prov:entity :spoon; prov:hadRole roles:mixing_implement ].</rdfs:comment>
+        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">prov:hadRole references the Role (i.e. the function of an entity with respect to an activity), in the context of an instantaneous usage, generation, association, start, and end.</editorsDefinition>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
         <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=""/>
         <sharesDefinitionWith rdf:resource=""/>
@@ -1009,8 +1009,8 @@
+        <definition>influencer: an identifier (o1) for an ancestor entity, activity, or agent that the former depends on;</definition>
-        <definition>influencer: an identifier (o1) for an ancestor entity, activity, or agent that the former depends on;</definition>
         <owl:annotatedProperty rdf:resource="&rdfs;range"/>
         <owl:annotatedSource rdf:resource=""/>
@@ -1308,8 +1308,8 @@
         <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource=""/>
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">ActivityInfluence is intended to be a general subclass of Influence of an Activity. It is a superclass for more specific kinds of Influences (e.g. Generation, Communication, and Invalidation).</rdfs:comment>
-        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">ActivityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Activity&#39;s binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of ActivityInfluence use the prov:activity property to cite the influencing Activity.</editorsDefinition>
+        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">ActivitiyInfluence is the capacity of an activity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of generation, invalidation, communication, or other.</editorsDefinition>
+        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">ActivityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Activity&#39;s binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of ActivityInfluence use the prov:activity property to cite the influencing Activity.</rdfs:comment>
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">It is not recommended that the type ActivityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses.</rdfs:comment>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
@@ -1338,9 +1338,9 @@
     <owl:Class rdf:about="">
         <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
+        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">AgentInfluence is the capacity of an agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of attribution, association, delegation, or other.</editorsDefinition>
+        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">AgentInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Agent&#39;s binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of AgentInfluence use the prov:agent property to cite the influencing Agent.</rdfs:comment>
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">AgentInfluence is intended to be a general subclass of Influence of an Agenty. It is a superclass for more specific kinds of Influences (e.g. Association, Attribution, Delegation).</rdfs:comment>
-        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">AgentInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Agent&#39;s binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of AgentInfluence use the prov:agent property to cite the influencing Agent.</editorsDefinition>
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">It is not recommended that the type AgentInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses.</rdfs:comment>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
         <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
@@ -1522,10 +1522,10 @@
     <owl:Class rdf:about="">
         <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
+        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">EntityInfluence is the capacity of an entity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, derivation, or other. </editorsDefinition>
+        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">EntityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Entity&#39;s binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of EntityInfluence use the prov:entity property to cite the influencing Entity.</rdfs:comment>
+        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">It is not recommended that the type EntityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses.</rdfs:comment>
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">EntityInfluence is intended to be a general subclass of Influence of an Entity. It is a superclass for more specific kinds of Influences (e.g. Start, Usage, Derivation, End).</rdfs:comment>
-        <editorsDefinition xml:lang="en">EntityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Entity&#39;s binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of EntityInfluence use the prov:entity property to cite the influencing Entity.</editorsDefinition>
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">It is not recommended that the type EntityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses.</rdfs:comment>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
         <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=""/>
@@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">An instance of prov:Influence provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasInfluencedBy relation from some influenced Activity, Entity, or Agent to the influencing Activity, Entity, or Agent. For example, :stomach_ache prov:wasInfluencedBy :spoon; prov:qualifiedInfluence [ a prov:Influence; prov:entity :spoon; :foo :bar ] . Because prov:Influence is a broad relation, the more specific relations (Communication, Delegation, End, etc.) should be used when applicable.</rdfs:comment>
-        <definition xml:lang="en">Influence is the capacity an entity, activity, or agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, generation, invalidation, communication, derivation, attribution, association, or delegation. </definition>
+        <definition xml:lang="en">Influence is the capacity of an entity, activity, or agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, generation, invalidation, communication, derivation, attribution, association, or delegation.</definition>
         <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""/>
         <unqualifiedForm rdf:resource=""/>
@@ -1665,7 +1665,7 @@
     <owl:Class rdf:about="">
-        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
+        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
         <dm rdf:datatype="&xsd;anyURI"></dm>
         <n rdf:datatype="&xsd;anyURI"></n>
@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@
     <owl:Class rdf:about="">
-        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
+        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
         <dm rdf:datatype="&xsd;anyURI"></dm>
         <n rdf:datatype="&xsd;anyURI"></n>
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">An instance of prov:Quotation provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasQuotedFrom relation from some taken prov:Entity from an earlier, larger prov:Entity. For example, :here_is_looking_at_you_kid prov:wasQuotedFrom :casablanca_script; prov:qualifiedQuotation [ a prov:Quotation; prov:entity :casablanca_script; :foo :bar ].</rdfs:comment>
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@
     <owl:Class rdf:about="">
-        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
+        <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>
         <dm rdf:datatype="&xsd;anyURI"></dm>
         <n rdf:datatype="&xsd;anyURI"></n>
--- a/ontology/prov.ttl	Fri Nov 02 16:23:57 2012 +0000
+++ b/ontology/prov.ttl	Fri Nov 02 12:41:28 2012 -0400
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "ActivityInfluence is intended to be a general subclass of Influence of an Activity. It is a superclass for more specific kinds of Influences (e.g. Generation, Communication, and Invalidation)."@en, "It is not recommended that the type ActivityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en ;
+    rdfs:comment "ActivityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Activity's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of ActivityInfluence use the prov:activity property to cite the influencing Activity."@en, "It is not recommended that the type ActivityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en ;
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
     rdfs:label "ActivityInfluence" ;
     rdfs:seeAlso :activity ;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     ] ;
     owl:disjointWith :EntityInfluence ;
     :category "qualified" ;
-    :editorsDefinition "ActivityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Activity's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of ActivityInfluence use the prov:activity property to cite the influencing Activity."@en .
