Enrichment of Schema.org to enable controlled vocabularies web publication with a SKOS description of concepts and schemes. This version is very very minimalistic.
ConceptCodeSchema.org's notion of 'ConceptCode' covers categories, controlled lists of values, subject classification codes (e.g. UDC, Dewey), thesauri and other controlled codes. This mechanism is not intended as a general-purpose knowledge representation system. In schema.org a ConceptCode (typically published at some url, eg. using W3C SKOS) can be used to express what a creative work is 'about', but also it can be used with the occupationalCategory of a JobPosting, amongst other properties. For example, the targetUrl of an AlignmentObject can also be used in this way, when describing educationally-oriented resources. 'ConceptCode' in schema.org corresponds to 'Concept' in W3C's SKOS language. Simple textual descriptions of a topical 'codeValue' and its 'codingSystem' can also be expressed textually.equivalent class: skos:ConceptSubclass of: IntangibleSource: SKOS
We also generalize some existing properties from MedicalCode, which we declare to be a subtype of ConceptCode.
We add a domainIncludes association to ConceptCode for these two properties, and also allow URL values on rangeIncludes.
codeValue: "The actual code.".
domainIncludes: ConceptCode
codingSystem: "The coding system, e.g. 'ICD-10'.".
domainIncludes: ConceptCoderangeIncludes: URL
We add a rangeIncludes of 'ConceptCode' to these properties: about, occupationalCategory, targetUrl, applicationCategory, applicationSubCategory, category, mentions ...