
Thu, 29 Mar 2012 13:19:39 -0700

L. David Baron <dbaron@dbaron.org>
Thu, 29 Mar 2012 13:19:39 -0700
changeset 5320
parent 5318
child 5338

Reduce redirects found by the link checker.

     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'
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     4 <html lang="en">
     5 <head>
     6   <title>CSS Animations</title>
     7   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
     8   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../default.css">
     9   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/W3C-ED.css">
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    15 <!--logo-->
    17 <h1>CSS Animations</h1>
    19 <h2 class="no-num no-toc">[LONGSTATUS] [DATE]</h2>
    20 <dl>
    21   <dt>This version:
    22     <dd><a href="[VERSION]">http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-animations/</a>
    23     <!--http://www.w3.org/TR/[YEAR]/WD-[SHORTNAME]-[CDATE]-->
    24   <dt>Latest version:
    25     <dd><a
    26       href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations/">[LATEST]</a>
    27   <dt>Editor's draft:
    28     <dd><a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/[SHORTNAME]/">http://dev.w3.org/csswg/[SHORTNAME]/</a>
    30   <dt>Previous version:
    31     <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-css3-animations-20090320/">
    32       http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-css3-animations-20090320/</a>
    33   <dt id="editors-list">Editors:
    34     <dd><a href="mailto:dino@apple.com">Dean Jackson</a> (<a
    35       href="http://www.apple.com/">Apple Inc</a>)
    36     <dd><a href="mailto:hyatt@apple.com">David Hyatt</a> (<a
    37       href="http://www.apple.com/">Apple Inc</a>)
    38     <dd><a href="mailto:cmarrin@apple.com">Chris Marrin</a> (<a
    39       href="http://www.apple.com/">Apple Inc</a>)
    40     <dd><a href="mailto:sylvaing@microsoft.com">Sylvain Galineau</a>
    41       (<a class=org href="http://www.microsoft.com/">Microsoft</a>)
    42     <dd class=vcard><a class=fn href="http://dbaron.org/">L. David Baron</a>
    43       (<a class=org href="http://www.mozilla.org/">Mozilla</a>)
    45   <dt>Issues list:
    46     <dd><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;product=CSS&amp;component=Animations&amp;resolution=---&amp;cmdtype=doit">in Bugzilla</a>
    48   <dt>Discussion:</dt>
    49     <dd><a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">www-style@w3.org</a> with subject line &ldquo;<kbd>[[SHORTNAME]] <var>&hellip; message topic &hellip;</var></kbd>&rdquo;
    51   <dt>Test suite:
    52     <dd>none yet
    53 </dl>
    55 <!--copyright-->
    57 <hr title="Separator for header">
    58 </div>
    60 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="abstract">Abstract</h2>
    62 <p>This CSS module describes a way for authors to animate the values of CSS properties over time, using keyframes.
    63     The behavior of these keyframe animations can be controlled by specifying their duration, number of repeats,
    64     and repeating behavior.
    65 </p>
    67 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="status">Status of this document</h2>
    68 <!--status-->
    71 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="contents">Table of contents</h2>
    72 <!--toc-->
    75 <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
    77     <p><em>This section is not normative.</em>
    79     <p>
    80         CSS Transitions [[!CSS3-TRANSITIONS]] provide a way to interpolate CSS property values
    81         when they change as a result of underlying property changes. This provides an easy way to do simple animation,
    82         but the start and end states of the animation are controlled by the existing property values,
    83         and transitions provide little control to the author on how the animation progresses.
    84     </p>
    85     <p>
    86         This proposal introduces <em>defined animations</em>, in which the author can
    87         specify the changes in CSS properties over time as a set of keyframes. Animations are similar to transitions
    88         in that they change the presentational value of CSS properties over time.
    89         The principal difference is that while transitions trigger <i>implicitly</i> when property values change, animations
    90         are <i>explicitly</i> executed when the animation properties are applied. Because of this, animations require explicit 
    91         values for the properties being animated. These values are specified using animation keyframes, described below.
    92     </p>
    93     <p>
    94         Many aspects of the animation can be controlled, including how many times the animation iterates, whether or not 
    95         it alternates between the begin and end values, and whether or not the animation should be running or paused.
    96         An animation can also delay its start time.
    97     </p>
    99     <h2>Animations</h2>
   101     <p>
   102       CSS Animations affect computed property values. During the execution of an animation, the
   103       computed value for a property is controlled by the animation. This overrides the value
   104       specified in the normal styling system.
   105     </p>
   107     <p>
   108       In the case of multiple animations specifying behavior for the same property, the animation
   109       defined last will override the previously defined animations.
   110     </p>
   112     <p>
   113       An animation does not affect the computed value before the application of the animation,
   114       before the animation delay has expired, and after the end of the animation.
   115     </p>
   117     <div class="figure">
   118       <img src="sandwich.png" alt="">
   119     </div>
   120     <p class="caption">
   121       Computation of animated property values
   122     </p>
   124     <p>
   125       The diagram above shows how property values are computed. The intrinsic style is shown at the
   126       top of the diagram. The computed value is derived from intrinsic style at the times when an
   127       animation is not running and also when an animation is delayed (see below for specification of
   128       animation delay). During an animation, the computed style is derived from the animated value.
   129     </p>
   131     <p>
   132       The start time of an animation is the latter of two moments: the time at which the style is
   133       resolved that specifies the animation, or the time the document's load event is fired.
   134       Therefore, an animation specified in the document style sheet will begin at the document load.
   135       An animation specified on an element by modifying the style after the document has loaded will
   136       start when the style is resolved. That may be immediately in the case of a pseudo style rule
   137       such as hover, or may be when the scripting engine returns control to the browser (in the case
   138       of style applied by script).
   139     </p>
   141     <p>
   142       An animation applies to an element if the element has a value for
   143       <code class="property">'animation-name'</code> that references a valid
   144       keyframes rule. Once an animation has started it continues until it ends
   145       or the <code class="property">'animation-name'</code> is removed. The values
   146       used for the keyframes and animation properties are snapshotted at the
   147       time the animation starts. Changing them during the execution of the
   148       animation has no effect. Note also, that changing the value of 
   149       <code class="property">'animation-name'</code> does not necessarily
   150       restart an animation (e.g., if a list of animations are applied and
   151       one is removed from the list, only that animation will stop; The other
   152       animations will continue). In order to restart an animation, it must be
   153       removed then reapplied. 
   154     </p>
   156     <p>
   157       The end of the animation is defined by the combination of the
   158       <code class="property">'animation-duration'</code>,
   159       <code class="property">'animation-iteration-count'</code> and
   160       <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code> properties.
   161     </p>
   163     <div class="example">
   164       <p style="display:none">
   165         Example(s):
   166       </p>
   167       <pre>
   168     div {
   169       animation-name: diagonal-slide;
   170       animation-duration: 5s;
   171       animation-iteration-count: 10;
   172     }
   174     @keyframes diagonal-slide {
   176       from {
   177         left: 0;
   178         top: 0;
   179       }
   181       to {
   182         left: 100px;
   183         top: 100px;
   184       }
   186     }
   188     </pre>This will produce an animation that moves an element from (0, 0) to (100px, 100px) over five seconds and repeats itself nine times (for a total of ten iterations).
   189     </div>
   191     <h2>Keyframes</h2>
   192       <p>
   193         Keyframes are used to specify the values for the animating properties at various points
   194         during the animation. The keyframes specify the behavior of one cycle of the animation;
   195         the animation may iterate one or more times.
   196       </p>
   197       <p>
   198         Keyframes are specified using a specialized CSS at-rule. A <code
   199         class="property">@keyframes</code> rule consists of the keyword
   200         "@keyframes", followed by an identifier giving a name for the animation
   201         (which will be referenced using <code class="property">'animation-name'</code>),
   202         followed by a set of style rules (delimited by curly braces).
   203       </p>
   204       <p>
   205         The <i>keyframe selector</i> for a keyframe style rule consists of a
   206         comma-separated list of percentage values or the keywords 'from' or
   207         'to'. The selector is used to specify the percentage along the duration
   208         of the animation that the keyframe represents. The
   209         keyframe itself is specified by the block of property values declared on
   210         the selector. The keyword 'from' is equivalent to the value 0%. The
   211         keyword 'to' is equivalent to the value 100%. Note that the percentage
   212         unit specifier must be used on percentage values. Therefore, "0" is an
   213         invalid keyframe selector.
   214       </p>
   215       <p>
   216         If a 0% or "from" keyframe is not specified, then the user agent
   217         constructs a 0% keyframe using the computed values of the properties
   218         being animated. If a 100% or "to" keyframe is not specified, then the user agent
   219         constructs a 100% keyframe using the computed values of the properties
   220         being animated.
   221       </p>
   222       <p>
   223         The <i>keyframe declaration</i> for a keyframe rule consists of
   224         properties and values. Properties that are unable to be
   225         animated are ignored in these rules, with the exception of <code
   226         class="property">'animation-timing-function'</code>, the behavior 
   227         of which is described below.
   228       </p>
   229       <p class="note">
   230           NOTE: describe what happens if a property is not present in all keyframes.
   231       </p>
   232       <p>
   233         The @keyframes rule that is used by an animation will be the last one encountered in sorted rules order
   234         that matches the name of the animation specified by the <code class="property">'animation-name'</code> property.
   235         <code class="css">@keyframes</code> rules do not cascade;
   236         therefore an animation will never derive keyframes from more than one <code class="css">@keyframes</code> rule.
   237       </p>
   238       <p>
   239         To determine the set of keyframes, all of the values in the selectors are sorted in increasing order by time.
   240         If there are any duplicates, then the last keyframe specified inside the <code class="css">@keyframes</code> rule
   241         will be used to provide the keyframe information for that time. There is no cascading within a
   242         <code class="css">@keyframes</code> rule if multiple keyframes specify the same keyframe selector values.
   243       </p>
   244       <p>
   245         If property is not specified for a keyframe, or is specified but invalid, the animation of that property proceeds
   246         as if that keyframe did not exist. Conceptually, it is as if a set of keyframes is constructed for each property
   247         that is present in any of the keyframes, and an animation is run independently for each property.
   248       </p>
   249       <div class="example">
   250         <p style="display:none">
   251           Example(s):
   252         </p>
   253         <pre>
   254   @keyframes wobble {
   255     0% {
   256       left: 100px;
   257     }
   259     40% {
   260       left: 150px;
   261     }
   263     60% {
   264       left: 75px;
   265     }
   267     100% {
   268       left: 100px;
   269     }
   270   }
   272   </pre>Four keyframes are specified for the animation named "wobble". In the first keyframe, shown at the beginning of the animation cycle, the 'left' value of the animation is 100px. By 40% of the animation duration, 'left' value has animated to 150px. At 60% of the animation duration, the 'left' value has animated back to 75px. At the end of the animation cycle, the 'left' value has returned to 100px. The diagram below shows the state of the animation if it were given a duration of 10s.
   273         <div class="figure">
   274           <img src="animation1.png" alt="">
   275         </div>
   276         <p class="caption">
   277           Animations states specified by keyframes
   278         </p>
   279       </div>
   281       <p>
   282         The following is the grammar for the keyframes rule.
   283       </p>
   285       <pre>
   287         keyframes_rule: KEYFRAMES_SYM S+ IDENT S* '{' S* keyframes_blocks '}' S*;
   289         keyframes_blocks: [ keyframe_selector '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S* ]* ;
   291         keyframe_selector: [ FROM_SYM | TO_SYM | PERCENTAGE ] S* [ ',' S* [ FROM_SYM | TO_SYM | PERCENTAGE ] S* ]*;
   293         @{K}{E}{Y}{F}{R}{A}{M}{E}{S}   {return KEYFRAMES_SYM;}
   294         {F}{R}{O}{M}                   {return FROM_SYM;}
   295         {T}{O}                         {return TO_SYM;}
   296       </pre>
   297       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   298       <h3>
   299         Timing functions for keyframes
   300       </h3>
   301       <p>
   302         A keyframe style rule may also declare the timing function that is to be used as the animation moves to the next keyframe.
   303       </p>
   304       <div class="example">
   305         <p style="display:none">
   306           Example(s):
   307         </p>
   308         <pre>
   309   @keyframes bounce {
   311     from {
   312       top: 100px;
   313       animation-timing-function: ease-out;
   314     }
   316     25% {
   317       top: 50px;
   318       animation-timing-function: ease-in;
   319     }
   321     50% {
   322       top: 100px;
   323       animation-timing-function: ease-out;
   324     }
   326     75% {
   327       top: 75px;
   328       animation-timing-function: ease-in;
   329     }
   331     to {
   332       top: 100px;
   333     }
   335   }
   337   </pre>Five keyframes are specified for the animation named "bounce". Between the first and second keyframe (i.e., between 0% and 25%) an "ease-out" timing function is used. Between the second and third keyframe (i.e., between 25% and 50%) an "ease-in" timing function is used. And so on. The effect will appear as an element that moves up the page 50px, slowing down as it reaches its highest point then speeding up as it falls back to 100px. The second half of the animation behaves in a similar manner, but only moves the element 25px units up the page. A timing function specified on the "to" or 100% keyframe is ignored
   338       </div>
   339       <p>
   340         See <a href="#animation-timing-function_tag">the <code class="property">'animation-timing-function'</code>
   341           property</a> for more information.
   342       </p><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   344       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   345       <h3>
   346         The <code class="property">'animation-name'</code> Property
   347       </h3>
   348       <p>
   349         The <code class="property">'animation-name'</code> property defines a
   350         list of animations that apply. Each name is used to select the keyframe at-rule
   351         that provides the property values for the animation. If the name does
   352         not match any keyframe at-rule, there are no properties to be animated
   353         and the animation will not execute. Furthermore, if the animation name
   354         is 'none' then there will be no animation. This can be used to override
   355         any animations coming from the cascade. If animations are attempting to
   356         modify the same property, then the animation closest to the end of the
   357         list of names wins.
   358       </p>
   359       <p>
   360         Each animation listed by name should have a corresponding value
   361         for the other animation properties listed below. In the case where the
   362         other properties do not have lists of the correct length, their values
   363         are repeated to form a list with the same number of entries as
   364         <code class="property">'animation-name'</code>.
   365       </p>
   366       <table class="propdef">
   367         <tbody>
   368           <tr>
   369             <td>
   370               <em>Name:</em>
   371             </td>
   372             <td>
   373               <dfn id="animation-name">animation-name</dfn>
   374             </td>
   375           </tr>
   376           <tr>
   377             <td>
   378               <em>Value:</em>
   379             </td>
   380             <td>
   381               [ none | IDENT ] [, [ none | IDENT ] ]*
   382             </td>
   383           </tr>
   384           <tr>
   385             <td>
   386               <em>Initial:</em>
   387             </td>
   388             <td>
   389               none
   390             </td>
   391           </tr>
   392           <tr>
   393             <td>
   394               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   395             </td>
   396             <td>
   397               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   398             </td>
   399           </tr>
   400           <tr>
   401             <td>
   402               <em>Inherited:</em>
   403             </td>
   404             <td>
   405               no
   406             </td>
   407           </tr>
   408           <tr>
   409             <td>
   410               <em>Percentages:</em>
   411             </td>
   412             <td>
   413               N/A
   414             </td>
   415           </tr>
   416           <tr>
   417             <td>
   418               <em>Media:</em>
   419             </td>
   420             <td>
   421               visual
   422             </td>
   423           </tr>
   424           <tr>
   425             <td>
   426               <em>Computed value:</em>
   427             </td>
   428             <td>
   429               Same as specified value.
   430             </td>
   431           </tr>
   432         </tbody>
   433       </table>
   435       <!--
   436       <p>
   437         It is possible for elements to have multiple animations running that change the same property or properties. In this case the animations combine in a manner defined by the property. For example, animations on <code class="property">'opacity'</code> will add together and animations on <code class="property">'transform'</code> will have their transformation matrices multiplied.
   438       </p>
   439       <div class="example">
   440         <p style="display:none">
   441           Example(s):
   442         </p>
   443         <pre>
   444         @keyframes 'border-bloat' {
   445           from {
   446             border-width: 0;
   447           }
   448           to {
   449             border-width: 10px;
   450           }
   451         }
   453         @keyframes 'border-diet' {
   454           from {
   455             border-width: 4px;
   456           }
   457           to {
   458             border-width: 2px;
   459           }
   460         }
   462         div {
   463           animation-name: 'border-bloat', 'border-diet';
   464           animation-duration: 10s, 4s;
   465         }
   466       </pre>
   467       <p>
   468       The above example has two animations executing on the same property, <code class="property">'border-width'</code>. The animations are additive. That is, the 
   469       resulting value for the property will be the addition of the values from the
   470       two animations.
   471       </p>
   472       <p>
   473         At time '0s' the element's border will be 4px wide (0px from 'border-bloat' plus 4px from 'border-diet'). 
   474         At time '4s' the element's border will be 6px wide (4px from 'border-bloat' plus 2px from 'border-diet').
   475         At time '10s' the element's border will be 10px wide (10px from 'border-bloat' and no addition from
   476         'border-diet' as it is no longer executing).
   477       </p>
   478     </div>
   479   -->
   482       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   483       <h3>
   484         The <code class="property">'animation-duration'</code> Property
   485       </h3>
   486       <p>
   487         The <code class="property">'animation-duration'</code> property defines the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
   488       </p>
   489       <table class="propdef">
   490         <tbody>
   491           <tr>
   492             <td>
   493               <em>Name:</em>
   494             </td>
   495             <td>
   496               <dfn id="animation-duration">animation-duration</dfn>
   497             </td>
   498           </tr>
   499           <tr>
   500             <td>
   501               <em>Value:</em>
   502             </td>
   503             <td>
   504               &lt;time&gt; [, &lt;time&gt;]*
   505             </td>
   506           </tr>
   507           <tr>
   508             <td>
   509               <em>Initial:</em>
   510             </td>
   511             <td>
   512               0s
   513             </td>
   514           </tr>
   515           <tr>
   516             <td>
   517               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   518             </td>
   519             <td>
   520               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   521             </td>
   522           </tr>
   523           <tr>
   524             <td>
   525               <em>Inherited:</em>
   526             </td>
   527             <td>
   528               no
   529             </td>
   530           </tr>
   531           <tr>
   532             <td>
   533               <em>Percentages:</em>
   534             </td>
   535             <td>
   536               N/A
   537             </td>
   538           </tr>
   539           <tr>
   540             <td>
   541               <em>Media:</em>
   542             </td>
   543             <td>
   544               visual
   545             </td>
   546           </tr>
   547           <tr>
   548             <td>
   549               <em>Computed value:</em>
   550             </td>
   551             <td>
   552               Same as specified value.
   553             </td>
   554           </tr>
   555         </tbody>
   556       </table>
   558       <p>
   559         By default the value is '0s', meaning that the animation cycle is
   560         immediate. A negative value for <code
   561         class="property">'animation-duration'</code> is treated as '0s'. In this
   562         case <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code> still applies,
   563         so an animation that fills backwards will show the value of the 0%
   564         keyframe during any delay period, and an animation that fill forwards
   565         will retain the value specified at the 100% keyframe, even if the
   566         animation was instantaneous. Also, animation events are still fired.
   567       </p>
   569       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   570       <h3 id="animation-timing-function_tag">
   571         The <code class="property">'animation-timing-function'</code> Property
   572       </h3>
   573       <p>
   574         The <code class="property">'animation-timing-function'</code> property describes how the animation will progress over one cycle of its duration. See the <code class="property">'transition-timing-function'</code> property [[!CSS3-TRANSITIONS]] for a complete description of timing function calculation.
