removed hadQuoter hadQuoted and wasApprovedBy to suit latest DM
authorTim L <>
Mon, 14 May 2012 16:26:17 -0400
changeset 2804 17e81b07335f
parent 2803 adbc463cea68
child 2805 f40fbf3ff0b7
removed hadQuoter hadQuoted and wasApprovedBy to suit latest DM
--- a/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_entity.ttl	Mon May 14 16:11:26 2012 -0400
+++ b/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_entity.ttl	Mon May 14 16:26:17 2012 -0400
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
 @prefix :     <> .
-	a prov:Entity;
-	prov:hadOriginalSource :donQuixote;
-	prov:qualifiedSource [
-		a prov:Source;
-		prov:entity :donQuixote;
-		#other attributes of the relationship
-	].
-:donQuixote a prov:Entity.
+   a prov:Entity;
+   prov:hadOriginalSource :donQuixote;
+   prov:qualifiedSource [
+      a prov:Source;
+      prov:entity :donQuixote;
+      # Other attributes of the relationship
+   ];
+:donQuixote a prov:Entity .
--- a/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_hadActivity.ttl	Mon May 14 16:11:26 2012 -0400
+++ b/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_hadActivity.ttl	Mon May 14 16:26:17 2012 -0400
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
 # In this qualified Derivation prov:hadActivity references the activity that generated the bar chart.
-	a prov:Entity;
-	prov:wasDerivedFrom :aggregatedByRegions;
-	prov:wasGeneratedBy :make_bar_chart;
-	prov:qualifiedDerivation [
-		a prov:Derivation;
-		prov:entity      :aggregatedByRegions;
-		prov:hadActivity :make_bar_chart; # references same activity as prov:wasGeneratedBy
-	];
+   a prov:Entity;
+   prov:wasDerivedFrom :aggregatedByRegions;
+   prov:wasGeneratedBy :make_bar_chart;
+   prov:qualifiedDerivation [
+      a prov:Derivation;
+      prov:entity      :aggregatedByRegions;
+      prov:hadActivity :make_bar_chart; # references same activity as prov:wasGeneratedBy
+   ];
--- a/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_hadGeneration.ttl	Mon May 14 16:11:26 2012 -0400
+++ b/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_hadGeneration.ttl	Mon May 14 16:26:17 2012 -0400
@@ -4,23 +4,28 @@
 @prefix prov: <> .
 @prefix :     <> .
-:bar_chart   prov:wasDerivedFrom :aggregatedByRegions ;
-	     prov:qualifiedDerivation [
-	           a prov:Derivation ;
-		   prov:hadGeneration :illustration ;
-	     ]
+   prov:wasDerivedFrom :aggregatedByRegions;
+   prov:qualifiedDerivation [
+      a prov:Derivation;
+      prov:hadGeneration :illustration;
+   ];
-:illustration	a	prov:Generation, prov:InstantaneousEvent ;
-		prov:atTime "2012-04-03T00:00:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
+   a prov:Generation, 
+     prov:InstantaneousEvent;
+   prov:atTime "2012-04-03T00:00:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
-### an alternative way to express some of the above information
+## An alternative way to express some of the above information
-:bar_chart   prov:wasDerivedFrom :aggregatedByRegions ;
-	     prov:wasGeneratedBy :illustrationActivity ;
+   prov:wasDerivedFrom :aggregatedByRegions;
+   prov:wasGeneratedBy :illustrationActivity;
-:illustrationActivity   a   prov:Activity ;
-			prov:endedAtTime "2012-04-03T00:00:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
+   a prov:Activity;
+   prov:endedAtTime "2012-04-03T00:00:01Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
--- a/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_hadQuoted.ttl	Mon May 14 16:11:26 2012 -0400
+++ b/examples/eg-24-prov-o-html-examples/rdf/create/rdf/property_hadQuoted.ttl	Mon May 14 16:26:17 2012 -0400
@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@
 @prefix prov: <> .
 @prefix :     <> .
    a prov:Entity;
    prov:wasQuotedFrom <>;
    prov:qualifiedQuotation [
       a prov:Quotation;
-      prov:entity <>;
+      prov:entity    <>;
       prov:hadQuoted <>;
    ] .
 <> a prov:Person, prov:Agent .
--- a/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Mon May 14 16:11:26 2012 -0400
+++ b/ontology/ProvenanceOntology.owl	Mon May 14 16:26:17 2012 -0400
@@ -57,22 +57,22 @@
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&prov;definition">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">A definition quoted from PROV-DM or PROV-CONSTRAINTS that describes the concept expressed with this OWL term.</rdfs:comment>
+    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&prov;editorialNote">
+        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">A note by the OWL development team about how this term expresses the PROV-DM concept, or how it should be used in context of semantic web or linked data.</rdfs:comment>
+    </owl:AnnotationProperty>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&rdfs;label">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en"></rdfs:comment>
-    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&prov;editorialNote">
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">A note by the OWL development team about how this term expresses the PROV-DM concept, or how it should be used in context of semantic web or linked data.</rdfs:comment>
-    </owl:AnnotationProperty>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&prov;inverse">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">PROV-O does not define all property inverses. The directionalities defined in PROV-O should be given preference over those not defined. However, if users wish to name the inverse of a PROV-O property, the local name given by prov:inverse should be used.</rdfs:comment>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&rdfs;comment">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en"></rdfs:comment>
-    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&owl;versionInfo"/>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&rdfs;seeAlso">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en"></rdfs:comment>
+    <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&owl;versionInfo"/>
     <owl:AnnotationProperty rdf:about="&prov;category">
         <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">Classify prov-o terms into three categories, including &#39;starting-point&#39;, &#39;qualifed&#39;, and &#39;extended&#39;. This classification is used by the prov-o html document to gently introduce prov-o terms to its users. </rdfs:comment>
@@ -384,34 +384,6 @@
-    <!-- -->
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&prov;hadQuoted">
-        <prov:inverse>wasQuotedIn</prov:inverse>
-        <prov:category>qualified</prov:category>
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The agent who attributed to the original entity.</rdfs:comment>
-        <prov:component>derivations</prov:component>
-        <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&owl;topObjectProperty"/>
-        <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&prov;Agent"/>
-        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&prov;Quotation"/>
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
-    <!-- -->
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&prov;hadQuoter">
-        <prov:category>qualified</prov:category>
-        <prov:inverse>wasQuotingIn</prov:inverse>
-        <prov:component>derivations</prov:component>
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The agent who is doing the quoting.</rdfs:comment>
-        <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="&owl;topObjectProperty"/>
-        <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&prov;Agent"/>
-        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&prov;Quotation"/>
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
     <!-- -->
     <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&prov;hadRole">
@@ -855,20 +827,6 @@
-    <!-- -->
-    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&prov;wasApprovedBy">
-        <prov:category>qualified</prov:category>
-        <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">The agent who approved the revision.</rdfs:comment>
-        <prov:inverse xml:lang="en">approvedRevision</prov:inverse>
-        <prov:component>derivations</prov:component>
-        <prov:definition xml:lang="en">responsibility: an optional identifier (ag) for the agent who approved the newer entity as a variant of the older</prov:definition>
-        <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&prov;Agent"/>
-        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&prov;Revision"/>
-    </owl:ObjectProperty>
     <!-- -->
     <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="&prov;wasAssociatedWith">