No Good N3 parser yet, so moving it's priority way down (really just in case people mislable turtle to n3) webid
authorHenry Story <>
Tue, 24 Jan 2012 17:45:09 +0100
changeset 175 66d58f48db37
parent 174 6b6abaaef755
child 176 f3d715ac5b30
No Good N3 parser yet, so moving it's priority way down (really just in case people mislable turtle to n3)
--- a/src/main/scala/GraphCache.scala	Fri Jan 13 16:04:39 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/main/scala/GraphCache.scala	Tue Jan 24 17:45:09 2012 +0100
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
       // installed (some claim to do n3 when they only really do turtle)
       // we can't currently accept */* as we don't have GRDDL implemented
       val request = url(u.toString) <:< Map("Accept"->
-        "application/rdf+xml,text/turtle,application/xhtml+xml;q=0.8,text/html;q=0.7,text/n3;q=0.6")
+        "application/rdf+xml,text/turtle,application/xhtml+xml;q=0.8,text/html;q=0.7,text/n3;q=0.2")"fetching "+u.toExternalForm)
       //we need to tell the model about the content type