
Reservations design as of 2014-01-21.

Reservation Describes a reservation for travel, dining or an event. Some reservations require tickets.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, restaurant reservations, flights, or rental cars, use

Subclass of: Intangible
BusReservation A reservation for bus travel.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use

Subclass of: Reservation
EventReservation A reservation for an event like a concert, sporting event, or lecture.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use

Subclass of: Reservation
FlightReservation A reservation for air travel.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use

Subclass of: Reservation
FoodEstablishmentReservation A reservation to dine at a food-related business.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.

Subclass of: Reservation
LodgingReservation A reservation for lodging at a hotel, motel, inn, etc.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.

Subclass of: Reservation
RentalCarReservation A reservation for a rental car.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations.

Subclass of: Reservation
TaxiReservation A reservation for a taxi.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use

Subclass of: Reservation
TrainReservation A reservation for train travel.

Note: This type is for information about actual reservations, e.g. in confirmation emails or HTML pages with individual confirmations of reservations. For offers of tickets, use

Subclass of: Reservation
ReservationPackage A group of multiple reservations with common values for all sub-reservations. Subclass of: Reservation
ReservationStatusType Enumerated status values for Reservation. Subclass of: Enumeration
ReservationCancelled The status for a previously confirmed reservation that is now cancelled. type: ReservationStatusType
ReservationConfirmed The status of a confirmed reservation. type: ReservationStatusType
ReservationHold The status of a reservation on hold pending an update like credit card number or flight changes. type: ReservationStatusType
ReservationPending The status of a reservation when a request has been sent, but not confirmed. type: ReservationStatusType
Bus Trip A trip on a commercial bus line. Subclass of: Intangible
Train Trip A trip on a commercial train line. Subclass of: Intangible
Flight An airline flight. Subclass of: Intangible
Airline An organization that provides flights for passengers. Subclass of: Organization
Program Membership Used to describe membership in a loyalty programs (e.g. "StarAliance"), traveler clubs (e.g. "AAA"), purchase clubs ("Safeway Club"), etc. Subclass of: Intangible
Ticket Used to describe a ticket to an event, a flight, a bus ride, etc. Subclass of: Intangible
Seat Used to describe a seat, such as a reserved seat in an event reservation. Subclass of: Intangible
Taxi A taxi. Subclass of: Service
Vehicle A vehicle. Subclass of: Product
Car An automobile. Subclass of: Vehicle
reservationId A unique identifier for the reservation. domain: Reservation Range: Text
reservationStatus The current status of the reservation. domain: Reservation Range: ReservationStatusType
reservationFor The thing -- flight, event, restaurant,etc. being reserved. domain: Reservation Range: Thing
underName The person or organization the reservation or ticket is for. domain: Reservation domain: Ticket Range: Person Range: Organization
provider The person or organization providing the service, reservation, or creative work. domain: CreativeWork domain: Service domain: Reservation domain: domain: domain: Range: Person Range: Organization
bookingAgent If the reservation was not booked directly through the provider, the third-party booking agent can be recorded through this property. domain: Reservation Range: Person Range: Organization
bookingTime The date and time the reservation was booked. domain: Reservation Range: DateTime
modifiedTime The date and time the reservation was modified. domain: Reservation Range: DateTime
programMembershipUsed Any membership in a frequent flyer, hotel loyalty program, etc. being applied to the reservation. domain: Reservation Range: ProgramMembership
reservedTicket A ticket associated with the reservation. domain: Reservation Range: Ticket
totalPrice The total price for the reservation or ticket, including applicable taxes, shipping, etc. domain: Reservation domain: Ticket Range: Number Range: Text Range: PriceSpecification
priceCurrency The currency (in 3-letter ISO 4217 format) of the price or a price component, when attached to PriceSpecification and its subtypes. domain: Reservation domain: Ticket Range: Text
membershipNumber A unique identifier for the membership. domain: ProgramMembership Range: Text
programName The program providing the membership. domain: ProgramMembership Range: Text
member The individual with the membership. domain: ProgramMembership Range: Person
