Initial skeleton commit
authorAryeh Gregor <>
Thu, 10 Feb 2011 13:22:32 -0700
changeset 0 94d339c2378c
child 1 b6900fa8ed13
Initial skeleton commit
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.gitignore	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
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+ANOLIS = anolis
+all: execcommand.html xrefs.json
+execcommand.html: source.html data Makefile
+	$(ANOLIS) --output-encoding=ascii --omit-optional-tags --enable=xspecxref \
+	--enable=refs --use-strict $< $@
+xrefs.json: source.html Makefile
+	$(ANOLIS) --dump-xrefs $< /tmp/spec
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/execcommand.html	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
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+<!DOCTYPE html><meta charset=utf-8>
+<link href= rel=stylesheet>
+ pre, code { font-family:monospace, sans-serif; }
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+ { font:inherit; color:inherit; font-style:italic; }
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+     content: "[" attr(data-anolis-spec) "]";
+     font-size: 0.6em;
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+     text-transform: uppercase;
+   }
+ }
+<body class=draft>
+<div class=head id=head>
+<h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=work-in-progress-&mdash;-last-update-10-february-2011>Work in Progress &mdash; Last Update 10 February 2011</h2>
+ <dt>Editor
+ <dd>Aryeh Gregor &lt;;
+ <dt>Version history
+ <dd><a href=""></a>
+<h2 class=no-num id=table-of-contents>Table of contents</h2>
+<ol class=toc>
+ <li><a class=no-num href=#table-of-contents>Table of contents</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#introduction><span class=secno>1 </span>Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href=#definitions><span class=secno>2 </span>Definitions</a></li>
+ <li><a class=no-num href=#references>References</a></ol>
+<h2 id=introduction><span class=secno>1 </span>Introduction</h2>
+<p>Where the reasoning behind the specification is of interest, such as when
+major preexisting rendering engines are known not to match it, the reasoning is
+included in HTML comments so as not to distract the reader.
+<h2 id=definitions><span class=secno>2 </span>Definitions</h2>
+<h2 class=no-num id=references>References</h2><!--REFS-->
+<p>All references are normative unless marked "Non-normative".</p>
+<div id=anolis-references><dl></dl></div>
+<h2 class=no-num>Acknowledgements</h2>
+<script src=></script>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/source.html	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
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+<!doctype html>
+<meta charset=utf-8>
+<link rel=stylesheet href=>
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+ h2 :visited, h3 :visited, h4 :visited
+ { font:inherit; color:inherit; font-style:italic; }
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+     font-size: 0.6em;
+     vertical-align: super;
+     text-transform: uppercase;
+   }
+ }
+<body class=draft>
+<div class=head id=head>
+<h2 class="no-num no-toc">Work in Progress &mdash; Last Update [DATE: 01 Jan 1901]</h2>
+ <dt>Editor
+ <dd>Aryeh Gregor &lt;>
+ <dt>Version history
+ <dd><a href=></a>
+<h2 class=no-num>Table of contents</h2>
+<p>Where the reasoning behind the specification is of interest, such as when
+major preexisting rendering engines are known not to match it, the reasoning is
+included in HTML comments so as not to distract the reader.
+<h2 class=no-num id=references>References</h2><!--REFS-->
+<p>All references are normative unless marked "Non-normative".</p>
+<div id=anolis-references></div>
+<h2 class=no-num>Acknowledgements</h2>
+<script src=></script>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/support/diff_match_patch.js	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
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+// Apache License 2.0, from
+(function(){function diff_match_patch(){this.Diff_Timeout=1;this.Diff_EditCost=4;this.Match_Threshold=0.5;this.Match_Distance=1E3;this.Patch_DeleteThreshold=0.5;this.Patch_Margin=4;this.Match_MaxBits=32}
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_main=function(a,b,c,d){if(typeof d=="undefined")d=this.Diff_Timeout<=0?Number.MAX_VALUE:(new Date).getTime()+this.Diff_Timeout*1E3;if(a==null||b==null)throw Error("Null input. (diff_main)");if(a==b){if(a)return[[0,a]];return[]}if(typeof c=="undefined")c=true;var e=c,f=this.diff_commonPrefix(a,b);c=a.substring(0,f);a=a.substring(f);b=b.substring(f);f=this.diff_commonSuffix(a,b);var g=a.substring(a.length-f);a=a.substring(0,a.length-f);b=b.substring(0,b.length-f);a=this.diff_compute_(a,
+b,e,d);c&&a.unshift([0,c]);g&&a.push([0,g]);this.diff_cleanupMerge(a);return a};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_compute_=function(a,b,c,d){if(!a)return[[1,b]];if(!b)return[[-1,a]];var e=a.length>b.length?a:b,f=a.length>b.length?b:a,g=e.indexOf(f);if(g!=-1){c=[[1,e.substring(0,g)],[0,f],[1,e.substring(g+f.length)]];if(a.length>b.length)c[0][0]=c[2][0]=-1;return c}if(f.length==1)return[[-1,a],[1,b]];if(e=this.diff_halfMatch_(a,b)){f=e[0];a=e[1];g=e[2];b=e[3];e=e[4];f=this.diff_main(f,g,c,d);c=this.diff_main(a,b,c,d);return f.concat([[0,e]],c)}if(c&&a.length>100&&b.length>100)return this.diff_lineMode_(a,
+b,d);return this.diff_bisect_(a,b,d)};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_lineMode_=function(a,b,c){var d=this.diff_linesToChars_(a,b);a=d[0];b=d[1];d=d[2];a=this.diff_bisect_(a,b,c);this.diff_charsToLines_(a,d);this.diff_cleanupSemantic(a);a.push([0,""]);for(var e=b=0,f=0,g=d="";b<a.length;){switch(a[b][0]){case 1:f++;g+=a[b][1];break;case -1:e++;d+=a[b][1];break;case 0:if(e>=1&&f>=1){d=this.diff_main(d,g,false,c);a.splice(b-e-f,e+f);b=b-e-f;for(e=d.length-1;e>=0;e--)a.splice(b,0,d[e]);b+=d.length}e=f=0;g=d=""}b++}a.pop();return a};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_bisect_=function(a,b,c){for(var d=a.length,e=b.length,f=Math.ceil((d+e)/2),g=f,h=2*f,j=Array(h),i=Array(h),k=0;k<h;k++){j[k]=-1;i[k]=-1}j[g+1]=0;i[g+1]=0;k=d-e;for(var l=k%2!=0,s=0,p=0,q=0,t=0,r=0;r<f;r++){if((new Date).getTime()>c)break;for(var n=-r+s;n<=r-p;n+=2){var m=g+n,o;o=n==-r||n!=r&&j[m-1]<j[m+1]?j[m+1]:j[m-1]+1;for(var u=o-n;o<d&&u<e&&a.charAt(o)==b.charAt(u);){o++;u++}j[m]=o;if(o>d)p+=2;else if(u>e)s+=2;else if(l){m=g+k-n;if(m>=0&&m<h&&i[m]!=-1){var v=d-
