Added libc example
authorStian Soiland-Reyes <>
Tue, 07 Feb 2012 10:37:35 +0000
changeset 1474 251a8d73d2f0
parent 1447 2c40e0d109c3
child 1475 b9e12115bcba
Added libc example
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ontology/components/wasAssociatedWith/libc.ttl	Tue Feb 07 10:37:35 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+@prefix prov: <> .
+@prefix rdfs: <> .
+<> rdfs:label "Example: Execution of a C program" ;
+    rdfs:comment """
+The C program prov:uses some text files and a
+connection to a web server. On a lower granularity perhaps,
+/lib/ (the C standard library) is prov:associatedWith with
+the programme. The asserter does not feel that *his* C program is
+*using* libc - that is merely an side-effect of the compiler and
+operating system.  It is not an agent, it is not like a Python
+interpreter responsible for running a script, it is just there for
+those boring system calls. However the asserter wants to link this
+stronger than just as some custom attribute on the plan-entity for the
+The reason is that a concurrent system upgrade overwrites the
+/lib/ file (and this is captured by provenance) , and causes
+the C programme to crash.  """ ;
+    rdfs:seeAlso
+    <> .
+:libc a prov:Entity, :CLibrary ;
+ prov:location "/lib/" .
+:myProgramme a prov:Entity, :ProgramBinary ;
+ prov:location "/usr/local/bin/my" ;
+ rdfs:comment """
+I did not specify any prov:SoftwareAgent up here, because agents are
+currently disjoint from activities, and so the active :exec can't be
+an agent - while the dormant entity :myProgramme can.
+""" .
+:exec a prov:Activity, :ProgramExecution;
+ prov:hadPlan :myProgramme ;
+ rdfs:comment """The :libc is associated with :exec - but in a passive way""" ;
+ prov:wasAssociatedWith :libc .
+:segmentationFault a prov:Entity, :ProgramError ;
+ prov:wasGeneratedBy :exec .
+:upgrade a prov:Activity, :ProgramExecution ;
+ prov:used :libc .