Fix [DAP-ISSUE-147]: Reference 'Requirements for Home Networking Scenarios' in Introduction
authorRich Tibbett <>
Thu, 05 Sep 2013 15:53:34 +0200 (2013-09-05)
changeset 453 07345c55f11f
parent 452 d7ce2f25ba57
child 454 fa10853bb021
Fix [DAP-ISSUE-147]: Reference 'Requirements for Home Networking Scenarios' in Introduction
--- a/discovery-api/Overview.html	Thu Sep 05 15:52:22 2013 +0200
+++ b/discovery-api/Overview.html	Thu Sep 05 15:53:34 2013 +0200
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@
       <h2 property="dcterms:issued"
-          content="2013-08-30T07:54:42.000Z"
-          id="w3c-editor-s-draft-30-august-2013">
+          content="2013-09-05T11:58:47.000Z"
+          id="w3c-editor-s-draft-05-september-2013">
         <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Editor's Draft <time class="dt-published"
-            datetime="2013-08-30">30 August 2013</time>
+            datetime="2013-09-05">05 September 2013</time>
@@ -441,6 +441,10 @@
               <a href="#normative-references"
                   class="tocxref"><span class="secno">C.1</span> Normative references</a>
+            <li class="tocline">
+              <a href="#informative-references"
+                  class="tocxref"><span class="secno">C.2</span> Informative references</a>
+            </li>
@@ -456,9 +460,15 @@
         <em>This section is non-normative.</em>
-        To enable Web pages to connect and communicate with Local-networked Services provided over <abbr title=
-        "Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>, this specification introduces the <a href=
-        "#navigatornetworkservice"><code>NavigatorNetworkService</code></a> interface.
+        This specification defines the <a href="#navigatornetworkservice"><code>NavigatorNetworkService</code></a>
+        interface to enable Web pages to connect and communicate with Local-networked Services provided over
+        <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr>. This enables access to services and content provided by
+        home network devices, including the discovery and playback of content available to those devices, both from
+        services such as traditional broadcast media and internet based services as well as local services. Initial
+        design goals and requirements provided by the <a href=""><abbr title=
+        "World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Web &amp; TV interest group</a> are documented in [<cite><a class=
+        "bibref"
+           href="#bib-hnreq">hnreq</a></cite>].
         Using this <abbr title="Application Programming Interface">API</abbr> consists of requesting a well-known
@@ -1502,7 +1512,7 @@
           The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-url"><code>url</code></dfn> attribute is an <a href=
-          ""
+          ""
              class="externalDFN">absolute <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr></a> pointing to the root
              <abbr title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol">HTTP</abbr> endpoint for the service that has been added to the
              <a href="#dfn-entry-script-origin-s-url-whitelist"
@@ -3150,15 +3160,17 @@
         Thanks are expressed by the editor to the following individuals for their feedback on this specification to
         date (in alphabetical order):<br>
-        Gar Bergstedt, Lars-Erik Bolstad, Cathy Chan, Hari G Kumar, Bob Lund, Giuseppe Pascale, Marcin Simonides,
-        Clarke Stevens, Christian Söderström, Mark Vickers.
+        Adam Barth, Gar Bergstedt, Robin Berjon, Lars-Erik Bolstad, Marcos Caceres, Cathy Chan, Daniel Danciu,
+        Jean-Claude Dufourd, Mark Foltz, Dominique Hazael-Massieux, Frederick Hirsch, Hari G Kumar, Bob Lund, Giuseppe
+        Pascale, Marcin Simonides, Clarke Stevens, Christian Söderström, Mark Vickers.
         Thanks are also expressed by the editor to the following organizations and groups for their support in
         producing this specification to date (in alphabetical order):<br>
-        CableLabs, Opera Software ASA, <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Device APIs Working Group,
-        <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Web and TV Interest Group.
+        CableLabs, Google Inc., Opera Software ASA, Nokia Corp., Télécom ParisTech, <abbr title=
+        "World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Device APIs Working Group, <abbr title=
+        "World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> Web and TV Interest Group.
 a.externalDFN { color: #00C; border-bottom: 1px dashed #00C; }
@@ -3242,6 +3254,27 @@
+      <section id="informative-references"
+               typeof="bibo:Chapter"
+               resource="#informative-references"
+               rel="bibo:chapter">
+        <h3 aria-level="2"
+            role="heading"
+            id="h3_informative-references">
+          <span class="secno">C.2</span> Informative references
+        </h3>
+        <dl class="bibliography"
+            about="">
+          <dt id="bib-hnreq">
+            [hnreq]
+          </dt>
+          <dd rel="dcterms:references">
+            Giuseppe Pascale. <a href=""><cite>Requirements for Home Networking
+            Scenarios</cite></a>. 1 December 2011. W3C Note. URL: <a href=
+            ""></a>
+          </dd>
+        </dl>
+      </section>
--- a/discovery-api/Overview.src.html	Thu Sep 05 15:52:22 2013 +0200
+++ b/discovery-api/Overview.src.html	Thu Sep 05 15:53:34 2013 +0200
@@ -123,9 +123,12 @@
-        To enable Web pages to connect and communicate with Local-networked Services provided over HTTP, this
-        specification introduces the <a href="#navigatornetworkservice"><code>NavigatorNetworkService</code></a>
-        interface.
+        This specification defines the <a href="#navigatornetworkservice"><code>NavigatorNetworkService</code></a>
+        interface to enable Web pages to connect and communicate with Local-networked Services provided over HTTP. This
+        enables access to services and content provided by home network devices, including the discovery and playback
+        of content available to those devices, both from services such as traditional broadcast media and internet
+        based services as well as local services. Initial design goals and requirements provided by the <a href=
+        "">W3C Web &amp; TV interest group</a> are documented in [[hnreq]].
         Using this <abbr title="Application Programming Interface">API</abbr> consists of requesting a well-known
@@ -968,7 +971,7 @@
           The <dfn id="dom-networkservice-url"><code>url</code></dfn> attribute is an <a href=
-          ""
+          ""
              class="externalDFN">absolute URL</a> pointing to the root HTTP endpoint for the service that has been
              added to the <a>entry script origin's URL whitelist</a>. Web pages can subsequently use this value for
              implicit cross-document messaging via various existing mechanisms (e.g. Web Sockets, Server-Sent Events,
@@ -2098,15 +2101,16 @@
         Thanks are expressed by the editor to the following individuals for their feedback on this specification to
         date (in alphabetical order):<br>
-        Adam Barth, Gar Bergstedt, Robin Berjon, Lars-Erik Bolstad, Marcos Caceres, Cathy Chan, Daniel Danciu, Jean-Claude Dufourd, Mark Foltz,
-        Dominique Hazael-Massieux, Frederick Hirsch, Hari G Kumar, Bob Lund, Giuseppe Pascale, Marcin Simonides,
-        Clarke Stevens, Christian Söderström, Mark Vickers.
+        Adam Barth, Gar Bergstedt, Robin Berjon, Lars-Erik Bolstad, Marcos Caceres, Cathy Chan, Daniel Danciu,
+        Jean-Claude Dufourd, Mark Foltz, Dominique Hazael-Massieux, Frederick Hirsch, Hari G Kumar, Bob Lund, Giuseppe
+        Pascale, Marcin Simonides, Clarke Stevens, Christian Söderström, Mark Vickers.
         Thanks are also expressed by the editor to the following organizations and groups for their support in
         producing this specification to date (in alphabetical order):<br>
-        CableLabs, Google Inc., Opera Software ASA, Nokia Corp., Télécom ParisTech, W3C Device APIs Working Group, W3C Web and TV Interest Group.
+        CableLabs, Google Inc., Opera Software ASA, Nokia Corp., Télécom ParisTech, W3C Device APIs Working Group, W3C
+        Web and TV Interest Group.