   575       </p>
   576       <table class="propdef">
   577         <tbody>
   578           <tr>
   579             <td>
   580               <em>Name:</em>
   581             </td>
   582             <td>
   583               <dfn id="animation-timing-function">animation-timing-function</dfn>
   584             </td>
   585           </tr>
   586           <tr>
   587             <td>
   588               <em>Value:</em>
   589             </td>
   590             <td>
   591               [ ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | step-start | step-end | steps(&lt;number&gt;[, [ start | end ] ]?) | cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;) ] [, [ ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | step-start | step-end | steps(&lt;number&gt;[, [ start | end ] ]?) | cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;)] ]*
   592             </td>
   593           </tr>
   594           <tr>
   595             <td>
   596               <em>Initial:</em>
   597             </td>
   598             <td>
   599               ease
   600             </td>
   601           </tr>
   602           <tr>
   603             <td>
   604               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   605             </td>
   606             <td>
   607               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   608             </td>
   609           </tr>
   610           <tr>
   611             <td>
   612               <em>Inherited:</em>
   613             </td>
   614             <td>
   615               no
   616             </td>
   617           </tr>
   618           <tr>
   619             <td>
   620               <em>Percentages:</em>
   621             </td>
   622             <td>
   623               N/A
   624             </td>
   625           </tr>
   626           <tr>
   627             <td>
   628               <em>Media:</em>
   629             </td>
   630             <td>
   631               visual
   632             </td>
   633           </tr>
   634           <tr>
   635             <td>
   636               <em>Computed value:</em>
   637             </td>
   638             <td>
   639               Same as specified value.
   640             </td>
   641           </tr>
   642         </tbody>
   643       </table>
   645       <p>
   646         For a keyframed animation, the <code class="property">'animation-timing-function'</code> applies
   647         between keyframes, not over the entire animation. For example, in the case of an ease-in-out timing function, an animation will ease in at the start of the keyframe and ease out at the end of the keyframe. A <code class="property">'animation-timing-function'</code> defined within a keyframe block applies to that keyframe, otherwise the timing function specified for the animation is used.
   648       </p>
   650       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   651       <h3>
   652         The <code class="property">'animation-iteration-count'</code> Property
   653       </h3>
   654       <p>
   655         The <code class="property">'animation-iteration-count'</code> property defines the number of times
   656         an animation cycle is played. The default value is one, meaning the animation will play from
   657         beginning to end once. A value of <code class="css">'infinite'</code> will cause the animation to
   658         repeat forever. Non-integer numbers will cause the animation to end part-way through a cycle.
   659         Negative values of <code class="property">'animation-iteration-count'</code> are invalid.
   660         This property is often used with an <code class="property">'animation-direction'</code> value of
   661         <code class="css">alternate</code>, which will cause the animation to play in reverse on alternate cycles.
   662       </p>
   663       <table class="propdef">
   664         <tbody>
   665           <tr>
   666             <td>
   667               <em>Name:</em>
   668             </td>
   669             <td>
   670               <dfn id="animation-iteration-count">animation-iteration-count</dfn>
   671             </td>
   672           </tr>
   673           <tr>
   674             <td>
   675               <em>Value:</em>
   676             </td>
   677             <td>
   678               [ infinite | &lt;number&gt; ] [, [ infinite | &lt;number&gt; ] ]*
   679             </td>
   680           </tr>
   681           <tr>
   682             <td>
   683               <em>Initial:</em>
   684             </td>
   685             <td>
   686               1
   687             </td>
   688           </tr>
   689           <tr>
   690             <td>
   691               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   692             </td>
   693             <td>
   694               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   695             </td>
   696           </tr>
   697           <tr>
   698             <td>
   699               <em>Inherited:</em>
   700             </td>
   701             <td>
   702               no
   703             </td>
   704           </tr>
   705           <tr>
   706             <td>
   707               <em>Percentages:</em>
   708             </td>
   709             <td>
   710               N/A
   711             </td>
   712           </tr>
   713           <tr>
   714             <td>
   715               <em>Media:</em>
   716             </td>
   717             <td>
   718               visual
   719             </td>
   720           </tr>
   721           <tr>
   722             <td>
   723               <em>Computed value:</em>
   724             </td>
   725             <td>
   726               Same as specified value.
   727             </td>
   728           </tr>
   729         </tbody>
   730       </table><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   731       <h3>
   732         The <code class="property">'animation-direction'</code> Property
   733       </h3>
   734       <p>
   735         The <code class="property">'animation-direction'</code> property defines whether or not the animation should play in reverse on some or all cycles.  When an animation is played in reverse the timing functions are also reversed. For example, when played in reverse an ease-in animation would appear to be an ease-out animation.
   736       </p>
   737       <table class="propdef">
   738         <tbody>
   739           <tr>
   740             <td>
   741               <em>Name:</em>
   742             </td>
   743             <td>
   744               <dfn id="animation-direction">animation-direction</dfn>
   745             </td>
   746           </tr>
   747           <tr>
   748             <td>
   749               <em>Value:</em>
   750             </td>
   751             <td>
   752               [ normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse ] [, [ normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse ] ]*
   753             </td>
   754           </tr>
   755           <tr>
   756             <td>
   757               <em>Initial:</em>
   758             </td>
   759             <td>
   760               normal
   761             </td>
   762           </tr>
   763           <tr>
   764             <td>
   765               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   766             </td>
   767             <td>
   768               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   769             </td>
   770           </tr>
   771           <tr>
   772             <td>
   773               <em>Inherited:</em>
   774             </td>
   775             <td>
   776               no
   777             </td>
   778           </tr>
   779           <tr>
   780             <td>
   781               <em>Percentages:</em>
   782             </td>
   783             <td>
   784               N/A
   785             </td>
   786           </tr>
   787           <tr>
   788             <td>
   789               <em>Media:</em>
   790             </td>
   791             <td>
   792               visual
   793             </td>
   794           </tr>
   795           <tr>
   796             <td>
   797               <em>Computed value:</em>
   798             </td>
   799             <td>
   800               Same as specified value.
   801             </td>
   802           </tr>
   803         </tbody>
   804       </table>
   805       <dl>
   806         <dt>normal</dt>
   807           <dd>All iterations of the animation are played as specified.</dd>
   808         <dt>reverse</dt>
   809           <dd>All iterations of the animation are played in the reverse direction from the way they were specified.</dd>
   810         <dt>alternate</dt>
   811           <dd>The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the normal direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a reverse direction.</dd>
   812         <dt>alternate-reverse</dt>
   813           <dd>The animation cycle iterations that are odd counts are played in the reverse direction, and the animation cycle iterations that are even counts are played in a normal direction.</dd>
   814       </dl>
   815       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   816       <h3>
   817         The <code class="property">'animation-play-state'</code> Property
   818       </h3>
   820       <p>
   821         The <code class="property">'animation-play-state'</code> property defines whether the animation is running or paused. A running animation can be paused by setting this property to <code class="css">'paused'</code>. To continue running a paused animation this property can be set to <code class="css">'running'</code>. A paused animation will continue to display the current value of the animation in a static state, as if the time of the animation is constant. When a paused animation is resumed, it restarts from the current value, not necessarily from the beginning of the animation.
