Outline of the example: Someone called Derek processed some government data about crime statistics in order to generate a graphical chart that aggregates this statistic information according to national regions. This graphical chart was used in a newspaper article. A blogger, Betty, looking at the article, spots what she thinks to be an error in the chart. Betty retrieves the provenance record of the article, how it was created in order to track the error. We provide the following example file to capture the core provenance information: * eg16-journalism-simple.ttl shows how the graphical chart was created through a graph generation step and a data aggregation step. For qualified relationships we provide the following example files: * eg16-journalism-derivation.ttl, to show how additional information about derivation can be expressed, such as when it all happened. * eg16-journalism-generation.ttl, to show how additional information about generation can be expressed, such as when it all happened. * eg16-journalism-usage.ttl, to show how additional information about usage can be expressed, such as when it all happened. * eg16-journalism-association.ttl, to show how we can express plan or recipe used in an activity by an agent