WeatherForecast Subclass of: CreativeWork A forecast of weather conditions, for some particular place and time.
QuantitativeWeatherCondition Subclass of: Intangible A quantitatively described weather condition such as pollen count, air pressure or humidity.
WeatherForecastElement Subclass of: CreativeWork A detailed weather forecast for a specific date-time range
WeatherCondition Instances of this type include SunnyWeather, MostlySunnyWeather, CloudyWeather, AfternoonIceWithSnowWeather, etc. Subclass of: Enumeration
WeatherAlert Instances of this type include TornadoWarningAlert, TornadoWatchAlert, SevereThunderstormWarningAlert, etc. Subclass of: Enumeration
weatherConditionDescription textual description of the enumerated weather condition Domain: WeatherCondition Range: Text
weatherAlertDescription textual description of the enumerated weather alert Domain: WeatherAlert Range: Text
weatherForecastPlace Place associated with a WeatherForecast, e.g. friday's weather forecast for Boston. Domain: WeatherForecast Range: Place
weatherForecastDaysType The number of days of forecast in the forecast, e.g. 5 day, 10 day forecast. Domain: WeatherForecast Range: Number
weatherForecastStartDateTime The start of datetime range for forecast Domain: WeatherForecast Range: DateTime
weatherForecastEndDateTime The end of datetime range for forecast Domain: WeatherForecast Range: DateTime
hourWeatherForecast weather forecast for one specific hour in a day Domain: WeatherForecast Range: WeatherForecastElement
dayWeatherForecast weather forecast for one specific day Domain: WeatherForecast Range: WeatherForecastElement
weatherForecastElementPlace Place associated with a WeatherForecast, e.g. friday's weather forecast for Boston. Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: Place
weatherForecastElementStartDateTime Start date time associated with a day's weather forecast Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: DateTime
weatherForecastElementEndDateTime End date time associated with a day's weather forecast Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: DateTime
weatherForecastElementCondition The weather condition(s) forecasted Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: WeatherCondition
weatherForecastElementConditionAlert The weather condition alert(s) forecasted. Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: WeatherAlert
weatherForecastElementPrecipitationChance chance of precipitation as a percentage Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementTemperature temperature in Celcius or Farenheit Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementVisibility visibility in distance Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementWindSpeed wind speed for a weather forecast such as 10 mpH Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementAirPressure air pressure for a weather forecast such as 33 in Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementFeelsLikeTemperature air pressure for a weather forecast such as 33 in Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementHumidity humidity for a weather forecast Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementPolution polution measure for a weather forecast Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementPollenCount pollen count for a weather forecast Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementUV UV measure for a weather forecast Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: QuantitativeValue
weatherForecastElementWindDirection wind direction for a weather forecast such as WNW, NSW Domain: WeatherForecastElement Range: Text