Followed DCAT structure and styles for consistency and readability. Done: until section 8
authorDaniel Vila <>
Thu, 09 Feb 2012 20:44:56 +0100
changeset 81 e352faad625a
parent 80 3fa60fd51567
child 82 fa4591f58fde
child 93 25ce68ea3df3
Followed DCAT structure and styles for consistency and readability. Done: until section 8
--- a/org/index.html	Thu Feb 09 11:58:18 2012 -0500
+++ b/org/index.html	Thu Feb 09 20:44:56 2012 +0100
@@ -9,6 +9,31 @@
 	<script type="text/javascript"src="" class="remove"></script>
 	<script src="respec-ref.js"></script>
 	<script src="respec-config.js"></script>
+	 <style type="text/css">
+	  table {
+	    border-collapse:collapse;
+	  }
+	  td, th {
+	    border:1px solid black;
+	    padding:1em;
+	  }  
+	  table#namespaces td {
+	    font-family: monospace;
+	  }
+	  table.definition {
+	    width:100%;
+	  }
+	  table.definition td.prop {
+	    width:10em;
+	  }
+          pre {
+		padding: 1em;
+		border: 1px dashed #2f6fab;
+		color: black;
+		background-color: #f9f9f9;
+		line-height: 1.1em;
+	 }
+	</style>
 	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="local-style.css" />
@@ -38,9 +63,47 @@
 Readers of this document are expected to be familiar with delivery of content via the Web, and to have a general familiarity with the technologies involved, but are not required to have a background in semantic technologies or previous experience with Linked Data. Data stewards, curators, database administrators and other personnel involved in Open Government initiatives are encouraged to read this Linked Open Data Best Practices document. 
 <!--    INTRODUCTION    -->
+<section class="informative">
+<p>This document does not prescribe any particular method of deploying data expressed in ORG. ORG is applicable in many contexts including RDF accessible via SPARQL endpoints, embedded in HTML pages as RDFa, or serialized as e.g. RDF/XML or Turtle. The examples in this document use Turtle simply because of Turtle's readability.</p>
+<section id="conformance">
+<li><i>ORG compliance</i> means that a provider uses a subset of the ORG vocabulary when publishing catalog and dataset metadata. This is likely to be the common case.</li>
+<li><i>ORG conformance</i> means that a provider uses the entire ORG vocabulary when publishing catalog and dataset metadata.</li>
+<!-- Namespaces -->
+<h2 id="ns">Namespaces</h2>
+<p>The namespace for ORG is <code></code>. However,
+it should be noted that ORG extends and uses terms from other vocabularies. A full set of alphabetically ordered namespaces and prefixes used in this
+document is shown in the table below.</p>
+<!-- Alphabetically ordered-->
+<table id="namespaces">
+  <thead><tr><th>Prefix</th><th>Namespace</th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td>foaf</td><td></td></tr>
+    <tr><td>gr</td><td></td></tr>  
+    <tr><td>opmv</td><td></td></tr> 
+    <tr><td>org</td><td></td></tr>
+    <tr><td>skos</td><td></td></tr>
+    <tr><td>vcard</td><td></td></tr>
+  </tbody>
+<!-- Overview of ontology -->
+<section class="informative">
+<h3>Overview of ontology</h3>
 <p>This ontology was original motivated by a need to publish information
 relating to government organizational structure as part of the <em></em> initiative.
@@ -82,19 +145,94 @@
 sub-class structures or classification schemes as required. 
-<h3>Overview of ontology</h3>
 <img src="img/diagram.png" alt="Diagram dipicting core classes and relationships">
-  <p>The namespace for the ontology is: 
-  	<a href=""></a>
-  </p>
+<h2 id="example">Example</h2>
+<p>This example provides a quick overview of how dcat might be used to an organization </p>
+<p>@@@ TODO.jse: Actually provide an example @@@</p>
+<p>First, the catalog description:
+<pre>  &nbsp;:catalog
+       a dcat:Catalog&nbsp;;
+       dct:title "Imaginary catalog"&nbsp;;
+       rdfs:label "Imaginary catalog"&nbsp;;
+       foaf:homepage &lt;<a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>&gt;&nbsp;;
+       dct:publisher&nbsp;:transparency-office&nbsp;;
+       dcat:themes&nbsp;:themes&nbsp;;
+       dct:language "en"^^xsd:language&nbsp;;
+       dcat:dataset&nbsp;:dataset/001&nbsp;;
+       .