   822       </p>
   823       <table class="propdef">
   824         <tbody>
   825           <tr>
   826             <td>
   827               <em>Name:</em>
   828             </td>
   829             <td>
   830               <dfn id="animation-play-state">animation-play-state</dfn>
   831             </td>
   832           </tr>
   833           <tr>
   834             <td>
   835               <em>Value:</em>
   836             </td>
   837             <td>
   838               [ running | paused ] [, [ running | paused ] ]*
   839             </td>
   840           </tr>
   841           <tr>
   842             <td>
   843               <em>Initial:</em>
   844             </td>
   845             <td>
   846               running
   847             </td>
   848           </tr>
   849           <tr>
   850             <td>
   851               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   852             </td>
   853             <td>
   854               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   855             </td>
   856           </tr>
   857           <tr>
   858             <td>
   859               <em>Inherited:</em>
   860             </td>
   861             <td>
   862               no
   863             </td>
   864           </tr>
   865           <tr>
   866             <td>
   867               <em>Percentages:</em>
   868             </td>
   869             <td>
   870               N/A
   871             </td>
   872           </tr>
   873           <tr>
   874             <td>
   875               <em>Media:</em>
   876             </td>
   877             <td>
   878               visual
   879             </td>
   880           </tr>
   881           <tr>
   882             <td>
   883               <em>Computed value:</em>
   884             </td>
   885             <td>
   886               Same as specified value.
   887             </td>
   888           </tr>
   889         </tbody>
   890       </table><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   891       <h3>
   892         The <code class="property">'animation-delay'</code> Property
   893       </h3>
   894       <p>
   895         The <code class="property">'animation-delay'</code> property defines
   896         when the animation will start. It allows an animation to begin
   897         execution some time after it is applied. An <code
   898         class="property">'animation-delay'</code> value of '0s' means the
   899         animation will execute as soon as it is applied. Otherwise, the value
   900         specifies an offset from the moment the animation is applied, and the
   901         animation will delay execution by that offset.
   902       </p>
   903       <p>
   904         If the value for <code class="property">'animation-delay'</code> is a
   905         negative time offset then the animation will execute the moment it is
   906         applied, but will appear to have begun execution at the specified
   907         offset. That is, the animation will appear to begin part-way through
   908         its play cycle. In the case where an animation has implied starting
   909         values and a negative <code class="property">'animation-delay'</code>,
   910         the starting values are taken from the moment the animation is applied.
   911       </p>
   912       <table class="propdef">
   913         <tbody>
   914           <tr>
   915             <td>
   916               <em>Name:</em>
   917             </td>
   918             <td>
   919               <dfn id="animation-delay">animation-delay</dfn>
   920             </td>
   921           </tr>
   922           <tr>
   923             <td>
   924               <em>Value:</em>
   925             </td>
   926             <td>
   927               &lt;time&gt; [, &lt;time&gt;]*
   928             </td>
   929           </tr>
   930           <tr>
   931             <td>
   932               <em>Initial:</em>
   933             </td>
   934             <td>
   935               0s
   936             </td>
   937           </tr>
   938           <tr>
   939             <td>
   940               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   941             </td>
   942             <td>
   943               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   944             </td>
   945           </tr>
   946           <tr>
   947             <td>
   948               <em>Inherited:</em>
   949             </td>
   950             <td>
   951               no
   952             </td>
   953           </tr>
   954           <tr>
   955             <td>
   956               <em>Percentages:</em>
   957             </td>
   958             <td>
   959               N/A
   960             </td>
   961           </tr>
   962           <tr>
   963             <td>
   964               <em>Media:</em>
   965             </td>
   966             <td>
   967               visual
   968             </td>
   969           </tr>
   970           <tr>
   971             <td>
   972               <em>Computed value:</em>
   973             </td>
   974             <td>
   975               Same as specified value.
   976             </td>
   977           </tr>
   978         </tbody>
   979       </table><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   980       <h3>
   981         The <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code> Property
   982       </h3>
   983       <p>
   984         The <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code> property defines
   985         what values are applied by the animation outside the time it is executing.
   986         By default, an animation will not affect property values between the
   987         time it is applied (the <code class="property">'animation-name'</code> property is
   988         set on an element) and the time it begins execution (which is determined by
   989         the <code class="property">'animation-delay'</code> property). Also, by
   990         default an animation does not affect property values after the animation
   991         ends (determined by the <code class="property">'animation-duration'</code> property).
   992         The value of <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code> can
   993         override this behavior.
   994       </p>
   995       <p>
   996         If the value for <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code> is
   997         <code class="css">'backwards'</code>, then the animation will
   998         apply the property values defined in its 0% or 'from' keyframe as soon
   999         as the animation is applied, during the period defined by
  1000         <code class="property">'animation-delay'</code>.
  1001       </p>
  1002       <p>
  1003         If the value for <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code>
  1004         is <code class="css">'forwards'</code>, then the animation will
  1005         apply the property values defined in its last executing keyframe after
  1006         the final iteration of the animation, until the animation style is
  1007         removed. The last executing keyframe is the 'to' or '100%' keyframe,
  1008         unless the animation has <code
  1009         class="property">'animation-direction'</code> set to <code
  1010         class="css">'alternate'</code> and both a finite and even
  1011         iteration count, in which case it is the 'from' or '0%' keyframe.
  1012       </p>
  1013       <p>
  1014         If the value for <code class="property">'animation-fill-mode'</code>
  1015         is <code class="css">'both'</code>, then the animation will
  1016         follow the rules for both 'forwards' and 'backwards'. That is, it will
  1017         extend the animation properties in both directions.
  1018       </p>
  1019       <table class="propdef">
  1020         <tbody>
  1021           <tr>
  1022             <td>
  1023               <em>Name:</em>
  1024             </td>
  1025             <td>
  1026               <dfn id="animation-fill-mode">animation-fill-mode</dfn>
  1027             </td>
  1028           </tr>
  1029           <tr>
  1030             <td>
  1031               <em>Value:</em>
  1032             </td>
  1033             <td>
  1034               [ none | forwards | backwards | both ] [, [ none | forwards | backwards | both ] ]*
  1035             </td>
  1036           </tr>
  1037           <tr>
  1038             <td>
  1039               <em>Initial:</em>
  1040             </td>
  1041             <td>
  1042               none
  1043             </td>
  1044           </tr>
  1045           <tr>
  1046             <td>
  1047               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
  1048             </td>
  1049             <td>
  1050               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
  1051             </td>
  1052           </tr>
  1053           <tr>
  1054             <td>
  1055               <em>Inherited:</em>
  1056             </td>
  1057             <td>
  1058               no
  1059             </td>
  1060           </tr>
  1061           <tr>
  1062             <td>
  1063               <em>Percentages:</em>
  1064             </td>
  1065             <td>
  1066               N/A
  1067             </td>
  1068           </tr>
  1069           <tr>
  1070             <td>
  1071               <em>Media:</em>
  1072             </td>
  1073             <td>
  1074               visual
  1075             </td>
  1076           </tr>
  1077           <tr>
  1078             <td>
  1079               <em>Computed value:</em>
  1080             </td>
  1081             <td>
  1082               Same as specified value.
  1083             </td>
  1084           </tr>
  1085         </tbody>
  1086       </table><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
  1087       <h3>
  1088         The <code class="property">'animation'</code> Shorthand Property
  1089       </h3>
  1090       <p>
  1091         The <code class="property">'animation'</code> shorthand property
  1092         combines seven of the animation properties into a single property.
