This document defines a set of terms for describing people. It defines how to describe people's characteristics such as names or addresses and how to relate people to other things, for example to organizations or projects. For each term, guidance on the usage within a running example is provided. This document also defines mappings to widely used vocabularies to enable interoperability.

This document is work in progress. You might also want to check the accompanying Wiki page of the GLD Working Group for ongoing discussions.


This document is aimed at both publishers and consumers of Linked Data. We assume that the reader has a certain familiarity with RDF and RDF Schema as well as well-known vocabularies, such as FOAF or Dublin Core. The goal of the document is to specify an interoperable way to describe people and their relationships to other entities such as organisations or projects.



source data
Data from datastores such as RDBs or spreadsheets that acts as a source for the Linked Data publishing process.
A person or organization that exposes source data as Linked Data on the Web.
A person or agent that uses Linked Data from the Web.

@@TODO: point out definition of source data in the BP document for further details.


The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this specification are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [[!RFC2119]].

Examples of RDF serialisations in this document are written in the Turtle [[TURTLE]] syntax; we assume the following namespace prefix bindings unless otherwise stated:


Walkthrough example

In many cases, source data contains data about people and other, related entities. We will use the following text as an example throughout the document to demonstrate the usage of terms:

 Jane Doe is CEO of ColCids Inc., headquartered in 2242 Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View, CA, United States.
 Recently, ColCids won a contract for providing an Open Data platform, awarded by the Santa Clara County. The
 project, called OpenData4SantaClara, starts on 1 Feb 2013 and runs initially for three months. Jane's contact
 point in the County of Santa Clara is Björk Guðmundsdóttir. To ensure a successful project delivery, Jane has
 invited 東海林賢蔵, a business contact and Open Data guru she recently met at a local event, to brief her and 
 the CoolCids team on the challenges and requirements in the domain.

Note: if you're not familiar with people's names throughout the world, you might want to read the personal names around the world article provided by the W3C Internationalization (I18n) Activity.

GLD people example
A visual representation of the walkthrough example as a graph (big version).

Use Cases and requirements

@@TODO: describe real world use cases and derive requirements common to all to decide what is and what is not in scope re target entities.

UC1 — Finding a politician


A publisher wants to provide contact details for politicians, responsible for a certain region and/or topic.

Real-world example: WriteToThem.


  • Contact details of politician, incl. name, address, email, phone number, fax number
  • Area of responsibility
  • Office location
  • Membership in a body (such as parliament, etc.)

UC2 — Provide spending of local authority


A publisher wants to provide an overview of how a local authority, such as a County Council, spends its money.

Real-world example: Councillors Allowances and Expenses 2010, Fingal County Council, Ireland.


  • Contact details of politician, incl. name, address, email, phone number, fax number
  • Membership in a body (such as parliament, etc.)
  • Expense, incl. type, event, amount

UC3 — Public tenders


A publisher wants to provide access to public tenders for transparency or accountability applications.

Real-world example: Tenders Electronic Daily by the European Union and it's Linked Open Data version.


  • Contact details of contracting authority
  • Object of the contract
  • Contract duration and conditions

UC4 — Awarded bids


A publisher wants to provide a listing of awarded bids.

Real-world example: Awarded Bids, Alabama Department of Finance, USA.


  • Contact details of contracting authority and buyer
  • Object of the contract
  • Action date

UC5 — Budget positions and salaries


A publisher wants to inform about the budget positions along with salaries.

Real-world example: Budget - Positions and Salaries in 2011 Appropriation Ordinance, City of Chicago, USA.


  • Department codes and details such as area of responsibility
  • Position, incl. title, assigned budget type, etc.
  • Amount

UC6 — Lobbying activity


A publisher wants to disclose lobbying activities.

Real-world example: Lobbying Activity, State of California, USA.


  • Contact details of individual lobbyists
  • Lobbyist relationships to companies, such as membership in a body, etc.

UC7 — Question time archive


A publisher wants to provide an archive of online question times for a certain topic and/or politician.

Real-world example: #AskNeelie by Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission, Europe.


  • Online handle of person who answers and people who ask questions
  • Topics via hashtags or indirect via question
  • Sequence of questions and answers such as follow-ups, etc.


Contact details
Area of responsibility
Membership in body
Expense or budget type
Object of contract
Online handle
Conversation topic

@@TODO: describe how we determine which requirements are common to all UC: for example, we could say that a requirement must at least show up in half of the UC, etc.

What is a person?

The core concept we are dealing with in this document is that of a person. A person in the context of this specification is defined as an entity of type foaf:Person.

If only the person's name is known foaf:name MUST be used.

 <örkg> rdf:type foaf:Person ;
                                        foaf:name "Björk Guðmundsdóttir" .

How to provide further details about a person, such as an address, is specified in section relating a person to a contact information.

