
A quotation is the repeat of (some or all of) an entity, such as text or image, by someone other than its original author.

Quotation is a particular case of derivation in which entity e2 is derived from an original entity e1 by copying, or "quoting", some or all of it. A quotation relation, written wasQuotedFrom(id,e2,e1,ag2,ag1,attrs) in PROV-N, contains:

The following paragraph is a quote from one of the author's blogs.

During the workshop, it became clear to me that the consensus based models (which are often graphical in nature) can not only be formalized but also be directly connected to these database focused formalizations. I just needed to get over the differences in syntax. This could imply that we could have nice way to trace provenance across systems and through databases and be able to understand the mathematical properties of this interconnection.

If ex:blog denotes the original blog by agent ex:Paul, and ex:blockquote denotes the above paragraph, then the following descriptions express that the above paragraph is copied by agent ex:Luc from a part of the blog, attributed to the agent ex:Paul.


Original Source

An original source refers to the source material that is closest to the person, information, period, or idea being studied.

An original source relation is a particular case of derivation which aims to give credit to the source that originated some information. It is recognized that it may be hard to determine which entity constitutes an original source. This definition is inspired by orginal-source as defined in

An original source relation, written hadOriginalSource(id,e2,e1,attrs), contains:

Let us consider the current section dm:term-original-source, and the Google page go:credit-where-credit-is-due.html, where the notion was originally described.
