
Mon, 23 Apr 2012 22:27:12 -0700

Alan Stearns <stearns@adobe.com>
Mon, 23 Apr 2012 22:27:12 -0700
changeset 5598
parent 5579
child 5599

added CSSRegionStyleRule to OM section

     1 <!DOCTYPE html public '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'
     2   'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd'>
     3 <html lang="en">
     4 <head profile="http://www.w3.org/2006/03/hcard">
     5   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
     6   <title>CSS Regions Module Level 3</title>
     7   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../shared/style/default.css">
     9        <style type="text/css">
    10          #region-style-example p, #region-style-example pre {
    11          	clear: both;
    12          }
    14          #region_styling_illustration {
    15          	margin: 0px auto;
    16          	width: 70ex;
    17          }
    18        </style>
    20        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
    21         href="http://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/W3C-ED.css">
    23         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
    24          href="../shared/style/issues.css">
    26        <link id="st" href="../shared/style/alternate-spec-style.css" rel="stylesheet" 
    27               type="text/css" title="alternate spec style">
    28 </head>
    31 <body>
    32     <div class="head" id="div-head">
    33         <p><a href="http://www.w3.org/"><img id="mobile-logo" alt="W3C" height="53" src=
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    37         <!--begin-logo-->
    39         <p><a href="http://www.w3.org/"><img id="logo" alt="W3C" height="48" src=
    40         "http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home" width="72"></a> <!--end-logo--></p>
    42         <h1 id="css-regions-module">CSS Regions Module Level 3</h1>
    44         <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="longstatus-date">[LONGSTATUS]
    45         [DATE]</h2>
    47         <dl>
    48             <dt>This version:</dt>
    50             <dd><a href=
    51             "[VERSION]">http://www.w3.org/csswg/css3-regions</a></dd>
    53             <dt>Latest version:</dt>
    55             <dd><a href=
    56             "http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-regions/">http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-regions/</a></dd>
    58             <dt>Previous version:</dt>
    60             <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-regions-20111129/">http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-regions-20111129/</a></dd>
    62             <dt>Editors:</dt>
    64             <dd class="vcard"><span class="fn">Vincent Hardy</span>,
    65             <span class="org">Adobe Systems, Inc.</span>, <span class=
    66             "email">vhardy@adobe.com</span></dd>
    67             <dd class="vcard"><span class="fn">Alex Mogilevsky</span>,
    68             <span class="org">Microsoft</span>, <span class=
    69             "email">alexmog@microsoft.com</span></dd>
    71             <dt>Issues List:</dt>
    72                 <dd><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?product=CSS&component=Regions&resolution=---">Bugzilla Bugs for CSS regions</a></dd>
    73                 <dt>Discussion:</dt>
    74                 <dd><a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">www-style@w3.org</a> with subject line "<code>[css3-regions] message topic</code>"</dd>
    75         </dl><!--begin-copyright--><!--end-copyright-->
    76         <hr title="Separator for header">
    77     </div>
    79     <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="abstract">Abstract</h2>
    81     <p>The CSS regions module allows content to flow across multiple areas
    82     called regions. The regions are not necessarily contiguous in the document order.
    83     The CSS regions module provides an advanced content flow mechanism, which
    84     can be combined with positioning schemes as defined by other CSS modules
    85     such as the Multi-Column Module [[CSS3COL]] or the Grid Layout Module
    86     [[CSS3-GRID-LAYOUT]] to position the regions where content flows.</p>
    88     <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="status-of-this-document">Status of this
    89     document</h2>
    91     <p class="big note"><span class="note-prefix">Note </span>This document uses an experimental style
    92        sheet. We welcome your feedback on the styles at
    93        <a href="mailto:site-comments@w3.org">site-comments@w3.org</a>.</p>
    95     <!--begin-status-->       
    96     <p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of
    97     its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of
    98     current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report
    99     can be found in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/">W3C technical reports
   100     index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.</a></em></p>
   102     <p>This is a public copy of the editors' draft. It is provided for
   103     discussion only and may change at any moment. Its publication here does not
   104     imply endorsement of its contents by W3C. Don't cite this document other
   105     than as work in progress.</p>
   107     <p>The archived public mailing list www-style@w3.org is preferred for
   108     discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the text
   109     "css3-regions" in the subject, preferably like this: "[css3-regions]
   110     …summary of comment…"</p>
   111     <!--end-status-->
   113     <p>This draft is related to the drafts about Multi-column Layout
   114     [[CSS3COL]], Grid Layout [[CSS3GRID]], Flexible Box Layout
   115     [[CSS3-FLEXBOX]], and Template Layout [[CSS3LAYOUT]].</p>
   117     <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="table-of-contents">Table of contents</h2>
   118     <!--begin-toc--><!--end-toc-->
   120     <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
   122     <p><em>This section is non-normative.</em></p>
   124     <p>Displaying the complex layouts 
   125       of a typical magazine, newspaper, or textbook on the web 
   126       requires capabilities beyond those available in existing CSS modules. 
   127       Dynamic magazine layout in particular requires flexibility
   128       in placement of boxes for content flows.
   129       This is the purpose of the CSS regions module.</p>
   131     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15733" data-bug_status="NEW">
   132         <a href=
   133         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15733">Bug-15733</a>
   135         <div class="issue-details">
   136             <p class="short-desc">Should the region specification define a
   137             mechanism to create blocks that can be regions with CSS
   138             syntax?</p>
   139         </div>
   140     </div>
   142     <p>For more complex layouts, 
   143       content needs to flow from one area of the page to the next 
   144       without limitation on the areas' sizes and positions. 
   145       These arbitrary areas are the target of specific content flows 
   146       which this document calls <span>named flows</span>. 
   147       Each <span>named flow</span> can be associated 
   148       with a set of CSS Regions called a region chain. 
   149       CSS Regions are based on the rectangular geometry 
   150       of the CSS box model. 
   151       Elements in a <span>named flow</span> 
   152       are taken out of the normal visual formatting 
   153       and rendered in a chain of CSS Regions.</p>
   155     <h3 id="named-flows-and-regions">Named flows and region chains</h3>
   157     <p>Consider the layout illustrated in figure 1.</p>
   160     <div class="figure">
   161         <img src="images/intro-example-layout.svg" width="400" alt=
   162         "multiple chained regions which should receive content from a flow">
   164         <p class="caption">Layout requiring sophisticated content flow</p>
   165     </div>
   167     <p>The designer's intent is 
   168       to position an image in box 'A' 
   169       and to flow an article's content 
   170       from box '1' through boxes '2', '3' and '4'. 
   171       Note that the second box should have two columns,
   172       and the image is not contained in the article. 
   173       Box '4' should auto-size to render 
   174       the remainder of the article content 
   175       that did not fit in the earlier boxes.</p>
   177     <p>Figure 2 shows an example 
   178       of the intended visual rendering 
   179       of the content.</p>
   181     <div class="figure">
   182         <img src="images/regions-intro-rendering.png" width="450" alt=
   183         "Sample rendering showing a single thread of text flowing through a chain of regions">
   185         <p class="caption">Sample rendering for desired layout</p>
   186     </div>
   189     <p>There is no existing mechanism in CSS 
   190       to associate the content with these boxes 
   191       arranged in this manner
   192       so that content flows as intended. 
   193       The CSS regions module properties provide that mechanism.</p>
   195     <p>The following example illustrates 
   196       how the content of an <code>&lt;article&gt;</code> element 
   197       becomes a <span>named flow</span> 
   198       and how boxes marked with 'region1', 'region2', 'region3' and 'region4' IDs
   199       become CSS Regions that consume the 'article_flow' content.</p>
   201     <div class="example">
   202       <pre>
   203 &lt;style&gt;
   204   article {
   205     <strong>flow-into: article_flow;</strong>
   206   }
   208   #region1, #region2, #region3, #region4 {
   209     <strong>flow-from: article_flow;</strong>
   210   }
   211 &lt;/style&gt;
   212       </pre>
   213     </div>
   215     <p>The 'article_flow' value on the 'flow-into' property 
   216       directs the <code>article</code> element 
   217       to the 'article_flow' <span>named flow</span>. 
   218       Setting the 'flow-from' property on block containers
   219       to 'article_flow' makes them CSS Regions 
   220       and associates the resulting region chain  
   221       with the <span>named flow</span>: 
   222       the flow is ''poured'' 
   223       into the region chain.</p>
   225     <p>See <a href="#intro-example-code">Appendix A</a> 
   226       for sample code using grid layout
   227       that implements this example</p>
   229     <div class="note"><span class="note-prefix">Note </span>
   230       <p><strong>CSS Regions are independent from layout</strong></p>
   232       <p>Any of the CSS layout facilities can be used 
   233         to create, position and size boxes that can become CSS Regions. 
   234         Using a grid layout [[CSS3-GRID-LAYOUT]] is just an example.
   235         The example could use 
   236         a flexible box layout [[CSS3-FLEXBOX]] instead.</p>
   237       <p>The CSS regions specification does not 
   238         define a layout mechanism 
   239         and is meant to integrate 
   240         with existing and future CSS layout facilities.</p>
   242       <p><strong>CSS Regions do not have to be elements</strong></p>
   244       <p>The CSS regions module is independent 
   245         of the layout of boxes and 
   246         the mechanism used to create them. 
   247         For simplicity, 
   248         our example code in <a href="#intro-example-code">Appendix A</a>
   249         uses elements to define the boxes.</p>
   252       <p>While the example uses elements for CSS Regions 
   253         (since [[CSS3-GRID-LAYOUT]] requires elements to create grid items) 
   254         it is important to note that 
   255         this is not required. 
   256         CSS Regions can be pseudo-elements, 
   257         such as '::before' and '::after'. 
   258         The only requirement 
   259         for an element or pseudo-element 
   260         to become a CSS Region 
   261         is that it needs to be subject 
   262         to CSS styling 
   263         to receive the 'flow-from' property. 
   264         The CSS page template module 
   265         (see [[CSS3-PAGE-TEMPLATE]]) 
   266         proposes another mechanism 
   267         to create stylable boxes that can become CSS Regions 
   268         with the <code class="css">@slot</code> syntax.</p>
   269     </div>
   271     <h3 id="region-styling">CSS Region names and styling</h3>
   273     <p>Content can be styled depending on 
   274       the CSS Region it flows into. 
   275       It is an extension  
   276       of pseudo-element styling such as 
   277       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#first-line">
   278         <code class="css">::first-line</code>
   279       </a>
   280       which applies a particular style 
   281       to a fragment of content. 
   282       With CSS Region styling, 
   283       additional selectors may apply 
   284       depending on the CSS Region 
   285       into which content flows.</p>
   287     <p>In our example, 
   288       the designer wants to make 
   289       text flowing into #region1 
   290       dark blue and bold.</p>
   292     <p>This design can be expressed as shown below.</p>
   294     <div class="example">
   295         <pre>
   296 &lt;style&gt;
   297   @region #region1 {
   298       p {
   299           color: #0C3D5F;
   300           font-weight: bold;
   301       }
   302 &lt;/style&gt;</pre>
   303     </div>
   305     <p>The <code class="css">@region #region1</code> rule
   306       limits its selectors to content 
   307       flowing into <code class="css">#region1</code>. 
   308       The following figure shows how 
   309       the rendering changes 
   310       if we apply styling specific to <code>#region1</code>. 
   311       Note how less text fits into this box 
   312       now that the 'font-weight' is 
   313       bold instead of normal.</p>
   315     <div class="figure">
   316         <img src="images/region-styling.png" width="450" alt=
   317         "Illustrate how changing region styling affects the flow of content.">
   319         <p class="caption">Different rendering with a different region
   320         styling</p>
   321     </div>
   323     <h2 id="css-regions-concepts">CSS regions concepts</h2>
   325     <h3 id="regions">Regions</h3>
   327     <div class="issue-marker wrapper">
   328     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15186" data-bug_status="NEW">
   329         <a href=
   330         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15186">Bug-15186</a>
   332         <div class="issue-details">
   333             <p class="short-desc">Is a mechanism to auto-generate regions
   334             necessary in order to support reusable style sheets?</p>
   335         </div>
   336     </div>
   338     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15187" data-bug_status="NEW">
   339         <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15187">Bug-15187</a>
   340         <div class="issue-details">
   341             <p class="short-desc">Explain how regions and pages interact. How can regions be   placed onto certain pages, and how can they be positiond wrt. pages.</p>
   342         </div>  
   343     </div>
   344     </div>
   346     <p id="region">
   347       A <dfn title="region">CSS Region</dfn> 
   348       is a block container 
   349       that has an associated 
   350       <em><span>named flow</span></em> 
   351       (see the 'flow-from' property).</p>
   353     <h3 id="region-chain">Region chain</h3>
   355     <p>A <dfn>region chain</dfn> is the sequence of regions that are associated with 
   356         a <span>named flow</span>. <span title="region">CSS Regions</span> in a 
   357         region chain receive content from the 
   358         named flow following their order in the chain. <span title="region">CSS Regions</span> are organized 
   359           into a <span title="region-chain">region chain</span> 
   360           according to the document order.</p>
   362     <h3 id="named-flow">Named flows</h3>
   364     <p>A <dfn>named flow</dfn> is the ordered sequence of elements 
   365     associated with a flow with a given identifier. 
   366     Elements in a <span>named flow</span> are ordered
   367     according to the document order.</p>
   369     <p>Elements are placed into a <span>named flow</span> 
   370       with the 'flow-into' property. 
   371       The elements in a <span>named flow</span> are laid out 
   372       in the <span title="region-chain">region chain</span> 
   373       that is associated with this <span>named flow</span>. 
   374       </p> 
   376     <p>Content from a <span>named flow</span> 
   377       is broken up between regions 
   378       according to the regions flow breaking rules.</p>
   381     <h3 id="regions-flow-breaking-rules">Regions flow breaking rules</h3>
   383     <p>Breaking a <span>named flow</span> across a region chain 
   384       is similar to breaking a document's content across pages 
   385       (see [[CSS3PAGE]]) 
   386       or a multi-column element's content across column boxes 
   387       (see [[CSS3COL]]). 
   388       One difference is that page boxes are generated 
   389       based on the available content 
   390       whereas a region chain is a set of recipient boxes 
   391       for the <span>named flow</span> content 
   392       whose dynamic generation is not in the scope 
   393       of this specification.</p>
   395     <p>Each CSS Region in turn 
   396       consumes content from its associated <span>named flow</span>. 
   397       The <span>named flow</span> content is positioned 
   398       in the <dfn title="current-region">current region</dfn> 
   399       until a natural or forced region break occurs, 
   400       at which point the next region 
   401       in the <span title="region-chain">region chain</span> 
   402       becomes the <span title="current-region">current region</span>. 
   403       If there are no more <span>region</span>s 
   404       in the region chain 
   405       and there is still content in the flow, 
   406       the positioning of the remaining content 
   407       is controlled by the 'region-overflow' property 
   408       on the last <span>region</span> in the chain.</p>
   410     <p>The CSS regions module follows 
   411       the fragmentation rules defined 
   412       in the CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 
   413       (see [[!CSS3-BREAK]]).</p>
   416     <h2 id="properties-and-rules">Properties and rules</h2>
   418     <h3 id="the-flow-into-property">The 'flow-into' property</h3>
   420     <div class="issue-marker wrapper">
   421     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15811" data-bug_status="NEW">
   422         <a href=
   423         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15811">Bug-15811</a>
   425         <div class="issue-details">
   426             <p class="short-desc">Creating a named flow from external resource</p>
   427         </div>
   428     </div>
   429     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16002" data-bug_status="NEW">
   430         <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16002">Bug-16002</a>
   431         <div class="issue-details">
   432             <p class="short-desc">flow-into and anonymous blocks or fix-ups</p>
   433         </div>  
   434     </div>
   435     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16527" data-bug_status="ASSIGNED">
   436     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16527">Bug-16527</a>
   437     <div class="issue-details">
   438         <p class="short-desc">[Shadow]: getFlowByName and shadow DOM</p>
   439     </div>  
   440     </div>
   441     </div>   
   443     <p>The ‘flow-into’ property can place an element 
   444       into a <span>named flow</span>. 
   445       Elements that belong to the same flow 
   446       are laid out in the region chain 
   447       associated with that flow.</p>
   449     <table class="propdef" summary="flow property definition">
   450         <tr>
   451             <th>Name:</th>
   453             <td><dfn id="flow-into">flow-into</dfn></td>
   454         </tr>
   456         <tr>
   457             <th>Value:</th>
   459             <td>&lt;ident&gt; | none | inherit</td>
   460         </tr>
   462         <tr>
   463             <th>Initial:</th>
   465             <td>none</td>
   466         </tr>
   468         <tr>
   469             <th>Applies to:</th>
   471             <td>any element. <p>The 'flow-into' property does not apply to any <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-elements">pseudo-element</a> such as 
   472                 <code class="css">::first-line</code>, <code class="css">::first-letter</code>,
   473                 <code class="css">::before</code> or <code class="css">::after</code>.</p></td>
   474         </tr>
   476         <tr>
   477             <th>Inherited:</th>
   479             <td>no</td>
   480         </tr>
   482         <tr>
   483             <th>Percentages:</th>
   485             <td>N/A</td>
   486         </tr>
   488         <tr>
   489             <th>Media:</th>
   491             <td>visual</td>
   492         </tr>
   494         <tr>
   495             <th>Computed&nbsp;value:</th>
   497             <td>as specified</td>
   498         </tr>
   499     </table>
   501     <dl>
   502         <dt>none</dt>
   504         <dd>The element is not moved to a <span>named flow</span> and normal CSS processing takes place.</dd>
   506         <dt><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607/syndata.html#value-def-identifier">&lt;ident&gt;</a></dt>
   508         <dd>The element is taken out 
   509           of its parent's flow 
   510           and placed into the flow 
   511           with the name '&lt;ident&gt;'. 
   512           The element is said to have 
   513           a <dfn id="specified-flow">specified flow</dfn>. 
   514           The values 'none', 'inherit', 'default', 'auto' and 'initial' 
   515           are invalid flow names.</dd>
   516     </dl>
   518     <p>A <span>named flow</span> needs to be associated 
   519       with a region chain 
   520       (one or more CSS regions) 
   521       for its elements to be visually formatted. 
   522       If no region chain is associated 
   523       with a given <span>named flow</span>, 
   524       the elements in the <span>named flow</span> 
   525       are not rendered: 
   526       they do not generate boxes 
   527       and are not displayed.</p>
   529     <p>The children of an element 
   530       with a specified flow 
   531       may themselves have a specified flow.</p>
   533     <p>If an element has the same specified flow 
   534       as one of its ancestors, 
   535       it becomes a sibling of its ancestor 
   536       for the purpose of layout 
   537       in the region chain 
   538       laying out content 
   539       from that flow.</p>
   541     <p>The 'flow-into' property does not affect 
   542       the CSS cascade and inheritance 
   543       for the elements on which it is specified. 
   544       The 'flow-into' property affects 
   545       the visual formatting of elements 
   546       placed into a <span>named flow</span> 
   547       and of the region chain laying out content 
   548       from a <span>named flow</span>.</p>
   550     <div class="issue-marker wrapper">
   552     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15870" data-bug_status="NEW">
   553         <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15870">Bug-15870</a>
   554         <div class="issue-details">
   555             <p class="short-desc">Describe how containing blocks are used for element fragments</p>
   556         </div>  
   557     </div>
   558     </div>
   560     <p>The edges of the first CSS region in a region chain 
   561       associated with a <span>named flow</span> 
   562       establish the rectangle that is the 
   563       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#containing-block-details">containing block</a> 
   564       used for absolutely positioned elements 
   565       in the <span>named flow</span> 
   566       which do not have an ancestor 
   567       with a 'position' of 'absolute', 'relative' or 'fixed' 
   568       (see [[!CSS21]]). 
   569       That first CSS region rectangle is used 
   570       as the containing block 
   571       instead of the initial containing block.</p>
   573     <p>The first region defines the 
   574       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-writing-modes/#writing-mode">writing mode</a> 
   575       for the entire flow. 
   576       The writing mode 
   577       on subsequent regions is ignored.</p>
   579     <p>Elements in a <span>named flow</span> 
   580       are sequenced in document order.</p>
   582     <div class="note"><span class="note-prefix">Note </span>
   583         <p>The 'flow-into' property moves an element into the flow 
   584           and the interplay with selectors should be considered carefully.</p>
   585         <p>For example, </p>
   586         <pre>table {flow-into: table-content}</pre> 
   587         <p>will move all tables in the 'table-content' 
   588           <span>named flow</span>. 
   589           However, the</p>
   590         <pre>table &gt; * {flow-into: table-content} ...</pre>
   591         <p>selector will move all immediate children 
   592           of all table elements 
   593           into the ‘table-content’ <span>named flow</span> 
   594           (which may be useful as it will usually result, 
   595           if the immediate children are rows, 
   596           in merging rows of multiple tables), 
   597           but the</p>
   598         <pre>table * {flow-into: table-content}</pre>
   599         <p>selector will move all descendants 
   600           of table elements into the ‘table-content’ <span>named flow</span>, 
   601           transforming the element tree 
   602           into a flat list in order of opening tags 
   603           (which is probably not intentional). 
   604           This will make all the descendants 
   605           of table elements siblings 
   606           in the <span>named flow</span>. 
   607           Having the descendants become siblings 
   608           in the <span>named flow</span> 
   609           results in a different processing 
   610           (see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607/tables.html#anonymous-boxes">CSS 2.1's anonymous table objects</a>). 
   611           This note illustrates how authors must exercise caution 
   612           when choosing a particular selector 
   613           for setting the 'flow-into' property 
   614           to avoid unintended results.</p> 
   615     </div>
   620     <h3 id="the-flow-from-property">The 'flow-from' property</h3>
   622     <p>The 'flow-from' property makes 
   623       a block container a region 
   624       and associates it with 
   625       a <span>named flow</span>.</p>
   627     <table class="propdef" summary="flow-from property definition">
   628         <tr>
   629             <th>Name:</th>
   631             <td><dfn id="flow-from">flow-from</dfn></td>
   632         </tr>
   634         <tr>
   635             <th>Value:</th>
   637             <td>&lt;ident&gt; | none | inherit</td>
   638         </tr>
   640         <tr>
   641             <th>Initial:</th>
   643             <td>none</td>
   644         </tr>
   646         <tr>
   647             <th>Applies to:</th>
   649             <td>Non-replaced <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#block-boxes">block containers</a>. 
   650             <br />  
   651             This might be expanded in future versions of the specification
   652             to allow other types of containers to receive flow content.</td>
   653         </tr>
   655         <tr>
   656             <th>Inherited:</th>
   658             <td>no</td>
   659         </tr>
   661         <tr>
   662             <th>Percentages:</th>
   664             <td>N/A</td>
   665         </tr>
   667         <tr>
   668             <th>Media:</th>
   670             <td>visual</td>
   671         </tr>
   673         <tr>
   674             <th>Computed&nbsp;value:</th>
   676             <td>as specified</td>
   677         </tr>
   678     </table>
   680     <dl>
   681         <dt><strong>none</strong></dt>
   683         <dd>The block container is not a <span title="region">region</span>.</dd>
   685         <dt><strong>&lt;ident&gt;</strong></dt>
   687         <dd>
   688             If the 'content' property computes 
   689             to something else than 'normal', 
   690             the block container does not become a <span>CSS Region</span>.
   691             If the 'content' property computes to 'normal', 
   692             then the block container becomes a <span>CSS Region</span> 
   693             and is ordered in a <span>region chain</span> 
   694             according to its document order. 
   695             The content from the flow 
   696             with the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607/syndata.html#value-def-identifier">&lt;ident&gt;</a>
   697             name will be <a href="#region-flow-break">broken 
   698             into fragments</a> and visually formatted in the 
   699             <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#principal-box">principal boxes</a> 
   700             of the <span>regions</span> 
   701             in the <span>region chain</span>. 
   702             <br/>
   703             If there is no flow with name &lt;ident&gt;, 
   704             then the block container does not 
   705             format any content visually. 
   706             <br/>
   707             Likewise, if the block container is part 
   708             of the flow with name &lt;ident&gt;, 
   709             then the block container does not format any content visually.
   710         </dd>
   711     </dl>
   713     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16819" data-bug_status="ASSIGNED">
   714     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16819">Bug-16819</a>
   715     <div class="issue-details">
   716         <p class="short-desc">No display when combining flow-from and flow-into is bad</p>
   717     </div>  
   718     </div>
   720     <p>A <span>CSS Region</span>'s document children 
   721       are not visually formatted 
   722       unless they are directed 
   723       to a <span>named flow</span> 
   724       with an associated <span>region chain</span>.</p>
   726     <div class="note"><span class="note-prefix">Note </span>
   727       <p>An block container becomes a <span>CSS Region</span> 
   728         when its 'flow-from' property is set 
   729         to a valid &lt;ident&gt; value, 
   730         even if there is no content contributing 
   731         to the referenced flow.
   732         For example:</p>
   733         <pre>
   734 &lt;style&gt;
   735   .article{
   736     flow-into: thread;
   737   }
   738   .region{
   739     flow-from: thread;
   740   }
   741 &lt;/style&gt;
   742 &lt;html&gt;
   743   &lt;body&gt;
   744     &lt;div class=region&gt;div content&lt;/div&gt;
   745   &lt;/body&gt;
   746 &lt;/html&gt;
   747         </pre>
   749         There is no element matching the <code>.article</code> selector 
   750         and therefore no content 
   751         in the <code>thread</code> flow. 
   752         However, the block container matching the <code>.region</code> selector 
   753         is still associated with that empty <span>named flow</span> 
   754         and, consequently, 
   755         its children are not formatted visually.
   756         </div>
   758     <div class="issue-marker wrapper">
   759     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15189" data-bug_status="NEW">
   760         <a href=
   761         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15189">Bug-15189</a>
   763         <div class="issue-details">
   764             <p class="short-desc">Should regions be non-breakable?</p>
   765         </div>
   766     </div>
   767     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15824" data-bug_status="NEW">
   769         <a href=
   770         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15824">Bug-15824</a>
   772         <div class="issue-details">
   773             <p class="short-desc">Should regions not create a new stacking context?</p>
   774         </div> 
   775      </div>   
   776      <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15827" data-bug_status="NEW">
   778         <a href=
   779         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15824">Bug-15827</a>
   781         <div class="issue-details">
   782             <p class="short-desc">Specify behavior of stacking contexts that are split between regions</p>
   783         </div>    
   784      </div>
   786     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16636" data-bug_status="NEW">
   787       <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16636">Bug-16636</a>
   788       <div class="issue-details">
   789           <p class="short-desc">Should re-introduce region order</p>
   790       </div>  
   791     </div>
   792     </div>
   794     <p><span title="region">CSS Regions</span> create a new <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#z-index">stacking context</a>. <span title="region">CSS Regions</span> establish a new <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#block-formatting">block formatting Context</a>.</p>
   796     <div class="note"><span class="note-prefix">Note </span>
   797         <p>With <span>region chains</span>, 
   798           an element may be split across multiple boxes 
   799           and these boxes may overlap 
   800           (for example if they are absolutely positioned). 
   801           So fragments of the same element 
   802           can overlap each other. 
   803           Since each element has a single z-index, 
   804           it would be required to find another mechanism 
   805           to decide in which order 
   806           the fragments are rendered. 
   807           Since each <span>CSS Region</span> creates 
   808           a new stacking context, 
   809           it is clear that each fragment is rendered separately 
   810           and their rendering order follows 
   811           the regular CSS rendering model.</p>
   812     </div>
   814     <p>Floats or other exclusions 
   815       (see [[CSS3-EXCLUSIONS]]) 
   816       potentially impact the content 
   817       laid out in region chains, 
   818       just as for non-regions.</p>
   820     <p>See the 
   821       <a href="#regions-visual-formatting-details">regions visual formatting details</a> 
   822       section for a description of how 
   823       'width' and 'height' values are resolved 
   824       for <span>CSS Region</span> boxes.</p>
   826     <h3 id=
   827     "region-flow-break">Region
   828     flow break properties: 'break-before', 'break-after', 'break-inside'</h3>
   830     <p>User agents laying out content in multiple regions must
   831     determine where content breaks occur. The problem of breaking content into
   832     fragments fitting in regions is similar to breaking content into pages or
   833     columns.</p>
   835     <p>Each break ends layout in the current region and causes remaining pieces
   836     of content from the <span>named flow</span> to be visually formatted in the following
   837     region in the region chain, if there is one.</p>
   839     <p>The following extends the 'break-before', 'break-after' and
   840     'break-inside' properties from the [[!CSS3COL]] specification to account
   841     for regions. The additional values are described below.</p>
   843     <table class="propdef" summary="break-before property definition">
   844         <tr>
   845             <td><em>Name:</em></td>
   847             <td><dfn>break-before</dfn></td>
   848         </tr>
   850         <tr>
   851             <td><em>Value:</em></td>
   853             <td>auto | always | avoid | left | right | page | column | region |
   854             avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region</td>
   855         </tr>
   857         <tr>
   858             <td><em>Initial:</em></td>
   860             <td>auto</td>
   861         </tr>
   863         <tr>
   864             <td><em>Applies to:</em></td>
   866             <td>block-level elements</td>
   867         </tr>
   869         <tr>
   870             <td><em>Inherited:</em></td>
   872             <td>no</td>
   873         </tr>
   875         <tr>
   876             <td><em>Percentages:</em></td>
   878             <td>N/A</td>
   879         </tr>
   881         <tr>
   882             <td><em>Media:</em></td>
   884             <td>visual</td>
   885         </tr>
   887         <tr>
   888             <td><em>Computed&nbsp;value:</em></td>
   890             <td>specified value</td>
   891         </tr>
   892     </table>
   894     <table class="propdef" summary="break-after property definition">
   895         <tr>
   896             <td><em>Name:</em></td>
   898             <td><dfn>break-after</dfn></td>
   899         </tr>
   901         <tr>
   902             <td><em>Value:</em></td>
   904             <td>auto | always | avoid | left | right | page | column | region |
   905             avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region</td>
   906         </tr>
   908         <tr>
   909             <td><em>Initial:</em></td>
   911             <td>auto</td>
   912         </tr>
   914         <tr>
   915             <td><em>Applies to:</em></td>
   917             <td>block-level elements</td>
   918         </tr>
   920         <tr>
   921             <td><em>Inherited:</em></td>
   923             <td>no</td>
   924         </tr>
   926         <tr>
   927             <td><em>Percentages:</em></td>
   929             <td>N/A</td>
   930         </tr>
   932         <tr>
   933             <td><em>Media:</em></td>
   935             <td>visual</td>
   936         </tr>
   938         <tr>
   939             <td><em>Computed&nbsp;value:</em></td>
   941             <td>specified value</td>
   942         </tr>
   943     </table>
   945     <table class="propdef" summary="break-inside property definition">
   946         <tr>
   947             <td><em>Name:</em></td>
   949             <td><dfn>break-inside</dfn></td>
   950         </tr>
   952         <tr>
   953             <td><em>Value:</em></td>
   955             <td>auto | avoid | avoid-page | avoid-column | avoid-region</td>
   956         </tr>
   958         <tr>
   959             <td><em>Initial:</em></td>
   961             <td>auto</td>
   962         </tr>
   964         <tr>
   965             <td><em>Applies to:</em></td>
   967             <td>block-level elements</td>
   968         </tr>
   970         <tr>
   971             <td><em>Inherited:</em></td>
   973             <td>no</td>
   974         </tr>
   976         <tr>
   977             <td><em>Percentages:</em></td>
   979             <td>N/A</td>
   980         </tr>
   982         <tr>
   983             <td><em>Media:</em></td>
   985             <td>visual</td>
   986         </tr>
   988         <tr>
   989             <td><em>Computed&nbsp;value:</em></td>
   991             <td>specified value</td>
   992         </tr>
   993     </table>
   995     <p>These properties describe page, column and region break behavior
   996     before/after/inside the generated box. These values are normatively defined
   997     in [[!CSS3COL]]:</p>
   999     <p>This specification adds the following new values:</p>
  1001     <dl>
  1002         <dt>region</dt>
  1004         <dd>Always force a region break before (after) the generated box.</dd>
  1006         <dt>avoid-region</dt>
  1008         <dd>Avoid a region break before (after, inside) the generated box.</dd>
  1009     </dl>
  1011     <p>The behavior of region breaks with regards to regions is identical to the behavior
  1012         of page breaks with regards to pages, as defined in the [[!CSS21]].</p>
  1014     <h3 id="the-region-overflow-property">The region-overflow property</h3>
  1016     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15878" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1017         <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15878">Bug-15878</a>
  1018         <div class="issue-details">
  1019             <p class="short-desc">region-overflow:nobreak</p>
  1020         </div>  
  1021     </div>
  1023     <table class="propdef" summary="break-after property definition">
  1024         <tr>
  1025             <td><em>Name:</em></td>
  1027             <td><dfn>region-overflow</dfn></td>
  1028         </tr>
  1030         <tr>
  1031             <td><em>Value:</em></td>
  1033             <td>auto | break</td>
  1034         </tr>
  1036         <tr>
  1037             <td><em>Initial:</em></td>
  1039             <td>auto</td>
  1040         </tr>
  1042         <tr>
  1043             <td><em>Applies to:</em></td>
  1045             <td><em title="region element">CSS Regions</em></td>
  1046         </tr>
  1048         <tr>
  1049             <td><em>Inherited:</em></td>
  1051             <td>no</td>
  1052         </tr>
  1054         <tr>
  1055             <td><em>Percentages:</em></td>
  1057             <td>N/A</td>
  1058         </tr>
  1060         <tr>
  1061             <td><em>Media:</em></td>
  1063             <td>visual</td>
  1064         </tr>
  1066         <tr>
  1067             <td><em>Computed&nbsp;value:</em></td>
  1069             <td>specified value</td>
  1070         </tr>
  1071     </table>
  1073     <div class="issue-marker wrapper">
  1074     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15832" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1075         <a href=
  1076         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15832">Bug-15832</a>
  1078         <div class="issue-details">
  1079             <p class="short-desc">Should we have region-overflow:nobreak and have 'region-overflow' apply to all regions, not just the last?</p>
  1080         </div>
  1081     </div>
  1082     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16622" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1083     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16622">Bug-16622</a>
  1084     <div class="issue-details">
  1085         <p class="short-desc">Should we rename region-overflow to flow-overset?</p>
  1086     </div>  
  1087     </div>
  1088   </div>
  1090     <p>The 'region-overflow' property controls the behavior of the <em id=
  1091     "last-region">last region</em> associated with a <span>named
  1092     flow</span>.</p>
  1094     <dl>
  1095         <dt>auto</dt>
  1097         <dd>Content flows as it would in a regular content box. If the
  1098         content exceeds the container box, it is subject to the <a href=
  1099         "http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visufx.html#propdef-overflow">overflow</a>
  1100         property's computed value on the CSS Region. Region breaks must be 
  1101         ignored on the last region.</dd>
  1103         <dt>break</dt>
  1105         <dd><p>If the content fits within the <em>CSS Region</em>, then this
  1106         property has no effect. If the content does not fit within the
  1107         <em>CSS Region</em>, the content breaks as if flow was going to
  1108         continue in a subsequent region. See the <a href=
  1109         "#regions-flow-breaking-rules">breaking rules</a> section. A forced region break takes precedence over
  1110         a natural break point.</p>
  1112         <p>Flow content that follows the last break in the last region, if any is not rendered.</p>
  1115         </dd>
  1116     </dl>
  1118     <p>The 'region-overflow' property does not influence 
  1119       the size of the region it applies to.</p>
  1121     <p>The following code sample illustrates 
  1122       the usage of the 'region-overflow' property.</p>
  1124     <div class="example">
  1125       <pre>
  1126 &lt;style&gt;
  1127 article {
  1128   flow-into: "article";
  1131 #region_1, #region_2 {
  1132   flow-from: article;
  1133   <strong>region-overflow: break;</strong> /* or none */
  1134   <strong>overflow: visible;</strong> /* or hidden */
  1137 &lt;/style&gt;
  1139 &lt;article&gt;...&lt;/article&gt;
  1141 &lt;div id="region_1"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  1142 &lt;div id="region_2"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  1144       </pre>
  1145     </div>
  1147     <div class="figure">
  1148         <table style="border: 1px solid gray;width: 100%;" summary=
  1149         "Different values for the region-overflow property - Illustration.">
  1150             <tr>
  1151                 <td>''flow-into: "article"''</td>
  1153                 <td><code class="html">region_1</code> and <code class=
  1154                 "html">region_2</code></td>
  1156                 <td>''region-overflow: auto''<br>
  1157                 ''overflow:visible''</td>
  1158             </tr>
  1160             <tr>
  1161                 <td rowspan="3" style="vertical-align: top;"><img src=
  1162                 "images/region-overflow-flow.png" alt=
  1163                 "regions receiving the flow content"></td>
  1165                 <td><img src="images/region-overflow-regions.png" alt=
  1166                 "result if region-overflow is set to 'break'"></td>
  1168                 <td><img src="images/region-overflow-auto-overflow-visible.png"
  1169                 alt="regions receiving the flow content"></td>
  1170             </tr>
  1172             <tr>
  1173                 <td>''region-overflow: break''</td>
  1175                 <td>''region-overflow: auto''<br>
  1176                 ''overflow:hidden''</td>
  1177             </tr>
  1179             <tr>
  1180                 <td><img src="images/region-overflow-break.png" alt=
  1181                 "result if region-overflow is set to 'break'"></td>
  1183                 <td><img src="images/region-overflow-auto-overflow-hidden.png"
  1184                 alt="regions receiving the flow content"></td>
  1185             </tr>
  1186         </table>
  1188         <p class="caption">Different values for the region-overflow
  1189         property</p>
  1190     </div>
  1192     <div class="note"><span class="note-prefix">Note </span>
  1193         <p>The 'overflow' property is honored on a region: if region content overflows, 
  1194         such as the borders of elements on the 
  1195         last line, the 'overflow' property controls the visibility of the overflowing 
  1196         content. See the 'overflow' property definition
  1197         ([[CSS21]]).</p>
  1198     </div>
  1200     <h3 id="the-at-region-style-rule">The @region rule</h3>
  1202     <p>An '@region' rule contains style declarations specific to particular
  1203     regions.</p>
  1205         <pre>
  1206 @region &lt;selector&gt; {
  1207     ... CSS styling rules ...
  1209     </pre>
  1211     <p>The '@region' rule consists of the keyword '@region' followed by a
  1212     <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#selector-syntax">selector</a>
  1213     and a block of style rules. The '@region' rule and the selector constitute
  1214     the region's 'flow fragment' selector. The region's flow fragment selector
  1215     specifies which range of elements in the flow are subject to the style rules in the 
  1216     following block: it applies to the range (see
  1217     [[!DOM]]) from the region's flow that flows in the
  1218     selected region(s).</p>
  1220     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15713" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1221         <a href=
  1222         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15713">Bug-15713</a>
  1224         <div class="issue-details">
  1225             <p class="short-desc">Model for styling element fragments</p>
  1226         </div>
  1227     </div>
  1229     <p>Elements that are fully or partially in the 'flow fragment' may match any of the
  1230     selectors found in the style rule. However, the style rules only apply to the 
  1231     portion of the element that falls into the corresponding region.</p>
  1235     <p>Only a limited list of properties can be set in a region style rule:</p>
  1237     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15190" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1238         <a href=
  1239         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15190">Bug-15190</a>
  1241         <div class="issue-details">
  1242             <p class="short-desc">List of region style properties</p>
  1243         </div>
  1244     </div>
  1246     <ol>
  1247         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html">font properties</a></li>
  1248         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/colors.html">color property</a></li>
  1249         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#transparency">opacity property</a></li>
  1250         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#backgrounds">background property</a></li>
  1251         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/text.html#propdef-word-spacing">'word-spacing'</a></li>
  1252         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/text.html#propdef-letter-spacing">'letter-spacing'</a></li>
  1253         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/text.html#propdef-text-decoration">'text-decoration'</a></li>
  1254         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/text.html#propdef-text-transform">'text-transform'</a></li>
  1255         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#propdef-line-height">'line-height'</a></li>
  1256         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#borders">border properties</a></li>
  1257         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#corners">rounded corner properties</a></li>
  1258         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#border-images">border images properties</a></li>
  1259         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/box.html#margin-properties">margin properties</a></li>
  1260         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/box.html#padding-properties">padding properties</a></li>
  1261         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/#text-shadow">'text-shadow' property</a></li>
  1262         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-box-shadow">'box-shadow' property</a></li>
  1263         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-box-decoration-break">'box-decoration-break' property</a></li>
  1264         <li><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#the-width-property">'width' property</a></li>
  1265     </ol>
  1269     <div class="example" id="region-style-example">
  1270         <p>In the following example, the <span>named flow</span> 'article_flow' flows
  1271         through 'region_1' and 'region_2'.</p>
  1272         <pre>
  1273 &lt;style&gt;
  1274     #div_1 {
  1275         <strong>flow-into: article_flow;</strong>
  1278     #region1, #region2 {
  1279         <strong>flow-from: article_flow;</strong>
  1282     /* region style "RSA" */
  1283     <strong>@region #region1, #region2</strong> {
  1284         div {...}
  1285         p {...}
  1288     /* region style "RSB" */
  1289     <strong>@region #region1</strong> {
  1290         p {...}
  1293 &lt;/style&gt;
  1295 &lt;div id="div_1"&gt;
  1296     &lt;p id="p_1"&gt;...&lt;/p&gt;
  1297     &lt;p id="p_2"&gt;...&lt;/p&gt;
  1298 &lt;/div&gt;
  1300 &lt;div id="region1"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  1301 &lt;div id="region2"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  1303 </pre>
  1305         <div id="region_styling_illustration">
  1306             <img id="region_styling_img_2" src="images/region-styling-2.png"
  1307             alt=
  1308             "Illustration showing how a named flow content fits into regions to illustrate the @region styling."