+i[m];if(o>=v)return this.diff_bisectSplit_(a,b,o,u,c)}}}for(n=-r+q;n<=r-t;n+=2){m=g+n;v=n==-r||n!=r&&i[m-1]<i[m+1]?i[m+1]:i[m-1]+1;for(o=v-n;v<d&&o<e&&a.charAt(d-v-1)==b.charAt(e-o-1);){v++;o++}i[m]=v;if(v>d)t+=2;else if(o>e)q+=2;else if(!l){m=g+k-n;if(m>=0&&m<h&&j[m]!=-1){o=j[m];u=g+o-m;v=d-v;if(o>=v)return this.diff_bisectSplit_(a,b,o,u,c)}}}}return[[-1,a],[1,b]]};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_bisectSplit_=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=a.substring(0,c),g=b.substring(0,d);a=a.substring(c);b=b.substring(d);f=this.diff_main(f,g,false,e);e=this.diff_main(a,b,false,e);return f.concat(e)};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_linesToChars_=function(a,b){function c(h){for(var j="",i=0,k=-1,l=d.length;k<h.length-1;){k=h.indexOf("\n",i);if(k==-1)k=h.length-1;var s=h.substring(i,k+1);i=k+1;if(e.hasOwnProperty?e.hasOwnProperty(s):e[s]!==undefined)j+=String.fromCharCode(e[s]);else{j+=String.fromCharCode(l);e[s]=l;d[l++]=s}}return j}var d=[],e={};d[0]="";var f=c(a),g=c(b);return[f,g,d]};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_charsToLines_=function(a,b){for(var c=0;c<a.length;c++){for(var d=a[c][1],e=[],f=0;f<d.length;f++)e[f]=b[d.charCodeAt(f)];a[c][1]=e.join("")}};diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_commonPrefix=function(a,b){if(!a||!b||a.charAt(0)!=b.charAt(0))return 0;for(var c=0,d=Math.min(a.length,b.length),e=d,f=0;c<e;){if(a.substring(f,e)==b.substring(f,e))f=c=e;else d=e;e=Math.floor((d-c)/2+c)}return e};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_commonSuffix=function(a,b){if(!a||!b||a.charAt(a.length-1)!=b.charAt(b.length-1))return 0;for(var c=0,d=Math.min(a.length,b.length),e=d,f=0;c<e;){if(a.substring(a.length-e,a.length-f)==b.substring(b.length-e,b.length-f))f=c=e;else d=e;e=Math.floor((d-c)/2+c)}return e};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_commonOverlap_=function(a,b){var c=a.length,d=b.length;if(c==0||d==0)return 0;if(c>d)a=a.substring(c-d);else if(c<d)b=b.substring(0,c);c=Math.min(c,d);if(a==b)return c;d=0;for(var e=1;;){var f=a.substring(c-e);f=b.indexOf(f);if(f==-1)return d;e+=f;if(f==0||a.substring(c-e)==b.substring(0,e)){d=e;e++}}};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_halfMatch_=function(a,b){function c(i,k,l){for(var s=i.substring(l,l+Math.floor(i.length/4)),p=-1,q="",t,r,n,m;(p=k.indexOf(s,p+1))!=-1;){var o=f.diff_commonPrefix(i.substring(l),k.substring(p)),u=f.diff_commonSuffix(i.substring(0,l),k.substring(0,p));if(q.length<u+o){q=k.substring(p-u,p)+k.substring(p,p+o);t=i.substring(0,l-u);r=i.substring(l+o);n=k.substring(0,p-u);m=k.substring(p+o)}}return q.length*2>=i.length?[t,r,n,m,q]:null}if(this.Diff_Timeout<=0)return null;
+var d=a.length>b.length?a:b,e=a.length>b.length?b:a;if(d.length<4||e.length*2<d.length)return null;var f=this,g=c(d,e,Math.ceil(d.length/4));d=c(d,e,Math.ceil(d.length/2));var h;if(!g&&!d)return null;else h=d?g?g[4].length>d[4].length?g:d:d:g;var j;if(a.length>b.length){g=h[0];d=h[1];e=h[2];j=h[3]}else{e=h[0];j=h[1];g=h[2];d=h[3]}h=h[4];return[g,d,e,j,h]};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_cleanupSemantic=function(a){for(var b=false,c=[],d=0,e=null,f=0,g=0,h=0,j=0,i=0;f<a.length;){if(a[f][0]==0){c[d++]=f;g=j;h=i;i=j=0;e=a[f][1]}else{if(a[f][0]==1)j+=a[f][1].length;else i+=a[f][1].length;if(e!==null&&e.length<=Math.max(g,h)&&e.length<=Math.max(j,i)){a.splice(c[d-1],0,[-1,e]);a[c[d-1]+1][0]=1;d--;d--;f=d>0?c[d-1]:-1;i=j=h=g=0;e=null;b=true}}f++}b&&this.diff_cleanupMerge(a);this.diff_cleanupSemanticLossless(a);for(f=1;f<a.length;){if(a[f-1][0]==-1&&a[f][0]==
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_cleanupSemanticLossless=function(a){function b(r,n){if(!r||!n)return 5;var m=0;if(r.charAt(r.length-1).match(c)||n.charAt(0).match(c)){m++;if(r.charAt(r.length-1).match(d)||n.charAt(0).match(d)){m++;if(r.charAt(r.length-1).match(e)||n.charAt(0).match(e)){m++;if(r.match(f)||n.match(g))m++}}}return m}for(var c=/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/,d=/\s/,e=/[\r\n]/,f=/\n\r?\n$/,g=/^\r?\n\r?\n/,h=1;h<a.length-1;){if(a[h-1][0]==0&&a[h+1][0]==0){var j=a[h-1][1],i=a[h][1],k=a[h+1][1],l=this.diff_commonSuffix(j,
+i);if(l){var s=i.substring(i.length-l);j=j.substring(0,j.length-l);i=s+i.substring(0,i.length-l);k=s+k}l=j;s=i;for(var p=k,q=b(j,i)+b(i,k);i.charAt(0)===k.charAt(0);){j+=i.charAt(0);i=i.substring(1)+k.charAt(0);k=k.substring(1);var t=b(j,i)+b(i,k);if(t>=q){q=t;l=j;s=i;p=k}}if(a[h-1][1]!=l){if(l)a[h-1][1]=l;else{a.splice(h-1,1);h--}a[h][1]=s;if(p)a[h+1][1]=p;else{a.splice(h+1,1);h--}}}h++}};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_cleanupEfficiency=function(a){for(var b=false,c=[],d=0,e="",f=0,g=false,h=false,j=false,i=false;f<a.length;){if(a[f][0]==0){if(a[f][1].length<this.Diff_EditCost&&(j||i)){c[d++]=f;g=j;h=i;e=a[f][1]}else{d=0;e=""}j=i=false}else{if(a[f][0]==-1)i=true;else j=true;if(e&&(g&&h&&j&&i||e.length<this.Diff_EditCost/2&&g+h+j+i==3)){a.splice(c[d-1],0,[-1,e]);a[c[d-1]+1][0]=1;d--;e="";if(g&&h){j=i=true;d=0}else{d--;f=d>0?c[d-1]:-1;j=i=false}b=true}}f++}b&&this.diff_cleanupMerge(a)};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_cleanupMerge=function(a){a.push([0,""]);for(var b=0,c=0,d=0,e="",f="",g;b<a.length;)switch(a[b][0]){case 1:d++;f+=a[b][1];b++;break;case -1:c++;e+=a[b][1];b++;break;case 0:if(c+d>1){if(c!==0&&d!==0){g=this.diff_commonPrefix(f,e);if(g!==0){if(b-c-d>0&&a[b-c-d-1][0]==0)a[b-c-d-1][1]+=f.substring(0,g);else{a.splice(0,0,[0,f.substring(0,g)]);b++}f=f.substring(g);e=e.substring(g)}g=this.diff_commonSuffix(f,e);if(g!==0){a[b][1]=f.substring(f.length-g)+a[b][1];f=f.substring(0,
+f.length-g);e=e.substring(0,e.length-g)}}if(c===0)a.splice(b-c-d,c+d,[1,f]);else d===0?a.splice(b-c-d,c+d,[-1,e]):a.splice(b-c-d,c+d,[-1,e],[1,f]);b=b-c-d+(c?1:0)+(d?1:0)+1}else if(b!==0&&a[b-1][0]==0){a[b-1][1]+=a[b][1];a.splice(b,1)}else b++;c=d=0;f=e=""}a[a.length-1][1]===""&&a.pop();c=false;for(b=1;b<a.length-1;){if(a[b-1][0]==0&&a[b+1][0]==0)if(a[b][1].substring(a[b][1].length-a[b-1][1].length)==a[b-1][1]){a[b][1]=a[b-1][1]+a[b][1].substring(0,a[b][1].length-a[b-1][1].length);a[b+1][1]=a[b-1][1]+
+a[b+1][1];a.splice(b-1,1);c=true}else if(a[b][1].substring(0,a[b+1][1].length)==a[b+1][1]){a[b-1][1]+=a[b+1][1];a[b][1]=a[b][1].substring(a[b+1][1].length)+a[b+1][1];a.splice(b+1,1);c=true}b++}c&&this.diff_cleanupMerge(a)};diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_xIndex=function(a,b){var c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0,g;for(g=0;g<a.length;g++){if(a[g][0]!==1)c+=a[g][1].length;if(a[g][0]!==-1)d+=a[g][1].length;if(c>b)break;e=c;f=d}if(a.length!=g&&a[g][0]===-1)return f;return f+(b-e)};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_prettyHtml=function(a){for(var b=[],c=0,d=/&/g,e=/</g,f=/>/g,g=/\n/g,h=0;h<a.length;h++){var j=a[h][0],i=a[h][1],k=i.replace(d,"&amp;").replace(e,"&lt;").replace(f,"&gt;").replace(g,"&para;<br>");switch(j){case 1:b[h]='<ins style="background:#e6ffe6;">'+k+"</ins>";break;case -1:b[h]='<del style="background:#ffe6e6;">'+k+"</del>";break;case 0:b[h]="<span>"+k+"</span>"}if(j!==-1)c+=i.length}return b.join("")};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_text1=function(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c<a.length;c++)if(a[c][0]!==1)b[c]=a[c][1];return b.join("")};diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_text2=function(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c<a.length;c++)if(a[c][0]!==-1)b[c]=a[c][1];return b.join("")};diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_levenshtein=function(a){for(var b=0,c=0,d=0,e=0;e<a.length;e++){var f=a[e][0],g=a[e][1];switch(f){case 1:c+=g.length;break;case -1:d+=g.length;break;case 0:b+=Math.max(c,d);d=c=0}}b+=Math.max(c,d);return b};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_toDelta=function(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c<a.length;c++)switch(a[c][0]){case 1:b[c]="+"+encodeURI(a[c][1]);break;case -1:b[c]="-"+a[c][1].length;break;case 0:b[c]="="+a[c][1].length}return b.join("\t").replace(/%20/g," ")};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.diff_fromDelta=function(a,b){for(var c=[],d=0,e=0,f=b.split(/\t/g),g=0;g<f.length;g++){var h=f[g].substring(1);switch(f[g].charAt(0)){case "+":try{c[d++]=[1,decodeURI(h)]}catch(j){throw Error("Illegal escape in diff_fromDelta: "+h);}break;case "-":case "=":var i=parseInt(h,10);if(isNaN(i)||i<0)throw Error("Invalid number in diff_fromDelta: "+h);h=a.substring(e,e+=i);if(f[g].charAt(0)=="=")c[d++]=[0,h];else c[d++]=[-1,h];break;default:if(f[g])throw Error("Invalid diff operation in diff_fromDelta: "+
+f[g]);}}if(e!=a.length)throw Error("Delta length ("+e+") does not equal source text length ("+a.length+").");return c};diff_match_patch.prototype.match_main=function(a,b,c){if(a==null||b==null||c==null)throw Error("Null input. (match_main)");c=Math.max(0,Math.min(c,a.length));return a==b?0:a.length?a.substring(c,c+b.length)==b?c:this.match_bitap_(a,b,c):-1};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.match_bitap_=function(a,b,c){function d(r,n){var m=r/b.length,o=Math.abs(c-n);if(!f.Match_Distance)return o?1:m;return m+o/f.Match_Distance}if(b.length>this.Match_MaxBits)throw Error("Pattern too long for this browser.");var e=this.match_alphabet_(b),f=this,g=this.Match_Threshold,h=a.indexOf(b,c);if(h!=-1){g=Math.min(d(0,h),g);h=a.lastIndexOf(b,c+b.length);if(h!=-1)g=Math.min(d(0,h),g)}var j=1<<b.length-1;h=-1;for(var i,k,l=b.length+a.length,s,p=0;p<b.length;p++){i=0;for(k=
+l;i<k;){if(d(p,c+k)<=g)i=k;else l=k;k=Math.floor((l-i)/2+i)}l=k;i=Math.max(1,c-k+1);var q=Math.min(c+k,a.length)+b.length;k=Array(q+2);for(k[q+1]=(1<<p)-1;q>=i;q--){var t=e[a.charAt(q-1)];k[q]=p===0?(k[q+1]<<1|1)&t:(k[q+1]<<1|1)&t|(s[q+1]|s[q])<<1|1|s[q+1];if(k[q]&j){t=d(p,q-1);if(t<=g){g=t;h=q-1;if(h>c)i=Math.max(1,2*c-h);else break}}}if(d(p+1,c)>g)break;s=k}return h};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.match_alphabet_=function(a){for(var b={},c=0;c<a.length;c++)b[a.charAt(c)]=0;for(c=0;c<a.length;c++)b[a.charAt(c)]|=1<<a.length-c-1;return b};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_addContext_=function(a,b){if(b.length!=0){for(var c=b.substring(a.start2,a.start2+a.length1),d=0;b.indexOf(c)!=b.lastIndexOf(c)&&c.length<this.Match_MaxBits-this.Patch_Margin-this.Patch_Margin;){d+=this.Patch_Margin;c=b.substring(a.start2-d,a.start2+a.length1+d)}d+=this.Patch_Margin;(c=b.substring(a.start2-d,a.start2))&&a.diffs.unshift([0,c]);(d=b.substring(a.start2+a.length1,a.start2+a.length1+d))&&a.diffs.push([0,d]);a.start1-=c.length;a.start2-=c.length;a.length1+=
+diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_make=function(a,b,c){var d;if(typeof a=="string"&&typeof b=="string"&&typeof c=="undefined"){d=a;b=this.diff_main(d,b,true);if(b.length>2){this.diff_cleanupSemantic(b);this.diff_cleanupEfficiency(b)}}else if(a&&typeof a=="object"&&typeof b=="undefined"&&typeof c=="undefined"){b=a;d=this.diff_text1(b)}else if(typeof a=="string"&&b&&typeof b=="object"&&typeof c=="undefined")d=a;else if(typeof a=="string"&&typeof b=="string"&&c&&typeof c=="object"){d=a;b=c}else throw Error("Unknown call format to patch_make.");
+if(b.length===0)return[];c=[];a=new patch_obj;for(var e=0,f=0,g=0,h=d,j=0;j<b.length;j++){var i=b[j][0],k=b[j][1];if(!e&&i!==0){a.start1=f;a.start2=g}switch(i){case 1:a.diffs[e++]=b[j];a.length2+=k.length;d=d.substring(0,g)+k+d.substring(g);break;case -1:a.length1+=k.length;a.diffs[e++]=b[j];d=d.substring(0,g)+d.substring(g+k.length);break;case 0:if(k.length<=2*this.Patch_Margin&&e&&b.length!=j+1){a.diffs[e++]=b[j];a.length1+=k.length;a.length2+=k.length}else if(k.length>=2*this.Patch_Margin)if(e){this.patch_addContext_(a,
+h);c.push(a);a=new patch_obj;e=0;h=d;f=g}}if(i!==1)f+=k.length;if(i!==-1)g+=k.length}if(e){this.patch_addContext_(a,h);c.push(a)}return c};diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_deepCopy=function(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c<a.length;c++){var d=a[c],e=new patch_obj;e.diffs=[];for(var f=0;f<d.diffs.length;f++)e.diffs[f]=d.diffs[f].slice();e.start1=d.start1;e.start2=d.start2;e.length1=d.length1;e.length2=d.length2;b[c]=e}return b};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_apply=function(a,b){if(a.length==0)return[b,[]];a=this.patch_deepCopy(a);var c=this.patch_addPadding(a);b=c+b+c;this.patch_splitMax(a);for(var d=0,e=[],f=0;f<a.length;f++){var g=a[f].start2+d,h=this.diff_text1(a[f].diffs),j,i=-1;if(h.length>this.Match_MaxBits){j=this.match_main(b,h.substring(0,this.Match_MaxBits),g);if(j!=-1){i=this.match_main(b,h.substring(h.length-this.Match_MaxBits),g+h.length-this.Match_MaxBits);if(i==-1||j>=i)j=-1}}else j=this.match_main(b,h,
+g);if(j==-1){e[f]=false;d-=a[f].length2-a[f].length1}else{e[f]=true;d=j-g;g=i==-1?b.substring(j,j+h.length):b.substring(j,i+this.Match_MaxBits);if(h==g)b=b.substring(0,j)+this.diff_text2(a[f].diffs)+b.substring(j+h.length);else{g=this.diff_main(h,g,false);if(h.length>this.Match_MaxBits&&this.diff_levenshtein(g)/h.length>this.Patch_DeleteThreshold)e[f]=false;else{this.diff_cleanupSemanticLossless(g);h=0;var k;for(i=0;i<a[f].diffs.length;i++){var l=a[f].diffs[i];if(l[0]!==0)k=this.diff_xIndex(g,h);
+if(l[0]===1)b=b.substring(0,j+k)+l[1]+b.substring(j+k);else if(l[0]===-1)b=b.substring(0,j+k)+b.substring(j+this.diff_xIndex(g,h+l[1].length));if(l[0]!==-1)h+=l[1].length}}}}}b=b.substring(c.length,b.length-c.length);return[b,e]};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_addPadding=function(a){for(var b=this.Patch_Margin,c="",d=1;d<=b;d++)c+=String.fromCharCode(d);for(d=0;d<a.length;d++){a[d].start1+=b;a[d].start2+=b}d=a[0];var e=d.diffs;if(e.length==0||e[0][0]!=0){e.unshift([0,c]);d.start1-=b;d.start2-=b;d.length1+=b;d.length2+=b}else if(b>e[0][1].length){var f=b-e[0][1].length;e[0][1]=c.substring(e[0][1].length)+e[0][1];d.start1-=f;d.start2-=f;d.length1+=f;d.length2+=f}d=a[a.length-1];e=d.diffs;if(e.length==0||e[e.length-1][0]!=
+0){e.push([0,c]);d.length1+=b;d.length2+=b}else if(b>e[e.length-1][1].length){f=b-e[e.length-1][1].length;e[e.length-1][1]+=c.substring(0,f);d.length1+=f;d.length2+=f}return c};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_splitMax=function(a){for(var b=this.Match_MaxBits,c=0;c<a.length;c++)if(a[c].length1>b){var d=a[c];a.splice(c--,1);for(var e=d.start1,f=d.start2,g="";d.diffs.length!==0;){var h=new patch_obj,j=true;h.start1=e-g.length;h.start2=f-g.length;if(g!==""){h.length1=h.length2=g.length;h.diffs.push([0,g])}for(;d.diffs.length!==0&&h.length1<b-this.Patch_Margin;){g=d.diffs[0][0];var i=d.diffs[0][1];if(g===1){h.length2+=i.length;f+=i.length;h.diffs.push(d.diffs.shift());j=false}else if(g===
+-1&&h.diffs.length==1&&h.diffs[0][0]==0&&i.length>2*b){h.length1+=i.length;e+=i.length;j=false;h.diffs.push([g,i]);d.diffs.shift()}else{i=i.substring(0,b-h.length1-this.Patch_Margin);h.length1+=i.length;e+=i.length;if(g===0){h.length2+=i.length;f+=i.length}else j=false;h.diffs.push([g,i]);if(i==d.diffs[0][1])d.diffs.shift();else d.diffs[0][1]=d.diffs[0][1].substring(i.length)}}g=this.diff_text2(h.diffs);g=g.substring(g.length-this.Patch_Margin);i=this.diff_text1(d.diffs).substring(0,this.Patch_Margin);
+if(i!==""){h.length1+=i.length;h.length2+=i.length;if(h.diffs.length!==0&&h.diffs[h.diffs.length-1][0]===0)h.diffs[h.diffs.length-1][1]+=i;else h.diffs.push([0,i])}j||a.splice(++c,0,h)}}};diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_toText=function(a){for(var b=[],c=0;c<a.length;c++)b[c]=a[c];return b.join("")};
+diff_match_patch.prototype.patch_fromText=function(a){var b=[];if(!a)return b;a=a.split("\n");for(var c=0,d=/^@@ -(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*) @@$/;c<a.length;){var e=a[c].match(d);if(!e)throw Error("Invalid patch string: "+a[c]);var f=new patch_obj;b.push(f);f.start1=parseInt(e[1],10);if(e[2]===""){f.start1--;f.length1=1}else if(e[2]=="0")f.length1=0;else{f.start1--;f.length1=parseInt(e[2],10)}f.start2=parseInt(e[3],10);if(e[4]===""){f.start2--;f.length2=1}else if(e[4]=="0")f.length2=0;else{f.start2--;
+f.length2=parseInt(e[4],10)}for(c++;c<a.length;){e=a[c].charAt(0);try{var g=decodeURI(a[c].substring(1))}catch(h){throw Error("Illegal escape in patch_fromText: "+g);}if(e=="-")f.diffs.push([-1,g]);else if(e=="+")f.diffs.push([1,g]);else if(e==" ")f.diffs.push([0,g]);else if(e=="@")break;else if(e!=="")throw Error('Invalid patch mode "'+e+'" in: '+g);c++}}return b};function patch_obj(){this.diffs=[];this.start2=this.start1=null;this.length2=this.length1=0}
+patch_obj.prototype.toString=function(){var a,b;a=this.length1===0?this.start1+",0":this.length1==1?this.start1+1:this.start1+1+","+this.length1;b=this.length2===0?this.start2+",0":this.length2==1?this.start2+1:this.start2+1+","+this.length2;a=["@@ -"+a+" +"+b+" @@\n"];var c;for(b=0;b<this.diffs.length;b++){switch(this.diffs[b][0]){case 1:c="+";break;case -1:c="-";break;case 0:c=" "}a[b+1]=c+encodeURI(this.diffs[b][1])+"\n"}return a.join("").replace(/%20/g," ")};window.diff_match_patch=diff_match_patch;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/support/document.html	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>A document</title>
+<p>This is a document.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/support/test.js	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+"use strict";
+var Test = {
+  "meta" : { 'helps' : [], 'authors' : [], 'reviewers' : [], 'assert' : "" },
+  "results" : { 'passes' : 0, 'fails' : 0 },
+  "_output" : null,
+  "_prepareHeader" : function prepareHeader(aPass) {
+    if (this._output)
+      return true;
+    if (!document || !document.body)
+      return false;
+    // Prepare output box.
+    this._output = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
+ = "output";
+    var p = document.createElement("p");
+    p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Passes: "));
+    p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("0"));
+    this._output.appendChild(p);
+    p = document.createElement("p");
+    p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Fails: "));
+    p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("0"));
+    this._output.appendChild(p);
+    p = document.createElement("p");
+    p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Score: "));
+    p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("0"));
+    p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("%"));
+    this._output.appendChild(p);
+    // Toggling
+    var label = document.createElement("label");
+    label.htmlFor = "toggle";
+    label.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Show/hide details"));
+    var cb = document.createElement("input");
+    cb.type = "checkbox";
+    cb.checked = true;
+ = "toggle";
+    this._output.appendChild(label);
+    this._output.appendChild(cb);
+    try {
+      // Styling
+      // Did you know that this doesn't work in WebKit? It's too hard, apparently.
+      // See also <>.
+      var style =
+        "#output { white-space: pre-line; background: green; display: table; " +
+        "border: solid black; } " +
+        " { background: red; } " +
+        "#output > p { margin: 0 1em; } " +
+        "#output > label { margin-left: 1em; } " +
+        "#output > input { margin-right: 1em; } " +
+        "#output > input ~ p { margin: 0.5em 0; padding: 0 1em; } " +
+        "#output > input:checked ~ p { display: none; } " +
+        "#output > input + p { border-top: thin solid black; " +
+        "padding-top: 0.5em; } "
+      // And this last line doesn't work in IE.
+      document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]
+              .appendChild(document.createElement("style"))
+              .appendChild(document.createTextNode(style));
+    } catch (e) {
+      document.body
+              .appendChild(document.createElement("p"))
+              .appendChild(document.createTextNode("I hate IE."));
+    }
+    this._output.appendChild(document.createElement("p"));
+    return true;
+  },
+  "_updateHeader" : function updateHeader(aPass) {
+    if (!this._prepareHeader())
+      return;
+    if (!aPass)
+      this._output.className = "fail";
+    try {
+      this._output.childNodes[0] = this['results']['passes'];
+      this._output.childNodes[1] = this['results']['fails'];
+      this._output.childNodes[2].childNodes[1].data =
+        (100 * this['results']['passes'] /
+          (this['results']['passes'] + this['results']['fails'])).toFixed(2);
+    } catch (e) {
+    }
+  },
+  "_log" : function log(aPass, aMessage) {
+    if (
+, aMessage);
+    ++this['results'][aPass ? 'passes' : 'fails'];
+    this._updateHeader(aPass);
+    if (this._prepareHeader())
+      this._output.lastChild.appendChild(
+        document.createTextNode((aPass ? "PASS" : ("FAIL: " + aMessage)) + "\n"));
+    return aPass;
+  },
+  "separate" : function separate() {
+    if (parent !== window && parent.separate)
+      parent.separate();
+    if (!this._prepareHeader())
+      return;
+    this._output.appendChild(document.createElement("p"));
+  },
+  "finish" : function finish() {
+    if (parent !== window && parent.finishTest)
+      parent.finishTest();
+    if (!this._prepareHeader())
+      return;
+    this._output
+        .appendChild(document.createElement("p"))
+        .appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished"));
+  },
+  "ok" : function ok(aCondition, aError) {
+    return this._log(!!aCondition, aError);
+  },
+  "is" : function is(aGot, aExpected, aMsg) {
+    var msg;
+    if (aMsg)
+      msg = aMsg;
+    else if (typeof aExpected === "string")
+      msg = "got \"" + aGot + "\", expected \"" + aExpected + "\".";
+    else
+      msg = "got " + aGot + ", expected " + aExpected + ".";
+    return this.ok(aGot === aExpected, msg);
+  },
+  "throws" : function throws(aLambda, aCode, aType) {
+    var type = aType || "DOMException";
+    try {
+      aLambda();
+"This action should have raised an exception.");
+    } catch (e) {
+      Test.ok(window[type], "Need a " + type + " object.") &&
+      Test.ok(e instanceof window[type], "Wrong exception was raised.") &&
+, window[type][aCode]);
+    }
+  },
+  "pass" : function pass(aError) {
+    return this.ok(true, aError);
+  },
+  "fail" : function fail(aError) {
+    return this.ok(false, aError);
+  },
+  "runUntilFinish" : function runUntilFinish(aTests) {
+    for (var i = 0, il = aTests.length; i < il; ++i) {
+      try {
+        aTests.shift()();
+      } catch (e) {
+        if (e instanceof DOMException) {
+"DOMException was thrown (code " + e.code + ").");
+        } else {
+"Exception was thrown.");
+        }
+      }
+      this.separate();
+    }
+  },
+  "run" : function run(aTests) {
+    this.runUntilFinish(aTests);
+    this.finish();
+  }
+(function() {
+  try {
+    // Get metadata.
+    var elts;
+    elts = document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="help"]');
+    for (var i = 0, il = elts.length; i < il; ++i) {
+      Test.meta.helps[i] = { 'text' : elts[i].href, 'href' : elts[i].href };
+    }
+    elts = document
+      .querySelectorAll('link[rel~="author"]');
+    for (var i = 0, il = elts.length; i < il; ++i) {
+      Test.meta.authors[i] = { 'text' : elts[i].title, 'href' : elts[i].href };
+    }
+    elts = document
+      .querySelectorAll('link[rel~="reviewer"]');
+    for (var i = 0, il = elts.length; i < il; ++i) {
+      Test.meta.reviewers[i] = { 'text' : elts[i].title, 'href' : elts[i].href };
+    }
+    var elt = document.querySelector('meta[name="assert"]');
+    if (elt)
+      Test.meta.assert = elt.content;
+  } catch (e) {
+    document.body
+            .appendChild(document.createElement("p"))
+            .appendChild(document.createTextNode("I hate IE."));
+  }
+  Test._prepareHeader();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/support/testharness.css	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+html {
+    font-family:DejaVu Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans, Arial, Sans;
+table#results {
+    border-collapse:collapse;
+table#results th {
+    padding:0;
+    padding-bottom:0.5em;
+    border-bottom:medium solid black;
+table#results td {
+    padding:1em;
+    padding-bottom:0.5em;
+    border-bottom:thin solid black;
+table#results td.pass {
+    color:green;
+table#results {
+    color:red;
+table#results td.timeout {
+    color:red;
+table#results tr>td:nth-child(1) {
+    font-variant:small-caps;
+table#results span {
+    display:block;
+table#results span.expected {
+    font-family:DejaVu Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Monospace;
+    white-space:pre;
+table#results span.actual {
+    font-family:DejaVu Sans Mono, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Monospace;
+    white-space:pre;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/support/testharness.js	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@
+Distributed under both the W3C Test Suite License [1] and the W3C
+3-clause BSD License [2]. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the
+policies and contribution forms [3].
+ * == Introducion ==
+ *
+ * This file provides a framework for writing testcases. It is intended to
+ * provide a convenient API for making common assertions, and to work both
+ * for testing synchronous and asynchronous DOM features in a way that
+ * promotes clear, robust, tests.
+ *
+ * == Basic Usage ==
+ *
+ * To use this file, import the script into the test document:
+ * <script src=""></script>
+ *
+ * Within each file one may define one or more tests. Each test is atomic
+ * in the sense that a single test has a single result (pass/fail/timeout).
+ * Within each test one may have a number of asserts. The test fails at the
+ * first failing assert, and the remainder of the test is (typically) not run.
+ *
+ * If the file containing the tests is a HTML file with an element of id "log"
+ * this will be populated with a table containing the test results after all
+ * the tests have run.
+ *
+ * == Synchronous Tests ==
+ *
+ * To create a sunchronous test use the test() function:
+ *
+ * test(test_function, name)
+ *
+ * test_function is a function that contains the code to test. For example a
+ * trivial passing test would be:
+ *
+ * test(function() {assert_true(true)}, "assert_true with true")
+ *
+ * The function passed in is run in the test() call.