+<p>The publisher of the catalog has the relative URI&nbsp;:transparency-office. Further description of the publisher can be provided as in the following example:
+<pre>  &nbsp;:transparency-office
+       a foaf:Agent&nbsp;;
+       rdfs:label "Transparency Office"&nbsp;;
+       .
+<p>The catalog classify its datasets according to a set of domains represented by the relative URI&nbsp;:themes. SKOS can be used to describe the domains used:
+<pre>  &nbsp;:themes
+       a skos:ConceptScheme&nbsp;;
+       skos:prefLabel "A set of domains to classify documents"&nbsp;;
+   .
+<p>The catalog connect to each of its datasets via dcat:dataset. In the example above, an example dataset was mentioned with the relative URI&nbsp;:dataset/001. A possible description of it using dcat is shown below:
+<pre>  &nbsp;:dataset/001
+       a       dcat:Dataset&nbsp;;
+       dct:title "Imaginary dataset"&nbsp;;
+       dcat:keyword "accountability","transparency" ,"payments"&nbsp;;
+       dcat:theme&nbsp;:themes/accountability&nbsp;;
+       dct:issued "2011-12-05"^^xsd:date&nbsp;;
+       dct:updated "2011-12-05"^^xsd:date&nbsp;;
+       dct:publisher&nbsp;:agency/finance-ministry&nbsp;;
+       dct:accrualPeriodicity "every six months"&nbsp;;
+       dct:language "en"^^xsd:language&nbsp;;
+       dcat:Distribution&nbsp;:dataset/001/csv&nbsp;;
+       .
+<p>Notice that this dataset is classified under the domain represented by the relative URI&nbsp;:themes/accountability. This should be part of the domains set identified by the URI&nbsp;:themes that was used to describe the catalog domains. An example SKOS description
+<pre>   &nbsp;:themes/accountability 
+        a skos:Concept&nbsp;;
+        skos:inScheme&nbsp;:themes&nbsp;;
+        skos:prefLabel "Accountability"&nbsp;;
+        .
+<p>The dataset can be downloaded in CSV format via the distribution represented by&nbsp;:dataset/001/csv.
+<pre>  &nbsp;:dataset/001/csv
+       a dcat:Distribution&nbsp;;
+       dcat:accessURL &lt;<a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>&gt;&nbsp;;
+       dct:title "CSV distribution of imaginary dataset 001"&nbsp;;
+       dct:format [
+            a dct:IMT; 
+            rdf:value "text/csv"; 
+            rdfs:label "CSV"
+       ]
+       .
+<p>Finally, if the catalog publisher decides to keep metadata describing its records (i.e. the records containing metadata describing the datasets) dcat:CatalogRecord can be used. For example,&nbsp;:dataset/001 was issued on 2011-12-05. however, its description on Imaginary Catalog was added on 2011-12-11. This can be represented by dcat:
+<pre>  &nbsp;:record/001
+       a dcat:CatalogRecord&nbsp;;
+       foaf:primaryTopic&nbsp;:dataset/001&nbsp;;
+       dct:issued "2011-12-11"^^xsd:date&nbsp;;
+   .
+  &nbsp;:catalog
+       dcat:record&nbsp;:record/001&nbsp;;
+   .
+<a name="Encoding_of_property_values" id="Encoding_of_property_values"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> Encoding of property values </span></h2>
+<ul><li> Values like "unknown" or "unspecified" should never be used, and if present in the original database should be filtered for publishing. Instead, the property should simply be omitted.