  1093       </p>
  1094       <p>
  1095         Note that order is important in this property. The first value that can be
  1096         parsed as a time is assigned to the animation-duration. The second value that
  1097         can be parsed as a time is assigned to animation-delay.
  1098       </p>
  1099       <p class="issue">
  1100         An alternative proposal is to accept the font shorthand approach of
  1101         using a "/" character between the values of the same type. e.g. 2s/4s would
  1102         mean a duration of 2 seconds and a delay of 4 seconds.
  1103       </p>
  1104       <table class="propdef">
  1105         <tbody>
  1106           <tr>
  1107             <td>
  1108               <em>Name:</em>
  1109             </td>
  1110             <td>
  1111               <dfn id="animation">animation</dfn>
  1112             </td>
  1113           </tr>
  1114           <tr>
  1115             <td>
  1116               <em>Value:</em>
  1117             </td>
  1118             <td>
  1119               [&lt;animation-name&gt; || 
  1120               &lt;animation-duration&gt; ||
  1121               &lt;animation-timing-function&gt; ||
  1122               &lt;animation-delay&gt; ||
  1123               &lt;animation-iteration-count&gt; ||
  1124               &lt;animation-direction&gt; ||
  1125               &lt;animation-fill-mode&gt;]
  1126               [, [&lt;animation-name&gt; ||
  1127               &lt;animation-duration&gt; ||
  1128               &lt;animation-timing-function&gt; ||
  1129               &lt;animation-delay&gt; ||
  1130               &lt;animation-iteration-count&gt; ||
  1131               &lt;animation-direction&gt; ||
  1132               &lt;animation-fill-mode&gt;] ]*
  1133             </td>
  1134           </tr>
  1135           <tr>
  1136             <td>
  1137               <em>Initial:</em>
  1138             </td>
  1139             <td>
  1140               see individual properties
  1141             </td>
  1142           </tr>
  1143           <tr>
  1144             <td>
  1145               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
  1146             </td>
  1147             <td>
  1148               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
  1149             </td>
  1150           </tr>
  1151           <tr>
  1152             <td>
  1153               <em>Inherited:</em>
  1154             </td>
  1155             <td>
  1156               no
  1157             </td>
  1158           </tr>
  1159           <tr>
  1160             <td>
  1161               <em>Percentages:</em>
  1162             </td>
  1163             <td>
  1164               N/A
  1165             </td>
  1166           </tr>
  1167           <tr>
  1168             <td>
  1169               <em>Media:</em>
  1170             </td>
  1171             <td>
  1172               visual
  1173             </td>
  1174           </tr>
  1175           <tr>
  1176             <td>
  1177               <em>Computed value:</em>
  1178             </td>
  1179             <td>
  1180               Same as specified value.
  1181             </td>
  1182           </tr>
  1183         </tbody>
  1184       </table><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
  1185       <h2>
  1186         Animation Events
  1187       </h2>
  1188       <p>
  1189         Several animation related events are available through the <a
  1190         href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html">DOM Event
  1191         system</a>. The start and end of an animation, and the end of each
  1192         iteration of an animation all generate DOM events. An element can have
  1193         multiple properties being animated simultaneously. This can occur either
  1194         with a single <code class="property">animation-name</code> value with
  1195         keyframes containing multiple properties, or with multiple <code
  1196         class="property">animation-name</code> values. For the purposes of
  1197         events, each <code class="property">animation-name</code> specifies a
  1198         single animation. Therefore an event will be generated for each <code
  1199         class="property">animation-name</code> value and not necessarily for
  1200         each property being animated.
  1201       </p>
  1202       <p>
  1203         The time the animation has been running is sent with each event
  1204         generated. This allows the event handler to determine the current
  1205         iteration of a looping animation or the current position of an
  1206         alternating animation. This time does not include any time the animation
  1207         was in the <code>paused</code> play state.
  1208       </p>
  1209       <dl>
  1210         <dt>
  1211           <b>Interface <i><a id="Events-AnimationEvent" name='Events-AnimationEvent'>AnimationEvent</a></i></b>
  1212         </dt>
  1213         <dd>
  1214           <p>
  1215             The <code>AnimationEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated with Animation events.
  1216           </p>
  1217           <dl>
  1218             <dt>
  1219               <br>
  1220               <b>IDL Definition</b>
  1221             </dt>
  1222             <dd>
  1223               <div class='idl-code'>
  1224                 <pre>
  1225   interface AnimationEvent : Event {
  1226     readonly attribute DOMString          animationName;
  1227     readonly attribute float              elapsedTime;
  1228     void               initAnimationEvent(in DOMString typeArg, 
  1229                                           in boolean canBubbleArg, 
  1230                                           in boolean cancelableArg, 
  1231                                           in DOMString animationNameArg,
  1232                                           in float elapsedTimeArg);
  1233   };
  1234   </pre>
  1235               </div>
  1236             </dd>
  1237             <dt>
  1238               <b>Attributes</b>
  1239             </dt>
  1240             <dd>
  1241               <dl>
  1242                 <dt>
  1243                   <code class='attribute-name'><a id="Events-AnimationEvent-animationName" name='Events-AnimationEvent-animationName'>animationName</a></code> of type <code>DOMString</code>, readonly
  1244                 </dt>
  1245                 <dd>
  1246                   The value of the <code class="property">animation-name</code> property of the
  1247                   animation that fired the event.
  1248                 </dd>
  1249               </dl>
  1250               <dl>
  1251                 <dt>
  1252                   <code class='attribute-name'><a id="Events-AnimationEvent-elapsedTime" name='Events-AnimationEvent-elapsedTime'>elapsedTime</a></code> of type <code>float</code>, readonly
  1253                 </dt>
  1254                 <dd>
  1255                   The amount of time the animation has been running, in
  1256                   seconds, when this event fired, excluding any time the
  1257                   animation was paused. For an "animationstart" event, the
  1258                   elapsedTime is zero unless there was a negative value for
  1259                   <code class="property">animation-delay</code>, in which
  1260                   case the event will be fired with an elapsedTime of (-1 *
  1261                   delay).