+ *
+ * == Asynchronous Tests ==
+ *
+ * Testing asynchronous features is somewhat more complex since the result of
+ * a test may depend on one or more events or other callbacks. The API provided
+ * for testing these features is indended to be rather low-level but hopefully
+ * applicable to many situations.
+ *
+ * To create a test, one starts by getting a Test object using async_test:
+ *
+ * var t = async_test("Simple async test")
+ *
+ * Assertions can be added to the test by calling the step method of the test
+ * object with a function containing the test assertions:
+ *
+ * t.step(function() {assert_true(true)});
+ *
+ * When all the steps are complete, the done() method must be called:
+ *
+ * t.done();
+ *
+ * == Making assertions ==
+ *
+ * Functions for making assertions start assert_
+ * The best way to get a list is to look in this file for functions names
+ * matching that pattern. The general signature is
+ *
+ * assert_something(actual, expected, description)
+ *
+ * although not all assertions precisely match this pattern e.g. assert_true
+ * only takes actual and description as arguments.
+ *
+ * The description parameter is used to present more useful error messages when
+ * a test fails
+ *
+ * == Generating tests ==
+ *
+ * There are scenarios in which is is desirable to create a large number of
+ * (synchronous) tests that are internally similar but vary in the parameters
+ * used. To make this easier, the generate_tests function allows a single
+ * function to be called with each set of parameters in a list:
+ *
+ * generate_tests(test_function, parameter_lists)
+ *
+ * For example:
+ *
+ * generate_tests(assert_equals, [
+ *     ["Sum one and one", 1+1, 2],
+ *     ["Sum one and zero", 1+0, 1]
+ *     ])
+ *
+ * Is equivalent to:
+ *
+ * test(function() {assert_equals(1+1, 2)}, "Sum one and one")
+ * test(function() {assert_equals(1+0, 1)}, "Sum one and zero")
+ *
+ * Note that the first item in each parameter list corresponds to the name of
+ * the test.
+ */
+(function ()
+    var debug = false;
+    // default timeout is 5 seconds, test can override if needed
+    var default_timeout = 5000;
+    // tests either pass, fail or timeout
+    var status =
+    {
+        PASS: 0,
+        FAIL: 1,
+        TIMEOUT: 2
+    };
+    expose(status, 'status');
+    /*
+    * API functions
+    */
+    var name_counter = 0;
+    function next_default_name()
+    {
+        //Don't use document.title to work around an Opera bug in XHTML documents
+        var prefix = document.getElementsByTagName("title").length > 0 ?
+                         document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0] :
+                         "Untitled";
+        var suffix = name_counter > 0 ? " " + name_counter : "";
+        name_counter++;
+        return prefix + suffix;
+    }
+  function test(func, name, properties)
+    {
+        var test_name = name ? name : next_default_name();
+        properties = properties ? properties : {};
+        var test_obj = new Test(test_name, properties);
+        test_obj.step(func);
+        if (test_obj.status === null) {
+            test_obj.done();
+        }
+    }
+    function async_test(name, properties)
+    {
+        var test_name = name ? name : next_default_name();
+        properties = properties ? properties : {};
+        var test_obj = new Test(test_name, properties);
+        return test_obj;
+    }
+    function generate_tests(func, args) {
+        forEach(args, function(x)
+                {
+                    var name = x[0];
+                    test(function()
+                         {
+                             func.apply(this, x.slice(1));
+                         }, name);
+                });
+    }
+    function on_event(object, event, callback)
+    {
+      object.addEventListener(event, callback, false);
+    }
+    expose(test, 'test');
+    expose(async_test, 'async_test');
+    expose(generate_tests, 'generate_tests');
+    expose(on_event, 'on_event');
+    /*
+    * Assertions
+    */
+    function assert_true(actual, description)
+    {
+        var message = make_message("assert_true", description,
+                                   "expected true got ${actual}", {actual:actual});
+        assert(actual === true, message);
+    };
+    expose(assert_true, "assert_true");
+    function assert_false(actual, description)
+    {
+        var message = make_message("assert_false", description,
+                                   "expected false got ${actual}", {actual:actual});
+        assert(actual === false, message);
+    };
+    expose(assert_false, "assert_false");
+    function assert_equals(actual, expected, description)
+    {
+         /*
+          * Test if two primitives are equal or two objects
+          * are the same object
+          */
+         var message = make_message("assert_equals", description,
+                                    [["{text}", "expected "],
+                                     ["span", {"class":"expected"}, String(expected)],
+                                     ["{text}", "got "],
+                                     ["span", {"class":"actual"}, String(actual)]]);
+         if (expected !== expected)
+         {
+             //NaN case
+             assert(actual !== actual, message);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             //typical case
+             assert(actual === expected, message);
+         }
+    };
+    expose(assert_equals, "assert_equals");
+    function assert_object_equals(actual, expected, description)
+    {
+         //This needs to be improved a great deal
+         function check_equal(expected, actual, stack)
+         {
+             stack.push(actual);
+             for (p in actual)
+             {
+                 var message = make_message(
+                     "assert_object_equals", description,
+                     "unexpected property ${p}", {p:p});
+                 assert(expected.hasOwnProperty(p), message);
+                 if (typeof actual[p] === "object" && actual[p] !== null)
+                 {
+                     if (stack.indexOf(actual[p]) === -1)
+                     {
+                         check_equal(actual[p], expected[p], stack);
+                     }
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+                     message = make_message(
+                         "assert_object_equals", description,
+                         "property ${p} expected ${expected} got ${actual}",
+                         {p:p, expected:expected, actual:actual});
+                     assert(actual[p] === expected[p], message);
+                 }
+             }
+             for (p in expected)
+             {
+                 var message = make_message(
+                     "assert_object_equals", description,
+                     "expected property ${p} missing", {p:p});
+                 assert(actual.hasOwnProperty(p), message);
+             }
+             stack.pop();
+         }
+         check_equal(actual, expected, []);
+    };
+    expose(assert_object_equals, "assert_object_equals");
+    function assert_array_equals(actual, expected, description)
+    {
+        var message = make_message(
+            "assert_array_equals", description,
+            "lengths differ, expected ${expected} got ${actual}",
+            {expected:expected.length, actual:actual.length});
+        assert(actual.length === expected.length, message);
+        for (var i=0; i < actual.length; i++)
+        {
+            message = make_message(
+                "assert_array_equals", description,
+                "property ${i}, property expected to be $expected but was $actual",
+                {i:i, expected:expected.hasOwnProperty(i) ? "present" : "missing",
+                 actual:actual.hasOwnProperty(i) ? "present" : "missing"});
+            assert(actual.hasOwnProperty(i) === expected.hasOwnProperty(i), message);
+            message = make_message(
+                          "assert_array_equals", description,
+                          "property ${i}, expected ${expected} but got ${actual}",
+                          {i:i, expected:expected[i], actual:actual[i]});
+            assert(expected[i] === actual[i], message);
+        }
+    }
+    expose(assert_array_equals, "assert_array_equals");
+    function assert_array_equals_unsorted(actual, expected, description)
+    {
+        assert_array_equals(actual.sort(), expected.sort(), description);
+    }
+    expose(assert_array_equals_unsorted, "assert_array_equals_unsorted");
+    function assert_exists(object, property_name, description)
+    {
+         var message = make_message(
+             "assert_exists", description,
+             "expected property ${p} missing", {p:property_name});
+         assert(object.hasOwnProperty(property_name), message);
+    };
+    expose(assert_exists, "assert_exists");
+    function assert_not_exists(object, property_name, description)
+    {
+         var message = make_message(
+             "assert_not_exists", description,
+             "unexpected property ${p} found", {p:property_name});
+         assert(!object.hasOwnProperty(property_name), message);
+    };
+    expose(assert_not_exists, "assert_not_exists");
+    function assert_readonly(object, property_name, description)
+    {
+         var initial_value = object[property_name];
+         try {
+             var message = make_message(
+                 "assert_readonly", description,
+                 "deleting property ${p} succeeded", {p:property_name});
+             assert(delete object[property_name] === false, message);
+             assert(object[property_name] === initial_value, message);
+             //Note that this can have side effects in the case where
+             //the property has PutForwards
+             object[property_name] = initial_value + "a"; //XXX use some other value here?
