Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
A div element with the role='tree' has three child div elements with role='treeitem'
and aria-setsize='3'. The 1st child div element has aria-posinset='1', the 2nd child div
element has aria-posinset='2' and the 3rd child div element has aria-posinset='3'.
Expected Results
MSAA + UIA Express
- role="tree": ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE
- role="treeitem": ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM
- LegacyIAccessible.Description will be in the form X of Y,
where X is the value of aria-posinset and Y is the value of aria-setsize
MSAA + IAccessible2
- role="tree": ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE
- role="treeitem": ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM
- The structure should be reflected in the accessibility tree as directed by aria-posinset.
- function groupPosition() should be available and have the following results:
- groupLevel: 1
- similarItemsInGroup: 3
- positionInGroup: aria-posinest value
- role="tree": Tree
- role="treeitem": TreeItem
- LegacyIAccessible.Description will be in the form X of Y,
where X is the value of aria-posinset and Y is the value of aria-setsize
- role="tree": ROLE_TREE
- role="treeitem": ROLE_TREEITEM
- aria-setsize: not mapped to setsize:.
- aria-posinset: is mapped to posinset:
- role="tree": AXOutline = 'outline'
- role="treeitem": AXRow, AXOutlineRow = 'outline row'
- aria-setsize: is mapped to AXARIASetSize:
- aria-posinset: is mapped to AXARIAPosInSet: