
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 16:14:13 +0900

John Daggett <jdaggett@mozilla.com>
Thu, 06 Jun 2013 16:14:13 +0900
changeset 8360
parent 8356
child 8363

[css3-fonts] editorial fixups in font feature resolution

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   113    <h1>CSS Fonts Module Level 3</h1>
   115    <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=editors-draft-6-june-2013>Editor's Draft 6
   116     June 2013</h2>
   118    <dl id=authors>
   119     <dt>This version:
   121     <dd><a
   122      href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-fonts/">http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-fonts/</a>
   123      <!-- <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/ED-css3-fonts-20130606/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/ED-css3-fonts-20130606/</a> -->
   126     <dt>Latest version:
   128     <dd><a
   129      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/">http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/</a>
   131     <dt>Latest editor's draft:
   133     <dd><a
   134      href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-fonts/">http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-fonts/</a>
   135      (<a
   136      href="https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/csswg/log/tip/css-fonts/Fonts.html">change
   137      log</a>)
   139     <dt>Previous version:
   141     <dd><a
   142      href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css3-fonts-20130212/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css3-fonts-20130212/</a>
   144     <dt>Issues List:
   146     <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/products/18">CSS3 Fonts
   147      issues in Tracker</a>
   149     <dd><a
   150      href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;product=CSS&amp;component=Fonts&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED">CSS3
   151      Fonts issues in Bugzilla</a>
   153     <dt>Discussion:
   155     <dd><a
   156      href="mailto:www-style@w3.org?subject=%5Bcss-fonts%5D%20feedback">www-style@w3.org</a>
   157      with subject line “<kbd>[css-fonts] <var>… message topic
   158      …</var></kbd>” (<a
   159      href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/"
   160      rel=discussion>archives</a>)
   162     <dt>Editor:
   164     <dd><a href="mailto:jdaggett@mozilla.com">John Daggett (Mozilla)</a>
   165    </dl>
   166    <!--begin-copyright-->
   167    <p class=copyright><a
   168     href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Copyright"
   169     rel=license>Copyright</a> © 2013 <a href="http://www.w3.org/"><abbr
   170     title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr></a><sup>®</sup> (<a
   171     href="http://www.csail.mit.edu/"><abbr title="Massachusetts Institute of
   172     Technology">MIT</abbr></a>, <a href="http://www.ercim.eu/"><abbr
   173     title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and
   174     Mathematics">ERCIM</abbr></a>, <a href="http://www.keio.ac.jp/">Keio</a>,
   175     <a href="http://ev.buaa.edu.cn/">Beihang</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C
   176     <a
   177     href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/ipr-notice#Legal_Disclaimer">liability</a>,
   178     <a
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   180     and <a
   181     href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-documents">document
   182     use</a> rules apply.</p>
   183    <!--end-copyright-->
   184    <hr title="Separator for header">
   185   </div>
   187   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=abstract>Abstract</h2>
   189   <p>This CSS3 module describes how font properties are specified and how
   190    font resources are loaded dynamically. The contents of this specification
   191    are a consolidation of content previously divided into <a
   192    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-fonts-20020802/">CSS3 Fonts</a>
   193    and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-webfonts-20020802/">CSS3
   194    Web Fonts</a> modules. The description of font load events was moved into
   195    the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-font-load-events/">CSS3 Font
   196    Load Events</a> module.
   198   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=status>Status of this document</h2>
   199   <!--begin-status-->
   201   <p>This is a public copy of the editors' draft. It is provided for
   202    discussion only and may change at any moment. Its publication here does
   203    not imply endorsement of its contents by W3C. Don't cite this document
   204    other than as work in progress.
   206   <p>The (<a
   207    href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">archived</a>) public
   208    mailing list <a
   209    href="mailto:www-style@w3.org?Subject=%5Bcss3-fonts%5D%20PUT%20SUBJECT%20HERE">
   210    www-style@w3.org</a> (see <a
   211    href="http://www.w3.org/Mail/Request">instructions</a>) is preferred for
   212    discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text
   213    “css3-fonts” in the subject, preferably like this:
   214    “[<!---->css3-fonts<!---->] <em>…summary of comment…</em>”
   216   <p>This document was produced by the <a
   217    href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/members">CSS Working Group</a> (part of
   218    the <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/">Style Activity</a>).
   220   <p>This document was produced by a group operating under the <a
   221    href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">5 February
   222    2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a <a
   223    href="http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/32061/status"
   224    rel=disclosure>public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in
   225    connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes
   226    instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual
   227    knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a
   228    href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#def-essential">Essential
   229    Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a
   230    href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-Disclosure">section
   231    6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</p>
   232   <!--end-status-->
   233   <!--
   234 <h3 class="no-num no-toc" id="atrisk">Features at risk</h3>
   236 <p>The following features are at risk and may be removed when exiting CR:</p>
   238 <ul>
   239 </ul>
   240 -->
   242   <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id=contents>Table of contents</h2>
   243   <!--begin-toc-->
   245   <ul class=toc>
   246    <li><a href="#introduction"><span class=secno>1 </span>Introduction</a>
   248    <li><a href="#typography-background"><span class=secno>2 </span>Typography
   249     Background</a>
   251    <li><a href="#basic-font-props"><span class=secno>3 </span>Basic Font
   252     Properties</a>
   253     <ul class=toc>
   254      <li><a href="#font-family-prop"><span class=secno>3.1 </span>Font
   255       family: the font-family property</a>
   256       <ul class=toc>
   257        <li><a href="#generic-font-families"><span class=secno>3.1.1
   258         </span>Generic font families</a>
   259       </ul>
   261      <li><a href="#font-weight-prop"><span class=secno>3.2 </span>Font
   262       weight: the font-weight property</a>
   264      <li><a href="#font-stretch-prop"><span class=secno>3.3 </span>Font
   265       width: the font-stretch property</a>
   267      <li><a href="#font-style-prop"><span class=secno>3.4 </span>Font style:
   268       the font-style property</a>
   270      <li><a href="#font-size-prop"><span class=secno>3.5 </span>Font size:
   271       the font-size property</a>
   273      <li><a href="#font-size-adjust-prop"><span class=secno>3.6
   274       </span>Relative sizing: the font-size-adjust property</a>
   276      <li><a href="#font-prop"><span class=secno>3.7 </span>Shorthand font
   277       property: the font property</a>
   279      <li><a href="#font-synthesis-prop"><span class=secno>3.8
   280       </span>Controlling synthetic faces: the font-synthesis property</a>
   281     </ul>
   283    <li><a href="#font-resources"><span class=secno>4 </span>Font
   284     Resources</a>
   285     <ul class=toc>
   286      <li><a href="#font-face-rule"><span class=secno>4.1 </span>The
   287       <code>@font-face</code> rule</a>
   289      <li><a href="#font-family-desc"><span class=secno>4.2 </span>Font
   290       family: the font-family descriptor</a>
   292      <li><a href="#src-desc"><span class=secno>4.3 </span>Font reference: the
   293       src descriptor</a>
   295      <li><a href="#font-prop-desc"><span class=secno>4.4 </span>Font property
   296       descriptors: the font-style, font-weight, font-stretch descriptors</a>
   298      <li><a href="#unicode-range-desc"><span class=secno>4.5 </span>Character
   299       range: the unicode-range descriptor</a>
   301      <li><a href="#composite-fonts"><span class=secno>4.6 </span>Using
   302       character ranges to define composite fonts</a>
   304      <li><a href="#font-rend-desc"><span class=secno>4.7 </span>Font
   305       features: the font-variant and font-feature-settings descriptors</a>
   307      <li><a href="#font-face-loading"><span class=secno>4.8 </span>Font
   308       loading guidelines</a>
   310      <li><a href="#same-origin-restriction"><span class=secno>4.9
   311       </span>Same-origin restriction for fonts</a>
   312       <ul class=toc>
   313        <li><a href="#default-same-origin-restriction"><span class=secno>4.9.1
   314         </span>Default same-origin restriction</a>
   316        <li><a href="#allowing-cross-origin-font-loading"><span
   317         class=secno>4.9.2 </span>Allowing cross-origin font loading</a>
   318       </ul>
   319     </ul>
   321    <li><a href="#font-matching-algorithm"><span class=secno>5 </span>Font
   322     Matching Algorithm</a>
   323     <ul class=toc>
   324      <li><a href="#font-family-casing"><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Case
   325       sensitivity of font family names</a>
   327      <li><a href="#font-style-matching"><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Matching
   328       font styles</a>
   330      <li><a href="#cluster-matching"><span class=secno>5.3 </span>Cluster
   331       matching</a>
   333      <li><a href="#char-handling-issues"><span class=secno>5.4
   334       </span>Character handling issues</a>
   336      <li><a href="#font-matching-changes"><span class=secno>5.5 </span>Font
   337       matching changes since CSS 2.1</a>
   339      <li><a href="#font-matching-examples"><span class=secno>5.6 </span>Font
   340       matching examples</a>
   341     </ul>
   343    <li><a href="#font-rend-props"><span class=secno>6 </span>Font Feature
   344     Properties</a>
   345     <ul class=toc>
   346      <li><a href="#glyph-selection-positioning"><span class=secno>6.1
   347       </span>Glyph selection and positioning</a>
   349      <li><a href="#language-specific-support"><span class=secno>6.2
   350       </span>Language-specific display</a>
   352      <li><a href="#font-kerning-prop"><span class=secno>6.3 </span>Kerning:
   353       the font-kerning property</a>
   355      <li><a href="#font-variant-ligatures-prop"><span class=secno>6.4
   356       </span>Ligatures: the font-variant-ligatures property</a>
   358      <li><a href="#font-variant-position-prop"><span class=secno>6.5
   359       </span>Subscript and superscript forms: the font-variant-position
   360       property</a>
   362      <li><a href="#font-variant-caps-prop"><span class=secno>6.6
   363       </span>Capitalization: the font-variant-caps property</a>
   365      <li><a href="#font-variant-numeric-prop"><span class=secno>6.7
   366       </span>Numerical formatting: the font-variant-numeric property</a>
   368      <li><a href="#font-variant-alternates-prop"><span class=secno>6.8
   369       </span>Alternates and swashes: the font-variant-alternates property</a>
   372      <li><a href="#font-feature-values"><span class=secno>6.9 </span>Defining
   373       font specific alternates: the <code>@font-feature-values</code>
   374       rule</a>
   375       <ul class=toc>
   376        <li><a href="#basic-syntax"><span class=secno>6.9.1 </span>Basic
   377         syntax</a>
   379        <li><a href="#multi-valued-feature-value-definitions"><span
   380         class=secno>6.9.2 </span>Multi-valued feature value definitions</a>
   381       </ul>
   383      <li><a href="#font-variant-east-asian-prop"><span class=secno>6.10
   384       </span>East Asian text rendering: the font-variant-east-asian
   385       property</a>
   387      <li><a href="#font-variant-prop"><span class=secno>6.11 </span>Overall
   388       shorthand for font rendering: the font-variant property</a>
   390      <li><a href="#font-feature-settings-prop"><span class=secno>6.12
   391       </span>Low-level font feature settings control: the
   392       font-feature-settings property</a>
   394      <li><a href="#font-language-override-prop"><span class=secno>6.13
   395       </span>Font language override: the font-language-override property</a>
   396     </ul>
   398    <li><a href="#font-feature-resolution"><span class=secno>7 </span>Font
   399     Feature Resolution </a>
   400     <ul class=toc>
   401      <li><a href="#default-features"><span class=secno>7.1 </span>Default
   402       features</a>
   404      <li><a href="#feature-precedence"><span class=secno>7.2 </span>Feature
   405       precedence</a>
   407      <li><a href="#feature-precedence-examples"><span class=secno>7.3
   408       </span>Feature precedence examples</a>
   409     </ul>
   411    <li><a href="#object-model"><span class=secno>8 </span>Object Model</a>
   412     <ul class=toc>
   413      <li><a href="#om-fontface"><span class=secno>8.1 </span>The
   414       <code>CSSFontFaceRule</code> interface</a>
   416      <li><a href="#om-fontfeaturevalues"><span class=secno>8.2 </span>The
   417       <code>CSSFontFeatureValuesRule</code> interface</a>
   418     </ul>
   420    <li class=no-num><a href="#platform-props-to-css">Appendix A: Mapping
   421     platform font properties to CSS properties</a>
   423    <li class=no-num><a href="#ch-ch-ch-changes">Changes</a>
   424     <ul class=toc>
   425      <li class=no-num><a href="#recent-changes"> Changes from the February
   426       2013 CSS3 Fonts Working Draft</a>
   427     </ul>
   429    <li class=no-num><a href="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</a>
   431    <li class=no-num><a href="#conformance"> Conformance</a>
   432     <ul class=toc>
   433      <li class=no-num><a href="#conventions"> Document Conventions</a>
   435      <li class=no-num><a href="#conformance-classes"> Conformance Classes</a>
   438      <li class=no-num><a href="#partial"> Partial Implementations</a>
   440      <li class=no-num><a href="#experimental"> Experimental
   441       Implementations</a>
   443      <li class=no-num><a href="#testing"> Non-Experimental
   444       Implementations</a>
   445     </ul>
   447    <li class=no-num><a href="#references">References</a>
   448     <ul class=toc>
   449      <li class=no-num><a href="#normative-references">Normative
   450       References</a>
   452      <li class=no-num><a href="#other-references">Other References</a>
   453     </ul>
   455    <li class=no-num><a href="#index">Index</a>
   457    <li class=no-num><a href="#property-index">Property index</a>
   458   </ul>
   459   <!--end-toc-->
   461   <h2 id=introduction><span class=secno>1 </span>Introduction</h2>
   463   <p>A font provides a resource containing the visual representation of
   464    characters. At the simplest level it contains information that maps
   465    character codes to shapes (called glyphs) that represent these characters.
   466    Fonts sharing a common design style are commonly grouped into font
   467    families classified by a set of standard font properties. Within a family,
   468    the shape displayed for a given character can vary by stroke weight, slant
   469    or relative width, among others. An individual font face is described by a
   470    unique combination of these properties. For a given range of text, CSS
   471    font properties are used to select a font family and a specific font face
   472    within that family to be used when rendering that text. As a simple
   473    example, to use the bold form of Helvetica one could use:
   475   <pre>body {
   476     font-family: Helvetica;
   477     font-weight: bold;
   478 }</pre>
   480   <p>Font resources may be installed locally on the system on which a user
   481    agent is running or downloadable. For local font resources descriptive
   482    information can be obtained directly from the font resource. For
   483    downloadable font resources (sometimes referred to as web fonts), the
   484    descriptive information is included with the reference to the font
   485    resource.
   487   <p>Families of fonts typically don't contain a single face for each
   488    possible variation of font properties. The CSS font selection mechanism
   489    describes how to match a given set of CSS font properties to a single font
   490    face.
   492   <h2 id=typography-background><span class=secno>2 </span>Typography
   493    Background</h2>
   495   <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em>
   497   <p> Typographic traditions vary across the globe, so there is no unique way
   498    to classify all fonts across languages and cultures. For even common Latin
   499    letters, wide variations are possible:
   501   <div class=figure><img alt="variations in glyphs for a single character"
   502    src=aaaaaa.png>
   503    <p class=caption>One character, many glyph variations
   504   </div>
   506   <p>Differences in the anatomy of letterforms is one way to distinguish
   507    fonts. For Latin fonts, flourishes at the ends of a character's main
   508    strokes, or serifs, can distinguish a font from those without. Similar
   509    comparisons exist in non-Latin fonts between fonts with tapered strokes
   510    and those using primarily uniform strokes:
   512   <div class=figure><img alt="serif vs. non-serifs" src=serifvssansserif.png>
   513    <p class=caption>Letterforms with and without serifs
   514   </div>
   516   <div class=figure><img alt="serif vs. non-serifs for japanese"
   517    src=minchovsgothic.png>
   518    <p class=caption>Similar groupings for Japanese typefaces
   519   </div>
   521   <p>Fonts contain letterforms and the data needed to map characters to these
   522    letterforms. Often this may be a simple one-to-one mapping, but more
   523    complex mappings are also possible. The use of combining diacritic marks
   524    creates many variations for an underlying letterform:
   526   <div class=figure><img alt="diacritic marks" src=aaaaaa-diacritics.png>
   527    <p class=caption>Variations with diacritic marks
   528   </div>
   530   <p>A sequence of characters can be represented by a single glyph known as a
   531    ligature:
   533   <div class=figure><img alt="example of a fi ligature"
   534    src=final-ligature.png>
   535    <p class=caption>Ligature example
   536   </div>
   538   <p>Visual transformations based on textual context are often stylistic
   539    option in European languages. They are required to correctly render
   540    languages like Arabic, the lam and alef characters below <em>must</em> be
   541    combined when they exist in sequence:
   543   <div class=figure><img alt="lam alef ligature" src=lamaleflig.png>
   544    <p class=caption>Required Arabic ligature
   545   </div>
   547   <p>The relative complexity of these shaping transformations requires
   548    additional data within the font.
   550   <p>Sets of font faces with various stylistic variations are often grouped
   551    together into font families. In the simplest case a regular face is
   552    supplemented with bold and italic faces, but much more extensive groupings
   553    are possible. Variations in the thickness of letterform strokes, the <dfn
   554    id=weight>weight</dfn>, and the overall proportions of the letterform, the
   555    <dfn id=width>width</dfn>, are most common. In the example below, each
   556    letter uses a different font face within the Univers font family. The
   557    width used increases from top to bottom and the weight increases from left
   558    to right:
   560   <div class=figure><img alt="various width and weight variations within a
   561    single family" src=weightwidthvariations.png>
   562    <p class=caption>Weight and width variations within a single font family
   563   </div>
   565   <p>Creating fonts that support multiple scripts is a difficult task;
   566    designers need to understand the cultural traditions surrounding the use
   567    of type in different scripts and come up with letterforms that somehow
   568    share a common theme. Many languages often share a common script and each
   569    of these languages may have noticeable stylistic differences. For example,
   570    the Arabic script is shared by Persian and Urdu and Cyrillic is used with
   571    many languages, not just Russian.
   573   <p>The <a href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a> of a font
   574    defines the mapping of characters to glyphs for that font. If a document
   575    contains characters not supported by the <a href="#character-map"><em
   576    title="character map">character maps</em></a> of the fonts contained in a
   577    font family list, a user agent may use a system font fallback procedure to
   578    locate an appropriate font that does. If no appropriate font can be found,
   579    some form of "missing glyph" character will be rendered by the user agent.
   580    System fallback can occur when the specified list of font families does
   581    not include a font that supports a given character.
   583   <p>Although the <a href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a> of a
   584    font maps a given character to a glyph for that character, modern font
   585    technologies such as OpenType and AAT (Apple Advanced Typography) provide
   586    ways of mapping a character to different glyphs based upon feature
   587    settings. Fonts in these formats allow these features to be embedded in
   588    the font itself and controlled by applications. Common typographic
   589    features which can be specified this way include ligatures, swashes,
   590    contextual alternates, proportional and tabular figures, and automatic
   591    fractions, to list just a few. For a visual overview of OpenType features,
   592    see the <a href="#OPENTYPE-FONT-GUIDE"
   593    rel=biblioentry>[OPENTYPE-FONT-GUIDE]<!--{{OPENTYPE-FONT-GUIDE}}--></a>.
   595   <h2 id=basic-font-props><span class=secno>3 </span>Basic Font Properties</h2>
   597   <p>The particular font face used to render a character is determined by the
   598    font family and other font properties that apply to a given element. This
   599    structure allows settings to be varied independent of each other.</p>
   600   <!-- prop: font-family -->
   602   <h3 id=font-family-prop><span class=secno>3.1 </span>Font family: the <a
   603    href="#propdef-font-family">font-family</a> property</h3>
   605   <table class=propdef id=namefont-familyvalue-ltfamily-namegt-ltg>
   606    <tbody>
   607     <tr>
   608      <td>Name:
   610      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-family
   611       title="font-family!!property">font-family</dfn>
   613     <tr>
   614      <td>Value:
   616      <td>[ <a href="#family-name-value"><var>&lt;family-name&gt;</var></a> |
   617       <a href="#generic-family-value"><var>&lt;generic-family&gt;</var></a> ]
   618       #
   620     <tr>
   621      <td>Initial:
   623      <td>depends on user agent
   625     <tr>
   626      <td>Applies to:
   628      <td>all elements
   630     <tr>
   631      <td>Inherited:
   633      <td>yes
   635     <tr>
   636      <td>Percentages:
   638      <td>N/A
   640     <tr>
   641      <td>Media:
   643      <td>visual
   645     <tr>
   646      <td>Computed value:
   648      <td>as specified
   650     <tr>
   651      <td>Animatable:
   653      <td>no
   654   </table>
   656   <p>This property specifies a prioritized list of font family names or
   657    generic family names. A font family defines a set of faces that vary in
   658    weight, width or slope. CSS uses the combination of a family name with
   659    other style attributes to select an individual face. Using this selection
   660    mechanism, rather than selecting a face via the style name as is often
   661    done in design applications, allows some degree of regularity in textual
   662    display when fallback occurs.
   664   <p class=note>Designers should note that the CSS definition of font
   665    attributes used for selection are explicitly not intended to define a font
   666    taxonomy. A type designer's idea of a family may often extend to a set of
   667    faces that vary along axes other than just the standard axes of weight,
   668    width and slope. A family may extend to include both a set of serif faces
   669    and a set of sans-serif faces or vary along axes that are unique to that
   670    family. The CSS font selection mechanism merely provides a way to
   671    determine the “closest” substitute when substitution is necessary.
   673   <p>Unlike other CSS properties, component values are a comma-separated list
   674    indicating alternatives. A user agent iterates through the list of family
   675    names until it matches an available font that contains a glyph for the
   676    character to be rendered. This allows for differences in available fonts
   677    across platforms and for differences in the range of characters supported
   678    by individual fonts.
   680   <p>A font family name only specifies a name given to a set of font faces,
   681    it does not specify an individual face. For example, given the
   682    availability of the fonts below, Futura would match but Futura Medium
   683    would not:
   685   <div class=figure><img alt="family and face names"
   686    src=familyvsfacename.png>
   687    <p class=caption>Family and individual face names
   688   </div>
   690   <p>Consider the example below:
   692   <div class=example>
   693    <pre>body {
   694     font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;
   695 }</pre>
   697    <p>If Helvetica is available it will be used when rendering. If neither
   698     Helvetica nor Verdana is present, then the user-agent-defined sans serif
   699     font will be used.</p>
   700   </div>
   702   <p>There are two types of font family names:
   704   <dl>
   705    <dt><dfn id=family-name-value><var>&lt;family-name&gt;</var></dfn>
   707    <dd>The name of a font family of choice such as Helvetica or Verdana in
   708     the previous example.
   710    <dt><dfn id=generic-family-value><var>&lt;generic-family&gt;</var></dfn>
   712    <dd> The following generic family keywords are defined: ‘<a
   713     href="#serif"><code class=property>serif</code></a>’, ‘<a
   714     href="#sans-serif"><code class=property>sans-serif</code></a>’, ‘<a
   715     href="#cursive"><code class=property>cursive</code></a>’, ‘<a
   716     href="#fantasy"><code class=property>fantasy</code></a>’, and ‘<a
   717     href="#monospace"><code class=property>monospace</code></a>’. These
   718     keywords can be used as a general fallback mechanism when an author's
   719     desired font choices are not available. As keywords, they must not be
   720     quoted. Authors are encouraged to append a generic font family as a last
   721     alternative for improved robustness.
   722   </dl>
   724   <p>Font family names other than generic families must either be given
   725    quoted as <a
   726    href="//www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#strings">strings,</a> or unquoted
   727    as a sequence of one or more <a
   728    href="//www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier">identifiers.</a>
   729    This means most punctuation characters and digits at the start of each
   730    token must be escaped in unquoted font family names.
   732   <p>To illustrate this, the following declarations are invalid:
   734   <pre>
   735 font-family: Red/Black, sans-serif;
   736 font-family: "Lucida" Grande, sans-serif;
   737 font-family: Ahem!, sans-serif;
   738 font-family: test@foo, sans-serif;
   739 font-family: #POUND, sans-serif;
   740 font-family: Hawaii 5-0, sans-serif;
   741 </pre>
   743   <p>If a sequence of identifiers is given as a font family name, the
   744    computed value is the name converted to a string by joining all the
   745    identifiers in the sequence by single spaces.
   747   <p>To avoid mistakes in escaping, it is recommended to quote font family
   748    names that contain white space, digits, or punctuation characters other
   749    than hyphens:
   751   <pre>
   752 body { font-family: "New Century Schoolbook", serif }
   754 &lt;BODY STYLE="font-family: '21st Century', fantasy">
   755 </pre>
   757   <p>Font family <em>names</em> that happen to be the same as a keyword value
   758    (‘<code class=property>inherit</code>’, ‘<a href="#serif"><code
   759    class=property>serif</code></a>’, ‘<a href="#sans-serif"><code
   760    class=property>sans-serif</code></a>’, ‘<a href="#monospace"><code
   761    class=property>monospace</code></a>’, ‘<a href="#fantasy"><code
   762    class=property>fantasy</code></a>’, and ‘<a href="#cursive"><code
   763    class=property>cursive</code></a>’) must be quoted to prevent confusion
   764    with the keywords with the same names. The keywords ‘<code
   765    class=property>initial</code>’ and ‘<code
   766    class=property>default</code>’ are reserved for future use and must also
   767    be quoted when used as font names. UAs must not consider these keywords as
   768    matching the <a
   769    href="#family-name-value"><var>&lt;family-name&gt;</var></a> type.
   771   <p>The precise way a set of fonts are grouped into font families varies
   772    depending upon the platform font management API's. The Windows GDI API
   773    only allows four faces to be grouped into a family while the DirectWrite
   774    API and API's on OSX and other platforms support font families with a
   775    variety of weights, widths and slopes (see <a
   776    href="#platform-props-to-css">Appendix A</a> for more details).
   778   <p>Some font formats allow fonts to carry multiple localizations of the
   779    family name. User agents must recognize and correctly match all of these
   780    names independent of the underlying platform localization, system API used
   781    or document encoding:
   783   <div class=figure><img alt="examples of localized family names"
   784    src=localizedfamilynames.png>
   785    <p class=caption>Localized family names
   786   </div>
   788   <h4 id=generic-font-families><span class=secno>3.1.1 </span>Generic font
   789    families</h4>
   791   <p>All five generic font families are defined to exist in all CSS
   792    implementations (they need not necessarily map to five distinct actual
   793    fonts). User agents should provide reasonable default choices for the
   794    generic font families, which express the characteristics of each family as
   795    well as possible within the limits allowed by the underlying technology.
   796    User agents are encouraged to allow users to select alternative choices
   797    for the generic fonts.
   799   <h5 class="no-num no-toc"> <span class=index-def id=serif0 title="serif,
   800    definition of"><a name=serif-def><dfn id=serif>serif</dfn></a></span></h5>
   802   <p>Serif fonts represent the formal text style for a script. This often
   803    means but is not limited to glyphs that have finishing strokes, flared or
   804    tapering ends, or have actual serifed endings (including slab serifs).
   805    Serif fonts are typically proportionately-spaced. They often display a
   806    greater variation between thick and thin strokes than fonts from the ‘<a
   807    href="#sans-serif"><code class=property>sans-serif</code></a>’ generic
   808    font family. CSS uses the term ‘<a href="#serif"><code
   809    class=property>serif</code></a>’ to apply to a font for any script,
   810    although other names may be more familiar for particular scripts, such as
   811    Mincho (Japanese), Sung, Song or Kai (Chinese), Batang (Korean). For
   812    Arabic, the Naskh style would correspond to ‘<a href="#serif"><code
   813    class=property>serif</code></a>’ more due to its typographic role rather
   814    than its actual design style. Any font that is so described may be used to
   815    represent the generic ‘<a href="#serif"><code
   816    class=property>serif</code></a>’ family.
   818   <div class=figure><img alt="sample serif fonts" src=serifexamples.png>
   819    <p class=caption>Sample serif fonts
   820   </div>
   822   <h5 class="no-num no-toc"> <span class=index-def id=sans-serif0
   823    title="sans-serif, definition of"> <a name=sans-serif-def><dfn
   824    id=sans-serif>sans-serif</dfn></a></span></h5>
   826   <p>Glyphs in sans-serif fonts, as the term is used in CSS, are generally
   827    low contrast (vertical and horizontal stems have the close to the same
   828    thickness) and have stroke endings that are plain -- without any flaring,
   829    cross stroke, or other ornamentation. Sans-serif fonts are typically
   830    proportionately-spaced. They often have little variation between thick and
   831    thin strokes, compared to fonts from the ‘<a href="#serif"><code
   832    class=property>serif</code></a>’ family. CSS uses the term ‘<a
   833    href="#sans-serif"><code class=property>sans-serif</code></a>’ to apply
   834    to a font for any script, although other names may be more familiar for
   835    particular scripts, such as Gothic (Japanese), Hei (Chinese), or Gulim
   836    (Korean). Any font that is so described may be used to represent the
   837    generic ‘<a href="#sans-serif"><code
   838    class=property>sans-serif</code></a>’ family.
   840   <div class=figure><img alt="sample sans-serif fonts"
   841    src=sansserifexamples.png>
   842    <p class=caption>Sample sans-serif fonts
   843   </div>
   845   <h5 class="no-num no-toc"> <span class=index-def id=cursive0
   846    title="cursive, definition of"> <a name=cursive-def><dfn
   847    id=cursive>cursive</dfn></a></span></h5>
   849   <p>Glyphs in cursive fonts generally use a more informal script style, and
   850    the result looks more like handwritten pen or brush writing than printed
   851    letterwork. CSS uses the term ‘<a href="#cursive"><code
   852    class=property>cursive</code></a>’ to apply to a font for any script,
   853    although other names such as Chancery, Brush, Swing and Script are also
   854    used in font names.
   856   <div class=figure><img alt="sample cursive fonts" src=cursiveexamples.png>
   857    <p class=caption>Sample cursive fonts
   858   </div>
   860   <h5 class="no-num no-toc"> <span class=index-def id=fantasy0
   861    title="fantasy, definition of"> <a name=fantasy-def><dfn
   862    id=fantasy>fantasy</dfn></a></span></h5>
   864   <p>Fantasy fonts are primarily decorative or expressive fonts that contain
   865    playful representations of characters. These do not include Pi or Picture
   866    fonts which do not represent actual characters.
   868   <div class=figure><img alt="sample fantasy fonts" src=fantasyexamples.png>
   869    <p class=caption>Sample fantasy fonts
   870   </div>
   872   <h5 class="no-num no-toc"> <span class=index-def id=monospace0
   873    title="monospace, definition of"> <a name=monospace-def><dfn
   874    id=monospace>monospace</dfn></a></span></h5>
   876   <p>The sole criterion of a monospace font is that all glyphs have the same
   877    fixed width. This is often used to render samples of computer code.
   879   <div class=figure><img alt="sample monospace fonts"
   880    src=monospaceexamples.png>
   881    <p class=caption>Sample monospace fonts
   882   </div>
   883   <!-- prop: font-weight -->
   885   <h3 id=font-weight-prop><span class=secno>3.2 </span>Font weight: the <a
   886    href="#propdef-font-weight">font-weight</a> property</h3>
   888   <table class=propdef id=namefont-weightvaluenormal-bold-bolder-l>
   889    <tbody>
   890     <tr>
   891      <td>Name:
   893      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-weight
   894       title="font-weight!!property">font-weight</dfn>
   896     <tr>
   897      <td>Value:
   899      <td><a href="#font-weight-normal-value"
   900       title="normal!!font-weight">normal</a> | <a href="#bold">bold</a> | <a
   901       href="#bolder">bolder</a> | <a href="#lighter">lighter</a> | <a
   902       href="#font-weight-numeric-values" title="100...900 weight
   903       values">100</a> | <a href="#font-weight-numeric-values"
   904       title="100...900 weight values">200</a> | <a
   905       href="#font-weight-numeric-values" title="100...900 weight
   906       values">300</a> | <a href="#font-weight-numeric-values"
   907       title="100...900 weight values">400</a> | <a
   908       href="#font-weight-numeric-values" title="100...900 weight
   909       values">500</a> | <a href="#font-weight-numeric-values"
   910       title="100...900 weight values">600</a> | <a
   911       href="#font-weight-numeric-values" title="100...900 weight
   912       values">700</a> | <a href="#font-weight-numeric-values"
   913       title="100...900 weight values">800</a> | <a
   914       href="#font-weight-numeric-values" title="100...900 weight
   915       values">900</a>
   917     <tr>
   918      <td>Initial:
   920      <td>normal
   922     <tr>
   923      <td>Applies to:
   925      <td>all elements
   927     <tr>
   928      <td>Inherited:
   930      <td>yes
   932     <tr>
   933      <td>Percentages:
   935      <td>N/A
   937     <tr>
   938      <td>Media:
   940      <td>visual
   942     <tr>
   943      <td>Computed value:
   945      <td>numeric weight value (see description)
   947     <tr>
   948      <td>Animatable:
   950      <td>as <a
   951       href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-transitions/#animtype-font-weight">font
   952       weight</a>
   953   </table>
   955   <p>The <a href="#propdef-font-weight"
   956    title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
   957    class=property>font-weight</code>’</a> property specifies the weight of
   958    glyphs in the font, their degree of blackness or stroke thickness.
   960   <p>Values have the following meanings:
   962   <dl>
   963    <dt><dfn id=font-weight-numeric-values title="100...900 weight values">100
   964     to 900</dfn>
   966    <dd>These values form an ordered sequence, where each number indicates a
   967     weight that is at least as dark as its predecessor. These roughly
   968     correspond to the commonly used weight names below:
   969   </dl>
   971   <ul>
   972    <li>100 - Thin
   974    <li>200 - Extra Light (Ultra Light)
   976    <li>300 - Light
   978    <li>400 - Normal
   980    <li>500 - Medium
   982    <li>600 - Semi Bold (Demi Bold)
   984    <li>700 - Bold
   986    <li>800 - Extra Bold (Ultra Bold)
   988    <li>900 - Black (Heavy)
   989   </ul>
   991   <dl>
   992    <dt><dfn id=font-weight-normal-value
   993     title="normal!!font-weight">normal</dfn>
   995    <dd>Same as ‘<code class=css>400</code>’.
   997    <dt><dfn id=bold>bold</dfn>
   999    <dd>Same as ‘<code class=css>700</code>’.
  1001    <dt><dfn id=bolder>bolder</dfn>
  1003    <dd>Specifies a bolder weight than the inherited value.
  1005    <dt><dfn id=lighter>lighter</dfn>
  1007    <dd>Specifies a lighter weight than the inherited value.
  1008   </dl>
  1010   <p>Font formats that use a scale other than a nine-step scale should map
  1011    their scale onto the CSS scale so that 400 roughly corresponds with a face
  1012    that would be labeled as Regular, Book, Roman and 700 roughly matches a
  1013    face that would be labeled as Bold. Or weights may be inferred from the
  1014    style names, ones that correspond roughly with the scale above. The scale
  1015    is relative, so a face with a larger weight value must never appear
  1016    lighter. If style names are used to infer weights, care should be taken to
  1017    handle variations in style names across locales.
  1019   <p>Quite often there are only a few weights available for a particular font
  1020    family. When a weight is specified for which no face exists, a face with a
  1021    nearby weight is used. In general, bold weights map to faces with heavier
  1022    weights and light weights map to faces with lighter weights (see the <a
  1023    href="#font-matching-algorithm">font matching section below</a> for a
  1024    precise definition). The examples here illustrate which face is used for
  1025    different weights, grey indicates a face for that weight does not exist so
  1026    a face with a nearby weight is used:
  1028   <div class=figure><img alt="weight mappings for a family with 400, 700 and
  1029    900 weights" src=optimaweights.png>
  1030    <p class=caption>Weight mappings for a font family with 400, 700 and 900
  1031     weight faces
  1032   </div>
  1034   <div class=figure><img alt="weight mappings for a family with 300, 600
  1035    weights" src=hiraginoweights.png>
  1036    <p class=caption>Weight mappings for a font family with 300 and 600 weight
  1037     faces
  1038   </div>
  1040   <p>Although the practice is not well-loved by typographers, bold faces are
  1041    often synthesized by user agents for faces that lack actual bold faces.
  1042    For the purposes of style matching, these faces must be treated as if they
  1043    exist within the family. Authors can explicitly avoid this behavior by
  1044    using the ‘<a href="#propdef-font-synthesis"><code
  1045    class=property>font-synthesis</code></a>’ property.
  1047   <p>Specified values of ‘<a href="#bolder"><code
  1048    class=property>bolder</code></a>’ and ‘<a href="#lighter"><code
  1049    class=property>lighter</code></a>’ indicate weights relative to the
  1050    weight of the parent element. The computed weight is calculated based on
  1051    the inherited <a href="#propdef-font-weight"
  1052    title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  1053    class=property>font-weight</code>’</a> value using the chart below.
  1055   <table class=data id=bolderlighter summary="Bolder/lighter mappings">
  1056    <thead>
  1057     <tr>
  1058      <th>Inherited value
  1060      <th>bolder
  1062      <th>lighter
  1064    <tbody>
  1065     <tr>
  1066      <th>100
  1068      <td>400
  1070      <td>100
  1072     <tr>
  1073      <th>200
  1075      <td>400
  1077      <td>100
  1079     <tr>
  1080      <th>300
  1082      <td>400
  1084      <td>100
  1086     <tr>
  1087      <th>400
  1089      <td>700
  1091      <td>100
  1093     <tr>
  1094      <th>500
  1096      <td>700
  1098      <td>100
  1100     <tr>
  1101      <th>600
  1103      <td>900
  1105      <td>400
  1107     <tr>
  1108      <th>700
  1110      <td>900
  1112      <td>400
  1114     <tr>
  1115      <th>800
  1117      <td>900
  1119      <td>700
  1121     <tr>
  1122      <th>900
  1124      <td>900
  1126      <td>700
  1127   </table>
  1129   <p>The table above is equivalent to selecting the next relative bolder or
  1130    lighter face, given a font family containing normal and bold faces along
  1131    with a thin and a heavy face. Authors who desire finer control over the
  1132    exact weight values used for a given element may use numerical values
  1133    instead of relative weights.</p>
  1134   <!-- prop: font-stretch -->
  1136   <h3 id=font-stretch-prop><span class=secno>3.3 </span>Font width: the <a
  1137    href="#propdef-font-stretch">font-stretch</a> property</h3>
  1139   <table class=propdef id=namefont-stretchvalue-normal-ultra-conde>
  1140    <tbody>
  1141     <tr>
  1142      <td>Name:
  1144      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-stretch
  1145       title="font-stretch!!property">font-stretch</dfn>
  1147     <tr>
  1148      <td>Value:
  1150      <td> <a href="#font-stretch-normal-value"
  1151       title="normal!!font-stretch">normal</a> | <a
  1152       href="#ultra-condensed">ultra-condensed</a> | <a
  1153       href="#extra-condensed">extra-condensed</a> | <a
  1154       href="#condensed">condensed</a> | <a
  1155       href="#semi-condensed-">semi-condensed</a> | <a
  1156       href="#semi-expanded">semi-expanded</a> | <a
  1157       href="#expanded">expanded</a> | <a
  1158       href="#extra-expanded">extra-expanded</a> | <a
  1159       href="#ultra-expanded">ultra-expanded</a>
  1161     <tr>
  1162      <td>Initial:
  1164      <td>normal
  1166     <tr>
  1167      <td>Applies to:
  1169      <td>all elements
  1171     <tr>
  1172      <td>Inherited:
  1174      <td>yes
  1176     <tr>
  1177      <td>Percentages:
  1179      <td>N/A
  1181     <tr>
  1182      <td>Media:
  1184      <td>visual
  1186     <tr>
  1187      <td>Computed value:
  1189      <td>as specified
  1191     <tr>
  1192      <td>Animatable:
  1194      <td>as <a href="#font-stretch-animation">font stretch</a>
  1195   </table>
  1197   <p>The <a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  1198    title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  1199    class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a> property selects a normal,
  1200    condensed, or expanded face from a font family. Absolute keyword values
  1201    have the following ordering, from narrowest to widest:
  1203   <ul>
  1204    <li><dfn id=ultra-condensed>ultra-condensed</dfn>
  1206    <li><dfn id=extra-condensed>extra-condensed</dfn>
  1208    <li><dfn id=condensed>condensed</dfn>
  1210    <li><dfn id=semi-condensed->semi-condensed </dfn>
  1212    <li><dfn id=font-stretch-normal-value
  1213     title="normal!!font-stretch">normal</dfn>
  1215    <li><dfn id=semi-expanded>semi-expanded</dfn>
  1217    <li><dfn id=expanded>expanded</dfn>
  1219    <li><dfn id=extra-expanded>extra-expanded</dfn>
  1221    <li><dfn id=ultra-expanded>ultra-expanded</dfn>
  1222   </ul>
  1224   <p>When a face does not exist for a given width, normal or condensed values
  1225    map to a narrower face, otherwise a wider face. Conversely, expanded
  1226    values map to a wider face, otherwise a narrower face. The figure below
  1227    shows how the nine font-stretch property settings affect font selection
  1228    for font family containing a variety of widths, grey indicates a width for
  1229    which no face exists and a different width is substituted:
  1231   <div class=figure><img alt="width mappings for a family with condensed,
  1232    normal and expanded faces" src=universwidths.png>
  1233    <p class=caption>Width mappings for a font family with condensed, normal
  1234     and expanded width faces
  1235   </div>
  1237   <p id=font-stretch-animation>Animation of font stretch: Font stretch is
  1238    interpolated in discrete steps. The interpolation happens as though the
  1239    ordered values are equally spaced real numbers. The interpolation result
  1240    is rounded to the nearest value, with values exactly halfway between two
  1241    values rounded towards the later value in the list above.</p>
  1242   <!-- prop: font-style -->
  1244   <h3 id=font-style-prop><span class=secno>3.4 </span>Font style: the <a
  1245    href="#propdef-font-style">font-style</a> property</h3>
  1247   <table class=propdef id=namefont-stylevaluenormal-italic-oblique>
  1248    <tbody>
  1249     <tr>
  1250      <td>Name:
  1252      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-style
  1253       title="font-style!!property">font-style</dfn>
  1255     <tr>
  1256      <td>Value:
  1258      <td><a href="#font-style-normal-value"
  1259       title="normal!!font-style">normal</a> | <a href="#italic">italic</a> |
  1260       <a href="#oblique">oblique</a>
  1262     <tr>
  1263      <td>Initial:
  1265      <td>normal
  1267     <tr>
  1268      <td>Applies to:
  1270      <td>all elements
  1272     <tr>
  1273      <td>Inherited:
  1275      <td>yes
  1277     <tr>
  1278      <td>Percentages:
  1280      <td>N/A
  1282     <tr>
  1283      <td>Media:
  1285      <td>visual
  1287     <tr>
  1288      <td>Computed value:
  1290      <td>as specified
  1292     <tr>
  1293      <td>Animatable:
  1295      <td>no
  1296   </table>
  1298   <p>The <a href="#propdef-font-style" title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  1299    class=property>font-style</code>’</a> property allows italic or oblique
  1300    faces to be selected. Italic forms are generally cursive in nature while
  1301    oblique faces are typically sloped versions of the regular face. Oblique
  1302    faces can be simulated by artificially sloping the glyphs of the regular
  1303    face. Compare the artificially sloped renderings of Palatino ‘<code
  1304    class=property>a</code>’ and Baskerville ‘<code
  1305    class=property>N</code>’ in grey with the actual italic versions:
  1307   <div class=figure><img alt="artificial sloping vs. real italics"
  1308    src=realvsfakeitalics.png>
  1309    <p class=caption>Artificial sloping versus real italics
  1310   </div>
  1312   <p>Values have the following meanings:
  1314   <dl>
  1315    <dt><dfn id=font-style-normal-value
  1316     title="normal!!font-style">normal</dfn>
  1318    <dd>selects a face that is classified as a normal face, one that is
  1319     neither italic or obliqued
  1321    <dt><dfn id=italic>italic</dfn>
  1323    <dd>selects a font that is labeled as an italic face, or an oblique face
  1324     if one is not
  1326    <dt><dfn id=oblique>oblique</dfn>
  1328    <dd>selects a font that is labeled as an oblique face, or an italic face
  1329     if one is not
  1330   </dl>
  1332   <p>If no italic or oblique face is available, oblique faces can be
  1333    synthesized by rendering non-obliqued faces with a right sloping
  1334    transformation applied. When synthesizing these faces, the transformation
  1335    should apply to all glyphs in the same way and not vary based on codepoint
  1336    or due to horizontal or vertical line orientation.
  1338   <p class=issue>It has been <a
  1339    href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2013May/0272.html">proposed</a>
  1340    that for vertical text runs, synthetic italics should not mimic normal
  1341    italic glyphs but instead mimic the customs of Japanese obliquing
  1342    (斜体、shatai), where the obliquing is applied across the text run
  1343    regardless of glyph orientation.
  1345   <p>Many scripts lack the tradition of mixing a cursive form within text
  1346    rendered with a normal face. Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts almost
  1347    always lack italic or oblique faces. Fonts that support a mixture of
  1348    scripts will sometimes omit specific scripts such as Arabic from the set
  1349    of glyphs supported in the italic face. User agents should be careful
  1350    about making <a href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a>
  1351    assumptions across faces.</p>
  1352   <!-- prop: font-size -->
  1354   <h3 id=font-size-prop><span class=secno>3.5 </span>Font size: the <a
  1355    href="#propdef-font-size">font-size</a> property</h3>
  1357   <table class=propdef id=namefont-sizevalueltabsolute-sizegt-ltre>
  1358    <tbody>
  1359     <tr>
  1360      <td>Name:
  1362      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-size>font-size</dfn>
  1364     <tr>
  1365      <td>Value:
  1367      <td><a href="#absolute-size-value"><var>&lt;absolute-size&gt;</var></a>
  1368       | <a href="#relative-size-value"><var>&lt;relative-size&gt;</var></a> |
  1369       <a href="#length-size-value"><var>&lt;length&gt;</var></a> | <a
  1370       href="#percentage-size-value"><var>&lt;percentage&gt;</var></a>
  1372     <tr>
  1373      <td>Initial:
  1375      <td>medium
  1377     <tr>
  1378      <td>Applies to:
  1380      <td>all elements
  1382     <tr>
  1383      <td>Inherited:
  1385      <td>yes
  1387     <tr>
  1388      <td>Percentages:
  1390      <td>refer to parent element's font size
  1392     <tr>
  1393      <td>Media:
  1395      <td>visual
  1397     <tr>
  1398      <td>Computed value:
  1400      <td>absolute length
  1402     <tr>
  1403      <td>Animatable:
  1405      <td>as <a
  1406       href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-transitions/#animtype-length">length</a>
  1407   </table>
  1409   <p>This property indicates the desired height of glyphs from the font. For
  1410    scalable fonts, the font-size is a scale factor applied to the EM unit of
  1411    the font. (Note that certain glyphs may bleed outside their EM box.) For
  1412    non-scalable fonts, the font-size is converted into absolute units and
  1413    matched against the declared font-size of the font, using the same
  1414    absolute coordinate space for both of the matched values. Values have the
  1415    following meanings:
  1417   <dl>
  1418    <dt><dfn id=absolute-size-value><var>&lt;absolute-size&gt;</var></dfn>
  1420    <dd> An <a
  1421     href="#absolute-size-value"><var>&lt;absolute-size&gt;</var></a> keyword
  1422     refers to an entry in a table of font sizes computed and kept by the user
  1423     agent. Possible values are:
  1424     <p> [ xx-small | x-small | small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large ]</p>
  1426    <dt><dfn id=relative-size-value><var>&lt;relative-size&gt;</var></dfn>
  1428    <dd> A <a href="#relative-size-value"><var>&lt;relative-size&gt;</var></a>
  1429     keyword is interpreted relative to the table of font sizes and the
  1430     computed ‘<a href="#propdef-font-size"><code
  1431     class=property>font-size</code></a>’ of the parent element. Possible
  1432     values are:
  1433     <p> [ larger | smaller ]
  1435     <p> For example, if the parent element has a font size of ‘<code
  1436      class=property>medium</code>’, a value of ‘<code
  1437      class=property>larger</code>’ will make the font size of the current
  1438      element be ‘<code class=property>large</code>’. If the parent
  1439      element's size is not close to a table entry, the user agent is free to
  1440      interpolate between table entries or round off to the closest one. The
  1441      user agent may have to extrapolate table values if the numerical value
  1442      goes beyond the keywords.
  1444    <dt><dfn id=length-size-value><var>&lt;length&gt;</var></dfn>
  1446    <dd>A length value specifies an absolute font size (independent of the
  1447     user agent's font table). Negative lengths are illegal.
  1449    <dt><dfn id=percentage-size-value><var>&lt;percentage&gt;</var></dfn>
  1451    <dd>A percentage value specifies an absolute font size relative to the
  1452     parent element's font size. Use of percentage values, or values in
  1453     ‘<code class=property>em</code>’s, leads to more robust and
  1454     cascadable style sheets.
  1455   </dl>
  1457   <p>The following table provides user agent guidelines for the absolute-size
  1458    scaling factor and their mapping to HTML heading and absolute font-sizes.
  1459    The ‘<code class=property>medium</code>’ value is used as the
  1460    reference middle value. The user agent may fine-tune these values for
  1461    different fonts or different types of display devices.
  1463   <table class=data>
  1464    <thead>
  1465     <tr>
  1466      <th>CSS absolute-size values
  1468      <th>xx-small
  1470      <th>x-small
  1472      <th>small
  1474      <th>medium
  1476      <th>large
  1478      <th>x-large
  1480      <th>xx-large
  1482      <th> 
  1484    <tbody>
  1485     <tr>
  1486      <th>scaling factor
  1488      <td>3/5
  1490      <td>3/4
  1492      <td>8/9
  1494      <td>1
  1496      <td>6/5
  1498      <td>3/2
  1500      <td>2/1
  1502      <td>3/1
  1504     <tr>
  1505      <th>HTML headings
  1507      <td>h6
  1509      <td> 
  1511      <td>h5
  1513      <td>h4
  1515      <td>h3
  1517      <td>h2
  1519      <td>h1
  1521      <td> 
  1523     <tr>
  1524      <th>HTML font sizes
  1526      <td>1
  1528      <td> 
  1530      <td>2
  1532      <td>3
  1534      <td>4
  1536      <td>5
  1538      <td>6
  1540      <td>7
  1541   </table>
  1543   <p class=note><em><strong>Note 1.</strong> To preserve readability, an UA
  1544    applying these guidelines should nevertheless avoid creating font-size
  1545    resulting in less than 9 device pixels per EM unit on a computer
  1546    display.</em>
  1548   <p class=note><em><strong>Note 2.</strong> In CSS1, the suggested scaling
  1549    factor between adjacent indexes was 1.5 which user experience proved to be
  1550    too large. In CSS2, the suggested scaling factor for computer screen
  1551    between adjacent indexes was 1.2 which still created issues for the small
  1552    sizes. The new scaling factor varies between each index to provide a
  1553    better readability.</em>
  1555   <p>The actual value of this property may differ from the computed value due
  1556    a numerical value on ‘<a href="#propdef-font-size-adjust"><code
  1557    class=property>font-size-adjust</code></a>’ and the unavailability of
  1558    certain font sizes.
  1560   <p>Child elements inherit the computed <a class=noxref
  1561    href="#font-size-prop"> <span class=property>‘<code
  1562    class=property>font-size</code>’</span></a> value (otherwise, the effect
  1563    of <a class=noxref href="#font-size-adjust-prop"><span
  1564    class=property>‘<code
  1565    class=property>font-size-adjust</code>’</span></a> would compound).
  1567   <div class=example>
  1568    <p style="display:none">Example(s):
  1570    <p>
  1572    <pre>p { font-size: 12pt; }
  1573 blockquote { font-size: larger }
  1574 em { font-size: 150% }
  1575 em { font-size: 1.5em }
  1576 </pre>
  1577   </div>
  1578   <!-- prop: font-size-adjust -->
  1580   <h3 id=font-size-adjust-prop><span class=secno>3.6 </span>Relative sizing:
  1581    the <a href="#propdef-font-size-adjust">font-size-adjust</a> property</h3>
  1583   <table class=propdef id=namefont-size-adjustvaluenone-auto-ltnum>
  1584    <tbody>
  1585     <tr>
  1586      <td>Name:
  1588      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-size-adjust>font-size-adjust</dfn>
  1590     <tr>
  1591      <td>Value:
  1593      <td><a href="#font-size-adjust-none-value"
  1594       title="none!!font-size-adjust">none</a> | <a
  1595       href="#font-size-adjust-auto-value"
  1596       title="auto!!font-size-adjust">auto</a> | <a
  1597       href="#aspect-ratio-value"><var>&lt;number&gt;</var></a>
  1599     <tr>
  1600      <td>Initial:
  1602      <td>none
  1604     <tr>
  1605      <td>Applies to:
  1607      <td>all elements
  1609     <tr>
  1610      <td>Inherited:
  1612      <td>yes
  1614     <tr>
  1615      <td>Percentages:
  1617      <td>N/A
  1619     <tr>
  1620      <td>Media:
  1622      <td>visual
  1624     <tr>
  1625      <td>Computed value:
  1627      <td>as specified
  1629     <tr>
  1630      <td>Animatable:
  1632      <td>as <a
  1633       href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-transitions/#animtype-number">number</a>
  1634   </table>
  1636   <p>For any given font size, the apparent size and legibility of text varies
  1637    across fonts. For scripts such as Latin or Cyrillic that distinguish
  1638    between upper and lowercase letters, the relative height of lowercase
  1639    letters compared to their uppercase counterparts is a determining factor
  1640    of legibility. This is commonly referred to as the <a class=index-def
  1641    href="#aspect-value" id=aspect-value0 title="aspect value"><dfn
  1642    id=aspect-value>aspect value</dfn></a>. Precisely defined, it is equal to
  1643    the x-height of a font divided by the font size.
  1645   <p>In situations where font fallback occurs, fallback fonts may not share
  1646    the same aspect ratio as the desired font family and will thus appear less
  1647    readable. The font-size-adjust property is a way to preserve the
  1648    readability of text when font fallback occurs. It does this by adjusting
  1649    the font-size so that the x-height is the same regardless of the font
  1650    used.
  1652   <div class=example>
  1653    <p>The style defined below defines Verdana as the desired font family, but
  1654     if Verdana is not available Futura or Times will be used.</p>
  1656    <pre>p {
  1657     font-family: Verdana, Futura, Times;
  1660 &lt;p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...&lt;/p>
  1661 </pre>
  1663    <p>Verdana has a relatively high aspect ratio, lowercase letters are
  1664     relatively tall compared to uppercase letters, so at small sizes text
  1665     appears legible. Times has a lower aspect ratio and so if fallback
  1666     occurs, the text will be less legible at small sizes than Verdana.</p>
  1667   </div>
  1669   <p>How text rendered in each of these fonts compares is shown below, the
  1670    columns show text rendered in Verdana, Futura and Times. The same
  1671    font-size value is used across cells within each row and red lines are
  1672    included to show the differences in x-height. In the upper half each row
  1673    is rendered in the same font-size value. The same is true for the lower
  1674    half but in this half the font-size-adjust property is also set so that
  1675    the actual font size is adjusted to preserve the x-height across each row.
  1676    Note how small text remains relatively legible across each row in the
  1677    lower half.
  1679   <div class=figure><img alt="text with and without font-size-adjust"
  1680    src=fontsizeadjust.png>
  1681    <p class=caption>Text with and without the use of font-size-adjust
  1682   </div>
  1684   <p>This property allows authors to specify an aspect value for an element
  1685    that will effectively preserve the x-height of the first choice font,
  1686    whether it is substituted or not. Values have the following meanings:
  1688   <dl>
  1689    <dt><dfn id=font-size-adjust-none-value
  1690     title="none!!font-size-adjust">none</dfn>
  1692    <dd>Do not preserve the font's x-height.
  1694    <dt><dfn id=font-size-adjust-auto-value
  1695     title="auto!!font-size-adjust">auto</dfn>
  1697    <dd>Behaves just like &lt;number>, except the number used is the aspect
  1698     value calculated by user agents for the first font in the list of fonts
  1699     defined for the initial value of the <a href="#propdef-font-family"
  1700     title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  1701     class=property>font-family</code>’</a> property. Effectively this is
  1702     the default font used when <a href="#propdef-font-family"
  1703     title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  1704     class=property>font-family</code>’</a> is not otherwise specified.
  1705     <p>Authors can use this value to specify that font size should be
  1706      normalized across fonts based on the x-height without the need to
  1707      specify the aspect ratio explicitly.</p>
  1709    <dt><dfn id=aspect-ratio-value><var>&lt;number&gt;</var></dfn>
  1711    <dd>Specifies the aspect value used in the calculation below to calculate
  1712     the adjusted font size:
  1713     <pre>c  =  ( a / a' ) s
  1714 </pre>
  1716     <p>where:</p>
  1718     <pre>s  =  font-size value
  1719 a  =  aspect value as specified by the font-size-adjust property
  1720 a' =  aspect value of actual font
  1721 c  =  adjusted font-size to use
  1722 </pre>
  1724     <p>This value applies to any font that is selected but in typical usage
  1725      it should be based on the aspect value of the first font in the
  1726      font-family list. If this is specified accurately, the <tt>(a/a')</tt>
  1727      term in the formula above is effectively 1 for the first font and no
  1728      adjustment occurs. If the value is specified inaccurately, text rendered
  1729      using the first font in the family list will display differently in
  1730      older user agents that don't support font-size-adjust.</p>
  1731   </dl>
  1733   <p>Authors can calculate the aspect value for a given font by comparing
  1734    spans with the same content but different font-size-adjust properties. If
  1735    the same font-size is used, the spans will match when the font-size-adjust
  1736    value is accurate for the given font.
  1738   <div class=example>
  1739    <p>Two spans with borders are used to determine the aspect value of a
  1740     font. The font-size is the same for both spans but the font-size-adjust
  1741     property is specified only for the right span. Starting with a value of
  1742     0.5, the aspect value can be adjusted until the borders around the two
  1743     letters line up.</p>
  1745    <pre>p {
  1746     font-family: Futura;
  1747     font-size: 500px;
  1750 span {
  1751     border: solid 1px red;
  1754 .adjust {
  1755     font-size-adjust: 0.5;
  1758 &lt;p>&lt;span>b&lt;/span>&lt;span class="adjust">b&lt;/span>&lt;/p>
  1759 </pre>
  1761    <div class=figure><img alt="Futura with an aspect value of 0.5"
  1762     src=beforefontsizeadjust.png>
  1763     <p class=caption>Futura with an aspect value of 0.5
  1764    </div>
  1766    <p>The box on the right is a bit bigger than the one on the left, so the
  1767     aspect value of this font is something less than 0.5. Adjust the value
  1768     until the boxes align.</p>
  1769   </div>
  1770   <!-- prop: font -->
  1772   <h3 id=font-prop><span class=secno>3.7 </span>Shorthand font property: the
  1773    <a href="#propdef-font">font</a> property</h3>
  1775   <table class=propdef id=namefontvalue-ltlsquofont-stylersquogt-l>
  1776    <tbody>
  1777     <tr>
  1778      <td>Name:
  1780      <td><dfn id=propdef-font>font</dfn>
  1782     <tr>
  1783      <td>Value:
  1785      <td>[ [ <var>&lt;<a href="#propdef-font-style"
  1786       title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  1787       class=property>font-style</code>’</a>&gt;</var> || <a
  1788       href="#font-variant-css21-values"><var>&lt;font-variant-css21&gt;</var></a>
  1789       || <var>&lt;<a href="#propdef-font-weight"
  1790       title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  1791       class=property>font-weight</code>’</a>&gt;</var> || <var>&lt;<a
  1792       href="#propdef-font-stretch" title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  1793       class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a></var> ]? <var>&lt;‘<a
  1794       href="#propdef-font-size"><code
  1795       class=property>font-size</code></a>’&gt;</var> [ / <var>&lt;‘<code
  1796       class=property>line-height</code>’&gt;</var> ]? <var>&lt;<a
  1797       href="#propdef-font-family" title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  1798       class=property>font-family</code>’</a>&gt;</var> ] | caption | icon |
  1799       menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar
  1801     <tr>
  1802      <td>Initial:
  1804      <td>see individual properties
  1806     <tr>
  1807      <td>Applies to:
  1809      <td>all elements
  1811     <tr>
  1812      <td>Inherited:
  1814      <td>yes
  1816     <tr>
  1817      <td>Percentages:
  1819      <td>see individual properties
  1821     <tr>
  1822      <td>Media:
  1824      <td>visual
  1826     <tr>
  1827      <td>Computed value:
  1829      <td>see individual properties
  1831     <tr>
  1832      <td>Animatable:
  1834      <td>see individual properties
  1835   </table>
  1837   <p>The <span class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font"><code
  1838    class=property>font</code></a>’</span> property is, except as described
  1839    below, a shorthand property for setting <a href="#propdef-font-style"
  1840    title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  1841    class=property>font-style</code>’</a>, <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  1842    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  1843    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a>, <a href="#propdef-font-weight"
  1844    title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  1845    class=property>font-weight</code>’</a>, <a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  1846    title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  1847    class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a>, <span class=property>‘<a
  1848    href="#propdef-font-size"><code
  1849    class=property>font-size</code></a>’</span>, <a class=property
  1850    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">‘<code
  1851    class=property>line-height</code>’</a>, <a href="#propdef-font-family"
  1852    title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  1853    class=property>font-family</code>’</a> at the same place in the
  1854    stylesheet. Values for the <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  1855    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  1856    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> property may also be included
  1857    but only those supported in CSS 2.1, none of the <a
  1858    href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  1859    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> values added in this
  1860    specification can be used in the <span class=property>‘<a
  1861    href="#propdef-font"><code class=property>font</code></a>’</span>
  1862    shorthand:
  1864   <pre
  1865    class=prod><dfn id=font-variant-css21-values><var>&lt;font-variant-css21&gt;</var></dfn> = [normal | small-caps]</pre>
  1867   <p>The syntax of this property is based on a traditional typographical
  1868    shorthand notation to set multiple properties related to fonts.
  1870   <p>All subproperties of the ‘<a href="#propdef-font"><code
  1871    class=property>font</code></a>’ property are first reset to their
  1872    initial values, including those listed above plus <span
  1873    class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font-size-adjust"><code
  1874    class=property>font-size-adjust</code></a>’</span>, <span
  1875    class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font-kerning"><code
  1876    class=property>font-kerning</code></a>’</span>, subproperties of <a
  1877    href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  1878    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> and and <span>‘<a
  1879    href="#propdef-font-language-override"><code
  1880    class=property>font-language-override</code></a>’</span>. Then, those
  1881    properties that are given explicit values in the <span
  1882    class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font"><code
  1883    class=property>font</code></a>’</span> shorthand are set to those
  1884    values. For a definition of allowed and initial values, see the previously
  1885    defined properties. For reasons of backwards compatibility, it is not
  1886    possible to set <span class=property>‘<a
  1887    href="#propdef-font-size-adjust"><code
  1888    class=property>font-size-adjust</code></a>’</span> to anything other
  1889    than its initial value using the <span class=property>‘<a
  1890    href="#propdef-font"><code class=property>font</code></a>’</span>
  1891    shorthand property; instead, use the individual property.
  1893   <div class=example>
  1894    <p style="display:none">Example(s):
  1896    <p>
  1898    <pre>p { font: 12pt/14pt sans-serif }
  1899 p { font: 80% sans-serif }
  1900 p { font: x-large/110% &quot;new century schoolbook&quot;, serif }
  1901 p { font: bold italic large Palatino, serif }
  1902 p { font: normal small-caps 120%/120% fantasy }
  1903 p { font: condensed oblique 12pt &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, serif; }
  1904 </pre>
  1906    <p> In the second rule, the font size percentage value (‘<code
  1907     class=css>80%</code>’) refers to the computed ‘<a
  1908     href="#propdef-font-size"><code class=property>font-size</code></a>’ of
  1909     the parent element. In the third rule, the line height percentage
  1910     (‘<code class=css>110%</code>’) refers to the font size of the
  1911     element itself.
  1913    <p>The first three rules do not specify the <a
  1914     href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  1915     class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> and <a
  1916     href="#propdef-font-weight" title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  1917     class=property>font-weight</code>’</a> explicitly, so these properties
  1918     receive their initial values (‘<a href="#normal"><code
  1919     class=property>normal</code></a>’). Notice that the font family name
  1920     "new century schoolbook", which contains spaces, is enclosed in quotes.
  1921     The fourth rule sets the <a href="#propdef-font-weight"
  1922     title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  1923     class=property>font-weight</code>’</a> to ‘<a href="#bold"><code
  1924     class=property>bold</code></a>’, the <a href="#propdef-font-style"
  1925     title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  1926     class=property>font-style</code>’</a> to ‘<a href="#italic"><code
  1927     class=property>italic</code></a>’, and implicitly sets <a
  1928     href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  1929     class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> to ‘<a href="#normal"><code
  1930     class=property>normal</code></a>’.
  1932    <p> The fifth rule sets the <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  1933     title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  1934     class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> (‘<a href="#small-caps"><code
  1935     class=property>small-caps</code></a>’), the <span class=property>‘<a
  1936     href="#propdef-font-size"><code
  1937     class=property>font-size</code></a>’</span> (120% of the parent's font
  1938     size), the <a class=property
  1939     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">‘<code
  1940     class=property>line-height</code>’</a> (120% of the font size) and the
  1941     <a href="#propdef-font-family" title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  1942     class=property>font-family</code>’</a> (‘<a href="#fantasy"><code
  1943     class=property>fantasy</code></a>’). It follows that the keyword ‘<a
  1944     href="#normal"><code class=property>normal</code></a>’ applies to the
  1945     two remaining properties: <a href="#propdef-font-style"
  1946     title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  1947     class=property>font-style</code>’</a> and <a
  1948     href="#propdef-font-weight" title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  1949     class=property>font-weight</code>’</a>.
  1951    <p>The sixth rule sets the <a href="#propdef-font-style"
  1952     title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  1953     class=property>font-style</code>’</a>, <a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  1954     title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  1955     class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a>, <span class=property>‘<a
  1956     href="#propdef-font-size"><code
  1957     class=property>font-size</code></a>’</span>, and <a
  1958     href="#propdef-font-family" title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  1959     class=property>font-family</code>’</a>, the other font properties being
  1960     set to their initial values.
  1961   </div>
  1963   <p>Since the <a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  1964    title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  1965    class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a> property was not defined in CSS
  1966    2.1, when using <a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  1967    title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  1968    class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a> values within ‘<a
  1969    href="#propdef-font"><code class=property>font</code></a>’ rules,
  1970    authors should include a extra version compatible with older user agents:
  1972   <pre>p {
  1973   font: 80% sans-serif;   /* for older user agents */
  1974   font: condensed 80% sans-serif;
  1975 }</pre>
  1977   <p>The following values refer to system fonts:
  1979   <dl>
  1980    <dt><strong>caption</strong>
  1982    <dd>The font used for captioned controls (e.g., buttons, drop-downs,
  1983     etc.).
  1985    <dt><strong>icon</strong>
  1987    <dd>The font used to label icons.
  1989    <dt><strong>menu</strong>
  1991    <dd>The font used in menus (e.g., dropdown menus and menu lists).
  1993    <dt><strong>message-box</strong>
  1995    <dd>The font used in dialog boxes.
  1997    <dt><strong>small-caption</strong>
  1999    <dd>The font used for labeling small controls.
  2001    <dt><strong>status-bar</strong>
  2003    <dd>The font used in window status bars.
  2004   </dl>
  2006   <p>System fonts may only be set as a whole; that is, the font family, size,
  2007    weight, style, etc. are all set at the same time. These values may then be
  2008    altered individually if desired. If no font with the indicated
  2009    characteristics exists on a given platform, the user agent should either
  2010    intelligently substitute (e.g., a smaller version of the ‘<code
  2011    class=property>caption</code>’ font might be used for the ‘<code
  2012    class=property>small-caption</code>’ font), or substitute a user agent
  2013    default font. As for regular fonts, if, for a system font, any of the
  2014    individual properties are not part of the operating system's available
  2015    user preferences, those properties should be set to their initial values.
  2017   <p>That is why this property is "almost" a shorthand property: system fonts
  2018    can only be specified with this property, not with <a
  2019    href="#propdef-font-family" title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  2020    class=property>font-family</code>’</a> itself, so <span
  2021    class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font"><code
  2022    class=property>font</code></a>’</span> allows authors to do more than
  2023    the sum of its subproperties. However, the individual properties such as
  2024    <a href="#propdef-font-weight" title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  2025    class=property>font-weight</code>’</a> are still given values taken from
  2026    the system font, which can be independently varied.
  2028   <p>Note that the keywords used for the system fonts listed above are only
  2029    treated as keywords when they occur in the initial position, in other
  2030    positions the same string is treated as part of the font family name:
  2032   <pre>  font: menu;        /* use the font settings for system menus */
  2033   font: large menu;  /* use a font family named "menu" */</pre>
  2035   <div class=example>
  2036    <p style="display:none">Example(s):
  2038    <p>
  2040    <pre>button { font: 300 italic 1.3em/1.7em &quot;FB Armada&quot;, sans-serif }
  2041 button p { font: menu }
  2042 button p em { font-weight: bolder }
  2043 </pre>
  2045    <p>If the font used for dropdown menus on a particular system happened to
  2046     be, for example, 9-point Charcoal, with a weight of 600, then P elements
  2047     that were descendants of BUTTON would be displayed as if this rule were
  2048     in effect:
  2050    <pre>button p { font: 600 9pt Charcoal }
  2051 </pre>
  2053    <p>Because the <span class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font"><code
  2054     class=property>font</code></a>’</span> shorthand resets to its initial
  2055     value any property not explicitly given a value, this has the same effect
  2056     as this declaration:
  2058    <pre>button p {
  2059   font-style: normal;
  2060   font-variant: normal;
  2061   font-weight: 600;
  2062   font-size: 9pt;
  2063   line-height: normal;
  2064   font-family: Charcoal
  2066 </pre>
  2067   </div>
  2068   <!-- prop: font-synthesis -->
  2070   <h3 id=font-synthesis-prop><span class=secno>3.8 </span>Controlling
  2071    synthetic faces: the <a href="#propdef-font-synthesis">font-synthesis</a>
  2072    property</h3>
  2074   <table class=propdef id=namefont-synthesisvaluenone-weight-style>
  2075    <tbody>
  2076     <tr>
  2077      <td>Name:
  2079      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-synthesis>font-synthesis</dfn>
  2081     <tr>
  2082      <td>Value:
  2084      <td>none | [ weight || style ]
  2086     <tr>
  2087      <td>Initial:
  2089      <td>weight style
  2091     <tr>
  2092      <td>Applies to:
  2094      <td>all elements
  2096     <tr>
  2097      <td>Inherited:
  2099      <td>yes
  2101     <tr>
  2102      <td>Percentages:
  2104      <td>N/A
  2106     <tr>
  2107      <td>Media:
  2109      <td>visual
  2111     <tr>
  2112      <td>Computed value:
  2114      <td>as specified
  2116     <tr>
  2117      <td>Animatable:
  2119      <td>no
  2120   </table>
  2122   <p>This property controls whether user agents are allowed to synthesize
  2123    bold or oblique font faces when a font family lacks bold or italic faces.
  2124    If ‘<a href="#weight"><code class=property>weight</code></a>’ is not
  2125    specified, user agents must not synthesize bold faces and if ‘<code
  2126    class=property>style</code>’ is not specified user agents must not
  2127    synthesize italic faces. A value of ‘<code class=property>none</code>’
  2128    disallows all synthetic faces.
  2130   <div class=example>
  2131    <p>The style rule below disables the use of synthetically obliqued Arabic:</p>
  2133    <pre>*:lang(ar) { font-synthesis: none; }
  2134 </pre>
  2135   </div>
  2137   <h2 id=font-resources><span class=secno>4 </span>Font Resources</h2>
  2139   <h3 id=font-face-rule><span class=secno>4.1 </span>The <dfn
  2140    id=at-font-face-rule style="font-weight: inherit; font-style:
  2141    inherit"><code>@font-face</code></dfn> rule</h3>
  2143   <p>The <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule allows
  2144    for linking to fonts that are automatically fetched and activated when
  2145    needed. This allows authors to select a font that closely matches the
  2146    design goals for a given page rather than limiting the font choice to a
  2147    set of fonts available on all platforms. A set of font descriptors define
  2148    the location of a font resource, either locally or externally, along with
  2149    the style characteristics of an individual face. Multiple <a
  2150    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules can be used to
  2151    construct font families with a variety of faces. Using CSS font matching
  2152    rules, a user agent can selectively download only those faces that are
  2153    needed for a given piece of text.
  2155   <p>The <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule
  2156    consists of the <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  2157    at-keyword followed by a block of descriptor declarations. In terms of the
  2158    grammar, this specification defines the following productions:
  2160   <pre><dfn id=fontfacerule>font_face_rule</dfn>
  2161   : <a href="#fontfacesym"><i>FONT_FACE_SYM</i></a> <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* '{' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#descriptordeclaration"><i>descriptor_declaration</i></a>? [ ';' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#descriptordeclaration"><i>descriptor_declaration</i></a>? ]* '}' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>*
  2164 <dfn id=descriptordeclaration>descriptor_declaration</dfn>
  2165   : <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#grammar"><i>property</i></a> ':' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#grammar"><i>expr</i></a>
  2166   ;</pre>
  2168   <p>The following new definitions are introduced:
  2170   <pre>-    -|\\0{0,4}2d(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?
  2171 F    f|\\0{0,4}(46|66)(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])?</pre>
  2173   <p>The following new token is introduced:
  2175   <pre>@{F}{O}{N}{T}{-}{F}{A}{C}{E} {return <dfn id=fontfacesym>FONT_FACE_SYM</dfn>;}</pre>
  2177   <p>Each <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule
  2178    specifies a value for every font descriptor, either implicitly or
  2179    explicitly. Those not given explicit values in the rule take the initial
  2180    value listed with each descriptor in this specification. These descriptors
  2181    apply solely within the context of the <a
  2182    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule in which they
  2183    are defined, and do not apply to document language elements. There is no
  2184    notion of which elements the descriptors apply to or whether the values
  2185    are inherited by child elements. When a given descriptor occurs multiple
  2186    times in a given <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  2187    rule, only the last descriptor declaration is used and all prior
  2188    declarations for that descriptor are ignored.
  2190   <div class=example>
  2191    <p>To use a downloadable font called Gentium:</p>
  2193    <pre>
  2194 @font-face {
  2195   font-family: Gentium;
  2196   src: url(http://example.com/fonts/Gentium.ttf);
  2199 p { font-family: Gentium, serif; }
  2200 </pre>
  2202    <p>The user agent will download Gentium and use it when rendering text
  2203     within paragraph elements. If for some reason the site serving the font
  2204     is unavailable, the default serif font will be used.</p>
  2205   </div>
  2207   <p>A given set of <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  2208    rules define a set of fonts available for use within the documents that
  2209    contain these rules. When font matching is done, fonts defined using these
  2210    rules are considered before other available fonts on a system.
  2212   <p>Downloaded fonts are only available to documents that reference them.
  2213    The process of activating these fonts must not make them available to
  2214    other applications or to documents that don't directly link to the same
  2215    font. User agent implementers might consider it convenient to use
  2216    downloaded fonts when rendering characters in other documents for which no
  2217    other available font exists as part of the system font fallback procedure.
  2218    However, this would cause a security leak since the contents of one page
  2219    would be able to affect other pages, something an attacker could use as an
  2220    attack vector. These restrictions do not affect caching behavior, fonts
  2221    are cached the same way other web resources are cached.
  2223   <p>This at-rule follows the forward-compatible parsing rules of CSS. Like
  2224    properties in a declaration block, declarations of any descriptors that
  2225    are not supported by the user agent must be ignored. <a
  2226    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules require a
  2227    font-family and src descriptor; if either of these are missing, the <a
  2228    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule is invalid and
  2229    must be ignored entirely.
  2231   <p>In cases where user agents have limited platform resources or implement
  2232    the ability to disable downloadable font resources, <a
  2233    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules must simply be
  2234    ignored; the behavior of individual descriptors as defined in this
  2235    specification should not be altered.
  2237   <h3 id=font-family-desc><span class=secno>4.2 </span>Font family: the <a
  2238    href="#descdef-font-family">font-family</a> descriptor</h3>
  2240   <table class=descdef>
  2241    <tbody>
  2242     <tr>
  2243      <td>Name:
  2245      <td><dfn id=descdef-font-family
  2246       title="font-family!!descriptor">font-family</dfn>
  2248     <tr>
  2249      <td>Value:
  2251      <td><a href="#family-name-value"><var>&lt;family-name&gt;</var></a>
  2253     <tr>
  2254      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2256      <td>N/A
  2257   </table>
  2259   <p>This descriptor defines the font family name that will be used in all
  2260    CSS font family name matching. It is required for the <a
  2261    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule to be valid. It
  2262    overrides the font family names contained in the underlying font data. If
  2263    the font family name is the same as a font family available in a given
  2264    user's environment, it effectively hides the underlying font for documents
  2265    that use the stylesheet. This permits a web author to freely choose
  2266    font-family names without worrying about conflicts with font family names
  2267    present in a given user's environment. Likewise, platform substitutions
  2268    for a given font family name must not be used.
  2270   <h3 id=src-desc><span class=secno>4.3 </span>Font reference: the <a
  2271    href="#descdef-src">src</a> descriptor</h3>
  2273   <table class=descdef>
  2274    <tbody>
  2275     <tr>
  2276      <td>Name:
  2278      <td><dfn id=descdef-src>src</dfn>
  2280     <tr>
  2281      <td>Value:
  2283      <td>[ &lt;url> [format(&lt;string> #)]? | <a
  2284       href="#font-face-name-value"><var>&lt;font-face-name&gt;</var></a> ] #
  2286     <tr>
  2287      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2289      <td>N/A
  2290   </table>
  2292   <p>This descriptor specifies the resource containing font data. It is
  2293    required for the <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  2294    rule to be valid. Its value is a prioritized, comma-separated list of
  2295    external references or locally-installed font face names. When a font is
  2296    needed the user agent iterates over the set of references listed, using
  2297    the first one it can successfully activate. Fonts containing invalid data
  2298    or local font faces that are not found are ignored and the user agent
  2299    loads the next font in the list.
  2301   <p>As with other URLs in CSS, the URL may be relative, in which case it is
  2302    resolved relative to the location of the style sheet containing the <a
  2303    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule. In the case of
  2304    SVG fonts, the URL points to an element within a document containing SVG
  2305    font definitions. If the element reference is omitted, a reference to the
  2306    first defined font is implied. Similarly, font container formats that can
  2307    contain more than one font must load one and only one of the fonts for a
  2308    given <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule.
  2309    Fragment identifiers are used to indicate which font to load. If a
  2310    container format lacks a defined fragment identifier scheme,
  2311    implementations should use a simple 1-based indexing scheme (e.g.
  2312    "font-collection#1" for the first font, "font-collection#2" for the second
  2313    font).
  2315   <pre>
  2316 src: url(fonts/simple.ttf);   /* load simple.ttf relative to stylesheet location */
  2317 src: url(/fonts/simple.ttf);  /* load simple.ttf from absolute location */
  2318 src: url(fonts.svg#simple);   /* load SVG font with id 'simple' */
  2319 </pre>
  2321   <p>External references consist of a URL, followed by an optional hint
  2322    describing the format of the font resource referenced by that URL. The
  2323    format hint contains a comma-separated list of format strings that denote
  2324    well-known font formats. Conformant user agents must skip downloading a
  2325    font resource if the format hints indicate only unsupported or unknown
  2326    font formats. If no format hints are supplied, the user agent should
  2327    download the font resource.
  2329   <pre>
  2330 /* load WOFF font if possible, otherwise use OpenType font */
  2331 @font-face {
  2332   font-family: bodytext;
  2333   src: url(ideal-sans-serif.woff) format("woff"),
  2334        url(basic-sans-serif.ttf) format("opentype");
  2336 </pre>
  2338   <p>Format strings defined by this specification:
  2340   <table class=data id=fontformats>
  2341    <thead>
  2342     <tr>
  2343      <th>String
  2345      <th>Font Format
  2347      <th>Common extensions
  2349    <tbody>
  2350     <tr>
  2351      <th>"woff"
  2353      <td><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WOFF/">WOFF (Web Open Font Format)</a>
  2355      <td>.woff
  2357     <tr>
  2358      <th>"truetype"
  2360      <td><a
  2361       href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/default.htm">TrueType</a>
  2363      <td>.ttf
  2365     <tr>
  2366      <th>"opentype"
  2368      <td><a
  2369       href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/default.htm">OpenType</a>
  2371      <td>.ttf, .otf
  2373     <tr>
  2374      <th>"embedded-opentype"
  2376      <td><a
  2377       href="http://www.w3.org/Submission/2008/SUBM-EOT-20080305/">Embedded
  2378       OpenType</a>
  2380      <td>.eot
  2382     <tr>
  2383      <th>"svg"
  2385      <td><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/fonts.html">SVG Font</a>
  2387      <td>.svg, .svgz
  2388   </table>
  2390   <p>Given the overlap in common usage between TrueType and OpenType, the
  2391    format hints "truetype" and "opentype" must be considered as synonymous; a
  2392    format hint of "opentype" does not imply that the font contains Postscript
  2393    CFF style glyph data or that it contains OpenType layout information (see
  2394    <a href="#platform-props-to-css">Appendix A</a> for more background on
  2395    this).
  2397   <p>When authors would prefer to use a locally available copy of a given
  2398    font and download it if it's not, <code>local()</code> can be used. The
  2399    locally-installed <dfn
  2400    id=font-face-name-value><var>&lt;font-face-name&gt;</var></dfn> argument
  2401    to <code>local()</code> is a format-specific string that uniquely
  2402    identifies a single font face within a larger family. The syntax for a <a
  2403    href="#font-face-name-value"><var>&lt;font-face-name&gt;</var></a> is a
  2404    unique font face name enclosed by "local(" and ")". The name can
  2405    optionally be enclosed in quotes. If unquoted, the unquoted font family
  2406    name processing conventions apply; the name must be a sequence of
  2407    identifiers separated by whitespace which is converted to a string by
  2408    joining the identifiers together separated by a single space.
  2410   <pre>
  2411 /* regular face of Gentium */
  2412 @font-face {
  2413   font-family: MyGentium;
  2414   src: local(Gentium),   /* use locally available Gentium */
  2415        url(Gentium.ttf); /* otherwise, download it */
  2417 </pre>
  2419   <p>For OpenType and TrueType fonts, this string is used to match only the
  2420    Postscript name or the full font name in the name table of locally
  2421    available fonts. Which type of name is used varies by platform and font,
  2422    so authors should include both of these names to assure proper matching
  2423    across platforms. Platform substitutions for a given font name must not be
  2424    used.
  2426   <pre>
  2427 /* bold face of Gentium */
  2428 @font-face {
  2429   font-family: MyGentium;
  2430   src: local(Gentium Bold),   /* full font name */
  2431        local(Gentium-Bold),   /* Postscript name */
  2432        url(GentiumBold.ttf);  /* otherwise, download it */
  2433   font-weight: bold;
  2435 </pre>
  2437   <p>Just as a <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule
  2438    specifies the characteristics of a single font within a family, the unique
  2439    name used with <code>local()</code> specifies a single font, not an entire
  2440    font family. Defined in terms of OpenType font data, the Postscript name
  2441    is found in the font's <a
  2442    href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/name.htm">name table</a>,
  2443    in the name record with nameID = 6 (see <a href="#OPENTYPE"
  2444    rel=biblioentry>[OPENTYPE]<!--{{!OPENTYPE}}--></a> for more details). The
  2445    Postscript name is the commonly used key for all fonts on OSX and for
  2446    Postscript CFF fonts under Windows. The full font name (nameID = 4) is
  2447    used as a unique key for fonts with TrueType glyphs on Windows.
  2449   <p>For OpenType fonts with multiple localizations of the full font name,
  2450    the US English version is used (language ID = 0x409 for Windows and
  2451    language ID = 0 for Macintosh) or the first localization when a US English
  2452    full font name is not available (the OpenType specification recommends
  2453    that <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/recom.htm">all
  2454    fonts minimally include US English names</a>). User agents that also match
  2455    other full font names, e.g. matching the Dutch name when the current
  2456    system locale is set to Dutch, are considered non-conformant. This is done
  2457    not to prefer English but to avoid matching inconsistencies across font
  2458    versions and OS localizations, since font style names (e.g. "Bold") are
  2459    frequently localized into many languages and the set of localizations
  2460    available varies widely across platform and font version. User agents that
  2461    match a concatenation of family name (nameID = 1) with style name (nameID
  2462    = 2) are considered non-conformant.
  2464   <p>This also allows for referencing faces that belong to larger families
  2465    that cannot otherwise be referenced.
  2467   <div class=example>
  2468    <p>Use a local font or reference an SVG font in another document:</p>
  2470    <pre>
  2471 @font-face {
  2472   font-family: Headline;
  2473   src: local(Futura-Medium),
  2474        url(fonts.svg#MyGeometricModern) format("svg");
  2476 </pre>
  2478    <p>Create an alias for local Japanese fonts on different platforms:</p>
  2480    <pre>
  2481 @font-face {
  2482   font-family: jpgothic;
  2483   src: local(HiraKakuPro-W3), local(Meiryo), local(IPAPGothic);
  2485 </pre>
  2487    <p>Reference a font face that cannot be matched within a larger family:</p>
  2489    <pre>
  2490 @font-face {
  2491   font-family: Hoefler Text Ornaments;
  2492   /* has the same font properties as Hoefler Text Regular */
  2493   src: local(HoeflerText-Ornaments);
  2495 </pre>
  2497    <p>Since localized fullnames never match, a document with the header style
  2498     rules below would always render using the default serif font, regardless
  2499     whether a particular system locale parameter is set to Finnish or not:</p>
  2501    <pre>
  2502 @font-face {
  2503   font-family: SectionHeader;
  2504   src: local("Arial Lihavoitu");  /* Finnish fullname for Arial Bold, should fail */
  2505   font-weight: bold;
  2508 h2 { font-family: SectionHeader, serif; }
  2509 </pre>
  2511    <p>A conformant user agent would never load the font ‘<code
  2512     class=css>gentium.eot</code>’ in the example below, since it is
  2513     included in the first definition of the ‘<a href="#descdef-src"><code
  2514     class=property>src</code></a>’ descriptor which is overridden by the
  2515     second definition in the same <a
  2516     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule:</p>
  2518    <pre>
  2519 @font-face {
  2520   font-family: MainText;
  2521   src: url(gentium.eot); /* for use with older non-conformant user agents */
  2522   src: local("Gentium"), url(gentium.ttf);  /* Overrides src definition */
  2524 </pre>
  2525   </div>
  2527   <h3 id=font-prop-desc><span class=secno>4.4 </span>Font property
  2528    descriptors: the <a href="#descdef-font-style">font-style</a>, <a
  2529    href="#descdef-font-weight">font-weight</a>, <a
  2530    href="#descdef-font-stretch">font-stretch</a> descriptors</h3>
  2532   <table class=descdef>
  2533    <tbody>
  2534     <tr>
  2535      <td>Name:
  2537      <td><dfn id=descdef-font-style
  2538       title="font-style!!descriptor">font-style</dfn>
  2540     <tr>
  2541      <td>Value:
  2543      <td>normal | italic | oblique
  2545     <tr>
  2546      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2548      <td>normal
  2549   </table>
  2551   <table class=descdef>
  2552    <tbody>
  2553     <tr>
  2554      <td>Name:
  2556      <td><dfn id=descdef-font-weight
  2557       title="font-weight!!descriptor">font-weight</dfn>
  2559     <tr>
  2560      <td>Value:
  2562      <td>normal | bold | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
  2564     <tr>
  2565      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2567      <td>normal
  2568   </table>
  2570   <table class=descdef>
  2571    <tbody>
  2572     <tr>
  2573      <td>Name:
  2575      <td><dfn id=descdef-font-stretch
  2576       title="font-stretch!!descriptor">font-stretch</dfn>
  2578     <tr>
  2579      <td>Value:
  2581      <td>normal | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed |
  2582       semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded |
  2583       ultra-expanded
  2585     <tr>
  2586      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2588      <td>normal
  2589   </table>
  2591   <p>These descriptors define the characteristics of a font face and are used
  2592    in the process of matching styles to specific faces. For a font family
  2593    defined with several <a
  2594    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules, user agents
  2595    can either download all faces in the family or use these descriptors to
  2596    selectively download font faces that match actual styles used in document.
  2597    The values for these descriptors are the same as those for the
  2598    corresponding font properties except that relative keywords are not
  2599    allowed, ‘<a href="#bolder"><code class=property>bolder</code></a>’
  2600    and ‘<a href="#lighter"><code class=property>lighter</code></a>’. If
  2601    these descriptors are omitted, initial values are assumed.
  2603   <p>The value for these font face style attributes is used in place of the
  2604    style implied by the underlying font data. This allows authors to combine
  2605    faces in flexible combinations, even in situations where the original font
  2606    data was arranged differently. User agents that implement synthetic
  2607    bolding and obliquing must only apply synthetic styling in cases where the
  2608    font descriptors imply this is needed, rather than based on the style
  2609    attributes implied by the font data.
  2611   <h3 id=unicode-range-desc><span class=secno>4.5 </span>Character range: the
  2612    <a href="#descdef-unicode-range">unicode-range</a> descriptor</h3>
  2614   <table class=descdef>
  2615    <tbody>
  2616     <tr>
  2617      <td>Name:
  2619      <td><dfn id=descdef-unicode-range>unicode-range</dfn>
  2621     <tr>
  2622      <td>Value:
  2624      <td><a href="#urange-value"><var>&lt;urange&gt;</var></a> #
  2626     <tr>
  2627      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2629      <td>U+0-10FFFF
  2630   </table>
  2632   <p>This descriptor defines the set of Unicode codepoints that may be
  2633    supported by the font face for which it is declared. The descriptor value
  2634    is a comma-delimited list of Unicode range (<a
  2635    href="#urange-value"><var>&lt;urange&gt;</var></a>) values. The union of
  2636    these ranges defines the set of codepoints that serves as a hint for user
  2637    agents when deciding whether or not to download a font resource for a
  2638    given text run.
  2640   <p>Each <dfn id=urange-value><var>&lt;urange&gt;</var></dfn> value is a <a
  2641    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><code
  2642    title="UNICODE-RANGE token">UNICODE-RANGE</code></a> token made up of a
  2643    "U+" or "u+" prefix followed by a codepoint range in one of the three
  2644    forms listed below. Ranges that do not fit one of the these forms are
  2645    invalid and cause the declaration to be ignored.
  2647   <dl>
  2648    <dt>single codepoint (e.g. U+416)
  2650    <dd>a valid Unicode codepoint, represented as one to six hexadecimal
  2651     digits
  2653    <dt>interval range (e.g. U+400-4ff)
  2655    <dd>represented as two hyphen-separated valid Unicode codepoints
  2656     indicating the inclusive start and end codepoints of a range
  2658    <dt>wildcard range (e.g. U+4??)
  2660    <dd>defined by the set of codepoints implied when trailing ‘<code
  2661     class=css>?</code>’ characters signify any hexadeximal digit
  2662   </dl>
  2664   <p>Individual codepoints are written using hexadecimal values that
  2665    correspond to <a href="http://www.unicode.org/charts/">Unicode character
  2666    codepoints</a>. Valid Unicode codepoint values vary between 0 and 10FFFF
  2667    inclusive. Digit values of codepoints are ASCII case-insensitive. For
  2668    interval ranges, the start and end codepoints are valid Unicode values and
  2669    the end codepoint is greater than or equal to the start codepoint.
  2671   <p>Wildcard ranges specified with ‘?’ that lack an initial digit (e.g.
  2672    "U+???") are valid and equivalent to a wildcard range with an initial zero
  2673    digit (e.g. "U+0???" = "U+0000-0FFF"). Wildcard ranges that extend beyond
  2674    the range of valid Unicode codepoints are invalid. Because of this, the
  2675    maximum number of trailing ‘<code class=css>?</code>’ wildcard
  2676    characters is five, even though the <a
  2677    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><code
  2678    title="UNICODE-RANGE token">UNICODE-RANGE</code></a> token accepts six.
  2680   <p>Within the comma-delimited list of Unicode ranges in a ‘<a
  2681    href="#descdef-unicode-range"><code
  2682    class=property>unicode-range</code></a>’ descriptor declaration, ranges
  2683    may overlap. The union of these ranges defines the set of codepoints for
  2684    which the corresponding font may be used. User agents must not download or
  2685    use the font for codepoints outside this set. User agents may normalize
  2686    the list of ranges into a list that is different but represents the same
  2687    set of codepoints.
  2689   <p>The associated font might not contain glyphs for the entire set of
  2690    codepoints defined by the ‘<a href="#descdef-unicode-range"><code
  2691    class=property>unicode-range</code></a>’ descriptor. When the font is
  2692    used the effective <a href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a> is
  2693    the intersection of the codepoints defined by ‘<a
  2694    href="#descdef-unicode-range"><code
  2695    class=property>unicode-range</code></a>’ with the font's <a
  2696    href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a>. This allows authors to
  2697    define supported ranges in terms of broad ranges without worrying about
  2698    the precise codepoint ranges supported by the underlying font.
  2700   <h3 id=composite-fonts><span class=secno>4.6 </span>Using character ranges
  2701    to define composite fonts</h3>
  2703   <p>Multiple <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules
  2704    with different unicode ranges for the same family and style descriptor
  2705    values can be used to create composite fonts that mix the glyphs from
  2706    different fonts for different scripts. This can be used to combine fonts
  2707    that only contain glyphs for a single script (e.g. Latin, Greek, Cyrillic)
  2708    or it can be used by authors as a way of segmenting a font into fonts for
  2709    commonly used characters and less frequently used characters. Since the
  2710    user agent will only pull down the fonts it needs this helps reduce page
  2711    bandwidth.
  2713   <p>If the unicode ranges overlap for a set of <a
  2714    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules with the same
  2715    family and style descriptor values, the rules are ordered in the reverse
  2716    order they were defined; the last rule defined is the first to be checked
  2717    for a given character.
  2719   <p>Example ranges for specific languages or characters:
  2721   <dl>
  2722    <dt>unicode-range: U+A5;
  2724    <dd>a single code point, the yen/yuan symbol
  2726    <dt>unicode-range: U+0-7F;
  2728    <dd>code range for basic ASCII characters
  2730    <dt>unicode-range: U+590-5ff;
  2732    <dd>code range for Hebrew characters
  2734    <dt>unicode-range: U+A5, U+4E00-9FFF, U+30??, U+FF00-FF9F;
  2736    <dd>code range for Japanese kanji, hiragana and katakana characters plus
  2737     yen/yuan symbol
  2738   </dl>
  2740   <div class=example>
  2741    <p>The BBC provides news services in a wide variety of languages, many
  2742     that are not well supported across all platforms. Using an <a
  2743     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule, the BBC could
  2744     provide a font for any of these languages, as it already does via a
  2745     manual font download.</p>
  2747    <pre>
  2748 @font-face {
  2749   font-family: BBCBengali;
  2750   src: url(fonts/BBCBengali.ttf) format("opentype");
  2751   unicode-range: U+00-FF, U+980-9FF;
  2753 </pre>
  2754   </div>
  2756   <div class=example>
  2757    <p>Technical documents often require a wide range of symbols. The STIX
  2758     Fonts project is one project aimed at providing fonts to support a wide
  2759     range of technical typesetting in a standardized way. The example below
  2760     shows the use of a font that provides glyphs for many of the mathematical
  2761     and technical symbol ranges within Unicode:</p>
  2763    <pre>
  2764 @font-face {
  2765   font-family: STIXGeneral;
  2766   src: local(STIXGeneral), url(/stixfonts/STIXGeneral.otf);
  2767   unicode-range: U+000-49F, U+2000-27FF, U+2900-2BFF, U+1D400-1D7FF;
  2769 </pre>
  2770   </div>
  2772   <div class=example>
  2773    <p>This example shows how an author can override the glyphs used for Latin
  2774     characters in a Japanese font with glyphs from a different font. The
  2775     first rule specifies no range so it defaults to the entire range. The
  2776     range specified in the second rule overlaps but takes precedence because
  2777     it is defined later.</p>
  2779    <pre>
  2780 @font-face {
  2781   font-family: JapaneseWithGentium;
  2782   src: local(MSMincho);
  2783   /* no range specified, defaults to entire range */
  2786 @font-face {
  2787   font-family: JapaneseWithGentium;
  2788   src: url(../fonts/Gentium.ttf);
  2789   unicode-range: U+0-2FF;
  2791 </pre>
  2792   </div>
  2794   <div class=example>
  2795    <p>Consider a family constructed to optimize bandwidth by separating out
  2796     Latin, Japanese and other characters into different font files:</p>
  2798    <pre>
  2799 /* fallback font - size: 4.5MB */
  2800 @font-face {
  2801   font-family: DroidSans;
  2802   src: url(DroidSansFallback.ttf);
  2803   /* no range specified, defaults to entire range */
  2806 /* Japanese glyphs - size: 1.2MB */
  2807 @font-face {
  2808   font-family: DroidSans;
  2809   src: url(DroidSansJapanese.ttf);
  2810   unicode-range: U+3000-9FFF, U+ff??;
  2813 /* Latin, Greek, Cyrillic along with some
  2814    punctuation and symbols - size: 190KB */
  2815 @font-face {
  2816   font-family: DroidSans;
  2817   src: url(DroidSans.ttf);
  2818   unicode-range: U+000-5FF, U+1e00-1fff, U+2000-2300;
  2820 </pre>
  2822    <p>For simple Latin text, only the font for Latin characters is
  2823     downloaded:</p>
  2825    <pre>
  2826 body { font-family: DroidSans; }
  2828 &lt;p>This is that&lt;/p>
  2829 </pre>
  2831    <p>In this case the user agent first checks the unicode-range for the font
  2832     containing Latin characters (DroidSans.ttf). Since all the characters
  2833     above are in the range U+0-5FF, the user agent downloads the font and
  2834     renders the text with that font.</p>
  2836    <p>Next, consider text that makes use of an arrow character (⇨):</p>
  2838    <pre>
  2839 &lt;p>This &amp;#x21e8; that&lt;p>
  2840 </pre>
  2842    <p>The user agent again first checks the unicode-range of the font
  2843     containing Latin characters. Since U+2000-2300 includes the arrow code
  2844     point (U+21E8), the user agent downloads the font. For this character
  2845     however the Latin font does not have a matching glyph, so the effective
  2846     unicode-range used for font matching excludes this code point. Next, the
  2847     user agent evaluates the Japanese font. The unicode-range for the
  2848     Japanese font, U+3000-9FFF and U+ff??, does not include U+21E8, so the
  2849     user agent does not download the Japanese font. Next the fallback font is
  2850     considered. The <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  2851     rule for the fallback font does not define unicode-range so its value
  2852     defaults to the range of all Unicode code points. The fallback font is
  2853     downloaded and used to render the arrow character.</p>
  2854   </div>
  2856   <h3 id=font-rend-desc><span class=secno>4.7 </span>Font features: the <a
  2857    href="#descdef-font-variant">font-variant</a> and <a
  2858    href="#descdef-font-feature-settings">font-feature-settings</a>
  2859    descriptors</h3>
  2861   <table class=descdef>
  2862    <tbody>
  2863     <tr>
  2864      <td>Name:
  2866      <td><dfn id=descdef-font-variant
  2867       title="font-variant!!descriptor">font-variant</dfn>
  2869     <tr>
  2870      <td>Value:
  2872      <td><a href="#font-variant-normal-value"
  2873       title="normal!!font-variant">normal</a> | <a
  2874       href="#font-variant-none-value" title="none!!font-variant">none</a> | [
  2875       <a href="#common-lig-values"><var>&lt;common-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  2876       || <a
  2877       href="#discretionary-lig-values"><var>&lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  2878       || <a
  2879       href="#historical-lig-values"><var>&lt;historical-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  2880       || <a
  2881       href="#contextual-alt-values"><var>&lt;contextual-alt-values&gt;</var></a>
  2882       || <a href="#stylistic"><var
  2883       title=stylistic>stylistic(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || <a
  2884       href="#historical-forms"><var>historical-forms</var></a> || <a
  2885       href="#styleset"><var
  2886       title=styleset>styleset(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #)</var></a> || <a
  2887       href="#character-variant"><var
  2888       title=character-variant>character-variant(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;
  2889       #)</var></a> || <a href="#swash"><var
  2890       title=swash>swash(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || <a
  2891       href="#ornaments"><var
  2892       title=ornaments>ornaments(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || <a
  2893       href="#annotation"><var
  2894       title=annotation>annotation(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || [
  2895       <a href="#small-caps"><i>small-caps</i></a> | <a
  2896       href="#all-small-caps"><i>all-small-caps</i></a> | <a
  2897       href="#petite-caps"><i>petite-caps</i></a> | <a
  2898       href="#all-petite-caps"><i>all-petite-caps</i></a> | <a
  2899       href="#unicase"><i>unicase</i></a> | <a
  2900       href="#titling-caps"><i>titling-caps</i></a> ] || <a
  2901       href="#numeric-figure-values"><var>&lt;numeric-figure-values&gt;</var></a>
  2902       || <a
  2903       href="#numeric-spacing-values"><var>&lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt;</var></a>
  2904       || <a
  2905       href="#numeric-fraction-values"><var>&lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt;</var></a>
  2906       || <a href="#ordinal"><i>ordinal</i></a> || <a
  2907       href="#slashed-zero"><i>slashed-zero</i></a> || <a
  2908       href="#east-asian-variant-values"><var>&lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt;</var></a>
  2909       || <a
  2910       href="#east-asian-width-values"><var>&lt;east-asian-width-values&gt;</var></a>
  2911       || <a href="#ruby"><i>ruby</i></a> ]
  2913     <tr>
  2914      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2916      <td>normal
  2917   </table>
  2919   <table class=descdef>
  2920    <tbody>
  2921     <tr>
  2922      <td>Name:
  2924      <td><dfn id=descdef-font-feature-settings
  2925       title="font-feature-settings!!descriptor">font-feature-settings</dfn>
  2927     <tr>
  2928      <td>Value:
  2930      <td><a href="#font-feature-settings-normal-value"
  2931       title="normal!!font-feature-settings">normal</a> | <a
  2932       href="#feature-tag-value"><var>&lt;feature-tag-value&gt;</var></a> #
  2934     <tr>
  2935      <td><em>Initial:</em>
  2937      <td>normal
  2938   </table>
  2940   <p>These descriptors define initial settings that apply when the font
  2941    defined by an <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  2942    rule is rendered. They do not affect font selection. Values are identical
  2943    to those defined for the corresponding <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  2944    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  2945    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> and <a
  2946    href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  2947    title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  2948    class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a> properties defined
  2949    below except that the value ‘<code class=property>inherit</code>’ is
  2950    omitted. When multiple font feature descriptors or properties are used,
  2951    the cumulative effect on text rendering is detailed in the section <a
  2952    href="#font-feature-resolution">Font Feature Resolution</a> below. In
  2953    cases where specific values define synthesized fallback for certain <a
  2954    href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  2955    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> subproperties, the same
  2956    synthesized fallback applies when used within those values are used with
  2957    the <a href="#descdef-font-style" title="font-style!!descriptor">‘<code
  2958    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> descriptor.
  2960   <h3 id=font-face-loading><span class=secno>4.8 </span>Font loading
  2961    guidelines</h3>
  2963   <p>The <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule is
  2964    designed to allow lazy loading of font resources that are only downloaded
  2965    when used within a document. A stylesheet can include <a
  2966    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules for a library
  2967    of fonts of which only a select set are used; user agents must only
  2968    download those fonts that are referred to within the style rules
  2969    applicable to a given page. User agents that download all fonts defined in
  2970    <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules without
  2971    considering whether those fonts are in fact used within a page are
  2972    considered non-conformant. In cases where a font might be downloaded in
  2973    character fallback cases, user agents may download a font if it's
  2974    contained within the computed value of <a href="#propdef-font-family"
  2975    title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  2976    class=property>font-family</code>’</a> for a given text run.
  2978   <pre>
  2979 @font-face {
  2980   font-family: GeometricModern;
  2981   src: url(font.ttf);
  2984 p {
  2985   /* font will be downloaded for pages with p elements */
  2986   font-family: GeometricModern, sans-serif;
  2989 h2 {
  2990   /* font may be downloaded for pages with h2 elements, even if Futura is available locally */
  2991   font-family: Futura, GeometricModern, sans-serif;
  2993 </pre>
  2995   <p>In cases where textual content is loaded before downloadable fonts are
  2996    available, user agents may render text as it would be rendered if
  2997    downloadable font resources are not available or they may render text
  2998    transparently with fallback fonts to avoid a flash of text using a
  2999    fallback font. In cases where the font download fails user agents must
  3000    display text, simply leaving transparent text is considered non-conformant
  3001    behavior. Authors are advised to use fallback fonts in their font lists
  3002    that closely match the vertical metrics of the downloadable fonts to avoid
  3003    large page reflows where possible.
  3005   <h3 id=same-origin-restriction><span class=secno>4.9 </span>Same-origin
  3006    restriction for fonts</h3>
  3008   <h4 id=default-same-origin-restriction><span class=secno>4.9.1
  3009    </span>Default same-origin restriction</h4>
  3010   <!-- TPAC 2011 Resolution to require same-origin restriction for loading fonts:
  3011   http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Nov/0711.html
  3012   http://www.w3.org/2011/10/31-webapps-minutes.html#item02
  3013 -->
  3015   <p>User agents must implement a same-origin restriction when loading fonts
  3016    via the <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  3017    mechanism. This restriction limits the loading of fonts for a given
  3018    document to fonts loaded from the same origin. Fonts can only be loaded
  3019    via the same host, port, and method combination as the containing
  3020    document, using the <a
  3021    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/browsers.html#origin">origin matching
  3022    algorithm</a> described in the <a href="#HTML5"
  3023    rel=biblioentry>[HTML5]<!--{{!HTML5}}--></a> specification. The origin of
  3024    the stylesheet containing <a
  3025    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules is not used
  3026    when deciding whether a font is same origin or not, only the origin of the
  3027    containing document is used. The restriction applies to all font types.
  3029   <p>Given a document located at http://example.com/page.html, fonts defined
  3030    with ‘<a href="#descdef-src"><code class=property>src</code></a>’
  3031    definitions considered cross origin must not be loaded:
  3033   <pre>
  3034 /* same origin (i.e. domain, protocol, port match document) */
  3035 src: url(fonts/simple.ttf);
  3036 src: url(//fonts/simple.ttf);
  3038 /* cross origin, different protocol */
  3039 src: url(https://example.com/fonts/simple.ttf);
  3041 /* cross origin, different domain */
  3042 src: url(http://another.example.com/fonts/simple.ttf);
  3043 </pre>
  3045   <h4 id=allowing-cross-origin-font-loading><span class=secno>4.9.2
  3046    </span>Allowing cross-origin font loading</h4>
  3048   <p>User agents must also implement the ability to relax this restriction
  3049    using cross-site origin controls <a href="#CORS"
  3050    rel=biblioentry>[CORS]<!--{{!CORS}}--></a> for fonts loaded via HTTP.
  3051    Sites can explicitly allow cross-site downloading of font data using the
  3052    <code>Access-Control-Allow-Origin</code> HTTP header. For other protocols,
  3053    no explicit relaxation mechanism is defined or required.
  3055   <p>For font loads over HTTP, cross-origin requests must be made with the
  3056    following parameter settings which are used in conjunction with the <a
  3057    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#cross-origin-request-0"> <em>cross-origin
  3058    request algorithm</em></a> <a href="#CORS"
  3059    rel=biblioentry>[CORS]<!--{{!CORS}}--></a>:
  3061   <ul>
  3062    <li><em>request URL</em> — the URL of the font resource in the <a
  3063     href="#descdef-src"><code>src</code></a> descriptor
  3065    <li><em>request method</em> — GET
  3067    <li><em>author request headers</em> — none
  3069    <li><em>request entity body</em> — empty
  3071    <li><em>source origin</em> — the origin of the page which linked to the
  3072     stylesheet
  3074    <li><em>manual redirect flag</em> — false
  3076    <li><em>omit credentials flag</em> — true
  3078    <li><em>force preflight flag</em> — false
  3079   </ul>
  3081   <h2 id=font-matching-algorithm><span class=secno>5 </span>Font Matching
  3082    Algorithm</h2>
  3084   <p>The algorithm below describes how fonts are associated with individual
  3085    runs of text. For each character in the run a font family is chosen and a
  3086    particular font face is selected containing a glyph for that character.
  3088   <h3 id=font-family-casing><span class=secno>5.1 </span>Case sensitivity of
  3089    font family names</h3>
  3091   <p>As part of the font matching algorithm outlined below, user agents must
  3092    match font family names used in style rules with actual font family names
  3093    contained in fonts available in a given environment or defined via <a
  3094    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules. User agents
  3095    must match these names case insensitively, using the "Default Caseless
  3096    Matching" algorithm outlined in the Unicode specification <a
  3097    href="#UNICODE6" rel=biblioentry>[UNICODE6]<!--{{!UNICODE6}}--></a>. This
  3098    algorithm is detailed in section 3.13 entitled "Default Case Algorithms".
  3099    Specifically, the algorithm must be applied without normalizing the
  3100    strings involved and without applying any language-specific tailorings.
  3101    The case folding method specified by this algorithm uses the case mappings
  3102    with status field ‘<code class=property>C</code>’ or ‘<code
  3103    class=property>F</code>’ in the CaseFolding.txt file of the Unicode
  3104    Character Database.
  3106   <p class=note> Implementors should take care to verify that a given
  3107    caseless string comparison implementation uses this precise algorithm and
  3108    not assume that a given platform string matching routine follows it, as
  3109    many of these have locale-specific behavior or use some level of string
  3110    normalization.
  3112   <p class=note> For authors this means that font family names are matched
  3113    case insensitively, whether those names exist in a platform font or in the
  3114    <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules contained
  3115    in a stylesheet. Authors should take care to ensure that names use a
  3116    character sequence consistent with the actual font family name,
  3117    particularly when using combining characters such as diacritical marks.
  3118    For example, a family name that contains an uppercase A (U+0041) followed
  3119    by a combining ring (U+030A) will <strong>not</strong> match a name that
  3120    looks identical but which uses the precomposed lowercase a-ring character
  3121    (U+00E5) instead of the combining sequence.
  3123   <h3 id=font-style-matching><span class=secno>5.2 </span>Matching font
  3124    styles</h3>
  3126   <p>The procedure for choosing fonts consists of iterating over the font
  3127    families determined by the font-family property, selecting a font face
  3128    with the appropriate style based on other font properties and then
  3129    determining whether a glyph exists for a given character. This is done
  3130    using the <dfn id=character-map>character map</dfn> of the font, data
  3131    which maps characters to the default glyph for that character. Codepoint
  3132    sequences consisting of a base character followed by a sequence of
  3133    combining characters are treated slightly differently, see the section on
  3134    <a href="#cluster-matching">cluster matching</a> below.
  3136   <p>For this procedure, the <dfn id=default-face>default face</dfn> for a
  3137    given font family is defined to be the face that would be selected if all
  3138    font style properties were set to their initial value.
  3140   <ol id=fontmatchingalg>
  3141    <li>Using the computed font property values for a given element, the user
  3142     agent starts with the first family name in the fontlist specified by the
  3143     <a href="#propdef-font-family" title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  3144     class=property>font-family</code>’</a> property.
  3146    <li>If the family name is unquoted and is a generic family name, the user
  3147     agent looks up the appropriate font family name to be used. User agents
  3148     may choose the generic font family to use based on the language of the
  3149     containing element or the Unicode range of the character.
  3151    <li>For other family names, the user agent attempts to find the family
  3152     name among fonts defined via <a
  3153     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules and then
  3154     among available system fonts, matching names with a case-insensitive
  3155     comparison as outlined <a href="#font-family-casing">in the section
  3156     above</a>. On systems containing fonts with multiple localized font
  3157     family names, user agents must match any of these names independent of
  3158     the underlying system locale or platform API used. If the font resources
  3159     defined for a given face in an <a
  3160     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule are either not
  3161     available or contain invalid font data, then the face should be treated
  3162     as not present in the family. If no faces are present for a family
  3163     defined via <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  3164     rules, the family should be treated as missing; matching a platform font
  3165     with the same name must not occur in this case.
  3167    <li>If a font family match occurs, the user agent assembles the set of
  3168     font faces in that family and then narrows the set to a single face using
  3169     other font properties in the order given below:
  3170     <ol id=fontstylematchingalg>
  3171      <li><a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  3172       title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  3173       class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a> is tried first. If the
  3174       matching set contains faces with width values matching the <a
  3175       href="#propdef-font-stretch" title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  3176       class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a> value, faces with other width
  3177       values are removed from the matching set. If there is no face that
  3178       exactly matches the width value the nearest width is used instead. If
  3179       the value of <a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  3180       title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  3181       class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a> is ‘<a href="#normal"><code
  3182       class=property>normal</code></a>’ or one of the condensed values,
  3183       narrower width values are checked first, then wider values. If the
  3184       value of <a href="#propdef-font-stretch"
  3185       title="font-stretch!!property">‘<code
  3186       class=property>font-stretch</code>’</a> is one of the expanded
  3187       values, wider values are checked first, followed by narrower values.
  3188       Once the closest matching width has been determined by this process,
  3189       faces with other widths are removed from the matching set.
  3191      <li><a href="#propdef-font-style" title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  3192       class=property>font-style</code>’</a> is tried next. If the value of
  3193       <a href="#propdef-font-style" title="font-style!!property">‘<code
  3194       class=property>font-style</code>’</a> is ‘<a href="#italic"><code
  3195       class=property>italic</code></a>’, italic faces are checked first,
  3196       then oblique, then normal faces. If the value is ‘<a
  3197       href="#oblique"><code class=property>oblique</code></a>’, oblique
  3198       faces are checked first, then italic faces and then normal faces. If
  3199       the value is ‘<a href="#normal"><code
  3200       class=property>normal</code></a>’, normal faces are checked first,
  3201       then oblique faces, then italic faces. Faces with other style values
  3202       are excluded from the matching set. User agents are permitted to
  3203       distinguish between italic and oblique faces within platform font
  3204       families but this is not required, they may treat all italic or oblique
  3205       faces as italic faces. However, within font families defined via <a
  3206       href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules, italic and
  3207       oblique faces must be distinguished using the value of the <a
  3208       href="#descdef-font-style" title="font-style!!descriptor">‘<code
  3209       class=property>font-style</code>’</a> descriptor.
  3211      <li><a href="#propdef-font-weight"
  3212       title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  3213       class=property>font-weight</code>’</a> is matched next, it will
  3214       always reduce the matching set to a single font face. If bolder/lighter
  3215       relative weights are used, the effective weight is calculated based on
  3216       the inherited weight value, as described in the definition of the <a
  3217       href="#propdef-font-weight" title="font-weight!!property">‘<code
  3218       class=property>font-weight</code>’</a> property. Given the desired
  3219       weight and the weights of faces in the matching set after the steps
  3220       above, if the desired weight is available that face matches. Otherwise,
  3221       a weight is chosen using the rules below:
  3222       <ul>
  3223        <li>If the desired weight is less than 400, weights below the desired
  3224         weight are checked in descending order followed by weights above the
  3225         desired weight in ascending order until a match is found.
  3227        <li>If the desired weight is greater than 500, weights above the
  3228         desired weight are checked in ascending order followed by weights
  3229         below the desired weight in descending order until a match is found.
  3231        <li>If the desired weight is 400, 500 is checked first and then the
  3232         rule for desired weights less than 400 is used.
  3234        <li>If the desired weight is 500, 400 is checked first and then the
  3235         rule for desired weights less than 400 is used.
  3236       </ul>
  3238      <li><span class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font-size"><code
  3239       class=property>font-size</code></a>’</span> must be matched within a
  3240       UA-dependent margin of tolerance. (Typically, sizes for scalable fonts
  3241       are rounded to the nearest whole pixel, while the tolerance for
  3242       bitmapped fonts could be as large as 20%.) Further computations, e.g.,
  3243       by ‘<code class=property>em</code>’ values in other properties, are
  3244       based on the <span class=property>‘<a href="#propdef-font-size"><code
  3245       class=property>font-size</code></a>’</span> value that is used, not
  3246       the one that is specified.
  3247     </ol>
  3249    <li>
  3250     <p>If no matching face exists or the matched face does not contain a
  3251      glyph for the character to be rendered, the next family name is selected
  3252      and the previous two steps repeated. Glyphs from other faces in the
  3253      family are not considered. The only exception is that user agents may
  3254      optionally substitute a synthetic version of the <a
  3255      href="#default-face"><em>default face</em></a> if that face supports a
  3256      given glyph (e.g. a synthetic italic version of the regular face may be
  3257      used if the italic face doesn't support glyphs for Arabic).</p>
  3258     <!-- resolution on the above: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Nov/0292.html -->
  3260     <p>If the matched font is defined via an <a
  3261      href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule and needs to
  3262      be downloaded, the font resource is downloaded. While the download
  3263      occurs, the user agent can either wait until the font is downloaded or
  3264      render once with substituted font metrics and render again once the font
  3265      is downloaded.</p>
  3267    <li>If there are no more font families to be evaluated and no matching
  3268     face has been found, then the user agent performs a <em>system font
  3269     fallback</em> procedure to find the best match for the character to be
  3270     rendered. The result of this procedure may vary across user agents.
  3272    <li>If a particular character cannot be displayed using any font, the user
  3273     agent should indicate by some means that a character is not being
  3274     displayed, displaying either a symbolic representation of the missing
  3275     glyph (e.g. using a <a
  3276     href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_resort_font">Last Resort
  3277     Font</a>) or using the missing character glyph from a default font.
  3278   </ol>
  3280   <h3 id=cluster-matching><span class=secno>5.3 </span>Cluster matching</h3>
  3282   <p>When text contains characters such as combining diacritics, ideally the
  3283    base character should be rendered using the same font as the diacritic,
  3284    this assures proper placement of the diacritic. For this reason, the font
  3285    matching algorithm for clusters is more specialized than the general case
  3286    of matching a single character by itself. For sequences containing
  3287    variation selectors, which indicate the precise glyph to be used for a
  3288    given character, user agents always attempt system font fallback to find
  3289    the appropriate glyph before using the default glyph of the base
  3290    character.
  3292   <p>A font is considered to <em>support</em> a given character if (1) the
  3293    character is contained in the font's <a
  3294    href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a> and (2) if required by
  3295    the containing script, shaping information is available for that
  3296    character. Some legacy fonts may include a given character in the <a
  3297    href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a> but lack the shaping
  3298    information (e.g. <a
  3299    href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/ttochap1.htm">OpenType
  3300    layout tables</a> or <a
  3301    href="http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=projects&amp;item_id=graphite_techAbout">Graphite
  3302    tables</a>) necessary for correctly rendering text runs containing that
  3303    character.
  3305   <p>A sequence of codepoints containing combining diacritics or other
  3306    modifiers is termed a grapheme cluster (see <a href="#CSS3TEXT"
  3307    rel=biblioentry>[CSS3TEXT]<!--{{CSS3TEXT}}--></a> for a more complete
  3308    description). For a given cluster containing a base character, <em>b</em>
  3309    and a sequence of combining characters <em>c1, c2…</em>, the entire
  3310    cluster is matched using these steps:
  3312   <ol>
  3313    <li>For each family in the font list, a face is chosen using the style
  3314     selection rules defined in the previous section.
  3315     <ol>
  3316      <li>If all characters in the sequence <em>b + c1 + c2 …</em> are
  3317       completely supported by the font, select this font for the sequence.
  3319      <li>If a sequence of multiple codepoints is canonically equivalent to a
  3320       single character and the font supports that character, select this font
  3321       for the sequence.
  3322     </ol>
  3324    <li>If no font was found in the font list in step 1:
  3325     <ol>
  3326      <li>If <em>c1</em> is a variation selector, system fallback must be used
  3327       to find a font that supports the full sequence of <em>b + c1</em>. If
  3328       no font on the system supports the full sequence, match the single
  3329       character <em>b</em> using the normal procedure for matching single
  3330       characters and ignore the variation selector. Note: a sequence with
  3331       more than one variation selector is treated as an encoding error and
  3332       the trailing selectors are ignored.
  3334      <li>Otherwise, the user agent may optionally use system font fallback to
  3335       match a font that supports the entire cluster.
  3336     </ol>
  3338    <li>If no font is found in step 2, use the matching sequence from step 1
  3339     to determine the longest sequence that is completely matched by a font in
  3340     the font list and attempt to match the remaining combining characters
  3341     separately using the rules for single characters.
  3342   </ol>
  3344   <h3 id=char-handling-issues><span class=secno>5.4 </span>Character handling
  3345    issues</h3>
  3347   <p>The procedure above is always performed on text runs containing Unicode
  3348    characters, documents using legacy encodings are assumed to have been
  3349    transcoded before matching fonts. For fonts containing <a
  3350    href="#character-map"><em title="character map">character maps</em></a>
  3351    for both legacy encodings and Unicode, the contents of the legacy encoding
  3352    <a href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a> must have no effect on
  3353    the results of the font matching process.
  3355   <p>The font matching process does not assume that text runs are in either
  3356    normalized or denormalized form (see <a href="#CHARMOD-NORM"
  3357    rel=biblioentry>[CHARMOD-NORM]<!--{{CHARMOD-NORM}}--></a> for more
  3358    details). Layout engines often convert base character plus combining
  3359    character sequences into precomposed characters if they exist. The font
  3360    matching algorithm outlined here supports both ways and fonts can
  3361    generally support either but variations can occur. Authors should always
  3362    tailor their choice of fonts to their content, including whether that
  3363    content contains normalized or denormalized character streams.
  3365   <p>If a given character is a Private-Use Area Unicode codepoint and none of
  3366    the fonts in the fontlist contain a glyph for that codepoint, user agents
  3367    must display some form of missing glyph symbol for that character rather
  3368    than attempting system font fallback for that codepoint. When matching the
  3369    replacement character U+FFFD, user agents may skip the font matching
  3370    process and immediately display some form of missing glyph symbol, they
  3371    are not required to display the glyph from the font that would be selected
  3372    by the font matching process.
  3374   <p>In general, the fonts for a given family will all have the same or
  3375    similar <a href="#character-map"><em title="character map">character
  3376    maps</em></a>. The process outlined here is designed to handle even font
  3377    families containing faces with widely variant <a href="#character-map"><em
  3378    title="character map">character maps</em></a>. However, authors are
  3379    cautioned that the use of such families can lead to unexpected results.
  3381   <p>Optimizations of this process are allowed provided that an
  3382    implementation behaves as if the algorithm had been followed exactly.
  3383    Matching occurs in a well-defined order to insure that the results are as
  3384    consistent as possible across user agents, given an identical set of
  3385    available fonts and rendering technology.
  3387   <h3 id=font-matching-changes><span class=secno>5.5 </span>Font matching
  3388    changes since CSS 2.1</h3>
  3390   <p>The algorithm above is different from CSS 2.1 in a number of key places.
  3391    These changes were made to better reflect actual font matching behavior
  3392    across user agent implementations.
  3394   <p>Differences compared to the font matching algorithm in CSS 2.1:
  3396   <ul>
  3397    <li>The algorithm includes font-stretch matching.
  3399    <li>All possible font-style matching scenarios are delineated.
  3401    <li>Small-caps fonts are not matched as part of the font matching process,
  3402     they are now handled via font features.
  3404    <li>Unicode variation selector matching is required.
  3406    <li>Cluster sequences are matched as a unit.
  3407   </ul>
  3409   <h3 id=font-matching-examples><span class=secno>5.6 </span>Font matching
  3410    examples</h3>
  3412   <div class=example>
  3413    <p>It's useful to note that the CSS selector syntax may be used to create
  3414     language-sensitive typography. For example, some Chinese and Japanese
  3415     characters are unified to have the same Unicode code point, although the
  3416     abstract glyphs are not the same in the two languages.
  3418    <pre>*:lang(ja-jp) { font: 900 14pt/16pt &quot;Heisei Mincho W9&quot;, serif; }
  3419 *:lang(zh-tw) { font: 800 14pt/16.5pt &quot;Li Sung&quot;, serif; }
  3420 </pre>
  3422    <p>This selects any element that has the given language - Japanese or
  3423     Traditional Chinese - and uses the appropriate font.
  3424   </div>
  3426   <h2 id=font-rend-props><span class=secno>6 </span>Font Feature Properties</h2>
  3428   <p>Modern font technologies support a variety of advanced typographic and
  3429    language-specific font features. Using these features, a single font can
  3430    provide glyphs for a wide range of ligatures, contextual and stylistic
  3431    alternates, tabular and old-style figures, small capitals, automatic
  3432    fractions, swashes, and alternates specific to a given language. To allow
  3433    authors control over these font capabilities, the ‘<code
  3434    class=property>font-variant</code>’ property has been expanded for CSS3.
  3435    It now functions as a shorthand for a set of properties that provide
  3436    control over stylistic font features.
  3438   <h3 id=glyph-selection-positioning><span class=secno>6.1 </span>Glyph
  3439    selection and positioning</h3>
  3441   <p>Simple fonts used for displaying Latin text use a very basic processing
  3442    model. Fonts contain a <a href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a>
  3443    which maps each character to a glyph for that character. Glyphs for
  3444    subsequent characters are simply placed one after the other along a run of
  3445    text. Modern font formats such as OpenType and AAT (Apple Advanced
  3446    Typography) use a richer processing model. The glyph for a given character
  3447    can be chosen and positioned not just based on the codepoint of the
  3448    character itself, but also on adjacent characters as well as the language,
  3449    script, and features enabled for the text. Font features may be required
  3450    for specific scripts, or recommended as enabled by default or they might
  3451    be stylistic features meant to be used under author control.
  3453   <p>For a good visual overview of these features, see the <a
  3454    href="#OPENTYPE-FONT-GUIDE"
  3455    rel=biblioentry>[OPENTYPE-FONT-GUIDE]<!--{{OPENTYPE-FONT-GUIDE}}--></a>.
  3456    For a detailed description of glyph processing for OpenType fonts, see <a
  3457    href="#WINDOWS-GLYPH-PROC"
  3458    rel=biblioentry>[WINDOWS-GLYPH-PROC]<!--{{WINDOWS-GLYPH-PROC}}--></a>.
  3460   <p>Stylistic font features can be classified into two broad categories:
  3461    ones that affect the harmonization of glyph shapes with the surrounding
  3462    context, such as kerning and ligature features, and ones such as the
  3463    small-caps, subscript/superscript and alternate features that affect shape
  3464    selection.
  3466   <p>The subproperties of <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  3467    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  3468    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> listed below are used to control
  3469    these stylistic font features. They do not control features that are
  3470    required for displaying certain scripts, such as the OpenType features
  3471    used when displaying Arabic or Indic language text. They affect glyph
  3472    selection and positioning, but do not affect font selection as described
  3473    in the font matching section (except in cases required for compatibility
  3474    with CSS 2.1).
  3476   <p>To assure consistent behavior across user agents, the equivalent
  3477    OpenType property settings are listed for individual properties and are
  3478    normative. When using other font formats these should be used as a
  3479    guideline to map CSS font feature property values to specific font
  3480    features.
  3482   <h3 id=language-specific-support><span class=secno>6.2
  3483    </span>Language-specific display</h3>
  3485   <p>OpenType also supports language-specific glyph selection and
  3486    positioning, so that text can be displayed correctly in cases where the
  3487    language dictates a specific display behavior. Many languages share a
  3488    common script, but the shape of certain letters can vary across those
  3489    languages. For example, certain Cyrillic letters have different shapes in
  3490    Russian text than in Bulgarian. In Latin text, it's common to render "fi"
  3491    with an explicit fi-ligature that lacks a dot on the "i". However, in
  3492    languages such as Turkish which uses both a dotted-i and a dotless-i, it's
  3493    important to not use this ligature or use a specialized version that
  3494    contains a dot over the "i". The example below shows language-specific
  3495    variations based on stylistic traditions found in Spanish, Italian and
  3496    French orthography:
  3498   <div class=featex><img alt="language specific forms, spanish"
  3499    src=locl-1.png></div>
  3501   <div class=featex><img alt="language specific forms, italian"
  3502    src=locl-2.png></div>
  3504   <div class=featex><img alt="language specific forms, french"
  3505    src=locl-3.png></div>
  3507   <p>If the content language of the element is known according to the rules
  3508    of the <a
  3509    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/conform.html#doclanguage">document
  3510    language</a>, user agents are required to infer the OpenType language
  3511    system from the content language and use that when selecting and
  3512    positioning glyphs using an OpenType font.
  3514   <p>For OpenType fonts, in some cases it may be necessary to explicitly
  3515    declare the OpenType language to be used, for example when displaying text
  3516    in a given language that uses the typographic conventions of another
  3517    language or when the font does not explicitly support a given language but
  3518    supports a language that shares common typographic conventions. The ‘<a
  3519    href="#propdef-font-language-override"><code
  3520    class=property>font-language-override</code></a>’ property is used for
  3521    this purpose.</p>
  3522   <!-- prop: font-kerning -->
  3524   <h3 id=font-kerning-prop><span class=secno>6.3 </span>Kerning: the <a
  3525    href="#propdef-font-kerning">font-kerning</a> property</h3>
  3527   <table class=propdef id=namefont-kerningvalueauto-normal-noneini>
  3528    <tbody>
  3529     <tr>
  3530      <td>Name:
  3532      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-kerning>font-kerning</dfn>
  3534     <tr>
  3535      <td>Value:
  3537      <td><a href="#font-kerning-auto-value"
  3538       title="auto!!font-kerning">auto</a> | <a
  3539       href="#font-kerning-normal-value"
  3540       title="normal!!font-kerning">normal</a> | <a
  3541       href="#font-kerning-none-value" title="none!!font-kerning">none</a>
  3543     <tr>
  3544      <td>Initial:
  3546      <td>auto
  3548     <tr>
  3549      <td>Applies to:
  3551      <td>all elements
  3553     <tr>
  3554      <td>Inherited:
  3556      <td>yes
  3558     <tr>
  3559      <td>Percentages:
  3561      <td>N/A
  3563     <tr>
  3564      <td>Media:
  3566      <td>visual
  3568     <tr>
  3569      <td>Computed value:
  3571      <td>as specified
  3573     <tr>
  3574      <td>Animatable:
  3576      <td>no
  3577   </table>
  3579   <p>Kerning is the contextual adjustment of inter-glyph spacing. This
  3580    property controls metric kerning, kerning that utilizes adjustment data
  3581    contained in the font.
  3583   <dl>
  3584    <dt><dfn id=font-kerning-auto-value title="auto!!font-kerning">auto</dfn>
  3586    <dd>Specifies that kerning is applied at the discretion of the user agent
  3588    <dt><dfn id=font-kerning-normal-value
  3589     title="normal!!font-kerning">normal</dfn>
  3591    <dd>Specifies that kerning is applied
  3593    <dt><dfn id=font-kerning-none-value title="none!!font-kerning">none</dfn>
  3595    <dd>Specifies that kerning is not applied
  3596   </dl>
  3598   <p>For fonts that do not include kerning data this property will have no
  3599    visible effect. When rendering with OpenType fonts, the <a
  3600    href="#OPENTYPE" rel=biblioentry>[OPENTYPE]<!--{{!OPENTYPE}}--></a>
  3601    specification suggests that kerning be enabled by default. When kerning is
  3602    enabled, the OpenType <span class=tag>kern</span> feature is enabled (for
  3603    vertical text runs the <span class=tag>vkrn</span> feature is enabled
  3604    instead). User agents must also support fonts that only support kerning
  3605    via data contained in a <span class=tag>kern</span> font table, as
  3606    detailed in the OpenType specification. If the ‘<code
  3607    class=property>letter-spacing</code>’ property is defined, kerning
  3608    adjustments are considered part of the default spacing and letter spacing
  3609    adjustments are made after kerning has been applied.
  3611   <p>When set to ‘<code class=property>auto</code>’, user agents can
  3612    determine whether to apply kerning or not based on a number of factors:
  3613    text size, script, or other factors that influence text processing speed.
  3614    Authors who want proper kerning should use ‘<a href="#normal"><code
  3615    class=property>normal</code></a>’ to explicitly enable kerning.
  3616    Likewise, some authors may prefer to disable kerning in situations where
  3617    performance is more important than precise appearance. However, in
  3618    well-designed modern implementations the use of kerning generally does not
  3619    have a large impact on text rendering speed.</p>
  3620   <!-- prop: font-variant-ligatures -->
  3622   <h3 id=font-variant-ligatures-prop><span class=secno>6.4 </span>Ligatures:
  3623    the <a href="#propdef-font-variant-ligatures">font-variant-ligatures</a>
  3624    property</h3>
  3626   <table class=propdef id=namefont-variant-ligaturesvaluenormal-no>
  3627    <tbody>
  3628     <tr>
  3629      <td>Name:
  3631      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-variant-ligatures>font-variant-ligatures</dfn>
  3633     <tr>
  3634      <td>Value:
  3636      <td><a href="#font-variant-ligatures-normal-value"
  3637       title="normal!!font-variant-ligatures">normal</a> | <a
  3638       href="#font-variant-ligatures-none-value"
  3639       title="none!!font-variant-ligatures">none</a> | [ <a
  3640       href="#common-lig-values"><var>&lt;common-lig-values&gt;</var></a> ||
  3641       <a
  3642       href="#discretionary-lig-values"><var>&lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  3643       || <a
  3644       href="#historical-lig-values"><var>&lt;historical-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  3645       || <a
  3646       href="#contextual-alt-values"><var>&lt;contextual-alt-values&gt;</var></a>
  3649     <tr>
  3650      <td>Initial:
  3652      <td>normal
  3654     <tr>
  3655      <td>Applies to:
  3657      <td>all elements
  3659     <tr>
  3660      <td>Inherited:
  3662      <td>yes
  3664     <tr>
  3665      <td>Percentages:
  3667      <td>N/A
  3669     <tr>
  3670      <td>Media:
  3672      <td>visual
  3674     <tr>
  3675      <td>Computed value:
  3677      <td>as specified
  3679     <tr>
  3680      <td>Animatable:
  3682      <td>no
  3683   </table>
  3685   <p>Ligatures and contextual forms are ways of combining glyphs to produce
  3686    more harmonized forms.
  3688   <pre
  3689    class=prod><dfn id=common-lig-values><var>&lt;common-lig-values&gt;</var></dfn>        = [ <a href="#common-ligatures">common-ligatures</a> | <a href="#no-common-ligatures">no-common-ligatures</a> ]</pre>
  3691   <pre
  3692    class=prod><dfn id=discretionary-lig-values><var>&lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt;</var></dfn> = [ <a href="#discretionary-ligatures">discretionary-ligatures</a> | <a href="#no-discretionary-ligatures">no-discretionary-ligatures</a> ]</pre>
  3694   <pre
  3695    class=prod><dfn id=historical-lig-values><var>&lt;historical-lig-values&gt;</var></dfn>    = [ <a href="#historical-ligatures">historical-ligatures</a> | <a href="#no-historical-ligatures">no-historical-ligatures</a> ]</pre>
  3697   <pre
  3698    class=prod><dfn id=contextual-alt-values><var>&lt;contextual-alt-values&gt;</var></dfn>    = [ <a href="#contextual">contextual</a> | <a href="#no-contextual">no-contextual</a> ]</pre>
  3700   <p>Individual values have the following meanings:
  3702   <dl>
  3703    <dt><dfn id=font-variant-ligatures-normal-value
  3704     title="normal!!font-variant-ligatures">normal</dfn>
  3706    <dd>A value of ‘<a href="#normal"><code
  3707     class=property>normal</code></a>’ specifies that common default
  3708     features are enabled, <a href="#font-feature-resolution">as described in
  3709     detail in the next section</a>. For OpenType fonts, common ligatures and
  3710     contextual forms are on by default, discretionary and historical
  3711     ligatures are not.
  3713    <dt><dfn id=font-variant-ligatures-none-value
  3714     title="none!!font-variant-ligatures">none</dfn>
  3716    <dd>Specifies that all types of ligatures and contextual forms covered by
  3717     this property are explicitly disabled. In situations where ligatures are
  3718     not considered necessary, this may improve the speed of text rendering.
  3720    <dt><dfn id=common-ligatures>common-ligatures</dfn>
  3722    <dd>Enables display of common ligatures (OpenType features: <span
  3723     class=tag>liga, clig</span>). For OpenType fonts, common ligatures are
  3724     enabled by default.
  3725   </dl>
  3727   <div class=featex><img alt="common ligature example" src=liga.png></div>
  3729   <dl>
  3730    <dt><dfn id=no-common-ligatures>no-common-ligatures</dfn>
  3732    <dd>Disables display of common ligatures (OpenType features: <span
  3733     class=tag>liga, clig</span>).
  3735    <dt><dfn id=discretionary-ligatures>discretionary-ligatures</dfn>
  3737    <dd>Enables display of discretionary ligatures (OpenType feature: <span
  3738     class=tag>dlig</span>). Which ligatures are discretionary or optional is
  3739     decided by the type designer, so authors will need to refer to the
  3740     documentation of a given font to understand which ligatures are
  3741     considered discretionary.
  3742   </dl>
  3744   <div class=featex><img alt="discretionary ligature example" src=dlig.png></div>
  3746   <dl>
  3747    <dt><dfn id=no-discretionary-ligatures>no-discretionary-ligatures</dfn>
  3749    <dd>Disables display of discretionary ligatures (OpenType feature: <span
  3750     class=tag>dlig</span>).
  3752    <dt><dfn id=historical-ligatures>historical-ligatures</dfn>
  3754    <dd>Enables display of historical ligatures (OpenType feature: <span
  3755     class=tag>hlig</span>).
  3756   </dl>
  3758   <div class=featex><img alt="historical ligature example" src=hlig.png></div>
  3760   <dl>
  3761    <dt><dfn id=no-historical-ligatures>no-historical-ligatures</dfn>
  3763    <dd>Disables display of historical ligatures (OpenType feature: <span
  3764     class=tag>hlig</span>).
  3766    <dt><dfn id=contextual>contextual</dfn>
  3768    <dd>Enables display of contextual alternates (OpenType feature: <span
  3769     class=tag>calt</span>). Although not strictly a ligature feature, like
  3770     ligatures this feature is commonly used to harmonize the shapes of glyphs
  3771     with the surrounding context. For OpenType fonts, this feature is on by
  3772     default.
  3773   </dl>
  3775   <div class=featex><img alt="contextual alternate example" src=calt.png></div>
  3777   <dl>
  3778    <dt><dfn id=no-contextual>no-contextual</dfn>
  3780    <dd>Disables display of contextual alternates (OpenType feature: <span
  3781     class=tag>calt</span>).
  3782   </dl>
  3784   <p>Required ligatures, needed for correctly rendering complex scripts, are
  3785    not affected by the settings above, including ‘<code
  3786    class=property>none</code>’ (OpenType feature: <span
  3787    class=tag>rlig</span>).</p>
  3788   <!-- prop: font-variant-position -->
  3790   <h3 id=font-variant-position-prop><span class=secno>6.5 </span>Subscript
  3791    and superscript forms: the <a
  3792    href="#propdef-font-variant-position">font-variant-position</a> property</h3>
  3794   <table class=propdef id=namefont-variant-positionvaluenormal-sub>
  3795    <tbody>
  3796     <tr>
  3797      <td>Name:
  3799      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-variant-position>font-variant-position</dfn>
  3801     <tr>
  3802      <td>Value:
  3804      <td><span title="normal!!font-variant-position">normal</span> | <a
  3805       href="#sub">sub</a> | <a href="#super">super</a>
  3807     <tr>
  3808      <td>Initial:
  3810      <td>normal
  3812     <tr>
  3813      <td>Applies to:
  3815      <td>all elements
  3817     <tr>
  3818      <td>Inherited:
  3820      <td>yes
  3822     <tr>
  3823      <td>Percentages:
  3825      <td>N/A
  3827     <tr>
  3828      <td>Media:
  3830      <td>visual
  3832     <tr>
  3833      <td>Computed value:
  3835      <td>as specified
  3837     <tr>
  3838      <td>Animatable:
  3840      <td>no
  3841   </table>
  3843   <p>This property is used to enable typographic subscript and superscript
  3844    glyphs. These are alternate glyphs designed within the same em-box as
  3845    default glyphs and are intended to be laid out on the same baseline as the
  3846    default glyphs, with no resizing or repositioning of the baseline. They
  3847    are explicitly designed to match the surrounding text and to be more
  3848    readable without affecting the line height.
  3850   <div class=figure><img alt="comparison between real subscript glyphs and
  3851    synthesized ones" src=realsubscripts.png>
  3852    <p class=caption>Subscript glyphs (top) vs. typical synthesized subscripts
  3853     (bottom)
  3854   </div>
  3856   <p>Individual values have the following meanings:
  3858   <dl>
  3859    <dt><dfn id=normal>normal</dfn>
  3861    <dd>None of the features listed below are enabled.
  3863    <dt><dfn id=sub>sub</dfn>
  3865    <dd>Enables display of subscript variants (OpenType feature: <span
  3866     class=tag>subs</span>).
  3868    <dt><dfn id=super>super</dfn>
  3870    <dd>Enables display of superscript variants (OpenType feature: <span
  3871     class=tag>sups</span>).
  3872   </dl>
  3874   <p>Because of the semantic nature of subscripts and superscripts, when the
  3875    value is either ‘<a href="#sub"><code class=property>sub</code></a>’
  3876    or ‘<a href="#super"><code class=property>super</code></a>’ for a
  3877    given contiguous run of text, if a variant glyph is not available for all
  3878    the characters in the run, simulated glyphs must be synthesized for all
  3879    characters using reduced forms of the glyphs that would be used without
  3880    this feature applied. This is done per run to avoid a mixture of variant
  3881    glyphs and synthesized ones that would not align correctly. In the case of
  3882    OpenType fonts that lack subscript or superscript glyphs for a given
  3883    character, user agents must use the appropriate subscript and superscript
  3884    metrics specified in the selected font's <a
  3885    href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/os2.htm#subxs">OS/2
  3886    table</a> <a href="#OPENTYPE"
  3887    rel=biblioentry>[OPENTYPE]<!--{{!OPENTYPE}}--></a> to calculate the size
  3888    and offset of the synthesized substitutes.
  3890   <div class=figure><img alt="alternate superscripts vs. glyphs synthesized
  3891    using superscript metrics" src=superscript-alt-synth.png>
  3892    <p class=caption>Superscript alternate glyph (left), synthesized
  3893     superscript glyphs (middle), and incorrect mixture of the two (right)
  3894   </div>
  3896   <p>In the past, user agents have used font-size and vertical-align to
  3897    simulate subscripts and superscripts for the <a class=tag
  3898    href="#sub">sub</a> and <span class=tag>sup</span> elements. To allow a
  3899    backwards compatible way of defining subscripts and superscripts, it is
  3900    recommended that authors use conditional rules <a href="#CSS3-CONDITIONAL"
  3901    rel=biblioentry>[CSS3-CONDITIONAL]<!--{{CSS3-CONDITIONAL}}--></a> so that
  3902    older user agents will still render subscripts and superscripts via the
  3903    older mechanism.
  3905   <p>Authors should note that fonts typically only provide subscript and
  3906    superscript glyphs for a subset of all characters supported by the font.
  3907    For example, while subscript and superscript glyphs are often available
  3908    for Latin numbers, glyphs for punctuation and letter characters are less
  3909    frequently provided. The synthetic fallback rules defined for this
  3910    property assure that subscripts and superscripts will always appear but
  3911    the appearance may not match author expectations if the font used does not
  3912    provide the appropriate alternate glyph for all characters contained in a
  3913    subscript or superscript.
  3915   <p>This property is not cumulative. Applying it to elements within a
  3916    subscript or superscript won't nest the placement of a subscript or
  3917    superscript glyph. Images contained within text runs where the value of
  3918    this property is ‘<a href="#sub"><code class=property>sub</code></a>’
  3919    or ‘<a href="#super"><code class=property>super</code></a>’ will be
  3920    drawn just as they would if the value was ‘<a href="#normal"><code
  3921    class=property>normal</code></a>’. Likewise, text decorations such as
  3922    underlines or emphasis marks will render in the same position as they
  3923    would for the default glyphs, since this property does not affect the
  3924    baseline position.
  3926   <p class=issue>Some have suggested that text decorations should apply to
  3927    the visual baseline of the variant glyphs, rather than the baseline
  3928    defined by the font.
  3930   <p>Because of these limitations, ‘<a
  3931    href="#propdef-font-variant-position"><code
  3932    class=property>font-variant-position</code></a>’ is not recommended for
  3933    use in user agent stylesheets. Authors should use it in cases where
  3934    subscripts or superscripts will only contain the narrow range of
  3935    characters supported by the fonts specified.
  3937   <div class=example>
  3938    <p>A typical user agent default style for the <a class=tag
  3939     href="#sub">sub</a> element:</p>
  3941    <pre>sub {
  3942   vertical-align: sub;
  3943   font-size: smaller;
  3944   line-height: normal;
  3946 </pre>
  3948    <p>Using font-variant-position to specify typographic subscripts in a way
  3949     that will still show subscripts in older user agents:</p>
  3951    <pre>@supports ( font-variant-position: sub ) {
  3953   sub {
  3954     vertical-align: baseline;
  3955     font-size: 100%;
  3956     line-height: inherit;
  3957     font-variant-position: sub;
  3961 </pre>
  3963    <p>User agents that support the ‘<a
  3964     href="#propdef-font-variant-position"><code
  3965     class=property>font-variant-position</code></a>’ property will select a
  3966     subscript variant glyph and render this without adjusting the baseline or
  3967     font-size. Older user agents will ignore the ‘<a
  3968     href="#propdef-font-variant-position"><code
  3969     class=property>font-variant-position</code></a>’ property definition
  3970     and use the standard defaults for subscripts.</p>
  3971   </div>
  3972   <!-- prop: font-variant-caps -->
  3974   <h3 id=font-variant-caps-prop><span class=secno>6.6 </span>Capitalization:
  3975    the <a href="#propdef-font-variant-caps">font-variant-caps</a> property</h3>
  3977   <table class=propdef id=namefont-variant-capsvaluenormal-small-c>
  3978    <tbody>
  3979     <tr>
  3980      <td>Name:
  3982      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-variant-caps>font-variant-caps</dfn>
  3984     <tr>
  3985      <td>Value:
  3987      <td><a href="#font-variant-caps-normal-value"
  3988       title="normal!!font-variant-caps">normal</a> | <a
  3989       href="#small-caps">small-caps</a> | <a
  3990       href="#all-small-caps">all-small-caps</a> | <a
  3991       href="#petite-caps">petite-caps</a> | <a
  3992       href="#all-petite-caps">all-petite-caps</a> | <a
  3993       href="#unicase">unicase</a> | <a href="#titling-caps">titling-caps</a>
  3995     <tr>
  3996      <td>Initial:
  3998      <td>normal
  4000     <tr>
  4001      <td>Applies to:
  4003      <td>all elements
  4005     <tr>
  4006      <td>Inherited:
  4008      <td>yes
  4010     <tr>
  4011      <td>Percentages:
  4013      <td>N/A
  4015     <tr>
  4016      <td>Media:
  4018      <td>visual
  4020     <tr>
  4021      <td>Computed value:
  4023      <td>as specified
  4025     <tr>
  4026      <td>Animatable:
  4028      <td>no
  4029   </table>
  4031   <p>This property allows the selection of alternate glyphs used for small or
  4032    petite capitals or for titling. These glyphs are specifically designed to
  4033    blend well with the surrounding normal glyphs, to maintain the weight and
  4034    readability which suffers when text is simply resized to fit this purpose.
  4036   <p>Individual values have the following meanings:
  4038   <dl>
  4039    <dt><dfn id=font-variant-caps-normal-value
  4040     title="normal!!font-variant-caps">normal</dfn>
  4042    <dd>None of the features listed below are enabled.
  4044    <dt><dfn id=small-caps>small-caps</dfn>
  4046    <dd>Enables display of small capitals (OpenType feature: <span
  4047     class=tag>smcp</span>). Small-caps glyphs typically use the form of
  4048     uppercase letters but are reduced to the size of lowercase letters.
  4049   </dl>
  4051   <div class=featex><img alt="small-caps example" src=smcp.png></div>
  4053   <dl>
  4054    <dt><dfn id=all-small-caps>all-small-caps</dfn>
  4056    <dd>Enables display of small capitals for both upper and lowercase letters
  4057     (OpenType features: <span class=tag>c2sc, smcp</span>).
  4059    <dt><dfn id=petite-caps>petite-caps</dfn>
  4061    <dd>Enables display of petite capitals (OpenType feature: <span
  4062     class=tag>pcap</span>).
  4064    <dt><dfn id=all-petite-caps>all-petite-caps</dfn>
  4066    <dd>Enables display of petite capitals for both upper and lowercase
  4067     letters (OpenType features: <span class=tag>c2pc, pcap</span>).
  4069    <dt><dfn id=unicase>unicase</dfn>
  4071    <dd>Enables display of mixture of small capitals for uppercase letters
  4072     with normal lowercase letters (OpenType feature: <span
  4073     class=tag>unic</span>).
  4075    <dt><dfn id=titling-caps>titling-caps</dfn>
  4077    <dd>Enables display of titling capitals (OpenType feature: <span
  4078     class=tag>titl</span>). Uppercase letter glyphs are often designed for
  4079     use with lowercase letters. When used in all uppercase titling sequences
  4080     they can appear too strong. Titling capitals are designed specifically
  4081     for this situation.
  4082   </dl>
  4084   <p>The availability of these glyphs is based on whether a given feature is
  4085    defined or not in the feature list of the font. User agents can optionally
  4086    decide this on a per-script basis but should explicitly not decide this on
  4087    a per-character basis.
  4089   <p>Some fonts may only support a subset or none of the features described
  4090    for this property. For backwards compatibility with CSS 2.1, if ‘<a
  4091    href="#small-caps"><code class=property>small-caps</code></a>’ or ‘<a
  4092    href="#all-small-caps"><code class=property>all-small-caps</code></a>’
  4093    is specified but small-caps glyphs are not available for a given font,
  4094    user agents should simulate a small-caps font, for example by taking a
  4095    normal font and replacing the glyphs for lowercase letters with scaled
  4096    versions of the glyphs for uppercase characters (replacing the glyphs for
  4097    both upper and lowercase letters in the case of ‘<a
  4098    href="#all-small-caps"><code class=property>all-small-caps</code></a>’).
  4100   <div class=figure style="padding: 0; margin: auto;"><img alt="synthetic vs.
  4101    real small-caps" class=hires src=synthetic-vs-real-small-caps.png
  4102    width=512px>
  4103    <p class=caption>Synthetic vs. real small-caps
  4104   </div>
  4106   <p>To match the surrounding text, a font may provide alternate glyphs for
  4107    caseless characters when these features are enabled but when a user agent
  4108    simulates small capitals, it must not attempt to simulate alternates for
  4109    codepoints which are considered caseless.
  4111   <div class=figure style="padding: 0; margin: auto;"><img alt="caseless
  4112    characters with small-caps, all-small-caps enabled" class=hires
  4113    src=small-capitals-variations.png width=418px>
  4114    <p class=caption>Caseless characters with small-caps, all-small-caps
  4115     enabled
  4116   </div>
  4118   <p>If either ‘<a href="#petite-caps"><code
  4119    class=property>petite-caps</code></a>’ or ‘<a
  4120    href="#all-petite-caps"><code class=property>all-petite-caps</code></a>’
  4121    is specified for a font that doesn't support these features, the property
  4122    behaves as if ‘<a href="#small-caps"><code
  4123    class=property>small-caps</code></a>’ or ‘<a
  4124    href="#all-small-caps"><code class=property>all-small-caps</code></a>’,
  4125    respectively, had been specified. If ‘<a href="#unicase"><code
  4126    class=property>unicase</code></a>’ is specified for a font that doesn't
  4127    support that feature, the property behaves as if ‘<a
  4128    href="#small-caps"><code class=property>small-caps</code></a>’ was
  4129    applied only to lowercased uppercase letters. If ‘<a
  4130    href="#titling-caps"><code class=property>titling-caps</code></a>’ is
  4131    specified with a font that does not support this feature, this property
  4132    has no visible effect. When simulated small capital glyphs are used, for
  4133    scripts that lack uppercase and lowercase letters, ‘<a
  4134    href="#small-caps"><code class=property>small-caps</code></a>’, ‘<a
  4135    href="#all-small-caps"><code class=property>all-small-caps</code></a>’,
  4136    ‘<a href="#petite-caps"><code class=property>petite-caps</code></a>’,
  4137    ‘<a href="#all-petite-caps"><code
  4138    class=property>all-petite-caps</code></a>’ and ‘<a
  4139    href="#unicase"><code class=property>unicase</code></a>’ have no visible
  4140    effect.
  4142   <p>When casing transforms are used to simulate small capitals, the casing
  4143    transformations must match those used for the <span
  4144    class=property>‘<code class=property>text-transform</code>’</span>
  4145    property.
  4147   <p>As a last resort, unscaled uppercase letter glyphs in a normal font may
  4148    replace glyphs in a small-caps font so that the text appears in all
  4149    uppercase letters.
  4151   <div class=figure style="padding: 0; margin: auto;"><img alt="using
  4152    all-small-caps in acronym-laden text" class=hires
  4153    src=acronym-laden-text.png width=596px>
  4154    <p class=caption>Using small capitals to improve readability in
  4155     acronym-laden text
  4156   </div>
  4158   <div class=example>
  4159    <p>Quotes rendered italicised, with small-caps on the first line:</p>
  4161    <pre>blockquote            { font-style: italic; }
  4162 blockquote:first-line { font-variant: small-caps; }
  4164 &lt;blockquote><a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Dec/0036.html" style="text-decoration: none">I'll be honor-bound to slap them like a haddock.</a>&lt;/blockquote>
  4165 </pre>
  4166   </div>
  4167   <!-- prop: font-variant-numeric -->
  4169   <h3 id=font-variant-numeric-prop><span class=secno>6.7 </span>Numerical
  4170    formatting: the <a
  4171    href="#propdef-font-variant-numeric">font-variant-numeric</a> property</h3>
  4173   <table class=propdef id=namefont-variant-numericvaluenormal-ltnu>
  4174    <tbody>
  4175     <tr>
  4176      <td>Name:
  4178      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-variant-numeric>font-variant-numeric</dfn>
  4180     <tr>
  4181      <td>Value:
  4183      <td><a href="#font-variant-numeric-normal-value"
  4184       title="normal!!font-variant-numeric">normal</a> | [ <a
  4185       href="#numeric-figure-values"><var>&lt;numeric-figure-values&gt;</var></a>
  4186       || <a
  4187       href="#numeric-spacing-values"><var>&lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt;</var></a>
  4188       || <a
  4189       href="#numeric-fraction-values"><var>&lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt;</var></a>
  4190       || <a href="#ordinal">ordinal</a> || <a
  4191       href="#slashed-zero">slashed-zero</a> ]
  4193     <tr>
  4194      <td>Initial:
  4196      <td>normal
  4198     <tr>
  4199      <td>Applies to:
  4201      <td>all elements
  4203     <tr>
  4204      <td>Inherited:
  4206      <td>yes
  4208     <tr>
  4209      <td>Percentages:
  4211      <td>N/A
  4213     <tr>
  4214      <td>Media:
  4216      <td>visual
  4218     <tr>
  4219      <td>Computed value:
  4221      <td>as specified
  4223     <tr>
  4224      <td>Animatable:
  4226      <td>no
  4227   </table>
  4229   <p>Specifies control over numerical forms. The example below shows how some
  4230    of these values can be combined to influence the rendering of tabular data
  4231    with fonts that support these features. Within normal paragraph text,
  4232    proportional numbers are used while tabular numbers are used so that
  4233    columns of numbers line up properly:
  4235   <div class=figure style="padding: 0; margin: auto;"><img alt="combining
  4236    number styles" src=numberstyles.png>
  4237    <p class=caption>Using number styles
  4238   </div>
  4240   <p>Possible combinations:
  4242   <pre
  4243    class=prod><dfn id=numeric-figure-values><var>&lt;numeric-figure-values&gt;</var></dfn>   = [ <a href="#lining-nums">lining-nums</a> | <a href="#oldstyle-nums">oldstyle-nums</a> ]</pre>
  4245   <pre
  4246    class=prod><dfn id=numeric-spacing-values><var>&lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt;</var></dfn>  = [ <a href="#proportional-nums">proportional-nums</a> | <a href="#tabular-nums">tabular-nums</a> ]</pre>
  4248   <pre
  4249    class=prod><dfn id=numeric-fraction-values><var>&lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt;</var></dfn> = [ <a href="#diagonal-fractions">diagonal-fractions</a> | <a href="#stacked-fractions">stacked-fractions</a> ]</pre>
  4251   <p>Individual values have the following meanings:
  4253   <dl>
  4254    <dt><dfn id=font-variant-numeric-normal-value
  4255     title="normal!!font-variant-numeric">normal</dfn>
  4257    <dd>None of the features listed below are enabled.
  4259    <dt><dfn id=lining-nums>lining-nums</dfn>
  4261    <dd>Enables display of lining numerals (OpenType feature: <span
  4262     class=tag>lnum</span>).
  4264    <dt><dfn id=oldstyle-nums>oldstyle-nums</dfn>
  4266    <dd>Enables display of old-style numerals (OpenType feature: <span
  4267     class=tag>onum</span>).
  4269    <dt><dfn id=proportional-nums>proportional-nums</dfn>
  4271    <dd>Enables display of proportional numerals (OpenType feature: <span
  4272     class=tag>pnum</span>).
  4274    <dt><dfn id=tabular-nums>tabular-nums</dfn>
  4276    <dd>Enables display of tabular numerals (OpenType feature: <span
  4277     class=tag>tnum</span>).
  4279    <dt><dfn id=diagonal-fractions>diagonal-fractions</dfn>
  4281    <dd>Enables display of lining diagonal fractions (OpenType feature: <span
  4282     class=tag>frac</span>).
  4283   </dl>
  4285   <div class=featex><img alt="diagonal fraction example" src=frac.png></div>
  4287   <dl>
  4288    <dt><dfn id=stacked-fractions>stacked-fractions</dfn>
  4290    <dd>Enables display of lining stacked fractions (OpenType feature: <span
  4291     class=tag>afrc</span>).
  4292   </dl>
  4294   <div class=featex><img alt="stacked fraction example" src=afrc.png></div>
  4296   <dl>
  4297    <dt><dfn id=ordinal>ordinal</dfn>
  4299    <dd>Enables display of forms used with ordinal numbers (OpenType feature:
  4300     <span class=tag>ordn</span>).
  4302    <dt><dfn id=slashed-zero>slashed-zero</dfn>
  4304    <dd>Enables display of slashed zeros (OpenType feature: <span
  4305     class=tag>zero</span>).
  4306   </dl>
  4308   <div class=featex><img alt="slashed zero example" src=zero.png></div>
  4310   <div class=example id=steak-marinade>
  4311    <p>A simple flank steak marinade recipe, rendered with automatic fractions
  4312     and old-style numerals:</p>
  4314    <pre>.amount { font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums diagonal-fractions; }
  4316 &lt;h4>Steak marinade:&lt;/h4>
  4317 &lt;ul>
  4318   &lt;li>&lt;span class="amount">2&lt;/span> tbsp olive oil&lt;/li>
  4319   &lt;li>&lt;span class="amount">1&lt;/span> tbsp lemon juice&lt;/li>
  4320   &lt;li>&lt;span class="amount">1&lt;/span> tbsp soy sauce&lt;/li>
  4321   &lt;li>&lt;span class="amount">1 1/2&lt;/span> tbsp dry minced onion&lt;/li>
  4322   &lt;li>&lt;span class="amount">2 1/2&lt;/span> tsp italian seasoning&lt;/li>
  4323   &lt;li>Salt &amp;amp; pepper&lt;/li>
  4324 &lt;/ul>
  4326 &lt;p>Mix the meat with the marinade and let it sit covered in the refrigerator
  4327 for a few hours or overnight.&lt;/p>
  4328 </pre>
  4330    <p>Note that the fraction feature is only applied to values not the entire
  4331     paragraph. Fonts often implement this feature using contextual rules
  4332     based on the use of the slash (‘<code class=css>/</code>’) character.
  4333     As such, it's not suitable for use as a paragraph-level style.</p>
  4334   </div>
  4335   <!-- prop: font-variant-alternates -->
  4337   <h3 id=font-variant-alternates-prop><span class=secno>6.8 </span>Alternates
  4338    and swashes: the <a
  4339    href="#propdef-font-variant-alternates">font-variant-alternates</a>
  4340    property</h3>
  4342   <table class=propdef id=namefont-variant-alternatesvaluenormal-s>
  4343    <tbody>
  4344     <tr>
  4345      <td>Name:
  4347      <td><dfn
  4348       id=propdef-font-variant-alternates>font-variant-alternates</dfn>
  4350     <tr>
  4351      <td>Value:
  4353      <td>normal | [ <a href="#stylistic"
  4354       title=stylistic>stylistic(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</a> || <a
  4355       href="#historical-forms">historical-forms</a> || <a href="#styleset"
  4356       title=styleset>styleset(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #)</a> || <a
  4357       href="#character-variant"
  4358       title=character-variant>character-variant(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;
  4359       #)</a> || <a href="#swash"
  4360       title=swash>swash(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</a> || <a
  4361       href="#ornaments"
  4362       title=ornaments>ornaments(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</a> || <a
  4363       href="#annotation"
  4364       title=annotation>annotation(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</a> ]
  4366     <tr>
  4367      <td>Initial:
  4369      <td>normal
  4371     <tr>
  4372      <td>Applies to:
  4374      <td>all elements
  4376     <tr>
  4377      <td>Inherited:
  4379      <td>yes
  4381     <tr>
  4382      <td>Percentages:
  4384      <td>N/A
  4386     <tr>
  4387      <td>Media:
  4389      <td>visual
  4391     <tr>
  4392      <td>Computed value:
  4394      <td>as specified
  4396     <tr>
  4397      <td>Animatable:
  4399      <td>no
  4400   </table>
  4402   <p>For any given character, fonts can provide a variety of alternate glyphs
  4403    in addition to the default glyph for that character. This property
  4404    provides control over the selection of these alternate glyphs.
  4406   <p>For many of the property values listed below, several different
  4407    alternate glyphs are available. How many alternates are available and what
  4408    they represent is font-specific, so these are each marked <dfn
  4409    id=font-specific>font specific</dfn> in the value definitions below.
  4410    Because the nature of these alternates is font-specific, the <a
  4411    href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  4412    rule is used to define values for a specific font family or set of
  4413    families that associate a font-specific numeric
  4414    <code>&lt;feature-index&gt;</code> with a custom
  4415    <code>&lt;feature-value-name&gt;</code>, which is then used in this
  4416    property to select specific alternates:
  4418   <pre>@font-feature-values Noble Script { @swash { swishy: 1; flowing: 2; } }
  4420 p {
  4421   font-family: Noble Script;
  4422   font-variant-alternates: swash(flowing); /* use swash alternate #2 */
  4423 }</pre>
  4425   <p>When a particular <code>&lt;feature-value-name&gt;</code> has not been
  4426    defined for a given family or for a particular feature type, the computed
  4427    value must be the same as if it had been defined. However, property values
  4428    that contain these undefined <code>&lt;feature-value-name&gt;</code>
  4429    identifiers must be ignored when choosing glyphs.
  4431   <pre>/* these two style rules are effectively the same */
  4432 p { font-variant-alternates: swash(unknown-value); } /* not a defined value, ignored */
  4433 p { font-variant-alternates: normal; }
  4434 </pre>
  4436   <p>This allows values to be defined and used for a given set of font
  4437    families but ignored if fallback occurs, since the font family name would
  4438    be different. If a given value is outside the range supported by a given
  4439    font, the value is ignored. These values never apply to generic font
  4440    families.
  4442   <p>Individual values have the following meanings:
  4444   <dl>
  4445    <dt><dfn id=font-variant-alternates-normal-value
  4446     title="normal!!font-variant-alternates">normal</dfn>
  4448    <dd>None of the features listed below are enabled.
  4450    <dt><dfn id=historical-forms>historical-forms</dfn>
  4452    <dd>Enables display of historical forms (OpenType feature: <span
  4453     class=tag>hist</span>).
  4454   </dl>
  4456   <div class=featex><img alt="historical form example" src=hist.png></div>
  4458   <dl>
  4459    <dt><dfn id=stylistic
  4460     title=stylistic>stylistic(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</dfn>
  4462    <dd>Enables display of stylistic alternates (<a
  4463     href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a>, OpenType feature: <span
  4464     class=tag>salt &lt;feature-index&gt;</span>).
  4465   </dl>
  4467   <div class=featex><img alt="stylistic alternate example" src=salt.png></div>
  4469   <dl>
  4470    <dt><dfn id=styleset title=styleset>styleset(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;
  4471     #)</dfn>
  4473    <dd>Enables display with stylistic sets (<a href="#font-specific"><em>font
  4474     specific</em></a>, OpenType feature: <span
  4475     class=tag>ss&lt;feature-index&gt;</span> OpenType currently defines <span
  4476     class=tag>ss01</span> through <span class=tag>ss20</span>).
  4477   </dl>
  4479   <div class=featex><img alt="styleset example" src=ssnn.png></div>
  4481   <dl>
  4482    <dt><dfn id=character-variant
  4483     title=character-variant>character-variant(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;
  4484     #)</dfn>
  4486    <dd>Enables display of specific character variants (<a
  4487     href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a>, OpenType feature: <span
  4488     class=tag>cv&lt;feature-index&gt;</span> OpenType currently defines <span
  4489     class=tag>cv01</span> through <span class=tag>cv99</span>).
  4491    <dt><dfn id=swash title=swash>swash(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</dfn>
  4493    <dd>Enables display of swash glyphs (<a href="#font-specific"><em>font
  4494     specific</em></a>, OpenType feature: <span class=tag>swsh
  4495     &lt;feature-index&gt;, cswh &lt;feature-index&gt;</span>).
  4496   </dl>
  4498   <div class=featex><img alt="swash example" src=swsh.png></div>
  4500   <dl>
  4501    <dt><dfn id=ornaments
  4502     title=ornaments>ornaments(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</dfn>
  4504    <dd>Enables replacement of default glyphs with ornaments, if provided in
  4505     the font (<a href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a>, OpenType
  4506     feature: <span class=tag>ornm &lt;feature-index&gt;</span>). Some fonts
  4507     may offer ornament glyphs as alternates for a wide collection of
  4508     characters; however, displaying arbitrary characters (e.g.,
  4509     alphanumerics) as ornaments is poor practice as it distorts the semantics
  4510     of the data. Font designers are encouraged to encode all ornaments
  4511     (except those explicitly encoded in the Unicode Dingbats blocks, etc.) as
  4512     alternates for the bullet character (U+2022) to allow authors to select
  4513     the desired glyph using ‘<a href="#ornaments"><code
  4514     class=property>ornaments</code></a>’.
  4515   </dl>
  4517   <div class=featex><img alt="ornaments example" src=ornm.png></div>
  4519   <dl>
  4520    <dt><dfn id=annotation
  4521     title=annotation>annotation(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</dfn>
  4523    <dd>Enables display of alternate annotation forms (<a
  4524     href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a>, OpenType feature: <span
  4525     class=tag>nalt &lt;feature-index&gt;</span>).
  4526   </dl>
  4528   <div class=featex><img alt="alternate annotation form example"
  4529    src=nalt.png></div>
  4531   <h3 id=font-feature-values><span class=secno>6.9 </span>Defining font
  4532    specific alternates: the <dfn id=at-font-feature-values-rule
  4533    style="font-weight: inherit; font-style:
  4534    inherit"><code>@font-feature-values</code></dfn> rule</h3>
  4536   <p>Several of the possible values of ‘<a
  4537    href="#propdef-font-variant-alternates"><code
  4538    class=property>font-variant-alternates</code></a>’ listed above are
  4539    labeled as <a href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a>. For these
  4540    features fonts may define not just a single glyph but a set of alternate
  4541    glyphs with an index to select a given alternate. Since these are font
  4542    family specific, the <a
  4543    href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  4544    rule is used to define named values for these indices for a given family.
  4546   <p class=note>See the <a href="#om-fontfeaturevalues">object model
  4547    reference section</a> for a description of the interfaces used to modify
  4548    these rules via the CSS Object Model.
  4550   <div class=example>
  4551    <p>In the case of the swash Q in the example shown above, the swash could
  4552     be specified using these style rules:</p>
  4554    <pre>
  4556 @font-feature-values Jupiter Sans {
  4557   @swash {
  4558     delicate: 1;
  4559     flowing: 2;
  4563 h2 { font-family: Jupiter Sans, sans-serif; }
  4565 /* show the second swash variant in h2 headings */
  4566 h2:first-letter { font-variant-alternates: swash(flowing); }
  4568 &lt;h2>Quick&lt;/h2></pre>
  4570    <p>When Jupiter Sans is present, the second alternate swash alternate will
  4571     be displayed. When not present, no swash character will be shown, since
  4572     the specific named value "flowing" is only defined for the Jupiter Sans
  4573     family. The @-mark indicates the name of the property value for which a
  4574     named value can be used. The name "flowing" is chosen by the author. The
  4575     index that represents each alternate is defined within a given font's
  4576     data.</p>
  4577   </div>
  4579   <h4 id=basic-syntax><span class=secno>6.9.1 </span>Basic syntax</h4>
  4581   <p>An <a
  4582    href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  4583    rule is composed of a list of font families followed by a block containing
  4584    individual <a href="#featurevalueblock"><i
  4585    title="feature_value_block">feature value blocks</i></a> that take the
  4586    form of @-rules. Each block defines a set of named values for a specific
  4587    font feature when a given set of font families is used. Effectively, they
  4588    define a mapping of ⟨family, feature, ident⟩ → ⟨values⟩ where
  4589    ⟨values⟩ are the numeric indices used for specific features defined
  4590    for a given font.
  4592   <p>In terms of the grammar, this specification defines the following
  4593    productions:
  4595   <pre><dfn id=fontfeaturevaluesrule>font_feature_values_rule</dfn>
  4596   : <a href="#fontfeaturevaluessym"><i>FONT_FEATURE_VALUES_SYM</i></a> <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#fontfamilynamelist"><i>font_family_name_list</i></a> <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>*
  4597     '{' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#featurevalueblock"><i>feature_value_block</i></a>? [ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#featurevalueblock"><i>feature_value_block</i></a>? ]* '}' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>*
  4600 <dfn id=fontfamilynamelist>font_family_name_list</dfn>
  4601   : <a href="#fontfamilyname"><i>font_family_name</i></a> [ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* ',' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#fontfamilyname"><i>font_family_name</i></a> ]*
  4604 <dfn id=fontfamilyname>font_family_name</dfn>
  4605   : <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><i>STRING</i></a> | [ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><i>IDENT</i></a> [ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><i>IDENT</i></a> ]* ]
  4608 <dfn id=featurevalueblock>feature_value_block</dfn>
  4609   : <a href="#featuretype"><i>feature_type</i></a> <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>*
  4610     '{' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#featurevaluedefinition"><i>feature_value_definition</i></a>? [ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* ';' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="#featurevaluedefinition"><i>feature_value_definition</i></a>? ]* '}' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>*
  4613 <dfn id=featuretype>feature_type</dfn>:
  4614   <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><i>ATKEYWORD</i></a>
  4617 <dfn id=featurevaluedefinition>feature_value_definition</dfn>
  4618   : <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><i>IDENT</i></a> <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* ':' <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><i>NUMBER</i></a> [ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html#scanner"><i>S</i></a>* <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#tokenization"><i>NUMBER</i></a> ]*
  4620 </pre>
  4622   <p>The following new token is introduced:
  4624   <pre>@{F}{O}{N}{T}{-}{F}{E}{A}{T}{U}{R}{E}{-}{V}{A}{L}{U}{E}{S}   {return <dfn id=fontfeaturevaluessym>FONT_FEATURE_VALUES_SYM</dfn>;}
  4625 </pre>
  4627   <p><a href="#featurevalueblock"><i title="feature_value_block">Feature
  4628    value blocks</i></a> are handled as <a
  4629    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#at-rules">at-rules</a>, they
  4630    consist of everything up to the next block or semi-colon, whichever comes
  4631    first.
  4633   <p>The <a href="#fontfamilynamelist"><i title="font_family_name_list">font
  4634    family list</i></a> is a comma-delimited list of <a
  4635    href="#fontfamilyname"><i title="font_family_name">font family
  4636    names</i></a> that match the definition of <a
  4637    href="#family-name-value"><var>&lt;family-name&gt;</var></a> for the <a
  4638    href="#propdef-font-family" title="font-family!!property">‘<code
  4639    class=property>font-family</code>’</a> property. This means that only
  4640    named font families are allowed, rules that include generic or system
  4641    fonts in the list of font families are syntax errors. However, if a user
  4642    agent defines a generic font to be a specific named font (e.g. Helvetica),
  4643    the settings associated with that family name will be used. If syntax
  4644    errors occur within the font family list, the entire rule must be ignored.
  4646   <p>Within <a href="#featurevalueblock"><i
  4647    title="feature_value_block">feature value blocks</i></a>, the <a
  4648    href="#featuretype"><i title="feature_type">feature type</i></a> is
  4649    ‘<code class=css>@</code>’ followed by the name of one of the <a
  4650    href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a> property values of ‘<a
  4651    href="#propdef-font-variant-alternates"><code
  4652    class=property>font-variant-alternates</code></a>’ (e.g. <a
  4653    href="#swash"><code>@swash</code></a>). The identifiers used within
  4654    feature value definitions follow the rules of CSS user identifiers and are
  4655    case-sensitive. They are unique only for a given set of font families and
  4656    <a href="#featuretype"><i title="feature_type">feature type</i></a>. The
  4657    same identifier used with a different <a href="#featuretype"><i
  4658    title="feature_type">feature type</i></a> is treated as a separate and
  4659    distinct value. If the same identifier is defined mulitple times for a
  4660    given <a href="#featuretype"><i title="feature_type">feature type</i></a>
  4661    and font family, the last defined value is used. Values associated with a
  4662    given identifier are limited to integer values 0 or greater.
  4664   <p>When syntax errors occur within a <a href="#featurevaluedefinition"><i
  4665    title="feature_value_definition">feature value definition</i></a>, such as
  4666    invalid identifiers or values, the entire <a
  4667    href="#featurevaluedefinition"><i title="feature_value_definition">feature
  4668    value definition</i></a> must be omitted, just as syntax errors in style
  4669    declarations are handled. When the <a href="#featuretype"><i
  4670    title="feature_type">feature type</i></a> is invalid, the entire
  4671    associated <a href="#featurevalueblock"><i
  4672    title="feature_value_block">feature value block</i></a> must be ignored.
  4674   <div class=example>
  4675    <p>Rules that are equivalent given syntax error handling:</p>
  4677    <pre>@font-feature-values Bongo {
  4678   @swash { ornate: 1; }
  4679   annotation { boxed: 4; } /* should be @annotation! */
  4680   @swash { double-loops: 1; flowing: -1; } /* negative value */
  4681   @ornaments ; /* incomplete definition */
  4682   @styleset { double-W: 14; sharp-terminals: 16 1 } /* missing ; */
  4683   <a href="http://www.angryalien.com/0504/shiningbunnies.html" style="text-decoration: none; border: none;">redrum</a>  /* random editing mistake */
  4684 }</pre>
  4686    <p>The example above is equivalent to:</p>
  4688    <pre>@font-feature-values Bongo {
  4689   @swash { ornate: 1; }
  4690   @swash { double-loops: 1; }
  4691   @styleset { double-W: 14; sharp-terminals: 16 1; }
  4692 }</pre>
  4693   </div>
  4695   <p>If multiple <a
  4696    href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  4697    rules are defined for a given family, the resulting values definitions are
  4698    the union of the definitions contained within these rules. This allows a
  4699    set of named values to be defined for a given font family globally for a
  4700    site and specific additions made per-page.
  4702   <div class=example>
  4703    <p>Using both site-wide and per-page feature values:</p>
  4705    <pre>
  4706 site.css:
  4708   @font-feature-values Mercury Serif {
  4709     @styleset {
  4710       stacked-g: 3; /* "two-storey" versions of g, a */
  4711       stacked-a: 4;
  4715 page.css:
  4717   @font-feature-values Mercury Serif {
  4718     @styleset {
  4719       geometric-m: 7; /* alternate version of m */
  4723   body {
  4724     font-family: Mercury Serif, serif;
  4726     /* enable both the use of stacked g and alternate m */
  4727     font-variant-alternates: styleset(stacked-g, geometric-m);
  4728   }</pre>
  4729   </div>
  4731   <div class=example>
  4732    <p>Using a commonly named value allows authors to use a single style rule
  4733     to cover a set of fonts for which the underlying selector is different
  4734     for each font. If either font in the example below is found, a circled
  4735     number glyph will be used:</p>
  4737    <pre>@font-feature-values Taisho Gothic {
  4738   @annotation { boxed: 1; circled: 4; }
  4741 @font-feature-values Otaru Kisa {
  4742   @annotation { circled: 1; black-boxed: 3; }
  4745 h3.title {
  4746   /* circled form defined for both fonts */
  4747   font-family: Taisho Gothic, Otaru Kisa;
  4748   font-variant: annotation(circled);
  4749 }</pre>
  4750   </div>
  4752   <h4 id=multi-valued-feature-value-definitions><span class=secno>6.9.2
  4753    </span>Multi-valued feature value definitions</h4>
  4755   <p>Most <a href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a> ‘<a
  4756    href="#propdef-font-variant-alternates"><code
  4757    class=property>font-variant-alternates</code></a>’ property values take
  4758    a single value (e.g. ‘<a href="#swash"><code
  4759    class=property>swash</code></a>’). The ‘<a
  4760    href="#character-variant"><code
  4761    class=property>character-variant</code></a>’ property value allows two
  4762    values and ‘<a href="#styleset"><code
  4763    class=property>styleset</code></a>’ allows an unlimited number.
  4765   <p>For the styleset property value, multiple values indicate the style sets
  4766    to be enabled. Values between 1 and 99 enable OpenType features <span
  4767    class=tag>ss01</span> through <span class=tag>ss99</span>. However, the
  4768    OpenType standard only officially defines <span class=tag>ss01</span>
  4769    through <span class=tag>ss20</span>. For OpenType fonts, values greater
  4770    than 99 or equal to 0 do not generate a syntax error when parsed but
  4771    enable no OpenType features.
  4773   <pre>@font-feature-values Mars Serif {
  4774   @styleset {
  4775     alt-g: 1;        /* implies ss01 = 1 */
  4776     curly-quotes: 3; /* implies ss03 = 1 */
  4777     code: 4 5;       /* implies ss04 = 1, ss05 = 1 */
  4780   @styleset {
  4781     dumb: 125;        /* &gt;99, ignored */
  4784   @swash {
  4785     swishy: 3 5;     /* more than 1 value for swash, syntax error */
  4789 p.codeblock {
  4790   /* implies ss03 = 1, ss04 = 1, ss05 = 1 */
  4791   font-variant-alternates: styleset(curly-quotes, code);
  4792 }</pre>
  4794   <p>For character-variant, a single value between 1 and 99 indicates the
  4795    enabling of OpenType feature <span class=tag>cv01</span> through <span
  4796    class=tag>cv99</span>. For OpenType fonts, values greater than 99 or equal
  4797    to 0 are ignored but do not generate a syntax error when parsed but enable
  4798    no OpenType features. When two values are listed, the first value
  4799    indicates the feature used and the second the value passed for that
  4800    feature. If more than two values are assigned to a given name, a syntax
  4801    error occurs and the entire <a href="#featurevaluedefinition"><i
  4802    title="feature_value_definition">feature value definition</i></a> is
  4803    ignored.
  4805   <pre>@font-feature-values MM Greek {
  4806   @character-variant { alpha-2: 1 2; }   /* implies cv01 = 2 */
  4807   @character-variant { beta-3: 2 3; }    /* implies cv02 = 3 */
  4808   @character-variant { epsilon: 5 3 6; } /* more than 2 values, syntax error, definition ignored */
  4809   @character-variant { gamma: 12; }      /* implies cv12 = 1 */
  4810   @character-variant { zeta:   20 3; }   /* implies cv20 = 3 */
  4811   @character-variant { zeta-2: 20 2; }   /* implies cv20 = 2 */
  4812   @character-variant { silly: 105; }     /* &gt;99, ignored */
  4813   @character-variant { dumb: 323 3; }    /* &gt;99, ignored */
  4816 #title {
  4817   /* use the third alternate beta, first alternate gamma */
  4818   font-variant-alternates: character-variant(beta-3, gamma);
  4821 p {
  4822   /* zeta-2 follows zeta, implies cv20 = 2  */
  4823   font-variant-alternates: character-variant(zeta, zeta-2);
  4826 .special {
  4827   /* zeta follows zeta-2, implies cv20 = 3  */
  4828   font-variant-alternates: character-variant(zeta-2, zeta);
  4829 }</pre>
  4831   <div class=figure><img alt="Matching text on Byzantine seals using
  4832    character variants" src=byzantineseal.png>
  4833    <p class=caption>Byzantine seal text displayed with character variants
  4834   </div>
  4836   <div class=example>
  4837    <p>In the figure above, the text in red is rendered using a font
  4838     containing character variants that mimic the character forms found on a
  4839     Byzantine seal from the 8th century A.D. Two lines below is the same text
  4840     displayed in a font without variants. Note the two variants for U and N
  4841     used on the seal.</p>
  4843    <pre>@font-feature-values Athena Ruby {
  4844   @character-variant {
  4845     leo-B: 2 1;
  4846     leo-M: 13 3;
  4847     leo-alt-N: 14 1;
  4848     leo-N: 14 2;
  4849     leo-T: 20 1;
  4850     leo-U: 21 2;
  4851     leo-alt-U: 21 4;
  4855 p {
  4856   font-variant: discretionary-ligatures,
  4857                 character-variant(leo-B, leo-M, leo-N, leo-T, leo-U);
  4860 span.alt-N {
  4861   font-variant-alternates: character-variant(leo-alt-N);
  4864 span.alt-U {
  4865   font-variant-alternates: character-variant(leo-alt-U);
  4868 &lt;p>ENO....UP͞RSTU&lt;span class="alt-U">U&lt;/span>͞&lt;span class="alt-U">U&lt;/span>ΚΑΙTỤẠG̣IUPNS&lt;/p>
  4870 &lt;p>LEON|ΚΑΙCONSTA|NTI&lt;span class="alt-N">N&lt;/span>OS..|STOIBAṢ.|LIṢROM|AIO&lt;span class="alt-N">N&lt;/span>&lt;/p>
  4871 </pre>
  4872   </div>
  4874   <h3 id=font-variant-east-asian-prop><span class=secno>6.10 </span>East
  4875    Asian text rendering: the <a
  4876    href="#propdef-font-variant-east-asian">font-variant-east-asian</a>
  4877    property</h3>
  4879   <table class=propdef id=namefont-variant-east-asianvaluenormal-l>
  4880    <tbody>
  4881     <tr>
  4882      <td>Name:
  4884      <td><dfn
  4885       id=propdef-font-variant-east-asian>font-variant-east-asian</dfn>
  4887     <tr>
  4888      <td>Value:
  4890      <td><a href="#font-variant-east-asian-normal-value"
  4891       title="normal!!font-variant-east-asian">normal</a> | [ <a
  4892       href="#east-asian-variant-values"><var>&lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt;</var></a>
  4893       || <a
  4894       href="#east-asian-width-values"><var>&lt;east-asian-width-values&gt;</var></a>
  4895       || <a href="#ruby">ruby</a> ]
  4897     <tr>
  4898      <td>Initial:
  4900      <td>normal
  4902     <tr>
  4903      <td>Applies to:
  4905      <td>all elements
  4907     <tr>
  4908      <td>Inherited:
  4910      <td>yes
  4912     <tr>
  4913      <td>Percentages:
  4915      <td>N/A
  4917     <tr>
  4918      <td>Media:
  4920      <td>visual
  4922     <tr>
  4923      <td>Computed value:
  4925      <td>as specified
  4927     <tr>
  4928      <td>Animatable:
  4930      <td>no
  4931   </table>
  4933   <p>Allows control of glyph substitution and sizing in East Asian text.
  4935   <pre
  4936    class=prod><dfn id=east-asian-variant-values><var>&lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt;</var></dfn> = [ <a href="#jis78">jis78</a> | <a href="#jis83">jis83</a> | <a href="#jis90">jis90</a> | <a href="#jis04">jis04</a> | <a href="#simplified">simplified</a> | <a href="#traditional">traditional</a> ]</pre>
  4938   <pre
  4939    class=prod><dfn id=east-asian-width-values><var>&lt;east-asian-width-values&gt;</var></dfn>   = [ <a href="#full-width">full-width</a> | <a href="#proportional-width">proportional-width</a> ]</pre>
  4941   <p>Individual values have the following meanings:
  4943   <dl>
  4944    <dt><dfn id=font-variant-east-asian-normal-value
  4945     title="normal!!font-variant-east-asian">normal</dfn>
  4947    <dd>None of the features listed below are enabled.
  4949    <dt><dfn id=jis78>jis78</dfn>
  4951    <dd>Enables rendering of JIS78 forms (OpenType feature: <span
  4952     class=tag>jp78</span>).
  4953   </dl>
  4955   <div class=featex><img alt="JIS78 form example" src=jp78.png></div>
  4957   <dl>
  4958    <dt><dfn id=jis83>jis83</dfn>
  4960    <dd>Enables rendering of JIS83 forms (OpenType feature: <span
  4961     class=tag>jp83</span>).
  4963    <dt><dfn id=jis90>jis90</dfn>
  4965    <dd>Enables rendering of JIS90 forms (OpenType feature: <span
  4966     class=tag>jp90</span>).
  4968    <dt><dfn id=jis04>jis04</dfn>
  4970    <dd>Enables rendering of JIS2004 forms (OpenType feature: <span
  4971     class=tag>jp04</span>).
  4972     <p>The various JIS variants reflect the glyph forms defined in different
  4973      Japanese national standards. Fonts generally include glyphs defined by
  4974      the most recent national standard but it's sometimes necessary to use
  4975      older variants, to match signage for example.</p>
  4977    <dt><dfn id=simplified>simplified</dfn>
  4979    <dd>Enables rendering of simplified forms (OpenType feature: <span
  4980     class=tag>smpl</span>).
  4982    <dt><dfn id=traditional>traditional</dfn>
  4984    <dd>Enables rendering of traditional forms (OpenType feature: <span
  4985     class=tag>trad</span>).
  4986   </dl>
  4988   <p>The ‘<a href="#simplified"><code
  4989    class=property>simplified</code></a>’ and ‘<a
  4990    href="#traditional"><code class=property>traditional</code></a>’ values
  4991    allow control over the glyph forms for characters which have been
  4992    simplified over time but for which the older, traditional form is still
  4993    used in some contexts. The exact set of characters and glyph forms will
  4994    vary to some degree by context for which a given font was designed.
  4996   <div class=featex><img alt="tradtional form example" src=trad.png></div>
  4998   <dl>
  4999    <dt><dfn id=full-width>full-width</dfn>
  5001    <dd>Enables rendering of full-width variants (OpenType feature: <span
  5002     class=tag>fwid</span>).
  5004    <dt><dfn id=proportional-width>proportional-width</dfn>
  5006    <dd>Enables rendering of proportionally-spaced variants (OpenType feature:
  5007     <span class=tag>pwid</span>).
  5008   </dl>
  5010   <div class=featex><img alt="proportionally spaced Japanese example"
  5011    src=pwid.png></div>
  5013   <dl>
  5014    <dt><dfn id=ruby>ruby</dfn>
  5016    <dd>Enables display of ruby variant glyphs (OpenType feature: <span
  5017     class=tag>ruby</span>). Since ruby text is generally smaller than the
  5018     associated body text, font designers can design special glyphs for use
  5019     with ruby that are more readable than scaled down versions of the default
  5020     glyphs. Only glyph selection is affected, there is no associated font
  5021     scaling or other change that affects line layout. The red ruby text below
  5022     is shown with default glyphs (top) and with ruby variant glyphs (bottom).
  5023     Note the slight difference in stroke thickness.
  5024   </dl>
  5026   <div class=featex><img alt="ruby variant example" src=rubyshinkansen.png></div>
  5028   <h3 id=font-variant-prop><span class=secno>6.11 </span>Overall shorthand
  5029    for font rendering: the <a href="#propdef-font-variant">font-variant</a>
  5030    property</h3>
  5032   <table class=propdef id=namefont-variantvaluenormal-none-ltcommo>
  5033    <tbody>
  5034     <tr>
  5035      <td>Name:
  5037      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-variant
  5038       title="font-variant!!property">font-variant</dfn>
  5040     <tr>
  5041      <td>Value:
  5043      <td><a href="#font-variant-normal-value"
  5044       title="normal!!font-variant">normal</a> | <a
  5045       href="#font-variant-none-value" title="none!!font-variant">none</a> | [
  5046       <a href="#common-lig-values"><var>&lt;common-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  5047       || <a
  5048       href="#discretionary-lig-values"><var>&lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  5049       || <a
  5050       href="#historical-lig-values"><var>&lt;historical-lig-values&gt;</var></a>
  5051       || <a
  5052       href="#contextual-alt-values"><var>&lt;contextual-alt-values&gt;</var></a>
  5053       || <a href="#stylistic"><var
  5054       title=stylistic>stylistic(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || <a
  5055       href="#historical-forms"><var>historical-forms</var></a> || <a
  5056       href="#styleset"><var
  5057       title=styleset>styleset(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #)</var></a> || <a
  5058       href="#character-variant"><var
  5059       title=character-variant>character-variant(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;
  5060       #)</var></a> || <a href="#swash"><var
  5061       title=swash>swash(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || <a
  5062       href="#ornaments"><var
  5063       title=ornaments>ornaments(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || <a
  5064       href="#annotation"><var
  5065       title=annotation>annotation(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)</var></a> || [
  5066       <a href="#small-caps"><i>small-caps</i></a> | <a
  5067       href="#all-small-caps"><i>all-small-caps</i></a> | <a
  5068       href="#petite-caps"><i>petite-caps</i></a> | <a
  5069       href="#all-petite-caps"><i>all-petite-caps</i></a> | <a
  5070       href="#unicase"><i>unicase</i></a> | <a
  5071       href="#titling-caps"><i>titling-caps</i></a> ] || <a
  5072       href="#numeric-figure-values"><var>&lt;numeric-figure-values&gt;</var></a>
  5073       || <a
  5074       href="#numeric-spacing-values"><var>&lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt;</var></a>
  5075       || <a
  5076       href="#numeric-fraction-values"><var>&lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt;</var></a>
  5077       || <a href="#ordinal"><i>ordinal</i></a> || <a
  5078       href="#slashed-zero"><i>slashed-zero</i></a> || <a
  5079       href="#east-asian-variant-values"><var>&lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt;</var></a>
  5080       || <a
  5081       href="#east-asian-width-values"><var>&lt;east-asian-width-values&gt;</var></a>
  5082       || <a href="#ruby"><i>ruby</i></a> ]
  5084     <tr>
  5085      <td>Initial:
  5087      <td>normal
  5089     <tr>
  5090      <td>Applies to:
  5092      <td>all elements
  5094     <tr>
  5095      <td>Inherited:
  5097      <td>yes
  5099     <tr>
  5100      <td>Percentages:
  5102      <td>see individual properties
  5104     <tr>
  5105      <td>Media:
  5107      <td>visual
  5109     <tr>
  5110      <td>Computed value:
  5112      <td>see individual properties
  5114     <tr>
  5115      <td>Animatable:
  5117      <td>see individual properties
  5118   </table>
  5120   <p>The <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  5121    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5122    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> property is a shorthand for all
  5123    font-variant subproperties. The value <dfn id=font-variant-normal-value
  5124    title="normal!!font-variant">‘<code
  5125    class=property>normal</code>’</dfn> resets all subproperties of <a
  5126    href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5127    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> to their inital value. The <dfn
  5128    id=font-variant-none-value title="none!!font-variant">‘<code
  5129    class=property>none</code>’</dfn> value sets ‘<a
  5130    href="#propdef-font-variant-ligatures"><code
  5131    class=property>font-variant-ligatures</code></a>’ to ‘<code
  5132    class=property>none</code>’ and resets all other font feature properties
  5133    to their initial value. Like other shorthands, using <a
  5134    href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5135    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> resets unspecified <a
  5136    href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5137    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> subproperties to their initial
  5138    values. It does not reset the values of either ‘<a
  5139    href="#propdef-font-language-override"><code
  5140    class=property>font-language-override</code></a>’ or <a
  5141    href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  5142    title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  5143    class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a>.
  5145   <h3 id=font-feature-settings-prop><span class=secno>6.12 </span>Low-level
  5146    font feature settings control: the <a
  5147    href="#propdef-font-feature-settings">font-feature-settings</a> property</h3>
  5149   <table class=propdef id=namefont-feature-settingsvaluenormal-ltf>
  5150    <tbody>
  5151     <tr>
  5152      <td>Name:
  5154      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-feature-settings
  5155       title="font-feature-settings!!property">font-feature-settings</dfn>
  5157     <tr>
  5158      <td>Value:
  5160      <td><a href="#font-feature-settings-normal-value"
  5161       title="normal!!font-feature-settings">normal</a> | <a
  5162       href="#feature-tag-value"><var>&lt;feature-tag-value&gt;</var></a> #
  5164     <tr>
  5165      <td>Initial:
  5167      <td>normal
  5169     <tr>
  5170      <td>Applies to:
  5172      <td>all elements
  5174     <tr>
  5175      <td>Inherited:
  5177      <td>yes
  5179     <tr>
  5180      <td>Percentages:
  5182      <td>N/A
  5184     <tr>
  5185      <td>Media:
  5187      <td>visual
  5189     <tr>
  5190      <td>Computed value:
  5192      <td>as specified
  5194     <tr>
  5195      <td>Animatable:
  5197      <td>no
  5198   </table>
  5200   <p>This property provides low-level control over OpenType font features. It
  5201    is intended as a way of providing access to font features that are not
  5202    widely used but are needed for a particular use case.
  5204   <p>Authors should generally use <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  5205    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5206    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> and its related subproperties
  5207    whenever possible and only use this property for special cases where its
  5208    use is the only way of accessing a particular infrequently used font
  5209    feature.
  5211   <pre>/* enable small caps and use second swash alternate */
  5212 font-feature-settings: "smcp", "swsh" 2;</pre>
  5214   <p>A value of <dfn id=font-feature-settings-normal-value
  5215    title="normal!!font-feature-settings">‘<code
  5216    class=property>normal</code>’</dfn> means that no change in glyph
  5217    selection or positioning occurs due to this property.
  5219   <p>Feature tag values have the following syntax:
  5221   <pre
  5222    class=prod><dfn id=feature-tag-value><var>&lt;feature-tag-value&gt;</var></dfn> = &lt;string&gt; [ &lt;integer&gt; | on | off ]?</pre>
  5224   <p>The &lt;string&gt; is a case-sensitive OpenType feature tag. As
  5225    specified in the OpenType specification, feature tags contain four ASCII
  5226    characters. Tag strings longer or shorter than four characters, or
  5227    containing characters outside the U+20–7E codepoint range are invalid.
  5228    Feature tags need only match a feature tag defined in the font, so they
  5229    are not limited to explicitly registered OpenType features. Fonts defining
  5230    custom feature tags should follow the <a
  5231    href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featuretags.htm">tag name
  5232    rules</a> defined in the OpenType specification <a
  5233    href="#OPENTYPE-FEATURES"
  5234    rel=biblioentry>[OPENTYPE-FEATURES]<!--{{!OPENTYPE-FEATURES}}--></a>.
  5235    Feature tags not present in the font are ignored; a user agent must not
  5236    attempt to synthesize fallback behavior based on these feature tags.
  5238   <p>This means that explicitly disabling the <span class=tag>kern</span>
  5239    feature will not affect the application of kerning data found in the
  5240    ‘<code class=property>kern</code>’ table (as opposed to kerning data
  5241    associated with the <span class=tag>kern</span> feature in the ‘<code
  5242    class=property>GPOS</code>’ table). Authors should use the ‘<a
  5243    href="#propdef-font-kerning"><code
  5244    class=property>font-kerning</code></a>’ property to explictly enable or
  5245    disable kerning since this property affects both types of kerning.
  5247   <p>If present, a value indicates an index used for glyph selection. An
  5248    &lt;integer&gt; value must be 0 or greater. A value of 0 indicates that
  5249    the feature is disabled. For boolean features, a value of 1 enables the
  5250    feature. For non-boolean features, a value of 1 or greater enables the
  5251    feature and indicates the feature selection index. A value of ‘<code
  5252    class=property>on</code>’ is synonymous with 1 and ‘<code
  5253    class=property>off</code>’ is synonymous with 0. If the value is
  5254    omitted, a value of 1 is assumed.
  5256   <pre>
  5257 font-feature-settings: "dlig" 1;       /* dlig=1 enable discretionary ligatures */
  5258 font-feature-settings: "smcp" on;      /* smcp=1 enable small caps */
  5259 font-feature-settings: 'c2sc';         /* c2sc=1 enable caps to small caps */
  5260 font-feature-settings: "liga" off;     /* liga=0 no common ligatures */
  5261 font-feature-settings: "tnum", 'hist'; /* tnum=1, hist=1 enable tabular numbers and historical forms */
  5262 font-feature-settings: "tnum" "hist";  /* invalid, need a comma-delimited list */
  5263 font-feature-settings: "palin" off;    /* good idea but invalid tagname */
  5264 font-feature-settings: "PKRN";         /* PKRN=1 enable custom feature */
  5265 font-feature-settings: dlig;           /* invalid, tag must be a string */
  5266 </pre>
  5268   <p>When values greater than the range supported by the font are specified,
  5269    the behavior is explicitly undefined. For boolean features, in general
  5270    these will enable the feature. For non-boolean features, out of range
  5271    values will in general be equivalent to a 0 value. However, in both cases
  5272    the exact behavior will depend upon the way the font is designed
  5273    (specifically, which type of lookup is used to define the feature).
  5275   <p>Although specifically defined for OpenType feature tags, feature tags
  5276    for other modern font formats that support font features may be added in
  5277    the future. Where possible, features defined for other font formats should
  5278    attempt to follow the pattern of registered OpenType tags.
  5280   <div class=example>
  5281    <p>The Japanese text below will be rendered with half-width kana
  5282     characters:</p>
  5284    <pre lang=ja>
  5285 body { font-feature-settings: "hwid"; /* Half-width OpenType feature */ }
  5287 &lt;p>毎日<a href="http://images.google.com/images?q=%E3%82%AB%E3%83%AC%E3%83%BC" style="text-decoration: none;">カレー</a>食べてるのに、飽きない&lt;/p>
  5288 </pre>
  5289   </div>
  5291   <h3 id=font-language-override-prop><span class=secno>6.13 </span>Font
  5292    language override: the <a
  5293    href="#propdef-font-language-override">font-language-override</a> property</h3>
  5295   <table class=propdef id=namefont-language-overridevaluenormal-lt>
  5296    <tbody>
  5297     <tr>
  5298      <td>Name:
  5300      <td><dfn id=propdef-font-language-override>font-language-override</dfn>
  5302     <tr>
  5303      <td>Value:
  5305      <td><a href="#font-language-override-normal-value"
  5306       title="normal!!font-language-override">normal</a> | <a
  5307       href="#font-language-override-string-value"><var>&lt;string&gt;</var></a>
  5309     <tr>
  5310      <td>Initial:
  5312      <td><a href="#font-language-override-normal-value"
  5313       title="normal!!font-language-override">normal</a>
  5315     <tr>
  5316      <td>Applies to:
  5318      <td>all elements
  5320     <tr>
  5321      <td>Inherited:
  5323      <td>yes
  5325     <tr>
  5326      <td>Percentages:
  5328      <td>N/A
  5330     <tr>
  5331      <td>Media:
  5333      <td>visual
  5335     <tr>
  5336      <td>Computed value:
  5338      <td>as specified
  5340     <tr>
  5341      <td>Animatable:
  5343      <td>no
  5344   </table>
  5346   <p>Normally, authors can control the use of language-specific glyph
  5347    substitutions and positioning by setting the content language of an
  5348    element, as <a href="#language-specific-support">described above</a>:
  5350   <pre>&lt;!-- Display text using S'gaw Karen specific features -->
  5351 &ltp lang="ksw">...&lt;/p></pre>
  5353   <p>In some cases, authors may need to specify a language system that
  5354    differs from the content language, for example due to the need to mimic
  5355    another language's typographic traditions. The ‘<a
  5356    href="#propdef-font-language-override"><code
  5357    class=property>font-language-override</code></a>’ property allows
  5358    authors to explicitly specify the language system of the font, overriding
  5359    the language system implied by the content language.
  5361   <p>Values have the following meanings:
  5363   <dl>
  5364    <dt><dfn id=font-language-override-normal-value
  5365     title="normal!!font-language-override">normal</dfn>
  5367    <dd>specifies that when rendering with OpenType fonts, the content
  5368     language of the element is used to infer the OpenType language system
  5370    <dt><dfn
  5371     id=font-language-override-string-value><var>&lt;string&gt;</var></dfn>
  5373    <dd>single three-letter OpenType <a
  5374     href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/languagetags.htm">language
  5375     system tag</a>, specifies the OpenType language system to be used instead
  5376     of the language system implied by the language of the element
  5377   </dl>
  5379   <p>Use of invalid OpenType language system tags must not generate a parse
  5380    error but must be ignored when doing glyph selection and placement.
  5382   <div class=example>
  5383    <p>The <a href="http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml">Universal
  5384     Declaration of Human Rights</a> has been translated into a wide variety
  5385     of languages. In Turkish, Article 9 of this document might be marked up
  5386     as below:</p>
  5388    <pre lang=tr>&lt;body lang="tr">
  5390 &lt;h4>Madde 9&lt;/h4>
  5391 &lt;p>Hiç kimse keyfi olarak tutuklanamaz, alıkonulanamaz veya sürülemez.&lt;/p>
  5392 </pre>
  5394    <p>Here the user agent uses the value of the ‘<code
  5395     class=property>lang</code>’ attribute when rendering text and
  5396     appropriately renders this text without ‘<code
  5397     class=property>fi</code>’ ligatures. There is no need to use the ‘<a
  5398     href="#propdef-font-language-override"><code
  5399     class=property>font-language-override</code></a>’ property.</p>
  5401    <p>However, a given font may lack support for a specific language. In this
  5402     situation authors may need to use the typographic conventions of a
  5403     related language that are supported by that font:</p>
  5405    <pre lang=mk>&lt;body lang="mk">     &lt;!-- Macedonian lang code --&gt;
  5407 body { font-language-override: "SRB"; /* Serbian OpenType language tag */ }
  5409 &lt;h4>Члeн 9&lt;/h4>
  5410 &lt;p>Никoj чoвeк нeмa дa бидe пoдлoжeн нa прoизвoлнo aпсeњe, притвoр или прoгoнувaњe.&lt;/p>
  5412 </pre>
  5414    <p>The Macedonian text here will be rendered using Serbian typographic
  5415     conventions, with the assumption that the font specified supports
  5416     Serbian.</p>
  5417   </div>
  5419   <p><a id=rendering-considerations></a>
  5421   <h2 id=font-feature-resolution><span class=secno>7 </span>Font Feature
  5422    Resolution</h2>
  5424   <p>As described in the previous section, font features can be enabled in a
  5425    variety of ways, either via the use of <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  5426    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5427    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> or <a
  5428    href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  5429    title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  5430    class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a> in a style rule or
  5431    within an <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule.
  5432    The resolution order for the union of these settings is defined below.
  5433    Features defined via CSS properties are applied on top of layout engine
  5434    default features.
  5436   <h3 id=default-features><span class=secno>7.1 </span>Default features</h3>
  5438   <p>For OpenType fonts, user agents must enable the default features defined
  5439    in the OpenType documentation for a given script and writing mode.
  5440    Required ligatures, common ligatures and contextual forms must be enabled
  5441    by default (OpenType features: <span class=tag>rlig, liga, clig,
  5442    calt</span>), along with localized forms (OpenType feature: <span
  5443    class=tag>locl</span>), and features required for proper display of
  5444    composed characters and marks (OpenType features: <span class=tag>ccmp,
  5445    mark, mkmk</span>). These features must always be enabled, even when the
  5446    value of the <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  5447    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5448    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> and <a
  5449    href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  5450    title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  5451    class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a> properties is ‘<a
  5452    href="#normal"><code class=property>normal</code></a>’. Individual
  5453    features are only disabled when explicitly overridden by the author, as
  5454    when ‘<a href="#propdef-font-variant-ligatures"><code
  5455    class=property>font-variant-ligatures</code></a>’ is set to ‘<a
  5456    href="#no-common-ligatures"><code
  5457    class=property>no-common-ligatures</code></a>’. For handling complex
  5458    scripts such as <a
  5459    href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otfntdev/arabicot/features.aspx">Arabic</a>,
  5460    <a
  5461    href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otfntdev/mongolot/features.htm">Mongolian</a>
  5462    or <a
  5463    href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otfntdev/devanot/features.aspx">Devanagari</a>
  5464    additional features are required. For upright text within vertical text
  5465    runs, vertical alternates (OpenType feature: <span class=tag>vert</span>)
  5466    must be enabled.
  5468   <h3 id=feature-precedence><span class=secno>7.2 </span>Feature precedence</h3>
  5470   <p>General and <a href="#font-specific"><em>font specific</em></a> font
  5471    feature property settings are resolved in the order below, in ascending
  5472    order of precedence. This ordering is used to construct a combined list of
  5473    font features that affect a given text run.
  5475   <ol>
  5476    <li>Font features enabled by default, including features required for a
  5477     given script.
  5479    <li>If the font is defined via an <a
  5480     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule, the font
  5481     features implied by the font-variant descriptor in the <a
  5482     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule.
  5484    <li>If the font is defined via an <a
  5485     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule, the font
  5486     features implied by the font-feature-settings descriptor in the <a
  5487     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule.
  5489    <li>Feature settings determined by properties other than <a
  5490     href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5491     class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> or <a
  5492     href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  5493     title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  5494     class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a>. For example, setting
  5495     a non-default value for the ‘<code
  5496     class=property>letter-spacing</code>’ property disables common
  5497     ligatures.
  5499    <li>Font features implied by the value of the <a
  5500     href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5501     class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> property, the related <a
  5502     href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5503     class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> subproperties and any other CSS
  5504     property that uses OpenType features (e.g. the ‘<a
  5505     href="#propdef-font-kerning"><code
  5506     class=property>font-kerning</code></a>’ property).
  5508    <li>Font features implied by the value of <a
  5509     href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  5510     title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  5511     class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a> property.
  5512   </ol>
  5514   <p>This ordering allows authors to set up a general set of defaults for
  5515    fonts within their <a
  5516    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules, then override
  5517    them with property settings for specific elements. General property
  5518    settings override the settings in <a
  5519    href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rules and low-level
  5520    font feature settings override <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  5521    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5522    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> property settings.
  5524   <p>For situations where the combined list of font feature settings contains
  5525    more than one value for the same feature, the last value is used. When a
  5526    font lacks support for a given underlying font feature, text is simply
  5527    rendered as if that font feature was not enabled; font fallback does not
  5528    occur and no attempt is made to synthesize the feature except where
  5529    explicitly defined for specific properties.
  5531   <h3 id=feature-precedence-examples><span class=secno>7.3 </span>Feature
  5532    precedence examples</h3>
  5534   <div class=example>
  5535    <p>With the styles below, numbers are rendered proportionally when used
  5536     within a paragraph but are shown in tabular form within tables of prices:</p>
  5538    <pre>body {
  5539   font-variant-numeric: proportional-nums;
  5542 table.prices td {
  5543   font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;
  5545 </pre>
  5546   </div>
  5548   <div class=example>
  5549    <p>When the <a href="#descdef-font-variant"
  5550     title="font-variant!!descriptor">font-variant</a> descriptor is used
  5551     within an <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule,
  5552     it only applies to the font defined by that rule.</p>
  5554    <pre>@font-face {
  5555   font-family: MainText;
  5556   src: url(http://example.com/font.ttf);
  5557   font-variant: oldstyle-nums proportional-nums styleset(1,3);
  5560 body {
  5561   font-family: MainText, Helvetica;
  5564 table.prices td {
  5565   font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;
  5567 </pre>
  5569    <p>In this case, old-style numerals will be used throughout but only where
  5570     the font "MainText" is used. Just as in the previous example, tabular
  5571     values will be used in price tables since ‘<a
  5572     href="#tabular-nums"><code class=property>tabular-nums</code></a>’
  5573     appears in a general style rule and its use is mutually exclusive with
  5574     ‘<a href="#proportional-nums"><code
  5575     class=property>proportional-nums</code></a>’. Stylistic alternate sets
  5576     will only be used where MainText is used.</p>
  5577   </div>
  5579   <div class=example>
  5580    <p>The <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule can
  5581     also be used to access font features in locally available fonts via the
  5582     use of <code>local()</code> in the ‘<a href="#descdef-src"><code
  5583     class=property>src</code></a>’ descriptor of the <a
  5584     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> definition:</p>
  5586    <pre>@font-face {
  5587   font-family: BodyText;
  5588   src: local("HiraMaruPro-W4");
  5589   font-variant: proportional-width;
  5590   font-feature-settings: "ital"; /* Latin italics within CJK text feature */
  5593 body { font-family: BodyText, serif; }
  5594 </pre>
  5596    <p>If available, a Japanese font "Hiragino Maru Gothic" will be used. When
  5597     text rendering occurs, Japanese kana will be proportionally spaced and
  5598     Latin text will be italicised. Text rendered with the fallback serif font
  5599     will use default rendering properties.</p>
  5600   </div>
  5602   <div class=example>
  5603    <p>In the example below, discretionary ligatures are enabled only for a
  5604     downloadable font but are disabled within spans of class "special":</p>
  5606    <pre>@font-face {
  5607   font-family: main;
  5608   src: url(fonts/ffmeta.woff) format("woff");
  5609   font-variant: discretionary-ligatures;
  5612 body         { font-family: main, Helvetica; }
  5613 span.special { font-variant-ligatures: no-discretionary-ligatures; }
  5614 </pre>
  5616    <p>Suppose one adds a rule using ‘<code
  5617     class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’ to enable discretionary
  5618     ligatures:</p>
  5620    <pre>body         { font-family: main, Helvetica; }
  5621 span         { font-feature-settings: "dlig"; }
  5622 span.special { font-variant-ligatures: no-discretionary-ligatures; }
  5623 </pre>
  5625    <p>In this case, discretionary ligatures <em>will</em> be rendered within
  5626     spans of class "special". This is because both the <a
  5627     href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  5628     title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  5629     class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a> and ‘<a
  5630     href="#propdef-font-variant-ligatures"><code
  5631     class=property>font-variant-ligatures</code></a>’ properties apply to
  5632     these spans. Although the ‘<code class=css>no-discretionary
  5633     ligatures</code>’ setting of ‘<a
  5634     href="#propdef-font-variant-ligatures"><code
  5635     class=property>font-variant-ligatures</code></a>’ effectively disables
  5636     the OpenType <span class=tag>dlig</span> feature, because the <a
  5637     href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  5638     title="font-feature-settings!!property">‘<code
  5639     class=property>font-feature-settings</code>’</a> is resolved after
  5640     that, the ‘<code class=property>dlig</code>’ value reenables
  5641     discretionary ligatures.</p>
  5642   </div>
  5644   <h2 id=object-model><span class=secno>8 </span>Object Model</h2>
  5646   <p>The contents of <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a>
  5647    and <a
  5648    href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  5649    rules can be accessed via the following extensions to the CSS Object
  5650    Model.
  5652   <h3 id=om-fontface><span class=secno>8.1 </span>The <a
  5653    href="#cssfontfacerule"><code>CSSFontFaceRule</code></a> interface</h3>
  5655   <p>The <dfn id=cssfontfacerule>CSSFontFaceRule</dfn> interface represents a
  5656    <a href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> rule.
  5658   <pre class=idl>
  5659 interface CSSFontFaceRule : CSSRule {
  5660   attribute DOMString family;
  5661   attribute DOMString src;
  5662   attribute DOMString style;
  5663   attribute DOMString weight;
  5664   attribute DOMString stretch;
  5665   attribute DOMString unicodeRange;
  5666   attribute DOMString variant;
  5667   attribute DOMString featureSettings;
  5668 }</pre>
  5670   <p>The DOM Level 2 Style specification <a href="#DOM-LEVEL-2-STYLE"
  5671    rel=biblioentry>[DOM-LEVEL-2-STYLE]<!--{{DOM-LEVEL-2-STYLE}}--></a>
  5672    defined a different variant of this rule. This definition supercedes that
  5673    one.
  5675   <h3 id=om-fontfeaturevalues><span class=secno>8.2 </span>The <a
  5676    href="#cssfontfeaturevaluesrule"><code>CSSFontFeatureValuesRule</code></a>
  5677    interface</h3>
  5679   <p>The <code>CSSRule</code> interface is extended as follows:
  5681   <pre class=idl>partial interface CSSRule {
  5682   const unsigned short FONT_FEATURE_VALUES_RULE = 14;
  5683 }</pre>
  5685   <p>The <dfn id=cssfontfeaturevaluesrule>CSSFontFeatureValuesRule</dfn>
  5686    interface represents a <a
  5687    href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  5688    rule.
  5690   <pre class=idl>interface CSSFontFeatureValuesRule : CSSRule {
  5691   readonly attribute DOMString familyList;
  5692   readonly attribute DOMString valueText;
  5693 };</pre>
  5695   <dl class=idl-attributes>
  5696    <dt><var>familyList</var> of type <code>DOMString</code>, readonly
  5698    <dd>The list of one or more font families for which a given set of feature
  5699     values is defined.
  5701    <dt><var>valueText</var> of type <code>DOMString</code>, readonly
  5703    <dd>Serialized set of feature values.
  5704   </dl>
  5706   <p class=issue>Should this be extended to make <a
  5707    href="#cssfontfeaturevaluesrule"><code>CSSFontFeatureValuesRule</code></a>
  5708    be a subclass of <code>CSSGroupingRule</code> with other CSSRule
  5709    subclasses for each value definition block?
  5711   <h2 class=no-num id=platform-props-to-css>Appendix A: Mapping platform font
  5712    properties to CSS properties</h2>
  5714   <p><em>This appendix is included as background for some of the problems and
  5715    situations that are described in other sections. It should be viewed as
  5716    informative only.</em>
  5718   <p>Font properties in CSS are designed to be independent of the underlying
  5719    font formats used; they can be used to specify bitmap fonts, Type1 fonts,
  5720    SVG fonts in addition to the common TrueType and OpenType fonts. But there
  5721    are facets of the TrueType and OpenType formats that often cause confusion
  5722    for authors and present challenges to implementers on different platforms.
  5724   <p>Originally developed at Apple, TrueType was designed as an outline font
  5725    format for both screen and print. Microsoft joined Apple in developing the
  5726    TrueType format and both platforms have supported TrueType fonts since
  5727    then. Font data in the TrueType format consists of a set of tables
  5728    distinguished with common four-letter tag names, each containing a
  5729    specific type of data. For example, naming information, including
  5730    copyright and license information, is stored in the ‘<code
  5731    class=property>name</code>’ table. The <a
  5732    href="#character-map"><em>character map</em></a> (‘<code
  5733    class=property>cmap</code>’) table contains a mapping of character
  5734    encodings to glyphs. Apple later added additional tables for supporting
  5735    enhanced typographic functionality; these are now called Apple Advanced
  5736    Typography, or AAT, fonts. Microsoft and Adobe developed a separate set of
  5737    tables for advanced typography and called their format OpenType <a
  5738    href="#OPENTYPE" rel=biblioentry>[OPENTYPE]<!--{{!OPENTYPE}}--></a>.
  5740   <p>In many cases the font data used under Microsoft Windows or Linux is
  5741    slightly different from the data used under Apple's Mac OS X because the
  5742    TrueType format allowed for explicit variation across platforms. This
  5743    includes font metrics, names and <a href="#character-map"><em>character
  5744    map</em></a> data.
  5746   <p>Specifically, font family name data is handled differently across
  5747    platforms. For TrueType and OpenType fonts these names are contained in
  5748    the ‘<code class=property>name</code>’ table, in name records with
  5749    name ID 1. Mulitple names can be stored for different locales, but
  5750    Microsoft recommends fonts always include at least a US English version of
  5751    the name. On Windows, Microsoft made the decision for backwards
  5752    compatibility to limit this family name to a maximum of four faces; for
  5753    larger groupings the "preferred family" (name ID 16) or "WWS family" (name
  5754    ID 21) can be used. Other platforms such as OSX don't have this
  5755    limitation, so the family name is used to define all possible groupings.
  5757   <p>Other name table data provides names used to uniquely identify a
  5758    specific face within a family. The full font name (name ID 4) and the
  5759    Postscript name (name ID 6) describe a single face uniquely. For example,
  5760    the bold face of the Gill Sans family has a fullname of "Gill Sans Bold"
  5761    and a Postscript name of "GillSans-Bold". There can be multiple localized
  5762    versions of the fullname for a given face, but the Postscript name is
  5763    always a unique name made from a limited set of ASCII characters.
  5765   <p>On various platforms, different names are used to search for a font. For
  5766    example, with the Windows GDI CreateIndirectFont API, either a family or
  5767    fullname can be used to lookup a face, while on Mac OS X the
  5768    CTFontCreateWithName API call is used to lookup a given face using the
  5769    fullname and Postscript name. Under Linux, the fontconfig API allows fonts
  5770    to be searched using any of these names. In situations where platform
  5771    API's automatically substitute other font choices, it may be necessary to
  5772    verify a returned font matches a given name.
  5774   <p>The weight of a given face can be determined via the usWeightClass field
  5775    of the OS/2 table or inferred from the style name (name ID 2). Likewise,
  5776    the width can be determined via the usWidthClass of the OS/2 table or
  5777    inferred from the style name. For historical reasons related to synthetic
  5778    bolding at weights 200 or lower with the Windows GDI API, font designers
  5779    have sometimes skewed values in the OS/2 table to avoid these weights.
  5781   <p>Rendering complex scripts that use contextual shaping such as Thai,
  5782    Arabic and Devanagari requires features present only in OpenType or AAT
  5783    fonts. Currently, complex script rendering is supported on Windows and
  5784    Linux using OpenType font features while both OpenType and AAT font
  5785    features are used under Mac OS X.
  5787   <h2 class=no-num id=ch-ch-ch-changes>Changes</h2>
  5789   <h3 class=no-num id=recent-changes> Changes from the <a
  5790    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-css3-fonts-20130212/">February 2013
  5791    CSS3 Fonts Working Draft</a></h3>
  5793   <p>Major changes include:
  5795   <ul>
  5796    <li>Moved font load events into a separate <a
  5797     href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-font-load-events/">spec</a>
  5799    <li>Tightened syntax rules for <a
  5800     href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  5801     rules
  5803    <li>Added grammar productions for <a
  5804     href="#at-font-face-rule"><code>@font-face</code></a> and <a
  5805     href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  5806     rules
  5808    <li>Tightened definition of synthetic oblique
  5810    <li>Revised definition of ‘<a href="#descdef-unicode-range"><code
  5811     class=property>unicode-range</code></a>’ descriptor
  5812   </ul>
  5814   <h2 class=no-num id=acknowledgments>Acknowledgments</h2>
  5816   <p>I'd like to thank Tal Leming, Jonathan Kew and Christopher Slye for all
  5817    their help and feedback. John Hudson was kind enough to take the time to
  5818    explain the subtleties of OpenType language tags and provided the example
  5819    of character variant usage for displaying text on Byzantine seals. Ken
  5820    Lunde and Eric Muller provided valuable feedback on CJK OpenType features
  5821    and Unicode variation selectors. The idea for supporting font features by
  5822    using <a href="#propdef-font-variant"
  5823    title="font-variant!!property">‘<code
  5824    class=property>font-variant</code>’</a> subproperties originated with
  5825    Håkon Wium Lie, Adam Twardoch and Tal Leming. Elika Etemad supplied some
  5826    of the initial design ideas for the <a
  5827    href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"><code>@font-feature-values</code></a>
  5828    rule. Thanks also to House Industries for allowing the use of Ed Interlock
  5829    in the discretionary ligatures example.
  5831   <p>A special thanks to Robert Bringhurst for the sublime mind expansion
  5832    that is <em>The Elements of Typographic Style</em>.
  5834   <h2 class=no-num id=conformance> Conformance</h2>
  5836   <h3 class=no-num id=conventions> Document Conventions</h3>
  5838   <p>Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive
  5839    assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST
  5841    “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the
  5842    normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC
  5843    2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase
  5844    letters in this specification.
  5846   <p>All of the text of this specification is normative except sections
  5847    explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes. <a
  5848    href="#RFC2119" rel=biblioentry>[RFC2119]<!--{{!RFC2119}}--></a>
  5850   <p>Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for
  5851    example” or are set apart from the normative text with
  5852    <code>class="example"</code>, like this:
  5854   <div class=example>
  5855    <p>This is an example of an informative example.
  5856   </div>
  5858   <p>Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from
  5859    the normative text with <code>class="note"</code>, like this:
  5861   <p class=note>Note, this is an informative note.
  5863   <h3 class=no-num id=conformance-classes> Conformance Classes</h3>
  5865   <p>Conformance to CSS Fonts Level 3 Module is defined for three conformance
  5866    classes:
  5868   <dl>
  5869    <dt><dfn id=style-sheet title="style sheet!!as conformance class">style
  5870     sheet</dfn>
  5872    <dd>A <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/conform.html#style-sheet">CSS
  5873     style sheet</a>.
  5875    <dt><dfn id=renderer>renderer</dfn>
  5877    <dd>A <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/conform.html#user-agent">UA</a>
  5878     that interprets the semantics of a style sheet and renders documents that
  5879     use them.
  5881    <dt><dfn id=authoring-tool>authoring tool</dfn>
  5883    <dd>A <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/conform.html#user-agent">UA</a>
  5884     that writes a style sheet.
  5885   </dl>
  5887   <p>A style sheet is conformant to CSS Fonts Level 3 Module if all of its
  5888    declarations that use properties defined in this module have values that
  5889    are valid according to the generic CSS grammar and the individual grammars
  5890    of each property as given in this module.
  5892   <p>A renderer is conformant to CSS Fonts Level 3 Module if, in addition to
  5893    interpreting the style sheet as defined by the appropriate specifications,
  5894    it supports all the features defined by CSS Fonts Level 3 Module by
  5895    parsing them correctly and rendering the document accordingly. However,
  5896    the inability of a UA to correctly render a document due to limitations of
  5897    the device does not make the UA non-conformant. (For example, a UA is not
  5898    required to render color on a monochrome monitor.)
  5900   <p>An authoring tool is conformant to CSS Fonts Level 3 Module if it writes
  5901    style sheets that are syntactically correct according to the generic CSS
  5902    grammar and the individual grammars of each feature in this module, and
  5903    meet all other conformance requirements of style sheets as described in
  5904    this module.
  5906   <h3 class=no-num id=partial> Partial Implementations</h3>
  5908   <p>So that authors can exploit the forward-compatible parsing rules to
  5909    assign fallback values, CSS renderers <strong>must</strong> treat as
  5910    invalid (and <a
  5911    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/conform.html#ignore">ignore as
  5912    appropriate</a>) any at-rules, properties, property values, keywords, and
  5913    other syntactic constructs for which they have no usable level of support.
  5914    In particular, user agents <strong>must not</strong> selectively ignore
  5915    unsupported component values and honor supported values in a single
  5916    multi-value property declaration: if any value is considered invalid (as
  5917    unsupported values must be), CSS requires that the entire declaration be
  5918    ignored.
  5920   <h3 class=no-num id=experimental> Experimental Implementations</h3>
  5922   <p>To avoid clashes with future CSS features, the CSS2.1 specification
  5923    reserves a <a
  5924    href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#vendor-keywords">prefixed
  5925    syntax</a> for proprietary and experimental extensions to CSS.
  5927   <p>Prior to a specification reaching the Candidate Recommendation stage in
  5928    the W3C process, all implementations of a CSS feature are considered
  5929    experimental. The CSS Working Group recommends that implementations use a
  5930    vendor-prefixed syntax for such features, including those in W3C Working
  5931    Drafts. This avoids incompatibilities with future changes in the draft.
  5933   <h3 class=no-num id=testing> Non-Experimental Implementations</h3>
  5935   <p>Once a specification reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage,
  5936    non-experimental implementations are possible, and implementors should
  5937    release an unprefixed implementation of any CR-level feature they can
  5938    demonstrate to be correctly implemented according to spec.
  5940   <p>To establish and maintain the interoperability of CSS across
  5941    implementations, the CSS Working Group requests that non-experimental CSS
  5942    renderers submit an implementation report (and, if necessary, the
  5943    testcases used for that implementation report) to the W3C before releasing
  5944    an unprefixed implementation of any CSS features. Testcases submitted to
  5945    W3C are subject to review and correction by the CSS Working Group.
  5947   <p>Further information on submitting testcases and implementation reports
  5948    can be found from on the CSS Working Group's website at <a
  5949    href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/">http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/</a>.
  5950    Questions should be directed to the <a
  5951    href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-css-testsuite">public-css-testsuite@w3.org</a>
  5952    mailing list.
  5954   <h2 class=no-num id=references>References</h2>
  5956   <h3 class=no-num id=normative-references>Normative References</h3>
  5957   <!--begin-normative-->
  5958   <!-- Sorted by label -->
  5960   <dl class=bibliography>
  5961    <dd style="display: none"><!-- keeps the doc valid if the DL is empty -->
  5962     <!---->
  5964    <dt id=CHARMOD>[CHARMOD]
  5966    <dd>Martin J. Dürst; et al. <a
  5967     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-charmod-20050215/"><cite>Character
  5968     Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals.</cite></a> 15 February
  5969     2005. W3C Recommendation. URL: <a
  5970     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-charmod-20050215/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-charmod-20050215/</a>
  5971     </dd>
  5972    <!---->
  5974    <dt id=CORS>[CORS]
  5976    <dd>Anne van Kesteren. <a
  5977     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-cors-20130129/"><cite>Cross-Origin
  5978     Resource Sharing.</cite></a> 29 January 2013. W3C Candidate
  5979     Recommendation. (Work in progress.) URL: <a
  5980     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-cors-20130129/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-cors-20130129/</a>
  5981     </dd>
  5982    <!---->
  5984    <dt id=CSS21>[CSS21]
  5986    <dd>Bert Bos; et al. <a
  5987     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607"><cite>Cascading Style
  5988     Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification.</cite></a> 7 June
  5989     2011. W3C Recommendation. URL: <a
  5990     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607">http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607</a>
  5991     </dd>
  5992    <!---->
  5994    <dt id=CSS3VAL>[CSS3VAL]
  5996    <dd>Håkon Wium Lie; Tab Atkins; Elika J. Etemad. <a
  5997     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-css3-values-20120828/"><cite>CSS
  5998     Values and Units Module Level 3.</cite></a> 28 August 2012. W3C Candidate
  5999     Recommendation. (Work in progress.) URL: <a
  6000     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-css3-values-20120828/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-css3-values-20120828/</a>
  6001     </dd>
  6002    <!---->
  6004    <dt id=HTML5>[HTML5]
  6006    <dd>Ian Hickson. <a
  6007     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-html5-20121217/"><cite>HTML5.</cite></a>
  6008     17 December 2012. W3C Candidate Recommendation. (Work in progress.) URL:
  6009     <a
  6010     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-html5-20121217/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-html5-20121217/</a>
  6011     </dd>
  6012    <!---->
  6016    <dd><a
  6017     href="http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c052136_ISO_IEC_14496-22_2009(E).zip"><cite>Information
  6018     technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 22: Open Font
  6019     Format.</cite></a> International Organization for Standardization.
  6020     ISO/IEC 14496-22:2009. URL: <a
  6021     href="http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c052136_ISO_IEC_14496-22_2009(E).zip">http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/c052136_ISO_IEC_14496-22_2009(E).zip</a>
  6022     </dd>
  6023    <!---->
  6025    <dt id=OPENTYPE>[OPENTYPE]
  6027    <dd><a
  6028     href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/default.htm"><cite>OpenType
  6029     specification.</cite></a> Microsoft. URL: <a
  6030     href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/default.htm">http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/default.htm</a>
  6031     </dd>
  6032    <!---->
  6036    <dd><a
  6037     href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featurelist.htm"><cite>OpenType
  6038     feature registry.</cite></a> Microsoft. URL: <a
  6039     href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featurelist.htm">http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featurelist.htm</a>
  6040     </dd>
  6041    <!---->
  6043    <dt id=RFC2119>[RFC2119]
  6045    <dd>S. Bradner. <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt"><cite>Key
  6046     words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels.</cite></a> Internet
  6047     RFC 2119. URL: <a
  6048     href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt">http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt</a>
  6049     </dd>
  6050    <!---->
  6052    <dt id=UAX15>[UAX15]
  6054    <dd>Mark Davis; Ken Whistler. <a
  6055     href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/"><cite>Unicode Normalization
  6056     Forms.</cite></a> 31 August 2012. Unicode Standard Annex #15. URL: <a
  6057     href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/">http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/</a>
  6058     </dd>
  6059    <!---->
  6061    <dt id=UAX29>[UAX29]
  6063    <dd>Mark Davis. <a
  6064     href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/"><cite>Unicode Text
  6065     Segmentation.</cite></a> 12 September 2012. Unicode Standard Annex #29.
  6066     URL: <a
  6067     href="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/">http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/</a>
  6068     </dd>
  6069    <!---->
  6071    <dt id=UNICODE6>[UNICODE6]
  6073    <dd>The Unicode Consortium. <a
  6074     href="http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.2.0/"><cite>The Unicode
  6075     Standard, Version 6.2.0.</cite></a> Defined by: The Unicode Standard,
  6076     Version 6.2.0 URL: <a
  6077     href="http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.2.0/">http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.2.0/</a>
  6078     </dd>
  6079    <!---->
  6080   </dl>
  6081   <!--end-normative-->
  6082   <!--{{!CSS21}}-->
  6083   <!--{{!CSS3VAL}}-->
  6084   <!--{{!OPENTYPE}}-->
  6085   <!--{{!OPENTYPE-FEATURES}}-->
  6086   <!--{{!OPEN-FONT-FORMAT}}-->
  6087   <!--{{!UNICODE6}}-->
  6088   <!--{{!UAX15}}-->
  6089   <!--{{!UAX29}}-->
  6090   <!--{{!CORS}}-->
  6091   <!--{{!HTML5}}-->
  6092   <!--{{!CHARMOD}}-->
  6094   <h3 class=no-num id=other-references>Other References</h3>
  6095   <!--begin-informative-->
  6096   <!-- Sorted by label -->
  6098   <dl class=bibliography>
  6099    <dd style="display: none"><!-- keeps the doc valid if the DL is empty -->
  6100     <!---->
  6102    <dt id=AAT-FEATURES>[AAT-FEATURES]
  6104    <dd><a href="http://developer.apple.com/fonts/registry/"><cite>Apple
  6105     Advanced Typography font feature registry.</cite></a> Apple. URL: <a
  6106     href="http://developer.apple.com/fonts/registry/">http://developer.apple.com/fonts/registry/</a>
  6107     </dd>
  6108    <!---->
  6110    <dt id=ARABIC-TYPO>[ARABIC-TYPO]
  6112    <dd>Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFares. <cite>Arabic Typography: A Comprehensive
  6113     Sourcebook.</cite> Saqi Books. 2001. ISBN 0-86356-347-3.</dd>
  6114    <!---->
  6116    <dt id=CHARMOD-NORM>[CHARMOD-NORM]
  6118    <dd>François Yergeau; et al. <a
  6119     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-charmod-norm-20120501/"><cite>Character
  6120     Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Normalization.</cite></a> 1 May 2012.
  6121     W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: <a
  6122     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-charmod-norm-20120501/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-charmod-norm-20120501/</a>
  6123     </dd>
  6124    <!---->
  6128    <dd>Ken Lunde. <cite>CJKV Information Processing, Second Edition.</cite>
  6129     O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2009. ISBN 0-596-51447-1.</dd>
  6130    <!---->
  6134    <dd>L. David Baron. <a
  6135     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20121213/"><cite>CSS
  6136     Conditional Rules Module Level 3.</cite></a> 13 December 2012. W3C
  6137     Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: <a
  6138     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20121213/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-conditional-20121213/</a>
  6139     </dd>
  6140    <!---->
  6142    <dt id=CSS3TEXT>[CSS3TEXT]
  6144    <dd>Elika J. Etemad; Koji Ishii. <a
  6145     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-text-20121113/"><cite>CSS Text
  6146     Module Level 3.</cite></a> 13 November 2012. W3C Working Draft. (Work in
  6147     progress.) URL: <a
  6148     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-text-20121113/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-text-20121113/</a>
  6149     </dd>
  6150    <!---->
  6154    <dd>Richard Rubinstein. <cite>Digital Typography, An Introduction to Type
  6155     and Composition for Computer System Design.</cite> Addison-Wesley. 1988.
  6156     ISBN 0-201-17633-5.</dd>
  6157    <!---->
  6159    <dt id=DOM-LEVEL-2-STYLE>[DOM-LEVEL-2-STYLE]
  6161    <dd>Chris Wilson; Philippe Le Hégaret; Vidur Apparao. <a
  6162     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Style-20001113/"><cite>Document
  6163     Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Style Specification.</cite></a> 13 November
  6164     2000. W3C Recommendation. URL: <a
  6165     href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Style-20001113/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Style-20001113/</a>
  6166     </dd>
  6167    <!---->
  6169    <dt id=ELEMTYPO>[ELEMTYPO]
  6171    <dd>Robert Bringhurst. <cite>The Elements of Typographic Style, Version
  6172     4.</cite> Hartley &amp; Marks. 2013. ISBN 0-88179-212-8.</dd>
  6173    <!---->
  6177    <dd>John D. Berry, Ed. <cite>Language Culture Type.</cite> Graphis. 2001.
  6178     ISBN 1-932026-01-0.</dd>
  6179    <!---->
  6183    <dd><a
  6184     href="https://www.fontfont.com/staticcontent/downloads/FF_OT_User_Guide.pdf"><cite>OpenType
  6185     User Guide.</cite></a> FontShop International. URL: <a
  6186     href="https://www.fontfont.com/staticcontent/downloads/FF_OT_User_Guide.pdf">https://www.fontfont.com/staticcontent/downloads/FF_OT_User_Guide.pdf</a>
  6187     </dd>
  6188    <!---->
  6192    <dd>Beat Stamm. <a href="http://www.rastertragedy.com/"><cite>The Raster
  6193     Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited.</cite></a> 7 December 2011. URL: <a
  6194     href="http://www.rastertragedy.com/">http://www.rastertragedy.com/</a></dd>
  6195    <!---->
  6199    <dd>John Hudson. <a
  6200     href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/developers/opentype/default.htm"><cite>Windows
  6201     Glyph Processing.</cite></a> Microsoft Typogrraphy. URL: <a
  6202     href="http://www.microsoft.com/typography/developers/opentype/default.htm">http://www.microsoft.com/typography/developers/opentype/default.htm</a>
  6203     </dd>
  6204    <!---->
  6205   </dl>
  6206   <!--end-informative-->
  6207   <!--{{ARABIC-TYPO}}-->
  6208   <!--{{CJKV-INFO-PROCESSING}}-->
  6209   <!--{{DIGITAL-TYPOGRAPHY}}-->
  6210   <!--{{DOM-LEVEL-2-STYLE}}-->
  6211   <!--{{ELEMTYPO}}-->
  6212   <!--{{LANGCULTTYPE}}-->
  6213   <!--{{OPENTYPE-FONT-GUIDE}}-->
  6214   <!--{{RASTER-TRAGEDY}}-->
  6215   <!--{{WINDOWS-GLYPH-PROC}}-->
  6216   <!--{{CHARMOD-NORM}}-->
  6217   <!--{{AAT-FEATURES}}-->
  6218   <!--{{CSS3-CONDITIONAL}}-->
  6219   <!--{{CSS3TEXT}}-->
  6221   <h2 class=no-num id=index>Index</h2>
  6222   <!--begin-index-->
  6224   <ul class=indexlist>
  6225    <li>100...900 weight values, <a href="#font-weight-numeric-values"
  6226     title="100...900 weight values"><strong>3.2</strong></a>
  6228    <li><var>&lt;absolute-size&gt;</var>, <a href="#absolute-size-value"
  6229     title="&lt;absolute-size&gt;"><strong>3.5</strong></a>
  6231    <li><var>&lt;common-lig-values&gt;</var>, <a href="#common-lig-values"
  6232     title="&lt;common-lig-values&gt;"><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6234    <li><var>&lt;contextual-alt-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6235     href="#contextual-alt-values"
  6236     title="&lt;contextual-alt-values&gt;"><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6238    <li><var>&lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6239     href="#discretionary-lig-values"
  6240     title="&lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt;"><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6242    <li><var>&lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6243     href="#east-asian-variant-values"
  6244     title="&lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt;"><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6246    <li><var>&lt;east-asian-width-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6247     href="#east-asian-width-values"
  6248     title="&lt;east-asian-width-values&gt;"><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6250    <li><var>&lt;family-name&gt;</var>, <a href="#family-name-value"
  6251     title="&lt;family-name&gt;"><strong>3.1</strong></a>
  6253    <li><var>&lt;feature-tag-value&gt;</var>, <a href="#feature-tag-value"
  6254     title="&lt;feature-tag-value&gt;"><strong>6.12</strong></a>
  6256    <li><var>&lt;font-face-name&gt;</var>, <a href="#font-face-name-value"
  6257     title="&lt;font-face-name&gt;"><strong>4.3</strong></a>
  6259    <li><var>&lt;font-variant-css21&gt;</var>, <a
  6260     href="#font-variant-css21-values"
  6261     title="&lt;font-variant-css21&gt;"><strong>3.7</strong></a>
  6263    <li><var>&lt;generic-family&gt;</var>, <a href="#generic-family-value"
  6264     title="&lt;generic-family&gt;"><strong>3.1</strong></a>
  6266    <li><var>&lt;historical-lig-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6267     href="#historical-lig-values"
  6268     title="&lt;historical-lig-values&gt;"><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6270    <li><var>&lt;length&gt;</var>, <a href="#length-size-value"
  6271     title="&lt;length&gt;"><strong>3.5</strong></a>
  6273    <li><var>&lt;number&gt;</var>, <a href="#aspect-ratio-value"
  6274     title="&lt;number&gt;"><strong>3.6</strong></a>
  6276    <li><var>&lt;numeric-figure-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6277     href="#numeric-figure-values"
  6278     title="&lt;numeric-figure-values&gt;"><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6280    <li><var>&lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6281     href="#numeric-fraction-values"
  6282     title="&lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt;"><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6284    <li><var>&lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt;</var>, <a
  6285     href="#numeric-spacing-values"
  6286     title="&lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt;"><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6288    <li><var>&lt;percentage&gt;</var>, <a href="#percentage-size-value"
  6289     title="&lt;percentage&gt;"><strong>3.5</strong></a>
  6291    <li><var>&lt;relative-size&gt;</var>, <a href="#relative-size-value"
  6292     title="&lt;relative-size&gt;"><strong>3.5</strong></a>
  6294    <li><var>&lt;string&gt;</var>, <a
  6295     href="#font-language-override-string-value"
  6296     title="&lt;string&gt;"><strong>6.13</strong></a>
  6298    <li><var>&lt;urange&gt;</var>, <a href="#urange-value"
  6299     title="&lt;urange&gt;"><strong>4.5</strong></a>
  6301    <li><code>@font-face</code>, <a href="#at-font-face-rule"
  6302     title="@font-face"><strong>4.1</strong></a>
  6304    <li><code>@font-feature-values</code>, <a
  6305     href="#at-font-feature-values-rule"
  6306     title="@font-feature-values"><strong>6.9</strong></a>
  6308    <li>all-petite-caps, <a href="#all-petite-caps"
  6309     title=all-petite-caps><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6311    <li>all-small-caps, <a href="#all-small-caps"
  6312     title=all-small-caps><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6314    <li>annotation, <a href="#annotation"
  6315     title=annotation><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6317    <li>aspect value, <a href="#aspect-value0" title="aspect
  6318     value"><strong>3.6</strong></a>
  6320    <li>authoring tool, <a href="#authoring-tool" title="authoring
  6321     tool"><strong>#</strong></a>
  6323    <li>auto
  6324     <ul>
  6325      <li>font-kerning, <a href="#font-kerning-auto-value" title="auto,
  6326       font-kerning"><strong>6.3</strong></a>
  6328      <li>font-size-adjust, <a href="#font-size-adjust-auto-value"
  6329       title="auto, font-size-adjust"><strong>3.6</strong></a>
  6330     </ul>
  6332    <li>bold, <a href="#bold" title=bold><strong>3.2</strong></a>
  6334    <li>bolder, <a href="#bolder" title=bolder><strong>3.2</strong></a>
  6336    <li>character map, <a href="#character-map" title="character
  6337     map"><strong>5.2</strong></a>
  6339    <li>character-variant, <a href="#character-variant"
  6340     title=character-variant><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6342    <li>common-ligatures, <a href="#common-ligatures"
  6343     title=common-ligatures><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6345    <li>condensed, <a href="#condensed"
  6346     title=condensed><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6348    <li>contextual, <a href="#contextual"
  6349     title=contextual><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6351    <li>CSSFontFaceRule, <a href="#cssfontfacerule"
  6352     title=CSSFontFaceRule><strong>8.1</strong></a>
  6354    <li>CSSFontFeatureValuesRule, <a href="#cssfontfeaturevaluesrule"
  6355     title=CSSFontFeatureValuesRule><strong>8.2</strong></a>
  6357    <li>cursive, definition of, <a href="#cursive0" title="cursive, definition
  6358     of"><strong>#</strong></a>
  6360    <li>default face, <a href="#default-face" title="default
  6361     face"><strong>5.2</strong></a>
  6363    <li>descriptor_declaration, <a href="#descriptordeclaration"
  6364     title="descriptor_declaration"><strong>4.1</strong></a>
  6366    <li>diagonal-fractions, <a href="#diagonal-fractions"
  6367     title=diagonal-fractions><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6369    <li>discretionary-ligatures, <a href="#discretionary-ligatures"
  6370     title=discretionary-ligatures><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6372    <li>expanded, <a href="#expanded" title=expanded><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6374    <li>extra-condensed, <a href="#extra-condensed"
  6375     title=extra-condensed><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6377    <li>extra-expanded, <a href="#extra-expanded"
  6378     title=extra-expanded><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6380    <li>fantasy, definition of, <a href="#fantasy0" title="fantasy, definition
  6381     of"><strong>#</strong></a>
  6383    <li>feature_type, <a href="#featuretype"
  6384     title="feature_type"><strong>6.9.1</strong></a>
  6386    <li>feature_value_block, <a href="#featurevalueblock"
  6387     title="feature_value_block"><strong>6.9.1</strong></a>
  6389    <li>feature_value_definition, <a href="#featurevaluedefinition"
  6390     title="feature_value_definition"><strong>6.9.1</strong></a>
  6392    <li>font, <a href="#propdef-font" title=font><strong>3.7</strong></a>
  6394    <li>font specific, <a href="#font-specific" title="font
  6395     specific"><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6397    <li>font-family
  6398     <ul>
  6399      <li>descriptor, <a href="#descdef-font-family" title="font-family,
  6400       descriptor"><strong>4.2</strong></a>
  6402      <li>property, <a href="#propdef-font-family" title="font-family,
  6403       property"><strong>3.1</strong></a>
  6404     </ul>
  6406    <li>font-feature-settings
  6407     <ul>
  6408      <li>descriptor, <a href="#descdef-font-feature-settings"
  6409       title="font-feature-settings, descriptor"><strong>4.7</strong></a>
  6411      <li>property, <a href="#propdef-font-feature-settings"
  6412       title="font-feature-settings, property"><strong>6.12</strong></a>
  6413     </ul>
  6415    <li>font-kerning, <a href="#propdef-font-kerning"
  6416     title=font-kerning><strong>6.3</strong></a>
  6418    <li>font-language-override, <a href="#propdef-font-language-override"
  6419     title=font-language-override><strong>6.13</strong></a>
  6421    <li>font-size, <a href="#propdef-font-size"
  6422     title=font-size><strong>3.5</strong></a>
  6424    <li>font-size-adjust, <a href="#propdef-font-size-adjust"
  6425     title=font-size-adjust><strong>3.6</strong></a>
  6427    <li>font-stretch
  6428     <ul>
  6429      <li>descriptor, <a href="#descdef-font-stretch" title="font-stretch,
  6430       descriptor"><strong>4.4</strong></a>
  6432      <li>property, <a href="#propdef-font-stretch" title="font-stretch,
  6433       property"><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6434     </ul>
  6436    <li>font-style
  6437     <ul>
  6438      <li>descriptor, <a href="#descdef-font-style" title="font-style,
  6439       descriptor"><strong>4.4</strong></a>
  6441      <li>property, <a href="#propdef-font-style" title="font-style,
  6442       property"><strong>3.4</strong></a>
  6443     </ul>
  6445    <li>font-synthesis, <a href="#propdef-font-synthesis"
  6446     title=font-synthesis><strong>3.8</strong></a>
  6448    <li>font-variant
  6449     <ul>
  6450      <li>descriptor, <a href="#descdef-font-variant" title="font-variant,
  6451       descriptor"><strong>4.7</strong></a>
  6453      <li>property, <a href="#propdef-font-variant" title="font-variant,
  6454       property"><strong>6.11</strong></a>
  6455     </ul>
  6457    <li>font-variant-alternates, <a href="#propdef-font-variant-alternates"
  6458     title=font-variant-alternates><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6460    <li>font-variant-caps, <a href="#propdef-font-variant-caps"
  6461     title=font-variant-caps><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6463    <li>font-variant-east-asian, <a href="#propdef-font-variant-east-asian"
  6464     title=font-variant-east-asian><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6466    <li>font-variant-ligatures, <a href="#propdef-font-variant-ligatures"
  6467     title=font-variant-ligatures><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6469    <li>font-variant-numeric, <a href="#propdef-font-variant-numeric"
  6470     title=font-variant-numeric><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6472    <li>font-variant-position, <a href="#propdef-font-variant-position"
  6473     title=font-variant-position><strong>6.5</strong></a>
  6475    <li>font-weight
  6476     <ul>
  6477      <li>descriptor, <a href="#descdef-font-weight" title="font-weight,
  6478       descriptor"><strong>4.4</strong></a>
  6480      <li>property, <a href="#propdef-font-weight" title="font-weight,
  6481       property"><strong>3.2</strong></a>
  6482     </ul>
  6484    <li>font_face_rule, <a href="#fontfacerule"
  6485     title="font_face_rule"><strong>4.1</strong></a>
  6487    <li>FONT_FACE_SYM, <a href="#fontfacesym"
  6488     title="FONT_FACE_SYM"><strong>4.1</strong></a>
  6490    <li>font_family_name, <a href="#fontfamilyname"
  6491     title="font_family_name"><strong>6.9.1</strong></a>
  6493    <li>font_family_name_list, <a href="#fontfamilynamelist"
  6494     title="font_family_name_list"><strong>6.9.1</strong></a>
  6496    <li>font_feature_values_rule, <a href="#fontfeaturevaluesrule"
  6497     title="font_feature_values_rule"><strong>6.9.1</strong></a>
  6499    <li>FONT_FEATURE_VALUES_SYM, <a href="#fontfeaturevaluessym"
  6500     title="FONT_FEATURE_VALUES_SYM"><strong>6.9.1</strong></a>
  6502    <li>full-width, <a href="#full-width"
  6503     title=full-width><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6505    <li>historical-forms, <a href="#historical-forms"
  6506     title=historical-forms><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6508    <li>historical-ligatures, <a href="#historical-ligatures"
  6509     title=historical-ligatures><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6511    <li>italic, <a href="#italic" title=italic><strong>3.4</strong></a>
  6513    <li>jis04, <a href="#jis04" title=jis04><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6515    <li>jis78, <a href="#jis78" title=jis78><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6517    <li>jis83, <a href="#jis83" title=jis83><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6519    <li>jis90, <a href="#jis90" title=jis90><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6521    <li>lighter, <a href="#lighter" title=lighter><strong>3.2</strong></a>
  6523    <li>lining-nums, <a href="#lining-nums"
  6524     title=lining-nums><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6526    <li>monospace, definition of, <a href="#monospace0" title="monospace,
  6527     definition of"><strong>#</strong></a>
  6529    <li>no-common-ligatures, <a href="#no-common-ligatures"
  6530     title=no-common-ligatures><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6532    <li>no-contextual, <a href="#no-contextual"
  6533     title=no-contextual><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6535    <li>no-discretionary-ligatures, <a href="#no-discretionary-ligatures"
  6536     title=no-discretionary-ligatures><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6538    <li>no-historical-ligatures, <a href="#no-historical-ligatures"
  6539     title=no-historical-ligatures><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6541    <li>none
  6542     <ul>
  6543      <li>font-kerning, <a href="#font-kerning-none-value" title="none,
  6544       font-kerning"><strong>6.3</strong></a>
  6546      <li>font-size-adjust, <a href="#font-size-adjust-none-value"
  6547       title="none, font-size-adjust"><strong>3.6</strong></a>
  6549      <li>font-variant, <a href="#font-variant-none-value" title="none,
  6550       font-variant"><strong>6.11</strong></a>
  6552      <li>font-variant-ligatures, <a href="#font-variant-ligatures-none-value"
  6553       title="none, font-variant-ligatures"><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6554     </ul>
  6556    <li>normal, <a href="#normal" title=normal><strong>6.5</strong></a>
  6557     <ul>
  6558      <li>font-feature-settings, <a href="#font-feature-settings-normal-value"
  6559       title="normal, font-feature-settings"><strong>6.12</strong></a>
  6561      <li>font-kerning, <a href="#font-kerning-normal-value" title="normal,
  6562       font-kerning"><strong>6.3</strong></a>
  6564      <li>font-language-override, <a
  6565       href="#font-language-override-normal-value" title="normal,
  6566       font-language-override"><strong>6.13</strong></a>
  6568      <li>font-stretch, <a href="#font-stretch-normal-value" title="normal,
  6569       font-stretch"><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6571      <li>font-style, <a href="#font-style-normal-value" title="normal,
  6572       font-style"><strong>3.4</strong></a>
  6574      <li>font-variant, <a href="#font-variant-normal-value" title="normal,
  6575       font-variant"><strong>6.11</strong></a>
  6577      <li>font-variant-alternates, <a
  6578       href="#font-variant-alternates-normal-value" title="normal,
  6579       font-variant-alternates"><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6581      <li>font-variant-caps, <a href="#font-variant-caps-normal-value"
  6582       title="normal, font-variant-caps"><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6584      <li>font-variant-east-asian, <a
  6585       href="#font-variant-east-asian-normal-value" title="normal,
  6586       font-variant-east-asian"><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6588      <li>font-variant-ligatures, <a
  6589       href="#font-variant-ligatures-normal-value" title="normal,
  6590       font-variant-ligatures"><strong>6.4</strong></a>
  6592      <li>font-variant-numeric, <a href="#font-variant-numeric-normal-value"
  6593       title="normal, font-variant-numeric"><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6595      <li>font-weight, <a href="#font-weight-normal-value" title="normal,
  6596       font-weight"><strong>3.2</strong></a>
  6597     </ul>
  6599    <li>oblique, <a href="#oblique" title=oblique><strong>3.4</strong></a>
  6601    <li>oldstyle-nums, <a href="#oldstyle-nums"
  6602     title=oldstyle-nums><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6604    <li>ordinal, <a href="#ordinal" title=ordinal><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6606    <li>ornaments, <a href="#ornaments"
  6607     title=ornaments><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6609    <li>petite-caps, <a href="#petite-caps"
  6610     title=petite-caps><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6612    <li>proportional-nums, <a href="#proportional-nums"
  6613     title=proportional-nums><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6615    <li>proportional-width, <a href="#proportional-width"
  6616     title=proportional-width><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6618    <li>renderer, <a href="#renderer" title=renderer><strong>#</strong></a>
  6620    <li>ruby, <a href="#ruby" title=ruby><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6622    <li>sans-serif, definition of, <a href="#sans-serif0" title="sans-serif,
  6623     definition of"><strong>#</strong></a>
  6625    <li>semi-condensed, <a href="#semi-condensed-"
  6626     title=semi-condensed><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6628    <li>semi-expanded, <a href="#semi-expanded"
  6629     title=semi-expanded><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6631    <li>serif, definition of, <a href="#serif0" title="serif, definition
  6632     of"><strong>#</strong></a>
  6634    <li>simplified, <a href="#simplified"
  6635     title=simplified><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6637    <li>slashed-zero, <a href="#slashed-zero"
  6638     title=slashed-zero><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6640    <li>small-caps, <a href="#small-caps"
  6641     title=small-caps><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6643    <li>src, <a href="#descdef-src" title=src><strong>4.3</strong></a>
  6645    <li>stacked-fractions, <a href="#stacked-fractions"
  6646     title=stacked-fractions><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6648    <li>style sheet
  6649     <ul>
  6650      <li>as conformance class, <a href="#style-sheet" title="style sheet, as
  6651       conformance class"><strong>#</strong></a>
  6652     </ul>
  6654    <li>styleset, <a href="#styleset" title=styleset><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6656    <li>stylistic, <a href="#stylistic"
  6657     title=stylistic><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6659    <li>sub, <a href="#sub" title=sub><strong>6.5</strong></a>
  6661    <li>super, <a href="#super" title=super><strong>6.5</strong></a>
  6663    <li>swash, <a href="#swash" title=swash><strong>6.8</strong></a>
  6665    <li>tabular-nums, <a href="#tabular-nums"
  6666     title=tabular-nums><strong>6.7</strong></a>
  6668    <li>titling-caps, <a href="#titling-caps"
  6669     title=titling-caps><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6671    <li>traditional, <a href="#traditional"
  6672     title=traditional><strong>6.10</strong></a>
  6674    <li>ultra-condensed, <a href="#ultra-condensed"
  6675     title=ultra-condensed><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6677    <li>ultra-expanded, <a href="#ultra-expanded"
  6678     title=ultra-expanded><strong>3.3</strong></a>
  6680    <li>unicase, <a href="#unicase" title=unicase><strong>6.6</strong></a>
  6682    <li>unicode-range, <a href="#descdef-unicode-range"
  6683     title=unicode-range><strong>4.5</strong></a>
  6685    <li>weight, <a href="#weight" title=weight><strong>2</strong></a>
  6687    <li>width, <a href="#width" title=width><strong>2</strong></a>
  6688   </ul>
  6689   <!--end-index-->
  6691   <h2 class=no-num id=property-index>Property index</h2>
  6692   <!--begin-properties-->
  6694   <table class=proptable>
  6695    <thead>
  6696     <tr>
  6697      <th>Property
  6699      <th>Values
  6701      <th>Initial
  6703      <th>Applies to
  6705      <th>Inh.
  6707      <th>Percentages
  6709      <th>Media
  6711    <tbody>
  6712     <tr>
  6713      <th><a class=property href="#propdef-font">font</a>
  6715      <td>[ [ &lt;‘font-style’&gt; || &lt;font-variant-css21&gt; ||
  6716       &lt;‘font-weight’&gt; || &lt;‘font-stretch’ ]?
  6717       &lt;‘font-size’&gt; [ / &lt;‘line-height’&gt; ]?
  6718       &lt;‘font-family’&gt; ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box |
  6719       small-caption | status-bar
  6721      <td>see individual properties
  6723      <td>all elements
  6725      <td>yes
  6727      <td>see individual properties
  6729      <td>visual
  6731     <tr>
  6732      <th><span class=property>font-family</span>
  6734      <td>[ &lt;family-name&gt; | &lt;generic-family&gt; ] #
  6736      <td>depends on user agent
  6738      <td>all elements
  6740      <td>yes
  6742      <td>N/A
  6744      <td>visual
  6746     <tr>
  6747      <th><span class=property>font-feature-settings</span>
  6749      <td>normal | &lt;feature-tag-value&gt; #
  6751      <td>normal
  6753      <td>all elements
  6755      <td>yes
  6757      <td>N/A
  6759      <td>visual
  6761     <tr>
  6762      <th><a class=property href="#propdef-font-kerning">font-kerning</a>
  6764      <td>auto | normal | none
  6766      <td>auto
  6768      <td>all elements
  6770      <td>yes
  6772      <td>N/A
  6774      <td>visual
  6776     <tr>
  6777      <th><a class=property
  6778       href="#propdef-font-language-override">font-language-override</a>
  6780      <td>normal | &lt;string&gt;
  6782      <td>normal
  6784      <td>all elements
  6786      <td>yes
  6788      <td>N/A
  6790      <td>visual
  6792     <tr>
  6793      <th><a class=property href="#propdef-font-size">font-size</a>
  6795      <td>&lt;absolute-size&gt; | &lt;relative-size&gt; | &lt;length&gt; |
  6796       &lt;percentage&gt;
  6798      <td>medium
  6800      <td>all elements
  6802      <td>yes
  6804      <td>refer to parent element's font size
  6806      <td>visual
  6808     <tr>
  6809      <th><a class=property
  6810       href="#propdef-font-size-adjust">font-size-adjust</a>
  6812      <td>none | auto | &lt;number&gt;
  6814      <td>none
  6816      <td>all elements
  6818      <td>yes
  6820      <td>N/A
  6822      <td>visual
  6824     <tr>
  6825      <th><span class=property>font-stretch</span>
  6827      <td>normal | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed |
  6828       semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded |
  6829       ultra-expanded
  6831      <td>normal
  6833      <td>all elements
  6835      <td>yes
  6837      <td>N/A
  6839      <td>visual
  6841     <tr>
  6842      <th><span class=property>font-style</span>
  6844      <td>normal | italic | oblique
  6846      <td>normal
  6848      <td>all elements
  6850      <td>yes
  6852      <td>N/A
  6854      <td>visual
  6856     <tr>
  6857      <th><a class=property href="#propdef-font-synthesis">font-synthesis</a>
  6859      <td>none | [ weight || style ]
  6861      <td>weight style
  6863      <td>all elements
  6865      <td>yes
  6867      <td>N/A
  6869      <td>visual
  6871     <tr>
  6872      <th><span class=property>font-variant</span>
  6874      <td>normal | none | [ &lt;common-lig-values&gt; ||
  6875       &lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt; || &lt;historical-lig-values&gt; ||
  6876       &lt;contextual-alt-values&gt; || stylistic(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)
  6877       || historical-forms || styleset(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #) ||
  6878       character-variant(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #) ||
  6879       swash(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) ||
  6880       ornaments(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) ||
  6881       annotation(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) || [ small-caps | all-small-caps
  6882       | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] ||
  6883       &lt;numeric-figure-values&gt; || &lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt; ||
  6884       &lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt; || ordinal || slashed-zero ||
  6885       &lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt; || &lt;east-asian-width-values&gt; ||
  6886       ruby ]
  6888      <td>normal
  6890      <td>all elements
  6892      <td>yes
  6894      <td>see individual properties
  6896      <td>visual
  6898     <tr>
  6899      <th><a class=property
  6900       href="#propdef-font-variant-alternates">font-variant-alternates</a>
  6902      <td>normal | [ stylistic(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) || historical-forms
  6903       || styleset(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #) ||
  6904       character-variant(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #) ||
  6905       swash(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) ||
  6906       ornaments(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) ||
  6907       annotation(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) ]
  6909      <td>normal
  6911      <td>all elements
  6913      <td>yes
  6915      <td>N/A
  6917      <td>visual
  6919     <tr>
  6920      <th><a class=property
  6921       href="#propdef-font-variant-caps">font-variant-caps</a>
  6923      <td>normal | small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps
  6924       | unicase | titling-caps
  6926      <td>normal
  6928      <td>all elements
  6930      <td>yes
  6932      <td>N/A
  6934      <td>visual
  6936     <tr>
  6937      <th><a class=property
  6938       href="#propdef-font-variant-east-asian">font-variant-east-asian</a>
  6940      <td>normal | [ &lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt; ||
  6941       &lt;east-asian-width-values&gt; || ruby ]
  6943      <td>normal
  6945      <td>all elements
  6947      <td>yes
  6949      <td>N/A
  6951      <td>visual
  6953     <tr>
  6954      <th><a class=property
  6955       href="#propdef-font-variant-ligatures">font-variant-ligatures</a>
  6957      <td>normal | none | [ &lt;common-lig-values&gt; ||
  6958       &lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt; || &lt;historical-lig-values&gt; ||
  6959       &lt;contextual-alt-values&gt; ]
  6961      <td>normal
  6963      <td>all elements
  6965      <td>yes
  6967      <td>N/A
  6969      <td>visual
  6971     <tr>
  6972      <th><a class=property
  6973       href="#propdef-font-variant-numeric">font-variant-numeric</a>
  6975      <td>normal | [ &lt;numeric-figure-values&gt; ||
  6976       &lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt; || &lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt; ||
  6977       ordinal || slashed-zero ]
  6979      <td>normal
  6981      <td>all elements
  6983      <td>yes
  6985      <td>N/A
  6987      <td>visual
  6989     <tr>
  6990      <th><a class=property
  6991       href="#propdef-font-variant-position">font-variant-position</a>
  6993      <td>normal | sub | super
  6995      <td>normal
  6997      <td>all elements
  6999      <td>yes
  7001      <td>N/A
  7003      <td>visual
  7005     <tr>
  7006      <th><span class=property>font-weight</span>
  7008      <td>normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600
  7009       | 700 | 800 | 900
  7011      <td>normal
  7013      <td>all elements
  7015      <td>yes
  7017      <td>N/A
  7019      <td>visual
  7020   </table>
  7021   <!--end-properties-->
  7022   <!--begin-descriptors-->
  7024   <table class=proptable>
  7025    <thead>
  7026     <tr>
  7027      <th>Descriptor
  7029      <th>Value
  7031      <th>Initial
  7033      <th>Percentages
  7035      <th>Media
  7037    <tbody>
  7038     <tr>
  7039      <th><span class=property>font-family</span>
  7041      <td>&lt;family-name&gt;
  7043      <td>N/A
  7045     <tr>
  7046      <th><span class=property>font-feature-settings</span>
  7048      <td>normal | &lt;feature-tag-value&gt; #
  7050      <td>normal
  7052     <tr>
  7053      <th><span class=property>font-stretch</span>
  7055      <td>normal | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed |
  7056       semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded |
  7057       ultra-expanded
  7059      <td>normal
  7061     <tr>
  7062      <th><span class=property>font-style</span>
  7064      <td>normal | italic | oblique
  7066      <td>normal
  7068     <tr>
  7069      <th><span class=property>font-variant</span>
  7071      <td>normal | none | [ &lt;common-lig-values&gt; ||
  7072       &lt;discretionary-lig-values&gt; || &lt;historical-lig-values&gt; ||
  7073       &lt;contextual-alt-values&gt; || stylistic(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;)
  7074       || historical-forms || styleset(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #) ||
  7075       character-variant(&lt;feature-value-name&gt; #) ||
  7076       swash(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) ||
  7077       ornaments(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) ||
  7078       annotation(&lt;feature-value-name&gt;) || [ small-caps | all-small-caps
  7079       | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] ||
  7080       &lt;numeric-figure-values&gt; || &lt;numeric-spacing-values&gt; ||
  7081       &lt;numeric-fraction-values&gt; || ordinal || slashed-zero ||
  7082       &lt;east-asian-variant-values&gt; || &lt;east-asian-width-values&gt; ||
  7083       ruby ]
  7085      <td>normal
  7087     <tr>
  7088      <th><span class=property>font-weight</span>
  7090      <td>normal | bold | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
  7092      <td>normal
  7094     <tr>
  7095      <th><a class=property href="#descdef-src">src</a>
  7097      <td>[ &lt;url> [format(&lt;string> #)]? | &lt;font-face-name&gt; ] #
  7099      <td>N/A
  7101     <tr>
  7102      <th><a class=property href="#descdef-unicode-range">unicode-range</a>
  7104      <td>&lt;urange&gt; #
  7106      <td>U+0-10FFFF
  7107   </table>
  7108   <!--end-descriptors-->
  7109   <script type="text/javascript">
  7110 window.onload = function () {
  7111   if (!("devicePixelRatio" in window && window.devicePixelRatio > 1)) return;
  7112   var i, hiresElements = document.getElementsByClassName("hires");
  7113   for (i = 0; i < hiresElements.length; i++) {
  7114     var h = hiresElements[i];
  7115     if (h.tagName != "IMG") continue;
  7116     var src = h.getAttribute("src");
  7117     var src2x = src.replace(/\.\w+$/, function(m) { return "@2x" + m; });
  7118     h.src = src2x;
  7121 </script>
  7122 </html>
  7123 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
  7124 Local variables:
  7125 mode: sgml
  7126 sgml-declaration:"~/SGML/HTML4.decl"
  7127 sgml-default-doctype-name:"html"
  7128 sgml-minimize-attributes:t
  7129 sgml-nofill-elements:("pre" "style" "br")
  7130 sgml-live-element-indicator:t
  7131 sgml-omittag:nil
  7132 sgml-shorttag:nil
  7133 sgml-namecase-general:t
  7134 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
  7135 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
  7136 sgml-indent-step:nil
  7137 sgml-indent-data:t
  7138 sgml-parent-document:nil
  7139 sgml-exposed-tags:nil
  7140 sgml-local-catalogs:nil
  7141 sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
  7142 End:
  7143 -->
  7144 <!--
  7146 to do:
  7148 - wording of OpenType family name handling
  7149 - handling combining sequences in the font matching algorithm
  7150 - fix-up fi ligature example
  7152 -->