+</li><li> @@@ policy for using resources vs. literals
@@ -125,138 +263,245 @@
 and "foo of" to improve readability in linked data viewers.</p>
 <!--    Organizational structure   -->
 <h2>Organizational structure</h2>
-<dt><em>Class:</em> <code>org:Organization</code> (subClassOf  <code>foaf:Agent</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Represents a collection of people organized together into a 
+<!-- Class Organization -->
+<h2 id="Class:_Organization">Class: Organization</h2>
+<p>Represents a collection of people organized together into a 
 community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group 
 has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the 
 set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organizations are
- often decomposable into hierarchical structures.  It is recommended 
+ often decomposable into hierarchical structures. </p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF class:</th><th><a href="">org:Organization</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+     <tr><td class="prop">subClassOf:</td><td> <a href="">foaf:Agent</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> It is recommended 
 that SKOS lexical labels should be used to label the Organization. In 
-particular <code>skos:prefLabel</code> for the primary (e.g. legally recognized name), <code>skos:altLabel</code> for alternative names (trading names, colloquial names) and <code>skos:notation</code> to denote codes from a code list. Alternative names: <em>Collective</em> <em>Body</em> <em>Org</em> <em>Group</em></dd>
-<p> </p>
-<dt><em>Class:</em> <code>org:FormalOrganization</code> (subClassOf  <code>org:Organization</code>, <code>foaf:Organization</code>; superClassOf <code>gr:BusinessEntity</code>)</dt>
-<dd>An Organization which is recognized in the world at large, in 
-particular in legal jurisdictions, with associated rights and 
-responsibilities. Examples include a Corporation, Charity, Government or
- Church. Note that this is a super class of <code>gr:BusinessEntity</code> and it is recommended to use the GoodRelations vocabulary to denote Business classifications such as DUNS or NAICS.</dd>
-<p> </p>
-<dt><em>Class:</em> <code>org:OrganizationalUnit</code> (subClassOf  <code>org:Organization</code>)</dt>
-<dd>An Organization such University Support Unit which is part of some 
-larger FormalOrganization and only has full recognition within the 
-context of that FormalOrganization, it is not a Legal Entity in its own 
-right. Units can be large and complex containing other Units and even 
-FormalOrganizations. Alternative names: <em>OU</em> <em>Unit</em> <em>Department</em></dd>
-<p> </p>
+particular <code>skos:prefLabel</code> for the primary (e.g. legally recognized name), <code>skos:altLabel</code> for alternative names (trading names, colloquial names) and <code>skos:notation</code> to denote codes from a code list. Alternative names: <em>Collective</em> <em>Body</em> <em>Org</em> <em>Group</em>.</td></tr>
-<dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:subOrganizationOf</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt; <code>org:Organization</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or 
-Organizational Units; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or 
-child of this organization.  Inverse of <code>org:hasSubOrganization</code>. Alternative names: subOrgOf</dd>
-<p> </p>
-  <dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:transitiveSubOrganizationOf</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt; <code>org:Organization</code>, Transitive super property of <code>org:subOrganizationOf</code>)</dt>
-<dd>The transitive closure of subOrganizationOf, giving a representation
- of all organizations that contain this one. Note that technically this 
-is a super property of the transitive closure so it could contain 
-additional assertions but such usage is discouraged.</dd>
+  </tbody>
-<p> </p>
-<dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:hasSubOrganization</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt; <code>org:Organization</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or 
-OrganizationalUnits; indicates an Organization which contains this 
-Organization. Inverse of <code>org:subOrganizationOf</code>. Alternative names: hasSubOrg</dd>
+<!-- Property subOrganizationOf -->
+<h3 id="Property:_subOrganizationOf">Property: subOrganizationOf</h3>
+<p>Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or Organizational Units; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or child of this organization.</p>
-<p> </p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:subOrganizationOf</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain and Range:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> Inverse of <code>org:hasSubOrganization</code>. Alternative names: subOrgOf.</td></tr>
+  </tbody>
-<dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:purpose</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt; *)</dt>
-<dd>Indicates the purpose of this Organization. There can be many 
-purposes at different levels of abstraction but the nature of an 
-organization is to have a reason for existence and this property is a 
-means to document that reason. An Organization may have multiple 
-purposes. It is recommended that the purpose be denoted by a controlled 