+             message = make_message("assert_readonly", description,
+                                    "changing property ${p} succeeded",
+                                    {p:property_name});
+             assert(object[property_name] === initial_value, message);
+         }
+         finally
+         {
+             object[property_name] = initial_value;
+         }
+    };
+    expose(assert_readonly, "assert_readonly");
+    function assert_throws(code_or_object, func, description)
+    {
+        try
+        {
+  ;
+            assert(false, make_message("assert_throws", description,
+                                      "${func} did not throw", {func:String(func)}));
+        }
+        catch(e)
+        {
+            if (e instanceof AssertionError) {
+                throw(e);
+            }
+            if (typeof code_or_object === "string")
+            {
+                assert(e[code_or_object] !== undefined &&
+                       e.code === e[code_or_object] &&
+              === code_or_object,
+                       make_message("assert_throws", description,
+                           [["{text}", "${func} threw with"] ,
+                            function()
+                            {
+                                var actual_name;
+                                for (var p in DOMException)
+                                {
+                                    if (e.code === DOMException[p])
+                                    {
+                                        actual_name = p;
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if (actual_name)
+                                {
+                                    return ["{text}", " code " + actual_name + " (${actual_number})"];
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    return ["{text}", " error number ${actual_number}"];
+                                }
+                            },
+                            ["{text}"," expected ${expected}"],
+                            function()
+                            {
+                                return e[code_or_object] ?
+                                    ["{text}", " (${expected_number})"] : null;
+                            }
+                           ],
+                                    {func:String(func), actual_number:e.code,
+                                     expected:String(code_or_object),
+                                     expected_number:e[code_or_object]}));
+                assert(e instanceof DOMException,
+                      make_message("assert_throws", description,
+                                   "thrown exception ${exception} was not a DOMException",
+                                  {exception:String(e)}));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                assert(e instanceof Object && "name" in e && ==,
+                       make_message("assert_throws", description,
+                           "${func} threw ${actual} (${actual_name}) expected ${expected} (${expected_name})",
+                                    {func:String(func), actual:String(e),,
+                                     expected:String(code_or_object),
+                           }));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    expose(assert_throws, "assert_throws");
+    function assert_unreached(description) {
+         var message = make_message("assert_unreached", description,
+                                    "Reached unreachable code");
+         assert(false, message);
+    }
+    expose(assert_unreached, "assert_unreached");
+    function Test(name, properties)
+    {
+ = name;
+       this.status = null;
+       var timeout = default_timeout;
+       this.is_done = false;
+       if (properties.timeout)
+       {
+           timeout = properties.timeout;
+       }
+       this.message = null;
+       var this_obj = this;
+       this.steps = [];
+       this.timeout_id = setTimeout(function() { this_obj.timeout(); }, timeout);
+       tests.push(this);
+   }
+    Test.prototype.step = function(func, this_obj)
+    {
+        //In case the test has already failed
+        if (this.status !== null)
+        {
+          return;
+        }
+        this.steps.push(func);
+        try
+        {
+            func.apply(this_obj);
+        }
+        catch(e)
+        {
+            //This can happen if something called synchronously invoked another
+            //step
+            if (this.status !== null)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            this.status = status.FAIL;
+            this.message = e.message;
+            this.done();
+            if (debug) {
+                throw e;
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    Test.prototype.timeout = function()
+    {
+        this.status = status.TIMEOUT;
+        this.timeout_id = null;
+        this.message = "Test timed out";
+        this.done();
+    };
+    Test.prototype.done = function()
+    {
+        if (this.is_done) {
+            //Using alert here is bad
+            return;
+        }
+        clearTimeout(this.timeout_id);
+        if (this.status == null)
+        {
+            this.status = status.PASS;
+        }
+        this.is_done = true;
+        tests.done(this);
+    };
+   /*
+    * Harness
+    */
+    var tests = new Tests();
+    function Tests()
+    {
+        this.tests = [];
+        this.num_pending = 0;
+        this.started = false;
+        this.start_callbacks = [];
+        this.test_done_callbacks = [];
+        this.all_done_callbacks = [];
+        var this_obj = this;
+        //All tests can't be done until the load event fires
+        this.all_loaded = false;
+        on_event(window, "load",
+                 function()
+                 {
+                     this_obj.all_loaded = true;
+                     if (document.getElementById("log"))
+                     {
+                         add_completion_callback(output_results);
+                     }
+                     if (this_obj.all_done())
+                     {
+                         this_obj.notify_results();
+                     }
+                 });
+   }
+    Tests.prototype.push = function(test)
+    {
+        if (!this.started) {
+            this.start();
+        }
+        this.num_pending++;
+        this.tests.push(test);
+    };
+    Tests.prototype.all_done = function() {
+        return this.all_loaded && this.num_pending == 0;
+    };
+    Tests.prototype.done = function(test)
+    {
+        this.num_pending--;
+        var this_obj = this;
+        forEach(this.test_done_callbacks,
+                function(callback)
+                {
+                    callback(test, this_obj);
+                });
+        if(top !== window && top.result_callback)
+        {
+  , this_obj);
+        }
+        if (this.all_done())
+        {
+            this.notify_results();
+        }
+    };
+    Tests.prototype.start = function() {
+        this.started = true;
+        var this_obj = this;
+        forEach (this.start_callbacks,
+                 function(callback)
+                 {
+                     callback(this_obj);
+                 });
+        if(top !== window && top.start_callback)
+        {
+  ;
+        }
+    };
+    Tests.prototype.notify_results = function()
+    {
+        var this_obj = this;
+        forEach (this.all_done_callbacks,
+                 function(callback)
+                 {
+                     callback(this_obj.tests);
+                 });
+        if(top !== window && top.completion_callback)
+        {
+  , this_obj.tests);
+        }
+    };
+    function add_start_callback(callback) {
+        tests.start_callbacks.push(callback);
+    }
+    function add_result_callback(callback)
+    {
+        tests.test_done_callbacks.push(callback);
+    }
+    function add_completion_callback(callback)
+    {
+       tests.all_done_callbacks.push(callback);
+    }
+    expose(add_start_callback, 'add_start_callback');
+    expose(add_result_callback, 'add_result_callback');
+    expose(add_completion_callback, 'add_completion_callback');
+    /*
+     * Output listener
+    */
+    (function show_status() {
+        var done_count = 0;
+         function on_done(test, tests) {
+             var log = document.getElementById("log");
+             done_count++;
+             if (log)
+             {
+                 if (log.lastChild) {
+                     log.removeChild(log.lastChild);
+                 }
+                 var nodes = render([["{text}", "Running, ${done} complete"],
+                                 function() {
+                                     if (tests.all_done) {
+                                         return ["{text}", " ${pending} remain"];
+                                     } else {
+                                         return null;
+                                     }
+                                 }
+                                    ], {done:done_count,
+                                        pending:tests.num_pending});
+                 forEach(nodes, function(node) {
+                             log.appendChild(node);
+                         });
+                 log.normalize();
+             }
+         }
+         if (document.getElementById("log"))
+         {
+             add_result_callback(on_done);
+         }
+     })();
+    function output_results(tests)
+    {
+        var log = document.getElementById("log");
+        while (log.lastChild) {
+            log.removeChild(log.lastChild);
+        }
+        var prefix = null;
+        var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
+        for (var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++)
+        {
+            var src = scripts[i].src;
+            if (src.slice(src.length - "testharness.js".length) === "testharness.js")
+            {
+                prefix = src.slice(0, src.length - "testharness.js".length);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (prefix != null) {
+            var stylesheet = document.createElement("link");
+            stylesheet.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
+            stylesheet.setAttribute("href", prefix + "testharness.css");
+            var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
+            if (heads) {
+                heads[0].appendChild(stylesheet);
+            }
+        }
+        var status_text = {};
+        status_text[status.PASS] = "Pass";
+        status_text[status.FAIL] = "Fail";
+        status_text[status.TIMEOUT] = "Timeout";
+        var template = ["table", {"id":"results"},
+                        ["tr", {},
+                         ["th", {}, "Result"],
+                         ["th", {}, "Test Name"],
+                         ["th", {}, "Message"]
+                        ],
+                        function(vars) {
+                            var rv = map(vars.tests, function(test) {
+                                             var status = status_text[test.status];
+                                             return  ["tr", {},
+                                                      ["td", {"class":status.toLowerCase()}, status],
+                                                      ["td", {},],
+                                                      ["td", {}, test.message ? test.message : " "]
+                                                     ];
+                                         });
+                            return rv;
+                        }
+                       ];
+        log.appendChild(render(template, {tests:tests}));
+    }
+    /*
+     * Template code
+     *
+     * A template is just a javascript structure. An element is represented as:
+     *
+     * [tag_name, {attr_name:attr_value}, child1, child2]
+     *
+     * the children can either be strings (which act like text nodes), other templates or
+     * functions (see below)
+     *
+     * A text node is represented as
+     *
+     * ["{text}", value]
+     *
+     * String values have a simple substitution syntax; ${foo} represents a variable foo.
