
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:02:00 -0800

Alan Stearns <stearns@adobe.com>
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:02:00 -0800
changeset 7201

[css-exclusions] start/end consistency (bug 16437)

stearns@7201 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
stearns@7201 2 <html>
stearns@7201 3 <head>
stearns@7201 4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
stearns@7201 5 <title></title>
stearns@7201 6 <style>
stearns@7201 7 .ltr {
stearns@7201 8 position: absolute;
stearns@7201 9 top: 240px;
stearns@7201 10 left: 10px;
stearns@7201 11 width: 190px;
stearns@7201 12 height: 145px;
stearns@7201 13 overflow: hidden;
stearns@7201 14 }
stearns@7201 15 .ltr > .fake {
stearns@7201 16 float: right;
stearns@7201 17 height: 60px;
stearns@7201 18 width: 90px;
stearns@7201 19 }
stearns@7201 20 .rtl {
stearns@7201 21 position: absolute;
stearns@7201 22 top: 240px;
stearns@7201 23 left: 220px;
stearns@7201 24 width: 190px;
stearns@7201 25 height: 145px;
stearns@7201 26 direction: rtl;
stearns@7201 27 overflow: hidden;
stearns@7201 28 }
stearns@7201 29 .rtl > .fake {
stearns@7201 30 float: left;
stearns@7201 31 height: 60px;
stearns@7201 32 width: 90px;
stearns@7201 33 }
stearns@7201 34 .ttb {
stearns@7201 35 position: absolute;
stearns@7201 36 top: 100px;
stearns@7201 37 left: 75px;
stearns@7201 38 height: 160px;
stearns@7201 39 width: 235px;
stearns@7201 40 -webkit-writing-mode: vertical-rl;
stearns@7201 41 writing-mode: tb-rl;
stearns@7201 42 overflow: hidden;
stearns@7201 43 }
stearns@7201 44 .ttb > .fake {
stearns@7201 45 float: right;
stearns@7201 46 height: 60px;
stearns@7201 47 width: 200px;
stearns@7201 48 }
stearns@7201 49 .exclusion {
stearns@7201 50 height: 100px;
stearns@7201 51 width: 200px;
stearns@7201 52 border: thin solid red;
stearns@7201 53 -ms-wrap-flow: start;
stearns@7201 54 position: absolute;
stearns@7201 55 top: 200px;
stearns@7201 56 left: 110px;
stearns@7201 57 }
stearns@7201 58 </style>
stearns@7201 59 </head>
stearns@7201 60 <body lang="en">
stearns@7201 61 <div class="ttb"><div class="fake"></div>
stearns@7201 62 <p>すべての人は、自己の権利及び義務並びに自己に対する刑事責任が決定されるに当たって、独立の公平な裁判所による公平な公開の審理を受けることについて完全に平等の権利を有する。 </p>
stearns@7201 63 </div>
stearns@7201 64 <div class="ltr"><div class="fake"></div>
stearns@7201 65 <p>Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. </p>
stearns@7201 66 </div>
stearns@7201 67 <div class="rtl"><div class="fake"></div>
stearns@7201 68 <p>لكل إنسان الحق، على قدم المساواة التامة مع الآخرين، في أن تنظر قضيته أمام محكمة مستقلة نزيهة نظراً عادلاً علنياً للفصل في حقوقه والتزاماته وأية تهمة جنائية توجه إليه.</p>
stearns@7201 69 </div>
stearns@7201 70 <div class="exclusion"></div>
stearns@7201 71 </body>
stearns@7201 72 </html>
