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Animation elements

The ‘animate’ element

Your text...

The ‘set’ element

Your text...

The ‘animateColor’ and ‘animateTransform’ elements are deprecated. Can we get rid of ‘animateMotion’ too?

The SVGAnimationElement interface

Need to describe how to set up named animations using these elements.

Animations in elements referenced by a ‘use’ element

The usual behavior for ‘use’ elements is that the referenced content is effectively deeply cloned into a separate non-exposed DOM tree. However, AnimInstance objects produced by the cloned tree are exposed in the animation tree after first being wrapped in a parallel AnimGroupInstance object with start time of zero.

Note that AnimInstance objects attached to the referenced content are never cloned.

For example, in the following fragment,

<g id="a"/>
  <animate id="b"/>
  <animate id="c"/>
  <use href="#a"/>
  <animate id="d"/>

the resulting objects will be produced

     Timeline (AnimGroupInstance: par)
     |              |                  |
AnimInstance   AnimInstance    AnimGroupInstance
(template: b)  (template: c)         (seq)
                         |                       |
                 AnimGroupInstance         AnimInstance
                       (par)               (template: d)
             |                      |
        AnimInstance          AnimInstance
   (template: clone of b)  (template: clone of c)

What animations should be cloned? I think you should just clone the DOM elements, not animations applied via script / CSS. Then, you can define a :hover animation and it will apply on the individual clones as you'd expect. Likewise for SVG. You clone the <animate> element, then if it has begin="click" each individual clone will respond as you expect.

If you really want them all to start at once, you can set up a syncbase / event-base relationship, or a stylesheet rule.

SVG 1.1 says, "animations on a referenced element will cause the instances to also be animated" which is conveniently ambiguous and implemented differently in WebKit and Gecko.

Integration with Media Fragments

The Media Fragments specification [[!MEDIA-FRAGMENTS]] defines a means for addressing a temporal range of a media resource. The application of the temporal parameters to documents with the SVG MIME type [[!SVG11] is as follows.

What happens if the fragment is changed after the document has loaded

Note that media fragments are defined to operate on resources based on their MIME type. As a result, temporal addressing may not have any effect for SVG content that is served in a document with a MIME type other than the SVG MIME type such as SVG embedded in HTML.

Resources in other documents

Need to define the document time used when: