merged timbl's changes
authorHenry Story <>
Mon, 25 Jun 2012 10:07:32 +0200
changeset 231 f99a74fb8b54
parent 230 a473d7d8c584 (current diff)
parent 229 fae877adc4d2 (diff)
child 232 a25e35961998
merged timbl's changes
--- a/src/main/scala/Authoritative.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:03:10 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/Authoritative.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:07:32 2012 +0200
@@ -35,21 +35,52 @@
   val r = """^(.*)\.(\w{0,4})$""".r
   // all of this would be unnecessary if req.uri would really return the full URI
-  // we should try to push for that to be done at unfiltered layer
+  // we should try to push for that to be done at unfiltered layer - HS
+  // Alternatively, build the system to not need to know, or be told, its base hostport. - TBL
+  //
   def reqURL[T](m: Manifest[T], r: HttpRequest[T]): String = {
     if (m <:< manifest[HttpServletRequest]) reqUrlServlet(r.asInstanceOf[HttpRequest[HttpServletRequest]])
     else if (m <:< manifest[ReceivedMessage]) reqUrlNetty(r.asInstanceOf[HttpRequest[ReceivedMessage]])
     else "" //todo: should perhaps throw an exception here.
-  def unapply[T](req: HttpRequest[T]) (implicit m: Manifest[T]) : Option[(URL, Representation)] =  {
+  def unapply2[T](req: HttpRequest[T], uriBase:Option[String]) (implicit m: Manifest[T]) : Tuple2[URL, Representation] =  {
+    // val uriBase: Option[String] = Option(System getProperty "rww.uriBase") // @@ Hack
     val uri = reqURL(m, req)
     val suffixOpt = uri match {
       case r(_, suffix) => Some(suffix)
       case _ if uri endsWith "/" => Some("/")
       case _ => None
-    Some((new URL(uri), Representation(suffixOpt, Accept(req))))
+    uriBase match {
+        case Some(base) => {
+            System.out.println("Base is " + base)
+            System.out.println("req.uri is " + req.uri)
+            (new URL(new URL(base), req.uri), Representation(suffixOpt, Accept(req)))
+        }
+        case None =>  (new URL(uri), Representation(suffixOpt, Accept(req)))
+    }
+  }
+  def unapply[T](req: HttpRequest[T]) (implicit m: Manifest[T]) : Option[(URL, Representation)] =  {
+    val uriBase: Option[String] = Option(System getProperty "rww.uriBase") // @@ Hack
+    val uri = reqURL(m, req)
+    val suffixOpt = uri match {
+      case r(_, suffix) => Some(suffix)
+      case _ if uri endsWith "/" => Some("/")
+      case _ => None
+    }
+    uriBase match {
+        case Some(base) => Some((new URL(new URL(base), req.uri), Representation(suffixOpt, Accept(req))))        
+        case None =>  Some((new URL(uri), Representation(suffixOpt, Accept(req))))
+    }
--- a/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWeb.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:03:10 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWeb.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:07:32 2012 +0200
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 trait ReadWriteWeb[Req, Res] {
   val rm: ResourceManager
+  val base : Option[String]
   implicit def manif: Manifest[Req]
   implicit val authz: AuthZ[Req, Res] = new NullAuthZ[Req, Res]
   // a few type short cuts to make it easier to reason with the code here
@@ -79,7 +80,8 @@
   def rwwIntent  =  (req: HttpRequest[Req]) => {
-          val Authoritative(uri: URL, representation: Representation) = req
+          // val Authoritative(uri: URL, representation: Representation) = req
+          var (uri: URL, representation: Representation) = Authoritative.unapply2(req, base)
           val r: Resource = rm.resource(uri)
           val res: ResponseFunction[Res] = req match {
             case GET(_) if representation == HTMLRepr => {
--- a/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWebArgs.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:03:10 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWebArgs.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:07:32 2012 +0200
@@ -180,6 +180,8 @@
   val httpPort = parser.option[Int]("http", "port","start the http server on port")
   val httpsPort = parser.option[Int]("https","port","start the https server on port")
+  val uriBase = parser.option[String]("base","uri","base URI for processing RDF")
   val rootDirectory = parser.parameter[File]("rootDirectory", "path to root directory where files are served", false) {
     (sValue, opt) => {
       val file = new File(sValue)
--- a/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWebJetty.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:03:10 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/ReadWriteWebJetty.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:07:32 2012 +0200
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
     val rww = new ReadWriteWeb[HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse] {
       val rm = filesystem
+      val base: Option[String] = uriBase.value
       def manif = manifest[HttpServletRequest]
       override implicit val authz = new RDFAuthZ[HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse](filesystem)
--- a/src/main/scala/netty/ReadWriteWebNetty.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:03:10 2012 +0200
+++ b/src/main/scala/netty/ReadWriteWebNetty.scala	Mon Jun 25 10:07:32 2012 +0200
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
      val rww = new cycle.Plan  with cycle.ThreadPool with ServerErrorResponse with ReadWriteWeb[ReceivedMessage,HttpResponse]{
           val rm = filesystem
+          val base: Option[String] = uriBase.value
           def manif = manifest[ReceivedMessage]
           override val authz = new RDFAuthZ[ReceivedMessage,HttpResponse](filesystem)