  1309             name="region_styling_img_2">
  1311             <ul class="swatch-list">
  1312                 <li><span class="swatch" style=
  1313                 "background:#1C75BC">&nbsp;</span>div div_1</li>
  1315                 <li><span class="swatch" style=
  1316                 "background:crimson">&nbsp;</span>paragraph p_1</li>
  1318                 <li><span class="swatch" style=
  1319                 "background:white">&nbsp;</span>paragraph p_2</li>
  1321                 <li><span class="swatch" style=
  1322                 "background:#E6E7E8">&nbsp;</span>range of flow that fits into
  1323                 region_1</li>
  1325                 <li><span class="swatch" style=
  1326                 "background:#BCBEC0">&nbsp;</span>range of flow that fits into
  1327                 region_2</li>
  1328             </ul>
  1329         </div>
  1331         <p>The region style ''RSA'' applies to flow content that is laid out in either
  1332         'region_1' or 'region_2'.</p>
  1334         <p>The first rule set ''div {...}'' applies to all <code class=
  1335         "html">&lt;div&gt;</code> elements that fit partially or fully into 'region_1' or
  1336         'region_2'. <code class="html">div_1</code> is split between 'region_1' and
  1337         'region_2' and gets the style from this style rule.</p>
  1339         <p>The second rule set ''p {...}'' applies to all <code class=
  1340         "html">&lt;p&gt;</code> elements that fit into 'region_1' or
  1341         'region_2'. In our example, both <code class="html">p_1</code> 
  1342         and <code class="html">p_2</code> are selected.</p>
  1344         <p>The region style ''RSB'' applies to flow content that fits in
  1345         'region_1'.</p>
  1347         <p>The first rule set ''p {...}'' matches <code class="html">p_1</code>
  1348         and <code class="html">p_2</code> 
  1349         because these paragraphs flow into 'region_1'. Only the fragment of 
  1350         <code class="html">p_2</code> that flows into <code class="html">region_1</code>
  1351         is styled with this rule.</p>
  1352     </div>
  1356     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15734" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1357         <a href=
  1358         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15734">Bug-15734</a>
  1360         <div class="issue-details">
  1361             <p class="short-desc">@region and specificity</p>
  1362         </div>
  1363     </div>
  1365     <p>The specificity of the selectors in a '@region' rule is calculated as
  1366     <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#specificity">defined</a> in
  1367     the CSS Selectors module (see [[SELECT]]). In other words, the '@region'
  1368     rule adds an extra condition to the selector's matching, but does not
  1369     change the selector's specificity. This is the same behavior as selectors
  1370     appearing in '@media' rules declaration blocks (see [[MEDIAQ]]), where the
  1371     rule does not influence the selectors' specificity.</p>
  1373     <p>Consequently, selectors that match a given element (as describe above),
  1374     participate in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607/cascade.html#cascading-order">CSS Cascading
  1375     order</a> as defined in [[!CSS21]].</p>
  1377     <div>
  1378         Region styling does not apply to nested regions. For example, if a region
  1379         'A' receives content from a flow that contains region 'B', the content that
  1380         flows into 'B' does not receive the region styling specified for region 'A'.
  1381     </div>
  1383     <h2 id="multi-column-regions">Multi-column regions</h2>
  1385     <p>A 
  1386       <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-multicol/#multi-column-element">multi-column</a> 
  1387       [[CSS3COL]]
  1388       element can have 
  1389       an assigned <em><span>named flow</span></em>. 
  1390       The element becomes part 
  1391       of the region chain 
  1392       for that named flow, 
  1393       and flows its content fragments 
  1394       through columns according to 
  1395       the multi-column specification 
  1396       [[!CSS3COL]]. 
  1397       In particular, 
  1398       when computing the 
  1399       <a href="#flow-fragment-height-resolution">flow fragment height</a> 
  1400       of a multi-column element 
  1401       that is associated with a <em><span>named flow</span></em>, 
  1402       the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-multicol/#column-fill">'column-fill'</a> 
  1403       [[!CSS3COL]]
  1404       property is honored 
  1405       to balance the fragments of content 
  1406       that would flow through 
  1407       its columns.</p>
  1409     <div class="example">
  1410         <p>The following example:</p>
  1411         <pre>
  1412 &lt;style&gt;    
  1413    #multi-col {
  1414        column-count: 2;
  1415        flow-from: article;
  1416        height: 6em;
  1417        column-gap: 1em; 
  1420    #remainder {
  1421        flow-from: article;
  1422        height: auto;
  1424 &lt;/style&gt;
  1426 &lt;article&gt;...&lt;/article&gt;
  1427 &lt;div id="multicol"&gt&lt;/div&gt;
  1428 &lt;div id="remainder"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</pre>
  1429         <p>is equivalent in rendering to, for example:</p>
  1430                 <pre>
  1431 &lt;style&gt;    
  1432    #flex {
  1433        display: flex;
  1434        flex-pack: justify;
  1435        height: 6em;
  1437    #flex > div {
  1438        flow-from: article;
  1439        width: calc(50% - 0.5em);
  1442    #remainder {
  1443        flow-from: article;
  1444        height: auto;
  1446 &lt;/style&gt;
  1448 &lt;article&gt;...&lt;/article&gt;
  1449 &lt;div id="flex"&gt;
  1450    &lt;div /&gt;
  1451    &lt;div /&gt;
  1452 &lt;/div&gt;
  1453 &lt;div id="remainder"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</pre>
  1457     </div>
  1459     <p>Overflow of multicol regions 
  1460       is mostly handled 
  1461       according to the same rules 
  1462       as other CSS Regions. 
  1463       If the remainder of the named flow 
  1464       does not fit 
  1465       in the multicol region, 
  1466       then the rest 
  1467       of the content flows into 
  1468       the remaining region chain. 
  1469       However, 
  1470       if a multicol region 
  1471       is the last region 
  1472       in a <span>region chain</a>, 
  1473       then the multicol region must follow the 
  1474       <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-multicol/#overflow-columns">overflow column rules</a> 
  1475       [[!CSS3COL]].</p>
  1477     <h2 id="pseudo_elements">Pseudo-elements</h2>
  1479     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15188" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1480         <a href=
  1481         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15188">Bug-15188</a>
  1483         <div class="issue-details">
  1484             <p class="short-desc">add functionality for having textual description like "continued here" or "continued on page x" to regions.</p>
  1485         </div>
  1486     </div>
  1488     <p>It can be useful 
  1489       to visually mark the content 
  1490       to highlight that a content thread 
  1491       is flowing through the region chain. 
  1492       For example, a marker 
  1493       such as <em>'continued below'</em> clearly indicates, 
  1494       at the end of a CSS Region, 
  1495       that there is more content in the flow 
  1496       which can be found by scrolling past 
  1497       whatever content interrupts the region chain.</p>
  1499     <p>The '::before' and '::after' pseudo-elements (see [[!SELECT]]) 
  1500       let content authors mark the beginning 
  1501       and end of a region with such markers.</p>
  1503     <h3 id="processing-model">Processing model</h3>
  1505     <p>The '::before' content is laid out 
  1506       in the region prior to 
  1507       any other content coming from the flow. 
  1508       Note that it is possible 
  1509       to set the '::before' pseudo-element's 'display' property 
  1510       to 'run-in' to align it 
  1511       with the content's inline boxes.</p>
  1513     <p>The '::after' content is laid out 
  1514       in the region after laying out 
  1515       the flow fragment content. 
  1516       Then, flow content is removed from the fragment 
  1517       to accommodate the '::after' content. 
  1518       Accommodating means that the '::after' content 
  1519       is laid out without overflowing the region.
  1520       The 'display' property of the '::after' content 
  1521       can be set to 'run-in' to align 
  1522       with the region's content's inline boxes. 
  1523       In that case, the '::after' content becomes 
  1524       the last inline box of the previous element 
  1525       in the flow that has some visual rendering 
  1526       in the region and can accommodate for the '::after' box.</p>
  1528     <p>If there is not enough room to accommodate 
  1529       the ::before content, 
  1530       the '::after' content after removing all flow fragment content, 
  1531       or a combination of the two, 
  1532       then the ::before and/or ::after content overflows.</p>
  1534     <h2 id="cssom_view_and_css_regions">CSSOM</h2>
  1536     <div class="issue-marker-wrapper">
  1537     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15679" data-bug_status="NEW">
  1538         <a href=
  1539         "https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15679">Bug-15679</a>
  1541         <div class="issue-details">
  1542             <p class="short-desc">elementFromPoint and CSS regions</p>
  1543         </div>
  1544     </div>
  1545     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="15933" data-bug_status="ASSIGNED">
  1546     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15933">Bug-15933</a>
  1547     <div class="issue-details">
  1548         <p class="short-desc">Terms in WebIDL snippets inconsistently linked</p>
  1549     </div>  
  1550     </div>
  1551     </div>
  1553     <p>Since content may flow into multiple regions, authors need a way to
  1554     determine if there are enough regions to flow all the content from a named
  1555     flow. This is especially important considering that the size of regions or
  1556     the size of the content may change depending on the display context. For
  1557     example, flowing the same content on a mobile phone with a small screen may
  1558     require more regions than on a large desktop display. Another example is the
  1559     user changing the font size of text flowing through regions. Depending on
  1560     the change, new regions may be needed to accommodate for the additional
  1561     space required to fit the larger text or some regions may need to be removed
  1562     for smaller text.
  1563     </p>
  1565     <h3 id="the-namedflow-interface">The NamedFlow interface</h3>
  1567     <p>A <span>named flow</span> is created when it becomes referenced by the 
  1568         'flow-into' and/or 'flow-from' computed values. The following APIs allow
  1569         scripts to reference a <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> object representation
  1570         of a <span>named flow</span>.</p>
  1572     <p>An additional method and an additional attribute on the <a href=
  1573     "http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-document"><code class=
  1574     "idl">Document</code></a> interface provide access to <span>named flows</span>.</p>
  1576     <pre class="idl">
  1577 partial interface <a href=
  1578 "http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-document">Document</a> {
  1579   readonly attribute <a href="#dom-named-flow-collection">NamedFlowCollection</a> <a href="#document-namedflows">namedFlows</a>;
  1580   <a href="#dom-named-flow">NamedFlow?</a> <a href="#document-getflowbyname">getFlowByName(DOMString name)</a>;
  1581 };               
  1582 </pre>
  1584     <p>The <dfn id="document-namedflows"><code class="idl">namedFlows</code></dfn> attribute on the <a href=
  1585     "http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-document"><code class=
  1586     "idl">Document</code></a> interface returns the live list of all the current <span>named
  1587     flows</span> in the document. </p>
  1589     <p>The <code class="idl">namedFlows</code> collection must include all <span>named flows</span> 
  1590     that are currently in the <code>CREATED</code> state. 
  1591     The list must not include <span>named flows</span> that are in the <code>NULL</code> state. </p>
  1593     <p>The <dfn id="document-getflowbyname"><code class="idl">getFlowByName</code></dfn> method on the <a href=
  1594     "http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-document"><code class=
  1595     "idl">Document</code></a> interface provides access to the document's <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> 
  1596          instances. The return value depends on the <span>named flow</span>
  1597     state:</p>
  1599     <ul>
  1600         <li><code class="idl">NULL</code>: the user agent must return <code>null</code>.</li> 
  1601         <li><code class="idl">CREATED</code>: the user agent must return a valid 
  1602             <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> instance.</li>
  1603     </ul>
  1606     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-collection"><code class="idl">NamedFlowCollection</code></dfn>
  1607     interface provides a list of current <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> instances in the 
  1608     document. The collection is live and methods operate on the underlying data, not a snapshot of
  1609     the data.</p>
  1611     <pre class="idl">
  1612 interface NamedFlowCollection {
  1613   readonly attribute unsigned long <a href="#dom-named-flow-collection-length">length</a>;
  1614   getter <a href="#dom-named-flow">NamedFlow?</a> <a href="#named-flow-collection-item">item (unsigned long index)</a>;
  1615 };</pre>
  1617     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-collection-length"><code class="idl">length</code></dfn> 
  1618         attribute returns the number of items in the collection.</p>
  1619     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-collection-item"><code class="idl">item(index)</code></dfn> 
  1620         method returns the item at index <em>index</em>
  1621         in the collection or <code class="idl">null</code> if <em>index</em> is out of range.
  1622         An object <code>collection</code> implementing <code>NamedFlowCollection</code> supports
  1623         indices in the range <code>0 ≤ index < collection.length</code>.</p> 
  1625     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow"><code class="idl">NamedFlow</code></dfn>
  1626     interface offers a representation of a <span>named flow</span> instance.</p>
  1628             <p>The <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> interface 
  1629       can be used for different purposes. 