hostingOrganization The organization (airline, travelers' club, etc.) the membership is made with. domain: ProgramMembership Range: Organization
issuedBy The organization issuing the ticket or permit. domain: Ticket Range: Organization
dateIssued The date the ticket was issued. domain: Ticket Range: DateTime
ticketedSeat The seat associated with the ticket. domain: Ticket Range: Seat
ticketNumber The unique identifier for the ticket. domain: Ticket Range: Text
ticketToken Reference to an asset (e.g., Barcode, QR code image or PDF) usable for entrance. domain: Ticket Range: Text Range: URL
seatNumber The location of the reserved seat (e.g., 27). domain: Seat Range: Text
seatRow The row location of the reserved seat (e.g., B). domain: Seat Range: Text
seatSection The section location of the reserved seat (e.g. Orchestra). domain: Seat Range: Text
seatingType The type/class of the seat. domain: Seat Range: Text Range: QualitativeValue
subReservation The individual reservations included in the package. Typically a repeated property. domain: Range: Reservation
boardingGroup The airline-specific indicator of boarding order / preference. domain: Range: Text
flightNumber The unique identifier for a flight. domain: Range: Text
flightNumber The unique identifier for a flight. domain: Range: Text
carrier The airline designated as the carrier for the flight. domain: Range: Airline
departureTime The expected departure time. domain: domain: domain: Range: DateTime
arrivalTime The expected arrival time. domain: domain: domain: Range: DateTime
departureAirport The airport where the flight originates. domain: Range: Airport
departureAirport The airport where the flight terminates. domain: Range: Airport
departureGate Identifier of the flight's departure gate. domain: Range: Text
arrivalGate Identifier of the flight's arrival gate. domain: Range: Text
departureTerminal Identifier of the flight's departure terminal. domain: Range: Text
arrivalTerminal Identifier of the flight's arrival terminal. domain: Range: Text
aircraft The kind of aircraft (e.g., "Boeing 747"). domain: Range: Text Range: Vehicle
mealService Description of the meals that will be provided or available for purchase. domain: Range: Text
estimatedFlightDuration The estimated time the flight will take. domain: Range: Text Range: Duration
flightDistance The distance of the flight. domain: Range: Text Range: Distance
webCheckinTime The time when a passenger can check into the flight online. domain: Range: DateTime
iataCode IATA identifier for an airline or airport domain: domain: Range: Text
departTime The time a FoodEstablishmentReservation is required to end. domain: Range: DateTime
startTime When a FoodEstablishmentReservation starts or an Action was performed: start time. This is for actions that span a period of time. e.g. John wrote a book from *January* to December. domain: Range: DateTime
partySize Number of people the reservation should accomodate. domain: domain: Range: Number Range: QuantitativeValue
acceptsReservations Does the establishment accept reservations? domain: Range: Boolean
trainNumber The unique identifier for the train. domain: Range: Text
trainName The name of the train (e.g. The Orient Express). domain: Range: Text
departureStation The station from which the train departs. domain: Range: TrainStation
arrivalStation The station where the train trip ends. domain: Range: TrainStation
departurePlatform The platform from which the train departs. domain: Range: Text
arrivalPlatform The platform where the train arrives. domain: Range: Text
busNumber The unique identifier for the trainbus. domain: Range: Text
busName The name of the bus (e.g. Bolt Express). domain: Range: Text
departureBusStop The stop or station from which the bus departs. domain: Range: BusStation Range: BusStop
arrivalBusStop The stop or station from which the bus arrives. domain: Range: BusStation Range: BusStop
pickupLocation Where a taxi will pick up a passenger or a rental car can be picked up. domain: domain: Range: Place
dropoffLocation Where a rental car can be dropped off. domain: Range: Place
pickupTime When a taxi will pickup a passegner or a rental car can be picked up. domain: domain: Range: DateTime
dropoffTime When a rental car can be dropped off. domain: Range: DateTime
checkinTime The earliest someone may check into a lodging establishment. domain: Range: DateTime
checkoutTime The latest someone may check out of a lodging establishment. domain: Range: DateTime
lodgingUnitType Textual description of the unit type (including suite vs. room, size of bed, etc.). domain: Range: Text Range: QualitativeValue
lodgingUnitDescription A full description of the lodging unit. domain: Range: Text
numAdults The number of adults staying in the unit. domain: Range: Number Range: QuantitativeValue
numChildren The number of children staying in the unit. domain: Range: Number Range: QuantitativeValue