BHyland: Addressed comments from DaveR 20-Dec-2013 that were deemed controversial.
Sat, 21 Dec 2013 00:04:15 -0500
changeset 765 20381d7a0e15
parent 764 e7ee4eea1459
child 766 d10cdc9ff0f1
BHyland: Addressed comments from DaveR 20-Dec-2013 that were deemed controversial.
--- a/bp/index.html	Fri Dec 20 10:28:32 2013 +0100
+++ b/bp/index.html	Sat Dec 21 00:04:15 2013 -0500
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
         // specification status (e.g. WD, LCWD, NOTE, etc.). If in doubt use ED.
         specStatus:           "LC",
         copyrightStart:       "2012",
-        //lcEnd:                "2013-12-19",
+        //lcEnd:                "2013-12-20",
         // the specification's short name, as in
         shortName:            "bp",
@@ -196,14 +196,6 @@
                         href: "",
                         authors: ["U.S. Library of Congress"],
                         publisher: "International Standards Organization (ISO)"
-                        },
-             "NIST800-122":
-                        {
-                        title: "Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)",
-                        href: "",
-                        authors: ["U.S. Department of Commerce by Erika McCallister, Tim Grance, Karen Scarfone"],
-                        publisher: "National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, Special Publication 800-122"
@@ -352,34 +344,24 @@
 <h2>Model the Data</h2>
-It is not within scope of this document to treat Linked Open Data modeling comprehensively.  We provide guidance to organizations on conducting Linked Data modeling and we describe aspects that differentiate Linked Data modeling from other approaches.
+It is not within scope of this document to treat the Linked Open Data modeling process comprehensively.  Rather, we provide guidance on conducting Linked Data modeling and describe a few aspects that differentiate Linked Data modeling from other approaches.
-The modeling process may include participants representing a broad range of concerns including: the government program or office, the data steward of the originating data source, data standards and policies, and a Linked Data subject matter expert.  For example, if the source data is from a relational database, include a database administrator (DBA).  If the organization has a data standards group, include a stakeholder in the modeling effort.  A Linked Data subject matter expert should facilitate the modeling process and be capable of explaining <a href="">Linked Data Principles</a> and the Linked Data life cycle (see <a href="#PREPARE">Prepare Stakeholders</a>).  The modeling phase may involve onsite or virtual meetings during which stakeholders specify details about the data and how it is related. The Linked Data subject matter expert is expected to record this information in order to assist in completing the remaining steps in the process.  The eventual outcome of the modeling process is Linked Open Data being available on an authoritative domain for access and reuse.
+The modeling process should include participants who represent a broad range of concerns including: the government program or office, the data steward of the originating data source, data standards and policies.  For example, if the source data is from a relational database, the modeling meetings may include a database administrator (DBA) and/or data steward.  If the organization has a data standards group, include a stakeholder in the modeling effort.  A Linked Data subject matter expert should facilitate the modeling process and be capable of explaining <a href="">Linked Data Principles</a> and the data life cycle (see <a href="#PREPARE">Prepare Stakeholders</a>).  The modeling phase may involve onsite or virtual meetings during which stakeholders specify details about the data, including what the objects mean and how they are related to each other. The Linked Data subject matter expert typically records this information in order complete the remaining steps in the modeling process. 
 <h3>Understanding the Differences</h3> 
-Linked Data modeling involves data going from one model to another.  For example, the modeling effort may involve converting a tabular representation of data to a graph-based representation.  Another common approach is to use extracts from a relational database and store data in an <a href="">RDF database</a>.   When doing this, avoid translating relational artifacts, such as foreign keys and NULL values, into the Linked Data model.  Also, avoid encoding "housekeeping" data into the Linked Data model. 
-<p class=note>
-It is common to use denormalized tables from a relational database as inputs to the Linked Data modeling process.  
+Linked Data modeling involves data going from one model to another.  For example, modeling may involve converting a tabular representation of the data to a graph-based representation.  Often extracts from relational databases are modeled and converted to Linked Data to more rapidly integrate datasets from different authorities or with other open source datasets.  During the data modeling process, stakeholders are encouraged to describe how objects are related.  The subject matter expert is recording how  various objects are related, using standard vocabularies wherever possible.  Best practices for using <a href="#VOCABULARIES">standard vocabularies<a/> are detailed later in this document.  In Linked Data, the data schema is represented with the data itself.  This mechanism of self-describing data contrasts with the relation approach which leverages external documents (e.g., data dictionaries) and diagrams (e.g., entity relationship diagrams, logical schemas).  
-Providing data context, also referred to as semantic meaning, is a differentiator in Linked Data modeling.  In fact, the schema is "packaged" with the data itself using <a href="">Linked Data Principles</a>.  In contrast, traditional relational modeling leverages external documents to describe the schema and diagrams to visualize the logical model.  
+Linked Data modeling is differentiated through its use of international open Web standards. Linked Data is predicated on the use of international standards for data interchange (e.g., <a href="">RDFa</a>, <a href=""> JSON-LD</a>, <a href="">Turtle</a> and <a href="">RDF/XML</a>) and query <a href="">SPARQL</a>.  Linked Data modeling leverages many of the advances in modern information management, including increased levels of data abstraction.  We hope that understanding of some of the differences proves helpful and informs your efforts to publish open government data.
-During the modeling process, highlight any private data that your organization does not wish to expose.  This may include Personally Identifiable Information (PII). NIST Special Publication 800-122 defines PII as "any information about an individual maintained by an agency, including (1) any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual‘s identity, such as name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother‘s maiden name, or biometric records; and (2) any other information that is linked or linkable to an individual, such as medical, educational, financial, and employment information."[[NIST800-122]] It is a best practice to seek the relevant guidance for an organization in relation to PII and publishing data on the Web.
-Other differences between relational and Linked Data include the use of open Web standards. Linked Data is predicated on the use of international standards for data interchange (e.g., <a href="">RDFa</a>, <a href=""> JSON-LD</a>, <a href="">Turtle</a> and <a href="">RDF/XML</a>) and query <a href="">SPARQL</a>.  Linked Data modeling leverages many of the advances in modern information management, including increased levels of data abstraction.  We hope that understanding where there is overlap and where there are differences proves helpful and informs efforts to efficiently model open government data as Linked Open Data.