  1630       For example, the <code>getRegionsByContent()</code> method 
  1631       can help navigate by bookmark: 
  1632       a script can find the <span>region</span>s 
  1633       that display a particular anchor 
  1634       and bring them to view.</p>
  1636     <p>Likewise, the interface allows authors 
  1637       to check if all content has been fitted 
  1638       into existing regions. 
  1639       If it has, the <code>overset</code> attribute 
  1640       would be false.</p>
  1642     <pre class="idl">
  1643 interface <a href="#dom-named-flow">NamedFlow</a> implements <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-eventtarget">EventTarget</a> {
  1644   readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-named-flow-name">name</a>;
  1645   readonly attribute boolean <a href="#dom-named-flow-overset">overset</a>;
  1646   sequence&lt;<a href="#region-interface">Region</a>&gt; <a href="#dom-named-flow-get-regions">getRegions()</a>;
  1647   readonly attribute integer <a href="#dom-named-flow-first-empty-region-index">firstEmptyRegionIndex</a>;
  1648   <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-nodelist">NodeList</a> <a href="#dom-named-flow-get-content">getContent()</a>;
  1649   sequence&lt;<a href="#region-interface">Region</a>&gt; <a href="#dom-named-flow-get-regions-by-content">getRegionsByContent</a>(<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-node">Node</a> node)</a>;
  1650 };</pre>
  1652     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-name"><code class="idl">name</code></dfn> attribute
  1653      returns the name of the <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> instance.</p>
  1655     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-overset"><code class= "idl">overset</code></dfn> 
  1656       attribute returns true 
  1657       if there are <span>named flow</span> fragments 
  1658       that do not fit in the associated region chain. 
  1659       The attribute also returns true 
  1660       if there is no associated region chain. 
  1661       Otherwise, it returns false. </p>
  1663     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-get-regions"><code class="idl">getRegions()</code></dfn> 
  1664       method returns the sequence 
  1665       of regions in the <span>region chain</span> 
  1666       associated with the <span>named flow</span>. 
  1667       Note that the returned values 
  1668       is a static sequence 
  1669       in document order.</p>
  1671     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-first-empty-region-index">firstEmptyRegionIndex</dfn> 
  1672       is the index of the first region 
  1673       in the region chain with the <code>regionOverset</code> attribute 
  1674       set to <code>empty</code>. 
  1675       If all regions have the <code>regionOverset</code> attribute 
  1676       set to <code>fit</code> or <code>overset</code>, 
  1677       the value for <code>firstEmptyRegionIndex</code> is <code>-1</code>. 
  1678       If there are no regions in the <span>region chain</span>, 
  1679       the value is <code>-1</code> as well. </p>
  1681     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-get-content">getContent()</dfn> 
  1682       method returns an ordered collection 
  1683       of nodes that constitute the <span>named flow</span>. 
  1684       The returned list is a static snapshot 
  1685       of the <span>named flow</span> content 
  1686       at the time the method is invoked. 
  1687       This list contains the elements 
  1688       that were moved to the <span>named flow</span> 
  1689       but not their descendants 
  1690       (unless the descendants are themselves 
  1691       moved to the <span>named flow</span>).
  1692     </p>
  1694     <p>The <dfn id="dom-named-flow-get-regions-by-content">getRegionsByContent()</dfn> 
  1695       method returns the sequence of regions 
  1696       that contain at least part 
  1697       of the target content node. 
  1698       Note that the returned values 
  1699       is a static sequence
  1700       in document order.</p> 
  1703     <p>The <span>named flow</span> states are :</p>
  1705     <ul>
  1706         <li><code class="idl">NULL</code>: the <span>named flow</span> is not referenced
  1707             by any 'flow-into' or 'flow-from' computed value.</li>
  1708         <li><code class="idl">CREATED</code>: the <span>named flow</span> is referenced by 
  1709             at least one 'flow-into' or 'flow-from' computed value.</li>
  1710     </ul>
  1712     <p>A <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> 
  1713     object is live: it always represents the <span>named flow</span> with the corresponding
  1714     name even if that <span>named flow</span> has transitioned to the <code>NULL</code> state.</p>
  1716     <p>If a script holds a reference to a <code class="idl">NamedFlow</code> instance that
  1717         has entered the <code>NULL</code> state, its attributes and methods should behave 
  1718         as follows:</p>
  1720     <ul>
  1721         <li>the <code class="idl">name</code> attribute returns its value as normal.</li>
  1722         <li>the <code class="idl">overset</code> attribute returns <code class="idl">true</code>.</li>
  1723         <li>the <code class="idl">getRegions</code> method returns an empty sequence.</li>
  1724         <li>the <code class="idl">firstEmptyRegionIndex</code> attribute returns <code class="idl">-1</code>.</li>
  1725         <li>the <code class="idl">getContent()</code> method returns an empty <code class="idl">NodeList</code> instance.</li>
  1726         <li>the <code class="idl">getRegionsByContentNode()</code> method retuns an empty sequence.</li>
  1727     </ul>
  1729     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16382" data-bug_status="ASSIGNED">
  1730     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16382">Bug-16382</a>
  1731     <div class="issue-details">
  1732         <p class="short-desc">Should we have a NamedFlow.getRegionsByFlowRanges?</p>
  1733     </div>  
  1734     </div>
  1736     <h3 id="the-region-interface">The Region interface</h3>
  1738     <p>The <dfn id='region-interface'><code class="idl">Region</code> interface</dfn> 
  1739         provides an abstraction for <a href=
  1740         "http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-element"><code class=
  1741         "idl">Element</code>s</a>, pseudo-elements or other CSS constructs (such as
  1742         <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-page-template/#templates-and-slots">slots</a> 
  1743         [[!CSS3-PAGE-TEMPLATE]]) which can be regions.</p>
  1745         <pre class="idl">
  1746 interface Region {
  1747   readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-region-regionoverset">regionOverset</a>;
  1748   readonly attribute DOMString <a href="#dom-region-flowfrom">flowFrom</a>;
  1749   sequence&lt;<a href="#">Range</a>&gt;? <a href=
  1750 "#dom-region-getregionflowranges">getRegionFlowRanges()</a>;
  1751 };</pre>
  1753         <p>The <dfn id="dom-region-regionoverset"><code class=
  1754         "idl">regionOverset</code></dfn> attribute returns one of the following
  1755         values:</p>
  1757         <dl>
  1758             <dt>'overset'</dt>
  1760             <dd>The region is the last one in the 
  1761             <span title="region-chain">region chain</span> and
  1762             not able to fit the remaining content from the <span>named flow</span>.
  1763             Note that the region's <a href=
  1764             "http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visufx.html#overflow"><code class=
  1765             "idl">overflow</code></a> property value can be used to control the
  1766             visibility of the overflowing content and the 
  1767             'region-overflow' property controls whether or not fragmentation happens 
  1768             on the content that overflows the last region.</dd>
  1770             <dt>'fit'</dt>
  1772             <dd>The region's flow fragment content fits into the region's <a href=
  1773             "http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#box-dimensions">content box</a>.
  1774             If the region is the last one in the <span title=
  1775             "region-chain">region chain</span>, it means that the content fits
  1776             without overflowing. If the region is not the last one in the region
  1777             chain, that means the <span>named flow</span>
  1778             content is further fitted in subsequent regions. In this
  1779             last case, note that the <span>named flow</span> fragment may be 
  1780             empty (for example if the region is too small to accommodate any content).</dd>
  1782             <dt>'empty'</dt>
  1784             <dd>All content from the <span>named flow</span> was fitted in prior regions.</dd>
  1786         </dl>
  1788         <p>Note that if there is no content in the <span>named flow</span>, all regions associated
  1789             with that <span>named flow</span> should have their <code class="idl">regionOverset</code> 
  1790             attribute return 'empty'.
  1791             If there is content in the flow but that content does not generate any box
  1792             for visual formatting, the 'overset' attribute on the first region in the 
  1793             region chain associated with the flow will return 'fit'.</p>
  1795         <p>The <dfn id="dom-region-flowfrom">flowFrom</dfn> attribute returns the name of the 
  1796             <span>named flow</span> this region is associated with.</p>
  1798         <p>The <dfn id="dom-region-getregionflowranges">getRegionFlowRanges</dfn> method 
  1799           returns an array of <a href= "http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-range">Range</a> 
  1800           instances corresponding to fragment 
  1801           from the <span>named flow</span> 
  1802           that is laid out in the region. 
  1803           If the region has not received a fragment 
  1804           because it is too small to accommodate any, 
  1805           the method returns a single <code class="idl">Range</code> 
  1806           where the <code>startContainer</code> 
  1807           and <code>startOffset</code> 
  1808           have the same values as 
  1809           the <code>endContainer</code> 
  1810           and <code>endOffset</code> 
  1811           and therefore the collapsed attribute 
  1812           on the <code class="idl">Range</code> is true. 
  1813           In that situation, 
  1814           if the region is the first 
  1815           in the <span>region chain</span>, 
  1816           the <code>startContainer</code> 
  1817           is the first <code>Node</code> 
  1818           in the <span>named flow</span> 
  1819           and the <code>startOffset</code> is zero. 
  1820           If the region is the last region 
  1821           in the region chain 
  1822           (but not the first and only one), 
  1823           the <code>startContainer</code> 
  1824           and <code>startOffset</code> 
  1825           are the same values as 
  1826           the <code>endContainer</code> 
  1827           and <code>endOffset</code> 
  1828           on the previous region 
  1829           in the <span>region chain</span>. 
  1830           The method returns null 
  1831           if the <span>region</span> object 
  1832           is not (or no longer) a region.</p>
  1834         <div class="note">
  1835             <p>A <code class="idl">Region</code> instance may represent and 
  1836             object that is no longer a <span>region</span>. This may happen, for example if the 
  1837             'flow-from' property on the corresponding pseudo-element, element or other construct 
  1838             becomes 'none' but a script is still holding a reference to the <code class="idl">Region</code> object.</p>
  1839         </div>
  1841         <p>If a <code class="idl">Region</code> instance is no longer a <span>region</span>, 
  1842             accessing its attributes (<code class="idl">regionOverset</code> and <code class="idl">flowFrom</code>) or
  1843             invoking its <code class=
  1844         "idl"><span title="#document-element-getregionflowranges">getRegionFlowRanges</span></code>
  1845         method throws a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#interface-domexception"><code class="idl">DOMException</code></a> with the 
  1846         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#dom-domexception-invalid_access_err"><code class="idl">INVALID_ACCESS_ERR</code></a> error code.</p>  
  1847         </div>
  1849     <h3 id="region-style-rule-interface">The CSSRegionStyleRule interface</h3>
  1851     <p>The CSSRegionStyleRule interface represents 
  1852       an '@region' rule 
  1853       in a CSS style sheet. 
  1854       This rule type is added 
  1855       to the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#cssrule"><code>CSSRule</code></a> [[!CSSOM]] interface.</p>
  1857     <pre class="idl">
  1858 partial interface CSSRule {
  1859   const unsigned short REGION_STYLE_RULE = 1001;
  1861 </pre>
  1862     <dt>REGION_STYLE_RULE</dt>
  1863     <dd>The rule is a CSSRegionStyleRule</dd>
  1865     <pre class="idl">
  1866 interface CSSRegionStyleRule : CSSRule {
  1867   attribute DOMString selectorText;
  1868   readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;
  1869   unsigned long insertRule(DOMString rule,  unsigned long index)
  1870       raises(DOMException);
  1871   void deleteRule(unsigned long index)
  1872       raises(DOMException);
  1873 };
  1874 </pre>
  1876     <p>The <dfn id="region-style-rule-selectorText">
  1877       <code class="idl">selectorText</code></dfn> 
  1878       attribute gets and sets 
  1879       the associated selector 
  1880       as defined in section <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#dom-cssstylerule-selectortext">6.4.3</a> of [[!CSSOM]].
  1882     <p>The <dfn id="region-style-rule-cssRules">
  1883       <code class="idl">cssRules</code></dfn> 
  1884       attribute must return a 
  1885       <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#cssrulelist"><code>CSSRuleList</code></a> [[!CSSOM]] 
  1886       object for the list of 
  1887       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleRule"><code class="idl">CSSStyleRules</code></a> 
  1888       specified in the region style block.</p>
  1890     <p>The <dfn id="region-style-rule-insertRule">
  1891       <code class="idl">insertRule(rule, index)</code></dfn> 
  1892       method inserts a 
  1893       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleRule"><code class="idl">CSSStyleRule</code></a> 
  1894       into the region style block 
  1895       before the specified index. 