+<!-- Property transitiveSubOrganizationOf -->
+<h3 id="Property:_transitiveSubOrganizationOf">Property: transitiveSubOrganizationOf</h3>
+<p>Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or Organizational Units; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or child of this organization.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:transitiveSubOrganizationOf</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain and Range:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Transitive super property of:</td><td><a href="">org:subOrganizationOf</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> The transitive closure of subOrganizationOf, giving a representation of all organizations that contain this one. Note that technically this is a super property of the transitive closure so it could contain additional assertions but such usage is discouraged.</td></tr>
+  </tbody>
+<!-- Property hasSubOrganization -->
+<h3 id="Property:_hasSubOrganization">Property: hasSubOrganization</h3>
+<p>Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or OrganizationalUnits; indicates an Organization which contains this Organization.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:hasSubOrganization</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain and Range:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> Inverse of <code>org:subOrganizationOf</code>. Alternative names: hasSubOrg.</td></tr>
+  </tbody>
+<!-- Property purpose -->
+<h3 id="Property:_purpose">Property: purpose</h3>
+<p>Indicates the purpose of this Organization. There can be many purposes at different levels of abstraction but the nature of an organization is to have a reason for existence and this property is a means to document that reason. An Organization may have multiple purposes.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:purpose</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> It is recommended that the purpose be denoted by a controlled 
 term or code list, ideally a <code>skos:Concept</code>. However, the 
 range is left open to allow for other types of descriptive schemes. It 
 is expected that specializations or application profiles of this 
-vocabulary will constrain the range of the purpose. Alternative names: <em>remit</em> <em>responsibility</em> (esp. if applied to OrganizationalUnits such as Government Departments).</dd>
-<p> </p>
-  <dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:hasUnit</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt; <code>org:OrganizationalUnit</code>, subPropertyOf <code>hasSubOrganization</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Indicates a unit which is part of this Organization, e.g. a Department within a larger FormalOrganization. Inverse of <code>org:unitOf</code>.</dd>
-<p> </p>
-  <dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:unitOf</code>  (<code>org:OrganizationalUnit</code> -&gt; <code>org:Organization</code>, subPropertyOf <code>subOrganizationOf</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Indicates an Organization of which this Unit is a part, e.g. a 
-Department within a larger FormalOrganization. This is the inverse of <code>org:hasUnit</code>.</dd>
+vocabulary will constrain the range of the purpose. Alternative names: <em>remit</em> <em>responsibility</em> (esp. if applied to OrganizationalUnits such as Government Departments).</td></tr>
+  </tbody>
-<p> </p>
+<!-- Property hasUnit -->
+<h3 id="Property:_hasUnit">Property: hasUnit</h3>
+<p>Indicates a unit which is part of this Organization, e.g. a Department within a larger FormalOrganization.</p>
-<dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:classification</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt; <code>skos:Concept</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Indicates a classification for this Organization within some 
-classification scheme. Extension vocabularies may wish to specialize 
-this property to have a range corresponding to a specific <code>skos:ConceptScheme</code>.
- This property is under discussion and may be revised or removed - in 
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:hasUnit</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Range:</td><td><a href="">org:OrganizationalUnit</a></td></tr>
+     <tr><td class="prop">subPropertyOf:</td><td> <a href="">org:hasSubOrganization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> 
+     Inverse of <code>org:unitOf</code>.
+  </tbody>
+<!-- Property unitOf -->
+<h3 id="Property:_unitOf">Property: unitOf</h3>
+<p>Indicates an Organization of which this Unit is a part, e.g. a 
+Department within a larger FormalOrganization.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:unitOf</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain:</td><td><a href="">org:OrganizationalUnit</a></td></tr>
+     <tr><td class="prop">Range:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+     <tr><td class="prop">subPropertyOf:</td><td> <a href="">org:subOrganizationOf</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> 
+     This is the inverse of <code>org:hasUnit</code>.
+  </tbody>
+<!-- Property classification -->
+<h3 id="Property:_classification">Property: classification</h3>
+<p>Indicates a classification for this Organization within some 
+classification scheme. 