+     *
+     * It is possible to embed logic in templates by using a function in a place where a
+     * node would usually go. The function must either return part of a template or null.
+     *
+     * In cases where a set of nodes are required as output rather than a single node
+     * with children it is possible to just use a list
+     * [node1, node2, node3]
+     *
+     * Usage:
+     *
+     * render(template, substitutions) - take a template and an object mapping
+     * variable names to parameters and return either a DOM node or a list of DOM nodes
+     *
+     * substitute(template, substitutions) - take a template and variable mapping object,
+     * make the variable substitutions and return the substituted template
+     *
+     */
+    function is_single_node(template)
+    {
+        return typeof template[0] === "string";
+    }
+    function substitute(template, substitutions)
+    {
+        if (typeof template === "function") {
+            var replacement = template(substitutions);
+            if (replacement)
+            {
+                var rv = substitute(replacement, substitutions);
+                return rv;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                return null;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (is_single_node(template))
+        {
+            return substitute_single(template, substitutions);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return filter(map(template, function(x) {
+                                  return substitute(x, substitutions);
+                              }), function(x) {return x !== null;});
+        }
+    }
+    expose(substitute, "template.substitute");
+    function substitute_single(template, substitutions)
+    {
+        var substitution_re = /\${([^ }]*)}/g;
+        function do_substitution(input) {
+            var components = input.split(substitution_re);
+            var rv = [];
+            for (var i=0; i<components.length; i+=2)
+            {
+                rv.push(components[i]);
+                if (components[i+1])
+                {
+                    rv.push(substitutions[components[i+1]]);
+                }
+            }
+            return rv;
+        }
+        var rv = [];
+        rv.push(do_substitution(String(template[0])).join(""));
+        if (template[0] === "{text}") {
+            substitute_children(template.slice(1), rv);
+        } else {
+            substitute_attrs(template[1], rv);
+            substitute_children(template.slice(2), rv);
+        }
+        function substitute_attrs(attrs, rv)
+        {
+            rv[1] = {};
+            for (name in template[1])
+            {
+                if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(name))
+                {
+                    var new_name = do_substitution(name).join("");
+                    var new_value = do_substitution(attrs[name]).join("");
+                    rv[1][new_name] = new_value;
+                };
+            }
+        }
+        function substitute_children(children, rv)
+        {
+            for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++)
+            {
+                if (children[i] instanceof Object) {
+                    var replacement = substitute(children[i], substitutions);
+                    if (replacement !== null)
+                    {
+                        if (is_single_node(replacement))
+                        {
+                            rv.push(replacement);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            extend(rv, replacement);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    extend(rv, do_substitution(String(children[i])));
+                }
+            }
+            return rv;
+        }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    function make_dom_single(template)
+    {
+        if (template[0] === "{text}")
+        {
+            var element = document.createTextNode("");
+            for (var i=1; i<template.length; i++)
+            {
+       += template[i];
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            var element = document.createElement(template[0]);
+            for (name in template[1]) {
+                if (template[1].hasOwnProperty(name))
+                {
+                    element.setAttribute(name, template[1][name]);
+                }
+            }
+            for (var i=2; i<template.length; i++)
+            {
+                if (template[i] instanceof Object)
+                {
+                    var sub_element = make_dom(template[i]);
+                    element.appendChild(sub_element);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    var text_node = document.createTextNode(template[i]);
+                    element.appendChild(text_node);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return element;
+    }
+    function make_dom(template, substitutions)
+    {
+        if (is_single_node(template))
+        {
+            return make_dom_single(template);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return map(template, function(x) {
+                           return make_dom_single(x);
+                       });
+        }
+    }
+    function render(template, substitutions)
+    {
+        return make_dom(substitute(template, substitutions));
+    }
+    expose(render, "template.render");
+    /*
+     * Utility funcions
+     */
+    function assert(expected_true, message)
+    {
+        if (expected_true !== true)
+        {
+            throw new AssertionError(message);
+        }
+    }
+    function AssertionError(message)
+    {
+        this.message = message;
+    }
+    function make_message(function_name, description, error, substitutions)
+    {
+        var message = substitute([["span", {"class":"assert"}, "${function_name}:"],
+                                  function()
+                                  {
+                                      if (description) {
+                                          return ["span", {"class":"description"}, description];
+                                      } else {
+                                          return null;
+                                      }
+                                  },
+                                  ["div", {"class":"error"}, error]
+                                 ], merge({function_name:function_name},
+                                         substitutions));
+        return message;
+    }
+    function filter(array, callable, thisObj) {
+        var rv = [];
+        for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++)
+        {
+            if (array.hasOwnProperty(i))
+            {
+                var pass =, array[i], i, array);
+                if (pass) {
+                    rv.push(array[i]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    function map(array, callable, thisObj)
+    {
+        var rv = [];
+        rv.length = array.length;
+        for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++)
+        {
+            if (array.hasOwnProperty(i))
+            {
+                rv[i] =, array[i], i, array);
+            }
+        }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    function extend(array, items)
+    {
+        Array.prototype.push.apply(array, items);
+    }
+    function forEach (array, callback, thisObj)
+    {
+        for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++)
+        {
+            if (array.hasOwnProperty(i))
+            {
+      , array[i], i, array);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function merge(a,b)
+    {
+        var rv = {};
+        var p;
+        for (p in a)
+        {
+            rv[p] = a[p];
+        }
+        for (p in b) {
+            rv[p] = b[p];
+        }
+        return rv;
+    }
+    function expose(object, name)
+    {
+        var components = name.split(".");
+        var target = window;
+        for (var i=0; i<components.length - 1; i++)
+        {
+            if (!(components[i] in target))
+            {
+                target[components[i]] = {};
+            }
+            target = target[components[i]];
+        }
+        target[components[components.length - 1]] = object;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xrefs.json	Thu Feb 10 13:22:32 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@