  1896       If the index is equal to the length 
  1897       of the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#cssrulelist"><code>CSSRuleList</code></a> the 
  1898       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleRule"><code class="idl">CSSStyleRule</code></a> 
  1899       is inserted at the end of the list.</p>
  1901     <p>Possible exceptions:</p>
  1902     <ul>
  1903       <li>HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: 
  1904         Raised if the rule to insert is not a 
  1905         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleRule"><code class="idl">CSSStyleRule</code></a>.</li>
  1906       <li>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 
  1907         Raised if the specified index 
  1908         is not a valid insertion point.</li>
  1909       <li>SYNTAX_ERR: 
  1910         Raised if the specified rule 
  1911         has a syntax error 
  1912         and is unparsable.</li>
  1913     </ul>
  1914     <p>The <dfn id="region-style-rule-deleteRule">
  1915       <code class="idl">deleteRule(index)</code></dfn> 
  1916       method deletes the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/css.html#CSS-CSSStyleRule"><code class="idl">CSSStyleRule</code></a> in the CSSRuleList 
  1917       at the specified index.</p>
  1919     <p>Possible exceptions:</p>
  1920     <ul>
  1921       <li>INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 
  1922         Raised if the specified index 
  1923         does not correspond to a rule 
  1924         in the region style block.</li>
  1925     </ul>
  1927     <h3 id="region-flow-layout-events">Region flow layout events</h3>
  1929     <p><a href="#dom-named-flow"><code class="idl">NamedFlow</code></a> objects are
  1930      <a href="">Event Targets</a> which
  1931     dispatch <code class="idl">regionLayoutUpdate</code> events when there is a 
  1932     possible layout change of their <span>named flow</span> fragment. Note that the event is asynchronous.</p>
  1934     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16391" data-bug_status="ASSIGNED">
  1935     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16391">Bug-16391</a>
  1936     <div class="issue-details">
  1937         <p class="short-desc">regionLayoutUpdate needs to be async</p>
  1938     </div>  
  1939     </div>
  1940     <div class="note">The remaining issue in this bug is when the event gets fired.</div>
  1942     <table class="event-desc" border="0" summary="This table contains information about the semantics of the given event type" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
  1943                 <tbody><tr class="assert must"><th>Type</th>
  1944                 <td class="eventname"><strong><code>regionLayoutUpdate</code></strong></td></tr>
  1945                 <tr class="assert must"><th>Interface</th> <td><code><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#webidl-events-UIEvent">UIEvent</a></code> (see [[!DOM-LEVEL-3-EVENTS]])</td></tr>
  1946                 <tr class="assert must"><th>Sync / Async</th> <td>Async</td></tr>
  1947                 <tr class="assert must"><th>Bubbles</th> <td>Yes</td></tr>
  1948                 <tr class="assert must"><th>Target</th> <td><a href="#dom-named-flow"><code class="idl">NamedFlow</code></a></td></tr>
  1949                 <tr class="assert must"><th>Cancelable</th> <td>Yes</td></tr>
  1950                 <tr class="assert must"><th>Default action</th> <td>none</td></tr>
  1951                 <tr class="assert must"><th>Context info</th>
  1952                   <td>
  1953                     <ul>
  1954                       <li><code class="attribute-name">Event.target</code>: 
  1955                           <a href="#dom-named-flow"><code class="idl">NamedFlow</code></a> whose layout may have changed</li>
  1956                     </ul>
  1957                    </td>
  1958                  </tr>
  1959               </tbody></table>
  1961     <h3 id="cssomview-and-regions">Clarifications on pre-existing APIs</h3>
  1964     <h4 id="cssomview-getclientrects-and-getboundingclientrect"><code class="idl">getClientRects()</code> and <code>getBoundingClientRects()</code></h4>
  1966     <p>The <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/">CSSOM View Module</a> 
  1967       defines how user agents compute 
  1968       the bounding client rectangle 
  1969       for an element (<code class="idl">getBoundingClientRect()</code>) 
  1970       and its generated boxes (<code class="idl">getClientRects()</code>).</p>
  1972     <p>This definition applies to 
  1973       the (possibly) multiple boxes 
  1974       generated for an element in a named flow 
  1975       flowing through a region chain. 
  1976       The <code class="idl">getClientRects()</code> method 
  1977       returns the list of boxes generated 
  1978       for each of the element fragments 
  1979       laid out in different regions. 
  1980       The <code>getBoundingClientRect()</code> method 
  1981       operates as specified in the 
  1982       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/">CSSOM View Module</a> 
  1983       as well and is computed 
  1984       from the set of rectangles 
  1985       returned by <code class="idl">getClientRects()</code>.</p>
  1987     <h4 id="cssomview-offset-attributes"><code class="idl">offsetTop</code>, <code class="idl">offsetLeft</code>,
  1988         <code class="idl">offsetWidth</code> and <code class="idl">offsetWidth</code></h4>
  1990     <p>The computation of the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom-view/#offset-attributes">offset attributes</a> 
  1991         for elements laid out in a <span>named flow</code> follow the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom-view/#offset-attribute">specification</a>. For the purpose of the 
  1992             algorithm, the <em>first CSS layout box</em> associated
  1993             with an element laid out in a <span>named flow</span> is the box generated for the first region
  1994             the element is laid out into.</p>
  1996     <h2 id="regions-visual-formatting-details">Regions visual formatting details</h2>
  1998     <p>Regions are laid out by CSS and take part in the normal box model and other layout models
  1999         offered by CSS modules such as flexible boxes ([[CSS3-FLEXBOX]]). However, <span>regions</span>
  2000         lay out a fragment of their <span>named flow</span> instead of laying out descendant content as happens with other 
  2001         boxes.</p>
  2003     <p>This section describes the model for laying out <span>regions</span> 
  2004       and for laying out <span>named flow</span> content into regions. 
  2005       The descriptions in this section are biased towards a horizontal writing mode, 
  2006       using <span>width</span> for logical width (or measure) 
  2007       and <span>height</span> for logical height (or extent) 
  2008       as <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-writing-modes/#abstract-dimensions">defined</a> 
  2009       in the CSS Writing Modes Module [[!CSS3-WRITING-MODES]]). 
  2010       To use this model in a vertical writing mode apply the principles 
  2011       <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-writing-modes/#vertical-layout">described</a> 
  2012       in that specification.</p>
  2014     <h3 id="regions-flow-content-box">The Region Flow Content Box (RFBC)</h3>
  2016     <p>A region box lays out the following boxes:</p>
  2018     <ul>
  2019         <li>The boxes generated by its <code class="css">::before</code> and 
  2020             <code class="css">::after</code> pseudo-elements, if any.</code>
  2021         <li>The anonymous <def>region flow content box</dev> (called <def>RFCB</def> in this document) which 
  2022             contains the fragment of the <span>named flow</span> that the region receives.</li>
  2023     </ul>
  2025     <div class="figure">
  2026         <img src="images/RFCB.svg" width="600px" />
  2027         <p class="caption">The Region Flow Content Box (RFCB)</p>
  2028     </div>
  2030     <p>Laying out a <span>region</span> box follows the same processing rules as for any other
  2031         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#block-boxes">block container box</a>.</p>
  2033     <p>The <span>RFCB</span> is a <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#block-boxes">block container box</a>
  2034         with a <a href="">computed</a> 'width' of 'auto' and a whose <a href="">used</a> 'height' is 
  2035         resolved as detailed below.</li>
  2037     <h4 id="rfbc-width-resolution">RFCB 'width' resolution</h4>
  2039     <p>At various points in the visual formatting of documents containing regions, the 
  2040         used 'width' of RFCBs and regions need to be resolved. In all cases, the resolution is done following the
  2041       rules for <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins">calculating 
  2042             widths and margins</a> (see [[!CSS21]]). Sometimes, resolving the used 'width' value
  2043             requires measuring the content's
  2044             <code class="css">min-content</code> and <code class="css">max-content</code> values (as 
  2045             <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-writing-modes/#intrinsic-sizing">defined</a> in the CSS Writing Modes Module [[!CSS3-WRITING-MODES]]). For an RFCB, <strong>these measures are 
  2046         made on the <em>entire</em> associated <span>named flow</span> content</strong>.</p>
  2048         <p>As a consequence, all <span>RFCBs</span> of <span>regions</span> associated with a given
  2049             <span>named flow</span> share the 
  2050             same <code class="css">min-content</code> and <code class="css">max-content</code> measures.</p>
  2052     <p>This approach is consistent with the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-break/#varying-size-boxes">box model for breaking</a> ([[!CSS3-BREAK]]).</p>
  2055     <h3 id="regions-visual-formatting-steps">Regions visual formatting steps</h3>
  2057     <p>Formatting documents that contain <span>named flows</span> laid out in regions is a three-step
  2058         process:</p>
  2060     <ul>
  2061         <li><em>Step 1: RFCB <def>flow fragment height</def> resolution</em>. In this step, the heights of fragments 
  2062             fitting in the regions' RFCBs are resolved.</li>
  2063         <li><em>Step 2: document and regions layout</em>. In this step, the document content and regions are
  2064             laid out. However, <span>named flow</span> content is not laid out in regions yet.</li>
  2065         <li><em>Step 3: <span>named flow</span> layout</em>. In this step, the content of <span>named flows</span> is laid
  2066             out in their respective <span>region chains</span>.</li>
  2067     </ul>
  2069     <div class="figure">
  2070         <img src="images/regions-layout-three-steps.svg" width="600px" />
  2071         <p class="caption">Regions visual formatting steps</p>
  2072     </div>
  2075     <h4 id="rfcb-flow-fragment-height-resolution">Step 1: RFCB flow fragment height resolution</h4>
  2077     <p>Conceptually, resolving the flow fragment height is a two phase process.</p>
  2079     <h5 id="rfcb-flow-fragment-height-resolution-phase-1">RFCB flow fragment height resolution, Phase 1</h5>
  2081     <p>The document is laid out with a 
  2082         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#used-value">used</a> height of zero
  2083         for all <span>RFCB</span>s. In this phase, the content of <span>named flows</span> is not laid out in 
  2084         <span>regions</span>. This phase yields resolved position and sizes for all regions and
  2085         their RFCBs in the document.</p>
  2087     <h5 id="rfcb-flow-fragment-height-resolution-phase-2">RFCB flow fragment height resolution, Phase 2</h5>
  2089     <p><span>Named flows</span> are laid out in <span>regions</span>. The 
  2090         user agent resolves the <em><span>flow fragment height</span></em> for
  2091         the <span>RFCB</span>s using the remainder of the flow and accounting for 
  2092         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-break/">fragmentation rules</a>.
  2093         This process accounts for constraints such as the 'height' or 'max-height' values, as described
  2094         in the CSS 2.1 section on 
  2095         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#Computing_heights_and_margins">calculating heights 
  2096             and margins</a> (see the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#normal-block">Block-level 
  2097                 non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'</a> section and the
  2098         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#block-root-margin">complicated cases</a> section). 
  2099         During this phase, generated content is laid out according to the 
  2100         <a href="#processing-model">rules</a> described earlier in this document.
  2101         </p>
  2103     <h4 id="regions-boxes-layout">Step 2: region boxes layout</h4>
  2105     <p>In this step, the document is laid out according to the normal CSS layout rules.</p>
  2107     <p>If a measure of the content is required to resolve the used 'width' of the region box, the value 
  2108         is resolved as described in the
  2109         <a href="#rfbc-width-resolution">RFCB width resolution</a> section.</p>
  2111     <p>If a measure of the content
  2112         is required to resolve the used height of the RFCB (for example if the region box is absolutely positioned), 
  2113         the <span>flow fragment height</span> resolved in Step 1 is used for the vertical content measure of the 
  2114         RFCB.</p>
  2116     <p>At the end of this step, regions are laid out and ready to receive
  2117     content from their associated <span>named flows</span>.</p>
  2119     <h4 id="named-flows-layout">Step 3: named flows layout</h4>
  2121     <p>In this final step, the content of <span>named flows</span> is laid out in the <span>regions</span>' RFCBs
  2122         along with the generated content boxes.</p>
  2124     <p>The used 'width' for RFCBs is resolved <a href="#rfbc-width-resolution">as described before</a>.</p>
  2126     <p>The used 'height' of RFCBs is resolved such that none of the boxes in the region box's normal flow 
  2127         overflow the region's box. In other words, the RFCB boxes are stretched vertically
  2128         to accommodate as much of the flow as possible without overflowing the region box and
  2129         accounting for <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-break/">fragmentation rules</a> and 
  2130         generated content boxes.</p>
  2132     <p>During this phase, generated content is laid out according to the 
  2133         <a href="#processing-model">rules</a> 
  2134         described earlier in this document.</p>
  2136     <div class="note">
  2137         <p>The model for resolving auto sized regions will cause, under certain circumstances,
  2138             the flow content to be overset or underset. In other words, it will not fit tightly.
  2139             The model prevents having circular dependencies in the layout model. Implementations
  2140             may decide to apply further layout steps to ensure that the whole flow content is 
  2141             displayed to the user, even in edge cases.</p>
  2142     </div>
  2144     <h3 id="regions-visual-formatting-implementation-note">Regions visual formatting: implementation note</h3>
  2146     <p>The process for resolving an RFCB's 'height' and the three-step process used to
  2147         lay out documents containing regions and <span>named flows</span> are
  2148         <em>conceptual</em> descriptions of what the layout 
  2149         should yield and implementations should optimize to reduce the number of
  2150         steps and phases necessary wherever possible.</p>
  2152     <h3 id="regions-visual-formatting-examples">Regions visual formatting example</h3>
  2154     <p>This section is non-normative.</p>
  2156     <p>This example considers a document where content flows between three regions,
  2157         and region boxes are intermixed with the normal document content.</p>
  2159     <div class="example">
  2160         <pre>
  2161 &lt;style&gt;
  2162 article {
  2163     flow-into: article;
  2166 #rA, #rB, #rC {
  2167     flow-from: article;
  2168     height: auto;
  2169     margin: 1em 1em 0em 1em;
  2170     padding: 1em;
  2171     border: 3px solid #46A4E9;
  2174 #rA {
  2175     width: auto;
  2176     height: auto;
  2179 #rB {
  2180     float: left;
  2181     width: 15em;
  2182     height: auto;
  2183     max-height: 150px;
  2186 #rC {
  2187     float: right;
  2188     width: 12em;
  2189     height: auto;
  2192 #main-flow {
  2193     padding: 0em 1em 0em 1em;
  2196 &lt;/style&gt;       
  2197 &lt;body&gt;
  2198     &lt;article&gt;
  2199         &lt;p style="region-break-after:always;"&gt;I am not a ... &lt;/p&gt;
  2200         &lt;p&gt;...&lt;/p&gt;
  2201     &lt;/article&gt;
  2202     &lt;div id="rA"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2203     &lt;div id="rB"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2204     &lt;div id="rC"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2206     &lt;div id="main-flow"&gt;
  2207         &lt;p&gt;Lorem ipsum dolor ...&lt;/p&gt;
  2208     &lt;/div&gt;
  2209 &lt;/body&gt;            
  2210         </pre>
  2211     </div>
  2213     <p>The following sections and figures illustrate the intermediate results for the visual formatting process.