+<p class="todo">@@TODO: Make clear what is the status of this property</p>
+This property is under discussion and may be revised or removed - in 
 many cases organizations are best categorized by defining a sub-class 
-hierarchy in an extension vocabulary.</dd>
-<p> </p>
+hierarchy in an extension vocabulary.</p>
-<dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:identifier</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt;, subPropertyOf <code>skos:notation</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Gives an identifier, such as a company registration number, that can
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:classification</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+     <tr><td class="prop">Range:</td><td><a href="">skos:Concept</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> 
+     Extension vocabularies may wish to specialize 
+this property to have a range corresponding to a specific <code>skos:ConceptScheme</code>
+  </tbody>
+<!-- Property identifier -->
+<h3 id="Property:_identifier">Property: identifier</h3>
+<p>Gives an identifier, such as a company registration number, that can
  be used to used to uniquely identify the organization. Many different 
-national and international identier schemes are available. The org 
+national and international identier schemes are available.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:identifier</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+     <tr><td class="prop">subPropertyOf:</td><td> <a href="">skos:notation</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> 
+      The org 
 ontology is neutral to which schemes are used. The particular identifier
  scheme should be indicated by the datatype of the identifier value.  
 Using datatypes to distinguish the notation scheme used is consistent 
-with recommended best practice for <code>skos:notation</code> of which this property is a specialization.</dd>
-<p> </p>
+with recommended best practice for <code>skos:notation</code> of which this property is a specialization.
+  </tbody>
-<dt><em>Property:</em> <code>org:linkedTo</code>  (<code>org:Organization</code> -&gt; <code>org:Organization</code>)</dt>
-<dd>Indicates an arbitrary relationship between two organizations. 
-Specializations of this can be used to, for example, denote funding or 
-supply chain relationships.</dd>
+<!-- Property linkedTo -->
+<h3 id="Property:_linkedTo">Property: linkedTo</h3>
+<p>Indicates an arbitrary relationship between two organizations.</p>
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF Property:</th><th><a href="">org:linkedTo</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Domain and Range:</td><td><a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td>
+	<td> 
+		Specializations of this can be used to, for example, denote funding or supply chain relationships.    
+	</td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+</section> <!-- end of Class Organization-->
+<!-- Class FormalOrganization -->
+<h2 id="Class:_FormalOrganization">Class: FormalOrganization</h2>
+ An Organization which is recognized in the world at large, in 
+particular in legal jurisdictions, with associated rights and 
+responsibilities. Examples include a Corporation, Charity, Government or
+ Church.
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF class:</th><th><a href="">org:FormalOrganization</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+     <tr><td class="prop">subClassOf:</td><td> <a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> 
+	Note that this is a super class of <code>gr:BusinessEntity</code> and it is recommended to use the GoodRelations vocabulary to denote Business classifications such as DUNS or NAICS.
+</section>  <!-- end of Class FormalOrganization-->
+<!-- Class OrganizationalUnit -->
+<h2 id="Class:_OrganizationalUnit">Class: OrganizationalUnit</h2>
+An Organization such University Support Unit which is part of some 
+larger FormalOrganization and only has full recognition within the 
+context of that FormalOrganization, it is not a Legal Entity in its own 
+<table class="definition">
+  <thead><tr><th>RDF class:</th><th><a href="">org:OrganizationalUnit</a></th></tr></thead>
+  <tbody>
+     <tr><td class="prop">subClassOf:</td><td> <a href="">org:Organization</a></td></tr>
+    <tr><td class="prop">Usage note:</td><td> 
+Units can be large and complex containing ot	her Units and even 
+FormalOrganizations. Alternative names: <em>OU</em> <em>Unit</em> <em>Department</em>
+</section> <!-- end of Class OrganizationalUnit-->
-<h3>Formal organizations</h3>
+<h3>Notes on formal organizations</h3>
 <p>Note that the subclass hierarchy
    below <code>org:Organization</code> is not a full covering. There
    can be <code>org:Organization</code>s which are in
@@ -273,7 +518,7 @@
-<h3>Organizational hierarchy</h3>
+<h3>Notes on organizational hierarchy</h3>
 <p>In many organizations there is a hierarchy of unit structures. For example we might see a containment hierarchy like:</p>
@@ -289,7 +534,7 @@
-<h3>Organizational classification</h3>
+<h3>Notes on organizational classification</h3>
 <p>In a number of circumstances we wish to classify organizations. There are many approaches that could be 
 taken for this. It can be based on the legal structure under which the organization operates.
@@ -311,6 +556,7 @@
+<!-- End of section Organizational structure -->
 <!--    Reporting relationships and roles   -->