  1262                 </dd>
  1263               </dl>
  1264             </dd>
  1265             <dt>
  1266               <b>Methods</b>
  1267             </dt>
  1268             <dd>
  1269               <dl>
  1270                 <dt>
  1271                   <code class='method-name'><a id="Events-AnimationEvent-initAnimationEvent" name='Events-AnimtionEvent-initAnimationEvent'>initAnimationEvent</a></code>
  1272                 </dt>
  1273                 <dd>
  1274                   <div class='method'>
  1275                     The <code>initAnimationEvent</code> method is used to initialize the value of an <code>AnimationEvent</code> created through the <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html#Events-DocumentEvent'><code>DocumentEvent</code></a> interface. This method may only be called before the <code>AnimationEvent</code> has been dispatched via the <code>dispatchEvent</code> method, though it may be called multiple times during that phase if necessary. If called multiple times, the final invocation takes precedence.
  1276                     <div class='parameters'>
  1277                       <b>Parameters</b>
  1278                       <div class='paramtable'>
  1279                         <dl>
  1280                           <dt>
  1281                             <code class='parameter-name'>typeArg</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1282                           </dt>
  1283                           <dd>
  1284                             Specifies the event type.<br>
  1285                           </dd>
  1286                           <dt>
  1287                             <code class='parameter-name'>canBubbleArg</code> of type <code>boolean</code>
  1288                           </dt>
  1289                           <dd>
  1290                             Specifies whether or not the event can bubble.<br>
  1291                           </dd>
  1292                           <dt>
  1293                             <code class='parameter-name'>cancelableArg</code> of type <code>boolean</code>
  1294                           </dt>
  1295                           <dd>
  1296                             Specifies whether or not the event's default action can be prevented.
  1297                           </dd>
  1298                           <dt>
  1299                             <code class='parameter-name'>animationNameArg</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1300                           </dt>
  1301                           <dd>
  1302                             Specifies the <a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html#Events-Event'><code>Event</code></a>'s animation name.<br>
  1303                           </dd>
  1304                           <dt>
  1305                             <code class='parameter-name'>elapsedTimeArg</code> of type <code>float</code>
  1306                           </dt>
  1307                           <dd>
  1308                             Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, the animation has been running at the time of initialization.
  1309                           </dd>
  1310                         </dl>
  1311                       </div>
  1312                     </div><!-- parameters -->
  1313                     <div>
  1314                       <b>No Return Value</b>
  1315                     </div>
  1316                     <div>
  1317                       <b>No Exceptions</b>
  1318                     </div>
  1319                   </div><!-- method -->
  1320                 </dd>
  1321               </dl>
  1322             </dd>
  1323           </dl>
  1324         </dd>
  1325       </dl>
  1326       <p>
  1327         The different types of Animation events that can occur are:
  1328       </p>
  1329       <dl>
  1330         <dt>
  1331           <b>animationstart</b>
  1332         </dt>
  1333         <dd>
  1334           The 'animationstart' event occurs at the start of the animation. If there is an
  1335           <code class="property">animation-delay</code> then this event will fire once the delay period
  1336           has expired. A negative delay will cause the event to fire with an elapsedTime equal to
  1337           the absolute value of the delay.
  1338           <ul>
  1339             <li>Bubbles: Yes
  1340             </li>
  1341             <li>Cancelable: No
  1342             </li>
  1343             <li>Context Info: animationName
  1344             </li>
  1345           </ul>
  1346         </dd>
  1347         <dt>
  1348           <b>animationend</b>
  1349         </dt>
  1350         <dd>
  1351           The 'animationend' event occurs when the animation finishes.
  1352           <ul>
  1353             <li>Bubbles: Yes
  1354             </li>
  1355             <li>Cancelable: No
  1356             </li>
  1357             <li>Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime
  1358             </li>
  1359           </ul>
  1360         </dd>
  1361         <dt>
  1362           <b>animationiteration</b>
  1363         </dt>
  1364         <dd>
  1365           The 'animationiteration' event occurs at the end of each iteration of an animation for which <code>animation-iteration-count</code> is greater than one. This event does not occur for animations with an iteration count of one.
  1366           <ul>
  1367             <li>Bubbles: Yes
  1368             </li>
  1369             <li>Cancelable: No
  1370             </li>
  1371             <li>Context Info: animationName, elapsedTime
  1372             </li>
  1373           </ul>
  1374         </dd>
  1375       </dl>
  1376       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
  1377         <h2>
  1378           DOM Interfaces
  1379         </h2>
  1380         <p>
  1381           CSS animation is exposed to the CSSOM through a pair of new interfaces
  1382           describing the keyframes.
  1383         </p>
  1384         <dl>
  1385           <dt>
  1386             <b>Interface <i><a id="DOM-CSSRule" name='DOM-CSSRule'>CSSRule</a></i></b>
  1387           </dt>
  1388           <dd>
  1389             <p>
  1390               The following 2 rule types are added to the <code>CSSRule</code> interface. They provide identification for the new keyframe and keyframes rules.
  1391             </p>
  1392             <dl>
  1394               <dt>
  1395                 <b>IDL Definition</b>
  1396               </dt>
  1397               <dd>
  1398                 <div class='idl-code'>
  1399                   <pre>
  1400     interface CSSRule {
  1401       ...
  1402       const unsigned short KEYFRAMES_RULE = 7;
  1403       const unsigned short KEYFRAME_RULE = 8;
  1404       ...
  1405     };</pre>
  1406                 </div>
  1407               </dd> <!-- IDL -->
  1408             </dl>
  1409           </dd>
  1411           <dt>
  1412             <b>Interface <i><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframeRule" name='DOM-CSSKeyframeRule'>CSSKeyframeRule</a></i></b>
  1413           </dt>
  1414           <dd>
  1415             <p>
  1416               The <code>CSSKeyframeRule</code> interface represents the style rule for a single key.
  1417             </p>
  1418             <dl>
  1419               <dt>
  1420                 <br>
  1421                 <b>IDL Definition</b>
  1422               </dt>
  1423               <dd>
  1424                 <div class='idl-code'>
  1425                   <pre>
  1426     interface CSSKeyframeRule : CSSRule {
  1427         attribute DOMString keyText;
  1428         readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;
  1429     };
  1430     </pre>
  1431                 </div><br>
  1432               </dd>
  1433               <dt>
  1434                 <b>Attributes</b>
  1435               </dt>
  1436               <dd>
  1437                 <dl>
  1438                   <dt>
  1439                     <code class='attribute-name'><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframeRule-keyText" name='DOM-CSSKeyframeRule-keyText'>keyText</a></code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1440                   </dt>
  1441                   <dd>
  1442                     This attribute represents the key as the string representation of a floating point number between 0 and 1. If the value 
  1443                     in the CSS style is <code>from</code> this value will be 0, and if the value in the CSS style is <code>to</code> this 
  1444                     value will be 1.<br>
  1445                   </dd>
  1446                 </dl>
  1447               </dd>
  1448               <dd>
  1449                 <dl>
  1450                   <dt>
  1451                     <code class='attribute-name'><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframeRule-style" name='DOM-CSSKeyframeRule-style'>style</a></code> of type <code>CSSStyleDeclaration</code>
  1452                   </dt>
  1453                   <dd>
  1454                     This attribute represents the style associated with this keyframe.<br>
  1455                   </dd>
  1456                 </dl>
  1457               </dd>
  1458               <dt>
  1459                 <b>No Methods</b>
  1460               </dt>
  1461             </dl>
  1462           </dd>
  1463         </dl>
  1464         <dl>
  1465           <dt>
  1466             <b>Interface <i><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframesRule" name='DOM-CSSKeyframesRule'>CSSKeyframesRule</a></i></b>
  1467           </dt>
  1468           <dd>
  1469             <p>
  1470               The <code>CSSKeyframesRule</code> interface represents a complete set of keyframes for a single animation.