  2214         In the following, we call RFCB-A, RFCB-B and RFCB-C the <span>RFCBs</span> for 
  2215         regions rA, rB and rC respectively. </p>
  2217     <h4>Step 1 - Phase 1: Laying out RFCBs with used height of zero</h4>
  2219     <p>Applying the rules for Step 1, Phase 1, the computed 'auto' 'width' values for the RFCBs are resolved
  2220         to used values according to the normal 
  2221         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#Computing_widths_and_margins">CSS layout rules</a> meaning they
  2222         stretch to the width of their containing block's content box.</p>
  2224     <ol>
  2225         <li>RFCB-A: stretches to fit the rA content box.</li>
  2226             Since rA also has an 'auto' 'width', its own used 'width' is stretched to fit the 
  2227             <code>&lt;body&gt;</code> content box.</p>
  2228         <li>RFCB-B: stretches to fit the <code>rB</code> content box.</li>
  2229         <li>RFCB-C: stretches to fit the <code>rC</code> content box.</li>
  2230     </ol>
  2232     <p>Also applying the rules for Step 1, Phase 1, the used values for the RFCBs 'height' properties are all zero.</p>
  2234     <p>Conceptually, this produces the layout illustrated below.</p>
  2236     <div class="figure">
  2237         <img src="images/flow-fragment-height-phase-1.png" width="500px" alt="Step 1 - Phase 1: Layout RFBCs with used heights of 0"/>
  2238         <p class="caption">Step 1 - Phase 1: Layout RFBCs with used heights of 0</p>
  2239     </div>
  2241     <h4>Step 1 - Phase 2: Layout flow to compute the RFCBs' flow fragments heights</h4>
  2243     <p>In this second phase of Step 1, the named flow is laid out in <span>regions</span> 
  2244         and the height of each fragment falling in each RFCB is computed.</p>
  2246     <p>The user agent lays out as much of the flow into an area
  2247         with RFCB-A's used 'width'. rA's 'height' computes to 'auto' and there is no vertical maximum
  2248         height for RFCA's 'height'. However, because there is a break after the 
  2249         first paragraph in the 'article' <code>named flow</code>, only this first paragraph is 
  2250         laid out in RFCB-A and FH-A (the flow fragment height for RFCB-A) is resolved by laying out 
  2251         this first paragraph in the used 'width'.</p>
  2253     <p>At this point, the user agent lays out as much of the remaining flow as possible in RFCB-B.
  2254         Because rB's 'max-height' computed value is '150px', the user agent only lays out
  2255         the 'article' named flow using RFCB-B's used 'width' until the point where 
  2256         laying out additional content would cause RFCB-B to overflow rB's box.
  2257         The fragment height for RFCB-B is resolved: FH-B (<code class="css">150px</code>).</p>
  2259     <p>Finally, the user agent lays out the remainder of the flow in RFCB-C.
  2260         Because rC has no other constraints and no region breaks, the remaining content is
  2261         laid out in RFCB-C's used 'width'. This results in a resolved flow fragment height: FH-C.</p>
  2263     <div class="figure">
  2264         <img src="images/flow-fragment-height-phase-2.png" width="370px" alt="Step 1 - Phase 2: Measure flow fragments heights"/>
  2265         <p class="caption">Step 1 - Phase 2: Measure flow fragments heights</p>
  2266     </div>
  2268     <h4>Step 2: Layout document and regions without named flows</h4>
  2270     <p>The used 'width' of RFCB-A, RFCB-B and RFCB-C are resolved as in the previous step. However, the
  2271         'height' is resolved differently.</p>
  2273     <p>Resolving the 'height' of rA <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#normal-block">requires a content measure</a>
  2274         which is FH-A (the flow fragment height for RFCB-A).</p>
  2276     <p>The 'height' of rB results from first computing its
  2277         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#block-root-margin">content measure</a> and then applying the 
  2278         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#min-max-heights">rules for 'max-height'</a>. Here, the 
  2279             vertical content measure evaluates to FH-B. After applying the 
  2280             rules for 'max-height' and accounting for margins, padding and borders, the used 'height' of rB 
  2281             is resolved to LH-B (<code class="css">150px</code>).</a>.
  2283     <p>The 'height' of rC's box results from 
  2284         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#block-root-margin">calculating 
  2285             its content measure</a>: FH-C becomes rC's used 'height'.</a>
  2287     <div class="figure">
  2288         <img src="images/regions-visual-formatting-step-2.png" width="370px" alt="Step 2: Layout document and regions without named flows"/>
  2289         <p class="caption">Step 2: Layout document and regions without <span>named flows</span></p>
  2290     </div>
  2292     <h4>Step 3: named flows layout</h4>
  2294     <p>In this final step, the <code class="css">article</code> <span>named flow</span> is laid out in its
  2295         <span>region chain</span>. The used 'width' for each of the RFCB is resolved as in step 1 above.</p>
  2297     <p>The used 'height' for the RFCB is a result of laying out the as much of the content in the 
  2298         <span>region</span> without overflowing its content box and following the 
  2299         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-break/">fragmentation rules</a>.</p>
  2301     <p>Because the computed 'width' of the RFCB has not changed and the fragmentation rules applied are
  2302         the same as in Phase 1, Step 2, the used 'height' for RFCB-A, RFCB-B and RFCB-C are 
  2303         LH-A, LH-B and LH-C, respectively.</p>
  2305     <p>There may be situations where the used 'height' of RFCBs resolved in Step 3 are different from the 
  2306         <span>flow fragment height</span> computed in Step 1 Phase 2.</p>
  2308     <div class="figure">
  2309         <img src="images/regions-visual-formatting-step-3.png" width="370px" alt="Step 3: Final result after laying out named flows in regions"/>
  2310         <p class="caption">Step 3: Final result after laying out named flows in regions</p>
  2311     </div>
  2314     <h2 id="relation-to-document-events">Relation to document events</h2>
  2316     <p>The CSS regions module does not alter the normal processing of
  2317     events in the document tree. In particular, if an event occurs on an
  2318     element that is part of a <span>named flow</span>, the <a href=
  2319     "http://www.w3.org/TR/dom/#events">event's
  2320     bubble and capture phases</a> happen following the document tree order.</p>
  2323     <h2 id="relation-to-other-specifications">Relation to other
  2324     specifications</h2>
  2326     <p>This specification is related to other specifications as described in
  2327     the <a href='#references'>references</a> section. In addition, it is
  2328     related to the following specifications:</p>
  2330     <ol>
  2331         <li>CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 [[CSS3-BREAK]]. This module defines the
  2332             rules for fragmenting content over multiple containers and applies to 
  2333             CSS regions in addition to applying to multi-column and paged media.</li>
  2335         <li>CSS Pagination Templates Module Level 3 [[CSS3-PAGE-TEMPLATE]]. This module
  2336             defines a syntax to define layout templates which can be used
  2337             when paginating content. The page templates use regions.</li>
  2339         <li>CSS Exclusions Module [[CSS3-EXCLUSIONS]]. This module defines a
  2340         generic way to define arbitrarily shaped exclusions into which content
  2341         can flow or around which content can flow. This can be seen as an
  2342         extension to the way CSS floats provide rectangular areas into which
  2343         content flows and around which content flows. In advanced layout
  2344         designs, it is expected that the CSS Exclusions module will be commonly
  2345         combined with the CSS regions module.</li>
  2347         <li>CSS Line Grid Module [[CSS3-LINE-GRID]]. This module defines a
  2348         concept of line grid to align the position of lines in different
  2349         elements. The line grid functionality is related and needed for
  2350         aligning content flowing in separate regions.</li>
  2351     </ol>
  2353     <h2 id="usecases">Use Cases</h2>
  2355     <p>Use cases are described on <a href="http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css3-regions/regions-use-cases">this
  2356             page</a>.</p>
  2358     <h2 id="conformance">Conformance</h2>
  2360     <h2 id="changes">Changes</h2>
  2362     <h3 id="changes_from_November_29_2011">Changes from <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-regions-20111129/">November 29<sup>th</sup> 2011</a> version</h3>
  2364     <ul>
  2365         <li>Modified region styling examples to use element selector instead of of pseudo-code selectors (this had been omitted in the 
  2366             previous pass at removing pseudo-code from the examples).</li>
  2367         <li>Removed divs with class set to "issue moved", "issue stale" and "issue resolved" since these divs where not displayed.
  2368         <li>Minor updates to the alternate stylesheet.</li>
  2369         <li>Removed "This section is normative" paragraphs since in CSS specifications, sections are normative unless 
  2370             otherwise specified.</li>
  2371         <li>Removed "This section is informative" paragraphs since in CSS specifications notes are always informative.</li>
  2372         <li>Reworded the text about flow-into: &lt;ident&gt; and removed obsolete text about the interaction with the
  2373             'content' property.</li>
  2374         <li>Removed "this section is non-normative" from the "Regions Concepts" section.</li>
  2375         <li>In the section on region breaks, removed descriptions of break values normatively defined in external specifications.
  2376             Removed the section about split boxes and replaced with paragraph referencing the page breaking behavior.
  2377             Removed the discussion about how the 'overflow' property applies to content flown in regions from the 
  2378             break section, since this is covered in the section on 'region-overflow' already. See <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Dec/0477.html">mailing list feedback.</a></li>
  2379         <li>Clarified that @region style rules only apply to the 'portion' of an element that falls into 
  2380             the corresponding region and added an issue that the model for 'partial' styling needs to 
  2381             be defined. See <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Dec/0480.html">mailing list feedback</a>.</li>
  2382         <li>Clarified that the <code>NodeList</code> returned by <code>getRegionsByContentNode</code> is live.</li>
  2383         <li>Added a name property to the <code>NamedFlow</code> interface. Added a <code>NamedFlowCollection</code>
  2384             interface and added a <code>getNamedFlows</code> method on the <code>Document</code> interface, as
  2385             per <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15828">Bug 15828</a>.</li>
  2386         <li>Modified wording about containing block resolution for absolutely positioned elements in a 
  2387             named flow.</li>
  2388         <li>Modified initial examples as per <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15131">Bug 15131</a></li>
  2389         <li>Multiple editorial changes following 
  2390             <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2012Feb/0001.html">mailing list review comments</a></li>
  2391         <li>Fixed DOM references to now point to the DOM TR</li>
  2392         <li>Fixed Web IDL issues as reported in <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15931">Issue 15931</a></li>
  2393         <li>Added text to explain support for multi-column elements as required by <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15191">Issue 15191</a> and <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/375">Action 375</a>.</li>
  2394         <li>Renamed 'regionOverflow' to 'regionOverset' to avoid confusion between fitting a flow in 
  2395             regions and the concept of visual overflow that the word 'overflow' (and the property) carry.</li>
  2396         <li>Reworked the partial document interface following the <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=14948">Issue 14948</a> on <code>getFlowByName</code>.</li>
  2397         <li>Updated the object model section as proposed on the <a href="http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css3-regions/css-om">wiki</a> and in particular:
  2398             <ul>
  2399                 <li>introduced a <code>Region</code> interface to replace the supplemental Element interface</li>
  2400                 <li>Added a 'flowFrom' attribute on the Region interface</li>
  2401                 <li>NamedFlow.getRegions() was added</li>
  2402                 <li>Renamed getContentNode to getContent and getRegionsByContentNode to getRegionsByContent as 
  2403                     per <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15879">Isseu 15879</a></li>
  2404                 <li>NamedFlow now returns static lists (see <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16286">Issue 16286</a>)</li>
  2406             </ul>
  2407         </li>
  2408         <li>Modified region layout event to be dispatched on <code>NamedFlow</code> instead of region 
  2409             as before. Was requested by <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15938">Issue 15938</a>
  2410             and required in the general effort to have the DOM APIs work with non-element regions.</li>
  2411         <li>Changed paragraph on pseudo-elements to disallow 'flow-into' on all pseudo-elements because 
  2412             moving a '::before' element (for a example) to a named flow does not seem useful and causes specification
  2413             and implementation complexity.</li>
  2414         <li>Added section about getClientRects(), getBoundingClientRect(), offsetWidth, offsetHeight, offsetTop and
  2415             offsetLeft.</li>
  2416         <li>Added 'Regions visual formatting details' section to better describe the model for 
  2417             resolving auto sizing on regions.</li>
  2418         <li>Reworked the initial specification example.</li>
  2419         <li>Changed break and region-overflow properties to apply to visual media instead of paged.</li>
  2420         <li>Added opacity to region styling.</li>
  2421         <li>Added possibility of ::before content contributing to overflow.</li>
  2422         <li>Added CSSRegionStyleRule</li>
  2423     </ul>
  2426     <h3 id="changes_from_June_09_2011">Changes from <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-css3-regions-20110609/">June 09<sup>th</sup> 2011</a> version</h3>
  2428     <ul>
  2429         <li>Editorial changes (typos, rephrasings).</li>
  2430         <li>Made 'content-order' a &lt;integer&gt; and not a &lt;float&gt; following a working group
  2431             <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0329.html">resolution</a></li>
  2432         <li>Added Alex Mogilevsky as an editor</li>
  2433         <li>Flow names became &lt;ident&gt; instead of &lt;string&gt; following a working group
  2434             <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0413.html">resolution</a></li>
  2435         <li>Removed issue about possibly altering the DOM Events model for region events following
  2436             a working group
  2437             <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0413.html">resolution</a></li>
  2438         <li>Made the "relation to document events" section informative following a     working group
  2439             <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0413.html">resolution</a></li>
  2440         <li>Removed issue in section "The NamedFlow interface" following the working group's 
  2441             <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0413.html">resolution</a> to
  2442             have both NamedFlow and the Element interface extension</li>
  2443         <li>Following a working group <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0413.html">resolution</a>:
  2444         	<ul>
  2445             	<li>Turned the first issue in the "Extensions to the Element interface" into a note 
  2446             explaining that the NamedFlow interface can be used when regions are pseudo-elements.</li>
  2447             	<li>Added NamedFlowUpdate</li>
  2448                 </ul>
  2449         </li>
  2450         <li>Excluded 'none', 'inherit' and 'initial' from the possible identifier names on 
  2451         	the flow property following <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jun/0583.html">discussion</a> on the mailing list.</li>
  2452         <li>Simplified integration discussion on multi-column layout and just state that since
  2453         column boxes are not addressable by selectors, they cannot be regions.</li>
  2454         <li>Added specification of how the 'flow-into' property interacts with object, embed and iframe 
  2455         elements.</li>
  2456         <li>Excluded 'default' from the possible identifier names on the flow property because it 
  2457             <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-css3-values-20060919/#keywords">may get reserved</a>.</li>
  2458         <li>Added to the definition of 'auto' on 'region-overflow' specifying that region breaks must
  2459             be ignored.</li>
  2460         <li>Renamed 'Document.flowWithName' to 'Document.getFlowByName' since it is not a property.</li>
  2461         <li>Added a note that a 'NamedFlow' instance is live.</li>
  2462         <li>Added an 'undefined' string value to the regionOverflow property on the Element interface 
  2463             extension.</li>
  2464         <li>Renamed NamedFlowEvent to regionLayoutUpdate to avoid having 'Event' in the event name.</li>
  2465 		<li>Added description for special behavior of iframe/object/embed as 
  2466 		flow source</li>
  2467 		<li>Removed issue on copying content to a named flow instead of moving elements to named
  2468 		    flow following working group <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0069.html">resolution</a>.</li>
  2469     	<li>Removed issue on content:flow-from v.s., flow-from property following working group <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0069.html">resolution</a>.</li>
  2470     	<li>Renamed 'flow' to 'flow-into' following working group <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0069.html">resolution</a>.</li>
  2471     	<li>Updated the css3-grid-align example following working group <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0069.html">resolution</a> that 
  2472     	    it should use &lt;div&gt; instead of grid-cell pseudo elements that were removed
  2473     	    from the CSS Grid Layout specification.</li>
  2474         <li>Renamed 'from-flow' to 'flow-from' following a working group <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0069.html">resolution</a>.</li>
  2475         <li>Limited the applicability of 'content: flow-from()' to block container box and added
  2476             a note that this might be expanded in the future, following a working group <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0069.html">resolution</a>.</li>
  2477         <li>Removed issue about API to find which region displays an element in a named flow
  2478             since <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/350">ACTION-350</a> was
  2479             created to add this API.</li>
  2480         <li>In the 'flow' property description, removed the required wrapper anonymous 
  2481             block as agreed on <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0161.html">mailing list discussion</a>.</li>
  2482         <li>Reworded the paragraph on how regions create a new stacking context, as 
  2483             per the <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0025.html">mailing list discussion</a>.</li>
  2484         <li>Reworked the "CSS regions Model" section to now be "CSS regions Layout". Moved the
  2485             definition of a region as the first sub-section.</li>
  2486         <li>Removed the "Visual Formatting Model and Flows" section to match the new Regions Model 
  2487             (now CSS regions Layout) section.</li>
  2488         <li>Moved the sections on allowed region breaks, forced region breaks and "best" regions
  2489             breaks to follow the property definitions to follow the formatting of the paged
  2490             media section in CSS 2.1.</li>
  2491         <li>Added note about why regions create a new stacking context following the discussion
  2492             on the <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jul/0158.html">mailing list</a>.</li>
  2493         <li>Removed sentence about content:none making elements disconnected following the 
  2494                 discussion on the <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jul/0158.html">mailing list</a>.</li>
  2495         <li>Removed sentence about content:none making elements disconnected following the 
  2496                     discussion on the <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jul/0158.html">mailing list</a>.</li>
  2497         <li>Added the ::region-before and a ::region-after pseudo-elements.</li>
  2498         <li>Added note of caution when using selectors and the 'flow-into' property following
  2499             a <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Jul/0191.html">mailing list discussion</a>.</li>
  2500         <li>Removed sections about allowed, forced and best region breaks to align with the 
  2501             multi-column specification approach and until the group agrees on where and how the
  2502             general issue of breaks (regions/pages/columns) should be addressed.</li>
  2503         <li>Removed the section on Integration with other specifications since specifications that
  2504             was superfluous especially since there is no specific integration with multi column,
  2505             grid or template layout.</li>
  2506         <li>Added a note that regions establish a new block formatting context.</li>
  2507         <li>Renamed content-order to region-order.</li>
  2508         <li>Added a note about overflowing content in regions (e.g., for content with borders).</li>
  2509         <li>Added a note that a region cannot layout content it is part of (to avoid creating a 
  2510             circular dependency) in the flow-from description, specifying that if flow-from
  2511             references the flow an element is part of, then the element does not format 
  2512             anything visually.</li>
  2513         <li>Replaced 'content:flow-from(&lt;ident&gt;)' with 'flow-from: &lt;ident&gt;' following a
  2514             <a href="http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/css/20110824">working group resolution</a>.</li>
  2515         <li>Added more specific wording about auto width and auto height, following
  2516             <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/351">ACTION 351</a>.</li>
  2517         <li>Reworked section on region markers to now use '::before' and '::after' and explain
  2518             how 'display:run-in' works with regions.</li>
  2519         <li>Modified the @region style rule to remove the ::region-lines pseudo-selector.</li>
  2520         <li>Removed the 'region-order' property following implementation feedback.</li>
  2521         <li>Specified that region-overflow does not influence a region's size.</li>
  2522         <li>Specified that the flow's writing mode is defined by the first region's writing mode 
  2523             following <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Aug/0306.html">mailing list discussion</a>.</li>
  2524         <li>Made iframe, object and embed support of flow-into optional following 
  2525             <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Sep/0073.html">mailing list discussion</a>.</li>
  2526         <li>Clarified that flow content following the last break in the last region is not rendered,
  2527             following <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Oct/0167.html">mailing list
  2528                 discussions.</a></li>
  2529         <li>Modified the rule for computing the width and height of a region when they are set to auto,
  2530             following <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Oct/0216.html">a mailing list 
  2531                 discussion.</a></li>
  2532         <li>Added 'auto' to the list of invalid flow identifiers.</li>
  2533         <li>Made 'none' the initial value for 'flow-into' and aligned with 'flow-from', as 
  2534             explained in this <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Oct/0576.html">email</a>.
  2535             Also allowed the 'inherit' value on 'flow-from' and 'flow-into' (same email).</li>
  2536         <li>Added note about nested region styling following <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Oct/0650.html">a mailing list discussion</a>.</li>
  2537         <li>Added additional DOM interface following <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/350">Action 350</a>.</li>
  2538         <li>Clarified that a region becomes a region only if its 'content' property computes to 
  2539             normal, following the resolution of <a href="http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css3-regions#issue-22content-vs-flow-from-precedence">Issue 22</a>.</li>
  2540         <li>Removed text about special iframe behavior as a result of 
  2541             <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/376">ACTION 376</a>.</li>
  2542         <li>Made the selectors explicit in the initial section code examples, following
  2543             discussion in <a href="http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/css/20111030">San Jose, October 2011</a> face to face meeting.</li>
  2544         <li>Added section on use cases following <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/377">ACTION-377</a>.</li>
  2545     </ul>
  2547     <h2 class="no-num" id="acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</h2>
  2549     <p>The editors are grateful to the CSS working group for their feedback and help with 
  2550         the genesis of this specification.</p>
  2552     <p>In addition, the editors would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions,
  2553         either during the conception of CSS regions or during its development and specification review
  2554         process:</p>
  2555     <ul>
  2556         <li>Rossen Atanassov</li>
  2557         <li>Tab Atkins</li>
  2558         <li>Andrei Bucur</li>
  2559         <li>Alexandru Chiculita</li>
  2560         <li>Phil Cupp</li>
  2561         <li>Arron Eicholz</li>
  2562         <li>John Jansen</li>
  2563         <li>Daniel Glazman</li>
  2564         <li>Arno Gourdol</li>
  2565         <li>David Hyatt</li>
  2566         <li>Brian Heuston</li>
  2567         <li>Ian Hickson</li>
  2568         <li>Jonathan Hoersch</li>
  2569         <li>Michael Jolson</li>
  2570         <li>Brad Kemper</li>
  2571         <li>Håkon Wium Lie</li>
  2572         <li>Markus Mielke</li>
  2573         <li>Robert O'Callahan</li>
  2574         <li>Edward O'Connor</li>
  2575         <li>Mihnea Ovidenie</li>
  2576         <li>Virgil Palanciuc</li>
  2577         <li>Olga Popiv</li>
  2578         <li>Christoph Päper</li>
  2579         <li>Anton Prowse</li>
  2580         <li>Peter Sorotokin</li>
  2581         <li>Alan Stearns</li>
  2582         <li>Christian Stockwell</li>
  2583         <li>Eugene Veselov</li>
  2584         <li>Boris Zbarsky</li>
  2585         <li>Stephen Zilles</li>
  2586     </ul>
  2588     <h2 id="intro-example-code" class="no-num">Appendix A. Example Code for Introduction</h2>
  2589       <p>The following is one possible way 
  2590         to code the example from 
  2591         the <a href="#introduction">introduction</a>.
  2592         This code uses grid cells 
  2593         to define, size and position the region areas 
  2594         but table layout, absolute positioning, 
  2595         or any other CSS layout facility could be used.</p>
  2597     <div class="example"><pre>
  2598 &lt;style&gt;
  2599   #grid {
  2600     width: 80vw;
  2601     height: 60vw;
  2602     grid-template: "aaa.d"
  2603                    "....d"
  2604                    "bbb.d"
  2605                    "....d"
  2606                    "ccc.d";
  2607     grid-rows: 52% 4% 20% 4% 20%;
  2608     grid-columns: 30% 5% 30% 5% 30%;
  2610   #region1 { grid-cell: a; }
  2611   #region2 { grid-cell: b; }
  2612   #boxA    { grid-cell: c; }
  2613   #region3 { grid-cell: d; }
  2615   #region4 {
  2616     width: 80vw;
  2619   #region2 {
  2620     column-count: 2;
  2623   <span class="highlight">/*
  2624    * Creates the named flow 
  2625    */</span>
  2626   article {
  2627     <strong>flow-into: article_flow;</strong>
  2630   <span class="highlight">/*
  2631    * Associate it with the intended CSS Regions. 
  2632    * This creates a region chain for the named flow.
  2633    */</span>
  2634   #region1, #region2, #region3, #region4 {
  2635     <strong>flow-from: article_flow;</strong>
  2638 &lt;/style&gt;
  2640 <span class="highlight">&lt;!-- 
  2641      The following code element is the content to flow 
  2642      through the region chain. 
  2643 --&gt;</span>
  2645 &lt;article</em>&gt;
  2646   &lt;h1&gt;Introduction&lt;/h1&gt;
  2647   &lt;p&gt;This is an example ...&lt;/p&gt;
  2649   &lt;h2&gt;More Details&lt;/h2&gt;
  2650   &lt;p&gt;This illustrates ...&lt;/p&gt;
  2651   &lt;p&gt;Then, the example ...&lt;/p&gt;
  2652   &lt;p&gt;Finally, this ...&lt;/p&gt;
  2653 &lt;/article&gt;
  2655 <span class="highlight">&lt;!--
  2656      For this example, we layout the regions with a grid.
  2657      Regions could be pseudo-elements and could be laid out
  2658      with another layout module (e.g., flexible boxes)
  2659 --&gt;</span>
  2660 &lt;div id="grid"&gt;
  2661   &lt;div id="region1"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2662   &lt;div id="region2"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2663   &lt;div id="boxA"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2664   &lt;div id="region3"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2665 &lt;/div&gt;
  2666 &lt;div id="region4"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
  2667     </pre></div>
  2671     <div class="note"><span class="note-prefix">Note </span>
  2672       <p>
  2673       Note that a multi-column element is used for #region2, 
  2674       which is a bit gratuitous here 
  2675       (because grid cells could be used). 
  2676       The reason to use a multi-column element  
  2677       is to illustrate that 
  2678       regions can be multi-column.</p>
  2679     </div>
  2682     <h2 class="no-num" id="references">References</h2>
  2684     <div class="issue-marker" data-bug_id="16404" data-bug_status="ASSIGNED">
  2685     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=16404">Bug-16404</a>
  2686     <div class="issue-details">
  2687         <p class="short-desc">Fix specification dependencies</p>
  2688     </div>  
  2689     </div>
  2691     <h3 class="no-num" id="normative-references">Normative references</h3>
  2692     <!--begin-normative--><!--end-normative-->
  2694     <h3 class="no-num" id="other-references">Other references</h3>
  2695     <!--begin-informative--><!--end-informative-->
  2697     <h2 class="no-num" id="index">Index</h2><!--index-->
  2699     <h2 class="no-num" id="property-index">Property index</h2>
  2701     <!-- template markup for issues pulled from Bugzilla -->
  2702     <script type="text/template" id="issue-template">
  2703 <div class="issue-marker" style="display:none" data-bug_id="{{bug_id}}" data-bug_status="{{bug_status}}">
  2704     <a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id={{bug_id}}">Bug-{{bug_id}}</a>
  2705     <div class="issue-details">
  2706         <p class="short-desc">{{short_desc}}</p>
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  2712     <script type="text/javascript" src="../shared/scripts/BugzillaTracker.js"></script>
  2713     <script type="text/javascript">
  2714 checkSpecificationIssues('CSS', 'Regions');        
  2715     </script>
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  2719         <h2>Issue manager</h2>
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