Deriving domain-specific person types

One sometimes finds specialisations of a person in a domain, for example, in the legal domain there is a distinction made between a natural person and a legal person. In such a case the publisher should, in addition to the domain-specific type (e.g., legal:NaturalPerson) explicitly set the type foaf:Person in order to increase interoperability. This also allow systems that do not perform reasoning, for example, plain SPARQL processors to benefit from it. Read more ...

Relating a person to other entities

Beyond stating the basic characteristics of a person one can relate a person to a target entity such as an organisation or project. The following sections normatively specify how to do this. For any target entity type not listed in the below sections the publisher is free to use any appropriate vocabulary. See also the (@@link) vocabulary selection section of the Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data document for guidance on how to find and select such a vocabulary.


Relating a person to a contact information

In order to relate a person to a contact information, such as typically found on a business card:

  1. the contact information MUST be represented using vCard, and


  2. the link type used between a person and a contact information MUST be gldp:card.


 @prefix gldp: <> .
 @prefix : <> .
 :42 a foaf:Person ;
     gldp:card :42#bc .

 :42#bc a v:VCard ;
        v:fn "Jane Doe" ;

Relating a person to another person

In order to relate a person to another person one MUST use the FOAF Vocabulary Specification:

 <> foaf:knows <> .

Trusting people's relationships

A foaf:knows only establishes an unidirectional claim that someone knows someone else. The relation SHOULD only be considered to be of a mutual nature if the other person sets a foaf:knows relation as well. Read more ...

Relating a person to an organization

In order to relate a person to an organization one MUST use the Organization Ontology.

 <> a org:FormalOrganization .

 <> a foaf:Person .

 _:bn123 a org:Membership ;
         org:organization <> ;
         org:member <> .


Relating a person to a building or room

In order to relate a person to a building or room one MUST use the Buildings and Rooms Vocabulary.

To state that a person is located in a building or room rooms:occupant MUST be used.

 @prefix rooms: <> .
 @prefix :  <>.

 <> a foaf:Person .

 :CCHQ a rooms:Building ;
       rooms:contains :r101 .

 :r101 a rooms:Room ;
       rooms:occupant <> .


Relating a person to a project

In order to relate a person to a project one MUST use the FOAF Vocabulary Specification.

 @prefix gldp: <> .
 @prefix xsd: <> .
 @prefix :  <> .

 <örkg> a foaf:Person .

 :OpenData4SantaClara a foaf:Project ;
                      gldp:title "OpenData4SantaClara" ;
                      rdfs:label "OpenData4SantaClara" ;
                      gldp:lead <örkg> ;
                      gldp:starts "2013-02-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
                      gldp:ends "2013-05-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

Multiple label properties

In order to enable generic Linked Data browsers, such as Tabulator, which typically hard-code well-known label terms to display human readable labels rather than URIs, one SHOULD repeat the content of the gldp:title's literal object in an rdfs:label literal object.


Relating a person to online posts

In order to relate a person to online posts such as blog posts, mailing list posts, etc, one MUST use the SIOC Core Ontology Specification.

 @prefix sioc: <> .

 <> a sioc:Post ;
                                                                     dct:title "OpenData4SantaClara will launch in early 2013" ;
                                                                     dct:created "2012-12-01T17:25:30Z" ;
                                                                     sioc:has_creator <> .

 <> a sioc:User .


This section defines terms that allow to relate a person to other entities, such as contact information, etc. The terms below are defined in the namespace URI and the preferred namespace prefix for the namespace URI is gldp.

An implementer of this spec MUST support the following terms:

gldp:cardRelates a foaf:Person to a v:VCard; read: a person has a business card.
gldp:endsSpecifies the end date of a foaf:Project as an xsd:dateTime [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: a project ends on date.
gldp:leadRelates a foaf:Project to a foaf:Person; read: a project has a project lead.
gldp:startsSpecifies the start date of a foaf:Project as an xsd:dateTime [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: a project starts on date.
gldp:titleSpecifies the title of a foaf:Project as an xsd:string [[!XMLSCHEMA2]]; read: a projects has a title.

Interoperability considerations

Our concept of a person is based on foaf:Person, but there are many more conceptualisations in use, for example as defined by the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) project, the project by the search engine providers Bing, Google, Yahoo! or as found in the Personal Information Model (PIMO) by the Semantic Desktop project.

To enable interoperability and, in general, to make the data more useful, we define mappings of terms, in the following. An implementer of this spec SHOULD support these mappings.


Mapping to ISA Core Person Vocabulary

@@TODO: evaluate ISA Core Person Vocabulary and identify how and what to map.

Mapping to

@@TODO: evaluate schema:Person and identify how and what to map.

Mapping to Personal Information Model (PIMO)

@@TODO: evaluate pimo:Person and identify how and what to map.


The Editor would like to thank the following people for their input and directions: Phil, Renato, George, Sandro, Richard.