+    :editorsDefinition "ActivitiyInfluence is the capacity of an activity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of generation, invalidation, communication, or other."@en .
     a owl:Class ;
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@
     a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "AgentInfluence is intended to be a general subclass of Influence of an Agenty. It is a superclass for more specific kinds of Influences (e.g. Association, Attribution, Delegation)."@en, "It is not recommended that the type AgentInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en ;
+    rdfs:comment "AgentInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Agent's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of AgentInfluence use the prov:agent property to cite the influencing Agent."@en, "It is not recommended that the type AgentInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en ;
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
     rdfs:label "AgentInfluence" ;
     rdfs:seeAlso :agent ;
     rdfs:subClassOf :Influence ;
     :category "qualified" ;
-    :editorsDefinition "AgentInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Agent's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of AgentInfluence use the prov:agent property to cite the influencing Agent."@en .
+    :editorsDefinition "AgentInfluence is the capacity of an agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of attribution, association, delegation, or other."@en .
     a owl:Class ;
@@ -215,13 +215,13 @@
     a owl:Class ;
-    rdfs:comment "EntityInfluence is intended to be a general subclass of Influence of an Entity. It is a superclass for more specific kinds of Influences (e.g. Start, Usage, Derivation, End)."@en, "It is not recommended that the type EntityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en ;
+    rdfs:comment "EntityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Entity's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of EntityInfluence use the prov:entity property to cite the influencing Entity."@en, "It is not recommended that the type EntityInfluence be asserted without also asserting one of its more specific subclasses."@en ;
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
     rdfs:label "EntityInfluence" ;
     rdfs:seeAlso :entity ;
     rdfs:subClassOf :Influence ;
     :category "qualified" ;
-    :editorsDefinition "EntityInfluence provides additional descriptions of an Entity's binary influence upon any other kind of resource. Instances of EntityInfluence use the prov:entity property to cite the influencing Entity."@en .
+    :editorsDefinition "EntityInfluence is the capacity of an entity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, derivation, or other. "@en .
     a owl:Class ;
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
     rdfs:label "Influence" ;
     :category "qualified" ;
     :component "derivations" ;
-    :definition "Influence is the capacity an entity, activity, or agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, generation, invalidation, communication, derivation, attribution, association, or delegation. "@en ;
+    :definition "Influence is the capacity of an entity, activity, or agent to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of another by means of usage, start, end, generation, invalidation, communication, derivation, attribution, association, or delegation."@en ;
     :dm ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
     :n ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
     :unqualifiedForm :wasInfluencedBy .
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
     rdfs:comment "An instance of prov:PrimarySource provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:hadPrimarySource relation from some secondary prov:Entity to an earlier, primary prov:Entity. For example, :blog prov:hadPrimarySource :newsArticle; prov:qualifiedPrimarySource [ a prov:PrimarySource; prov:entity :newsArticle; :foo :bar ] ."@en ;
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
     rdfs:label "PrimarySource" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf :EntityInfluence ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf :Derivation ;
     :category "qualified" ;
     :component "derivations" ;
     :definition """A primary source for a topic refers to something produced by some agent with direct experience and knowledge about the topic, at the time of the topic's study, without benefit from hindsight.
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
     rdfs:comment "An instance of prov:Quotation provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasQuotedFrom relation from some taken prov:Entity from an earlier, larger prov:Entity. For example, :here_is_looking_at_you_kid prov:wasQuotedFrom :casablanca_script; prov:qualifiedQuotation [ a prov:Quotation; prov:entity :casablanca_script; :foo :bar ]."@en ;
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
     rdfs:label "Quotation" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf :EntityInfluence ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf :Derivation ;
     :category "qualified" ;
     :component "derivations" ;
     :definition "A quotation is the repeat of (some or all of) an entity, such as text or image, by someone who may or may not be its original author. Quotation is a particular case of derivation."@en ;
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
     rdfs:comment "An instance of prov:Revision provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasRevisionOf relation from some newer prov:Entity to an earlier prov:Entity. For example, :draft_2 prov:wasRevisionOf :draft_1; prov:qualifiedRevision [ a prov:Revision; prov:entity :draft_1; :foo :bar ]."@en ;
     rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
     rdfs:label "Revision" ;
-    rdfs:subClassOf :EntityInfluence ;
+    rdfs:subClassOf :Derivation ;
     :category "qualified" ;
     :component "derivations" ;
     :definition "A revision is a derivation for which the resulting entity is a revised version of some original. The implication here is that the resulting entity contains substantial content from the original. Revision is a particular case of derivation."@en ;