  1471             </p>
  1472             <dl>
  1473               <dt>
  1474                 <br>
  1475                 <b>IDL Definition</b>
  1476               </dt>
  1477               <dd>
  1478                 <div class='idl-code'>
  1479                   <pre>
  1480     interface CSSKeyframesRule : CSSRule {
  1481         attribute          DOMString   name;
  1482         readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
  1484         void               appendRule(in DOMString rule);
  1485         void               deleteRule(in DOMString key);
  1486         CSSKeyframeRule    findRule(in DOMString key);
  1487     };
  1488     </pre>
  1489                 </div><br>
  1490               </dd>
  1491               <dt>
  1492                 <b>Attributes</b>
  1493               </dt>
  1494               <dd>
  1495                 <dl>
  1496                   <dt>
  1497                     <code class='attribute-name'><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-name" name='DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-name'>name</a></code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1498                   </dt>
  1499                   <dd>
  1500                     This attribute is the name of the keyframes, used by the <code>animation-name</code> property.<br>
  1501                   </dd>
  1502                 </dl>
  1503               </dd>
  1504               <dd>
  1505                 <dl>
  1506                   <dt>
  1507                     <code class='attribute-name'><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframeRules-cssRules" name='DOM-CSSKeyframeRules-cssRules'>cssRules</a></code> of type <code>CSSRuleList</code>
  1508                   </dt>
  1509                   <dd>
  1510                     This attribute gives access to the keyframes in the list.<br>
  1511                   </dd>
  1512                 </dl>
  1513               </dd>
  1514               <dt>
  1515                 <b>Methods</b>
  1516               </dt>
  1517               <dd>
  1518                 <dl>
  1519                   <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
  1520                   <dt>
  1521                     <code class='method-name'><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-appendRule" name='DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-appendRule'>appendRule</a></code>
  1522                   </dt>
  1523                   <dd>
  1524                     <div class='method'>
  1525                       The <code>appendRule</code> method appends the passed CSSKeyframeRule into the list at the passed key.
  1526                       <div class='parameters'>
  1527                         <b>Parameters</b>
  1528                         <div class='paramtable'>
  1529                           <dl>
  1530                              <dt>
  1531                               <code class='parameter-name'>rule</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1532                             </dt>
  1533                             <dd>
  1534                               The rule to be appended, expressed in the same syntax as one entry in the
  1535                               <code>@keyframes</code> rule.
  1536                             </dd>
  1537                           </dl>
  1538                         </div>
  1539                       </div><!-- parameters -->
  1540                       <div class='return-value'>
  1541                         <b>No Return Value</b>
  1542                       </div>
  1543                       <div>
  1544                         <b>No Exceptions</b>
  1545                       </div>
  1546                     </div><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
  1547                   </dd>
  1548                   <dt>
  1549                     <code class='method-name'><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-deleteRule" name='DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-deleteRule'>deleteRule</a></code>
  1550                   </dt>
  1551                   <dd>
  1552                     <div class='method'>
  1553                       The <code>deleteRule</code> method deletes the CSSKeyframeRule with the passed key. If a rule with this key
  1554                       does not exist, the method does nothing.
  1555                       <div class='parameters'>
  1556                         <b>Parameters</b>
  1557                         <div class='paramtable'>
  1558                           <dl>
  1559                             <dt>
  1560                               <code class='parameter-name'>key</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1561                             </dt>
  1562                             <dd>
  1563                               The key which describes the rule to be deleted. The key must
  1564                               resolve to a number between 0 and 1, or the rule is ignored.<br>
  1565                             </dd>
  1566                           </dl>
  1567                         </div>
  1568                       </div><!-- parameters -->
  1569                       <div class='return-value'>
  1570                         <b>No Return Value</b>
  1571                       </div>
  1572                       <div>
  1573                         <b>No Exceptions</b>
  1574                       </div>
  1575                     </div><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
  1576                   </dd>
  1577                   <dt>
  1578                     <code class='method-name'><a id="DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-findRule" name='DOM-CSSKeyframesRule-findRule'>findRule</a></code>
  1579                   </dt>
  1580                   <dd>
  1581                     <div class='method'>
  1582                       The <code>findRule</code> method returns the rule with a key matching the passed key. If no such rule
  1583                       exists, a null value is returned.
  1584                       <div class='parameters'>
  1585                         <b>Parameters</b>
  1586                         <div class='paramtable'>
  1587                           <dl>
  1588                             <dt>
  1589                               <code class='parameter-name'>key</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1590                             </dt>
  1591                             <dd>
  1592                               The key which described the rule to find. The key must
  1593                               resolve to a number between 0 and 1, or the rule is ignored.<br>
  1594                             </dd>
  1595                           </dl>
  1596                         </div>
  1597                       </div><!-- parameters -->
  1598                       <div class='return-value'>
  1599                         <b>Return Value</b>
  1600                         <div class='returnvalue'>
  1601                           <dl>
  1602                             <dt>
  1603                               <code>CSSKeyframeRule</code>
  1604                             </dt>
  1605                             <dd>
  1606                               The found rule.<br>
  1607                             </dd>
  1608                           </dl>
  1609                         </div>
  1610                       </div>
  1611                       <div>
  1612                         <b>No Exceptions</b>
  1613                       </div>
  1614                     </div><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
  1615                   </dd>
  1616                 </dl><!-- method -->
  1617               </dd>
  1618             </dl>
  1619           </dd>
  1620         </dl>
  1622 <h2 id="acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</h2>
  1624 <p>Thanks especially to the feedback from
  1625 Tab Atkins,
  1626 Estelle Weyl,
  1627 and all the rest of the
  1628 <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">www-style</a> community.</p>
  1630 <h2>References</h2>
  1632 <h3 class="no-num">Normative references</h3>
  1633 <!--normative-->
  1635 <h3 class="no-num">Other references</h3>
  1636 <!--informative-->
  1640 <h2 class="no-num">Property index</h2>
  1641 <!-- properties -->
  1645 <h2 class="no-num" id="index">Index</h2>
  1646 <!--index-->
  1648 </body>
  1649 </html>
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